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The average
18-24 year old
spends 2 hours a day
alone on Instagram,
spanning across
16 visits to the
application. But, how
does this affect ones
It seems like there is a higher
percentage of people that have a
slimmer, fitter, smoother, tanner body
Participants of a 2017 study stated that..
than mine
The rise of narcissism and self-esteem
issues through the rise of
self-photography and social media
Social media has impacted the world like Lowen, a researcher and theorist,
no other online outlet. It is hard to list all describes narcissism as an investment
of the effects that social media can have in ones image as opposed to ones self;
on one; either positive or negative. At a their activities are directed toward the
glance, it is obvious that self-expression enhancement of their image. This quote
has become a paramount benefit, and embodies modern day society, be it
one can connect with friends and loved through social media, plastic surgery,
ones all over the world within seconds, cosmetics or clothing. All one needs to
sharing stories, photos, videos and do is look at celebrities and bloggers to
conversation. On the flip side, there are see the embodiment of narcissism in
trolls and judgement taking place by a digitally social world. The world has
International critics whom one may not become image-led and one is lead
even know; simply as a result of a selfie to believe that whoever receives most
going live on Instagram, Facebook or likes or positive comments are the
Snapchat. epitome of beauty or fashion; and now
even the fitness industry.
These photo-based platforms allow
for one to create an ideal lifestyle In regard to Instagram; the app some
or image, only projecting what one may say was designed to show, take and
wants others to see; a self-focused edit selfies, is comprised of a mass of
and inflated view of oneself. Deceptive individuals competing against each other
angles and filters have taken self- for followers, likes, reposts, favourites,
photography to another extreme, and whichever other show of approval
allowing for narcissists to prevail on exists out there rather than any sort of
an International platform without collective goal of mass beauty and global
necessarily knowing themselves. acceptance of diversity and culture.
It is this self-obsession and competitive LIKES GIVE THE
culture which pushes one to make
aesthetic changes to reach a level of
acceptance, whilst also pushing one HIT OF COCAINE
into a whirlwind of self-esteem and body
image issues. such levels where one can buy likes or
followers to give people that hit for
A research study consisting of aesthetic highs.
anonymous male and female participants
carried out in 2017 showed that 80% But, for others, image-led applications
of participants within the age bracket can cause a negative stir, as previously
of 18-24 felt that social media had mentioned. The anonymous study
impacted negatively on their self- allowed for participants to air their views
esteem and confidence. Theorist on such platforms with one claiming
Hesse-Biber claims that those already that; there are so many examples of
vulnerable to self-esteem or body image beauty to compare yourself to. How
issues are most impacted by social do you know what you should look like?
media platforms and the subsequent Is there a normal anymore? Or is this
intergroup comparison which follows. based on who receives the most likes?
This intertwines with other image- In a world where you dont know if what
led perspectives and ideologies such you are looking at is real or constructed
Mulveys gaze, which has changed and in a post-production of lighting,
moulded itself overtime to echo the retouching and face-tune apps, the
modern digital age with lenses and danger of this having a negative impact
camera phones acting as a barrage of on one is real. One participant claimed
self-doubt and self-objectification for that Instagram doesnt do real life
the pleasing of the follower. This being filters; you cant edit real life, echoing
said though, a viscious cycle follows, the notion of falseness impacting on
with said pleasing resulting in praise for peoples insecurities for the selfish
the body or face behind the lens. This benefit of others.
then allows and encourages a repetitive
notion of self-photography to occur, But with narcissism on the rise, more
solely in the pursuit of reassurance. filters, more lenses and more editing
apps becoming readily available each
It is unlikely that one would admit that week, will there ever be a sincere level of
self-photography is curated for self- engagement on social media anymore?
adornment but with narcissists it has Or is the desire to be lavished with
been stated that every like can give praise and likes the new conversation,
the same impact on one mentally and even if it is damaging below the
physically as a hit of cocaine. Such transparent surface of hashtags and the
yearning for validation has now reached wannabe-famous?
The Male Gaze in a digital age and its
effects on the self-hood, identity and
self-esteem of social media users
a world of sexual imbalance, where a and beauty. Mulvey calls this the female
pleasure of looking has primarily been of gaze stating that women see themselves
the active male, and the passive female, through the eyes of men, therefore
who becomes the display with the pre- influencing our choices on what is
determined intention of look at me. perceived and deemed attractive by the
opposite sex, or the male gaze.
The gaze has been seen in the media for
decades, in the editorials of Vogue, in By adhering, one is put under constant
porn, and through key establishments pressure feeling the gaze consciously,
such as Playboy, shaping how women even if self-led. In a digital age though,
are perceived by men, and in turn this gaze is also felt under lenses and
how they perceive themselves. In the screens, with one being in complete
1950s Playboy Bunnies in Chicago, control as to how they project their
whereby they were objects of both male own image, often being aware that one
attention and the male gaze due to their is being gazed at, for either positive or
uniforms, in turn becoming the ideal negative critique and judgement. This
and sex symbols of the era. Shields is often seen in the feeds of Instagram,
and Heinecken stated that this can be even now under the beauty-sphere, with
overwhelming, and in turn, distorted, bloggers adopting these approaches
whereby, one becomes unable to to self-promote; the tides have turned
recognise the ideal, nor reality, adding from primary uses within fashion
additional pressure to look a certain way and editorial advertising. Writer, Liu,
and conform to a socio-culturally pre- summarises this notion perfectly; social
set norm derived from such gazes. media makes this a time when the visual
begins to take prominence over the real.
Theorist Shields expands on this, Instead of experiencing our lives from
explaining the male gaze theory in our own vantage points, we now see the
everyday terms; allowing for women to world from how others will view and
be seen as objects of the heterosexual respond to our vantage points. When
mans eye, and claims that it is this we are all responsible for creating our
awareness which allows for women to own media, we are always visible and
adopt different perspectives to see therefore, always seen.
themselves through the eye of the
third person. This allows one to view Johnson (2008, P.207), pins this thought
themselves in this way opposed to how of vantage points on the ideology of
they actually see themselves, judging a brand, or self-branding marketing
others in the same vein also - through a strategies as often seen with influencers
male eye. In addition, by adopting this adopting porn chic style
view point, one becomes aware of what
the male wants to see, pre-empting promotions and campaigns, noting
this notion through dress, body and that; product [or brand] ambassadors
[are not] aimed at selling anything and unmaintainable aspirations for
specific, but instead work to give a both men and women. This can lead to
brand a certain set of values or a certain eating disorders, body image issues,
emotional association. This however in mental health problems and further
turn aims to change ones sense of self issues with confidence and self-esteem,
through reflected and standardised/ for example. This has since been
advertised ideals, and gazes, which confirmed through studies and user-led
can ultimately be dangerous for the surveys. Photo sharing platforms and
one creating the content, and those photo-led applications allow for users
viewing it. to critique themselves, and the more
these platforms/apps are used the more
However as social media has led to critiquing and self-evaluating may take
males also becoming more prominent place, altering ones self-perception due
in the fashion and beauty industries, to internalising of a pre-determined
and gender is considered more equal ideal, or image.
