Acute Myocardial Infarction NEJM 2017 PDF
Acute Myocardial Infarction NEJM 2017 PDF
Acute Myocardial Infarction NEJM 2017 PDF
Review Article
cute myocardial infarction with or without ST-segment eleva- From the Intermountain Medical Center
tion (STEMI or non-STEMI) is a common cardiac emergency, with the poten- Heart Institute, University of Utah School
of Medicine, Salt Lake City (J.L.A.); and
tial for substantial morbidity and mortality. The management of acute myo- Brigham and Womens Hospital, Harvard
cardial infarction has improved dramatically over the past three decades and continues Medical School, Boston (D.A.M.). Ad-
to evolve. This review focuses on the initial presentation and in-hospital management dress reprint requests to Dr. Anderson at
Intermountain Medical Center Heart In-
of type 1 acute myocardial infarction. stitute, 5121 S. Cottonwood St., Salt Lake
City, UT 84107, or at jeffreyl.anderson@
Defini t ion a nd T y pe s
N Engl J Med 2017;376:2053-64.
Acute myocardial infarction is an event of myocardial necrosis caused by an unstable DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1606915
Copyright 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society.
ischemic syndrome.1 In practice, the disorder is diagnosed and assessed on the basis
of clinical evaluation, the electrocardiogram (ECG), biochemical testing, invasive and
noninvasive imaging, and pathological evaluation.
Acute myocardial infarction is classified on the basis of the presence or absence
of ST-segment elevation on the ECG and is further classified into six types: infarc-
tion due to coronary atherothrombosis (type 1), infarction due to a supplydemand
mismatch that is not the result of acute atherothrombosis (type 2), infarction causing
sudden death without the opportunity for biomarker or ECG confirmation (type 3),
infarction related to a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) (type 4a), infarction
related to thrombosis of a coronary stent (type 4b), and infarction related to coronary-
artery bypass grafting (CABG) (type 5).1
Epidemiol o gic Fe at ur e s
The epidemiologic characteristics of acute myocardial infarction have changed dra-
matically over the past three to four decades (see the Supplementary Appendix, avail-
able with the full text of this article at Since 1987, the adjusted incidence
rate of hospitalization for acute myocardial infarction or fatal coronary artery dis-
ease in the United States has declined by 4 to 5% per year.2 Nevertheless, approxi-
mately 550,000 first episodes and 200,000 recurrent episodes of acute myocardial
infarction occur annually.2 Globally, ischemic heart disease has become the leading
contributor to the burden of disease as assessed on the basis of disability-adjusted
life-years.3 Concurrently, the global burden of cardiovascular disease and acute myo-
cardial infarction has shifted to low- and middle-income countries, where more
than 80% of deaths from cardiovascular disease worldwide now occur.3,4 Among
156,424 persons in 17 countries who were followed for an average of 4.1 years,5 the
risk-factor burden was directly related to income, with the highest burden of risk fac-
tors in high-income countries and the lowest burden in low-income countries. In
contrast, an inverse relationship with income was noted for rates of acute myocardial
infarction (1.92, 2.21, and 4.13 cases per 1000 person-years in high-, middle-, and
low-income countries, respectively; P<0.001 for trend). Mitigation of the high bur-
den of risk factors in higher-income countries was attributed to greater use of pre-
ventive measures and revascularization proce- ble or probable acute coronary syndrome without
dures. ST-segment elevation,9 or nonischemic chest pain;
this addresses the first of six key management
decisions (Table1). Serial biomarker testing is per-
Pathobiol o gic Fe at ur e s
a nd R isk Fac t or s formed to subclassify an acute coronary syndrome
without ST-segment elevation as non-STEMI or
The usual initiating mechanism for acute myo- unstable angina.
