Stop The Suffering - Stop Eating Eggs

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Egg Leaflet:Egg Leaflet 2/10/08 14:40 Page 1

Does this
little chick...
...deserve better?
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Baby chicks are ‘sexed’ and the males destroyed

The barn system

Once hatched, inside industrial
incubators, chicks go through an Organic
automated processing system. Male
chicks, considered useless because they • Organic farming is not a cruelty-
cannot lay eggs and are too scrawny a free option. Hens can still be housed
in groups of up to 9,000 and denied
type of chicken for meat, are gassed or
access to the outside for two-thirds
shredded alive in giant mincing machines.
of their lives.
Females are selected to be reared

for egg production.

Battery Cages Barn Eggs • All egg-laying hens end their short
lives with a traumatic journey to a killing

• More than half of all UK egg-laying • Hens kept factory.

hens are kept in battery cages. in barns are • At around 72 weeks old they are no

• With four or five in a cage, each

still confined longer able to produce the amount of eggs
to dirty, overcrowded required. Considered worthless, they are killed
bird has an area less than an A4
sheds. They never see daylight, and their worn-out bodies go into cheap meat
sheet of paper. They can barely
behave naturally or breathe fresh air.
products such as soups, pies and baby food.
move, let alone stretch their wings.

• To prevent the stressed birds from Freedom Food

Chickens who perished in their shed
harming one another, the ends of On free-range farms, thousands

their beaks are sliced off using a of hens can be packed into huge
The RSPCA’s Freedom Food scheme
red-hot iron. This practice is prohibited sheds with many unable to reach
can only ever have a marginal
only under organic standards. the pop holes that allow them
impact on bird welfare. Animals may
still be kept permanently indoors in to exit and re-enter.
factory farm conditions. • Because free-range birds
are essentially the same
highly-bred strains as
those raised more
intensively, those who
do get outside struggle
to cope with pathogens
and weather conditions.
As a result, free-range
birds suffer a high
mortality rate.

‘Battery’ chickens
Please help to STOP animal suffering...
Egg Leaflet:Egg Leaflet 2/10/08 14:41 Page 4

Whether destined for a shredding

machine, gas chamber, battery cage
or barn, chicks go from shell to hell.
The only cruelty-free option is NOT to eat eggs
Eggs and Health
• There are no nutrients in eggs that
cannot be obtained from plant-
based foods.

• Eggs contain high amounts of

cholesterol and saturated fat –
two of the main causes of heart
disease, diabetes and some

• Research also indicates that eggs

can inhibit the absorption of iron
and contribute to loss of calcium.

Yes, I want to help STOP animal suffering

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egg-free recipe pack
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