Quality Management: Goals

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Project Management

Quality Management

- Apply characteristic techniques for quality planning, quality assurance, monitoring and
quality control.

Theory Overview:
See lecture notes (Chapter 5).

Quality represents the aggregate of an entitys characteristics that assures its ability to satisfy its
imposed and implicit users needs.

The quality system represents an organizational structure, the responsibilities, the procedures,
processes and resources required for the implementation of the quality management, considering
the specific business type of the organization and the conformity of these with clients imposed

Projects quality management includes processes required to assure that the project satisfies the
desired quality level:
1. Quality planning identifies the reference quality standards inside the project and determines
the ways of assuring them (for example: in software ISO 9000-3).
The quality standards must be accepted by the company, because they impose working
procedures not exclusively limited to the project.
The desired quality level is established mainly according to the products nature, its
purpose and the companys quality policy.
The Quality Management Plan will indicate, on deliverable categories, the way to verify
and validate the fact that all the requirements are fulfilled. For software products, this can
include information about:
- Developing models and tools used in the products development;
- Working procedures used to elaborate the design, the way to verify its correctness and
the fact that it will solve all the imposed requirements;
- Working procedures used for implementation;
- Working procedures for unit testing, system testing and performance testing;
- Working procedures for acceptance testing.
2. Projects quality assurance includes systematical activities, planned (to deploy regularly),
that assures the project to honor its desired level of quality.
These activities are generally presented in the Tasks Management Plan and refer to training
activities (concerning procedures that must be used by the projects team members),
activities related to testing/checking plans, activities for verifying/checking

Project Management

Quality assurance is efficient only when the procedures are specific and understood. It is
recommended to eliminate the subjectivism in the verification step by using appropriate
instrumentation and automation of the working mode.
3. Project quality control monitors some of the important results of the project for assuring
that it satisfies reference standards conditions and manages the required changes.
These results are, usually sampled at the end of some phases or other moments marked as
checking points/analysis points/critical data.

One of the difficulties imposed by the quality management is related to implicit requirements. It is
preferable that all the requirements concentrated in deliverable products of the project should be
expressed based on performance criteria(attribute, metric, value), but unfortunately, some
requirements cannot be completely described (simply) through performance indices and associated
target values.

Another difficulty results from introducing in practice of quality management techniques that
produce changes inside the organization with respect to the organization and structure (emerge
specialized compartments in quality assurance, beside technical control, auditory control services,
etc.), but also in the psychology of managers and executants, client position. Quality management
cannot be realized through sporadic activities executed by few team members.
A modern quality management focuses on:
Satisfying the client/user
o Establishing validation tests
o Transparency and consulting
Prevention actions, more than correction the cost of the error prevention actions is always
smaller than the cost of correcting
o Quality assurance using only by testing is inaccurate: conceptual models, early
testing/checking, prototype approaches/ incremental/spiral
o Caution to implicit requirements
o Automation
By implying the entire team in quality assurance >> organization, formalization working
procedures, cross-checking, etc.

Although there is a limit in the approach of the quality management: projects limited period
assumes limiting the defect prevention and evaluation tasks.

Specific quality management forms:

1. Diagrams that illustrate the causes for not honoring the desired quality level (see lecture notes
5.2.1): flow diagrams de flux, Ishikawa diagrams.

2. Quality Management Plan Establishes generally how to implement the desired quality inside
the project (see lecture notes 5.2.1):


Project Management

3. Forms used in testing stages (see lecture notes 5.3):

Testing Specifications Describes the tests required to check the deliverables;
Testing Reports Records the results of the ran tests;
Acceptance Plan Describes the validity tests and performance criteria imposed for

Working plan:
For one of the applications presented, pass through the following steps:
- Cite three implicit requirements that must be honored by a software product (not included
in the functional and non-functional requirements list previously filled);
- Organize the specifications in a V& V model (see lecture notes 5.3);
- For each level point out: what to verify, how will be verified, who verifies, who
controls the checking process;
- Build an Ishikawa diagram to explain the potential error sources in a selected use-case
(consider only the technical causes in the development process);
- For unity testing: for two of the selected use cases elaborate the Testing Specifications
document, indicating with details the test sequence to execute;
Direction: tests can be generated in the in-out manner, considering different values of the
input dataset.
- For integration testing of two sub-systems contour the Testing Specifications document;
- Contour the Quality Management Plan;
- Contour the Acceptance Plan;
- Actualize projects Gantt Chart in MP by adding details to tasks related to assuring and
controlling projects quality (see lecture notes 5.2 and 5.3).


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