this has blurred boundaries and has
also taken away the stereotyping that Fellow writer Klein, also notes that
the male gaze once was. Now, this has social media makes social comparisons
become generalised as the gaze and even more competitive due to having
has become more subjective than ever. likes, comments and followers to gage
their self-worth and beauty from, in
The various representations of both some cases establishing their level of
male and female ideals which social confidence and self-esteem. The higher
media in particular promote, can be the number, the better ones self-
said to confuse ones self-perception perception is. The lower the number,
and the understanding of what the the lower the self-esteem. A vicious
ideal is, and therefore what beauty, cycle, which is no good for any social
or body image is. This confusion and media user, and shows how damaging
internalisation can lead to the self- these image-led platforms can be.
surveying gaze which can overwhelm
one and in turn will be no longer able to Even though images are constructed,
recognise ones true perception opposed curated, edited and filtered to project
to a perceived perception. an ideal and positive image, or more
accurately, how someone wants to be
Rumsey, another theorist and writer, perceived, Hong notes that perceptions
claims that, beauty ideals by showing are not shaped exclusively by what
certain body sizes [as...] beautiful profile users disclose about themselves
and desirable insinuating that the but also based on others comments,
media is responsible for choosing being titled the warranting principle;
who and what is seen as the ideal, judgments from other-generated
shaping and creating unattainable and information is more influential than
judgments from self-generated
material. This allows for a whirlwind of
self-perception issues to be sparked
and further stimulated, allowing for
one to value and judge self-worth and
perceptions based on others opinions
opposed to ones own thoughts.
Third person perspectives instilled
through socio-cultural influences and
expectations build an ideal image
which for some is unrealistic and
unmaintainable or attainable leading to
a barrage of problems. This leads to the
question; is there going to be a tipping
point for these platforms when sensors
are placed and rules are put in place
to protect users, or is there going to
be educational materials showing how
such platforms can be damaging? Or we
will, as a society, continue to self-derail
and damage each others wellbeing,
self-hood and self-identity for our own
security and positive approval?
With enough work people can
construct the appearance that they
want. Such understanding emphasises
the visual, pointing towards a world of
gazes, mirrors and spectacles
Stratton (1996)
Is social media taking over fashion
magazines thanks to digital muses;
elite bloggers and influencers?
Stratton claims that, [with enough work] Inside, youll learn ways to craft your
people can construct the appearance voice and story on Instagram: all about
that they want. Such understanding how to edit your photos using the best
emphasises the visual, pointing towards apps and filters, how to prop and
a world of gazes, mirrors and spectacles style food and fashion photos, how
where they eye is the central sense to gain more followers, and secrets
and the body is its major focus. This behind building a top Instagram brand,
is resonant with social media and transforming an Instagram hobby into a
magazines, whereby the camera, or successful business
public eye becomes a mirror, allowing
for distorted self-perceptions, with Sound appealing? Of course. But how
one being unable to recognise what does living a life of curated, filtered
is real, or not, adding aesthetic pressure, and edited images make the everyday
especially in a world of social media. person feel? Song would argue that
For Song these spectacles and she, represents the masses because
constructive work has worked incredibly Im a real person, not a supermodels
well; Since reaching influencer stardom, or celebrity, so consumers can relate
she has been made brand ambassador more, yet if you ask someone on the
for Laura Mercier, launched her own highstreet, someone from the norm,
fashion line, called Jame, guest-edited they would argue that such bloggers
Korean Vogue, walked the Dolce and present and represent an impossible
Gabbana SS17 catwalk show at NYFW, and ideal look which the average person
has featured in Vogue US and Womens cannot achieve. If only Instagram made
Wear Daily. In addition, collaborations real life filters.. you cant edit real life.
have been formed with brands such as
True Religion, Fossil, Levis and 7 for All This statement can make one feel
Mankind, and has since been employed unsettled, but also can make one
luxury consumerism; now available
Different people of different
cultural backgrounds, under different
circumstances and at different times
make different meanings, and so
create and experience different
social realities
Saunders (2012)
An honest and inspiring, award-winning
blog aimed at inspiring and instilling
self-worth in women across the globe
At a time when the digital age can be a no artifical content created purely
negative environment with a backlash for the reception it may, or may not
of critique and judgement, Milk and recieve. The growth and readership has
Honey provide a safe outlet for women been organic, underpinned by honesty
to escape to and be inspired by. and culture.
young women. The platform is now a and working together to get these
collaborative non-profit group ran by stories out there and build on this
likeminded women from across the platform working together, sharing and
globe. Our platform covers a range of encouraging.
area, from fashion, music, faith and
lifestyle. It endorses positivity, love and But, there is a lighter side too?
certainly has no place for gossip! We
aim to bring inspirational news and an We talk about all sorts of this girls like,
awareness of self-value and worth. I like from makeup and beauty, to fashion, to
to think it is uplifting and will motivate hotels and travel, the best places to eat;
women to be the best that they can be. you know a lifestyle hub thats Christ
There is truth and heart in everything inspired but engaging and relatable
that is written. and safe. Sharing is so important to
bring all sorts of self-worth and value
Do you think that this platform can to women, especially today when this
make a difference in the current digital can be diminished so easily in modern
age of social media and judgement? day society. You know, growing up in a
sheltered environment and having pre-
The platform was created as a safe haven determined aspirations set out for you
for girls to come and get powerful, has led me to this point, where I now
meaningful and real content, and it want to be me, and I want women to
is what it is because of the girls that embrace who they are too, and not to
contribute to it. be dictated through just an ideal either
through the media or Christianity.
Can you tell me about the girls which People dont often realise how beautiful
you work with and how you work? they are, and dont recognise their worth
and thats what we want to showcase
Oh, gosh, we have girls from Canada, and encourage as a team.
from Germany, from London, from LA,
who pull out their testomonies very Do you think its hard for women to
earnestly and talk about their lives, identify with themselves within a world
their journeys and their Christianity, of social media?
and very honestly to. I remember
back at the start we would talk about Even if you have Instagram and youre
real issues such as the struggle with following safe content, there is still an
pornography and religion, you know, and element of a picture perfect life. No
abandoned girls who never had parents, one posts a picture of themselves when
and motherhood, and sisterhood. We they wake up, its all very tailored and
wanted to share stories through Christ, we try to bring that back to reality. You
to let others be free. You know and dont see imperfections, an we wanted
thats really been at the brunt of it all, to show that, and reinstate being true.
What is your film about, The Dare that A lover, but not a fighter.
features on the blog? Not afraid to flex to the rebellious yes.
Advised and rejected by men, we did not
We wanted to present a reflective visual esteem him.
of the journey that is being a women, But he needed to be stricken.
growing and learning over the years, in Smitten, it was written, he was wounded
a raw way. The Dare is a spoken word for our transgressions.
piece performed and written by Sarah Bruised for our inequities.
Amankwah, which we believe to be Chastised for our peace.
powerful, helpful and beautiful too. Beg my pardons, please.
From the minute my tears kissed his feet,
The Dare: I was set free from eternal captivity.
In an instant, his grace was made
I remember the first time that I sat sufficient.
in isolation. Not by my needs to please, but he
I kept face, but it caught my attention. needed to aim high for me so he stepped
At age 9, I was a compulsive lair. down and died for me.
I rejected things I couldnt understand, Who sympathises with the weak.
like immigrants. Tempted yet with sin yet he was on fleek.
