World Studies Syllabus 2015-16

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World Studies Syllabus

Jonathan Pete
[email protected]


In this age of increasing technological advancement, it is impossible for cultures to deplore

or ignore each other and survive intact for long. Only through knowledge and understanding of
the worlds major cultures and their history can true tolerance be achieved. In order to really
understand the world in which we live, we must use multiple perspectives, including an
examination of the values, beliefs, and traditions of other cultures and civilizations from the
past to the present. With that in mind, the IAMs 9th grade World Studies course introduces
students to several major cultural areas and issues that have had (and continue to have) a major
impact on the world.


Upon completion of this course, students will be able to

Demonstrate understanding of the social, economic, political, and cultural aspects throughout
the world.
Demonstrate competent research skills which include identifying valid sources and using proper
Demonstrate objective critical-thinking skills using the analytical tools provided in class.
Demonstrate a high level of organizational and communicative skills, both written and oral.

Required Materials Bring these to class EVERY DAY

We cannot stress enough how important organization and good note taking are for IB History. This list of
materials is not a suggestion, it is very careful planning on the part of your instructor to help you with

2 College Ruled Spiral Notebooks (preferably different colors). Both will be used simultaneously,
one for each of the following: key terms, notes, and essay outlines.
Pencils, pens, and hi-liters: Please bring these to class every day.
2 inch binder. You will be given quite a few handouts to keep track of, as well as class notes.
5 Dividers with tabs. We will set up our binders together and Ill tell you what to label them.
Classroom Procedures regarding Homework and Class work
Key Terms (Vocabulary): While Quizlet and other study programs are useful, the auto word fill
function can prohibit your understanding of the vocab in regard to the historical significance of
the time period of study. For example: If the term is FDR. Quizlet may give the definition as:
32nd President of the United States. However, that definition is lacking in historical significance.
Depending on the context, Roosevelt as mentioned in the above definition would gain you a
score of a zero. An accurate definition with historical significance would look something like this:
In the mid to late 1930s as Japan moved toward invading China, Roosevelt stated that the
aggression was becoming an epidemic and that a quarantine was needed. He limited aid to
Japan and placed an embargo on the sale of airplanes to the country.
Notes: The more comprehensive the better. Remember these are your notes to study for your
exams so work hard to make them good! Throughout the course, you will be exposed to
different note taking strategies.
Take pride in your work: Cheating/Sharing Answers will NOT be tolerated. Remember that the
purpose of this class (and education in general) is to gain knowledge! You only hurt yourself by
cutting corners.
Meet deadlines: Complete your work on time. This is a collaborative learning environment and
your knowledge and perspective is important. If you have an extenuating circumstance or an
emergency and are unable to meet a deadline, email me no later than THE EVENING PRIOR to
class. I am reasonable and understand that life doesnt always go as planned, but you MUST talk
to me in order to make arrangements for getting caught up.
Be Prepared: If you choose to come to class unprepared you will not participate in the
discussion that day. You will work on the assignment you chose not to complete. You will miss
the class discussion and you will NOT be given a one-on-one lecture to recap the information you
missed. COMING TO CLASS UNPREPARED IS AN UNWISE CHOICE. It is not fair to you, or your
Group Work: Group work is a necessary and required part of this class. You will work with every
student in this class throughout the year. Your participation and commitment to group work will
set a precedent for future group work. If you are a committed, hard working member, people
will want to work with you in the future. If you are unreliable, people will not want to work with
you, even if you are friends. Becoming a dependable, hard working team player is an important
quality that will help you succeed not only in this class, but in life!
Reading Assignments: Students will be assigned reading from various sources. Many readings
will be posted on Edmodo, while others will be traditional handouts. Students are responsible
for keeping up with the reading, completing any related assignments, and being prepared for
class discussions and activities.
Writing Assignments: Essays and other writing assignments will be assigned on a periodic basis,
with specific criteria provided by the teacher. All papers must be word-processed unless
otherwise noted, and proper format must be followed.
Quizzes/Tests: Quizzes will be given as needed to check student understanding of materials.
Quizzes are formative assessments that provide opportunity for practice and feedback.
Summative assessments such as Tests will be given at the end of each unit
Edmodo: I use Edmodo to post coursework, readings, and other material. You will need to make
sure that you have access to Edmodo during the school year. Remember, if you wait until the last
minute to do the work or get online to access the work, technology may fail you and it will result
in your grade being affected.
MYP Criteria: Your scores in this class will be graded using the rubrics developed for the IB
Middle Years Program Individuals and Societies Curriculum. Rubrics will be attached for

Maturity and Proper Etiquette

High school provides an environment in which students are expected to behave in a more mature
manner. Proper etiquette both with adults and peers is required. The IB Learner Profile is our code of
conduct. In the event of the teachers absence, students will be expected to treat substitute teachers
with respect.

If you have questions about this class, your progress, your grade, etc., please see me before or after class
or ask to make an appointment to meet with me. For simple questions or comments, an email will
suffice. However, there are times when a face-to-face conversation is necessary. Please feel comfortable
approaching me. Part of the IB Learner Profile is being a Communicator. I expect YOU, an approaching
young adult, to have that conversation with me, NOT your parent. This is part of being a Balanced,
Reflective Communicator!
(ParentsPlease feel free to contact me with any questions/concerns of course, but know that I will
more than likely want to hear from your child as well).

