POM-044 Celcon ProcessingGuideTG AM 0913
POM-044 Celcon ProcessingGuideTG AM 0913
POM-044 Celcon ProcessingGuideTG AM 0913
Processing Celcon
Acetal Copolymer Troubleshooting Guide
The Celcon Acetal Copolymer Processing and Troubleshooting guide is written for plastics processors who require
specific information on start-up, processing techniques and troubleshooting using this versatile group of products.
Material handling techniques, resin drying conditions and health and safety issues are also included.
Chapters 1 and 2 cover an introduction to Celcon acetal copolymer grades and physical characteristics,
regulatory and flammability listings, startup and shutdown procedures, and the safety and health aspects
pertaining to handling Celcon acetal copolymer. This information is pertinent to all processing methods.
Please read these two chapters before attempting to process any grade of Celcon acetal.
Chapter 3 is devoted to the important topic of molded part dimensional stability, including part shrinkage,
annealing, dimensional tolerances and the effect of moisture absorption on part dimensions. Each of the final
four chapters of the manual describes a specific processing technique: injection molding, extrusion, blow molding and
rotational casting, and includes a troubleshooting section. Information on machine settings, mold design, and (where
appropriate) screw design is also included.
For more information on material characteristics and part and mold design, consult the following manuals:
Celcon Acetal Copolymer Short Term Properties (CE-4), Designing with Plastic: The Fundamentals (TDM-1)
and Designing with Celcon Acetal Copolymer (CE-10). They are available by contacting your local Celanese
sales representative, or by calling our Technical Information Hotline at 1-800-833-4882.
Comments and suggestions for improving this and other Celanese literature are always welcome, and may be sent to us
at the above phone number, or by writing to us at the address shown on the back cover.
Chapter 1. Overview
Chemistry of Acetal Copolymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
General Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Product Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Regulatory Codes and Agency Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Product Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Chapter 6. Extrusion
Materials of Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
Extruder Barrel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
Screw Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
Screen Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Head and Die Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Resin Hopper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
High Speed Tubing Extrusion
Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Processing Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Troubleshooting Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Film and Sheet Extrusion
Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Processing Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
List of Figures and Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside back cover
Chemistry of Acetal Polymers such as injection molding, blow molding, extrusion,
Acetal polymers are chemically known as rotational casting and compression molding. Rod, slab
polyoxymethylenes (POM). Two types of acetal polymers and sheet stock which can be readily machined into
are commercially available: desired shapes are also available.
These products are chemically modified to decrease static
build-up for applications such as conveyer belt links and
audio and video cassette hubs and rollers.
Electrically Conductive
These grades are used for applications requiring low
electrical resistance and/or rapid dissipation of static
build-up. Some electrically conductive grades contain
carbon fibers and exhibit high strength and stiffness.
Plastic Scope
Plumbing Code Bodies:
International Association of Plumbing Plumbing fixtures and specific plumbing and mechanical
Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) applications covered in the various codes
Building Officials Conference of America (BOCA)
Southern Standard Building Code
Canada Standards Association Plumbing fixtures, fittings and potable water contact items,
UL ratings in Canada
Plastic Pipe Institute (PPI) Recommended Hydrostatic Design Stress (RHDS) rating
of 1,000 psi at 23C (73F) as an injection molded
plumbing fitting
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Repeated-use food contact applications including food
machinery components conforming to 21 CFR 177.2470
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Various UL ratings for flammability, electrical and thermal
service use
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Approved for direct contact use with meat and poultry
General Guidelines
Storage and Handling Consult the current Celcon acetal Material Safety Data
Celcon acetal copolymer should be stored in its original Sheets (MSDS) for health and safety data for specific
container on pallets in a dry place. Open containers grades of Celcon acetal prior to processing or otherwise
should be carefully resealed before returning to storage. handling these products. Copies are available by calling
In the winter, containers of resin should be brought into your local Celanese sales office or Customer Services at
the warm processing area at least 24 hours prior to use 1-800-526-4960.
and allowed to come to room temperature before
opening. If this is not done, moisture in the air may Flammability
condense on the surface of the pellets and lead to surface When ignited, Celcon acetal copolymer burns with little
efects on molded or extruded plastic parts. or no smoke, and with a barely visible blue flame.
