Professor of Psychiatry, Head, Department of Psychiatry, Narayana Medical College, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. India
Professor of Psychiatry, Head, Department of Psychiatry, Narayana Medical College, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. India
Professor of Psychiatry, Head, Department of Psychiatry, Narayana Medical College, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. India
Astrology is an ancient system which was said to be predictive of human nature, character and health, it has a
very significant history and at times it gives an idea that it is nearly scientific, but, rigorous experiments with the
available scientific methodologies of present times. The history of astrology, ancient significance, dictions and
contradictions are discussed in the presented paper.
Key words: astrology; science; predictions; controversies
Date of first submission: 4/11/13 Date of initial decision: 13/11/13 Date of acceptance: 13/11/13
INTRODUCTION dogmatic and allegorical has a different version.
According to Bhagavata Purana, [3] process of evolution
Do planets really influence our life, character and takes place through 8,400,000 species of life, which
health? This question has been pondered for several includes 900,000 aquatic species, 2,000,000 non
years, by several people at several times but the final moving species such as vegetables and hills, 1,100,000
answer is elusive. This will leave us to answer a germ and insect species, 1,000,000 bird species,
question, how man had become an inhabitant of this 3,000,000 lower-animal species, and 400,000 human
planet, and how life has started on this planet or species. The living spirit transmigrates from one species
elsewhere. There are religious as well as scientific of life to another, and he is moving in that way for
explanations with controversial and inconclusive millions and millions of years within the hollow of the
statements, each group stick to their arguments, though great universe. Science says man has evolved from a
there is enough evidence to the contrary. Anyway, lower species, but, may not be agreeing on
neither religion nor science is yet to deliver their final transmigration of soul, etc, which is dismissed as a blind
answer to this conundrum. Is man a product of a belief. But, there are many blind spots in scientific
universal design with a creator who supervises life on reasoning also. Many of the religious dogmas do not
earth or merely a combination of chemicals and a few stand to the scientific reasoning of modern times that
random accidents? Science, which is objective, leaves philosophy to make its attempt to explain. Indian
verifiable and evidence based explains, that( simple systems of philosophy which had many religious and
organic molecules, similar to the nucleotides, are the certain scientific concepts incorporated into them were
building blocks of life must have been involved in its mainly taken as religious, than scientific concepts. The
origin, suggesting that organic molecules could have main schools of Indian philosophy, [4] were formalized
been synthesized in the atmosphere of early Earth and chiefly between 1000 BC to the early centuries AD. The
rained down into the oceans. RNA and DNA molecules- orthodox are Nyaya, Vaiseshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Purva
the genetic material for all life-are just long chains of Mimamsha and Vedanta. Whereas, the Heterodox are
simple nucleotides (Guanine, Adenine, Thymidine and Jain, Buddhist and materialist (Charvaka). The Sankhya
Cytosine) forming the basis of life. [1,2] And, the genetic philosophy best explains the continuity of human life
programming which determines , neurogenesis, with concepts of super soul, soul and its transmigration,
neuronal growth, neuronal migration , differentiation and etc. All these Indian systems of philosophy are derived
subsequent growth of the individual determine the path from Vedas which means knowledge. [5, 6]
and course of human (biological) existence. Religion
(Theism) described as subjective, intuitive, anecdotal, Origins of astrology
Address for correspondence Dr K Krishna Murthy. Professor and Head, Astrology comes from the early Latin word astrologia,
Department Of Psychiatry, Narayana Medical College and Hospital, deriving from the Greek noun account of the stars.
Nellore-524002. Andhra Pradesh. India
Phone: +919490538446 Astrologia later passed into meaning star-divination.
Email: [email protected] Early human beings made conscious attempts to
measure, record, and predict seasonal changes by
How to cite this article:Kavirayani KM. Astrology reference to astronomical cycles. evidence of such
and mental illness. AP J Psychol Med 2013; 14(2):95- practices appear as markings on bones and cave walls,
102. which show that lunar cycles were being noted as early
AP J Psychological Medicine Vol. 14 (2) July-December 2013
Kavirayani: Astrology and mental illness
as 25,000 years ago; the first step towards recording considered subordinate to God , i.e., the Supreme
the Moons influence upon tides and rivers, and towards Being) and assist in the administration of justice Thus,
organizing a communal calendar. [7] Agricultural needs these planets can influence earthly life.