Classroom Rules

1. Respect yourself and others, as well as their property at all times.

2. Abide by the policies of the School Handbook.

Grading Policy
Grades will be based primarily on the 4 MYP criteria: Knowledge and Understanding, Investigating,
Communicating, and Critical Thinking. I am attaching the rubrics that we will be using for reference. It is
important to remember that these scores are demonstrating progress on your journey. We would
expect you to be in the higher levels of these rubrics at the end of 10 th grade, rather than at the
beginning of 9th grade.
For assessment purposes, the MYP criteria fall into two categories: content based and skill based.
Content based criteria consist only of the Knowing and Understanding rubric. As this is based on the
content knowledge for each distinct unit, your scores in this criteria will be calculated across the
semester. The remaining criteria (Communication, Investigation, and Critical Thinking) we consider skills
based. For the skills based criteria we will average together only the most recent scores that you have
demonstrated. For instance, at the end of the semester, we will be interested in your most recent essay
rather than the one you wrote at the beginning of the semester. Though for some of you, your scores
may be lower than you like, keep in mind that they will not haunt you. We will be monitoring your
progress throughout the course, and the lower scores you see now will be essentially overwritten by
your future progress.

For most assignments, you may find a letter grade as well as the attached standards. Though the
attached letter grades represent approximately where we would expect you to be at this point in the
course, a more useful reference would be looking at the criteria score. If you would like to increase your
grade, you should identify your strengths and weaknesses within each criteria and strive to improve
them over time.

Notes, collaboration, homework, etc. may be checked in and monitored, but will not be calculated into
your final score. These will, however, be informative in terms of your study habits and may provide
information in regards to your progress in the class.

MYP Rubric Grading Scale (1st Semester) MYP Rubric Grading Scale (2nd Semester)

5+ = A 6+ = A

4 =B 5 =B

3 =C 3-4 = C

2 =D 2 =D

1 =F 1 =F

Semester Grades:

Semester grades are calculated using summative assessment grades. As these scores are designed to
demonstrate growth and progress, our philosophy is that the best representation of this will be seen at
the end of the semester. Quarter grades will not be weighted or averaged, rather your semester score
will be calculated using total points. Consider quarterly reports a glimpse of your progress to that point,
rather than a score that will be calculated into a final grade.
Grading Policy
93 100 = A 80 82 = B- 67 69 = D+

90 92 = A- 77 79 = C + 66 63 = D

87 89 = B+ 73 76 = C 60 62 = D-

83 86 = B 70- 72 = C- 59.99 and below is failing

Note: Grades are generally not rounded.

What if I am absent?
You are responsible for finding out what you missed; I will absolutely not track you down!
Assume you missed something if you werent here- Do not ask me Did I miss anything? Of course
you did!
STEP 1: CHECK EDMODO. A recap of class events will be updated daily. Check to see what you
If you missed notes, get them from a classmate.
If you need more explanation for the days assignment, or need to schedule a makeup time for a test
or quiz, see me before or after class. Do not ask during class, the 30 other people who were present
need to learn about todays info, not what you missed yesterday.
Any work missed due to absence must be made up within one class period upon your return unless
otherwise arranged due to extended illness or the likes.
Test and Quiz makeup days: You must see me to arrange a time to make up your missed test or quiz. I
have small children and need to make arrangements for childcare. Tests and quizzes cannot be made
up during lunch, or during another hour of the day.

Computer Use and Internet Policy

The International Academy of Macomb has supplied students with outstanding technology. This
technology will assist students in being successful and achieving high quality work. At the beginning of
the academic year, students will be informed of their rights and responsibilities for using technology in
the building. I suggest that each student familiarize themselves with these policies. Students found
abusing privileges will have their rights revoked for the remainder of the year. This may prove to be
extremely problematic and inconvenient when it comes to working on assignments that require
computer use for completion.
Definition Plagiarism means presenting work done (in whole or in part) by someone else as if it were
one's own. This includes cheating.

Plagiarism is deliberate dishonesty and includes, but is not limited to, the following forms:

A. Exams and Tests

1. Copying from another student.

2. Use of unauthorized material.
3. Verbal and non-verbal communication ; during or after an assessment.

B. Essays and Assignments

1. Submission of an essay written in whole or in part by someone else as one's own.

2. Preparing an essay or assignment for submission by another student.
3. Copying an essay or assignment, or allowing one's essay or assignment to be copied by
someone else.
4. Using direct quotations or large sections of paraphrased material without acknowledgment.
5. The buying or selling of term papers or assignments.
6. Submitting whole or part of a computer program or Internet site with or without minor
modifications as one's own.

Plagiarism should be distinguished from co-operation and collaboration. Often, students may be
permitted or expected to work on assignments collectively, and to present the results either collectively
or separately. This is not a problem so long as it is clearly understood whose work is being presented, for
example, by way of formal acknowledgment or by footnoting.

The penalty for plagiarism or cheating on a test, exam, final exam or other assignment shall normally be
zero for the piece of work. A student who allows work to be copied will be subject to the same

Guardians, upon reviewing this course syllabus please email me from your personal email account (not
your childs), before Frida, August 21st. The subject line should read: Students First name Students Last
name, block student has my class. The body should include guardian names, phone numbers, and
preferred contact.
Please PRINT this page ONLY and return to the teacher. SAVE this whole document in a folder you name
IB History and keep it for reference.

Student Name: ______________________________________________________

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name(s): ________________________________________________________


I have read and understand the syllabus for IB History.

STUDENT SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________________________________

PARENT / GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: _______________________________________________________________

Parents preferred email address(es):


Parents Preferred phone number (s):


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