2008-2009 SHSAT Handbook

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Sample Test, Form A

Part 1 Verbal
Suggested Time 75 Minutes

Scrambled Paragraphs

DIRECTIONS: In this section, arrange each group of sentences to create the best paragraph. The first
sentence for each paragraph is given; the remaining five sentences are listed in random order. Choose
the order for these five sentences that will create the best paragraph, one that is well-organized, logical,
and grammatically correct. Each correctly ordered paragraph is worth double the value of a question
in any other section of the test. No credit will be given for responses that are only partially correct.
To keep track of your sentence order, use the blanks to the left of the sentences. For example, write 2
next to the sentence you think follows the first sentence, 3 next to the sentence you think follows 2,
and so on. You may change these numbers if you decide on a different order. When you are satisfied with
your sentence order, mark your choices on your answer sheet.

Paragraph 1

Chinese sailors used magnetic compasses long before Europeans did.

_________ Q. Then, hanging in a windless place, the magnetized end of the needle would always
point to the south.
_________ R. The magician would magnetize a needle and balance it on the rim of a cup to act as
a compass.
_________ S. This balancing act was hard to maintain, and the needle often fell off.
_________ T. In fact, some of the earliest compasses in recorded history were made by
magicians in ancient China.
_________ U. A more effective way to keep the needle free to move in response to its magnetic
pull was to attach a strand of silk to the center of the needle with a tiny piece of


Paragraph 2

In the west, we are most familiar with world explorers who were of European origin.
_________ Q. Marco Polo, a European who traveled to China in the thirteenth century, serves as
a classic example.
_________ R. Perhaps the most far-flung of these lesser known travelers was Ibn Batuta, a North
African who left his birthplace of Tangier in the year 1325.
_________ S. Ibn Batuta traveled all over Africa and Asia, including China, Indonesia, the
Maldive Islands, and the coast of East Africa.
_________ T. Some lesser known explorers, however, logged enough miles and adventures to
make Marco Polos journey look like an evening stroll.
_________ U. Batutas journeying lasted 24 years and covered at least 75,000 miles, most of it by
land, a record that would not be surpassed for another 500 years.

Paragraph 3

The processionary caterpillar illustrates how an insect species relies on instinct in its daily routines.
_________ Q. Dozens of caterpillars nest in a tree during the day, then leave together at night in
search of food.
_________ R. After feeding, the caterpillars also use the silken road to help them return to
their nest.
_________ S. As they leave the nest, one caterpillar becomes the leader who spins and lays out a
silk line as it moves along.
_________ T. The processionarys instinct is so strong that, if a person were to pick up one end of
the silk line and bring it around to join the other end, creating a closed circle, the
caterpillars might travel around the loop for days without changing course.
_________ U. The other caterpillars line up end to end and walk on the leaders silk line, each
one reinforcing the rope by laying down its own silk as it passes over.


Paragraph 4

Helen Suzman was a member of the South African Parliament from 1953 to 1993.
_________ Q. Despite this international recognition of her work, Suzman was largely unsuccess-
ful during most of her career in her efforts to defeat apartheid.
_________ R. She has, however, been given numerous other human-rights awards and honorary
degrees from several universities, including Oxford, Harvard, and Brandeis.
_________ S. At last, Suzman saw her dream fulfilled with the decision of the South African
Parliament to dismantle the apartheid system, and she has retired from public life.
_________ T. In recognition of her personal efforts, Suzman was nominated for the Nobel Peace
Prize three different times, but she has never won.
_________ U. An outspoken critic of apartheid during those forty years, she was often the only
one to voice her protest against the policies of the South African government.

Paragraph 5

Jules Verne wrote about travel to the moon more than 100 years ago, but he was not the first
writer to do so.
_________ Q. Three hundred years before Verne, Johannes Kepler, probably the first scientist to
recognize that the atmosphere of the Earth gave out before reaching the moon,
wrote about an imaginary trip there.
_________ R. Thus, while Jules Verne is credited with writing the first realistic science fiction,
it is clear that space travel has haunted peoples imaginations for centuries.
_________ S. Even earlier, in a.d. 1010, a Persian poet described a trip to the moon on a throne
pulled by eagles.
_________ T. Perhaps credit for the first space flight description, however, should go to a second-
century Greek whose fictional sailing ship was caught up in a whirlwind that blew
it to the moon.
_________ U. A contemporary of Keplers, Francis Godwin, wrote of men carried to the moon by


Logical Reasoning

DIRECTIONS: Read the information given and choose the best answer to each question. Base your
answer only on the information given.
In a logical reasoning test, certain words must be read with caution. For example, The red house is
between the yellow and blue houses does not necessarily mean, The red house is between and next
to the yellow and blue houses; one or more other houses may separate the red house from the yellow
house or from the blue house. This precaution also applies to words such as above, below, before, after,
ahead of, and behind.

