Where You Will Use Your Source Cards. - 4. Where You Will Use Your Source Cards
Where You Will Use Your Source Cards. - 4. Where You Will Use Your Source Cards
Where You Will Use Your Source Cards. - 4. Where You Will Use Your Source Cards
Year and Section: __________________ Score: ___________ Year and Section: __________________ Score: ___________
Part 1. Complete the outline by providing the missing parts of a research paper. Part 1. Complete the outline by providing the missing parts of a research paper.
II. Chapter 5- SUMMARY, ____________________ AND IV. Chapter 5- SUMMARY, ____________________ AND
a. __________________________ d. __________________________
b. __________________________ e. __________________________
c. Recommendations f. Recommendations
Part 2. Identify the part of research paper. Part 2. Identify the part of research paper.
_________________1. Contains the accurate paging of the tables/figures used in _________________1. Contains the accurate paging of the tables/figures used in
_________________2. Contains the accurate paging of each part of the research _________________2. Contains the accurate paging of each part of the research
paper. paper.
_________________3. Consists of the research title, names of the researchers and _________________3. Consists of the research title, names of the researchers and
________________4. Where you will use your source cards. ________________4. Where you will use your source cards.
_________________5. A personal page where the researchers are given the _________________5. A personal page where the researchers are given the
privilege to extend gratitude to all people who helped in accomplishing the research. privilege to extend gratitude to all people who helped in accomplishing the research.