Human Rights Presentation1
Human Rights Presentation1
Human Rights Presentation1
8. Theory based on Each person has equal rights to No justice in a community where
the whole system of liberties. there are social and economic
justice Social primary goods such as inequalities.
liberation, opportunity and
income are distributed equitably.
9. Theory based on Proceeds on the premise that Recognizing the inherent dignity
human rights means sharing of the person as the foundation
dignity of man values of all identied policies of freedom, justice and peace in
upon which human rights the world.
depend on.
10. The Utilitarian Theory Jeremy Bentham asserted that
the ultimate goal of government
and all of morality was the
advancement of public welfare;
to promote the greatest
happiness of the greatest
Economic and Social Those that allows people to Right to property, education and
achieve social and economic the promotion of social justice
Rights development, ensuring their
well-being, happiness and
nancial security
Cultural Rights Rights that ensure the well-being Right to participate in our
of the individual and foster the cultural heritage, including
preservation, enrichment, and language and participation in
dynamic evolution of national cultural life
4. According to struggle and recogni&on in terms of
historical development
First Generation of Covers civil and political Right to life, equality
Human Rights rights, deal essentially before the law, freedom
with liberty and of speech, right to a fair
participation in political trial, freedom of religion
life; serve to protect the and voting rights
individual from the
excesses of the State
Second Generation of Covers economic, social Right to be employed in
Human Rights and cultural rights; began just and favorable
to be recognized after condition, rights to food,
WWII housing and health care
Third Generation of Covers collective rights; Right to self-
Human Rights goes beyond civil and determination, right to
social development, right to a
healthy environment,
right to natural resources
5. According to derogability
Non-derogable or Cannot be suspended or Right to life, freedom
absolute rights taken away or restricted from torture, right to be
recognized as a person,
right to freedom of
thought or conscience
Derogable or relative Precondition: State of Right to freely move
rights Emergency; (which may be limited by
May be suspended or a curfew)
restricted or limited
depending on the
Are there restric&ons to human
rights? Limita&ons? Can we?
Valid if:
1. Provided by law
2. State of emergency
3. Does not exceed what is necessary
As Mobility Rights Right to travel and return to Art. 3, Civil & Pol Rights;
ones country Art. III, Sec. 6 Phil. Consti.
As Right to Life, Liberty Represent the core of Art. III, Sec. 1 Phil. Consti.
fundamental rights, include the Art. 6, Civil and Pol Rights
and Security of the right to protection against
Person political and other extrajudicial
killings and disappearances of
As Legal rights Freedom from arbitrary arrest Art. III Phil. Consti.
and detention, and the Arts. 8, 9, 10 Civil & Pol Rights
protection against unreasonable Rule 113, Rules of Court, RA8943
search and seizures; due process
Neighbors Others
right right