Combustion products are carbon dioxide and water. If
The use of a hopper magnet in the feedstream is highly Celcon acetal copolymer burns with a muffled flame and
recommended to insure aaainst any form of metallic combustion is incomplete, carbon monoxide and some
contamination, which could occur while transporting the formaldehyde may be released. Exposure to high
resin and cause equipment damage. concentrations, especially in a poorly ventilated area, can
be harmful. For more detailed information on worker
Every effort should be made to avoid pellet spills or loss. exposure limits for formaldehyde refer to the Material
Spilled pellets can be very slippery and may result in Safety Data Sheet for Celcon acetal copolymer.
employee accidents. Pellet loss to the environment could
lead to fines or other penalties under Storm Water
Regulations issued by the Environmental Protection
Warning - Avoid PVC
Celanese Polymers supports the Society of the Plastics Celcon acetal copolymer and polyvinyl chloride
Industry Operation Clean Sweep program. (PVC) can chemically react and must never be
allowed to mix, even in trace quant ties in the melt.
Safety and Health Information When heated, PVC forms acidic decomposition
The usual precautions must be observed as when products which can rapidly degrade Celcon acetal
processing any hot and molten thermoplastic. at processing temperatures. If possible, Celcon
acetal and PVC should not be processed in the same
Caution: Normal processing temperatures and equipment. If this is unavoidable, thorough purging
residence times should not be exceeded. Celcon acetal with an acrylic or polyethylene resin is essential
should never be heated above 238 C (460 F) nor be prior to introduction of the second material.
allowed to remain above 193 C (380 F) for more than
15 minutes without purging. Excessively high
It is recommended that in cases of known or
temperature or long residence time in a heated
suspected contamination, the polymer processing
chamber can cause the resin to discolor and, in time,
components of the molding machine, including
degrade to release formaldehyde, a colorless and
the barrel, screw, check ring, screw tip and nozzle,
irritating gas. This gas can be harmful in high
concentrations, so proper ventilation is essential. If should be dismantled and thoroughly cleaned, in
venting is inadequate, high pressures could place of the purging process described above.
develop in the equipment which may lead to blow
back through the feed area. If no exit is available for
these gases, the equipment may rupture and
endanger personnel.
Dimensional Stability
When manufacturing parts from Celcon acetal, it is Shrinkage of standard unfilled Celcon acetal products
important to understand the factors which may cause measured on laboratory test specimens cover a range
dimensional changes. The dimensional effects of from 1.2 - 2.4%. Mold shrinkage for an actual part has
shrinkage (both in -mold and post-molding), annealing been observed as high as 3.7%. Consult the Celcon Short
and moisture absorption are discussed in this chapter. Term Properties Brochure (CE-4) for typical values of
specific Celcon grades. This information should be used
Shrinkage Caused by Processing only as a guide in estimating shrinkage for tool
(Injection Molding) construction. Additional guidance is provided in Figure
Many factors influence mold shrinkage. They include 3.1 which shows the effects of molding conditions and
thermal properties of the resin, filler type and level, part wall thickness on mold shrinkage, and Chapter 4 of this
design (especially wall thickness), gate size, and resin manual which details mold design for injection molding.
flow direction. Molding conditions, including melt and
mold temperature, injection speed and pressure are Of the process variables, injection hold (or packing)
particularly important. Variations in mold surface pressure and time, injection speed and mold temperature
temperature and mold injection pressure, for example, are the most significant, and about equal in importance
can cause shrinkage in test bars made from one specific in controlling mold shrinkage. Material temperature is
grade (Celcon M90 ) ranging from 1.8 to 5.0%. As a also significant, but to a lesser degree.
result, it is difficult to predict the exact mold shrinkage of
a specific part. Of the part and mold variables, wall thickness has the
most significant effect on part shrinkage followed by gate
Typical effects of processing conditions on part shrinkage size. Gate location is of lesser importance, but still
are summarized in Table 3.1: significant, and is highly dependent on part geometry.
Parts which are relatively long and narrow and gated at
Table 3.1 Effect of Processing Conditions on Part the narrow end will have material flow predominantly in
Shrinkage one direction. This will result in anisotropic shrinkage.
