Basic Principles of Cooking Part 2
Basic Principles of Cooking Part 2
Basic Principles of Cooking Part 2
study classic dishes.
These are just a few ofthe many tradi- For chefs who want to create their own dishes, studying classic
recipes is a good place
tional flavoring combinations from to sta rt.
around the world. Keep in mind that,
although only one or two combinations
are given for each country or region Seasoning and
mentioned, they are not the only combi-
nations used there. These are merely Flavoring lngredients
examples to stimulate your thinking.
Flavorin g
Flavoring ingredients can be added at the beginning, middte, or end,
depending on the cooking
time, the cooking process, and the ftavoring ingredient.
1. onty a few flavorings can be added successfulty at the end of cooking. These include
prepared mustard
fresh (not dried) herbs, sherry or ftamed brandy, and condiments tike
and Worcestershire sauce.
2. Most flavorings need heat to release their flavors and time for the flavors to btend'
quickty and thus don't
Whole spicestake longest. Ground spices release flavors more
require as long a cooking time.
3. Too much cooking results in loss of flavor. Most flavors, whether in spices or in main
ingredients, volotile,which means they evaporate when heated. That is why you
can smelt food cooking.
we can conclude that herbs and spices should cook with the foods long enough to
short, you
release their flavors but not so long that their ftavors are [ost. lf cooking times are
can generalty add spices and herbs at the beginning or middle of cooking time'
lf cooking
cooking time'
times are tong, it is usuatly better to add them in the middte or toward the end
30 minutes
ffofe: Food safety experts recommend adding dried spices and herbs at least
before the end of cooking so any microorganisms they might carry are destroyed.
Stiff, dark green, oblong leaves; pungent One of the most imPortant herbs for
Bay leaf Whole
ar0ma stocks, sauces, stews, braised meats
Dark brown, curved seeds; familiar rye Rye bread, cabbage, sauerkraut, Pork,
Caraway seed Whole
bread seasoning cheese spreads, Eastern European dishes
Tiny brown seeds inside white or green Pickting, Danish Pastries, curries
Cardamom Whole pod, ground seed
pod; sweet and aromatic; exPensive
Ground form of hot red chile;looks [ike ln smatl amounts in many sauces' soups'
Cayenne (red pepper) Ground
paprika but is extremetY hot meat, fish, egg, and cheese dishes
(see p.88)
Blend of spices including cumin, Chiti and other Mexican dishes, egg
Chili powder Ground blend
chiles, oregano, garlic dishes, appetizers, ground meat
Grasslike herb with onion flavor Salads, egg and cheese dishes,
Chive Fresh, dried, frozen
fish, soups
The plant that produces coriander Widety used in Asian and Southwestern
Cilantro Fresh leaves
seeds; delicate texture; assertive, cooking and in dishes with various
(fresh coriander,
herbaceous aroma and flavor; leaves ethnic influences
Chinese parsley)
resemble flat parsley
: Ditl
i ilitilil;lfii.pper;
Crushed leaves Herb and seed with familiardi[ pickle flavor; Seed: pickting, sauerkraut,
alled ditt weed), seed is more prngniinn the herb
ii fwhote seed herb: salads, cheese dishes, fsh and -
sheltfish, some vegetiUi-.
