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Balitang Aklatan
Vol. XL - Nos. 1-2 January - February 2009
10 C. Cordova as the New Satel- Significance of the Study Scope and Limitation
lite Libraries Coordinator Being published in a new for- This study focused on the Jan-
Visitors mat (electronic), the newsletter was as- uary 2007 to December 2008 statistics
sessed to gain insight on its effectiveness of views/access of the electronic copies
Donors with the end in view of coming up with
New acquisitions of the newsletters dated September 2001
the decision whether to retain its present
form or convert back to print or make it Well keep you ... see page 3
New Pathfinders and Webliography Available
Webliographies and pathfind-
ers are developed to facilitate research
and other scholastic works. Retrieval
of information on a particular subject
is made easy with the help of these lists
which are regularly updated. Additional
subject guides are also continuously pre-
pared to meet the demands of the clients.
As the product of patience and dedica-
tion of the library staff to provide infor-
mation on a wider scope of knowledge,
new pathfinders and subject webliogra-
phies are now available and accessible
through the library website.
lating and
ing- lists
library ma-
terials and chain activities and relationships
resources in order to maximize customer
on the ap- value and achieve a sustainable
plication competitive advantage [Quoted
of bilin- from Introduction to Supply Chain
gual skills Management. HF 38.5 H36 1999,
to trans- Circulation Section]
ferring Leadership- lists library ma-
meaning terials and resources on all aspect
across two of leadership, the characteristics of
languages, being a leader, and the like
accurately Webliography
and im- Stem Cell Research- lists ar-
partially, in rmit.edu.au/programs/c6067] ticles, reports, searchable sites and
order to facilitate communication Supply Chain Management- organizations pertaining to stem
in a range of cross-cultural com- lists library materials and resources cell research, its proc and cons,
munication settings. http://www. on active management of supply controversies, stories, etc.
to October 2008 (a total of 76 issues). day (see Table 1 on page 6). 5. The newsletter significantly
The exact time, date, and place the user 3. The most read issue improved throughout the years specifi-
viewed a certain issue were not included. (September 2007) headlined an article cally in terms of contents.
Comparison between the contents and on the online pathfinder usage which the
evaluation of the appearance included readers seemed to be most interested in. Recommendations
both the print and electronic issues. 4. The newsletter has significant- 1. Provide links to the archival is-
ly changed in terms of format, graphics sues of the newsletter to make it acces-
Methodology and layout, thus based on the rubric sible to more readers.
To determine the number of it rated 3 or excellent (see Table 2 on 2. Find a way in which the view-
views/access, the 2007-2008 statistics page 7). ers may be able to identify at once head-
was extracted using the DLSU web sta- 5. The past issues of the news- lines that most interest them without
tistics and then summed up. Evaluation letter had very little news and focused necessarily opening links to the issues
of the appearance was done by compar- mostly on news about trivial activities one by one.
ing it against a rubric criteria. The con- such as relocation and rearrangements 3. To further make the newslet-
tents were compared by getting all the in the library. News articles in the latest ter an effective promotional instrument,
news featured. issues, on the other hand, were more in especially for library materials and re-
terms of quantity and substance, and the sources, the inclusion of a regular sec-
Summary of Findings news categories were more varied (see tion on book and AV reviews is recom-
Results of the study were as Table 3 on page mended.
follows: 4. Focus more on featuring news
1. Total number of views/access Conclusions articles on new and existing services.
for all 76 issues of newsletters published 1. The time spent in preparing the This will help promote the service and
online (dating from October 2001 to Oc- newsletter is proportionate to the num- will keep the readers informed of ser-
tober 2008) for the last two years, i.e., ber of times it was viewed/access/read. vices they can avail of.
2007 and 2008, summed up to 81,215 or 2. Online editions of the newslet- 5. Provide continuous training for
an average of 111.25 views per day (see ters serve as effective promotional mate- the person in charge of the preparation
Table 1 on page 6). rials. of the newsletter to enable him/her to
2. The September 2007 issue re- 3. Readers were most interested produce quality newsletters.
corded the most number of views/ac- on news that feature new services of- 6. Conduct an online survey to
cess averaging 7.21 per day while the fered by the University Library. gather feedback and suggestions from
November-December 2001 has the least 4. Latest issues of the newsletters the readers.
number of views/access with 0.12 per are visually appealing.
Well keep you ... see page 4
DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 40 Nos. 1-2 January-February 2009 -
Well keep you ... from page 3
4 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 40 Nos. 1-2 January-February 2009 Well keep you ... see page 5
Well keep you ... from page 4
Table 1
Views/Access Profile of the Library Newsette in Electronic Format from
January 2007 to December 2008
Table 1 (cont.)
Views/Access Profile of the Library Newsette in Electronic Format from
January 2007 to December 2008
6 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 40 Nos. 1-2 January-February 2009 Well keep you ... see page 7
Well keep you ... from page 6
Table 2
Rating of the Library Newsette Based on the Rubric
Criteria Issues
Aug. Jan. 1990-Feb. Mar. Mar. 1999- May
1970-Dec. 1994 1994-Feb. Apr. 2002 2002-present
1989 1999
Layout No balance No balance No balance Slight propor- Graphics com-
between texts between texts between texts tion between pensate texts
and images and images and images texts and tables
due to lack of due to lack of due to lack of
images images images
Rating 1 1 1 2 3
Masthead/Ban- with logo, with logo, title with logo, with logo, with logo,
ner name of the not so large name of the name of the name of the
newsletter newsletter in newsletter in newsletter in
distinguished largest size largest size largest size
from the rest of
the texts
Rating 3 2 3 3 3
Formatting one column two columns two columns two columns
three columns
Rating 1 2 2 2 3
Font and Size typewritten, published published us- published us- published us-
fonts were of using Word- ing MS Word, ing MS Word, ing Pagemaker,
the same size, star, list of with variation with variation with variation
emphasisgiven cataloged and of font size for of font size for of font size for
by capitaliza- acquired books emphasis emphasis emphasis
tion still typewrit-
Rating 1 2 2 2 3
Graphics no graphics no graphics no graphics with simple colored pic-
tables and tures with
drawings caption
Rating 1 1 1 2 3
Overall Rating 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.2 3
Table 5
Breakdown of Newsletters Contents by News Category
January 1. Books
01- Emma Pablo and Fe Palma, L.E., Philippine AM - Museums (General). Collectors and collecting (Gen-
Publishing House eral)
30- Librarians and LS Graduate Students from
Saint Marys University, Bayombong, Neuva Pamanaraan : writings on Philippine heritage management. by
Vizcaya Eric Babar Zerrudo. AM79 .P6 Z47 2008. 4th floor, Filipini-
B - Philosophy (General)
06- Septoratno Siregar, Professor, Maranatha Aristotle and the philosophy of friendship. Lorraine Smith Pan-
Christian University, Bandung, Indonesia gle. B430 .P36 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
06- Rudy Wawolumaja
13- 2 Professors from CLSU, Nueva Ecija Humanism. Tony Davies. B105.H8 D38 2008. 3rd floor, Cir-
27- Jun P. Flores, Professor, DHVCAT, Bacolor, culation.
John Searle's philosophy of language : force, meaning, and
mind. edited by Savas L. Tsohatzidis. B1649 .S264 J65 2007.
3rd floor, Circulation.
The DLSU-M Library would like to acknowledge with
great appreciation the following donors:
Nietzsche's On the genealogy of morals : a reader's guide. Dan-
Adamson University iel Conway. B3313.Z73 C6613 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Canceran, Delfino
College of St. Benilde-Learning Resource Center Philosophical romanticism. Edited by Nikolas Kompridis.
Farrell, Teresita B836.5 .P45 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Gonzales, Raymond
Lutheran World Federation Problems from philosophy. James Rachels, Stuart Rachels. B72
Japanese Literature Publishing & Promotion Center .R27 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Parmisano, Janna
Philippine Christian University Library Sartre. Katherine J. Morris. B2430.S34 M67 2008. 3rd floor,
Quevada, Nikko Circulation.
Santiago, Edwin
Razon, Luis The stoics : a guide for the perplexed. M. Andrew Holowchak.
Scheiter, Joseph FSC B528 .H64 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Wright, Gregory FSC
Uy, Nancy
10 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 40 Nos. 1-2 January-February 2009
BC - Logic A history of modern psychology. C. James Goodwin. BF105
.G66 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation
The measure of mind : propositional attitudes and their attribu-
tion. Robert J. Matthews. BC181 .M37 2007. 3rd floor, Circula- Human memory: structures and images. Mary B. Howes. BF371
tion. .H68 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Revenge of the liar: new essays on the paradox. Edited by J.C. Invitation to existential psychology: a psychology for the
Beall. BC199.P2 R48 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. unique human being and its applications in therapy. Bo Jacob-
sen. BF204.5 .J34 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
BD - Speculative philosophy
Learning and behavior : active learning edition. Paul Chance.
Metaphysics : the big questions. Edited by Peter van Inwagen BF319 .C5 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation
and Dean W. Zimmerman. BD111 .M47 2008. 3rd floor, Cir-
culation. Marvelous minds : the discovery of what children know. Mi-
chael Siegal. BF723 .C5 S54 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
BF - Psychology
Methods in psychological research. Annabel Ness Evans, Bryan
Addressing cultural complexities in practice : assessment, di- J. Rooney. BF76.5 .E9 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
agnosis, and therapy. Pamela A. Hays. BF637 .C6 H3935 2008. Mind and cognition : an anthology. Edited by William G. Lycan
3rd floor, Circulation. and Jesse J. Prinz. BF171 .M56 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Analysing qualitative data in psychology. edited by Evanthia Personality assessment. Edited by Robert P. Archer and Steven
Lyons and Adrian Coyle. BF76.5 . A5 2007. 3rd floor, Circula- R. Smith. BF698.4 .P47 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Psychology and the challenges of life : adjustment in the new
The art and science of leadership. Afsaneh Nahavandi. BF637. millennium. Jeffrey S. Nevid, Spencer A. Rathus. BF335 .N48
L4 N34 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation. 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation .
Child and adolescent development: an advanced course. Edited Qualitative psychology : a practical guide to research methods.
by William Damon, Richard M. Lerner. BF721 .C44 2008. 3rd Edited by Jonathan A. Smith. BF76.5 .Q34 2008. 2nd floor,
floor, Circulation. Information-Reference.
