Smart Agriculture Using Internet of Things
Smart Agriculture Using Internet of Things
Smart Agriculture Using Internet of Things
Abstract-Agriculture is considered as the basis of life for the human species and it is the main source of food grains and other raw materials. It
plays vital role in the growth of countrys economy and development. It also provides large amount of employment opportunities to the people
.The internet of things (iot), the idea of getting real world objects connected with each other, will change the way users organize, obtain and
consume information radically. Through sensor networks, agriculture can be connected to the iot, which allows us to create connections among
farmers, agronomists and crops regardless of their geographical differences. With the help of this it will provide real time information about the
field that will help farmers to monitor the field and make right decisions accordingly.
Keywords- Soil moisture sensor, humidity sensor, Internet of Things (IoT), Arduino microcontroller, Wi-Fi module, Current Transformer (CT).
IJRITCC | March 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 3 257 260
and consumes current up to 250mA. Current consumption is
quite large so it's usually not powered on battery.ESP8266
has 8 pins, 4 in the row of 2. The first pin on the top left is
theGND. The two pins right from the GND are theGPIO 2
and 0. The pin on the top right side is the RX pin and the pin
on lower left is TX. These are the pins forthe
communication. The middle pins on the bottom are CH_PD
(chip power-down) and RST (reset). ESP8266 offers a
complete and self-contained Wi-Fi networking solution and
Fig.4Sketch of Top Core Type CT allows it to either host the application or to offload all the
Wi-Fi networking functions from another application
e. Theory of Current Transformer or CT When ESP8266 hosts the any application and when it is the
A CT performs same basic working principle of electrical only application processor in the device, then it is able to
power transformer. If an electrical power boot up directly from an external flash. It hasan integrated
transformerprimary current varies with load or secondary cache to improve the performance of the system in such
current. In case of CT, primary current is the system current applications, and to optimize the memory requirements.
and this primary current transforms to the CT secondary,
hence secondary current depends upon primary current of
the current transformer. h. Relay
Relay is an electromagnetic device and it is used to separate
In a power transformer, if load is not given, there will be two circuits electrically and connect them magnetically.
only magnetizing current flows in the primary. The primary These are very useful devices and allow one circuit to switch
of the power transformer recieves current from the source the another one while they are completely isolated. They are
proportional to the load connected with secondary. But in often used to interface an electronic circuit (working at a
case of CT, the primary is connected in the series with low voltage) to an electrical circuit which operates at very
power line. The primary current of the CT, hence does not high voltage. Thus a small sensor circuit can drive, like, a
depend upon whether the load is connected to the secondary fan or electric bulb.
or not or what is the impedance value of load. Relay is one of the most important electromechanical
devices largely used in industrial applications perticularly in
automation. A relay is mostly used for electronic to
electrical interfacing means it is used to switch on or off
electrical circuits which are operating at high AC voltage by
using a low DC control voltage.
Relay circuit
Fig.5Internal structure of CT
The continuous monitoring of the agriculture is designed
and developed using various microcontrollers by using Wi-
Fi. Hence by incorporating this method, the water and
electricity will be used efficiently. Compared with the
existing method it will give better performance. So we can
avoid the problems in a very efficient and innovative
manner with the help of micro-controller (Arduino) and
various sensors.
IJRITCC | March 2017, Available @