New Improved Liturgical Calendar 2018
New Improved Liturgical Calendar 2018
New Improved Liturgical Calendar 2018
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January 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
February 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
March 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
April 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
May 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
June 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
July 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
August 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
September 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
October 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
November 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
December 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
2018 Jan 1 Mon: MARY, MOTHER OF GOD S (Octave ofChristmas). No obligation this year to attend Mass.
Nm 6: 22-27/ Ps 67: 2-3. 5. 6. 8 (2a)/ Gal 4: 4-7/ Lk 2: 16-21
2018 Jan 2 Tue: Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, bps, drs M
1 Jn 2: 22-28/ Ps 98: 1. 2-3ab. 3cd-4/ Jn 1: 19-28
2018 Jan 20 Sat: Ordinary Weekday/ BVM/ Fabian, pp, mt/ Sebastian,mt
2 Sm 1: 1-4. 11-12. 19. 23-27/ Mk 3: 20-21
2018 Jan 22 Mon: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children M
2 Sm 5: 1-7. 10/ Ps 89: 20. 21-22. 25-26/ Mk 3: 22-30
2018 Feb 3 Sat: Ordinary Weekday/ BVM/ Blase, bp, mt/ Ansgar, bp,ms
1 Kgs 3: 4-13/ Ps 119: 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14/ Mk 6: 30-34
2018 Feb 14 Wed: Ash Wednesday. Begin Lenten preparation for theEaster Triduum. NOT a holy day of obligation. Day of fast (ages
18-59) and abstinence frommeat(age 14 and up).
Jl 2: 12-18/ Ps 51: 3-4. 5-6ab. 12-13. 14 and 17/ 2 Cor 5: 20 -- 6:2/ Mt 6: 1-6.16-18
2018 Feb 16 Fri: Friday after Ash Wednesday. Day of abstinence frommeat (age 14 and up).
Is 58: 1-9a/ Ps 51: 3-4. 5-6ab. 18-19/ Mt 9: 14-15
2018 Feb 17 Sat: Saturday after Ash Wednesday/ Seven Founders of the Order of Servites, rs
Is 58: 9b-14/ Ps 86: 1-2. 3-4. 5-6/ Lk 5: 27-32
Gn 9: 8-15/ Ps 25: 4-5. 6-7. 8-9/ 1 Pt 3: 18-22/ Mk 1: 12-15
2018 Feb 23 Fri: Lenten Weekday/ Polycarp, bp, mt. Day of abstinence from meat (age 14and up).
Ez 18: 21-28/ Ps 130: 1-2. 3-4. 5-7a. 7bc-8/ Mt 5: 20-26
2018 Mar 2 Fri: Lenten Weekday. Day of abstinence from meat (age 14and up).
Gn 37: 3-4. 12-13a. 17b-28a/ Ps 105: 16-17. 18-19. 20-21/ Mt 21: 33-43. 45-46
2018 Mar 4 SUN: THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT. First Scrutiny of the Elect.
Scrutiny: Ex 17: 3-7/ Ps 95: 1-2. 6-7. 8-9/ Rom 5: 1-2. 5-8/ Jn 4: 5-42. Otherwise: Ex20: 1-17/ Ps 19: 8. 9. 10. 11/ 1 Cor 1: 22-25/ Jn 2: 13-25
2018 Mar 9 Fri: Lenten Weekday/ Frances of Rome, mw, rf. Day of abstinence from meat (age 14and up).
Hos 14: 2-10/ Ps 81: 6c-8a. 8bc-9. 10-11ab. 14 and 17/ Mk 12: 28-34
2018 Mar 11 SUN: FOURTH SUNDAY OFLENT. Second Scrutiny of the Elect.
Scrutiny: 1 Sm 16: 1b. 6-7. 10-13a/ Ps 23: 1-3a. 3b-4. 5. 6 (1)/ Eph 5: 8-14/ Jn 9:1-41. Otherwise: 2 Chr 36: 14-16. 19-23/ Ps 137: 1-2. 3. 4-