Molding Effect on Part Shrinkage
For unreinforced Celcon acetal, there will be less
shrinkage in the width (transverse) than in the length
Wall thickness increases Increases
(flow) direction. For reinforced Celcon acetal, the opposite
Gate size increases Decreases
will occur. Shrinkage will be less in the length direction
Pressure increases Decreases than in the width direction.
Mold Temperature Increases
The reason for this is the reinforcing glass fibers align
Melt Temperature Decreases (for parts 3.1mm themselves in the direction of the material flow and,
increases thick or less)
No effect (for parts 3.2 - 9.5 when the part cools and the material solidifies, the fibers
mm thick) inhibit shrinkage in this direction. Anisotropic shrinkage
Resn melt viscosity Increases with increasing increases with increasing wall thickness and, in thick
increases viscosity when molded parts, with increasing gate size.
under similar processing
conditions; i.e. Celcon The precise shrinkage for a given part may be obtained
M450 has lower shrinkage
than Celcon M25 by initially designing the mold cavities with oversized
cores and undersized cavities. Following this, parts
should be molded at equilibrium molding conditions,
8 12 16 20 8 12 16 20 8 12 16 20 8 12 16 20
8 12 16 20 8 12 16 20 8 12 16 20 8 12 16 20
8 12 16 20 8 12 16 20 8 12 16 20 8 12 16 20
Figure 3.1 The effect of molding conditions and wall thickness on mold shrinkage for Celcon M90 Acetal
Shrinkage Due to Heat Aging, 1 mm Thick Specimen Circulating air ovens and oil baths capable of providing
Direction of Material Flow a uniform temperature of 152 2C (305 5F) are
recommended for annealing Celcon acetal. While
115 C Oven equipment offering lower annealing temperatures may
be suitable for some applications, it is not preferred
because the annealing time to obtain best results can be
Shrinkage, %
0.3% for the first inch or fraction of the first inch Boiling Water Immersion @ 100 C
Water Absorbed, %
Moisture Absorption
Some dimensional change is seen when Celcon acetal
Wat n
minimal. See page 5.5 of the Celcon Design Manual for 0.2
additional data on the effects of water on material 1 Day 1 Yr.
properties. 0.3 8
4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10
Time, Seconds
Injection Molding
Equipment The flight width should be approximately 10% of the
Injection molding is the most widely used method for screw diameter.
processing acetals. Celcon acetal can be successfully For unfilled Celcon resins, the screw should be hard
processed in all types of commercially available injection faced or coated with a corrosion resistant material
molding machines designed for thermoplastics. These such as chrome or Stellite 6.
may be single or two stage, reciprocating and stationary For filled reinforced Celcon resins, the screw and barrel
screw injection types. Screw injection provides fast should be hard faced or coated with a corrosion and
plastication and a homogeneous melt which will permit abrasion resistant material such as tungsten carbide,
molding parts at reduced melt temperatures and CPM-9V or Colmonoy 56 for screws (CPM-10V, Bimex,
pressures, as well as decreased cycle time. Ram machines or Xaloy 101 or 306 for barrels).
may also be used for some molding jobs. The screw should be fitted with a non-return valve to
prevent back flow of resin in the screw channel as the
A single stage reciprocating screw injection molding resin is injected into the mold. The valve should have
machine is most commonly used with Celcon acetal. large clearances and well-radiused corners when open
to ensure that the melt flows freely, is not hung-up
Barrel and Screw and is not overheated.
While the standard metering screw available in
The channel depth ratio, i.e., the ratio of the channel
commercial reciprocating-screw injection molding
depth in the feed zone to that in the metering zone,
machines can be used, it is not totally satisfactory.
(h1 /h2), should be between 3 and 4.5. A channel
Problems such as excessive oxidative deterioration,
depth ratio of 4:1 is recommended for optimum
poor thermal homogeneity, unmelted resin pellets and
lower productivity rates can sometimes occur.
The feed section should occupy about 40% of the
A screw such as the one shown in Figure 4.1 having the screw length, the transition zone about 30% and the
following characteristics is reccomended for optimum metering section about 30%.
Typical screw dimensions for injection molding screws
The L/D (length-to-diameter) ratio should preferably are given in Table 4.1.
be no less than 16/1 and no greater than 24/1.