11. Five plastic geometric shapes are stacked on 12. A species is extinct when it no longer has any
the table. They are numbered consecutively living members. Scientists thought that fish
from bottom to top. species X was extinct. In 1980, a fisherman
caught a living member of species X. This
1) One shape is a triangle.
species is now known to live in large numbers
2) The circle is the fourth shape.
in the near-freezing water of the north
3) There are exactly three shapes between
Atlantic Ocean.
the rectangle and the square.
4) There are exactly two shapes lower than Based only on the information above, which of
the oval; one of them is the rectangle. the following statements is a valid conclusion?
F. Species X was never actually extinct.
In which position is the triangle?
G. Species X was extinct, but reappeared in
A. second 1980.
B. third H. Species X has been discovered, but will
C. fourth soon become extinct.
D. fifth J. There are other living species that are
E. Cannot be determined from the thought to be extinct.
information given. K. Living members of extinct species are
found only in the ocean.


13. At the lumberyard, five boards are stacked in 15. At the end of an auto race, four cars crossed
a pile. The pile contains one board each of the finish line, one at a time. The four cars
maple, ash, oak, pine, and walnut. were blue, green, red, and yellow.
1) The maple board is lower in the stack than 1) Jennifer finished directly behind Pierre.
the walnut board. 2) The red car finished before the green car.
2) Exactly two boards are between the 3) Charles was not in the blue car.
walnut board and the oak board. 4) Pierre was in the red car.
3) The ash board is third from the top. 5) Stephanie, who was in the yellow car,
finished after Jennifer.
If the top board is walnut, which board is on
the bottom? Based only on the information above, which of
the following statements must be true?
A. pine
B. maple A. The blue car finished before the green car.
C. oak B. Charles finished third.
D. Either pine or maple, but it is not possible C. Jennifer drove the green car.
to determine which one. D. Stephanie finished third.
E. Either maple or oak, but it is not possible E. The green car finished second.
to determine which one.
16. Six potted houseplants are placed in a row.
14. People who graduate from North College are There are four varieties: African violet, fern,
expected to donate at least $500 per year to ivy, and pothos. There are two pots each of
the school. Sydney donates $100 per year to two varieties and one pot each of the other
North College. two varieties.
Based only on the information above, which of 1) There are two ivy plants and exactly
the following must be true? one African violet.
2) Two ferns are separated only by a pothos.
F. Sydney did not graduate from North
3) An ivy plant is next to the African violet.
4) A fern is next to the African violet.
G. If Sydney earned more money, she would
donate more to the college.
Which houseplants are at the ends of the row?
H. If all graduates donated only $100 per
year, North College could not continue to F. fern and ivy plant
operate. G. pothos and fern
J. If Sydney graduated from North College, H. fern and African violet
she does not do what is expected of her. J. two ivy plants
K. Sydney contributes other services to North K. Cannot be determined from the
College to compensate for her lower finan- information given.
cial contribution.


17. Every member of club X is also a member of 20. If the moon is full, my dog will bark. If my
club Y. Some members of club Z are also dog sees a cat, my dog will bark.
members of club Y. Sonya is a member of
Based only on the information above, which of
exactly two of these clubs.
the following must be true?
Based only on the information above, which of
F. If my dog barks, it has seen a cat and the
the following must be true?
moon is full.
A. If Sonya is in club X, she is not in club Z. G. If my dog barks, it has seen a cat.
B. If Sonya is in club Y, she is not in club Z. H. If my dog doesnt bark, it has not seen a
C. If Sonya is in club Y, she must be in cat and the moon isnt full.
club X. J. If the moon is not full, my dog wont bark.
D. All members of club Y are in at least two K. If the moon is full, my dog will see a cat.
E. All members of club Z are in at least two

Questions 18 and 19 refer to the following CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE u

In the code below, (1) each letter always
represents the same word, (2) each word is
represented by only one letter, and (3) in any
given sentence, the position of a letter is never
the same as that of the word it represents.
M Q T N W means
This train crosses seven states.
N X Q M W means
This train crosses five states.
W S N Q X means
This train crosses five countries.

18. Which letter represents the word states?

F. X
G. N
H. Q
J. W
K. M

19. Which word is represented by the letter W?

A. this
B. train
C. crosses
D. Either this or train, but cannot deter-
mine which one.
E. Either train or crosses, but cannot
determine which one.


DIRECTIONS: Read each passage below and answer the questions following it. Base your answers
only on information contained in the passage. You may reread a passage if you need to. Mark the
best answer for each question.