cardial infarction is rupture or erosion of a vulner- Serial measurement of cardiac troponin levels
able, lipid-laden, atherosclerotic coronary plaque, is the preferred biomarker method for differen-
resulting in exposure of circulating blood to tiating non-STEMI from unstable angina and dis-
highly thrombogenic core and matrix materials in orders other than acute coronary syndromes. In
the plaque (see the Supplementary Appendix).6 In the appropriate clinical context, acute myocardial
the current era of potent lipid-lowering therapy, the infarction is indicated by a rising or falling pattern
proportion of cases in which erosion is the under- of troponin levels, with at least one value above the
lying cause is increasing as compared with the 99th percentile of a healthy reference population
proportion of cases in which rupture is the under- (upper reference limit).1 This rising or falling pat-
lying cause.7 A totally occluding thrombus typi- tern has become increasingly important as more
cally leads to STEMI.8 Partial occlusion, or occlu- sensitive assays have been introduced.9 High-sen-
sion in the presence of collateral circulation, sitivity assays for troponin, which are currently
results in non-STEMI or unstable angina (i.e., an available only outside the United States, increase
acute coronary syndrome without ST-segment diagnostic sensitivity and make it possible to
elevation)9 (Fig.1). The occurrence of acute myo- effectively rule out myocardial infarction in 1 to
cardial infarction in the absence of critical epicar- 2 hours; these include assays that may rule out
dial coronary disease is increasingly recognized acute myocardial infarction after a single sample
(accounting for approximately 10% of cases of has been obtained.11 However, such testing has
acute myocardial infarction). The various mech- decreased clinical specificity for acute myocardial
anisms underlying acute coronary syndromes, as infarction, since high-sensitivity assays detect the
well as risk factors for these disorders, are dis- presence of troponin in most normal persons,
cussed in the Supplementary Appendix. and increased troponin levels are observed in a
number of disorders other than acute myocardial
infarction, including myocarditis and other causes
Ini t i a l Medic a l E va luat ion,
Di agnos t ic T r i age , a nd R isk of cardiac injury; cardiac, renal, and respiratory
S t r at ific at ion failure; stroke or intracranial hemorrhage; septic
shock; and chronic structural heart disease.1 With
Patients with acute myocardial infarction may current troponin assays, concomitant measure-
present with typical ischemic-type chest discom- ment of creatine kinase MB or myoglobin levels,
fort or with dyspnea, nausea, unexplained weak- which is common practice, is redundant and no
ness, or a combination of these symptoms (see the longer recommended (ACCAHA class III recom-
Supplementary Appendix.) If an acute coronary mendation, evidence level A).9,12
syndrome is suspected, the patient should be re- The initial risk assessment of a patient in whom
ferred immediately to an emergency department an acute coronary syndrome is suspected should
for evaluation (American College of Cardiology address two risks: the risk that the presenting syn-
American Heart Association [ACCAHA] class I drome is in fact an acute coronary syndrome, and
recommendation, evidence level C).9 A 12-lead ECG if it is, the risk of an early adverse outcome.9,13 The
is obtained and evaluated for ischemic changes, risk of an early adverse outcome is more closely
with a goal of performing the evaluation in less linked to presenting features than to risk factors
than 10 minutes after the patients arrival in the for coronary artery disease. Two validated models
emergency department (ACCAHA class I recom- have been developed to assess this risk: the Throm-
mendation, evidence level C), and blood is sent for bolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) and Global
cardiac troponin testing (ACCAHA class I recom- Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) mod-
mendation, evidence level A). On the basis of the els, which are available online and can be useful
history and ECG, rapid diagnostic triage is per- in initial patient care (ACCAHA class IIa recom-
formed, with the case classified as STEMI,8 possi- mendation, evidence level B).9
Ischemic discomfort
Thrombus Thrombus
Plaque Plaque
ST-Segment Elevation Absent ST-Segment Elevation Absent ST-Segment Elevation Present
NonQ-wave MI NonQ-wave MI Q-wave MI
Figure 1. Spectrum of Pathologic and Clinical ST-Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) and Non-STEMI Acute
Coronary Syndromes.
Adapted from Morrow.10 ECG denotes electrocardiogram, and MI myocardial infarction.
Table 2. Approach to Pharmacotherapy in Early Hospital Care of Patients with an Acute Coronary Syndrome without ST-Segment Elevation.*
* The recommendations are adapted from Amsterdam et al.9 The approach to general treatment measures is similar for STEMI, although cal-
cium-channel blockers are only weakly recommended for patients for whom beta-blockers are associated with unacceptable adverse events.
The recommendation is class I for all listed interventions except analgesics and some uses of angiotensin-convertingenzyme (ACE) inhibi-
tors, which are both class IIb; ACE inhibitors are class I in all patients with a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of <0.40 and in those
with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, or stable chronic kidney disease and class IIb in all other patients with cardiac or other vascular dis-
ease. See Amsterdam et al.9 and Anderson et al.13 for additional information about dosages.
