Media and Information Literacy Lesson 3
Media and Information Literacy Lesson 3
Media and Information Literacy Lesson 3
There are four (4) skills necessary to be information literate. First is to be able to recognize when information is
needed, second is to have the ability to locate and access said information, third is being able to evaluate or
assess said information, and to be able to use needed information effectively.
Information Today INC. defines information need as the motivation people think and feel to seek information. It
is the reason why people go out of their way to find answers to their questions, or solutions to their problems.
Since it is such a broad subject, information needs can be further divided in two, demands and wants
according to the University of Washington.
Figure 3.2. Two Dimensions of Information Needs According to the University of Copenhagen College of Information
and Science, information needs may be prompted by educational,
research, professional, or recreational activities. Once the purpose of the need is recognized, identifying when
information is needed becomes easier.
If information gives meaning to a subject then, the communication of information operationally defined by the
University of Washington as the transfer of meaning.
Meltzer (1971) said that communication of information requires an understanding of the data. Transferring
information from one party to another cannot be considered communication of information data is not
understood. This calls the need for proper evaluation of data.
This evaluation goes further than just verifying the credibility of information; it also allows one to have a
complete understanding of the data before it can be communication. Deciphering the meaning of
information is the true task of the Communication of information.
The scholars define ethics as the branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and
recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct.
Ethics gives a predetermined set of guidelines based on a code of morality that people in the society will
While ethics may vary depending on a number of factors, its core remains the same, mankinds concept of
right and wrong.
Media & Information Literacy, Edward Gonzales (2016)
Media & Information Literacy, Marcus Leaning (2017)
Media & Information Literacy, Maria Jovita E. Zarate (Fifth Edition)