The saber-toothed cat, now extinct but once dislocated, and infected La Brea bones have
one of historys most ferocious carnivores, led researchers to conclude that the violent
lived between ten thousand and forty thou- attacks of the saber-tooth often put them
sand years ago. The saber-tooth is named 40 out of commission for considerable amounts 40

5 for its most notable feature, a pair of sharp, 5 of time. During these mending periods,
curved canine teethas long as eight inch- researchers have reasoned, other cats must
esused to attack and kill a variety of have allowed wounded comrades to share
large, grass-eating animals. Its most fre- in their kills until they could hunt again.
quent prey was the elephant-like mastodon. 45 The attractive image of a saber-tooth social 45

10 Skeletons of the two animals have been 10 life, with cats hunting in packs and sup-
found together on several continents, and porting their own wounded, much like
the extinction of the saber-tooth closely fol- todays lions, is supplemented by another
lowed the demise of mastodons in each of La Brea discovery. A study of saber-tooth
these locations. 50 throat bones indicates that the cats pos- 50

sessed the ability to purr as well as roar.

15 Much of what scientists know about the 15

saber-tooth results from their study of

bones found in the La Brea tar pits in Los
Angeles. For centuries these sticky death 21. Which of the following best tells what this
traps performed a grisly service for modern passage is about?
20 scientists, trapping and suffocating thou- 20
A. how scientists find saber-tooth bones
sands of careless, usually healthy animals, B. the relationship between mastodons and
both predator and prey, and preserving saber-tooths
their bones in asphalt. From La Brea C. how the La Brea tar pits were formed
bones, much of the saber-tooths violent life D. how knowledge about saber-tooths is
25 has been reconstructed. The cats six-foot 25
gained from bone studies
long skeleton revealed its killing technique: E. why saber-tooths are studied by scientists
a swift and powerful forward charge, a 90-
degree opening of the jaw, and, finally, the 22. Which of the following is not mentioned in
use of its sharp teeth and powerful neck the passage as a behavior of saber-tooths?
30 muscles to inflict wounds that could bring 30

down even a mastodon in a few minutes. F. charging prey

G. biting prey
Recent studies, however, have somewhat H. sharing food
modified scientists view of the efficient, J. escaping its predators
lone killer and hint that the saber-tooth K. purring
35 had a heartat least for its own kind. The 35

many chipped, broken, mended, arthritic,


23. What does the passage imply about the prey
of the saber-toothed cat?
A. They often killed the cats during their
B. They were dependent upon the cats for
C. They were usually larger than the cats.
D. They lived primarily in what is now
E. They were never trapped in the tar pits.

24. Which of the following best describes what is

suggested by the statement that the saber-
tooth had a heart (line 35)?
F. The killing behavior was unusual for the
G. The cats felt something like regret at
killing their prey.
H. The cats never behaved violently toward
each other.
J. The cats felt emotions such as fear and
K. The cats food-sharing resembled an act of

25. What is the most likely reason that saber-

toothed cats became extinct?
A. They were trapped and killed in the tar
B. Their main source of food became extinct.
C. Many were wounded, but they were not
nursed by other saber-tooths.
D. They were killed off by their predators.
E. They were extremely vulnerable to disease
and injury.

26. What is the grisly service (line 19) provided

by the La Brea tar pits?
F. They trapped predators that would have
killed other animal species.
G. They helped predators capture their prey
more easily.
H. They trapped only saber-toothed cats.
J. They preserved the skeletons of animal
species that are now extinct.
K. They provided a place where wounded
saber-tooths could go to die. CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE u

Tea has a long history of medicinal use the finest materials and with the most
in India and China, where it was used to expert workmanship. Often they cost more
relieve drowsiness and thus aid the medita- 50 than the house itself ! 50

tion of Buddhist monks. A monk studying

5 in China brought the first tea to Japan 5 The full tea ceremony has three parts and
some time before a.d. 729the first may last for four hours. The guests spend a
recorded use of tea in that country. In few moments in the garden before being
1191, tea drinking in Japan was further invited into the tea room for a light meal.
encouraged by Yaesai, a Zen master who 55 After eating, they return to the garden for 55

10 brought new tea seeds from China. Yaesai 10 meditation before returning for thick tea.
treated the tea plant as a sacred remedy The host prepares one cup of tea, and the
and an aid to religious experience. His cup is passed from one guest to another in a
writings contain the outline of what has series of bows and other movements. Again
become known as the tea ceremony. 60 the guests retreat to the garden. During 60

the third part, known as weak tea, a sepa-

15 According to some sources, the Japanese 15 rate batch of tea is prepared for each guest.
nobility practiced a quite different social The weak tea part of the ceremony is often
activity associated with tea drinkingthe the only one practiced today, when tea cere-
tea tournament. Reminiscent of modern- 65 monies may be conducted to honor birth- 65

day wine-tasting events, tea tournaments days or other special days. Even in this
20 involved tasting bowls of tea from different 20 shortened form, however, the tea ceremony
areas and guessing the origin of each. This provides busy people an opportunity for
version of tea drinking was far removed quiet reflection in a gracious setting.
from the earlier connection with religious