were also met by increasing knowledge of
There are other types of astrology, like the Chinese
constellations, whose appearances change with the
astrology, western astrology, etc. Western Astrology,
seasons, allowing the rising of particular star-groups to [11-14]
is a form of divination based on the construction of
herald annual floods or seasonal activities. By the third
a horoscope for an exact moment, such as a persons
millennium BCE, widespread civilizations had
birth. It uses the tropical zodiac, which is aligned to the
developed sophisticated awareness of celestial cycles,
equinoctial points. Western astrology is founded on the
and are believed to have consciously oriented their
movements and relative positions of celestial bodies
temples to create alignment with the heliacal risings of
such as the Sun, Moon, planets, which are analyzed
the stars.
by their movement through signs of the zodiac (spatial
Indian Astrology, dating back at least ten to twenty divisions of the ecliptic) and by their aspects (angles)
thousand years, originated from Vedic scriptures which relative to one another. They are also considered by
are the oldest books of the world library. They are the their placement in houses (spatial divisions of the sky).
worlds most ancient scriptures and the most vast, Astrologys modern representation in western popular
complete system of knowledge known to man. Thus, media is usually reduced to sun sign astrology, which
Indian Astrology is the science of understanding the considers only the zodiac sign of the Sun at an
subtle influences that come to us from the greater individuals date of birth, and represents only 1/12 of
universe. The Indian text on Jyotisha is derived from the total chart. [1] The names of the zodiac correspond
the Vedanga Jyotisha which describes rules for tracking to the names of the constellations originally within the
the motions of the sun and the moon,. There are very respective segment and are in Latin. Chinese astrology
few texts considered most important exist in scholarly was elaborated during the Zhou dynasty (1046256 BC)
editions or translations, such as the Yavanajataka (3rd and flourished during the Han dynasty (2nd century BC
century), Brhat Samhita (6th century), Brhat Parasara to 2nd century AD). During the Han period the familiar
Horasastra (7th century) or Saravali (8th century), while elements of traditional Chinese culture - the Yin-Yang
many remain unedited in Sanskrit or vernacular philosophy, theory of the five elements, Heaven and
manuscripts. There is scattered evidence to suggest Earth, Confucian morality - were brought together to
that the oldest known astrological references are copies formalize the philosophical principles of Chinese
of texts made during this period. medicine and divination, astrology and alchemy.
According to Chinese astrology, a persons destiny can
Venus tablet of Ammisaduqa (compiled in Babylon
be determined by the position of the major planets at
around 1700 BCE) reported to have been made during
the persons birth along with the positions of the Sun,
the reign of king Sargon of Akkad (23342279 BCE). [8]
Moon and comets and the persons time of birth and
Edswqarly use of electional astrology is ascribed to the
Zodiac sign. The system of the twelve-year cycle of
reign of the Sumerian ruler Gudea of Lagash (ca. 2144
animal signs was built from observations of the orbit of
2124 BCE). [5] This describes how the Gods revealed
Jupiter. [15-17]
to him in a dream the constellations that would be most
favourable for the planned construction of a temple. Astrology which is said to predict the human character,
However, there is controversy about whether they were health and future has a long past and a weak recognition
genuinely recorded at the time or merely ascribed to in the present days, the reason for the weak recognition
ancient rulers by posterity. The oldest undisputed could be due to, i) Western education, ii) Since things
evidence of the use of astrology as an integrated system do not often happen as predicted, iii) Lack of proof with
of knowledge is therefore attributed to the records of the existing scientific understanding and scientific
the first dynasty of Mesopotamia (19501651 BCE). scrutiny, iv) Remedial measures do not yield expected
Pingree, [9, 10] notes that astrology and traditional results, v) Astrologers may add lot of their intuition
medicine are the two traditional sciences that have before pronouncing the predictions, vi) Rationalists feel
survived best in modern India, although both have been that the gullible are being exploited by astrologers.
much transformed by their western counterparts. Astrology is a science or not is a big argument as the
Astrology remains an important facet of Hindu folk belief power of predictability is little over 10% with astrology,
in contemporary India. Many Hindus believe that but 10% predictability is something which need to be
heavenly bodies, including the planets, have an pursued and the same may hold good for some
influence throughout the life of a human being, and scientific experiments also, but astrology is a fact for
these planetary influences are believed to be fruit of those who believe in it and for others who do not believe
ones karma The navagraha, planetary deities, are it, it is just a wasteful exercise..