The flight clearance should be approximately 0.13 mm
(0.005 in.).
h2 h1
A diagram of a recommended check valve is shown in the level of moisture encountered during molding is high
Figure 4.2 and indicates the need for flats to be machined enough to warrant removal. When improved melting is
at the mating joints B and C. The flutes in the screw tip, A, required to reduce the cycle time, a barrier flight may be
and the flow path through the check ring, D, should be introduced in the first stage. The barrier flight clearance
generously proportioned to ensure minimum flow should be 1.02 - 1.52 mm (0.040 - 0.060 in.)
restriction and well radiused. The mating surfaces
between the screw tip and the check ring seal, E, and the Nozzles
check ring seal and the screw, F, should be cylindrical and Conventional free flow and reverse taper nylon-type
machined flush to ensure no projections into the flow. All nozzles fitted with a heater band for temperature control
surfaces contacting the flow should have a surface finish of the nozzle are recommended for Celcon acetal
better than 16 r.m.s. and all flow channels should be free copolymer.
from sharp turns.
Caution: Nozzle designs with positive shut-off devices
Although standard unopened containers of Celcon are not recommended for safety reasons, although with
acetal usually do not have to be dried, a vented barrel proper precautions they have been successfully used.
machine with a two stage extraction screw may be used if Formaldehyde gas may be released from Celcon acetal
in the molding process, particularly if left at elevated
temperature in the heated barrel for an extended
period. This gas must be free to escape through the
Barrel nozzle. If the nozzle is blocked for any reason such as
Check Ring by malfunction of the positive shut-off device or resin
Adapter freeze-off in the nozzle, sufficient pressure could
Nozzle E develop to cause blow-back of the resin through the
F feed zone and hopper or create other hazardous
Scre w conditions.
Plasticizing Capacity
Figure 4.2 Dimensional change due to water As with other engineering plastics, Celcon acetal should
absorption by unfilled Celcon acetal. not be exposed to excessive temperatures or very long
residence times. The shot weight for Celcon acetal
Part thickness diameter mm (in.) Runner length mm (in.) Minimum runner diameter mm (in.)
Less than 0.51 (0.020) Up to 50.8 (2) 3.18 (0.125)
0.51 - 1.52 (0.020 - 0.060) Greater than 50.8 (2) 4.78 (0.188)
1.52 - 3.81 (0.060 - 0.150) Up to 101.6 (4) 4.78 (0.188)
1.52 - 3.81 (0.060 - 0.150) Greater than 101.6 (4) 6.35 (0.250)
3.81 - 6.35 (0.150 - 0.250) Up to 101.6 (Up to 4) 6.35 (0.250)
3.81 - 6.35 (0.150 - 0.250) Greater than 101.6 (Up to 4) 7.92 (0.312)
Practically all commercial hot runner systems work well Molded-in Inserts
with Celcon acetal, with the exception of insulated A wide variety of molded-in inserts have been
runner systems. In general, melt flow channels should be successfully mated with various grades of Celcon acetal.
large and streamlined, with generous radii and no sharp Because of the resins high strength and excellent creep
corners. This will prevent resin hangup, facilitate resin resistance characteristics, retention of the inserts is good,
melt flow and reduce pressure loss. even after exposure to severe temperature and moisture
cycling tests. Recom-mended designs for molded-in
A full range of drops are available for runnerless inserts are shown below in Figure 4.3.
molding. Either bushings or hot runner nozzles can be
used successfully, as can partial systems such as hot In addition to standard insert molding, inserts can be
sprues. A wide variety of drop designs are acceptable, assembled in pilot holes of molded Celcon acetal
including hot tip, hot edge, angle gate, torpedo, angle tip,
multitip and E-type nozzles. Machine system suppliers
can provide extensive design services to determine the Recommended Torue
best drops for a specific application. retention
A variety of gate configurations can be used for
Coarse Radiion Pull-out Flat
processing Celcon acetal in hot runners, including knurl resistance
systems which provide thermal freeze-off. Valve gates,
especially hydraulic designs, work well with parts
requiring zero vestiges. Generally, gates should be
relatively unrestricted and should not subject the melt
to shear rates higher than 1,500 - 2,000 sec-1 at polymer Round on
melt temperatures. Excessive shear may result in melt
fracture. Gate design and location influence mold filling
patterns and affect mechanical properties, dimensions
and surface finish. The gate land should be 1 mm
(0.040 in.).
