Extraction of Essential Oil From Neem Seed by Using Soxhlet Extraction Methods
Extraction of Essential Oil From Neem Seed by Using Soxhlet Extraction Methods
Extraction of Essential Oil From Neem Seed by Using Soxhlet Extraction Methods
Abstract Extraction of essential neem oil from neem seed Juss, it is an evergreen tree which is endemic to the Indian
was carried by soxhelt extraction method using different subcontinent and has been introduced to many other areas in
organic solvents and parameters. Physico-chemical the tropics. It has also been found to thrive in the semi
property of the extracted oil was also determined by using tropics, arid and semi-arid climates in some countries
classical wet chemical method. Result revealed that, soxhlet including Nigeria where it is known as Dongoyaro, meaning
extraction using hexane has 40.35%; using ethanol-hexane tall boy. The main reason behind the popularity of the
mixture of 60:40% volume proportion has 43.71%, using neem oil is that it is used to treat few of the most common
ethanol 42.65% and using methanol 42.89%. For all problems that the people face. The neem tree (Azadrichta
solvent type particle size has 355m, extraction time 1hr up indica) is among the fastest-growing trees, it attains a height
to 3hrs and applied constant and varies temperatures .At of about 12-13 feet or 3.7- 3.96 meter and is a drought
smaller extraction time, hexane produced oil yield greater resistant tree (Bankole, 1997, Lalea et al. 1999).
than from ethanol and methanol. Actually, ethanol not Neem oil is generally light to dark brown in color. It has a
produced oil at one hour extraction time. Thus, by effective bitter taste and an offensive odor similar to the combined
determination of factors like particle sizes, solvent type, odors of garlic and peanut. It comprises mainly of
temperature, and time it is possible to investigate the result triglycerides (esters formed from a molecule of glycerol and
on the quality and quantity of neem oil. Surprisingly, three molecules of fatty acids), and is very rich in
mixtures of Ethanol and Hexane gave admirable results. azadirachtin- the key component acting as insect repellent,
Predominantly, ethanol-hexane mixtures of 60:40, and anti-feedant, anti-fungal and anti-viral, among others, it is
40:60% (volume proportions) gave better oil yields of 44%, perhaps the most important commercial product of neem for
and 41.2% respectively than that of hexane (40.35%) at 3 organic farming and medicines (Adeeko &Ajibola,1990,
hours of process time. Mongkhol et al. 2004). Also, it is being increasingly used in
Keywords Neem oil, Particle size, Soxhlet extraction, manufacturing a large number of skin products: body soaps,
Solvent type. body lotions, and beauty care facial packs in combination
with other natural ingredients (Liaum et al., 2008).
I. INTRODUCTION The use of solvents and sohxlet extraction process for the
Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) is one of the very few extraction of neem oil is generally preferred choice. This is
trees known in the Indian sub-continent. This tree is due to very high oil yield and less turbid oil obtained than
belonged to Meliceae family and grows rapidly in the tropic from mechanical pressing. Due to the relatively low
and semi-tropic climate. It is also observed that this tree operating cost compared to supercritical extraction. The
could survive in very dry and arid conditions. Neem seed is solvent hexane is the most commonly used, as well as
a part of neem tree which has high concentration of oil. preferred choice in extraction of oils from seed, even in
Neem oil is widely used as insecticides, lubricant, drugs for neem oil solvent extraction. This is largely due to its
variety of diseases such as diabetes and tuberculosis. This availability at a reasonable cost and its suitable functional
oil could also prolong leather goods when it is applied on characteristics for oil extraction. Amongst such
them. There are several methods to obtain neem oil from the characteristics is its high solvent power for triglycerides at
seeds like mechanical pressing, supercritical fluid fairly low temperatures, non-reactivity with oil and oil
extraction, and solvent extraction (Puri, 1999). miscella, as well as with equipment (Liaum et al., 2008).
Neem Oil is a vegetable oil gotten from the fruits, leaves The objective of present study was used soxhlet extraction
and seeds of neem tree. The tree is a member of the method and some selected organic solvent to extract
Mahogany family, with generic name Azadirachta Indica A. essential oil from neem seed. The effects of parameter such
Table.1: show result of Soxhlet extraction using hexane with particle size 355m and at constant temperature.
Trial Temperature(0c ) Time (min) Oil yield (%)
1 70 60 37.02
2 70 120 39.43
3 70 180 40.35
Table.2: Show results of Soxhlet extraction using hexane with constant particle size (355m) and varies temperature.
Trials Temperature (0c) Oil yield (%)
1 70 41.08
2 78 41.89
3 86 42.41
Table.4: Show results of Soxhlet extraction using Methanol with particle size 355m and at constant temperature
Trials Temperature(0c) Time(min) Oil yield (%)
1 70 60 25.38
2 70 120 39.05
3 70 180 42.89
Table.5: Show results of Soxhlet extraction using Ethanol with particle size 355m and at constant temperature
Trials Temperature (0c) Time (min) Oil yield (%)
1 70 60 -
2 70 120 40.54
3 70 180 42.65
Table.6: Show result of Soxhlet extraction using ethanol- hexane mixture 40:60% of volume proportion with particle size 355 m
and constant temperature
Trials Temperature (0c) Time(min) Oil yield (%)
1 70 60 26.23
2 70 120 36.42
3 70 180 40.21