i Epazote Fresh and dried leaves A pungent herb with coarse-textured leaves used in Mexican cooking; often cooked
i with beans
i Fennel whole seed Greenish-brown seeds similar in flavor ltalian sausage, tomato sauce, fish
: to anise, but larger in size
i Garlic Fresh: whole butbs; Strong, aromatic memberof onion family; Widevarietyof foods
i ried: granurated, powder, fresh utbs lorpr.J oi,any sma croves
i and mixed with salt
i r whole, grou nd lso fres h
Gi nge Light rown, knob by root of nger pla nt
(a b gi ked good d desserts, fru its,
Ba san
i and candied orcrystallized)
curred?ishes, raseJmets; fresh in
: Chinese and otherAsian dishes
i Juniper berry Whole Slightly soft, purpte berries with piney flavor; Marinades, game dishes, sauerkraut
but much milder stufflngs
i lVtint Leaves familiar cool flavor; d fruit beverages,
i i
rmint and peppermint oes
i Mustard seed Whole, ground (also in white oryellow and
prepared mustard; see p. gg)
hes, pickling, meats,
i rown is stronger
i Nutmeg whole, ground sweet, aromatic kernel of nutmeg fruit soups, cream sauces, chicken, veal,
! manyvegetables (spinach, mushrooms,
. :
squash, potatoes), desserts, custards,
i breads, pastries
i orega no Leaves, grou d ngent n rb known as the "pizza herb"
Pu he lta n d Mexica nI iahes, mato
an d is to
ii Paprika products
Ground Ground form ofa dried, sweet red chile. Spanish: used (oroverused) primarityas
variety is brighter in color, mild in
i :panish garnish
flavor; Hungarian is darkerand more
on light-colored foods;
pungent Hungarian: gutash, braised meats and
, poultry sauces
i Parsley Fresh: whole sprigs, in Most widely used herb; dark green curly or Almost all foods
i unches; dried: i frakes flat reaves with eiiiai, sweet navor
i Pepper,black Whole(peppercorns); ground Small blackorcreamywhitehardberry; Mostwidelyusedspice(seep.g/)
::1.yll: ...llf,medium,o',ouir pungentfravorandaioma
Whole Tiny btue-btack seeds with faint but Garnish for breads and rolls, buttered
Poppy seed
distinctive flavor noodles; ground: in pastry fltings
Whole Light green leaves resembling pine needles Lamb, braised meats and poultry soups'
tomato and meat sauces
Whote (thread) Red stigma ofsaffron crocus; gives bright Steeped in hot liquid before use; rice
yellow color to foods; mild, distinctive flavor; dishes, poultry seafood, bouitlabaisse'
very expensive baked goods
Pungent gray-green herb with fuzzy leaves Pork, pouttry, stuffings, sausage, beans,
Sage Whole, rubbed (finer
consistency than whole tomatoes
Ieaves), ground
Crushed Ieaves Fragrant herb of mint family; summer savory Many meat, poultry, fish, egg, and
is preferred to winter vegetabIe dishes
Smatlyetlowish seed with nutlike taste; familiar Bread and roll garnish
Sesame seed Whole (hulled or unhulled)
hamburger bun garnish; high oil content
Brown seed pod, usualty partialty opened; Spicy meat and pouttry dishes
Sichuan Whole
peppercorn spicy, pepperyflavor, but unrelated to black
Dried, star-shaped seed pod with an anisetike Braised Chinese dishes
Sta ntSe Whole or broken
ftavor (but unrelated to anise) but more aromatic
Delicate green herb with flavor both minty and Barnaise sauce, tarragon vinegar,
Tarragon Crushed leaves
licoricelike chicken, fish, salads and dressings, eggs
Tiny brownish-green leaves; very aromatic One of the most important and versatite
Thym e Crushed [eaves, ground
ofherbs; stocks, soups, sauces, meats,
poultry tomatoes
lntense yellow root of ginger famity; mild but A basic ingredient of curry Powder;
Turm eflc Ground
distinctive pePPery flavor pickles, relishes, salads, eggs, rice
1. Solt is the most important seasoning ingredient. Don't use too much. You can always
add more, but You can't take it out.
. Table salt has a fine granutation. lt may contain iodine as a dietary additive' Table
satt also may contain other additives to prevent caking' BasiI
. Kosher salt is prized in the kitchen because of its purity. Unlike tabte salt, it contains
no additives. Because of its coarse or ftaky granulation, it does not dissotve as
quickty as table salt, but it is easierto use when added to foods by hand, so many
chefs prefer it to table salt at their cooking stations.
. Sea satts of many origins and types are avaitable. Many of them have colors
from grayto green to red, from various minerals and other impurities. These impuri-
gives them
ties atso add subtle flavors to the salt. ln addition, their coarse granutation
salts are used primarily
a pteasant mouthfeel. More expensive than other satts, sea
as garnishes for Plated foods.
2. Pepper comes in three forms: white, black, and green. A[[ three are actually the same Chives
berry, but processed differentty. (Btack pepper is picked unripe; white is ripened and
the hutl is removed; green peppercorns are picked unripe and preserved before their
color darkens.)
. Whole and crushed black pepper are used primarity in seasoning and flavoring -'-\.
stocks and sauces and, sometimes, red meats. Ground black pepper is used in the
Garlic chives
dining room bY the customer.
' Green peppercorns are fairly expensive and are used in special recipes, primarity
Clantro luxury restaurants. The types packed in water, brine, orvinegar (those in waterand
in brine have better flavor) are soft. wet-pack peppercorns are perishable. water-
packed peppercorns keep only a few days in the refrigeratorafterthey are opened,
Dill while the others keep longer. Dried green peppercorns are also available.
3. Red pepper or coyen ne is comptetely unretated to btack and white pepper. lt betongs
the same family as paprika and fresh sweet bell peppers. used in tiny amounts, it gives
a spicy hotness to sauces and soups without actually altering the flavor. ln larger
' amounts, it gives both heat and flavor to many spicy foods, such as those of Mexico
and lndia.