25 The next important development in the tea 25 27. Which of the following best tells what this
ceremony occurred during the fifteenth passage is about?
century. The Silver Pavilion was built for a A. tea ceremonies around the world
retired Japanese military leader, or shogun, B. a contrast between the tea ceremony and
who devoted the rest of his life to perfecting other Japanese traditions
30 the arts and rituals of the ceremony. By 30
C. the development of the Japanese tea
that time the tea ceremony had become an ceremony
essential part of the cultural life of Japan. D. how tea came to Japan
Perhaps the ceremony reached its pinnacle E. how Rikyu invented the tea ceremony
in the sixteenth century with the great tea
35 master Rikyu, who established the rules 35
28. What does the passage suggest about the use
and etiquette for the ceremony as it is still of tea as a medicinal cure?
practiced today.
F. It was used only by members of the
The tea ceremony has been described as a nobility.
ritualized sequence of movements, a for G. It could cure almost any disease.
40 mal dance of significant gestures. Two 40 H. It was used only in Japan.
principles prevail: shibui (impeccable taste) J. It has been used in this way for centuries.
and wabi (simplicity and absence of luxu K. Its use was considered foolish by Zen
ry), and the ceremony follows strict rules. masters.
The ceremony takes place in a tea room,
45 either part of a house or a separate building 45

in a garden. Although simple in design and

lacking in pretension, tea rooms are built of

29. Which of the following statements is true of
the present-day tea ceremony in Japan?
A. It usually includes only the weak tea
B. It never takes place in the hosts home.
C. It often occurs in an ornate tea pavilion.
D. It requires four hours to complete.
E. It always includes a light meal.

30. According to the passage, which of the follow-

ing statements about Rikyus tea ceremony is
F. He developed it around the year 1200.
G. It established rules that are still observed.
H. It consisted only of thick tea.
J. It was used by Buddhist monks.
K. It was intended only for shoguns and
other aristocracy.

31. Which of the following is an expression of the

principle of wabi?
A. a wine-tasting party
B. a tea tournament
C. the design of a tea room
D. the desire to celebrate birthdays
E. the desire to drink only the finest tea
imported from China

32. From the comments of the author, the most

likely reason the tea ceremony has survived to
the present day is that
F. tea is still considered a luxury.
G. people again recognize the medicinal
value of tea.
H. people still use tea as an aid to religious
J. people appreciate the opportunity to be
quiet and reflective.
K. people still enjoy participating in tea

The tenth century a.d. was a period of cul- hunters, they became a source of exchange
tural and artistic revival in the European for both goods and information within the
countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. 50 region. Their network brought both 50

The magnificent works of art and architec- economic advancement and a degree of
5 ture of that period used, among other 5 cultural unity among the people of East
materials, African gold, ivory, and rock Africa.
crystals. But most of these materials would
have been unavailable to European artists
without a sophisticated trading network 33. Which of the following best tells what this
10 established along the east coast of Africa, 10 passage is about?
from present-day Somalia to northern A. the role played by the Swahili in
Mozambique. The African traders repre- international trade in the ninth and
sented many groups but were united by tenth centuries
their common use of the Swahili language. B. the Swahili contribution to a revival of
15 For that reason, the traders are collectively 15
African art and culture
known as Swahili. C. the effect of the Swahili traders on the art
of tenth-century Europe
For centuries, the Swahili had sailed the D. the sailing and boatbuilding skills of the
African coast in small, seaworthy boats of Swahili traders
their own design. They were expert naviga- E. how the Swahili traders used their wealth
20 tors, and their knowledge of the dangerous 20
to develop their homeland
coastal waters enabled them to expand
their influence along 3,000 kilometers of 34. Who were the Swahilis first trading partners?
East African coastline. In this region,
known as the Swahili corridor, the Swahili F. the Chinese
25 traded salt, cloth, and iron products for a 25 G. European countries
wide range of goods from groups living in H. other African societies
the African interior. J. Red Sea merchants
K. Persian Gulf merchants
In the ninth century, the Swahili traded
with Persian Gulf merchants, who in turn 35. What was most important in enabling the
30 traded with China. The exchanges involved 30 Swahili to establish their trade along such a
Chinese potterydiscovered in recent East large portion of the African coast?
African coastal excavationsfor African A. large holdings of gold and ivory
goods, particularly ivory. In the tenth B. knowledge of the coastal waters
century a new trade sprang up as Muslim C. ability to trade with European countries
35 traders from the Red Sea came seeking 35
D. knowledge of European art
African gold, ivory, and crystals to sell to E. possession of goods from China
Mediterranean Europe. They found the
Swahili trading network already in place. 36. What is an example of the goods sought by the
For the goods they sought, the Muslims traders from the Red Sea?
40 offered not only money but technical 40

advice in matters that ranged from building F. Chinese pottery

techniques to arts and crafts. G. money
H. art objects
The Swahili trading network did more than J. building techniques
help the circulation of international prod- K. ivory
45 ucts between Europe, Asia, and Africa. 45

Since the Swahili traded with varied Afri-

can societies, from herders and farmers to


37. What was the most likely location for the
Swahili to exchange gold for Chinese pottery?
A. in the interior of Africa
B. on the coast of East Africa
C. in the Persian Gulf
D. on the shores of the Red Sea
E. somewhere in China