Cognitive science: an introduction to mind and brain. Daniel
Kolak ... [et al.]. BF311 .C567 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. Research design in counseling. P. Paul Heppner, Bruce E.
Wampold, Dennis M. Kivlighan, Jr. BF637 .C6 H46 2008. 3rd
Cognitive science : an introduction to the study of mind. Jay floor, Circulation.
Friedenberg, Gordon Silverman. BF311 .F74 2006. 3rd floor,
Circulation. Research in psychology : a practical guide to methods and sta-
tistics. Colin Dyer. BF76.5 .D96 2006. 2nd floor, Information-
Contemporary intellectual assessment: theories, tests, and is- Reference.
sues. Edited by Dawn P. Flanagan, Patti L. Harrison. BF431
.C66 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. Research in psychology : methods and design. C. James Good-
win. BF76.5 .G66 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation
Counseling strategies and interventions. Sherry Cormier, Har-
old Hackney. BF636.6 .C67 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Research methods in psychology. John J. Shaughnessy, Eugene
B. Zechmeister, Jeanne S. Zechmeister. BF76.5 .S49 2009. 3rd
Death and dying, life and living. Charles A. Corr, Clyde M. floor, Circulation.
Nabe, Donna M. Corr. BF789 .D4 C67 2009. 3rd floor, Circula-
tion. Self-directed behavior : self-modification for personal adjust-
ment. David L. Watson, Roland G. Tharp. BF637 .B4 W37
Effective writing in psychology : papers, posters, and presenta- 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
tions. Bernard C. Beins and Agatha M. Beins. BF76.7 . B44
2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. The skilled helper: a problem-management and opportunity-
development approach to helping. Gerard Egan. BF637.C6 E3
Experience sampling method : measuring the quality of every- 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
day life. Joel M. Hektner, Jennifer A. Schmidt, Mihaly Csik-
szentmihalyi. BF76.6.E94 H44 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. Theories of personality. Duane Schultz, Sydney Ellen Schultz.
BF698 .S39 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation.
DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 40 Nos. 1-2 January-February 2009 -
Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Gerald CT - Biography
Corey. BF637 .C6 C65 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Piolo believing : a pictorial biography of Piolo Pascual. By Da-
Thinking and deciding. Jonathan Baron. BF441 . B37 2008. 3rd vid Fabros. CT1798 .P375 F3 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
floor, Circulation.
D - History (General)
Understanding research methods and statistics in psychology.
Helen Gavin. BF76.5 .G39 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Code name : high pockets : true story of Claire Phllips, an
American Mata Hari and the WWII resistance movement in
BR - Christianity the Philippines. Edna B. Binkowski. D810 .S8 P544 2006. 4th
floor, Filipiniana.
Experience and Kerygma : a critical study of Jose M. De Mesa's
contextual theological model. by Reshley M. Canlas. BR1260 Handbook to life in prehistoric Europe. Jane McIntosh.D60
.C34 2008. 4th floor, Filipinian .M34 2006.2nd floor, Information-Reference.
[Theo Week 2006] : Vatican II : 40 years after. Edited by Jose DP - History (Spain)
Antonio E. Aureada, Richard G. Ang. BR118 .T45 2006. 4th
floor, Filipiniana.. Espanya : reino de Espanya : ang maharlika at katolikong lu-
pain ng sagradong Pilipinas = La tierra noble y Catolica dela sa-
BS - The Bible grada Filipinas. ni Carlos J. Etivac. DP59 .E74 2006. 4th floor,
Be not afraid : exhortations for testing times. Bobby Quitain.
BS680 .C47 Q5 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. DS - History (Asia)
BT - Doctrinal theology The Baguio City yearbook. DS689 .B2 B28. 4th floor, Filipini-
Debosyun : king Virgen de los Remedios. [Romeo C. Cabusao
; editor, Querubin D. Fernandez, Jr.]. BT660 .R3 .C3 2005. 4th Davao : reconstructing history from text and memory. Macario
floor, Filipiniana. D. Tiu. DS688 .D3 T58 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Living with nature in our times. [Abercio V. Rotor]. BT695.5 Highlights of relations between the Philippines and Switzer-
.R68 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.. land. by Agathon Aerni and Marilyn J. Alarilla. DS673. S9 A47
2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
BV- Practical theology
The history of Indonesia. Steven Drakeley. DS634 .D7 2005.
Leadership handbook of management and administration. Gen- 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
eral editor, James D. Berkley. BV4011 .L4 2007. 2nd floor,
Information-Reference. The joys of dislocation : Mindanao, nation and region. Patricio
N. Abinales. DS688. M2 A26 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Spirituality and the mystic wanderers of today. BV4501.2 .S666
2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Ang kasaysayang lokal ng Tanauan. ni Imelda J. Dumaual.
DS688 .T36 D85 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
BX - Christian denominations
Malaysia at 50 : achievements and aspirations. Edited by Syed
Cardinal virtues : collection of stories on Jaime L. Cardinal Sin. Arabi Idid. DS597.2 .M35 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Refer-
written by Quijano de Manila ; compiled by Psyche Roxas- ence.
Mendoza. BX4705 .S65 J6 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Philippine history. [by Dante C. Torres]. DS668 .T636 2006.
The Catholic directory of the Philippines. BX1656.A3 C3. 4th 4th floor, Filipiniana.
floor, Filipiniana.
Re-shaping the world : Philip II of Spain and his time. Damaso
Pampamayanang katesismo : patnubay sa katekista. Guillermo de Lario, editor ; [the contributors Jose S. Arcilla ... et al.].
Ameche ; isinaFilipino ni Desiderio Ching. BX1959 .A4419 DS673.8 .R4 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana..
Why counting counts : a study of forms of consciousness and
problems of language in Noli me Tangere and El filibusterismo.
Benedict R. O'G. Anderson. DS675.8 .R47 A14 2008. 4th floor,
12 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 40 Nos. 1-2 January-February 2009
Your guide to Central Visayas Philippines. [Honey Jarque Loop The International handbook of creativity. Edited by James C.
... et al.]. DS688 .B6 Y68 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Kaufman, Robert J. Sternberg. GN453 .I57 2006. 2nd floor,
E - America (General)
GV - Recreation. Leisure.
Franklin D. Roosevelt : a biography. Jeffrey W. Coker. E807
.C64 2005. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Mens body sculpting. Nick Evans. GV546.5 .E8 2004. 2nd
floor, Information-Reference.
F - United States local history
H - Social Science (General)
Fidel Castro : a biography. Thomas M. Leonard. F1788.22.C3
L46 2004. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Analyzing qualitative data. Graham R. Gibbs. H62 .G54 2007.
3rd floor, Circulation.
G - Geography (General). Atlases. Maps
Doing conversation, discourse and document analysis. Tim Ra-
501 must-visit cities. G140 .F54 2008. 2nd floor, Information- pley. H62 .R36 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Doing focus groups. Rosaline Barbour. H62 .B37 2007. 3rd
The Seventy great journeys in history. Edited by Robin Han- floor, Circulation.
bury- Tenison. G80 .S49 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Refer-
ence. Doing interviews. Steinar Kvale. H62 .K8 2007. 3rd floor, Cir-
GB - Physical geography
Evaluation ethics for best practice : cases and commentaries.
501 must-visit natural wonders. GB403 .F58 2007. 2nd floor, Edited by Michael Morris. H62 .E948 2008. 3rd floor, Circula-
Information-Reference. tion.
Exploring water resources : [GIS investigations for the earth International focus group research : a handbook for the health
sciences]. Michelle K. Hall ... [et al.]. GB656.2 .H9 E96 2007. and social sciences. Monique M. Hennink. H62 .H467 2007.
2nd floor, Information-Reference. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Hydrogeology field manual. Willis D. Weight. GB1003.2 .W44 Keywords in qualitative methods : a vocabulary of research
2008.2nd floor, Information-Reference. concepts. Michael Bloor and Fiona Wood. H62 .B58 2006. 3rd
floor, Circulation.
Notable natural disasters. Edited by Marlene Bradford, Robert
S. Carmichael. GB5014 .N67 2007.2nd floor, Information-Ref- Qualitative data analysis with NVivo. Patricia Bazeley. H61.3
erence. .B39 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
A guide to econometrics. Peter Kennedy. HB139 .K45 2008. The Asian insider: unconventional wisdom for Asian business.
2nd floor, Information-Reference. Michael Backman. HD2891.85 . B3 2006. 3rd floor, Circula-
Incentives: motivation and the economics of information. Don-
ald E. Campbell.HB846.8 .C35 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. Awakening social responsibility : a call to action. Rossella
Derickson, Krista Henley with [contributing authors], Cindy
Introduction to Bayesian econometrics. Edward Greenberg. Campbell, Heather Connors, and Almaz Negash. HD60 .D47
HB139 .G7 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Issues in heterodox economics. Edited by Donald A.R. George. Behavior in organizations: an experiential approach. A. B.
HB171 .I78 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. (Rami) Shani ... [et al.]. HD58.7 .L37 2009. 3rd floor, Circula-
Modern developments in behavioral economics : social science
perspectives on choice and decision making. John Malcolm Best practices in lean six sigma process improvement: a deeper
Dowling, Yap Chin- Fang. HB74 .P8 D68 2007. 3rd floor, Cir- look. Richard Schonberger. HD62.15 .S36 2008. 3rd floor, Cir-
culation. culation.
Power and politics after financial crises : rethinking foreign op- Beyond six sigma : profitable growth through customer value
portunism in emerging markets. Edited by Justin Robertson. creation. Gary A. Plaster, Jerry D. Alderman.HD62.15 .P55
HB3722 .P69 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Researching entrepreneurship. by Per Davidsson. HB615 .D39 Blue way : Ateneo Graduate School of Business : case studies
2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. on leadership, strategy, and ethics. edited by Joseph I.B. Gonza-
les & Jonathan Chua. HD57.7 .B6 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.,
Statistics for economics, accounting, and business studies. Mi- GSB-RCBC, GSB-LSGH.
chael Barrow. HB137 . B37 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Brand engagement: how employees make or break brands. Ian
HC - Economics history and conditions P. Buckingham. HD69. B7 B84 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Discontented miracle: growth, conflict, and institutional adapta- Business organization and management. Roberto G. Medina.
tions in China. edited by Dali L. Yang. HC427.95 .D57 2007. HD31 .M396 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
3rd floor, Circulation.