Gate Type
Parts made from Celcon acetal have been successfully
made with a variety of gate types. Figure 4.5 gives
examples of common gate types suitable fo molding
Celcon acetal parts.
Figure 4.4 Outset Molded Moving Parts: Gear
(left), cam (center), and spring (right) Gate Size
Gate size should be selected so that the molten plastic
parts, using press fits, spin welding or ultrasonic welding in the gate freezes before the second stage pressure is
in a post-molding operation. released, thereby preventing backflow of the plastic.
Recommended gate sizes for rectangular edge gates are
Outsert Molding given in Table 4.3 for various ranges of thickness. The
Insert molding is a well established process for mating smaller gate dimension should be one-half to two-thirds
plastics and metals, but outsert molding extends its of the maximum part wall thickness.
advantages to produce entire subassemblies with
multifunctional acetal copolymer parts. The process is The minimum diameter recommended for a round gate
claimed to eliminate assembly steps and improve quality is 0.76 mm (0.030 in.), preferably greater than 1.52 mm
and productivity. One company, for example, molds over (0.060 in.), although parts have been successfully
100 acetal components onto a specially designed produced with gates as small as 0.5 mm (0.020 in.).
galvanized steel baseplate for a video recorder. All of the
parts are formed from a single shot of an acetal Gate Location
copolymer, sent to four levels via a mold with 25 pinpoint Gating in areas of the molded parts which will be
gates per level. subjected to high stress, bending or impact during use
should be avoided. Gates should generally be located in
Celcon acetal is ideal for injection molding both fixed and the thickest cross-section of the part and be in a position
movable parts onto a metal plate clamped into the mold. so that the initial flow of plastic into the mold impinges
Parts can include gears, pins, bushings, wall sections, on a wall. This will prevent jetting and blush marks.
springs, cams and other shapes. The plates themselves
are usually 0.040 - 0.080 in. thick with tolerances of For round or cylindrical parts which must be concentric,
0.002 in. In addition to holes used for mounting parts, a center sprue gate, a diaphragm gate, disk gate or a
two holes secure the plate in the mold. The distance set of three gates spaced at 120 intervals around the
between them must be controlled to a tolerance of part is recommended.
0.001 in. per 4.0 in. length to ensure precise molding
locations. Vents
With all plastics, cavities should be well vented to allow
Either three-plate or hot runner molds with multiple pin the escape of trapped gases and air. Inadequate venting
gates can be used. Unlike conventional parts, shrinkage can cause burn marks, short shots, dimensional problems,
allowance in outsert molding is determined from the surface defects and blushing. Proper venting, on the
center of each individual molding on the plate. other hand, will help to lower injection and clamp
pressures, reduce cycle times, eliminate or reduce
For more information on this technique, call us at molded-in stress, and minimize shrinkage and warpage.
Table 4.3 Recommended Gate Dimensions for Rectangular Edge Gates, mm (in.)
Part thickness mm (in.) Gate width mm (in.) Gate depth (in.) Land length mm (in.)
0.76 - 2.29 (0.030 - 0.090) 0.51 - 2.29 (0.020 - 0.090) 0.51 - 1.52 (0.020 - 0.060) 1.02 (0.04)
2.29 - 3.18 (0.090 - 0.125) 2.29 -3.30 (0.090 - 0.130) 1.51 - 2.16 (0.060 - 0.085) 1.02 (0.04)
3.18 - 6.35 (0.125 - 0.250) 3.30 -6.35 (0.130 - 0.250) 2.16 - 4.19 (0.085 - 0.165) 1.02 (0.04)
Tab Diaphragm
Cut runner as close
as possible to part 60
Parting Line
Figure 4.5 Some Basic Gate Designs Suitable for Celcon Acetal
Table 4.7 Typical Molding Conditions for Minimum/Maximum Shrinkage of Unreinforced Celcon
Acetal Copolymer
Melt temperature, F (C) 171 - 182 (340 - 360) 182 - 210 (360 - 410)
Screw rotational speed has little effect on mold shrinkage of unreinforced Celcon grades.