38. In what way were Swahili traders involved in

the artistic revival in tenth-century Europe?
F. The materials they traded with Muslim
traders from the Red Sea were used in the
European revival.
G. They sold African gold, ivory, and crystals
to the Europeans in exchange for arts and
H. They traded salt, cloth, and iron products
with Persian Gulf merchants in exchange
for gold, ivory, and crystals.
J. They offered technical advice as well as
money in exchange for European art.
K. Their network introduced artistic prac-
tices of the Chinese to Europeans. CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE u

A brilliant comet appears in the sky about referred to them as smoking stars, and the
once every ten years. In recent times, the 50 Tshi people of Zaire named them hair stars. 50

appearancetechnically called an appari- The English name for them comes from the
tionof a comet is frequently the occasion Greek kometes, meaning long-haired. The
5 for celebration, including T-shirts and 5 Tonga people of the South Pacific perhaps
posters. One shirt, for Halleys comet in came closest to the truth when they named
1985-86, trumpeted, coming soon to a sky 55 them stars of dust. 55

near you. For most of the history of the

human race, however, the appearance of a Nearly every culture has taken the arrival
10 comet has inspired fear, dire predictions, 10 of a comet as a sign of undesirable change
and irrational behavior. At first glance, or bad luck. To the Masai of East Africa,
that may seem surprising. Comets are comets portended famine, and to the Zulus
beautiful, slow-moving objects, absolutely 60 farther south, war. The Chinese catalogued 60

quiet, and clearly very far away from the dozens of comet types, each predicting a
15 earth. Why, then, did they inspire such ter- 15 specific kind of doom. Europeans regarded
ror and forecasts of doom in virtually every them with superstition and fear. Only the
culture of the world for thousands of years? !Kung people of modern-day Namibia were
It may well be becauseuntil the last few 65 optimistic when sighting a comet, believing 65

centuriespeople could not fit comets into it guaranteed a happy future.

20 what they knew about the universe, and 20

because fear is a very human reaction to Although we now know a great deal about
the unknown. comets and can predict their apparitions
and movements with considerable accuracy,
In earlier times, people were in much closer 70 they are still capable of inspiring awe and 70

touch with the natural world around them wonder as they light up the night sky.
25 than are most people today. They watched 25

the skies and learned to recognize, if not

fully understand, the regularity of the
movements of heavenly bodies. They
learned to predict these movements and to 39. Which of the following best tells what this
30 connect them with specific aspects of their 30 passage is about?
lives, such as the passage of time, the sea- A. the return of Halleys comet
sons, and the weather. Comets, on the other B. what comets look like
hand, appeared without warning anywhere C. peoples fascination with and fear of
in the sky, wandered aimlessly for a few comets
35 days, then disappeared as suddenly as they 35
D. records of comet apparitions
had come. With no apparent rhyme or rea- E. what astronomers know about comets
son for their appearances, comets became
objects of awe and fear. 40. Why did comets inspire fear in ancient times?

In the twenty-first century, these F. They appeared to be very close to earth.

40 once-feared objects can be described scien- 40
G. They appeared frequently in the night sky.
tifically. For example, every comet has a H. They exploded noisily when they
head, with a nucleus of icy material that disappeared.
has been described as a dirty snowball. J. Their appearances were unpredictable.
This nucleus is surrounded by a fuzzy-look- K. They predicted war and disaster.
45 ing, gaseous region called the coma. 45

Frequently a comet also has a tail composed

of gases and dust. The ancient Chinese
called comets broom stars, the Aztecs

41. The !Kung people differed from other African
cultures because they
A. thought comets were made of dust.
B. kept careful records of comet apparitions.
C. believed comets told of coming war.
D. understood the movements of comets.
E. took comets to be signals of good luck.

42. Why does the author say that the Tongan

name for a comet came closest to the truth
(line 54)?
F. The tail of a comet is made of dust.
G. The shape of the head and tail of a
comet suggests long hair.
H. A comet is a type of star.
J. A comet is composed of smoke.
K. The Tongans believed comets brought
good luck.

43. The T-shirt boasting, coming soon to a sky

near you, implied that
A. Halleys comet was not bright enough to be
B. the appearance of Halleys comet cannot
be predicted accurately.
C. the arrival of a comet still inspires great
D. comets are no longer of interest to the
E. something terrible would happen in 1985
or 1986.