Code red in the boardroom: crisis management as organiza-
Environmental planning and management. Christian N. Madu. tional DNA. W. Timothy Coombs. HD49 .C64 2006. 3rd floor,
HC110 .E5 M3 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. Circulation.
Evaluation highlights .... Operations Evaluation Department. Commercial real estate analysis & investments. David M. Gelt-
HC415.E44 A837. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. ner ... [et al.]. HD1393.55 .C65 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Making innovation pay : people who turn IP into shareholder Competing views and strategies on agrarian reform. Saturnino
value. edited by Bruce Berman. HC79.T4 M28 2006. 3rd floor, M. Borras, Jr. HD1333 .P6 B675 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Contribution to Philippine agricultural modernization : selected
papers of Fulbright-Philippine agriculture scholars. Edited by
The corporation: the pathological pursuit of profit and power. Entrepreneurship and small business. Paul Burns. HD2341 .B87
Joel Bakan. HD2731 .B34 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Creative methods in organizational research. [Edited by] Mike Entrepreneurship as social change: a third new movement in
Broussine; with Mick Beeby ... [et al.]. HD58.7 .C74 2008. 3rd entrepreneurship book. Edited by Chris Steyaert and Daniel
floor, Circulation. Hjorth. HD60 .E56 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Crisis management. Edited by Arjen Boin. HD49 .C74 2008. ERP in practice: ERP strategies for steering organizational
2nd floor, Information-Reference. competence and competitive advantage. Jagan Nathan Vaman.
HD30.213 .V35 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Crisis management : master the skills to prevent disasters. [writ-
er, Richard Luecke]. HD49 .L84 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation. Extreme Toyota : radical contradictions that drive success at
the worlds best manufacturer. Emi Osono ... [et al.] ; Susan J.
The cultural dimension of international business. by Gary P. Bigelow, manuscript editor. HD9710.J34 E97 2008. 3rd floor,
Ferraro. HD2755.5 .F47 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. Circulation.
Decision making with the analytic network process: economic, Faith and fortune : the quiet revolution to reform American
political, social and technological applications with benefits, business. Marc Gunther. HD60.5.U5 G86 2004. 3rd floor, Cir-
opportunities, costs and risks. by Thomas L. Saaty and Luis G. culation.
Vargas. HD30.23 .S26 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. Feasibility of establishing production standards for the local
furniture industry. HD9773 .P6 F4 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Designed to win : strategies for building a thriving global busi-
ness. Hiroaki Yoshihara, Mary Pat McCarthy. HD62.4 .Y67 Focused operations management: achieving more with existing
2006. 3rd floor, Circulation . resources. Boaz Ronen, Shimeon Pass. HD31 .R65 2008. 3rd
floor, Circulation.
Diagnosing organizations : methods, models, and processes.
Michael I. Harrison. HD58.7 H36 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. Food and globalization: consumption, markets, and politics in
the modern world. edited by Alexander Nutzenadel and Frank
Dictionary of strategy : strategic management A-Z. Louise Kel- Trentmann. HD9000.5 .F56 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
ly, Chris Booth. HD30.28 .K45 2004. 2nd floor, Information-
Reference. Fundamentals of global operations management. David Loader.
HD62.4 L6 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Dictionary of strategy : strategic management A-Z. Louise Kel-
ly, Chris Booth. HD30.28 .K45 2004. 2nd floor, Information- A Game as old as empire: the secret world of economic hit
Reference. men and the web of global corruption. Edited by Steven Hiatt;
introduction by John Perkins. HD2755.5 .G36 2007. 3rd floor,
DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 40 Nos. 1-2 January-February 2009 -
Circulation. Managing and organizations: an introduction to theory and prac-
tice. Stewart Clegg, Martin Kornberger and Tyrone Pitsis. HD31
Global strategy. Mike W. Peng. HD30.28 .P46 2006. 3rd floor, .C5435 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Market risk analysis. Carol Alexander. HD61 .A44 2008. 3rd
Hard facts, dangerous half-truths, and total nonsense : profiting floor, Circulation.
from evidence-based management. Jeffrey Pfeffer, Robert I. Sut-
ton. HD30.23 .P34 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. Mastering business in Asia: corporate governance. Peter Wallace,
John Zinkin; [foreword by John Carver]. HD2741 .W34 2005.
HRM, work, and employment in China. Fang Lee Cooke. 3rd floor, Circulation.
HD8736.5 .C66 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation
Mergers and acquisitions: text and cases. Kevin K. Boeh, Paul W.
Hungry corporations : how transnational biotech companies colo- Beamish. HD2746.5 .B64 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
nise the food chain. Helena Paul ... [et al.]. HD9000.5 .H86 2004.
3rd floor, Circulation . Multinational agribusinesses. Ruth Rama, editor. HD2755.5
.M78 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Identity and strategy : how individual visions enable the design
of a market strategy that works. Olaf G. Rughase. HD30.28 .R83 The naked corporation: how the age of transparency will revolu-
2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. tionize business. Don Tapscott and David Ticoll. HD2741 .T36
2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Information technology project management: providing measur-
able organizational value. Jack T. Marchewka. HD69.P75 M286 The new era of management. Richard L. Daft. HD31 .D267 2006.
2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Integrated project management. Bruce T. Barkley, Sr. HD69 .P75 The new human capital strategy: improving the value of your
B375 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. most important investment-- year after year. Bradley W. Hall.
HD4904.7 .H34 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Interactive models for operations and supply chain management..
Byron J. Finch. HD38.5 .F56 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. The new strategic thinking: pure & simple. Michel Robert.
HD30.28 .R58 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Intercultural communication in the global workplace. Linda
Beamer, Iris Varner. HD30.3 .B4 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Of guilds, companies, corporations, and governance : a concep-
tual sketch. Leonardo R. Silos. HD6456 .S54 2005. 3rd floor,
iProperty: profiting from ideas in an age of global innovation. Circulation.
William A. Barrett, Christopher H. Price, and Thomas E. Hunt.
HD53 .B38 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Operational risk management: a case study approach to effective
planning and response. Mark D. Abkowitz. HD61 .A24 2008. 3rd
Knowledge management in developing economies : a cross- floor, Circulation.
cultural and institutional approach. edited by Kate Hutchings,
Kavoos Mohannak. HD30.2 .K665 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. Organizational behaviour. Ray French ... [et al.]. HD58.7 .O736
2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
The leaders guide to skills : unlocking the creativity and innova-
tion in you and your team. Paul Sloane. HD53 .S57 2006. 2nd Organizational communication : approaches and processes. Kath-
floor, Information-Reference., GSB-RCBC, GSB-LSGH. erine Miller. HD30.3 .M54 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Management. Michael A. Hitt, J. Stewart Black, Lyman W. Por- Organizational evolution and strategic management. Rodolphe
ter. HD31 .H57 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. Durand. HD58.8 .D876 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Management. Chuck Williams. HD31 .W549 2007. 3rd floor, Organizations as learning systems : living composition as an
Circulation. enabling infrastructure. Marjatta Maula. HD58.82 .M38 2006.
3rd floor, Circulation.
Management. Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter. HD31 .R588 Outsourcing success: the management imperative. Alpesh B. Pa-
2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. tel, Hemendra Aran. HD2365 .P38 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Managing a company in an activist world: the leadership chal- Outsourcing training and development : factors for success. Ju-
lenge of corporate citizenship. Edmund M. Burke. HD60 .B87 dith Hale. HD2365 .H34 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Peter F. Drucker: critical evaluations in business and manage- Reframing organizations : artistry, choice, and leadership. Lee G.
ment. Edited by John C. Wood and Michael C. Wood. HD31 .P39 Bolman, Terrence E. Deal. HD31 .B55 2008. 3rd floor, Circula-
2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. tion.
Pinoy@work : selected articles from the column People at work Resource kit on mining issues in Mindanao. Aida T. Vidal.
Pulse : a partnership of the Ateneo Center for Organization Re- HD9506 .P63 .V54 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
search and Development and the Philippine Daily Inquirer. [edi-
tors, Ma. Regina M. Hechanova, Edna P. Franco, Regina Galang Service-oriented modeling : service analysis, design, and archi-
Reyes]. HD5825 .A6 P56 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. tecture. Michael Bell. HD30.37 .B44 2008. 3rd floor, Circula-
Political institutions and development: failed expectations and re- Services marketing : integrating customer focus across the
newed hopes. Edited by Natalia Dinello, Vladimir Popov. HD82 firm. Valarie A. Zeithaml, Mary Jo Bitner, Dwayne D. Gremler.
.P66 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. HD9980.5 .Z44 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Poverty and water : explorations of the reciprocal relationship. The Six Sigma leader: how top executives will prevail in the 21st
edited by David Hemson ... [et al.]. HD1702 .P69 2008. 3rd floor, century. Peter S. Pande; foreword by W. James McNerney, Jr.
Circulation. HD57.7 .P3235 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
The power of impossible thinking : transform the business of Small giants : companies that choose to be great instead of big.
your life and the life of your business. Yoram (Jerry) Wind, Co- Bo Burlingham. HD62.7 .B867 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.
lin Crook, with Robert Gunther. HD58.8 .W565 2005. 3rd floor,
Circulation. Social entrepreneurship : new models of sustainable social
change. edited by Alex Nicholls. HD60 .S569 2006. 3rd floor,
Preparing to work abroad : Filipino migrants experiences prior Circulation.
to deployment. [principal investigator, Maruja M.B. Asis ; with
the assistance of Michele Taguinod and Ma. Cecilia Guerrero]. Solar revolution : the economic transformation of the global en-
HD5856 .P6 A84 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. ergy industry. Travis Bradford. HD9681 .A2 B7 2006. 3rd floor,
Presence : exploring profound change in people, organizations,
and society. Peter Senge ... [et al.]. HD58.8 .P736 2005. 3rd floor, Supply chain logistics management. Donald J. Bowersox, David
Circulation. J. Closs, M. Bixby Cooper. HD38.5 .B69 2007. 3rd floor, Circu-
Primal leadership : learning to lead with emotional intelligence.
Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee. HD57.7 Strategic alliances: theory and evidence. Edited by Jeffrey J.