Beta-blockers also reduce the incidence of tachyarrhythmias. Patients with initial contraindications to beta-blockers should be reassessed for
Contraindications to calcium-channel blockers include left ventricular dysfunction, an increased risk of cardiogenic shock, a PR interval of
more than 0.24 seconds, and second- or third-degree atrioventricular block in a patient without a cardiac pacemaker.
most important advance in the treatment of STEMI class IIa recommendation, evidence level B).8
over the past three decades and is the primary With broad application of reperfusion therapy for
therapeutic goal. Coronary reperfusion is accom- STEMI, 30-day mortality rates have progressively
plished by means of primary PCI (angioplasty and declined from more than 20% to less than 5%.21
stenting) or intravenous fibrinolytic therapy. The recent evolution in the treatment of acute
Prompt PCI (with a performance goal of 90 min- myocardial infarction largely involves management
utes from the first medical contact) is the preferred in the catheterization laboratory. Implantation of
approach at PCI-capable hospitals for STEMI with either drug-eluting or bare-metal stents is sup-
onset of symptoms within the previous 12 hours ported by STEMI guidelines.8 Second-generation
(ACCAHA class I recommendation, evidence drug-eluting stents have assumed a dominant role
level A) and for STEMI with cardiogenic shock, in PCI. A 2013 network analysis that included 22
regardless of the timing (ACCAHA class I recom- trials and a total of 12,548 patients with STEMI
mendation, evidence level B).8 The advantages of showed evidence of steady improvement in out-
primary PCI over fibrinolysis include lower rates comes in association with the move from bare-
of early death, reinfarction, and intracranial hem- metal stents to first-generation and then second-
orrhage. However, when PCI is delayed by more generation drug-eluting stents.22 Cobalt chromium
than 120 minutes, fibrinolytic therapy should be everolimus-eluting stents had the most favorable
given if it is not contraindicated (ACCAHA class safety and efficacy profile, with reduced rates of
I recommendation, evidence level A), followed by cardiac death, acute myocardial infarction, and
routine consideration of transfer in the following stent thrombosis, as compared with bare-metal
3 to 24 hours to a PCI-capable facility (ACCAHA stents.
DAPT with anticoagulant is initiated See ACCF guidelines DAPT with anticoagulant is initiated DAPT with anticoagulant is initiated
ASA 325 mg 1, then 81 mg daily for STEMI ASA 325 mg 1, then 81 mg daily ASA 325 mg 1, then 81 mg daily
P2Y12 inhibitor (clopidogrel, P2Y12 inhibitor (clopidogrel, P2Y12 inhibitor (clopidogrel
prasugrel, or ticagrelor) prasugrel, or ticagrelor) or ticagrelor)
Anticoagulant: UFH or bivalirudin Anticoagulant: UFH, enoxaparin, Anticoagulant: UFH, enoxaparin,
fondaparinux, or bivalirudin or fondaparinux
For primary PCI, initiate For CABG, continue ASA For PCI, initiate or For CABG, continue ASA
Medical therapy Medical therapy
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l
or continue antiplatelet (interrupt P2Y12 and GPI) continue antiplatelet (interrupt P2Y12 and GPI)
Downloaded from on May 24, 2017. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Figure 2. Algorithms for the Management of STEMI and Non-STEMI Acute Coronary Syndromes.
Adapted from OGara et al.8 and Amsterdam et al.9 Current guidelines recommend a maintenance dose of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) of 81 to 325 mg daily but indicate that after per-
cutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), a maintenance dose of 81 mg daily is preferred over higher doses.9 ACCF denotes American College of Cardiology Foundation, CABG coro-
nary-artery bypass grafting, DAPT dual antiplatelet therapy, GPI glycoprotein inhibitor, and UFH unfractionated heparin.