44. Which of the following statements about the

relationship between comets and disasters is
best supported by the passage?
F. They may occur at the same time, but that
doesnt mean that one causes the other.
G. The relationship that existed in ancient
times no longer exists.
H. Increased scientific knowledge about
comets can be used to predict disasters
more accurately.
J. If people were in closer touch with the
natural world, the relationship would be
K. Most ancient cultures did not believe there
was a relationship between comets and

For centuries, traveling performers played down. Now some young people even change
an important role in the culture of India. from one skill to another. Women have won
In ancient times, villagers living in remote 50 the right to perform in roles once reserved 50

areas depended on these traditional folk for men. Some children of these performers
5 artists to bring news from far-away places 5 have chosen not to follow the old traditions
and to entertain them with songs, stories, and have become bus drivers and industrial
and acrobatics. Even though the local lead- workers, but others are preserving the old
ers in the sixteenth century emphasized 55 ways. Many street artists return annually 55

court-based entertainment and, later, to their rural ancestral villages, but when
10 industrialization broke down the old village 10 they go back to the city, they are coming
society, the traditional arts managed to sur- home.
vive. But since India became independent
in 1947, people in the rural areas began
relying on radio, television, and the movies 45. Which of the following best tells what this
15 for information and entertainment. 15 passage is about?
Support for the wandering entertainers was A. Traditional traveling performers in India
no longer strong enough to sustain them, have had to adapt to changing times.
and like many displaced workers before B. Folk artists traditionally provided a
them, these folk artists fled to the city in means of communication in India.
20 search of new audiences. 20
C. Folk artists inherited their skills from
their ancestors.
In the neighborhoods of the largest cities in D. It is extremely important for a country to
India, new threats faced the storytellers, preserve its artistic heritage.
puppeteers, and sword-swallowers. E. Steps must be taken to preserve the
Because they performed in the streets, they Indian tradition of street performance.
25 were considered beggarsillegal under the 25

new laws of independent India. As recent 46. Which of the threats to traveling performers
arrivals with little money, they became came first?
squatters in the slums of the cities, victims
of slum-clearing projects that frequently F. the invention of television
30 flattened their huts. But two recent 30 G. laws against begging
changes may have created a turning point H. industrialization
in the fortunes of the performers. The gov- J. slum clearances
ernment has finally recognized their right K. entertainment based in the courts of
to form a cooperative and be treated like rulers
35 other businesspeople. And the outside 35

world, exposed to recent movies and TV 47. Which of these statements would the author
shows about India, has become fascinated most likely agree with?
with all things Indian and discovered (or A. Traditional street performing will soon die
rediscovered) the ancient traditions of the out.
40 folk artists. 40
B. Puppetry, acrobatics, and storytelling are
now primarily urban professions.
The transition from rural wandering to C. The cooperative has eliminated the
urban street performing has encouraged occupations of artists and musicians.
other changes as well. In earlier days, the D. Laws against begging should be repealed.
various arts were performed by members of E. Soon people will see traditional Indian
45 different castes, who would not associate 45
arts only on television.
with each other. The cooperative has
required that those divisions be broken


48. The passage suggests that the Indian govern-
ment currently treats street performers as
F. national treasures.
G. beggars.
H. businesspeople.
J. displaced persons.
K. slumlords.

49. Which of the following is not suggested as a

strength of the current folk artists?
A. their willingness to change as society
B. their ability to preserve traditional values
C. the fact that they are breaking down caste
D. their ability to experiment with new
E. their willingness to travel constantly
around the country once again

50. What effect has the rediscovery of ancient

traditions by the outside world had on Indian
folk artists?
F. They have regained some of their former
G. They have lost their legal status as
H. They have returned to their homes in the
rural villages.
J. They have rejected changes in favor of the
old traditions.
K. They have restricted the participation of
women and children. CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE u

Part 2 Mathematics
Suggested Time 75 Minutes

General Instructions
Solve each problem. Select the best answer from the choices given. Mark the letter of your answer on the
answer sheet. You can do your figuring in the test booklet or on paper provided by the proctor. DO NOT
Important Notes:
(1) Formulas and definitions of mathematical terms and symbols are not provided.
(2) Diagrams other than graphs are not necessarily drawn to scale. Do not assume any relationship
in a diagram unless it is specifically stated or can be figured out from the information given.
(3) Assume that a diagram is in one plane unless the problem specifically states that it is not.
(4) Graphs are drawn to scale. Unless stated otherwise, you can assume relationships according to
appearance. For example, (on a graph) lines that appear to be parallel can be assumed to be
parallel; likewise for concurrent lines, straight lines, collinear points, right angles, etc.
(5) Reduce all fractions to lowest terms.

51. What is the greatest common factor of 105 53.

and 126?
A. 3
B. 7 In the figure above, points N and P are on line
C. 9 segment w MwQ.
D. 21
NQ 5 30 cm
E. 35
MN:NQ 5 3:2

NP:PQ 5 2:1
52. Simonne, Marco, and Evon were partners in What is the length of MP?
business. Simonne and Marco each received
twice as much of the profit as Evon received. A. 25 cm
If the total profit was $1,800, how much B. 20 cm
did Evon receive? C. 50 cm
D. 60 cm
F. $360 E. 65 cm
G. $600
H. $720
J. $900 54. Express 48.7623100 in scientific notation.
K. $1,800
F. 0.48762 3103
G. 0.48762 3104
H. 4.8762 3102
J. 4.8762 3103
K. 48.762 3102



