Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems
Abstract— An embedded system can be defined as the computing transducers or commands from a human being such as
device that has computer hardware, either with software pressing of a button. The output can be electrical signals to
embedded in it as one of its most important component. It may drive another system, an LED or LCD display for displaying
be an independent system or a part of a larger system. The
of information to the users. Embedded Systems used in
emergence of embedded systems is a recent development. As a
scientific discipline it resembles the state of microelectronics (and
process control, automobiles, consumer electronic items etc.
VLSI design, in particular) around 1980. Today’s challenge is fall into this category in a process control system, the inputs
similar to back then, except that the stakes are probably higher. are from sensors that convert a physical entity such as
Embedded systems will appear in virtually all devices, and temperature or pressure into its equivalent electrical signal.
intelligent devices have the tendency to oust their "stupid" These electrical signals are processed by the system and the
counterparts from the market place, just like CD players have appropriate electrical signals are produced.
ousted gramophone players. Thanks to developments in
microelectronics, the computing power of the desktop computers 2.2. Real-time Systems:-
is now becoming available on the palmtops. Embedded systems
Embedded Systems in which some specific work has to be
are heterogeneous. Since they are mixtures of hardware and
software, trade-off is important design decisions: do we realize a done in specific time period are called real-time systems.
function in hardware or in software? But embedded systems are 2.3 Network Information Appliances:-
more heterogeneous than just combining computer science & Embedded systems that are provided with network
digital electronics. interfaces & accessed by networks such as Local Area
This paper presents an overview of existing modes of Embedded Network or the Internet are called networked information
Systems, architecture & their application. A look has also been appliances.
given to future deployment of Embedded Systems
5.7 Programmable Hardware:- PLDs& FPGA pave the way 7. SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS:-
for reducing the components on an embedded system, leading 7.1 AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINE (ATM):-
to small, low-cost systems.
6. APPLICATION AREAS:- In today’s world the An embedded system is closely integrated with the main
electronic devices have been dominated. The children need system
embedded systems to play smart video games & to operate It may not interact directly with the environment.
automatic chocolate Thus embedded systems contain programmed instruction
running via processor chips. They perform control, protection
& monitoring tasks. In broad terms embedded systems are
6.1 Consumer appliances:- programmable devices or systems which are generally used to
At home we use a number of embedded systems that control or monitor things like processes machinery,
include digital camera, digital diary, DVD player, electronic environmental equipment & communications. The range of
toy, microwave oven, remote controls for TV & air embedded system is vast & includes all industrial &
conditioner etc. commercial sectors. Embedded systems are rapidly becoming
6.2 Industrial automation:- Today a lot of industries use a catalyst for change in the computing, data communication,
embedded systems for process control. These include telecommunications, industrial control & entertainment sector.
pharmaceutical, cement, sugar, oil exploration, nuclear The objective of this study is to enlighten readers about the
energy, electricity generation & transmission. application of embedded systems; the embedded systems
technology; & the impact of the technology on various
6.3 Medical electronics:- Almost every medical equipment markets.
in the hospital is an embedded system. This equipment’s