NCP Mental
NCP Mental
NCP Mental
69 y/o
Dx: Other Schizophrenia
Assessmen Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: Altered thought Orient patient to These decreases the The goal was met.
22 years old na po process r/t Short-Term surroundings and chance of
ako eh as inadequate Goal reality misinterpretation Client is able to
verbalized by the support system appraise situations
patient Client will realistically and to
develop trust in Use Patients name This helps them refrain from
at least one staff when speaking to her remember their name projecting own
member within and for them to be alert feelings onto the
1 week. when called environment.
Disorientation to
person, place,time
Speak slowly and For the patient to Client is able to
Establish a regular
schedule for expected Aids in maintaining
activities. reality orientation and
may reduce
Pt.: C.B
69 y/o
Dx: Other Schizophrenia