.G636 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation. Reuer. HD69.S8 S77 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Process improvement and quality management in the retail in- Strategic issues in public-private partnerships: an international
dustry. Stephen George, Chris Thomas, Arnold Weimerskirch. perspective. Mirjam Bult-Spiering, Geert Dewulf. HD2961 .B84
HD62.15 .G45 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
ProfitBrand: how to increase the profitability, accountability & Strategic management dynamics. Kim Warren. HD30.28 .W37
sustainability of brands. Nick Wreden. HD69 .B7 W74 2007. 3rd 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
floor, Circulation.
Strategic risk taking: a framework for risk management. Aswath
Project management for information systems. [Edited by] James Damodaran. HD61 .D35 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Cadle, Donald Yeates. HD69 .P75 P67 2008. 3rd floor, Circula-
tion. Strategy as practice: an activity-based approach. Paula Jarzab-
Project management for mere mortals : the tools, techniques, kowski. HD30.28 .J37 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.
teaming, and politics of project management. Claudia M. Baca.
HD69 .P75 B25 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Think rich-- quick! : how to become a Pinoy real estate mil-
lionaire. By Trace Trajano and Larry Gamboa ; Edited by Rissa
Quality management: creating and sustaining organizational ef- Singson- Kawpeng ; with a foreword by Bo Sanchez. HD1375
fectiveness. Donna C.S. Summers. HD62.15 .S95 2005. 3rd floor, .T7 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 40 Nos. 1-2 January-February 2009 -
The travels of a t-shirt in the global economy : an economist Steinbart. HF5679 .R65 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation.
examines the markets, power and politics of world trade. Pietra
Rivoli. HD9969 .S6 R58 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. Accounting information systems. Ulric J. Gelinas, Jr., Richard B.
Dull. HF5679 .G44 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
The Triple bottom line, does it all add up?: assessing the sustain-
ability of business and CSR. Edited by Adrian Henriques and Ju- Advertising and promotion : an integrated marketing communica-
lie Richardson. HD60 .T74 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation. tions perspective. George E. Belch & Michael A. Belch. HF5823
.B44 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Turnaround, shutdown and outage management : effective plan-
ning and step-by-step execution of planned maintenance opera- All you need is a good idea! : how to create marketing messages
tions. Tom Lenahan. HD69 .P75 L46 2006. 3rd floor, Circula- that actually get results. Jay H. Heyman. HF5415 .H477 2008.
tion. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Understanding concepts of business strategy. R. Duane Ireland, The AMA guide to the globe : managing the international mar-
Robert E. Hoskisson, Michael A. Hitt. HD30.28 .I74 2006. 3rd keting research process. Holly B. Edmunds. HF5415.2 .E355
floor, Circulation. 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
A weekend with Warren Buffett : and other shareholder meet- Auditing & assurance services. Timothy J. Louwers ... [et al.].
ing adventures. Randy Cepuch. HD2743 .C46 2007. 3rd floor, HF5667 . A794 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Business analysis & valuation : using financial statements. Krish-
The Wall Street Journal : complete real estate investing guide- na G. Palepu, Paul M. Healy. HF5681 .V3 P34 2008. 3rd floor,
book. David Crook. HD1382.5 .C76 2006. 2nd floor, Informa- Circulation.
Business communication design: creativity, strategies, and solu-
When change comes undone : [what will you do?]. HD58.8 .W48 tions. Pamela Angell.HF5718 . A64 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Business ethics and corporate social responsibility. Jose Mario B.
Where value hides : a new way to uncover profitable growth for Maximiano. HF5387.5. P6 M378 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
your business. Stuart E. Jackson. HD30.28 .J3 2007. 3rd floor,
Circulation. Business finance. Roberto G. Medina. HF5550 .M44 2007. 3rd
floor, Circulation.
Work-life integration: case studies of organizational change. Su-
zan Lewis and Cary L. Cooper. HD4904.25 .L48 2005. 3rd floor, College accounting : chapters 1-9. James A. Heintz, Robert W.
Circulation. Parry, Jr.HF5635 .H44 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Ethics, the heart of leadership. Edited by Joanne B. Ciulla; fore- Human sigma : managing the employee-customer encounter.
word by James MacGregor Burns. HF5387 .E84 2004. 3rd floor, John H. Fleming, Jim Asplund. HF5415.5 .F58 2007. 3rd floor,
Circulation. Circulation.
Financial accounting : a global perspective. Daniel G. Short, In defense of globalization. Jagdish Bhagwati. HF1359 .B48
Robert Libby, Patricia A. Libby. HF5635 .S49 2007. 3rd floor, 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Intermediate accounting. James D. Stice, Earl K. Stice, K. Fred
Financial accounting theory. William R. Scott. HF5625 .S36 Skousen. HF5635 .K3 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Internal relationship management : linking human resources to
Financial and managerial accounting. Carl S. Warren, James M. marketing performance. Michael D. Hartline, David Bejou, edi-
Reeve. HF5635 .W366 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. tors.HF5415.13 .I567 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Financial reporting & analysis : using financial accounting in- International economics. Thomas A. Pugel. HF1411 .K5 2007.
formation. Charles H. Gibson. HF5681 .B2 G5 2009. 3rd floor, 3rd floor, Circulation.
An introduction to business ethics. Joseph DesJardins. HF5387
Flexible product development : building agility for changing .D47 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation.
markets. Preston G. Smith. HF5415.15 .S65 2007. 3rd floor, Cir-
culation. Introduction to managerial accounting. Peter C. Brewer, Ray H.
Garrison, Eric W. Noreen. HF5657.4 F64 2007. 3rd floor, Circu-
Fortune favors the bold : what we must do to build a new and lation.
lasting global prosperity. Lester Thurow. HF1359 .T48 2005. 3rd
floor, Circulation. Leading Philippine organizations in a changing world : research
and best practices. edited by Ma. Regina M. Hechanova and Edna
Fraud risk management : a practical guide for accountants. [Cath- P. Franco. HF5549.2 .P6 L4 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
erine Turner]. HF5657.4 T87 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Making globalization work. Joseph E. Stiglitz. HF1359 .S74
Fundamental financial accounting concepts. Thomas P. Edmonds 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
... [et al.]. HF5635 .F85 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Managerial accounting : information for decisions. Thomas L.
Fundamental accounting principles. Kermit D. Larson, John J. Albright, Robert W. Ingram, John W. Hill. HF5657.4 .I54 2006.
Wild, Barbara Chiappetta. Global political economy in the infor- 3rd floor, Circulation.
mation age: power and inequality. Gillian Youngs. HF1359 .Y68
2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. Managing human resources in the 21st century. Jose Mario B.
Maximiano. HF5549 .M436 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. GSB-
Global business etiquette : a guide to international communi- LSGH.
cation and customs. Jeanette S. Martin and Lillian H. Chaney.
HF5389 .M37 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Managing people and organizations in changing contexts. Graeme
Martin. HF5549 .M385 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Global trade: past mistakes, future choices. Greg Buckman.
HF1379 . B84 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. Managing performance to maximize results. HF5549.5.R3 M36
2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Gravitational marketing : the science of attracting customers /
Jimmy Vee, Travis Miller, Joel Bauer ; assisted by Jennifer Mill- The marketing gurus : lessons from the best marketing books of
er. HF5415 .V44 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. all time. Chris Murray and the editors of Soundview Executive
Book Summaries. HF5415 .M895 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
The great formula for creating maximum profit with minimal ef-
fort. Mark Joyner. HF5438.25 .J69 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. Marketing research : an international approach. Marcus J.
Schmidt, Svend Hollensen. HF5415.2 .S35 2006. 3rd floor, Cir-
How to register a business in the Philippines : a practical guide culation.
and manual. HF3816 .H68 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 40 Nos. 1-2 January-February 2009 -
Marketing research: within a changing information environment. Ready-to-use performance appraisals : downloadable, customiz-
Joseph F. Hair, Jr., Robert P. Bush, David J. Ortinau. HF5415.2 able tools for better, faster reviews!. William S. Swan, with Les-
.H355 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. lie E. Wilson. HF5549.5 .R3 S86 2007.2nd floor, Information-
Mastering the instructional design process : a systematic ap-
proach. William J. Rothwell and H.C. Kazanas. HF5549.5 T7 Selling blue elephants : how to make great products that peo-
R68 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. ple want before they even know they want them. Howard R.
Moskowitz and Alex Gofman. HF5415.153 .M67 2007. 3rd floor,
The MBA companion. Paul Dainty and Moreen Anderson. Circulation.
HF1111 .D34 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Statistical modeling for management. Graeme D. Hutcheson,
The mentoring advantage : creating the next generation of lead- Luiz Moutinho. HF5415 .H88 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
ers. Florence Stone. HF5385 .S78 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Strategic business communication: an integrated, ethical ap-
Mobile advertising : supercharge your brand in the explod- proach. Robyn C. Walker. HF5718 .W34 2006. 3rd floor, Circu-
ing wireless market. Chetan Sharma, Joe Herzog, Victor Melfi. lation.
HF6146.I58 S5 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Strategic marketing analysis. Alexander Chernev. HF5415 .C438
New accounting standards and income tax reporting : a study of 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
differences, [August 31, 2007]. HF5616. P6 N48 2007. 4th floor,
Filipiniana. Strategies for managerial writing. Stephen H. Gale, Mark Gar-
rison. HF5718.3 .G34 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Organizational psychology: a scientist-practitioner approach.
Steve M. Jex and Thomas W. Britt. HF5548.8 J49 2008. 3rd floor, Street smart franchising : [a must read before you buy a fran-
Circulation. chise!]. Joe Mathews, Don DeBolt and Deb Percival. HF5429.23
.M37 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Out-of-the-box marketing principles that work and make sense.
Eduardo P. Garrovillas. HF5415.12 .P6 G37 2007. 4th floor, Fili- Think two products ahead: secrets the big advertising agencies
piniana. dont want you to know and how to use them for bigger profits.
Ben Mack. HF5415.15 .M34 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Personnel and human resources management. Roberto G. Me-
dina. HF5549 .M44 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. The three tensions : winning the struggle to perform without
compromise. Dominic Dodd, Ken Favaro. HF5386 .D64 2007.
Philippine and international radio laws and regulations : with ex- 3rd floor, Circulation.
planations : telecommunications laws and regulations, e-infor-
mation, and e-communications laws and regulations. Pablo R. The trainers handbook. Karen Lawson. HF5549.5 .T7 L336
Payumo. HF8681.P6 P39 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Principles of accounting and finance. Tony Davies, Tony Boczko. Trump : how to get rich. Donald J. Trump with Meredith McIver.