AP J Psychological Medicine Vol. 14 (2) July-December 2013
Kavirayani: Astrology and mental illness
Birth month, time and health: 500,000 horoscopes and recorded the life details and
Astrologers have mentioned that our month of birth events of various persons. This formed a database for
holds secrets about our individual personalities and further research and study. This study culminated in
ultimate fate in life, and there is scientific and statistical the birth of the science (shastra) of determining the
evidence that suggests ones birth month can influence quality of time (Hora) and is the Brihat Parasara Hora
success or health. Astrological charts are prepared Shastra. These Horoscopes were based upon the
basing on the geographical location, time and season planetary positions of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus,
of birth of an individual. Science also says that health Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu (North Node of the Moon)
of an individual can be predicted by taking into account and Ketu (South Node of the Moon). The total
parameters such as time, season and geographical permutations/ possible horoscope charts that can be
location. There is experimental evidence that links drawn with this is about 45 million. Though it is said
spring births and various disorders, including that these horoscope have been recorded for all
schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis and even type I mankind who were, have and will be born till eternity.
diabetes mellitus. Those born in the fall live longer than During foreign invasions of India by Muslim warriors
people born in the spring, geographical location as from the North West in the 12th and 13th centuries, the
evidenced by experiments. A study found that children Brahmin community became dispersed all over India.
born in December were 39 % more likely to be treated The invaders captured these prime assets of the
with medication for attention deficit hyperactivity Brahmins. Some parts of the Bhrigu Samhita were
disorder (ADHD) compared to children with a January taken away by them. The most unfortunate and
birthday. A loss of hypocretin neurons has been destructive event was the destruction of the Nalanda
observed in human narcolepsy; however, the cause of university library where several thousands of the
this disorder is still unknown. Patients with narcolepsy horoscopes compiled by Maharashi Bhrigu had been
had a significantly different seasonality of month of birth stored. Only a small percentage of the original
compared to that of the general population. The monthly horoscopes of Bhrigu Samhita remained with the
distribution of birth yielded a peak in March and a trough Brahmin community which are now scattered
in September. No gender or country of origin differences throughout various parts of India. [11, 25] Planets with their
was observed. African-American babies born in the large magnetic fields and gravitational interaction with
summer and fall were smaller than those born at other the Earth, affect it physically. The Indian astrology
times. Also, babies of African-American and Puerto defines the actual traits of an individual, marital
Rican decent gained less weight in their first four months compatibility, and the future based on the position of
if they were born in the fall Babies born in the fall have planets at the time and place of birth.
a 9.5 percent risk of food allergies, up from 5 percent
for babies born in June and July. Those babies born in Albert Einstein said Try and penetrate with our limited
November or December were also three times more means the secrets of nature and you will find that,
likely to suffer from eczema and wheezing Moderate behind all the discernible concatenations, there remains
and severe nearsightedness, or the inability to see well something subtle, intangible and inexplicable.
at long distances, is highest for babies born in the Veneration for this force beyond anything that we can
summer. Birth month might even affect biological clock. comprehend is my religion. To that extent I am, in point
Mice born in the winter were less able to adapt to a of fact, religious. He further said science without
summer light cycle, which could be related to the religion is lame and religion without science is blind.
[26, 27]
increased risk of mental health disorders in humans Jung opined astrology is one of the intuitive
born in winter the researchers speculated. Leukemia methods like the I Ching, geomantics, and other
has also been linked to being born in the spring, with a divinatory procedures. It is based upon the synchronicity
peak in April. [18-24] principle, i.e. meaningful coincidence. Astrology is a
naively projected psychology in which the different
Predictive astrology: attitudes and temperaments of man are represented
Maharishi Bhrigu (most probably around 3000 BC) who as Gods and identified with planets and zodiacal
was one of the seven great sages, one of the Saptarshis constellations. In a letter written to astrologer Raman
in ancient India is credited as the father of Hindu on 6th September 1947, Jung felt as a psychologist he
astrology and the Bhrigu Samhita which was authored was chiefly interested in the particular light the
by him was said to contain over 5 million horoscopes, horoscope sheds on certain complications in the
in which he wrote down the fate of every being in the character, and in cases of difficult psychological
universe. According to popular tradition, only about a diagnosis he usually used to get a horoscope in order
hundredth of these horoscopes have survived to this to have a further point of view from an entirely different
age, Maharishi Bhrigu was the first compiler of angle. And very often he found that the astrological data
predictive astrology, Jyotisha. He compiled about elucidated certain points which he otherwise would have
AP J Psychological Medicine Vol. 14 (2) July-December 2013
Kavirayani: Astrology and mental illness
been unable to understand. From such experiences he taste for. Thus, we avoid, shut out, or when there is no
felt that astrology is of particular interest to the other choice, redefine those experiences that dont fit
psychologist, since it contains a sort of psychological with our own familiar mental constructions. The 4th
experience which we call projected - this means that house in any birth chart has various significations such
we find the psychological facts as it were in the as house, vehicles, peace of mind, mother etc.