Acute Myocardial Infarction
An ongoing controversy in the use of PCI for most common. A meta-analysis of 12 randomized
STEMI is the approach to stenoses in nonculprit trials comparing transradial with transfemoral
coronary arteries.23 PCI of nonculprit stenoses PCI for the treatment of STEMI showed that radial
has been contraindicated on the basis of observa- access was associated with lower rates of access-
tional studies, which are subject to selection bias. site bleeding (2.1% vs. 5.6%), major bleeding (1.4%
More recently, three randomized trials with sam- vs. 2.9%), and death (2.7% vs. 4.7%), despite a
ples of intermediate size (296 to 627 patients) procedure time that was 2 minutes longer.33 The
showed reductions in ischemia-driven revascular- most recent and largest trial randomly assigned
ization and variable effects on the risks of recur- 8404 patients with either STEMI or non-STEMI
rent myocardial infarction and death with PCI of to radial or femoral access.34 Radial access was
nonculprit stenoses.24-26 A 2015 systematic review associated with a reduction in the rate of adverse
of five trials involving a total of 1568 patients clinical events at 30 days, driven by decreases in
confirmed a decreased risk of repeat revascular- deaths and major bleeding events, and was ben-
ization (relative risk, 0.36; 95% confidence inter- eficial for both types of acute myocardial infarc-
val [CI], 0.27 to 0.48) and a lower risk of nonfa- tion.34 One challenge to rapid adoption of the ra-
tal myocardial infarction (relative risk, 0.58; 95% dial approach in general practice is overcoming
CI, 0.36 to 0.93), with an uncertain effect on the the learning curve for achieving the outcomes
risk of death (relative risk, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.53 to observed in clinical trials.32
1.26).27 On the basis of this evidence,24-27 PCI of
nonculprit lesions may be considered either at Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndromes
the time of primary PCI in hemodynamically stable without ST-Segment Elevation
patients or as a staged procedure (ACCAHA class Given residual perfusion in the ischemic zone in
IIb recommendation, level of evidence B).23 Larger acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment
multicenter, randomized trials are needed, includ- elevation, the urgency of and approach to revascu-
ing trials comparing staged versus immediate PCI larization differ from that in STEMI. Once a defi-
of nonculprit arteries; one such trial, COMPLETE nite or likely diagnosis of an acute coronary syn-
(Complete vs. Culprit-Only Revascularization to drome without ST-segment elevation has been
Treat Multi-Vessel Disease after Primary PCI for made, the patient is triaged to either an invasive
STEMI), is ongoing (NCT01740479). strategy or an ischemia-guided strategy (i.e., an
Although early data favored manual thrombus initial medical strategy with angiography re-
aspiration during primary PCI,28 data from more served for evidence of spontaneous or provoked
recent trials have not.29-31 In the largest trial (in- ischemia).9
volving 10,732 patients), manual aspiration had no An invasive strategy leads to improved out-
significant effect on the risk of death from cardio- comes and is favored for the majority of patients;
vascular causes, myocardial infarction, or severe the urgency of angiography (performed with the
heart failure at 180 days, as compared with conven- goal of revascularization) depends on the pres-
tional PCI (without aspiration thrombectomy) ence or absence of high-risk features (Table3). If
(hazard ratio, 0.99), and the risk of stroke at 30 initial medical therapy stabilizes the patients he-
days was higher with manual aspiration (0.7% vs. modynamic condition and relieves ischemic dis-
0.3%).30 Similarly, in a meta-analysis of 17 trials comfort, angiography can proceed within 12 to
involving 20,960 patients, aspiration thrombecto- 24 hours. An even more delayed approach (with
my was not shown to be of benefit in reducing the angiography performed within 25 to 72 hours) is
risk of death or reinfarction (hazard ratio, 0.90; an option for patients at lower immediate risk.9,35
P=0.11).31 Currently, the routine use of thrombus In patients whose condition is unstable, urgent
aspiration during PCI is not indicated, and selec- PCI is performed, as it is for patients with STEMI.