HF5657.4 .D38 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. HF5386 .T776 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Principles of marketing. Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong. HF5415 Wal-smart : what it really takes to profit in a Wal-mart world.
.K69 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. William H. Marquard with Bill Birchard. HF5429.215 .U6 M37
2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Product and services management. George J. Avlonitis and Pau-
lina Papastathopoulou. HF5415.15 .A94 2006. 3rd floor, Circula- What customers want : using outcome-driven innovation to
tion, create breakthrough products and services. Anthony Ulwick.
Product development: a structured approach to consumer prod- HF5415.153 .U4 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.
uct development, design, and manufacture. Anil Mital ... [et al.].
HF5415.153 .P755 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Wiley : the complete guide to auditing standards and other pro-
fessional standards for accountants, 2008. Nick A. Dauber ... [et
Purchasing and supply chain management. Kenneth Lysons, Bri- al.]. HF5616 .U5 W54 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
an Farrington. HF5437 .L97 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
The winners attitude : change how you deal with difficult people
Purchasing and supply chain management. Robert M. Monczka and get the best out of any situation. Jeff and Val Gee. HF5415.5
... [et al.]. HF5437 .M66 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation. .G446 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
The World economy: global trade policy 2005. edited by David An introduction to financial option valuation : mathematics, sto-
Greenaway.HF1411 .W65 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. chastic, and computation. Desmond J. Higham. HG6024.A3 H54
2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.
HG - Finance
International financial instability : global banking and national
The 3 financial styles of very successful leaders : strategic ap- regulation. editors Douglas D. Evanoff, George G. Kaufman,
proaches to identifying the growth drivers of every company. E. John Raymond LaBrosse. HG3881 .I575636 2007. 3rd floor, Cir-
Ted Prince. HG4026 .P58 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. culation.
Advances in international investments : traditional and alterna- Introduction to the mathematics of finance. R.J. Williams. HG106
tive approaches. editors, Hung-Gay Fung, Xiaoqing Eleanor Xu, .W54 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Jot Yau. HG4538 .A336 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Introductory econometrics for finance. Chris Brooks. HG173
Asset allocation: balancing financial risk. Roger C. Gibson. .B76 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
HG4629.5 G54 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Investment strategies of hedge funds. Filippo Stefanini. HG4530
Approaches to identifying the growth drivers of every company. .S7413 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
E. Ted Prince. HG4026 .P58 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Managing credit risk : the great challenge for global financial
Basic financial management. M.Y. Kahan, P.K. Jain. HG4026 markets. John B. Caouette ... [et al.]. HG3751 .M36 2008. 3rd
.K4 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. floor, Circulation.
The business and investment environment in Taiwan and Main- Mathematical modeling and methods of option pricing. Lishang
land China : a focus on the IT and high-tech electronic industries. Jiang; translated by Canguo Li. HG6024. A3 J513 2005. 3rd
Chen-Min Hsu, Wei-Guo Zhang, Leslie Lok. HG5782 .H78 floor, Circulation.
2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
The mathematics of financial modeling and investment manage-
Confessions of a Wall Street analyst: a true story of inside infor- ment. Sergio Focardi, Frank J. Fabozzi. HG106 .F64 2004. 3rd
mation and corruption in the stock market. Dan Reingold with floor, Circulation.
Jennifer Reingold. HG4928.5 .R44 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Money and meaning: new ways to have conversations about
Credit risk pricing models: theory and practice. Bernd Schmid. money with your clients-- a guide for therapists, coaches, and
HG6024 .A3 S347 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation. other professionals. Judith Stern Peck. HG179 .P375 2008. 3rd
floor, Circulation.
The econometric modelling of financial time series. Terence C.
Mills, Raphael N. Markellos. HG174 .M54 2008. 3rd floor, Cir- Numerical methods for finance. Edited by John A.D. Appleby,
culation. David C. Edelman, John J.H. Miller.HG106 .N85 2008. 3rd floor,
The economics of banking. Kent Matthews and John Thompson.
HG1601 .M37 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Optimization methods in finance. Gerard Cornuejols, Reha Tu-
tuncu. HG106 .C67 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
The economics of financial markets. Roy E. Bailey. HG4523 .
B34 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. Plight of the fortune tellers: why we need to manage financial
The Entrepreneurial investor: the art, science, and business of risk differently. Riccardo Rebonato. HG173 .R4 2007. 3rd floor,
value investing. Paul Orfalea ... [et al.]. HG4661 .E57 2008. 3rd Circulation.
floor, Circulation.
The politics of equity finance in emerging markets. Kathryn C.
Financial institutions and markets. Jeff Madura. HG173 .M294 Lavelle. HG5993 .L38 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.
2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Practical portfolio performance measurement and attribution.
Foundations of financial management. Arthur J. Keown ... [et Carl R. Bacon. HG4529 .B34 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.
al.]. HG4026 .F685 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Project financing : asset-based financial engineering. John D.
DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 40 Nos. 1-2 January-February 2009 -
Finnerty. HG4028 .C4 F5 2007. Cruz. HQ680 .C78 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Bulalo soup for the sole : essays for savoring life as a single
Quarterly procurement statistics ... .HG3881.5 .A75 A887. 2nd woman. Theresa Jew R. Lariosa. HQ800.2 L37 2005. 4th
floor, Information-Reference. floor, Filipiniana.
Stochastic optimization models in finance. Editors, William T. HV - Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminol-
Ziemba, Raymond G. Vickson. HG106 .S76 2006. 3rd floor, Cir- ogy
The counterterrorism handbook : tactics, procedures, and tech-
A Status report on the Philippine financial system. HG187 .P6 niques. Frank Bolz, Jr., Kenneth J. Dudonis, David P. Schulz.
S78. 4th floor, Filipiniana.. HV6431 .B65 2005. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
The structured credit handbook. Arvind Rajan, Glen McDermott, Family assessment handbook : an introductory guide to family
Ratul Roy. HG6024 .A3 R34 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Ref- assessment and intervention. Barbara Thomlison. HV697 .T56
erence. 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Theory and reality in financial economics : essays toward a new Great lives from history : notorious lives. editor, Carl L. Bank-
political finance. George M. Frankfurter. HG173 .F7 2007. 3rd ston III. HV6245 .G74 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
floor, Circulation.
JA - Political Science (Collections and general works)
Theory of valuation. Editors, Sudipto Bhattacharya, George M.
Constantinides. HG173 .T54 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. Encyclopedia of political communication. [Editors], Lynda Lee
Kaid, Christina Holtz-Bacha. JA85 .E64 2008. 2nd floor, Infor-
Top 7000 corporations business profiles. Philippine Business Pro- mation-Reference.
files and Perspectives, Inc. and Center for Research and Commu-
nication. HG4244.8 .T69. 4th floor, Filipiniana., GSB-RCBC. The Palgrave Macmillan dictionary of political thought. Roger
Scruton. JA61 .S38 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Turning losing Forex trades into winners: proven techniques to
reverse your losses. Gerald E. Greene. HG3853 .G74 2008. 3rd JF - Political Science (General works. Comparative works)
floor, Circulation.
Handbook of globalization, governance, and public administra-
Understanding asset allocation: an intuitive approach to maxi- tion. [edited by] Ali Farazmand, Jack Pinkowski.JF1351 .H356
mizing your portfolio. Victor Canto. HG4529.5 .C35 2006. 3rd 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
floor, Circulation.
JQ - Political science (Asia. Africa. Australia. Oceania)
Value at risk : the new benchmark for managing financial risk.
Philippe Jorion. HG6024.3 .J67 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation, Fixing society : the inside world of fixers in the Philippines. Ron-
GSB-RCBC. nie V. Amorado. JQ1409.5 .C6 A46 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Public finance : a contemporary application of theory to policy. Dictionary of international business law. Lucas Otto. K1004.6
David N. Hyman. HJ141 .H96 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. .O87 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
The SAGE handbook of organizational institutionalism. Edited Abstracts of measures passed, 2001-2004. 12th Congress of the
by Royston Greenwood ... [et al.]. HM791 .S24 2008. 2nd floor, Republic of the Philippines. KPM11 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Breaking impunity. KPM2095 .B74 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
HQ- The family. Marriage. Woman
The Way forward : a policy resource book on legal empowerment
Before and beyond `I do : matrimonial advisories. O[scar] V. of the poor in the Philippines. by Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights-Asia (ESCR-ASIA) ; [Ma. Rosario K. Garcia ... et al.,
22 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 40 Nos. 1-2 January-February 2009
writers]. KPM53.92 .W39 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. NX - Arts in general
1987 Philippine constitution. Ronald M. Corpuz, Ronan S. Es- Art appreciation : introduction to the humanities. by Claudio B.
toque, Lorna V. Wy. KPM1744.51987 .C67 2007. 4th floor, Fili- Tabotabo.NX280 .T3 2006. Andrew Gonzalez Hall, 4th floor,
piniana. Filipiniana.
Historical, philosophical and legal foundations of education. Do- The concise Oxford dictionary of linguistics. P.H. Matthews. P29
ris D. Tulio. LA11 .H57 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. .M37 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Annual editions : education. LB41 .A54. 2nd floor, Information- Mga idiomatic expressions sa Ingles at ang kahulugan sa Pilipino
Reference. (may bonus pa). Lizzie R. Santos. PE1460 .S26 2006. Andrew
Gonzalez Hall, 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Finding funding : grantwriting from start to finish, including proj-
ect management and Internet use. Ernest W. Brewer, Charles M. PL - Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Ocea-
Achilles ; with contributions from Nancy S. Headlee and Stephen nia
D. Stockton. LB2342.4 .U6 B74 2008. 2nd floor, Information-
Reference. Chabacano studies : essays on Cavites Chabacano language and
literature. Emmanuel Luis A. Romanillos. PL5651 .R65 2006.
The students guide to preparing dissertations and theses. Brian 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Allison and Phil Race. LB1047.3 .A44 2004. 2nd floor, Informa-
tion-Reference. Fr. Francisco Coronels Arte y reglas : Kapampangan grammar
and rules, circa 1621. transcription, translation and annotation by
LG - Education (Asia. Africa. Oceania) Edilberto V. Santos. PL5992 .C6713 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Landmarks for memory : the centennial celebrations of the Sisters Fray Alvaro de Benaventes Arte de lengua Pampanga : Ka-
of St. Paul of Chartres, Philippine Province, 1999-2004. [princi- pampangan grammar circa 1699. transcribed from the original
pal writer and general editor, Mary Aquinas Lluch]. LG221 .D86 manuscript and translated by Edilberto V. Santos [for the Juan
L48 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.. D. Nepomuceno] Center for Kapampangan Studies, the Span-
ish Program for Cultural Cooperation. PL5992 .B4613 2007. 4th
N - Visual arts (General) floor, Filipiniana.
