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Cradle Top Learning School Case Study Analysis

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Formal education in the Philippines follows the educational ladder of 6+4+4 structure,
(i.e., six years of elementary education, four years of secondary education, and four years of
higher education for a degree program). However, the current curriculum has been enhanced
for K to 12 and now gives more focus to allow mastery of learning.

Structure of Formal Education 1

Preschool education is optional for children 3 to 4 years old; some private organizations
and some public schools offer nursery, kindergarten and preparatory classes. This is not
prerequisite for entrance to grade one for the elementary level but most of the private schools
require preschool of kindergarten education before admission. On the other hand, elementary
education is required for children six to eleven years old and some private exclusive schools
offer seven years of elementary education.2


Cradle Top Learning School was a corporation established in the Republic of the
Philippines and registered under the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).


Cradle Top Learning School was founded in September 22, 2011.3 The school is the
result of the dream of Yolanda to guide and provide quality education of the young minds.
Having no capital, only her burning desire has been the key to start the school doing mostly all
the job by herself. Her husband and son were also onboard during the initial stages of the
establishment of the school.

Yolanda has used many marketing schemes to promote the school and to be known in
Rizal. She has conducted a house to house campaign to be certain that all of the residential
houses within their neighbourhood will be informed of the existence of School. She also offered
a free summer tutorial sessions to enhance the interest of the parents.

Overtime, Cradle Top Learning School began to expand and has granted a permit to
offer Kindergarten I and II and Grade 1 and 2. Eventually the school grew and is now offering
Nursery, Kindergarten, Preparatory, and Grade 1 to 7, as seen in below recent tarpaulin of the

To provide young students with a comprehensive college-preparatory education.
Comment: Statement is vague. Our group believe that the school should be
specific and clear on what they want to become. Hence, we suggest that the
Vision could be To be the best school that provides high quality teaching in
preparing students for higher education.

To provide young students with a comprehensive college-preparatory education.
Mission as per Facebook Page:
Let them shine!
Let them excel!
Let them be on top!
So let the CRADLE TOP
Brings out their best!
To cultivate to the children the academic achievement, spiritual development,
social maturity, and physical skills necessary to glorify God.
To provide a safe and caring learning environment where students are
challenged to reach their maximum potential.
To commit to a Christian philosophy, accelerated curriculum, inter-active
educational tools, and professionally qualified teachers.

The school management, staff, and parents of Cradle Top believe that:
Each student is unique, valuable, and created in Gods image.
Education should be God-inspired and student-centered and is a partnership
among students, teachers, parents, and the broader community.
By providing a broad-based curriculum which emphasizes strong academics and
creative expression, students will become critical and analytical thinkers.
A well-rounded education (field trip, computer, physical fitness, entrepreneurial)
will provided meaningful opportunities for students to become active and
positive members of the community.


Marketing Mix Description Cradle Top Learning School

Product The Product should fit the task The product in educational sector is the
consumers want it for, it should work education itself/learning of the student. The
and it should be what the consumers facilities such as surroundings, libraries and
are expecting to get. the educational materials can be considered
as product.
Place The product should be available from It is located at Sub Urban San Jose
where your target consumer finds it Rodriguez, Rizal. It was strategically located
easiest to shop. This may be High at the end unit of a socialized housing unit
Street, Mail Order or the more current cluster beside the pastoral house of Iglesia ni
option via e-commerce or an online Cristo chapel in F. Manalo area of the so-
shop. called Erap City.
Price The Product should always be seen as The corresponding price in the educational
representing good value for money. sector is the amount of money (tuition fee)
This does not necessarily mean it should that parents/guardians of their
be the cheapest available; one of the child/children pay to the school.
main tenets of the marketing concept is
that customers are usually happy to pay
a little more for something that works
really well for them.
Promotion Advertising, PR, Sales Promotion, Promotion may be key element in the
Personal Selling and, in more recent school marketing mix. Yolanda is currently
times, Social Media are all key using the facebook page as a medium for
communication tools for an advertisement. They also used tarpaulin
organisation. These tools should be that can be seen in area that is visible to
used to put across the organisations people.
message to the correct audiences in
the manner they would most like to
hear, whether it be informative or
appealing to their emotions.
People All companies are reliant on the people All the staff and teachers are the people
who run them from front line Sales staff that provide service to the student.
to the Managing Director. Having the
right people is essential because they
are as much a part of your business
offering as the products/services you
are offering.
Processes The delivery of your service is usually The schools employees were filling double
done with the customer present so how roles at the same time. The three teachers,
the service is delivered is once again in addition to their classroom duties, were
part of what the consumer is paying for. also expected to perform the roles of
school registrar, treasurer, and liaison
officer. The school secretary also acted as a
teacher aide for most of the day.
Physical Almost all services include some Intensity of intangibility the educational
Evidence physical elements even if the bulk of services will be reduced by physical
what the consumer is paying for is evidence. School facilities can be
intangible. For example a hair salon considered physical evidence
would provide their client with a
completed hairdo and an insurance
company would give their customers
some form of printed material. Even if
the material is not physically printed (in
the case of PDFs) they are still receiving
a physical product by this definition.
There are many strategic analysis tools that a firm can use, but some are more common.
The most used detailed analysis of the environment is the PESTLE analysis. It consists of various
factors that affect the business environment.