tive use is viewed as poorly founded (ACCAHA An ischemia-guided strategy is chosen for pa-
class IIb recommendation, evidence level C).23 tients at low risk for recurrent ischemia (especially
In response to adverse outcomes associated for women at low-risk and others for whom angi-
with bleeding complications of PCI, radial-artery ography carries excessive risk), for patients at hos-
access has been advocated for coronary angiog- pitals where interventional services are unavailable,
raphy and PCI,32 particularly for patients with and on the basis of the patients or physicians
STEMI, in whom bleeding at the access site is preference. Fibrinolytic therapy may be harmful
Table 3. Invasive and Ischemia-Guided Intervention Categories in Patients with Non-STEMI Acute Coronary Syndromes.*
in patients who have an acute coronary syndrome rin is required with ticagrelor and is preferred
without ST-segment elevation and is therefore with prasugrel, the dose with clopidogrel is uncer-
contraindicated. At the time of angiography, PCI tain. In the large CURRENTOASIS 7 (Clopidogrel
is the most common intervention, but depending Optimal Loading Dose Usage to Reduce Recurrent
on the coronary anatomy and clinical features, a EventsOptimal Antiplatelet Strategy for Inter-
decision may be made to perform CABG instead ventions) trial, which had a factorial design, pa-
of PCI or to forgo an intervention. Nonculprit tients with acute coronary syndromes were ran-
arteries may be approached with the same cau- domly assigned to either double-dose clopidogrel
tions as for nonculprit arteries in patients with (600-mg loading dose on day 1, followed by 150
STEMI. Indeed, because the culprit artery may mg daily for 6 days and 75 mg daily thereafter) or
be difficult to identify with certainty in patients standard-dose clopidogrel (300-mg loading dose
who have an acute coronary syndrome without and 75 mg daily thereafter) and either high-dose
ST-segment elevation, simultaneous multivessel aspirin (300 to 325 mg daily) or low-dose aspirin
PCI is often performed if the patient is hemody- (75 to 100 mg daily). A nominal advantage was
namically stable. observed for patients undergoing PCI per proto-
col who received double-dose clopidogrel plus
A n t i thrombo t ic Ther a py high-dose aspirin for 1 week (P=0.03 for interac-
tion).37,38 A large pragmatic trial is testing a daily
Given the critical role of coronary thrombosis in maintenance dose of 81 mg versus 325 mg of as-
the precipitation of acute myocardial infarction, pirin for secondary atherothrombosis prevention
antithrombotic therapy has assumed a cardinal (NCT02697916).
role in the management of acute coronary syn- In addition to aspirin, an oral P2Y12 inhibitor
dromes.36 (clopidogrel, prasugrel, or ticagrelor) is recom-
mended for all higher-risk patients. For patients
Antiplatelet Agents with STEMI who are undergoing primary PCI, a
Nonenteric-coated aspirin, at a dose of 162 to loading dose should be given as early as possible
325 mg, is recommended at the time of the first or at the time of PCI, followed by a daily mainte-
medical contact for all patients with an acute coro- nance dose for at least 1 year (ACCAHA class I
nary syndrome (ACCAHA class I recommenda- recommendation, evidence level A).8 Two random-
tion, evidence level A).8,9 The initial dose is fol- ized trials have failed to support routine upstream
lowed by a daily maintenance dose of 81 to 325 mg administration of prasugrel or ticagrelor before
of aspirin, which is given indefinitely (ACCAHA timely PCI for patients with acute coronary syn-
class I recommendation, evidence level A).8,9 How- dromes.18,39 Whereas prasugrel and ticagrelor,
ever, whereas an 81-mg maintenance dose of aspi- which are more potent than clopidogrel, may be
remodeling, are under active investigation but, health and remains a crucial target for scientific
with the exception of ACE inhibition, have so far advancement in medicine.
not proved beneficial in the acute care setting. Dr. Anderson reports receiving consulting fees from Medi-
Because of improved rates of short-term survival cure, AstraZeneca, and the Medicines Company; Dr. Morrow,
after acute myocardial infarction owing to con- consulting fees from diaDexus, Gilead Sciences, Instrumenta-
tion Laboratories, Radiometer, and Novartis, grant support
temporary management methods, subsequent de- from Gilead Sciences, grant support (paid to Brigham and
velopment of heart failure is emerging as a promi- Womens Hospital) from Abbott Laboratories, grant support
nent cause of longer-term illness and death. The (paid to the TIMI Study Group) from AstraZeneca, Daiichi San-
kyo/Eli Lilly, Eisai, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Novartis, Roche
very high mortality rate (>40%) among patients Diagnostics, and Amgen, personal fees from Abbott Laborato-
with cardiogenic shock after acute myocardial ries and AstraZeneca, and fees from Merck for serving on an
infarction remains a particular challenge in need advisory board. No other potential conflict of interest relevant
to this article was reported.
of solutions. Acute myocardial infarction contin- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
ues to have a major effect on national and global the full text of this article at
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