5. 6 (6ab)/ Eph 2: 4-10/ Jn 3:14-21
2018 Mar 16 Fri: Lenten Weekday. Day of abstinence from meat (age 14and up).
Wis 2: 1a. 12-22/ Ps 34: 17-18. 19-20. 21 and 23/ Jn 7: 1-2. 10. 25-30
2018 Mar 18 SUN: FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT. Third Scrutiny of the Elect.
Scrutiny: Ez 37: 12-14/ Ps 130: 1-2. 3-4. 5-6. 7-8/ Rom 8: 8-11/ Jn 11: 1-45. Otherwise: Jer 31: 31-34/ Ps 51: 3-4. 12-13. 14-15 (12a)/ Heb 5:
7-9/ Jn 12: 20-33
2018 Mar 23 Fri: Lenten Weekday/ Toribio de Mogrovejo, bp. Day of abstinence from meat (age 14and up).
Jer 20: 10-13/ Ps 18: 2-3a. 3bc-4. 5-6. 7/ Jn 10: 31-42
2018 Mar 29 Thu: Holy Thursday. At evening, begin Easter Triduum of theLord's Passion, Death and Resurrection.
Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper: Ex 12: 1-8. 11-14/ Ps 116: 12-13. 15-16bc. 17-18/ 1 Cor 11: 23-26/ Jn 13: 1-15
2018 Mar 30 Fri: Good Friday. Day of fast (ages 18-59) and abstinencefrom meat (age 14 and up).
Mass is not celebrated today. Celebration of the Lord's Passion: Is 52: 13 -- 53: 12/ Ps31: 2. 6. 12-13. 15-16. 17. 25/ Heb 4: 14-16; 5: 7-9/
Jn 18: 1 -- 19: 42
2018 Apr 1 SUN: EASTER SUNDAY. TheResurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Acts 10: 34a. 37-43/ Ps 118: 1-2. 16-17. 22-23/ Col 3: 1-4 or 1 Cor 5: 6b-8/ Sequence Victimae Paschali Laudes/ Jn 20: 1-9or Mk 16: 1-7 or,
at an afternoon or evening Mass, Lk 24: 13-35
Easter Triduum ends after Evening Prayer.
2018 Apr 28 Sat: Easter Weekday/ Peter Chanel, p, r, ms, mt/ Louis Mary de Montfort, p
Acts 13: 44-52/ Ps 98: 1. 2-3ab. 3cd-4/ Jn 14: 7-14
Acts 9: 26-31/ Ps 22: 26-27. 28. 30. 31-32 (26a)/ 1 Jn 3: 18-24/ Jn 15: 1-8
2018 May 12 Sat: Easter Weekday/ Nereus and Achilleus, mts/ Pancras, mt
Acts 18: 23-28/ Ps 47: 2-3. 8-9. 10/ Jn 16: 23b-28
2018 May 21 Mon: Ordinary Weekday/ Christopher Magallanes, p, & co.,mts (Seventh Week in Ordinary Time)
Jas 3: 13-18/ Ps 19: 8. 9. 10. 15/ Mk 9: 14-29
2018 May 25 Fri: Ordinary Weekday/ Venerable Bede, p, r, dr/ GregoryVII, pp, r/ Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi, v, r
Jas 5: 9-12/ Ps 103: 1-2. 3-4. 8-9. 11-12/ Mk 10: 1-12
2018 Jun 2 Sat: Ordinary Weekday/ BVM/ Marcellinus and Peter, mts
Jude 17. 20b-25/ Ps 63: 2. 3-4. 5-6/ Mk 11: 27-33
2018 Jun 30 Sat: Ordinary Weekday/ BVM/ First Martyrs of the Church ofRome
Lam 2: 2. 10-14. 18-19/ Ps 74: 1b-2. 3-5. 6-7. 20-21/ Mt 8: 5-17
2018 Jul 5 Thu: Ordinary Weekday/ Elizabeth of Portugal, mw/ Anthony Mary Zaccaria, p, rf
