2010 MDGReportsand Resources

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2010 MDG Reports and Resources

Online Atlas of the Millennium Development Goals: The World Bank

The Online Atlas of the MDGs is an innovative visualization of the Millennium Development Goals that
complements the World Bank's MDGs website. The Atlas allows you to 1) Explore maps of key indicators for
each of the eight MDG goals, 2) Resize countries to reflect comparative values, 3) Zoom in on countries and pull
up quick tables of supporting indicators.

Beyond the Midpoint: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: UNDP, January 27
Beyond the Midpoint: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals is UNDP’s forward-looking review of the
factors that shape MDG progress, along with the constraints and bottlenecks that have hampered MDG
achievement in many countries. The findings build on MDG assessments in 30 countries that were undertaken
for this review. The report shows that while there has been notable progress on many targets and indicators
across countries, it is clear that much more needs to be done for MDG achievements to be realized by 2015.
Beyond the Midpoint stresses that there are four key factors that shape progress at the country level: 1) Policy
choices and program coherence 2) Governance and capacity deficits 3) Fiscal space constraints and aid
effectiveness 4) National ownership: political will and partnerships.

Keeping the Promise: UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

The report highlights gaps, emerging challenges, opportunities, and lays out specific recommendations for
action to boost progress towards the MDGs over the remaining five years. From September 20-23, 2010 world
leaders will convene at the UN for a high-level summit on the MDGs that must produce a “concrete,
comprehensive, result-based plan,” said the Secretary-General.

Lancet: Sharp Drop in Maternal Deaths Worldwide: April 14 (MDG 5)

Maternal mortality has dropped dramatically, The Lancet reports. Author Christopher Murray and colleagues at
the Institute for Health Metrics at the University of Washington found that maternal deaths have fallen from
about 500,000 deaths in 1980 to about 343,000 in 2008. The study in the Lancet was based on more data than
was previously available in addition to statistical modeling and was paid for by the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation. A new, separate report by a group headed by the UN reached a very different conclusion on
maternal mortality, saying the figure remains as high as 500,000 deaths a year.

Development Aid Rose in 2009 and Most Donors Will Meet 2010 Aid Targets: OECD, April 14 (MDG 8)
The report issued by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) offers new figures
that show continuing growth in development aid in 2009, despite the financial crisis. The OECD Secretary
General, Angel Gurría, welcomed news of the further increase in overseas development assistance (ODA) and
urged donors to keep the momentum going in future years, despite their fiscal challenges.

Global Monitoring Report 2010: The MDGs after the Crisis: World Bank-IMF, April 23
The global economic crisis has slowed the pace of poverty reduction in developing countries, and is hampering
progress toward the other Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a new report from the World Bank Group
and the International Monetary Fund indicates. The crisis is having an impact in several key areas of the MDGs,
including those related to hunger, child and maternal health, gender equality, access to clean water, and
disease control and will continue to affect long-term development prospects well beyond 2015, says the report.

World Development Indicators (WDI) 2010: The World Bank, April 20

With a focus on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the World Development Indicators (WDI) 2010
shows that considerable progress has been made in reaching the Goals. Despite the economic and financial
crisis, the target to reduce the proportion of people living in extreme poverty by half is still within reach in several
developing regions. “The WDI provides a valuable statistical picture of the world and how far we've come in
advancing development," said Justin Yifu Lin, the World Bank’s Chief Economist and the Senior Vice President
for Development Economics.
To Meet the Millennium Development Goals, Think Governance: The Brookings Institution, May 18
At the Belgian Development Cooperation 2010 “States General” Conference, Brookings Senior Fellow Daniel
Kaufmann presented the keynote address, emphasizing the achievements and challenges in meeting the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In a follow up commentary, Kauffman and Research Assistant
Veronika Penciakova present key findings and argue that uneven progress is related to major differences in the
quality of governance across nations. They believe that increased focus on governance dimensions including
corruption, inequality, media freedoms and gender rights is required to help address key hurdles to progress.

The DATA Report 2010: Monitoring the G8 Promise to Africa: ONE Campaign, May 25 (MDG 8)
Launched on Africa Day, ONE’s 2010 DATA Report 2010 offers verdict on whether the G8 have delivered on
the promises made in Gleneagles in 2005. It makes recommendations based upon the successes and failures
of the G8’s current set of commitments, the changing landscape both inside and outside Africa, and the priorities
of African partners. ONE hopes these recommendations feed into deliberations in advance of the G8/G20
Summit in Canada in June and the UN Summit on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in New York in

UN Identifies Strategies to Accelerate Development, Poverty Reduction: UN News Center, June 17

At UN Headquarters in New York, United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Administrator Helen Clark
launched the report entitled What Will It Take To Achieve The Millennium Development Goals? An International
Assessment. “For those living in poverty, the MDGs have never been abstract or aspirational targets,” said Ms.
Clark, adding “they [MDGs] have offered a pathway to a better life...put simply, advancing the MDGs is an
important milestone in our quest for a more just and peaceful world.” The report draws examples of
development models that have worked from 50 countries across the world.

Millennium Development Goals Report Card: Learning from Progress: United Nations Millennium
This summary from the United Nations Millennium Campaign and the Overseas Development Institute is part of
initial findings from an ongoing review of development progress, which will include a set of 'MDG indicators to
construct league tables' highlighting progress on these indicators. The key message from many years of working
towards the MDGs is that progress is possible. In every aspect of development, a significant number of
countries have made real achievements. The challenge for the remaining five years until the 2015 MDG
deadline is to learn from, and build upon, the progress made.

Millennium Development Goals Report 2010: United Nations

The Millennium Development Goals Report 2010, launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, helps set
the stage for the high-level MDG review summit at the UN in September. “This report shows that the Goals are
achievable when nationally owned development strategies and policies are supported by international
development partners,” says Secretary-General Ban in the report’s foreword. The report reflects the most
comprehensive, up-to-date data compiled by over 25 UN and international agencies and has been designated
by the UN General Assembly as an official input to the MDG summit.

Millennium Development Goals Good Practices 2010: UN Development Group

The 2010 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Good Practice publication, released by the UN Development
Group (UNDG), comprised of 197 cases, includes local, national, regional and global initiatives that range in
size from national poverty reduction programs reaching tens of millions of people, to highly targeted policy
research initiatives. Good practices covered in this publication have sought to address specific constraints and
challenges in achieving the MDGs in each country’s context.

Evidence Says the Millennium Development Goals are “Within Reach”: UNDP, July 13
A synthesis of evidence from around the world, released by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP),
vividly illuminates for the international community the path to creating a healthier and richer world it envisioned a
decade ago when it adopted the Millennium Development Goals. The publication, titled “The path to achieving
the Millennium Development Goals: A synthesis of evidence from around the world”, asserts that, while there is
no one approach that could guarantee a country’s success across the board, with national commitment,
innovative policies and pro-poor economic growth, the MDGs are within reach.

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