constellations. [28-30] Brunton in his book search in Generally most astrologers look at the 4th house with a
secrets of India mentioned that the planets should be view to deciphering whether the native will be blessed
accepted as being only symbols which stand in the sky; with comforts and vehicles. A significant aspect of 4th
it is not they which really influence us but our own past. house is attributable to mental peace and inner purity.
One can never understand the reasonable nature of Generally 6th lord in 4 goes under the name Kapata
Astrology unless one accepts the Doctrine that man is Yoga or yoga for becoming a thief. It generally refers
born again and again and that his fate follows him with to lack of cohesion in thought, word and deed. Malefics
every birth (Written in the stars Ch.xiii pp 205-225). in 4 or aspecting the 4th house make a person deceitful
[31] in all dealings and this in turn deprives the native of
peace of mind. Mental stress is caused if the 4th house
Mind, mental illness and planets: is aspected by malefics. To understand the full features
In Vedic astrology, the Moon and Mercury signify the of 4th house we need to look at Moon, Mars and
mind. The rational intellect gets assigned to Mercury, Mercury. Moon is the karaka for mother. Hence, Moon
while everything else having to do with mind was given and the 4th lord both afflicted lead to deprivation of
to the Moon. The Sun rules the spirit, which is eternal, maternal happiness. The greatest source of joy and
while the Moon, not having light of its own, has to reflect comfort in this world is a loving mother. There is a saying
the light of spirit, and signifies the Eternals incarnation that when a person is born, God also designates a
on the human plane. Thus, the Moon rules human Guardian Angel to look after that person. We know
consciousness in general, including both thoughts and that a loving mother is the physical equivalent of that
feeling. According to Vedic mythology, the Moon is Guardian Angel. When Moon is afflicted, ones mother
Mercurys father: Mercury, the intellect, is born from the will not be of any help to the native. So that could be
Moon. If Mercury, the rational mind, can be said to one causative factor for mental anguish. Insanity or
(ideally) perceive objective reality, then the Moon would madness will not be present unless the Moon and
be that part of us which experiences subjective reality, Mercury are involved in heavy afflictions. This is
i.e., the conditioned mind, conditioned by our past because Moon rules the mind and Mercury rules certain
experiences. Thus, in Vedic Astrology, the Moon emotions like sense of humor one will be blessed with
specifically signifies our past, our memories, and our peace of mind, happiness and comforts if the 4th house
conditioned behaviour patterns. Attached to all of this and 4th lord are free of any blemish of any sort. Benefics,
accumulated data are emotional responses, an integral such as Jupiter or Venus aspecting the 4th house would
function of the Moon, which are what make the memory also give a person, cheerfulness, joy and enthusiasm.
banks subjective. The placement of the Moon in the Stress is now considered as a serious causative factor
Vedic birth chart will show by its sign position, house in many psychosomatic disorders. [34] Varaha Mihira
position, and its involvement with other planets, what (505-587 CE), was an Indian astronomer,
the conditioned patterns are in a particular case. We mathematician, and astrologer who lived in Ujjain. He
are each, in a sense, victims of our own past, and our was considered to be one of the nine jewels
inherited karma (past lives), which constitutes our (Navarathnas) of the court of legendary ruler
conditioning. Essentially we are all distorting objective Vikramaditya (Taught the Gupta emperor Chandragupta
reality by experiencing the present circumstances II Vikramaditya). He was also an astrologer. He wrote
through the filter of our past conditioning. This is the on all the three main branches of Jyothisha (astrology).