Who knew those silk haired, sun-kissed Perfect purchase the payment was
creatures were my neighbours. permanent.
This clenching stones not knowing that I And I look at you, sleeping beauties and,
to had become a clone. the scars left behind.
Culture zone; teenager. The broken hearted Fionas and Auroras.
Not a ninja but my movements marked Those filthy ogres wearing togas, and
splinters. those charming lovers.
Most winters I would slumber in the For heavens sake.
daytime; always afraid to walk the line. His glorious kingdom awaits; you are
Im dreaming; but screaming, why does known royalty.
beauty starve the living.. wait, wait, who He prays that when you sit there and
am I kidding? look at me you see a bi-product of a true
I traded my heart to these trolls that love story.
scrolled through every crushed artery. I dare you to listen to reason, to commit
Handed me some sticks and spit and this act of treason against the world.
make me your weeping mistress. Tell every boy and every girl to wake up.
Ruled by the fear of never having a happy I dare you to shake up the nations, the
ever after. blacks, white, olives and caucasians.
But behold, for he is coming; and every I dare you to love your frenemies, thats
eye will see him. your friends and your enemies.
My knight in shining armour. I dare you to not follow me, but follow he;
Covered me with his ghost writer. come and see, I dare you.
The media influences slim ideals,
and potentially can trigger eating
disorders. As a result 1.6m in the UK
alone suffer
B-EAT (2011)
The worlds largest ecommerce outlet
talks Social Responsibility, Model
Welfare and Body Image
part of the wider Fashion with Integrity So, who do you work with to form
programme we focus on diversity and such policies, and are these supported
inclusion so the model booking team going forward?
is aware of the importance of ensuring
that our models reflect our diverse RC: The design team obviously doesnt
customer base. work in isolation. We have very strong
relationships within our Buying and
I think that ASOS does a pretty good Garment Technology teams to ensure
job of this already but we are always policies are followed throughout
striving to ensure that all body types, the process. Our supplier bases are
races, etc, are represented across all of also an extension of this and regular
our channels. contact and visits build this trust and
continue updating the information and
How are ASOS perceived in the Fashion expectations we hold within ASOS.
Industry and ecommerce world in
regards to following guidelines and JA: When forming a policy it is important
policies? It is noticed that other brands to ensure all of the relevant stakeholders
and organisations in the Industry which within the business are involved. For
do not have such pre-set policies. example, for a retouching policy this
would include a group of people, so, the
RC: I hope ASOS is perceived to be quite Production team, the model booking
aspirational in terms of body image and team and the creative directors.
dressing any body shape.
We would also potentially involve a
We have 4 womenswear specialist critical friend i.e. a charity or initiative,
Own Brand departments Curve, that it well known for working in the field
Tall, Petite/Petite Tall, and Maternity/ so that they can provide external advice
Maternity Tall, and we also sell Branded as the policy is formed. This really helps
Specialist brands too. [ASOS] to ensure that we are on top of
our game, and that nothing out of line
We [ASOS] strive to be the top of our is carried out which could be perceived
game, and hope that all of the work done negatively by the viewer and consumer.
within head office is evident on site We take this quite seriously.
through both the end product and social
media outlets. We dont use advertising, Do you believe that all brands and
aside from our own magazine which organisations in the Fashion Industry
is available to customers, we live off should follow policies and guidelines,
word of mouth and the reputation this ensuring that Positive Body Image and
spreads, the feedback we have had from Model Welfare are accounted for? Or,
questionnaires and focus groups have do you think the Industry would benefit
been very positive. from National or International policies?
We also have wider programmes in place product/trends, but also just to touch
to highlight the impact social media base and see whats going on in their
can have on body image and mental family and community of followers. This
health. For example, we work with the is an invaluable resource and is why the
Diana Award (a charity that is working customer has become more aware and
to prevent bullying) and we have been educated in the way they dress and as a
partnered with them for the launch of result can dress with confidence.
their #MySenseOfSelf! project which
teaches young people about body So, what do you think are the benefits
confidence and self-esteem. of having such ASOS policies and
ideologies in place?
The focus of the project is on an activity
in which they draw an outline of their RC: The benefit to me is simply having
neck and shoulders on a large piece of less boundaries, but naturally having to
paper and then write words around the think outside the box more because as a
outline that shows what makes them up designer you arent always designing for
(i.e. I love cooking, my favourite colour yourself it makes you appreciate what
is red). When they have filled the paper you are giving as a service.
around their outline they take a selfie
with the paper behind them. The activity And, do you think that there are any
highlights that when people take selfies negative aspects or restraints in regards
and post them on social media, the selfie to working with such strict policies
doesnt show who they are as a person and guidelines?
but just what they look like, especially
after using various filters and apps. We RC: Naturally we have to be sensitive to
are currently working with the Diana the diversity of our customer base and
Award to expand on this idea to a more the different ethnic groups, and respect
National level and its an area we would their opinions and beliefs, whether this
look to continue working in the future. is silhouette or cut, body shape, print or
pattern, or even the colours used.
With social media taking off, do ASOS
work with bloggers coinciding with this? This is by no means a bad thing, as
overall it adds another level to the
RC: We do quite a lot of work with design process and can often influence
bloggers and influencers. For example how trends evolve. It is also a journey
for CURVE, our plus size Own Brand, from concept to sample and the end
we have done lookbook shoots with product would hopefully not divide or
Gabi Fresh and Felicity Howard, who are deter our customer from their ASOS
great aspirational women. We also meet experience, whilst being an enjoyable
with Plus size bloggers, both UK and learning curve and challenge for the
international for advice and opinions on design team.
How mental health and eating disorders
are affected and impacted by the rise in
social media and image-led applications
In the UK alone there are currently 1.6m Now with the rise of social media, this
people whom are suffering with an has again risen, however this time
eating disorder, whilst 1 in 4 people are there are no rules, no guidelines or
known to suffer from a mental health restrictions and no B-EAT so advise on
issue such as depression, or anxiety. what images may be damaging to the
vulnerable. There is no control. And even
The fashion industry has always relished though magazines have never promoted
at the ideology of a super-skinny model a normal, attainable nor maintainable
walking down the catwalk of NYFW, figure, they still had guideance should
or featuring amist the glossy pages they desire, or seek to follow it. Now
of Vogue magazine. The magazine with everyone being a curator of their
industry itself has never shyed away own feed, we now have thinspiration
from publishing images of the slim Instagram accounts going viral, with
ideal figures the general public are anyone, anywhere and of any age being
made to feel like they need to compare able to access images and accounts.
themselves to; from Victoria Beckham
and the Size 0 Revolution to the On average, a female aged between 18-
everyday supermodel legs of Lily Cole 24 spends 2 hours a day on social media
which every Westerner adorned to. It is platforms. This may not sound like a
not often you see a plus-size model, or great amount of time, but added up over
even an average size model in te pages a week, a month and a year, the images
of magazines. Crystal Renn was lucky one views can grow to be percieved as
to appear in ad campaigns showcasing normal. Research suggests that the
her womanly curves a handful of times, amount of time spent on social networks
with the media trying to prove a point, was associated with greater self-
however the ultra-slim always prevailed. objectification. Women, in particular
1.6M PEOPLE IN THE UK UK size 4. In response to being told
to only drink water for 24 hours to
ALONE SUFFER FROM reduce bloating, Hoyer stated on
AN EATING DISORDER Instagram, Im 20 years old; not a 15
year old girl, who is new to this industry
have been known to compare and unsure about herself, because I
themselves to other women; and have no doubt that I would then have
women compare everything - height. ended up very sick and scarred. Hoyer
size, hair length, makeup. Its just claims that casting agents would attend
something women do that is to label breakfast to see if she had being defying
themselves in comparison to others. orders of eating; I know that demands
When a person compares their own and expectations given to the high end
inner or self image to an image that fashion models in the industry are often
has been filtered, or edited, or even completely unattainable and directly
shot and curated to be shown on social damaging to the human body, but I
media, it can pose the threat to self- cannot accept the normality in the
objectification and self-absorption. behaviour of people like this. They find
When self comparisons take place pleasure in power over young girls and
that person looks at themselves as the will go to the extreme to force an eating
spectator or observer. disorder on you.