Blow Molding
Blow Molding Methods Advantages of injection over extrusion blow molding are
Blow molding Celcon acetal allows the production of the ability to mold a finished neck on a container with
hollow and irregular shapes through either extrusion or good dimensional control and better dimensional control
injection techniques. While most commercial applications of wall thickness. This results in better product quality,
are for relatively small components such as cosmetic less material usage, and a minimum of waste material to
bottles, dishwasher spray arms and automotive hydraulic be reworked.
fuel reservoirs, blow molders have produced plenums
measuring 50 in. long and 16 in. wide in developmental The major advantages and disadvantages of each
runs. method are summarized in Table 5.1.
Flight depth in the feed zone would be 0.44 in., and knife edge at the point of convergence are often used.
0.11 in. in the metering zone. Recommended screw The melt stream can flow freely around such a die pin
characteristics to plasticize Celcon acetal for extrusion without dead spots where material could hang up. A flow
blow molding are summarized in Table 5.1. divider of this type is shown in Figure 5.1.
Screen Pack To further weld the material passing the die pin and
A screen pack of assorted screen sizes (e.g 20-60-80- 20 discourage streaks, an annular restriction (choke) should
mesh) should be placed immediately in front of the screw
to filter out any unmelted particulates which could lead
to defective products or abrasion of the inner head and
die surfaces. The screen pack also serves to maintain
back pressure which prevents uneven parison flow due Approx.
to surging. The screen pack should be replaced at regular
Breaker Plate
A breaker plate should be used to hold the screen pack
firmly in place while interfering as little as possible with a
smooth flow of the melt stream. A breaker plate is a steel
plate usually about 6.4 mm (1/4 in.) thick and perforated
with closely-spaced 6.4 (1/4 in.) holes. The holes in the
breaker plate are frequently chamfered on the side facing
the screw to improve melt flow. Figure 5.1 Flow Pin Divider to Promote Smooth
Flow and Avoid Weld Lines
Die Head
A die head and adaptor is generally placed between be placed downstream from the flow divider. The choke
the breaker plate and the parison die to guide the melt serves to increase back pressure in the melt stream by
stream to the die entrance. Many assemblies require reducing the cross-sectional area between the flow
that the melt stream turn 90 as it approaches the die. To divider and the die. The higher pressure which is achieved
encourage smooth flow and avoid undesirable weld lines, tends to smooth out the weld and reduce the chance of
flow pin spiders with helical deflectors machined to a streaking.
Type - Metering general purpose type; constant pitch L/D - 20:1 to 24:1 preferred; 16.1 mimimum Compression ratio - 3:1 to 4:1
The hopper on the extruder should be large enough to Die Heater
hold Celcon pellets for about a half hours production. (Zone 2) Pin Adapter
If the hopper is manually loaded, it should be equipped
with a hinged or tightly fitted lid to avoid contamination.
While Celcon resins normally can be used directly from Die Heater
(Zone 3)
their original shipping container without drying, a hopper
drier can be beneficial where pick-up of excess moisture Tapered Die Pin
has inadvertently occurred. The use of a magnetic screen Die Bushing (Replaceable)
or metal detector placed in the hopper is advised to
minimize the risk of contamination or equipment
damage due to foreign metal.
Figure 5.2 Parison Die with Adjustable Core Pin
Molds for Control of Parison Thickness
A choice of materials for molds depends on the
anticipated volume of production, complexity of the interfere with heat transfer in the cavity and result in
mold piece, technique used and number of molds a poor finish on the molded part. Vents 0.051-102 mm
required. Aluminum and zinc are commonly used to (0.002-0.004 in.) deep should be provided at the mold
make the low cost molds for short runs. Beryllium-copper, parting line in areas where air entrapment is likely. Molds
a harder material, is sometimes used despite its higher can be vapor honed or sand blasted to provide a matte
cost because it has excellent heat transfer characteristics. surface which prevents sticking and facilitates part
Steel dies are relatively expensive and are mostly used for ejection.
long production runs.
0.040 0.040
0.030 0.030
80 120 160 200 240 280 0
0 10 20 30 40
Mold Temperature, F
Cooling Time, Seconds
Figure 5.3 Effect of mold temperature on Figure 5.4 Effect of cooling time on shrinkage
0.050 0.050
0.040 0.040
Shrinkage, in/./in
0.030 0.030
0 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 0 0.020 0.040 0.060 0.080 0.100
Blow Pressure, psi Wall Thickness, in.