Harvest of saints. N7824.5P6 .H37 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Gandasulit sa pakikipagtalastasan. Cesar D. Orsal, Felipa Me-
dina. PL6059 .O77 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Herencia : a legacy of art and progress. Jaime C. Laya ... [et al.]
; Ramon N. Villegas, editor. N7327 .H467 2008. 4th floor, Fili- Grammar of the Kapampangan language = [Arte de la lengva
piniana. Pampanga. editor, Robert Tantingcos]. PL5992 .B47 2006. 4th
floor, Filipiniana.
NC - Drawing. Design. Illustration
Halugaygay sa dalampasigan. Raul Funilas ; inedit at may in-
Conscientious objectives : designing for an ethical message. John stroduksiyon ni Roberto T. Anonuevo. PL6165.4 .F85 H34 2006.
Cranmer and Yolanda Zappaterra; [with an introductory essay by 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Steven Heller]. NC997 .C7 2003. 2nd floor, Information-Refer-
ence. Ibatan : a grammatical sketch of the language of Babuyan Claro
island. Rundell D. Maree. PL5571 .M37 2007. 4th floor, Filipini-
NK - Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament ana.
including antiques in general.
Kasapunggul a sampaga. Renato Bonus Alzadon. PL6184.4 .A48
Information design workbook : graphic approaches, solutions, K37 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
and inspiration + 30 case studies. Kim Baer ; with contributing
writer Jill Vacarra. NK1510 . B34 2008. 2nd floor, Information- Komunikasyon sa akademikong Filipino (Filipino I). Mary Joy
Reference. A. Castillo ... [et al.]. PL6051 .K65 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Mga panitikan ng Pilipinas. Lilia Quindoza Santiago, may-akda Mama Mary and her children : true stories of real people. James
; Lilia F. Antonio, koordineytor. PL6141 .S26 2007. 4th floor, B. Reuter. PS9993 .R427 M35 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
The Manila tales : a book for all seasons. by Bruce Curran.
Panitikan ng Pilipinas : panrehiyon. nina Consolacion P. Sauco, PS9993 .C87 .M36 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Nenita P. Papa, Jeriny
R. Geronimo. PL6141 .S286 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Nostalgia. Chona S. Trinidad. PS9992.4 .T77 2008. 4th floor,
Pira-pirasong dula ng buhay : katipunan ng mga pili at. pampani-
tikang kwento. Teresita Manaloto-Magnaye. PL6165.4 .M2234 Passages : selected travel essays. Cristina Pantoja Hidalgo.
P57 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. PS9993 .H54 .P367 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Pluma at papel sa panahon ni Gloria. Rogelio L. Ordonez. Playing it safe. G.T. Los Banos ; [cover and book design by R.C.
PL6165.4 .O68 P58 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Sunico]. PS9993 .L67 P4 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Salud Algabre, babaeng mandirigma at iba pang bagong tula. E. Poems at war. by Jose Ma. Espino. PS9993 .E82 A17 2006. 4th
San Juan, Jr. PL6165.4 .S224 S24 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana. floor, Filipiniana.
Tuhug-tuhog : 25 maiikling kuwento ng pag-ibig at pakikipagsa- Quintessence of dust : a quarter moon, a quarter of a century in
palaran ng mga OFWs. ni Frank G. Rivera ; pinamatnugutan at a womans lifetime : herstory in poetry. Mary Ruby M. Palma.
introduksyon ni Arthur P. Casanova. PL6165.4 .R58 T84 2005. PS9992.2 .P34 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
4th floor, Filipiniana.
Roles : a not quite unreal novel. by Carlos Malvar. PS9993.M287
PN - Literature R64 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Appropriation of colonial broadcasting : a history of early radio Sabah of the Philippines. by R.M. Octaviano. PS9993 .O29 S14
in the Philippines, 1922-1946. Elizabeth L. Enriquez. PN1991.3 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
.P6 E55 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
SOL : [a legend about the sun]. written by Agay Llanera. ; illus-
Dolphy : hindi ko ito narating mag-isa. as told to Bibeth Orteza. trated by Farley Del Rosario ; Filipino translation by Susan De
PN2918 .Q84 O77 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Guzman ; edited by Joselito Zulueta. PS9993 .L525 S64 2007.
4th floor, Filipiniana.
Encyclopedia of feminist literature. Kathy J. Whitson. PN471
.W44 2004. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Stories of yesteryears. by Narita M. Gonzalez. PS9993 .G6539
A15 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Journalist killings under the Arroyo administration, 2001- 2006
: a study. by the Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility. Surgeons do not cry. Ting Tiongco. PS9993 .T55 S87 2008. 4th
PN5426 .A1 .J68 2006. 4th floor, Filipiniana. floor, Filipiniana.
Kino-Sine : Philippine-German cinema relations. edited by Tales of enchantment and fantasy. edited by Cristina Pantoja Hi-
Tilman Baumgartel ; [with contributions by Jurgen Bruning ... et dalgo. PS9992.4 .T34 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
al.]. PN1995.9 .E96 K56 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
Ten coming home and nine more short stories. by Albina Pec-
The mythology class : a graphic novel. by Arnold Arre. PN6790 zon Fernandez ; [foreword by Virgilio S. Almario ; sketches by
.P63 A775 2005. 4th floor, Filipiniana. Vicente S. Manansala]. PS9993. F395 T46 2006. 4th floor, Fili-
24 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 40 Nos. 1-2 January-February 2009
Vibora! : a novel. F. Sionil Jose. PS9993 .J68 V54 2007. 4th floor, IDE 6 : design, build, test, and debug service-oriented applica-
Filipiniana. tions with ease using XML, BPEL, and Java web services. David
Salter, Frank Jennings. QA76.73.J38 S25 2008. 3rd floor, Circu-
When the purple settles : the second play of the dekolonsasiya lation.
trilogy. [by Francis Tanglao-Aguas].PS9993 .A24 W54 2006. 4th
floor, Filipiniana. Bulletproof Web design : improving flexibility and protecting
against worst-case scenarios with XHTML and CSS. Dan Ceder-
Q - Science (General) holm. QA76.76 .H94 C4 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Bill W. Tillery, Eldon D. Enger, Frederick C. Ross. Q161.2 .T5 Calculus : early transcendental functions. Robert T. Smith, Ro-
2008.2nd floor, Information-Reference. land B. Minton.QA303.2 .S65 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Bionics for the evil genius : 25 build-it-yourself projects. Newton College algebra. Mark Dugopolski. QA154.3 .D84 2007. 3rd
C. Braga. Q320 .B7 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. floor, Circulation.
Computational intelligence : methods and techniques. Leszek
Rutkowski. Q342 .R8813 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Computational intelligence in multimedia processing : recent ad-
Introduction to environmental geology. Edward A. Keller. QE38 vances. Aboul-Ella Hassanien, Ajith Abraham, Janusz Kacprzyk,
.K446 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. eds. QA76.575 .C654 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Gateway to science : vocabulary and concepts. Tim Collins, Mary The craft of system security. Sean Smith, John Marchesini.
Jane Maples ; science consultants, David T. Crowther ... [et al.]. QA76.9. A25 S65 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Q163 .C64 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Data analysis and graphics using R : an example-based approach.
Minds and computers : an introduction to the philosophy of arti- John Maindonald and W. John Braun.QA276.4 .M34 2007. 3rd
ficial intelligence. Matt Carter. Q335 .C37 2007. 3rd floor, Cir- floor, Circulation.
Discovering computers 2008 : study guide. Gary B. Shelly,
Practicing research : discovering evidence that matters. Arlene Thomas J. Cashman, Dave Nuscher. QA76.5 .S524 2008. 2nd
Fink. Q180 .A1 F56 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. floor, Information-Reference.
Science: key concepts in philosophy. Steven French. Q175 .F74 Encyclopedia of quantitative risk analysis and assessment. edi-
2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. tors-in-chief, Edward L. Melnick, Brian S. Everitt. QA297 .E5
2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Teaching secondary school science: strategies for developing sci-
entific literacy. Rodger W. Bybee, Janet Carlson Powell, Lesliem Essentials of game theory : a concise, multidisciplinary introduc-
W. Trowbridge. Q183.3 A1 T76 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. tion. Kevin Leyton-Brown, Yoav Shoham. QA269 .L49 2008.
3rd floor, Circulation.
Visions of mind : architectures for cognition and affect. [edited
by] Darryl N. Davis. Q335 .V58 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. Finite mathematics with applications : in the management, natu-
ral, and social sciences. Margaret L. Lial, Thomas W. Hungerford,
QA - Mathematics John P. Holcomb, Jr.QA37.3 .L5 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Applied multivariate analysis : using Bayesian and frequentist Fundamental number theory with applications. Richard A. Mol-
methods of inference. S. James Press. QA278 .P74 2005. 3rd lin. QA241 .M64 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
floor, Circulation.
Game theory: a non-technical introduction to the analysis of
Applied multivariate statistical analysis. Richard A. Johnson, strategy. Roger A. McCain. QA269 .M34 2004. 3rd floor, Cir
Dean W. Wichern. QA278 .J6 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. culation.
Beginning pre-calculus for game developers. John P. Flynt, Boris Gray hat hacking : the ethical hackers handbook. Shon Harris
Meltreger. ... [et al.]. QA76.9 .A25 G76 2008.2nd floor, Information-Ref-
QA76.76 .C672 F586 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. erence.
Best practice : the pros on Adobe Flash. Douglas Easterly. GUI bloopers 2.0 : common user interface design donts and dos.
QA76.575 .E27 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Jeff Johnson. QA76.9 .U83 J64 2008. 2nd floor, Information-
Building SOA-based composite applications using NetBeans
DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 40 Nos. 1-2 January-February 2009 -
Handbook of usability testing : how to plan, design, and conduct Principles and practice of structural equation modeling. Rex B.
effective tests. Jeff Rubin, Dana Chisnell. QA76.9.U83 R8 2008. Kline. QA278 .K57 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.