And it is this third party viewpoint which It appears that whether you are a viewer,
echos that of an eating disorder and of or a model, in the digital age and the
body dysmorphia issues. B-EAT claim modern world of fashion you are always
that the media is not soley responsible put in the firing line and in the view
for the fruition of eating disorders, but of criticism and judgement which can
can contribute to the development of damage one mentally and physically.
one through exposure to unhealthy and
unrealistic body image expectations. With Instagram being rated the worst
app for mental health issues by 1500
Even though there is pressure put on the 14-24 year olds in the UK, this poses
public to reach an ideal figure, weight the question of whether there ever be
or look to fit in with socio-cultural a balance of healthy is beautiful? This
expectations, the pressure is also on rating not only covered eating disorders,
for those who project this image to the but also covered other mental health
consumers of society; the models. issues such as depression, anxiety and
loneliness triggered by living in a digital
Ulrikke Hoyer, a Danish model, was told age. Is enough being done to protect the
running up to a Japanese Louis Vuitton mindsets of younger generations who
show in May 2017, that was she was too are susceptible to images and thoughts
big to walk the runway despite being a of what is in and liked being right?
Khloe Kardashian and Emma Greedy
talk Good American, the denim line
promoting positive body image for all
because they were more voluptuous. It
It wasnt even because they were in bras
and panties. It was like, Okay, I finally
see bodies that are a little more like
mine. And theyre not even bigger girls.
They just have bigger breasts and a little
curve. And also looking back there were KK: And with that we created our Good
so many girls with way bigger butts like Squad, which is the wonderful girls we
J,Lo, so its all good! Its important to have representing our line. Theyre bad
me, no matter what size I am or weight I ass real girls who all have a lot going
am, to feel beautiful. Even at my biggest on in their lives. Women who are strong
I was rocking body con dresses and you and so versatile. We have girls of all
couldnt tell me twice. Thats what I think different colors, ethnicities, heights and
Good American is. Its about women of sizes. They have tattoos, shaved heads,
individuality and diversity, but also about literally everything. Because thats really
being comfortable in yourself. Thats now what our world is. Its not about the
what were trying to promote. Its not cookie cutter Im a blonde with long
about fitting into a size two and thats flowing hair look anymore, all people are
what makes you beautiful. I just want different and thats ok.
people to be healthy and love who they
are and be in control of your life. But it
doesnt mean you have to be a size six. ITS NOT ABOUT
So, overall, what does the name Good TWO AND THATS
American represent for you?
EG: First of all, we thought the name BEAUTIFUL
Good American was a great name. But it
was more about a play on the words and Do you have any good tips for how to try
the connotations of what being good on denim?
means. Can you not be a really sexy girl
who shows off your body and be good EG: Its buy them online and try them
and do good in the world? We wanted at home. We dont want that dressing
our company to also behave like a good room mirror situation. We stock them at
American. Its about paying a fair living Nordstrom and were very, very happy to
wage to people, about operating in a be in stores, but the online experience
way people would find acceptable and has brought a whole new dimension to
manufacturing in America. So all those what is a really tricky purchase. If you
values of what it conjures up to be a can, buy a few pairs and try them on in
good American is what our company the comfort of your own home with your
should be and how it should behave. own clothes. Thats a major plus.
A candid interview with Fashion expert
Nadine LeBlond, a Creative Director
and Art Director based in London
At a time when some brands are Can you tell me a bit about your job role
pushing diversity out, leading the way working within the fashion industry?
with the stereotypical white female
stick-thin model, Nadine LeBlond I worked for TK Maxx as a Creative
encourages different ethnicities and Director and then worked for Hearst
age groups within her practice as a magazines, and George clothing; both
freelance Art Director and Creative on a freelance basis. Most of the work
Director working in the Fashion was art direction, focusing on seasonal
industry. This interview reveals why campaigns and events. These were a
brands only utilise one type of model, mixture of photographic and motion
and praises brands that realise the pieces. My background is in advertising
commerical benefits of diversity. The and design, working for top agencies, so
industry is slowly changing, and Nadine I came into the industry with a different
aims to put her mark on it allowing for and fresh mindset/perspective from
consumers to be who they really are. those who have always worked in it.
Do you feel pressure working in this And likewise, have you had any
industry to relay a positive body image experiences working with a brand who
and ideal to consumers? has wanted to project a negative body
image or ideal, in your opinion?
Yes, definitely. I think its incredibly
important to convey a positive body Yes; but I wont name names! Generally,
image to people, not just on an as an art director, my opinion is
ethical basis. But it also makes sense respected. I get involved in the casting
commercially. If people relate to the and have a say in the situation. I have
brand they feel an affinity to it. From had brands however not agree with
a moral perspective Ive been on the using a plus sized model even when
other side of the camera and been told appropriate because their clothes go up
to lose weight by my modelling agency to a size 24! It is ultimately their money
despite being incredibly thin. It gave me and decision.
an incredibly unhealthy attitude towards
my own body image and led to me taking If I manage to push them at least some
prescription diet medication to meet of the way towards a more positive
the ideals requested by my agency... outcome thats great; and even better,
which is incredibly damaging. at least Ive tried and feel happy Ive had
an influence however momentary.
Have you had any really positive
experiences in regard to this? If so, can As someone in your position, how do
you give some examples of your work you deal with this, or challenge this?
and brands which you feel have had a
positive impact in the industry? I usually put it forward within the
concept and give as strong as
Yes. I loved the TK Maxx ethos of using argument that I can from a commercial
real customers who were cast in store. perspective. Businesses dont care
They are not professional models, are about most things but they do care
a diverse age range and give a much about money.
more natural and attainable impression
of the people that actually wear the What do you think can be done in the
clothes. They were incredibly positive industry to promote positive body
campaigns to work on. Other brands image and self-perception?
are doing a great job of pushing the
boundaries. Dove, M&S, Debenhams Using models with a healthier body
a lot of brands are really pushing things weight. Presenting people in a happier
now. Even H&M are now embracing manner than are not overly self
women being women in all their shapes aware and are happy in themselves is
and sizes. High fashion doesnt embrace important. Also, not over retouching
it but the high street does. images can really help.
