Biological Filtration: Understanding The Nitrogen Cycle in Aquariums
Biological Filtration: Understanding The Nitrogen Cycle in Aquariums
Biological Filtration: Understanding The Nitrogen Cycle in Aquariums
In the nitrogen cycle, the waste products of the fish, plants, Figure 1. The nitrogen cycle
and invertebrates, along with any dead organisms or uneaten
food, are broken down by bacteria and fungi into the resulting
chemical, ammonia. Ammonia is extremely toxic to all of the
aquarium inhabitants. It is broken down by an oxygen-loving
bacteria, Nitrosomonas. The Nitrosomonas* bacteria feed
on both oxygen and ammonia, and with their biological
activities, they excrete a chemical called nitrite. Although
nitrite is not as toxic as ammonia, even at low concentrations
in the aquarium, it can be harmful to fish and invertebrates.
Another bacteria Nitrobacter*, which also utilizes oxygen in
its respiration, acts in a similar way as Nitrosomonas, and
essentially changes the nitrites into a relatively harmless
chemical called nitrate. The bacteria that will feed on nitrates
are anaerobic, meaning they grow in areas of little or no
oxygen. They require low-oxygenated stagnant water, and
can be found in more elaborate filtration systems and within
live rock. Here they breakdown nitrates into free nitrogen.
* Note: Recent research by one of the leading companies in
the aquatics industry has found that other bacteria (some of
which are still unnamed) are involved in the nitrogen cycle.
The company has isolated these strains of bacteria in the
freshwater systems and will be marketing them in a product
to be used as a cycling aid. A product containing the
saltwater strains is still in development, but is expected to be
available in the near future. In this article, I have used the
names of the bacteria commonly referred to in current
textbooks and journals, understanding these names may be
added to or changed as we learn more. For home aquarists,
the names of the specific bacteria are not as important as
Adapted from: Mills, D. The Marine Aquarium. Salamander Books LTD.
understanding the process and what may affect its efficiency. 8 Blenhein Ct., Brewery Rd. London N79NT; 1987.
The nitrogen cycle in new aquariums
Newly-set-up aquariums lack the colonies of bacteria that are necessary to perform the biological filtration. Because of this,
the aquarium must be "cycled." "Cycling" refers to the process of establishing and maturing the biological filtration. In order
to establish the system, we need to provide a source of ammonia for the Nitrosomonas bacteria in the filtration system so
they can live, reproduce, and colonize. To provide an ammonia source, it is best to add a few hardy fish that can withstand the
presence of ammonia and nitrites. Then we need to seed the aquarium with bacteria. There are commercially available cycling
aids that contain the bacteria. Otherwise, when purchasing the hardy fish, request a small amount of gravel from the aquarium
where the fish were held. This gravel should then be placed in the new aquarium along with the fish, and will provide the
bacteria that are necessary to seed the system. Figure 2 illustrates the process that occurs in an aquarium during the biological
filter maturing process.
As the fish in the new system are fed and begin to thrive, they will, through their biological activities, produce ammonia. The
Nitrosomonas bacteria, in turn, will begin to feed upon that ammonia and will start populating the aquarium. Their
population will be greatest in the media that contains the highest level of oxygen and surface area, which will normally be
within the filtration system. At this point, because the numbers of bacteria are limited, they will not be able to convert all of
the ammonia that is present in the system, so the ammonia levels will continue to rise. As the amount of ammonia increases,
the population of bacteria will also increase, but at a much slower rate than the ammonia. The ammonia level will eventually
reach a peak and then start to decline as the population of bacteria becomes large enough to break down the ammonia faster
than it is being produced. Because there is still ammonia within the system, however, the bacteria will continue to live and
feed on the ammonia until it reaches a level undetectable by testing. At this point, a balance has been achieved in which the
rate of ammonia production equals the rate at which it is broken down by the bacteria. The number of bacteria, from this point