55. 59. Millers Factory has decided to run

nonstop for three 14-hour shifts. The
whistle to start the first shift is to blow at
-12-10-8-6 -4-2024681012
9:00 a.m. At what time should the whistle
On the number line above, Q (not shown) is blow to end the third shift?
the midpoint of w
R. What is the length of
A. 3:00 a.m.
w w?
B. 3:00 p.m.
A. 2.5 units C. 1:00 a.m.
B. 6.5 units D. 1:00 p.m.
C. 7 units E. 12:00 midnight
D. 9 units
E. 13 units
60. N is an element of the set
56. An 11-sided polygon has 3 sides each of 4.2N
{0.2, 0.7, 1.4, 2.0, 7.0}, and ____
is an
length x centimeters and 6 sides each of integer. What is N?
length 2x centimeters. The lengths of the
other 2 sides are 12 centimeters and F. 0.2
13 centimeters. If the perimeter of the G. 0.7
polygon is 100 centimeters, what is the H. 1.4
value of x?
J. 2.0
F. 13 K. 7.0
G. 15
H. 12
J. 25 61. {1, 2, 3, . . . , 175, 176, 177, 178}
K. 75
How many numbers in the set above
have 5 as a factor but do not have
10 as a factor?
57. What is the value of 3 x 5 y if x527 and
y511? A. 11
B. 13
A. 76 C. 14
B. 34 D. 17
C. 4 E. 18
D. 34
E. 76
62. n is an even integer and 10n,19. What is
the mean of all possible values of n?
58. w)(16
(36 w)5
F. 14
F. 4 G. 14.5
G. 6 H. 15
H. 24 J. 15.5
J. 48 K. 30
K. 144



63. P. 66. Assume that the notation (w, x, y, z)

means Add w and x, multiply this result
by y, and then subtract z. What is the value
of (3, 5, 6, 3)2 (4, 6, 3, 5)?
N. .Q F. 15
G. 15
H. 20
J. 45
. K. 70
The shaded figure in the diagram above
consists of five squares. It touches the circle 67. Twelve out of 25 students picked The Flying
at points M, N, P, and Q. The radius of the Fuzz Brothers as their favorite video game.
circle is 15 centimeters. What is the area of What percentage of the class did not pick
the shaded portion of the figure? The Flying Fuzz Brothers?
A. 25 sq cm
B. 100 sq cm 13%
A. ___
C. 125 sq cm B. 13%
D. 500 sq cm
E. 900 sq cm C. 48%

D. 51%
64. Sam has 40 grams of nitrate to conduct an E. 52%
experiment. This experiment requires that
2gram of nitrate be added to a soil bed
5 68. The product of 3 different positive integers
each day. At this rate, what is the maximum is 10. What is their sum?
number of days that Sam can conduct the F. 17
experiment? G. 18
H. 10
F. 18 days J. 13
G. 40 days K. 30
H. 100 days
J. 200 days
K. 400 days 69. A circle has an area of p square feet and a
circumference of q feet. If p52.5q, what is
the radius of the circle?

65. This week Elliott worked 3 days as a clerk A. 1.25 ft

in his mothers store. He was paid $3.78 B. 2
w ft
per hour. If he worked 6__hours each day, C. 2.5 ft
how much should Elliott be paid? D. 5 ft
A. $11.34 E. 10 ft
B. $13.23
C. $13.28
D. $35.91
E. $73.71


70. 20cm 74. Jorge is 5 less than the number that is
3 times his brothers age. If his brother is
8 years old, how old is Jorge?

15cm F. 9 yr
G. 16 yr
H. 19 yr
J. 25 yr
30cm K. 29 yr HB-B074 M86-195C

What is the area of the trapezoid above?

G. 65 sq cm
H. 80 sq cm
J. 375 sq cm 10-yr-olds
K. 750 sq cm
allothers 24%
71. For what positive value of x does 14%
__ x ?
45 __ 12-yr-olds
5 20
A. 4
B. 5 If 10,000 pounds of cotton candy are
C. 8 consumed each year, how many pounds
D. 16 are consumed by 12-year-olds?
E. 256
A. 16 lb
B. 160 lb
72. Four consecutive multiples of 10 have a sum C. 625 lb HB-B076a
of 300. What is the least of these numbers? D. 1,600 lb
E. 120,000 lb
F. 20
G. 30
H. 40 76.

K. 60 Day123456789

According to the table above, what is the

8cm 8cm median number of visitors in the nine days?

F. 18__
8cm 2
G. 18__
What is the area of a square that has the 9
same perimeter as the triangle above?
H. 19
A. 16 sq cm
B. 24 sq cm J. 20
C. 32 sq cm
D. 36 sq cm K. 21
E. 64 sq cm


77. If x514 and y511, what is the value of 81. John works 5 days a week. On Monday he
completes __of his weeks work. On Tuesday
A. 3 2
B. 15 1of the remainder of his work
he completes __
C. 67
D. 73 for the week. What fraction of the weeks
E. 210
work remains to be done?