Do you think magazines need to do
more to showcase a variety of models
and body types? IF I AM ALLOWED
Definitely, yes! But in general they ONE MALE, ONE
are starting to embrace the concept FEMALE, I MAKE SURE
of doing just that. Especially when ONE OF THEM IS THE
they realise the commercial benefits.
I understand that they want things to OPPOSITE IN TERMS
sell. Its a tricky mix between creating a OF ETHNICITY TO THE
beautiful photograph and realism. But OTHER; TO PROMOTE
definitely more can be done. Its not an
easy job though. most are responding AS MUCH DIVERSITY
to financial/commercial needs. It takes AS POSSIBLE.
some bravery and its seen as a risk.
images/motion pieces. I get to work
With the rise of social media, do with some incredibly talented people
you think this has allowed brands to at my request. That to me is amazing.
use photos of models and promote As a negative... it can be an incredibly
campaigns which may not of been used bitchy, backstabbing and cut throat
previously in print? Does this have environment. You really have to be
an impact on body image and self- passionate about what you do and be
perception do you think? prepared to develop a very thick skin
that may not come naturally to you.
Social media definitely has both positive You have to separate your emotional
and negative effects. Istagram is very perspective and get the job done.
bad at creating an environment where
unnatural/non-realities are created and How do you tackle diversity and gender
make people feel bad about their own equality in the industry?
lives/self-image because its incredibly
unrealistic. Its doesnt really show the I always suggest as much age diversity as
not so beautiful moments! Social media possible. But it comes down to budget.
can also be incredibly powerful because If I can only have one female model, she
it gives people a voice. They can talk to has to appeal to a diverse audience.
brands directly and get the brands to Then you have to be realistic and pick an
respond to their needs. age that is relative to the majority of the
purchasing demographic. If I am allowed
In your opinion what are the biggest one male, one female, I make sure one
downfalls and positives of the industry? of them is the opposite in terms of
ethnicity to the other; to promote as
I love fashion. I love creating beautiful much diversity as possible.
A Feminst Illustrators perspective on
social media and its impact on her
professional practice
She learns that to be desired,
is much more important than
to feel desire.
How the ideologies of porn chic and
self-objectification have transitioned
and developed due to social media
Porn chic has become a sensation porn chic bracket, leadingto self-
amongst social media, being a daily objectification, whilst seeking desire to
occurance on our social media feeds. create a following and sell their brand,
We scroll through daily and see an product and lives. Does this mean
array of pouted lips, enhanced breasts that women feel empowered with the
and curvaceous derrires, with guise of female sexuality? Or do these
bloggers, celebrities and normal girls, changes now constitute what is seen as
often posing in over sexualised, and a step forward for women, with one now
objectifying positions; craving attention being able to express their sexuality,
and reassurance. And with this, this needs and desires, opposed to being
behaviour has become the norm, and directed by others to create a visage of
what some expect to see. Furthermore, visuals, often stimulated by misogyny;
porn chic sells in a multitude of ways, male photographers and art directors,
just as sex always has done. Writer working to stimulate a predominantly
Annette Lynch describes the term, male audience? Times appear to of
porn chic in relation to females as, changed this percepion and ideology
actively desiring sexual objects of the drastically.
new millenium who are aware and
concious of the male gaze, opposed Fashion has always gone hand-in-
to being passive, mute objects of the hand with trend-led and marketed
male gaze, therefore lending itself constructions of gender, identity, and
to marketing strategies and the social now, self-objectification, seeing brands
media stratosphere of being accepted, such as American Apparel, Tom Ford and
approved, seen and most importantly, Wrangler, buildind brands and empires
liked, desired and adored. One now through sex and porn chic-led imagery.
intentionally puts themselves in this However, now this strategy has
overtaken fashion and now sells beauty self-objectification and self-absorption.
and the influencers and/or internet When self-comparisons take place
celebrities which coincide and face that person looks at themselves as
brands and promotional campaigns. the spectator or observer, therefore
Some beauty bloggers have even built realising how they want to position and
their following and career based on promote themselves, and therefore how
their physique, opposed to their they want to be percieved.
makeup artistry skill set; an ironic twist,
to modern day contradictions and But does porn chic and self-
conventions of the industry. objectification affect self-perceptions
and the perceptions of others? It has
Influencers all around the world are been found that the amount of time
now showcasing their finest assets spent on social networks was associated
in return for brand sponsorships and with greater self-objectification. Women
endorsements. This self-objectification have a long history of being objectified
alienates women, allowing one to view in the media from television, music
their body as a separate object of the videos, and print magazines, why would
male gaze and desire. The decision to the objectification just stop at these
reveal leads women to feel empowered mediums, especially in a society where
due to their ability to attract the male we live day-to-day in the digital age? It
gaze, rather than be subjected to it appears that as time moves on, so does
unknowingly. One is fully in control over the mentality of such ideologies and how
their body and behaviour, and to some these are played out over time, also.
reinforces different types of feminisim
and strengths. Some can argue that women push
the ideology of porn chic and self-
Fredrickon and Roberts have researched objectification due to issues with low
into how social media may lead women self-esteem, vanity, or insecurities,
to self-objectify themselves, however, as well as comparative traits, which
through comparisons with others may be amplified through social
in their positions; when a person media, therefore posting and using
compares their own inner or self-image such provocative images on the same
to an image that has been filtered on mediums, reinforces their acceptance
social media it can pose the threat to through the approval of others.
Fashion magazines are considered a
main source of information regarding
the attractive ideal presenting looks
and products in a way that evokes
consumers to buy into them
Warchocki (2007) & Gonzalez, (2012)
Beauty Director Kyoko Muramatsu
reveals how Vogue Japan differs
cross-culturally to Western Editions
recognised, so when we feature an want to give women the impression
article relating to bloggers we mainly do that if one goes on a diet they will look
use Western bloggers or Instagrammers. like a Westener, we want people to feel
As a magazine, we dont feel that we healthy in themselves, and if anything
have found the right Japanese bloggers enhance what they have and can
yet; its still growing and isnt quite maintain. This is now actually common
there yet as it is in the West. Brands practice across Vogue as a whole,
dont tend to use bloggers to promote especially now we have The Health
their products and campaigns here, it Initiative.
is still very celebrity focused. Even in
some areas of Japan, bloggers are not What is The Health Initiative?
recognised as a legitimate source of
information, and it is seen as a big risk This is a pact basically between all 19
to use them. Yes, social media is very Editors of Vogue around the world,
popular, but not in the same way as to encourage a healthier approach
in the UK for example, when it comes to positive body image. We know as a
to marketing strategies. There is a big magazine we have the power, if you like,
fascination here with Western women to influence people, and we want to
and their culture; their image, their influence people in positive ways. So we
style, their skin, so we give the readers now try to use models who are healthy
what they want and know and it isnt and promote a body image which is
often that bloggers fall into this category attainable and normal. I know this
or demand at the moment. Maybe in sounds a little contradictory however as
time this will change, we will see. we are a Japanese edition whom still use
Western models, but we are advised on
Do you feel as Director, that there is a which models we cast, and thats why
pressure to relay a positive body image when we can we do use Japanese or
to the reader? Especially due to the half-Japanese models.
fascination with the West and Western
women that you have mentioned? In Japan, technology is huge. There
are apps to give one a gajin look and
Yes, of course. I think because Japanese technologies in Shiseido stores for one
women want to be like, and aspire to to try products virtually. Have these
gajins (foreigners) we have to be careful innovations impacted on Vogue at all?
but give them what they want to read,
but to not completely blur the lines of There hasnt been any direct impact on
achieveable and not attainable. printed magazines at the moment, but
in the next 5 years we do expect that we
We as a Japanese edition of Vogue will have to embed such technologies to
decided to not use the word diet; we our digital platforms and feature more
use the word healthy instead. We dont UI/UX to engage with the reader more.