Rizal Provincial Government (RPG) focused its allocations to improve the capacity of all
primary/elementary students of Rizal.
Scarcity of classroom and teachers in public schools.
Generation Z was acknowledge by the government and they even set it as one of the
considerations setting standards for basic education.

Public school teachers have much greater salary than The Cradle Top Learning School
can offer.
Expansion of operation (increase in grade level)
Increase of minimum salary wage in the province of Rizal
Rodriguez, Rizal is considered as one of the first class municipalities with an income of
P55 million and above
Deflation. One might think that a general decrease in prices is a good thing because it
gives consumers greater purchasing power. To some degree, moderate drops in certain
products, such as food or energy, do have some positive effect on consumer spending. A
general, persistent fall in prices, however, can have severe negative effects on growth
and economic stability.4


Yolanda Puno is a well known member of Iglesia ni Cristo

Cradle Top Learning School faced 16 competitor schools in Barangay San Jose
Some parents have the tendency to withdraw their childrens enrolment in the middle
of the school year. (rapid demographic changes)
Cradle Top Learning School Is considered as Sectarian School affiliated with the Iglesia
ni Cristo, parents with different religion may not enroll their children to Cradle Top.
Aside from formal preschool and basic education, self learning programs such as Kumon
and Math Plus Academy are already available which are very flexible in terms of
Most parents with child on pre-school and basic education level are millennials.


With the new curriculum of the Department of education for basic education, basic
computer learning is already integrated.
Demand of schools for advanced technological teaching.


Republic Act 10157, or "The Kindergarten Education Law" made Kindergarten the
compulsory and mandatory entry stage to basic education.
The Department of Education was mandated by law to implement the K to 12
curriculum which set a brand new standard in basic education
DEPED Accreditation


The school was strategically situated in a municipality that was densely populated, and
where a good percentage of residents were of school age.

The five forces model of analysis was developed by Michael Porter to analyze the
competitive environment in which a product or company works.


1. Threat to New Entrants
Medium Barrier of Entry
DEPED accreditation
Parents usually do the diligent task of scouting for a school for their children. It is
important for most parents to check and find out if the school has a permit issued by
Technological advancements
Rapid growth in technology has become evident. The best way for a new entrant to be
successful would be if they have an advantage when it comes to technology.
High capitalization is required
Capital is a vital part of any new business venture. If a school is financially stable it can
easily enter the market.
2. Bargaining Power of Buyers
High Bargaining Power
Price Sensitivity
Cost is a major factor in parents decision.

Availability of substitutes
In relation to first bullet, if the tuition fee is high or other factors are not met, parents
would opt to choose other school.

3. Bargaining Power of Suppliers

High bargaining power
Limited suppliers of books accredited by DepEd
Educational publishing industry in the Philippines is being monopolized by the members
of the Philippine Educational Publishers Association (PEPA). Although educational
reading materials are not limited to the produce of the members of PEPA, its members
are the only accredited publishers of the official textbooks.

Teachers competencies
The teachers competencies consist of knowledge, skills and attitude. Most parents
want their children to get good grades, and acquire knowledge and skills necessary for
the childs future endeavour. This would be possible if in the beginning of the school
year of a child, a skilful and competent teacher will guide a student.

4. Threats of Substitutes
Low Differentiation between competitors
Technology Advancement
With the standard curriculum every school to offer and the trend of technology,
technological advancement is a very big factor of differentiation but it also incur cost to
the school.

Substitutes performance
The performance of substitute is also a big factor. Parents often choose schools with
higher performance. Enrolment-Graduate ratio for example.

5. Industry Rivalry
The Industry of Education is a big market since education is considered to be a basic
necessity. There are many schools in Rodriguez Rizal that offers K-12 curriculum.
Technology plays a high role in the competition because even for primary education
computer literacy is important.
Market Size and Growth Rate
The industry has a very big potential for a large market since education is a basic necessity to
all. Since Cradle Top is located strategically in a good location where socialized housing is close,
this can be a good and substantial market for a small scale school that only caters up to grade 4

Number of Rivals
Cradle Top Learning School faced 16 competitor schools in Barangay San Jose, specifically:
Biblical Education Life and Leadership School
Cinco's Learning Center
College of Arts and Sciences of Asia
Pacific Rodriguez Rizal, Inc.
EBBC Christian Academy, Inc.
EUL-Shalom Learning Center Inc.
Faith Christian Academy of Rodriguez Rizal, Inc.
Holy Family Montessori School of Rodriguez, Inc.
Jesus Christ Saves Global Outreach Christian Academy
Kasiglahan Faith Christian Learning Center, Inc.
Lord Most High Christian School, Inc.
Melvinshire Learning Center
Mizrachs Learning School of Rodriguez Rizal, Inc.
Pamahay Learning Center
St. Therese Learning School of Rodriguez, Inc.
Three Kings Academy of Rodriguez, Inc.
Thrones Rainbow Angel Workshop, Inc.