2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Programming Microsoft Visual C# 2008 : the language. Donis
The history of mathematics : a brief course. Roger Cooke. QA21 Marshall. QA76.73 .C154 M37 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
.C66 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Progress in cryptology : INDOCRYPT 2005 : 6th International
Interpreting basic statistics : a guide and workbook based on ex- Conference on Cryptology in India, Bangalore, India, December
cerpts from journal articles. Zealure C. Holcomb. QA276 .H64 10- 12, 2005 : proceedings. Subhamoy Maitra, C. E.Veni Mad-
2004. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. havan, Ramarathnam Venkatesan, eds. QA76.9 .A25 I556 2005.
3rd floor, Circulation.
Introduction to software engineering design : processes, princi-
ples, and patterns with UML2. Christopher Fox. QA76.758 .F68 Representation theory : a first course. William Fulton, Joe Harris.
2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. QA176 .F85 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Introduction to structural equation modelling using SPSS and Simple architectures for complex enterprises. Roger Sessions.
AMOS. Niels J. Blunch.QA278.3 .B58 2008. 3rd floor, Circula- QA76.9 .S88 S47 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Single variable calculus. James Stewart. QA303.2 .S746 2008.
Introduction to the theory of computation. Michael Sipser. QA267 3rd floor, Circulation.
.S56 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Software requirement patterns. Stephen Withall ; [foreword by
Introduction to linear algebra : a primer for social scientists. Gor- Karl E. Wiegers]. QA76.76 .P37 W57 2007. 3rd floor, Circula-
don Mills.QA184.2 .M44 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. tion.
Introductory algebra for college students. Robert Blitzer. QA152.3 Statistical methods for forecasting. Bovas Abraham, Johannes
.B586 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. Ledolter. QA279.2 .A27 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Mathematics and physics for programmers. Danny Kodicek. The story of mathematics : from creating the pyramids to explor-
QA76.9 .M35 K6 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. ing infinity. Anne Rooney. QA21 .R66 2008. 3rd floor, Circula-
MATLAB : an introduction with applications. Amos Gilat.
QA297 .G54 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Turbo C : make programming easier! . Marmelo V. Abante.
QA76.73 .C15 A24 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Metric international version multivariable calculus: early tran-
scendental. James Stewart. QA303.2 S74 2008. 3rd floor, Cir- Windows server 2008 : the complete reference. Danielle Ruest,
culation. Nelson Ruest ; [foreword by David Greschler]. QA76.76 .O63
R8436 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Modeling, measuring and managing risk. Georg Ch Pflug, Wer-
ner Romisch. QA273.6 .P44 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. You failed your math test, comrade Einstein : adventures and
misadventures of young mathematicians or test your skills in
Object-oriented & classical software engineering. Stephen R. almost recreational mathematics. Edited by M. Shifman. QA43
Schach.QA76.758 .S34 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. .Y68 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.
The ethics of climate change: right and wrong in a warming Chemometrics : statistics and computer application in analytical
world. James Garvey. QC981.8.C5 G37 2008. 3rd floor, Circula- chemistry. Matthias Otto. QD75.4 .S8 O88 2007. 3rd floor, Cir-
tion. culation.
Exploring tropical cyclones : [GIS investigations for the earth Inquiry-based laboratories for liberal arts chemistry. Vickie M.
sciences]. Michelle K. Hall ... [et al.]. QC941 .E96 2007. 2nd Williamson, M. Larry Peck. QD33 .W54 2007. 2nd floor, Infor-
floor, Information-Reference. mation-Reference.
A first book of quantum field theory. Amitabha Lahiri, Palash B. Standard methods for the examination of water and sewage.
Pal. QC174.45 .L34 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. American Public Health Association, Laboratory Section. QD142
.S7. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Handbook of optical systems. edited by Herbert Gross. QC371
.H36 2005.2nd floor, Information-Reference. QE - Geology
Inquiry into physics. Vern J. Ostdiek, Donald J. Bord. QC23 .O87 Basic geological mapping. John W. Barnes, with Richard J. Lisle.
2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. QE36 . B37 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Introduction to atomic and molecular spectroscopy. Vimal Ku- Earthquakes in human history: the far-reaching effects of seismic
mar Jain. QC454. A8 J35 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. disruptions. Jelle Zeilinga de Boer and Donald Theodore Sand-
ers. QE521 .Z45 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Introduction to condensed matter physics. K.C. Barua. QC173.454
B37 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. Environmental geology. Carla W. Montogomery. QE38 .M66
2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Introduction to statistical mechanics. S.K. Sinha. QC174.8 .S56
2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. Minerals and rocks: exercises in crystal and mineral chemistry,
X-ray powder diffraction, mineral and rock identification, and
ore mineralogy. Cornelis Klein. QE363.2 .K54 2008. 3rd floor,
Matter & interactions. Ruth W. Chabay, Bruce A. Sherwood. Circulation.
QC23.2 .C4 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
QH - Biology (General)
Physics: principles with applications. Douglas C. Giancoli. QC23
.G54 2005b. 2nd floor, Andrew Gonzalez Hall, 3rd floor, Circu- Mercury hazards to living organisms. Ronald Eisler. QH545 .M4
lation. E47 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Biochemistry demystified : [a self-teaching guide]. Sharon Walk- Cognitive-behavioral therapy for adult ADHD: an integrative
er, David McMahon. QP514.2 .W35 2008. 2nd floor, Informa- psychosocial and medical approach. J. Russell Ramsay, Anthony
tion-Reference. L. Rostain. RC394 .A85 R35 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Cognitive hypnotherapy: an integrated approach to the treatment
Essentials of anatomy & physiology. Rod R. Seeley, Trent D. Ste- of emotional disorders. Assen Alladin. RC497 .A44 2008. 3rd
phens, Philip Tate. QP34.5 .S445 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. floor, Circulation.
Maders understanding human anatomy & physiology. Susannah Couple therapy : the self in the relationship. Jim Crawley and Jan
Nelson Longenbaker. QP34.5 .M345 2008. 3rd floor, Circula- Grant. RC488.5 .C7 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Crisis intervention strategies. Richard K. James. RC480.6 .J35
R -Medicine(General) 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Biomaterials : the Intersection of biology and materials science. Current psychotherapies. Editors, Raymond J. Corsini, Danny
J.S. Temenoff, A.G. Mikos. R857.M3 T45 2008. 3rd floor, Cir- Wedding; with the assistance of Frank Dumont. RC480 .C67
culation. 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Biomedical information technology. Edited by David Dagan Dementia: metamorphosis in care. Claire Biernacki. RC521 .B54
Feng. R858 .B56 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Computational intelligence in biomedical engineering. Rezaul The design of experiments in neuroscience. Mary Harrington.
Begg, Daniel T.H. Lai, Marimuthu Palaniswami. R859.7 .A78 RC337 .H37 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation
B44 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Easy EMG : a guide to performing nerve conduction studies and
Health communication: theory and practice. Dianne Berry. R118 electromyography. Edited by Lyn Weiss, Julie Silver, Jay Weiss ;
.B47 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation illustrator, Dennis Dowling. RC77.5 .E27 2004. 2nd floor, Infor-
RA - Public aspects of medicine
Fluids and electrolytes demystified : [a self-teaching guide].
Health economics : a critical & global analysis. George R. Palmer, Joyce Y. Johnson, with contributions by Edward Lyons, Bennita
Maria Theresa Ho. RA410.5 .P34 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. W. Vaughans. RC630 .J64 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Refer-
Strategic marketing for health care organizations: building a cus-
tomer-driven health system. Philip Kotler, Joel Shalowitz, and Handbook of EEG interpretation. William O. Tatum, IV ... [et
Robert J. Stevens. RA410.56 .K69 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. al.]. RC386.6.E43 H36 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Contemporary issues in occupational therapy : reasoning and Composites for construction: structural design with FRP materi-
reflection. edited by Jennifer Creek and Anne Lawson-Porter. als. Lawrence C. Bank. TA455 .P55 B36 2006. 3rd floor, Circula-
RM735 .C66 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. tion.
Computer graphics : programming in OpenGL for visual com- Fundamentals of engineering economics. Chan S. Park. TA177.4
munication. Steve Cunningham. T385 .C86 2007. 3rd floor, Cir- .P39 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Great jobs for engineering majors. Geraldine O. Garner. TA157
Human performance, workload, and situational awareness mea- .G37 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
sures handbook. Valerie J. Gawron. T59.7 .G38 2008. 2nd floor,
Information-Reference. Innovation in civil and structural engineering computing. Edited
by B.H.V. Topping. TA345 .I56 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Mobile 3D graphics with OpenGL ES and M3G. Kari Pulli ... [et
al.] .T385 .M6 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. Introduction to computational earthquake engineering. Muneo
Hori. TA654.6 .H67 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Patent searching : tools & techniques. [edited by] David Hunt,
Long Nguyen, Matthew Rodgers. T210 .P37 2007. 3rd floor, Cir- Janice VanCleaves engineering for every kid : easy activities that
culation. make learning science fun. Janice VanCleave. TA149 .V36 2007.
2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Scientific writing : a reader and writers guide. by Jean-Luc Leb-
run. T11 .L394 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Land development handbook : planning, engineering, and sur-
veying. Dewberry ; editor-in-chief, Sidney O. Dewberry ; coor-
The Seventy great inventions of the ancient world : with 554 il- dinating editor, Lisa N. Rauenzahn. TA549 .L35 2008. 2nd floor,
lustrations, 484 in colour. edited by Brian M. Fagan. T15 .S48 Information-Reference.
2004. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Laser fundamentals. William T. Silfvast. TA1675 .S54 2004. 3rd
The story of measurement : with 334 illustrations, 153 in colour. floor, Circulation.
Andrew Robinson. T50 .R6 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Linear feedback control : analysis and design with MATLAB.
Systems thinking: managing chaos and complexity: a platform Dingyu Xue, YangQuan Chen, Derek P. Atherton. TA345 .X84
for designing business architecture. Jamshid Gharajedaghi. T57.6 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
.G4 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Numerical computation of internal and external flows: [the] Bridge engineering. S. Ponnuswamy. TG15 .P65 2008. 3rd floor,
fundamentals of computational fluid dynamics. Charles Hirsch. Circulation.