Social media presents and represents
an impossible ideal look, the average
person cannot achieve this. If only
Instagram made real life filters... you
cant edit real life
Anon, (2017)
The leading beauty vlogger and
influencer talks candidly about industry
pressures and self-perception issues
the 101
the key to successful
fashion marketing;
hire a photographer,
find a good location,
take 5 outfits worth
of photos in a day and
remember, act like no
one is watching.
a pose
some style
what to wear;
77% of all bloggers
are female, and
within this 27% of
those are bloggers
within the beauty and
fashion industries.
the ones to watch on Instagram
With the world going beauty mad,
The Industry magazine has selected
the most influential beauty bloggers to
follow in 2017!.. you know you want to!
Chiara Ferrig
Kristina Bazan
Aimee S
Julia Engel
the ones to watch
Fashion bloggers have become the modern muses
of 21st Century fashion, showcasing the newest
trends and brands. These are the stand-out
influencers to be aware of and follow!
Welcome to
Harajuku, Tokyo,
where the saying
goes: the nail that
sticks out, must be
hammered back
in pressurising
conformity, in return
causing a backlash
of self-expression,
unique identities and
kawaii to be derived
and interspersed
with Western
influences and style.
East Asian
the ones to watch on Instagram
Beauty influencers in Eastern Asia are still low-
key, not being recognised or trusted as much
as celebrities to endorse major brands and
products, however; The Industry magazine has
selected a few we predict will be big when the
tide turns! Recognised influencers tend to have
a combination of Western and Kawaii traits!
East Asian
the ones to watch
The increase in blogger culture,
particularly in relation to Instagram
and YouTube, has allowed for many
to reach celebrity status themselves;
and in return the media has adapted
to [this] reflecting the world of
celebrity dominance
Gibson, (2012)
The worlds leading male makeup artists
and influencers talk reaching the top in
a female dominated industry
Manny took a similar route to Moments like these are some of the
encouraging differentiation in the reasons these particular influencers
beauty industry, using Instagram as a pour their hearts and souls into creating
platform to promote his artistry skills content every single day. Inspiring men
and YouTube to showcase tutorials and as well as women to embrace what
collaborative videos with Jeffree and they love and who they are has become
influencer Patrick Starrr alike. In 2015 their mantra, hence joining forces.
it was announced that an eyeshadow Manny states that, men want to feel
palette created with Makeup Geek the same way that women feel [and
Cosmetics would be launched and sold be] empowered in that way. Clearly
internationally. This single product their passion, drive, personality and
caused such an online sensation and candid honesty has resulted in the
hype, that it crashed the sites servers world watching and catching on - when
within 1 hour of being released and both influencers were starting out,
propelled his success to the next level. male makeup artists were few and far
In 2016, Manny was the first ever male between on YouTube and Instagram and
ambassador for Maybelline Cosmetics, were often only seen behind the scenes
appearing in a range of print and digitally of catwalk shows.
led campaign materials and videos.
Now, he is sponsored by the likes of But despite the positive demeanours,
NYX Cosmetics, Urban Decay and Kylie when your career involves baring
Cosmetics to promote their brands, your soul to millions of people, trolls
products and events. inevitably come out of the woodwork. I
get hate every single day, saying Im gay
Even though the route to success [and] going to hell, or that I dont know
sounds easy for both male stars, Manny what Im doing or that I need help. Now
claims that the path wasnt easy due to that I have this platform, it makes me
being a guy; in the beginning, it was want to fight even harder claims Manny,
really confusing; my parents and friends Jeffree falls under a similar umbrella,
didnt know what was going on, he says, being known for being different and
they thought I was trying to become a proud of it; no hate to anyone else,
woman, and they didnt understand. but all these big YouTubers do the same
However, several years later the tides shit: glowy, bronzy, boring makeup, and
have turned as he explains a recent Im like, Can we have something else,
encounter at a meet and greet event in please? So Im stepping in.
the US; a guy walked in, he was 12 or 14
with a full face of makeup and his dad It appears that even though personally
was there, this macho man with blue they may of had negative experiences,
jeans and a cowboy hat. He was so proud the positive impact of helping others
of his son. It felt like the world was with their self-perception encourages
changing in that moment. an ever-diversifying, positive industry.
Chinas booming live-streaming video
industry fuelled by beauty, fashion and
the wannabe-famous
Models: Various
Photography: VICE ft. Motherboard
many of whom self-broadcast as their have risen by 80%, simply due to this
full-time jobs. Some simply talk, some marketing strategy. A main selling point
dance, some sing, some dress up and and strategy of the live-streaming apps
perform what their viewers ask, and and websites is to use beautiful males
some simply answer questions. What and females. Some, as young as 20 years
they do is their choice, however they old, admit to having various aesthetic
often have to audition to be apart of surgeries carried out to fit in with the
larger agencies such as REDO. ideal look of China; lip implants, double
eye-lid surgery and facial alterations to
Behind each door at REDO Media, is give one a slimmer face. This influence
a small dormitory-style room, with coming in from the Korean market
broadcasters streaming from a tripod- heavily dictates who is taken on board
mounted iphone or webcam. The by agencies, and some will go to the
broadcasters perform and interact, extremes of having such work done
live, for real money and digital gifts. At simply to pursue live-streaming as a
times, they are even sent gifts by their career path; even if only for a few years.
followers. Some will even dress to please
their audience; sometimes as mermaids Even though agencies such as REDO
and other times as princesses. Medias female self-broadcasters are
largely chosen for their attractiveness,
Due to the spike in the amount of people they rarely do anything racier on camera
watching these streamers live over than show a bit of cleavage. Authorities
the past year, doing this full time has in China have clamped down hard on the
become a lucrative job for thousands of industry over the past year in an attempt
women. Women self-broadcasters with to eliminate inappropriate content
the firm outnumber men by around nine from the web, shutting down thousands
to one. This however, is hardly surpising. of live-stream accounts. Last November
a 21 year-old woman from Chengdu was
Even though there is a fetish element at jailed for four years for live-streaming
times involved, be it dress-up or simply herself enjoying a foursome. In May that
watching the broadcaster eat their same year, erotic banana eating in live-
evening meal, the fascination is real and streams was banned.
has expanded beyond fantasy to brand
marketing; similar to the influencer Even though live-streaming video apps in
and blogger empires built in the West. the West such as Periscope are popular,
Some are paid to wear particular in the UK and US, viewers cannot pay
clothing brands, and even help design the broadcaster. At most, this comes
them. Tabao and 11/11, Chinese clothing from a brand or sponsor; echoing many
brands, send out clothing to be worn on YouTube tutorials and Instagram posts.
live-streams and for fashion-streamers China seems to of found a way to please
to talk about the products in detail. Sales the viewer, whilst also gaining something
in return for the broadcaster, other than EARNING $100,000 A
popularity and internet stardom and
celebrity status. MONTH IS EASY IN THIS
In regard to gifting, and personal gain, SENDS ME A GIFT ILL
some females such as Zi Jing, a 23
year-old broadcaster, uses coyness SAY, OH, DID YOU GIVE
and naivety to do so. Zi claims to use ME A GIFT? I DIDNT SEE
impressively sneaky tactics, as well as IT. CAN YOU PLEASE
this real-ness, contributing to her
success; if someone sends me a gift Ill SEND IT AGAIN?
say, Oh, did you give me a gift? I didnt
see it. Can you please send it again?