Epazote 4. Lemon iuice is an important seasoning, particularty for enlivening the flavor of sauces
and soups,
5. Fresh herbs are almost always superiorto dried herbs. They should be used whenever
cost and avaitabitity permit. Not long ago, the onty fresh herbs generally available in
many areas of North America were pa rsley, chives, and sometimes m int and diil. Now,
however, most herbs are available fresh. The accompanying photos illustrate the most
commonly used fresh herbs as well as some unusualfresh flavoring ingredients.
6. onion, gorlic, shallots, and other members of the onion famity, as well as carrots and
cetery, are used as flavorings in virtualty alI stations of the kitchen and even in the
bakeshop. Tryto avoid the use ofdried onion and garlic products, except as a compo-
nent of spice blends. They have less flavor, and the fresh product is always available.
green ginger
7, wine, brondy, and other atcoholic beverages are used to ftavor sauces, soups, and
many entres. Brandy should be boited orflamed to eliminate the high percentage of
alcohol, which would be unpteasant in the finished dish. Tabte wines usualty need
some cooking or reduction (either separatety orwith other ingredients) to produce the
desired flavors. Fortified wines Iike sherry and Madeira, on the other hand, may be
added as flavorings atthe end ofcooking,
8, Prepared mustard is a blend of ground mustard seed, vinegar, and other spices. lt is
used to flavor meats, sauces, and salad dressings and as a table condiment. For most
cooking purposes, European styles such as Dijon (French) or Dussetdorf (German) work
best, while the bright yellow American ballpark style is more appropriate as a table
condiment than as a cooking ingredient. A coarse, grainy style is sometimes called for
in specialty recipes.
9. Grated lemon and orange rind is used in sauces, meats, and poultry (as in duckting
['orange) as we[[ as in the bakeshop. 0nty the colored outer portion, called the zest,
which contains the flavorfuI oils, is used. The white pith is bitter.
70. MSG, or monosodium glutomate, is a flavor enhancer widely used in Asian cooking.
MSG doesn't actuatly change the flavor offoods, but it acts on the taste buds. lt has a
reputation for causing chest pains and headaches in some individuals'
Spices arelhe buds, fruits, ftowers, bark, seeds, and roots of plants and trees, many of
which grow in tropicalctimates.
The distinction is often confusing, but it is not as important to know which flavorings are
spices and which are herbs as it is to use them skittfully.
Tabte 4.1 is not a substitute for famitiarity with the actual products. Eventuatly, you
shoutd be abte to identify any spice on your shetf by aroma, taste, and appearance without
looking at the labet. The accompanying photos illustrate a number of whole spices.
Top row, left to right: celery seed,dill seed, coriander seed, caraway seed.
Bottom row, left to right: fennel seed, cumin seed, anise seed
5. Use good-quality spices and herbs. It doesn't pay to economize here. The difference in
cost is only a fraction ofa cent per portion.
6. Whole spices take longer to release flavors than ground spices, so allow for adequate
cooking time.
7. Whole herbs and spices for flavoring a liquid are tied loosely in a piece of cheesecloth
(called,a sachet) for easy removal.
8. When in doubt, add less than you think you need. You can always add more, but it's hard
to remove what you've already added.
9. Except in dishes like curry or chili, spices should not dominate. Often, they should not
even be evident. If you can taste the nutmeg in the creamed spinach, there's probably
too much nutmeg.
10. Herbs and spices added to uncooked foods such as salads and dressings need several
hours for flavors to be released and blended.
1 1. Taste foods before serving whenever possible. How else can you adjustthe seasoningl
. How do chefs use the idea offlavor balance to combine a variety ofingredients into a
single dishl
. What is the difference between seasoning and flavoringl
. What guidelines are used for conectly adding herbs and spices to foodsl
the temperature at the center is 135oF (57"C). Describe the flavor.selectafavorite recipe and explain the function ofeach
doneness ofeach tenderloin from outside to inside. ingredient, indicating which are primary ftavors and which are
5. Arrange the following cooking methods in three groups, de- secondary flavors.
pending on whether they are moist-heat methods, dry-heat 12. What is meant by the phrase "adiust the seasoning"?
methods without fat, or dry-heat methods with fat: braising, 13. What iswrongwith addingwhote caraway seed to a portion of
n g, deep-fryi n g, sa uti ng, poach in g, steaming, broi ti n g,
roasti goulash just before serving?
pressure frying, grilling, sim mering.
6. What are some advantages of braising a pan of Swiss steaks
in the oven instead ofon the range?