Mathematical Programming: Is Called The Feasible Set and
Mathematical Programming: Is Called The Feasible Set and
Mathematical Programming: Is Called The Feasible Set and
f (x = max{ f (x) : x }
x = argmax{ f (x) : x }
Note that there can be several optimal solutions but only one optimal value.
1. (problem is infeasible)
2. k R, x f (x) k
( f (x) unbounded over : problem unbounded)
3. f (x) bounded over , but does not attain a maximum value.
Examples of mathematical optimization problems
x R n : g i x ki (for i 1, , r ), h j x l j (for j 1, , q)
Here, each gi and h j is an n-dimensional (data) row vector, each ki and lj is a scalar
(data), and x is an n-dimensional column vector of variables.
f (x) is a linear function of the variables x1 , x2 , , xn : f (x) wj xj
j 1
Every linear program can be (re)formulated into any of the following forms:
x R n : g i (x) 0 (for i 1, , p), hk (x) 0 (for k 1, , q)
where gi and hk represent arbitrary functions.
(Linear) Integer program (IP):
An LP with the additional requirement that all variables take integer values.
max c x : Ax b, x 0, x Z n
max cx hy : Ax Gy b, x 0, x R n , y 0, y Z p
Matrices A and G have n and p columns, respectively, and same number of rows.
max c x : Ax b, x {0,1}n
max c x : Ax b, 0 x 1, x Z n
5. (Linear objective) Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CO):
Continuous optimization vs discrete optimization:
Discrete optimization: feasible set is discrete (e.g.: CO, IP, and also LP since
we can solve linear programs by considering only the finite set of extreme
points of the polyhedral feasible region).
Assignment Problem
Minimum Spanning Tree
Shortest Path
Chinese Postman Problem
Linear Programming
Linear programming algorithms and theory are also useful for many efficient
current algorithms to solve NP-Hard problems such as TSP, Knapsack
Problem, and general IP or MIP problems.
Difficulty of solving continuous optimization problems:
Convexity: Definitions
1. Convex sets
Convex combinations
Extreme points
Convexity results:
Polyhedral sets:
1. Linear programs are convex programs (local optima are also global).
2. If LP has an optimal solution exists, then there is one that is an
extreme point of the feasible region.
1. Simplex Method (Dantzig 1947): not polynomial, but very efficient in practice.
Primal Simplex and Dual Simplex are two main variants of the Simplex method.
Review of Matrix multiplication:
Product of a row vector w and column vector x of dimension n: wx w j x j
j 1
where a denotes the entry in the i-th row and j-th column of matrix A
(the (i,j)-th entry of A ). We will also refer to a by A .
ij j
a1 j
j-th column of A :
a mj
and A A1 A 2 A n
Thus, we can write: A
Duality Theory of Linear Programming:
The dual of the LP above is the linear program: min yb : yA c, y 0 where, for the
products to be defined, y must be an m-dimensional row vector of variables.
Let ~x x : Ax b, x 0 and y y : yA c, y 0 ,
then cx%yb
Dual of a general linear program:
Weak and strong duality results apply to any primal-dual pair of LPs.
Let A be the m by n constraint matrix, b the rhs vector, and c the objective function
vector of a (primal) LP. Let the column vector ~x R n be a feasible solution to the
primal LP and let the row vector ~y R m be a feasible solution
to the dual LP.
Then ~
x and ~
y are respectively optimal for each of the problems if and only if:
c j ~yA j x j 0 j 1, , n
yi A i ~
x bi 0 i 1, , m
Linear combinations
b is a nonnegative combination of a1 , a 2 , , a k if b j a j and j 0 j .
j 1
k k
b is a convex combination of a1 , a 2 , , a k if b ja j , j 1 , j 0 j .
j 1 j 1
More definitions:
Let R n ( may have infinite number of vectors). We say that
is a subspace if lin
k k
ja j
j 1
0 and
j 1
j 0 imply that j 0 j 1, , k