Attractiveness of Japanese women
was rated the highest for light skin
Tagal et al for Shiseido, (2016)
Revealing how the East differs to the
West in the beauty world; from ideals to
trends and product innovation
The dichotomy regards class and social Wagatsuma argues that the notion
status in Japan rooting back to the of white/beautiful versus black/
1800s. Japanese beauty blogger Nicole ugly originates from a preference of
Takahashi explains; those whom worked whiteness being rooted in Japanese
manual labour jobs outside gained a tan, peoples own history combined with
and were therefore deemed by society a huge Westernised consumer culture.
to be poor, whilst those who worked This culture is often seen in department
inside, were lucky enough to keep stores; Western brands such as LOreal
their light skin, in turn exuding a more will still use Western models for the
affluent status. For Western women campaigns, whilst Japanese brands such
this dichotomy is often hard to relate as Shiseido will take the same approach,
to, with the polar opposite being key to hammering home a constant ideal of an
their lifestyles and ideals; being tanned ideal light skinned woman being the
means one has been on holiday, and has face of modern day beauty. In Japanese
enough money or the privilege to do so, culture, Western models will feature
whilst also stemming back to fashion in highbrow magazines such as Vogue
runway shows such as Victoria Secret, Japan, mimicking this socio-cultural
whereby all the models are bronzed, ideal. Muramatsu, the Beauty Director
deeming a sexy look. at Vogue Japan states that if an ideal
Western model cant be booked for a
In theoretical terms for context, this photoshoot, Western-looking Japanese
correlates with Tajfel and Turners models will be used giving the Japanese
(1986) social identity model, whereby a symbol of aspiration and affluence to
in-group and out-group comparisons strive towards and buy into.
Cash et al. conducted a study for supplements, face masks and drinks.
Japanese beauty and skincare brand Products of this bizarre nature to
Shiseido in 2016, claiming that applying Western women, claim to give babyish
facial cosmetics affects womens self- skin, hinting at youthfulness. The
image positively even if in Japan this advertisements and product packaging
denotes youthful, natural skin. Takahashi however show this in a perverted
also claims that the typical Japanese manner, opposed to using youthful
woman applies makeup often to look models. Images often used showcase
like there is not makeup on, rather Western babies to endorse such
using cosmetics to polish perfect, product traits and contents. This itself
light skin, opposed to focusing on heavy shows an extreme cultural obsession
and glamourous makeup trends which with youthfulness. It is worth noting
are often seen in the West, and this is however in context, that Japanese child
reinforced through beauty editorials as pornography was only made illegal in
often seen in the Japanese editions of 2014, hammering home how popular
Vogue and Harpers Bazaar. The Shiseido youth and baby culture is in Japan
study also found that, attractiveness of across an array of markets.
Japanese women was rated the highest
for light makeup faces, opposed to heavy In addition, many cosmetics brands such
makeup faces. as Maybelline in Japan, are promoted
using fair skinned Japanese models with
This is reflected through the range of blonde hair and blue eyes, echoing and
beauty products available in Japan, promoting the stereotypical Western
most of which embody; skin-lightening, ideal woman, which are often shown in
and anti-aging. Kikuchi et al. states editorials and advertising campaigns.
that, aging has a negative effect on
the skin that is important for aesthetic It is evident that even though the
evaluation of the face ... revealing that Japanese ideal stems back to a
aging increases colour heterogenity, historical, socio-cultural background,
meaning a wide range of beauty there is an influx of Westernised
products are available to counteract this consumer culture which influences
natural change, whilst also conforming the self-perceptions of many, in order
with the ideal look of white, Western to achieve a desired look which is not
skin as popularised through advertising, natural for ones race nor ethnicity, even
magazines and consumer culture. though deemed the ideal. It can be
The range of beauty-led products in thought however, that on the flip side
Japan reinforces this through the use of how in Western society would one feel
copywriting and model selection. Anti- and react to being constantly bombared
aging products in Japan often include with images of Japanese women? How
collagen and placenta extracts, coming would this affect the perceptions of
in the form of creams, cosmetics, women? Maybe we will never know..
For younger, more beautiful skin.
The new collagen infused drink from
the Shiseido Ginza lab.
Tan Deeper, Darker - Faster!
Reveal your true radiance
Japanese beauty blogger Nicole reveals
secrets and truths about the Eastern
beauty industry in this candid interview
What does a typical skincare routine in but recently some brands started
Japan consist of? recommending using a cotton pad for an
even application, so the usage of cotton
Here are the differences I see between pads is increasing. I must also add that
Western and Japanese skincare: the quality of cotton pads is much
better in Japanthey are very soft, dont
1. Cotton pads: Japanese people are fluff easily and there are different types
said to have thinner skin that is prone according to your liking.
to discolouration compared to Western
people. Rubbing your skin causes 3. Emulsion: I personally am not
unwanted pigmentation, which is why familiar with emulsion because I mainly
Japanese people are very careful not use Western skincare products, but
to rub their skin too much. When it emulsion ( Nyuueki) is very popular
comes to cleansing, they prefer to use in Japan. Normally its looser and lighter
a cleanser that washes away waterproof than moisturiser, and contains more
eye makeup instantly rather than using moisture than creams.
an eye makeup remover with a cotton
pad. Micellar water isnt as popular in
Japan as it is in the UK. Some people IN JAPAN YOU WEAR
also pat-dry their skin with a towel, SUNBLOCK EVERYDAY,
rather than wiping their skin with it to WE DO NOT HAVE FAKE
avoid friction.
2. Lotion: One of my American friends PALE SKIN IS VERY
once told me, When you say lotion in IMPORTANT FOR
the States, it means a thick moisturiser,
which is completely different from what JAPANESE PEOPLE
you call lotion in Japan.
What about the morning route? Is this
In Japan, lotion is a water-like liquid different, or the similar?
that balances your pH after washing
your face. When you use a cleanser or The must-have items in a Japanese
soap, your skin becomes alkaline. As womans beauty cabinet are makeup
your natural pH balance is mildly acidic, remover, cleanser, lotion, serum and
you must use lotion to bring it back to emulsion or moisturiser. In addition to
that healthy state. Also, Japanese lotion that, eye cream, oil and sheet masks are
usually contains quite a few different always commonly used.Unless we are
ingredients that are good for your skin talking specifically about a woman who
such as hyaluronic acid, ceramides is massively into beauty, women usually
and collagen. Lotion is usually applied dont switch up their skincare routines
with hands rather than a cotton pad, that much.