TA357 .H57 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
TH - Building construction
Principles of foundation engineering. Braja M. Das. TA775 .D37
2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. Aerobiological engineering handbook : a guide to airborne dis-
ease control technologies. Wladyslaw Jan Kowalski. TH7683
The science and engineering of materials. Donald R. Askeland, .A3 .K68 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Pradeep P. Phule. TA403 . A84 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Building information modeling : planning and managing con-
Soils and foundations. Cheng Liu, Jack B. Evett. TA710 .L59 struction projects with 4D CAD and simulations. Willem Kym-
2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. mell. TH437 .K95 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Supportability engineering handbook : implementation, measure- Building maintenance management. Barrie Chanter and Peter
ment, and management. James V. Jones. TA168 .J66 2007. 2nd Swallow. TH3361 .C4 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
floor, Information-Reference.
Building physics--heat, air and moisture: fundamentals and en-
Transportation decision making: principles of project evaluation gineering methods with examples and exercises. Hugo Hens.
and programming. Kumares C. Sinha, Samuel Labi. TA1145 .S56 TH6021 .H46 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
High-performance building. Vidar Lerum. TH453 .L47 2008. 3rd
Vibrations. Balakumar Balachandran, Edward B. Magrab. TA355 floor, Circulation.
.B34 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation
An introduction to thermogeology : ground source heating and
TD- Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering cooling. David Banks. TH7638 .B36 2008. 3rd floor, Circula-
Alternative sewer systems. prepared by Alternative Sewer Sys-
tems Task Force of the Water Environment Federation. TD658 The site calculations pocket reference. Ed Hannan. TH375 .H27
.A48 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
A basic introduction to pollutant fate and transport: an integrated Structural engineers pocket book. Fiona Cobb. TH151 .C6 2004.
approach with chemistry, modeling, risk assessment, and envi- 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
ronmental legislation. Frank M. Dunnivant, Elliot Anders. TD174
.D86 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. Surveying and engineering: principles and practice. Paul Watson
... [et al.]. TH438 .S97 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Handbook of noise and vibration control. edited by Malcolm J.
Crocker. TD892 .H26 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Sustainable construction: green building design and delivery.
Charles J. Kibert. TH880 .K5 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Industrial wastewater treatment. Ng Wun Jern. TD897.8. A78
N48 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation. TJ - Mechanical engineering and machinery
Principles of environmental engineering and science. Mackenzie
L. Davis, Susan J. Masten. TD145 .D39 2009. 3rd floor, Circula- Small gas engine repair. Paul Dempsey. TJ790 .D45 2008. 2nd
tion. floor, Information-Reference.
Water and wastewater calculations manual. Shun Dar Lin, C.C. Solar energy projects for the evil genius : [50 built-it- yourself
Lee. TD351 .L56 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. projects]. Gavin D.J. Harper ; [foreword by Willie Nelson].
TJ810 .H37 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
TK - Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineer- Industrial power systems. Shoaib Khan. TK1005 .K49 2008. 3rd
ing floor, Circulation.
101 spy gadgets for the evil genius. Brad Graham, Kathy McGow- Introduction to logic and computer design. Alan B. Marcovitz.
an. TK7882.E2 G7 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. TK7888.4 .M37 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Algorithmic aspects of wireless sensor networks : third interna- Linear circuit design handbook. [edited by] Hank Zumbahlenas
tional workshop, ALGOSENSORS 2007, Wroclaw, Poland, July ; with the engineering staff of Analog Devices. TK7867 .L56
14, 2007 : revised selected papers. Miroslaw Kutylowski, Jacek 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Cichon, Przemyslaw Kubiak, eds. TK7872 .D48 A44 2007. 3rd
floor, Circulation. More electronic gadgets for the evil genius. Bob Iannini. TK9965
.I26 2006. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Broadband network architectures : designing and deploying tri-
ple-play services. Chris Hellberg, Dylan Greene, Truman Boyes. Network congestion control: managing Internet traffic .Michael
TK5103.4 .H44 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. Welzl. TK5105.875 .I57 W44 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Circuit analysis demystified : [a self-teaching guide]. David Mc- Network security 1 and 2 companion guide. Antoon W. Rufi.
Mahon. TK454 .M35 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. TK5105.59 .R84 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
CNET do-it-yourself camera & music phone projects : 24 cool Ontology and the semantic web. Robert M. Colomb.
things you didnt know you could do!. Ari Hakkarainen. TK6570 TK5105.88815 .C64 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation.
.M6 H26 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
PC mods for the evil genius : 25 custom builds to turbocharge
CNET do-it-yourself home networking projects : 24 cool things your computer. Jim Aspinwall. TK7887 .A866 2007. 2nd floor,
you didnt know you could do!. Jim Aspinwall. TK5105.75 .A87 Information-Reference.
2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Professional Web parts and custom controls with ASP.NET 2.0.
CNET do-it-yourself PC upgrade projects : 24 cool things you Peter Vogel. TK5105.8885 .A26 V64 2006. 3rd floor, Circula-
didnt know you could do!. Guy Hart-Davis. TK9969 .H36 2008. tion.
2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Real-time UML workshop for embedded systems. by Bruce
Creating web sites bible. Philip Crowder with David Crowder. Powel Douglas. TK7895 .E42 D68 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation
TK5105.888 .C77 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Residential construction academy : house wiring. Greg Fletcher.
Digital systems design using VHDL. Charles H. Roth, Jr., Lizy TK3285 .F54 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation..
Kurian John. TK7888.4 R67 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Security in wireless mesh networks. edited by Yan Zhang, Jun
Electronics : principles & applications. Charles A. Schuler. Zheng, Honglin Hu. TK5103.2 .S44 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation.
TK7816 .S37 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Skype for dummies. by Loren and Susan Abdulezer, and Howard
Fixed mobile convergence: voice over Wi-Fi, IMS, UMA.GAN, Dammond ; foreword by Niklas Zennstrom. TK5105.8865 .A24
femtocells, and other enablers. Alex Shneyderman, Alessio Ca- 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
sati. TK5105.8865 .S56 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Struts 2 in action. Donald Brown, Chad Michael Davis, Scott
Fuel cell projects for the evil genius. Gavin D.J. Harper. TK2931 Stanlick. TK5105.8885 .S76 B76 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation.
.H37 2008.2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Ultra-wideband communications systems: multiband OFDM ap-
Geothermal power plants : principles, applications and case stud- proach. W. Pam Siriwongpairat, K.J. Ray Liu. TK5103.484 .S57
ies. Ronald DiPippo. TK1055 .D57 2005. 3rd floor, Circulation. 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation
Global mobile : connecting without walls, wires or borders. Fred
Johnson. TK5103.2 .J64 2005. 2nd floor, Information-Refer- Unleashing Web 2.0 : from concepts to creativity. Gottfried
Vossen, Stephan Hagemann. TK5105.875 .I57 V67 2007. 3rd
Green electronics design and manufacturing : implementing floor, Circulation.
DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 40 Nos. 1-2 January-February 2009 -
Voice over WLANs : the complete guide. Michael F. Finneran. Becoming a product designer : a guide to careers in design. Bruce
TK5105.78 .F56 2008. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. Hannah. TS171 .H36 2004. 2nd floor, Information-Reference.
Design secrets : products 2 : 50 real-life projects uncovered :
Web engineering : a practitioners approach. Roger S. Pressman, projects chosen by the Industrial Design Society of America.
David Lowe. TK5105.88813 .P74 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation. Cheryl Dangel Cullen and Lynn Haller. TS171.6 .C84 2006. 2nd
floor, Information-Reference.
Web services in finance: [a developers guide to Web services
in the finance industry]. Paul A. Watters. TK5105.88813 .W37 Green design. [edited by Buzz Poole]. TS171.4 .G74 2007. 2nd
2005. 3rd floor, Circulation, GSB-LSGH. floor, Information-Reference.
What every engineer should know about developing real-time Operations management. Andrew Greasley. TS155 .G69 2006.
embedded products. Kim R. Fowler. TK7895 .E42 F68 2008. 2nd 3rd floor, Circulation.
floor, Information-Reference.
Operations management: processes and value chains. Lee J. Kra-
Wireless communications and networking. Vijay K. Garg. jewski, Larry P. Ritzman, Manoj K. Malhorta. TS155 .K7 2007.
TK5103.2 .G375 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. 3rd floor, Circulation.
Wireless communications: the future. William Webb. TK5103.2 Poor-quality cost. H. James Harrington. TS156 .H366 1987. 3rd
.W4 2007. 3rd floor, Circulation. floor, Circulation.
TL- Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics Statistics for Six Sigma green belts: with Minitab and JMP. David
M. Levine. TS156 .L48 2006. 3rd floor, Circulation.
50 model rocket projects for the evil genius. Gavin D.J. Harper.
TL844 .H37 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. TT - Handicrafts. Arts and crafts
TP - Chemical technology Woodworking. Nancy MacDonald. TT180 .M3 2009. 2nd floor,
Bionanotechnology : global prospects. edited by David E. Reis-
ner. TP248.25 .N35 B56 2009. 3rd floor, Circulation. TX - Home economics
Lean performance ERP project management : implementing the Fiesta! Fiesta! : festival foods of the Philippines. Reynaldo G.
virtual lean enterprise. Brian J. Carroll. TS155.8 .C37 2008. 3rd Alejandro, Millie Albano Reyes, Vicente Roman S. Santos.
floor, Circulation. TX724.5 .P6 A447 2008. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
The plastics handbook. Chris Lefteri. TP1130 .L44 2008. 2nd Philippine food product catalogue. TX724.5 .P6 P474 2008. 4th
floor, Information-Reference. floor, Filipiniana.
Project management in new product development. Bruce T. Bar- Pulutan : from the soldiers kitchen. Elmer D. Cruz, Emerson
kley, Sr. TS170 .B37 2008. 3rd floor, Circulation. R. Rosales ; edited by Ellen T. Tordesillas and Yvonne T. Chua.
TX724.5 .P6 C78 2007. 4th floor, Filipiniana.
TR - Photography
UA - Armies. Organization, description, facilities, etc.
Adobe Photoshop CS3. [authors, Andrew Faulkner and Judy
Walthers von Alten]. Asian security handbook : terrorism and the new security envi-
TR267.5 .A3 F38 2007. 2nd floor, Information-Reference. ronment. William M. Carpenter and David G. Wiencek, editors
; foreword by James R. Lilley. UA830 .A837 2007. 2nd floor,
TS -Manufacturers Information-Reference.