Figure 5.5 Effect of blow pressure on Figure 5.6 Effect of wall thickness on shrinkage
Figure 5.7 Landed pinch-off for improved impact Figure 5.8 Blow molded fluidic capacitor
Higher molecular weight grades of Celcon acetal If a shorter barrel (L/D less than 16:1) must be used, the
copolymers (higher viscosity than for injection use of a high resistance die with either long lands or
molding, such as Celcon M25) are recomended for a small die opening is recommended to generate the
extrusion. Sheets up to about 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) thick and necessary back pressure to work the material. With low
tubes with wall thicknesses 0.38 to 1.0 mm (0.015 to 0.040 resistance dies, the use of a valve in the extruder head
in.) can be extruded. is suggested to increase the back pressure level in the
Call Product Information Services at 1-800-833-4822 for
recommendations on specific grades of Celcon acetal for Screw Design
each type of job requirement.
A metering screw as shown in Figure 6.1 is recommended
for extruding Celcon acetal.
The information on equipment given below applies
generally to all types of extrusion. Additional specific
Characteristics of this screw are:
details for high speed tubing, film and sheet, and profile
extrusion are also covered in this Chapter.
An L/D ratio of 16:1 (minimum); up to 24:1 preferred.
The flight clearance should be approximately
Materials of Construction 0.13mm.(0.005 in).
At extrusion temperatures, Celcon acetal copolymer is
not affected by contact with copper, zinc, iron, nickel, The flight width, (w), should be approximately 10%
brass or bronze. The designer therefore has greater of the screw diameter.
freedom in selecting the most cost effective material for
a specific application for dies, sizing sleeves, etc. For unfilled Celcon acetal, the screw should be hard
faced or coated with a corrosion reistant material such
Extruder Barrel as chrome or Stellite 6.
A barrel with an L/D (length-to-diameter) ratio of 16:1
(and preferably up to 24:1) is recommended to allow For filled Celcon acetal, the screw and barrel should
sufficient residence time for proper melting. In be hard faced or coated with a corrosion and abrasion
conjunction with a properly designed screw, longer resistant material such as tungsten carbide, CPM-9V or
barrels tend to improve melt homogeneity and reduce Colmonoy 56 for screws, and CPM-10V, Bimex or Xaloy
melt temperature and pressure fluctuations. for barrels.
h2 h1
Gloss - Low in strips - Eliminate cold or rough spots in die or sizing devices
Pits - Bottom surface only - Cool the part more throughly before placing on conveyor belt
Surging - Check for broken gear tooth, worn belts, controller and repair
- Remove likely causes for any variation in temperature, pressure,
screw speed or motor load
- Increase pressure/lower rate
- Decrease temperature
- Use a die with longer lands
- Use better mixing screw
Rotational Casting
Rotational casting is also referred to as rotational Particle size
molding or rotomolding and is a process for Plastic powders must be used for rotational casting to
manufacturing hollow and seamless products of all ensure rapid and adequate melting. Resin particles
sizes and shapes. It offers significant advantages greater than 30 mesh size will significantly increase
compared to other molding techniques for the following cycle time.
Low equipment and mold costs
Powders used for rotational casting will have a higher
Little or no scrap surface area than the pellets normally used for other
Easy adaptibility for short production runs processing methods. As a result, a higher content of
adsorbed water is expected. To avoid poor finished part
Multiple products and multiple colors can be molded surface due to moisture, proper drying is necessary. Six
simultaneously hours in an air circulating oven at 82C (180F) is
recommended. Using a dehumidifying hopper dryer
Celcon acetal copolymer has been rotomolded into adds extra insurance against adsorbed moisture.
parts up to 20 feet long and weighing hundreds of
pounds. For information on specific grades and
Oven Conditions
processing parameters, please call Product Information
Oven temperature and time must be balanced to yield
Services at 1-800-833-4882.
a satisfactory part while avoiding thermal degradation
of the polymer. Time is a key parameter in obtaining a
One disadvantage of rotational casting is the potential for
smooth surface finish.
weak points in the rotomolded part since no pressure is
applied to promote complete melding of all part sections.