Makeup remover: Oil and milk cleansers Contouring is big on social media in the
are popular. Just like cotton pads, UK and U.S. at the moment. What are
muslin cloths used to wipe the cleanser the big makeup trends in Japan right
off arent common in Japan. Most of the now?
Japanese oils, milks, creams and balm
cleansers can be washed off completely When it comes to skincare, I believe
with warm water. Japan is a step ahead compared to
Western countries, but makeup wise,
Cleanser/face wash: Japanese women not so much. We value the beautiful and
dont care for cleansers much. healthy state of the skin, rather than
Drugstore ones sell well. piling up a lot of makeup on. Sheer and
natural foundation is more common
Lotion and emulsion: As mentioned than heavy coverage foundation.
earlier, lotion and emulsion are must- Recently, some magazines started talking
haves when it comes to Japanese about contouring, and some brands
skincare. Albion, SK-II and Ipsa are all like Cezanne brought out contouring
popular. products, but not many.
Serum: Women in Japan look to serums The trends I have seen recently are
that have anti-ageing, whitening and coloured eyebrows and coloured
brightening benefits. eyeliners. Though Japanese people are
usually very conservative, recent trends
Sun protection: In Japan, its common suggest more playful looks.
knowledge that you must wear a
sunblock every single day all-year round. What Japanese beauty products and
Tanning is not common at all (we do ingredients do you think would do well
not have fake tan in Japan). Maintaining in the UK?
pale skin is very important for Japanese
women, as you may know. Japanese consumers are very curious
about beauty products. They want to
How does it differ to say a Korean know what they are paying for, why
routine? Or the British routine of the product is effective, and how it
cleanse and moisturise? works. This means the brands usually
list the active ingredients, so Japanese
Im not sure about Korean beauty women tend to have a good knowledge
regimens, because I personally am not of ingredients. They value how it feels
a big fan (Korean pharmaceutical affairs and how the skin reacts, rather than
law is not as strict as what it is in Japan, thinking in a very analytical way as
which means their products are more Japanese women do. Hyaluronic acid
effective and can be very harsh. I always has been well-known in Japan for more
break out when I use a Korean products). than 15 years (possibly 20 years), but its
A Western perspective of beauty trends
and beauty culture in Japan
blue eyeshadow and a red lip so that 1. Skin whitener: Whilst Brits are known
people in the auditorium could see my to catch the rays at ANY given chance
facial features in the bright stage lights. (remember that Boots Summer Ad?!
Weeks before competitions were about Ill link it below), the Japanese hide
to start, Id be caught by my parents every inch of skin in the hot and humid
in my bedroom practicing my make Summers to protect the skin from the
up. (In other words, playing with make sun. Tanning? Yokunai desu!
up too young but could use that as an
excuse!). Even way before that though, 2. Eyelid tape and/or glue: pretty self
of course I have the obligatory playing in explanatory! A thin bit of tape or a
mums make up photograph, at maybe smidge of glue to stick to the eyelids
1 or 2 years old, where its smeared all to give the illusion of a Western style
over my face. crease in the upper eyelid, without
the surgery; an operation known as
Fast forward and I am still wearing stage blepharoplasty. There are also a type of
make up everyday for my job! Now my glasses (if I can call them that?!) which
performances are up close and personal act as a type of eyelid trainer! Wear
as well as far away so every day has to it every night before bed and youre
be a good make up day. The past few supposed to eventually have the ever so
years I have also modelled for a range of desirable big eyes!
different things so Ive learnt a few tricks
from my MUAs Ive worked with too. 3. Eye bag make up: whilst Westerners
try and cover dark circles with a variety
Dont get me wrong. If I can have a day of creams, gels and concealers, the
without make up, Ill take it, and it always Japanese are contouring under their
feels great to wash it all off after a long eyes to make them darker and more
day. I dont rely on make up to feel great. creased.
I dont put my confidence down to the
amount of make up I wear. I, honestly, So the Easterners are trying to look
just love having it on!! more Western and the Westerners
are trying to look more Eastern. Look
The ideal of beauty in England is very at the advertisement on its potent!
much different to the ideal of beauty in Benefits dark circle eye cream, for
Japan. Not that I, personally, believe in example, there is a beautiful asian
an ideal beauty, I hasten to add! What woman holding the product! And yet
I mean to say is: I have left a country the Japanese consider the gaijin face
selling fake tan and come to a place to have desirable features; the big eyes
selling skin whitener. Here are some and the high bridged nose. You can go
things Ive found whilst living here in and do sticky pics, a very popular photo
Tokyo that you definitely wouldnt find booth experience here, which thins your
on the shelves in Debenhams; nose and face and you can choose how
EASTERNERS TEND onsen) everywhere that are so widely
used.by the Japanese. Which is where
TO LOVE THE SHAPE I spend some of my afternoons and
OF A WESTERN FACE, evenings! There is a beautiful onsen,
A SMALL FACE. SOME called Urayasu Hot Spring Town I believe,
where I soaked my body in many hot
JAPANESE GIRLS WILL springs of various temperatures, a
OPENLY EXPRESS strawberry bath, a collagen bath, a
THEIR LIKINESS OF MY milk bath, cold baths, steam rooms,
saunas, you name it! There are baths
KAO CHICHAI inside as well outside and we were
lucky because it was cold and rainy last
enlarged your eyes want to be! Due to night. Laying in a steaming hot bath
their love of big, beautifully shaped eyes, with the cold rain falling on you is the
you can find the best false eyelashes and most wonderful and relaxing experience
liquid eyeliner and for the best price ever. Then I showered with the amazing
here too; 100 Yen store = KILLER falsies products they have there. My skin and
and the best liquid eyeliner Ive ever hair feel fabulous. Silky, smooth. So not
tried! (100 is around 60p you find me forgetting, of course, the great lotions
a shop in England that sells an amazing and treatments they have here in Japan!
range of decent eyelashes or easy to Im not a fan of all treatments though..
use liquid eyeliner for 60p!!). Another
easy thing to buy here are coloured 5) Placenta face masks; Im alright..
contact lenses Put it this way, you
start to realise very early on that the I have generalised a lot here, and I know
Japanese love big, cartoon-like eyes! not everyone will have these aesthetic
Easterners tend to love the shape of a desires and therefore use all of these
Western face, a small face. I walk past weird and wonderful beauty products
Japanese girls who openly express their just because they are from a certain
fascination over my kao chichai. country. Ive just been in Japan for
a long enough time to notice certain
4) Slim face products: masks, straps, patterns. Its all perspective NOT racial
creams anything that attempts to stereotypes! Regardless of these so
basically shrink the face. Again, this is called ideals, Im a big believer of loving
instead of girls having to opt for jaw yourself and being happy. If you want to
reduction surgery! change something about your body, then
do it. If you dont, then dont. We get so
I think Japanese features are wrapped up in opinions about the way
beautiful and their hair and skin we look you wear too much make up,
are something else. Its probably you need to wear more, when, really,
down to the beautiful hot springs (or you should just do you!
vlogger, blogger;
-GLAM ge t t h e l o o k
tte Stacey
with Charlo
01 02
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07 08
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11 12
Get the
Insta-Glam look!
Products are listed in stage order of application to help recreate
this Instagram ready look.