natural order of things; it is what makes the human plane
a place of great variety. It also makes mutual agreement References to mental diseases by Varahamihira
amongst humans nearly impossible, unless the
conditioning has been the same or at least similar. Thus Jupiter in ascendant (Lagna) and Mars in 7th
we establish better, smoother, relationships with those house results in mental disorders
who share our conditioning, who share our past (which Saturn in ascendant and Mars in 5th, 7th and 9th
can be this lifes past or another life). [32, 33] house results in mental disorders
In Vedic astrology, the Moon governs our five senses, Reducing Moon in ascendant along with Saturn
thus: how you see is what you get. What we are in 12th house can also result in insanity.
attracted to, the experiences we each desire, are
dictated by the mental-emotional food that we have a Prasna Marga is a unique work on astrology, natal and
horary, of vital importance to every astrological scholar,
AP J Psychological Medicine Vol. 14 (2) July-December 2013
Kavirayani: Astrology and mental illness
practitioner and student. The author, a Nambudari astrologers rely on performing astrology-based
Brahmin of Kerala who wrote this book in 1650 A.D., personality tests and making relevant predictions about
was a renowned scholar and has culled valuable the remunerators future. The former astrologer, and
information from a number of ancient sources, touches scientist, Geoffrey Deans and psychologist Ivan Kelly
on some of the most important aspects of life marriage, conducted a large scale scientific test, involving more
children, longevity, death, disease, etc. Part II of Prasna than one hundred cognitive, behavioural, physical and
marga is an encyclopaedic work on matters that affect other variables; they found no support for astrology.
all areas of human life including dreams and their Furthermore, a meta-analysis was conducted pooling
interpretation as indicators for death or disease and its 40 studies consisting of 700 astrologers and over 1000
timing etc. [36] Reference to mental illness as per birth charts. Ten of these tests, which had a total of 300
Prasnamargam (these five states as narrated in participants, involved subjects picking the correct chart
Prasnamargam; if seen for a specific question it can be interpretation out of a number of others which were not
told that the particular subject has mental disorder; but, the astrologically correct chart interpretations. When the
they may be weak when the horoscope is considered) date and other obvious clues were removed, no
significant results were found to suggest there was any
When Jupiter is in ascendant, if Saturn is in the
preferred chart. A further test involved 45 confident
7th house, it results in mental illness (as per
astrologers, with an average of 10 years experience
Varahamihira this state results in Rheumatism.
and 160 participants (out of an original sample size of
If reducing moon is associated with bad planets 1198 participants); they strongly favored certain
(Papagraha /Malifix) if in ascendant in 8th, 5th or characteristics on the Eyesenck personality
9th houses, it can result in mental illness. questionnaire to extremes. The astrologers performed
Combust Moon and Mercury together in much worse than merely basing decisions on the
ascendant can result in mental disorders. individuals age, and much worse than 45 control
subjects who did not use birth charts at all. [37-39]
If Gulikan (Paapa graham) along with malifix
planet is in the 7th house, it can result in mental Science and non-science are often distinguished by the
disorders. criterion of falsifiability. The criterion was first proposed
by philosopher of science Karl Popper. Using this
Mercury along with a malefic planet in 3rd, 6th, criterion of falsifiability, Popper regarded astrology as
8th and 12th house can result in mental disorders. pseudo-empirical in that it appeals to observation and
Contradictions and criticisms experiment, but nevertheless does not come up to
scientific standards. [40, 41] In 1953, sociologist Adorno
Astrology largely has been declared as a pseudo conducted a study of the astrology column of a Los
science with falsified values. Scientists dismiss the Angeles newspaper as part of a project examining mass
electromagnetism and gravity theory which astrologers culture in capitalist society. Adorno concluded that
offer as explanations; calling them implausible, since, astrology was a large-scale manifestation of systematic
for example, the magnetic field, when measured from irrationalism, [42] where individuals were subtly being led
earth, of a large but distant planet such as Jupiter is far to believe that the author of the column was addressing
smaller than that produced by ordinary household them directly through the use of flattery and vague
appliances. Other astrologers prefer not to attempt to generalizations. It has also been suggested that much
explain astrology, and instead give supernatural of the continued faith in astrology could be
explanations, such as divination. The Synchronicity psychologically explained as a matter of cognitive bias.
principle which Carl Jung explained as the basis of [43]