Of all these school only the Melvinshire Learning Center and MizrachsLearning School of
Rodriguez Rizal, Inc. are the primary competitor of Cradle Top Learning School since these two
school are within the vicinity of Cradle Top Learning School which is a strategically location.
Although Melvinshire Leaning Center is located at a not so good surroundings.

Capital requirements
The capital requirement for establishing a school is generally high because capital allocations
should focus on the need for high-quality school places and the condition of facilities, with key
government priorities also featuring in expenditure decisions. Since Cradle Top Learning School
started with no capitalization, Yolanda then used their personal monetary allowance.
Barriers to Entry
DepEd Accreditation Department of Education issued and revised DO 32, s. 2006 - Revised
Policies on Voluntary Accreditation for Elementary and Secondary Private Schools in Aid of
Quality and Excellence for Basic Education. Based on this DO, It is the declared policy of the
State to encourage and assist, through the Department of Education (DepED), private
elementary and secondary schools which desire to attain standards of quality over and above
the minimum required by the State. The schools should satisfy the following criteria/guidelines:

A reasonably high standard of instruction.

Well-developed mechanism for improving and upgrading its own curriculum.
Creditable performance of its teachers that promote effectiveness of teaching and
High level of achievement and performance of students in both academic and co-
curricular activities.
A highly visible community, extension program describing the nature and extent of
student and teacher involvement and the impact of such program to the community.
A strong faculty development tradition evidenced by an appropriate budget allocation
and/or systematic plan for staff development programs.
The schools should submit documentary evidence to support their claims.

Technological Advantage Nowadays, technology in the classroom is becoming more and

more predominant. Technologies such as mobile, tablet, laptop and computer are replacing our
textbooks, and we can research just about anything that we want to on our smartphones. Social
media has become commonplace, and the way we use technology has completely transformed
the way we live or lives. It will also minimize the time and efforts of teachers to make lesson
plans and lectures.

The impact that technology has had on todays schools has been quite significant. This
widespread adoption of technology has completely changed how teachers teach and students
learn. Teachers are learning how to teach with emerging technologies (tablets, iPads, Smart
Boards, digital cameras, computers), while students are using advanced technology to shape
how they learn. By embracing and integrating technology in the classroom, we are setting our
students up for a successful life outside of school.
Tool: External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFE)

Key External Factors Weighted

Weight Rating
(Opprotunities) Score
Scarcity of classroom and teachers in public schools. 0.05 1 0.05
Rizal Provincial Government (RPG) focused its allocations to 0.04 1 0.04
improve the capacity of all primary/elementary students of Rizal.
Expansion of operation (increase in grade level) 0.05 3 0.15
Rodriguez, Rizal is considered as one of the first class 0.03 1 0.03
municipalities with an income of P55 million and above
Yolanda Puno is a well known member of Iglesia ni Cristo 0.05 3 0.15
Republic Act 10157, or "The Kindergarten Education Law" made 0.07 2 0.14
Kindergarten the compulsory and mandatory entry stage to basic
DepEd Accreditation 0.03 3 0.09
The school was strategically situated in a municipality that was 0.05 3 0.15
densely populated, and where a good percentage of residents
were of school age.

Key External Factors Weighted

Weight Rating
(Threats) Score
Generation Z was acknowledge by the government and they even 0.05 1 0.05
set it as one of the considerations setting standards for basic
Public school teachers have much greater salary than The Cradle 0.05 1 0.05
Top Learning School can offer.
Increase of minimum salary wage in the province of Rizal 0.07 1 0.07
Deflation 0.04 1 0.04
Cradle Top Learning School faced 16 competitor schools in 0.07 1 0.07
Barangay San Jose
Some parents have the tendency to withdraw their childrens 0.05 1 0.05
enrolment in the middle of the school year. (rapid demographic
Cradle Top Learning School Is considered as Sectarian School 0.06 1 0.06
affiliated with the Iglesia ni Cristo, parents with different religion
may not enroll their children to Cradle Top.
Aside from formal preschool and basic education, self learning 0.07 1 0.07
programs such as kumon and mathplusacademy are already
available which are very flexible in terms of schedules.
With the new curriculum of the Department of education for basic 0.05 1 0.05
education, basic computer learning is already integrated.
Demand of schools for advanced technological teaching 0.07 1 0.07
The Department of Education was mandated by law to implement 0.05 3 0.15
the K to 12 curriculum which set a brand new standard in basic
TOTAL 1 2.28

Tool: Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)

Mizrach Learning
Cradle Top Melvinshire
School of
Learning school Learning Center
Rodriguez, Rizal
CRITICAL SUCCESS weighted weighted weighted
weight rating rating rating
FACTORS score score score
Advertisement 0.10 3 0.30 2 0.20 2 0.20

Strategic location 0.20 4 0.80 3 0.60 3 0.60

DepEd Accreditation 0.10 3 0.30 3 0.30 3 0.30

Facilities 0.20 4 0.80 3 0.60 3 0.60

Technological learning
0.25 1 0.25 4 1.00 1 0.25
Grade level offered 0.15 3 0.45 1 0.15 4 0.60

1.00 2.90 2.85 2.55

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