For applications where parts will be exposed to repeated Too little oven time will cause inadequate melting of the
impact, rigorous testing is recommended to ensure plastic powder; too long oven time may lead to resin
adequate strength over the total part surface. degradation.
Celcon acetal can be readily rotomolded using any type
of commercially available machine, including a carousel,
clamshell, rock-and-roll, or shuttle. The shuttle and
rock-and-roll type machines are used most often to
produce longer and heavier parts.
For small and medium-sized parts, cast aluminum is
commonly used because of its good heat transfer
characteristics and cost-effectiveness. One major
drawback of using cast aluminum is that its surface is
easily damaged.
Low density (less than 1.37 g/cm3) - Optimize temperature/time to prevent degradation
- Dry resin
Rough inner surface - Increase temperature and/or time for adequate melting of powder
Uneven wall thickness - Remove excess metal which may be acting as heat sinks from
flanges and arms
- Balance speed of each axis for uniform polymer flow
- Improve air flow path around mold
Warpage - Ensure continuous mold rotation from heating through cooling cycle
- Clear vents to prevent vacuum formation
- Use slower rate of cooling
3.1 Effect of Molding Conditions and Wall Thickness on Mold Shrinkage
3.2 Shrinkage due to Heat Aging for 9.0 Standard Melt Flow Grade of Celcon Acetal
3.3 Water Absorption by Unfilled Celcon Acetal Under Various Conditions
3.4 Dimensional Changes due to Water Absorption by Unfilled Celcon Acetal
4.1 Typical Screw Profile for Injection Molding Celcon Acetal
4.2 Recommended Check Valve Design
4.3 Molded-in Inserts
4.4 Outsert Molded Parts
4.5 Some Basic Gate Designs Suitable for Celcon Acetal
5.1 Flow Pin Divider to Promote Smooth Flow and Avoid Weld Lines
5.2 Parison Die with Adjustable Core Pin for Control of Parison Thickness
5.3 Effect of Mold Temperature on Shrinkage
5.4 Effect of Cooling Time on Shrinkage
5.5 Effect of Blow Pressure on Shrinkage
5.6 Effect of Wall Thickness on Shrinkage
5.7 Landed Pinch-Off for Improved Impact Strength
5.8 Blow Molded Fluidics Container
6.1 Recommended Metering Screw for Extrusion
6.2 Various Post-Formed Profiles
7.1 Rotational Molding Process
1.1 Regulatory Listings
2.1 Effect of Remolding (Regrind) on the Properties of Unreinforced Celcon Acetal
2.2 Effect of Remolding (Regrind) on the Properties of Glass-Coupled Celcon Acetal
3.1 Effect of Processing Conditions on Part Shrinkage
3.2 Shrinkage Before and After Annealing
3.3 Recommended Annealing Procedure
4.1 Typical Recommended Screw Dimensions for Molding Celcon Acetal
4.2 Typical Runner Size Recommendations for Celcon Acetal
4.3 Recommended Gate Dimensions for Rectangular Edge Gates
4.4 Typical Startup Conditions
4.5 Approximate Cycle Times as a Function of Wall Thickness
4.6 Effect of Molding Conditions on Mechanical Properties - Unreinforced Grades
4.7 Typical Molding Conditions for Shrinkage Range - Unreinforced Grades
4.8 Troubleshooting Guide - Injection Molding
5.1 Comparison of Injection and Extrusion Blow Molding Processes
5.2 Recommended Screw Characteristics for Extrusion Blow Molding
5.3 Typical Recommended Blow Molding Parameters
5.4 Troubleshooting Guide - Blow molding
6.1 Recommended Metering Screw Dimensions for Extruding Celcon Acetal
6.2 Typical Conditions for Tubing Extrusion
6.3 Troubleshooting Guide - High Speed Tubing Extrusion
6.4 Typical Conditions for Film and Sheet Extrusion
6.5 Troubleshooting Guide - Film and Sheet
6.6 Troubleshooting Guide - Profile Extrusion
7.1 Troubleshooting Guide - Rotational Casting
This publication was printed on 19 September 2013 based on Celaneses present state of knowledge, and Celanese undertakes no
obligation to update it. Because conditions of product use are outside Celaneses control, Celanese makes no warranties, express or
implied, and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing herein is intended as a license to operate
under or a recommendation to infringe any patents.