78. 1
X A. __

B. __

C. __
20 3
Z 3
D. __
8 HB-B081
In the diagram above, Z is a point on side WY
of triangle WXY. Triangles WXZ and XYZ are E. __
similar. What is the measure of /WXY?
F. 20
G. 70 82.
H. 90

J. 110 Kitchen
K. 140 Room

79. For what value of p is 3(p4)52(p1)?

A. 11 A

B. 12
C. 14 BedroomB
D. 15
E. 14

80. The probability of drawing a green candy

The floor plan above is drawn on a grid
1. How many
from a jar of 20 candies is __
4 made up of 1-inch squares. About how
yellow candies should be added to the jar in many square yards of carpet are needed
1 to cover bedroom B?
order to reduce the probability to __?
F. 12 sq yd
F. 3 G. 27 sq yd
G. 4 H. 54 sq yd
H. 6 J. 81 sq yd
J. 8 K. 108 sq yd
K. 10


83. Nicki has n stamps. She has half as many 86. In an election between two candidates, the
stamps as Mark has. Together, Nicki and winner received 55% of the 17,000 votes. The
Mark have 100 more stamps than Basilio. loser received the remaining votes. How
In terms of n, how many stamps does many more votes did the winner receive than
Basilio have? the loser?

F. 500
A. 3n100
G. 1,700
B. 3n100 H. 3,000
J. 7,650
C. __n100 K. 9,350

D. n100
HB-B083 87. Javial is packing boxes of candles for
E. __n100 shipment. Each box can hold 15 candles.
If Javial has 142 candles and fills all but
the last box to capacity, how many
84. candles will go into the last box?
A. 17
B. 18
E C. 10
D. 14
E. 22 HB-B093

In the diagram above, ABCD is a square.
BED is an arc of a circle centered at A, and
AEC is an arc of a circle centered at B. The
circles intersect at E. Find the measure of
/EBA (not shown).

F. 30
G. 45 W Z
H. 50
J. 60 In the figure above, W, X, Y, Z are points
K. 90 on a circle and WXYZ is a square. If the
diagonal of the square is 16 centimeters long,
what is the circumference of the circle?
85. Paula is now 4 times the age of Jae-Lynn. If
Jae-Lynn will be 16 in 10 years, how old was F. 8p cm
Paula 4 years ago? G. 16p cm
H. 32p cm
A. 16
B. 10 J. 64p2 cm
C. 16 K. 1,600p cm
D. 20
E. 24


89. 1of a
There are 660 feet in one furlong, and __ 93. There are x seats in the Ralston Theater
2 and y seats in the Baker Theater. The
fathom in one yard. How many fathoms are Baker Theater has 3 more than twice as many
there in one furlong? seats as the Ralston Theater. What
is the value of y in terms of x?
A. 155
B. 110 A. x3
C. 220 B. 2x3
D. 330 C. 2x3 M90-244
E. 440 D. 3x
E. 3x3

90. If x53 and 6x(2y3x)518, what is the

value of y? 94.

F. 2
G. 4 B C
H. 5
J. 6
K. 9 A D

91. n __
__ k ww
P is the center of the circle. BC is a diameter.
20 x The perimeter of rectangle ABCD is
If n54 and k513, what is the value of x? 48 centimeters. wPw ww
Q is a radius and Q is on AD.
What is the area of the circle?
A. 12
B. 40 F. 8p sq cm
C. 52 G. 16p sq cm
D. 65 H. 32p sq cm
E. 80 J. 64p sq cm
K. 128p sq cm

10 cm
n P

S T 95. 1 __12 __252 __23
7 cm

A. __
On line n, if QS56 centimeters and QR 5 RS,
what is the length of PT? 1
B. __
F. 12 cm
C. __
G. 13 cm 5
H. 14 cm 21
D. ___
J. 16 cm 20
K. 17 cm 27
E. ___


96. A basketball team scored 60 points in the 100. If x is an even integer, which of the following
first game and 50 in the second game. How cannot be an odd integer?
many points did the team score in the third
game if their mean score for the 3 games F. x 1
was 51 points?
G. __
F. 43 2
G. 45 x
H. __
H. 47
J. 49 J. 2x1
K. 55
K. 2x1

97. One side of a square is 10 units long and lies

on the y-axis of a coordinate system. Another
side of the square lies on the x-axis of the
coordinate system. What must be the
coordinates of one corner of this square?
E. (210, 210)

98. Of 27 marbles in a can, 7 were black,

4 were yellow, and the rest were red. Jay
removed 3 black marbles, then one more
marble at random. What is the probability
that it was red?

F. __

G. __

H. ___
J. __
K. __

99. 1of a pizza. Jasmine ate twice as

Zoe ate __
much of the same pizza as Zoe. What is
the ratio of the amount of pizza the two
ate to the amount of pizza remaining?

A. 1:2
B. 1:4
C. 3:5
D. 3:8
E. 5:8


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