Dear Saviour Be There For Me

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Dear Saviour, Be There For Me


1. Hum - bly, my Sav - iour, I come un - to Thee, Thy glo - ry and light is suf - fi - cient to see
2. Lord, in my weak - ness I come un - to Thee. Thou art my Re - deem - er; that I may be free
3. Lord, I will serve Thee and do Thy com - mand. In faith may I call up - on Thy help- ing hand

4. Bright is the prom - ise of ev - 'ry new day, With hope in my heart, may Thou lead - est the way.

Through hard - ship and tri - als; I'm nev - er a - lone When - ev - er Thy love for me is shown.
My sins, Thou hast suf - fered, how can I re - pay? For - ev - er I shall, Thy words, ob - ey.

Through ev - 'ry end - eav - our to do what is right, Be there by my side each day, each night.

By striv - ing to fol - low the path Thou hast shown, Thy serv- ant, may I for - e'er be known.

May my soul grow clos - er to Thee, Ev - er my com - fort, Thy pres - ence shall be,

Nev - er for - sake me when dark - ness I see, I ask Thee dear Sav - iour, be there for me.

Text & Music: Psalms 34:17-19, 22
Andrew Moore Copyright (c) 2014 Andrew Moore Matthew 11:28-30
This music may be copied for non-commercial use.

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