Am 7: 10-17/ Ps 19: 8. 9. 10. 11/ Mt 9: 1-8
2018 Jul 9 Mon: Ordinary Weekday/ Augustine Zhao Rong, p, & co.,mts
Hos 2: 16. 17c-18. 21-22/ Ps 145: 2-3. 4-5. 6-7. 8-9/ Mt 9: 18-26
2018 Jul 26 Thu: Joachim and Anne, parents of the Virgin Mary M
Jer 2: 1-3. 7-8. 12-13/ Ps 36: 6-7ab. 8-9. 10-11/ Mt 13: 10-17
2018 Aug 2 Thu: Ordinary Weekday/ Eusebius of Vercelli, bp/ Peter JulianEymard, p
Jer 18: 1-6/ Ps 146: 1b-2. 3-4. 5-6ab/ Mt 13: 47-53
2018 Aug 7 Tue: Ordinary Weekday/ Sixtus II, pp, mt, & co., mts/ Cajetan, p
Jer 30: 1-2. 12-15. 18-22/ Ps 102: 16-18. 19-21. 29 and 22-23/ Mt 14: 22-36 or Mt 15: 1-2. 10-14
2018 Aug 9 Thu: Ordinary Weekday/ Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, v,mt
Jer 31: 31-34/ Ps 51: 12-13. 14-15. 18-19/ Mt 16: 13-23
2018 Aug 13 Mon: Ordinary Weekday/ Pontian, pp, mt, and Hippolytus, p,mt
Ez 1: 2-5. 24-28c/ Ps 148: 1-2. 11-12. 13. 14/ Mt 17: 22-27
2018 Aug 25 Sat: Ordinary Weekday/ BVM/ Louis of France, mm/ JosephCalasanz, p, rf
Ez 43: 1-7ab/ Ps 85: 9ab and 10. 11-12. 13-14/ Mt 23: 1-12
2018 Sep 20 Thu: Andrew Kim Taegon, p, mt, Paul Chong Hasang, ca, mt,& co., mts M
1 Cor 15: 1-11/ Ps 118: 1b-2. 16ab-17. 28/ Lk 7: 36-50
2018 Sep 28 Fri: Ordinary Weekday/ Wenceslaus, mt/ Lawrence Ruiz, mm,mt, & co., mts
Eccl 3: 1-11/ Ps 144: 1b and 2abc. 3-4/ Lk 9: 18-22
2018 Oct 19 Fri: Isaac Jogues and John de Brbeuf, ps, rs, mss, mts, & co.,mts M
Eph 1: 11-14/ Ps 33: 1-2. 4-5. 12-13/ Lk 12: 1-7
Wis 3: 1-9/ Rom 5: 5-11 or Rom 6: 3-9/ Jn 6: 37-40
2018 Nov 16 Fri: Ordinary Weekday/ Margaret of Scotland, mw/ Gertrudethe Great, v, r
2 Jn 4-9/ Ps 119: 1. 2. 10. 11. 17. 18/ Lk 17: 26-37
2018 Nov 23 Fri: Ordinary Weekday/ Clement I, pp, mt/ Columban, ab, ms/Bl Miguel Augustn Pro, p, r, mt
Rv 10: 8-11/ Ps 119: 14. 24. 72. 103. 111. 131/ Lk 19: 45-48
2018 Nov 25 SUN: CHRIST THE KING S(Thirty-fourth and Last Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Dn 7: 13-14/ Ps 93: 1. 1-2. 5 (1a)/ Rv 1: 5-8/ Jn 18: 33b-37
Gn 3: 9-15. 20/ Ps 98: 1. 2-3ab. 3cd-4/ Eph 1: 3-6. 11-12/ Lk 1: 26-38
2018 Dec 25 Tue: THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD S. Holy Day ofObligation.
Vigil: Is 62: 1-5/ Ps 89: 4-5. 16-17. 27. 29 (2a)/ Acts 13: 16-17. 22-25/ Mt 1: 1-25. Midnight: Is 9: 1-6/ Ps 96: 1-2. 2-3. 11-12. 13/ Ti 2: 11-
14/ Lk 2: 1-14. Dawn: Is 62: 11-12/ Ps97: 1. 6. 11-12/ Ti 3: 4-7/ Lk 2: 15-20. Day: Is 52: 7-10/ Ps 98: 1. 2-3. 3-4. 5-6 (3c)/ Heb 1: 1-6/Jn 1: 1-