Kitt Fitnessworkout
Kitt Fitnessworkout
Kitt Fitnessworkout
Select 5 - 7 stations and exercises from the list above. Create a 60 - 70 minute personal exercise
program (PEP) plan that you will use over the next 4 physical & health education class periods. Keep
in mind variety, motivation and your overall goal!
Criterion B: Personal Exercise Program (PEP)
Week 1
# Station Muscle Group F.I.T.T S.P.O.R.T
(Specify time/rep / recovery
1 Leg Curl Weights: 10lbs Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
Repetitions: 3-6 week my 3 fitness goals
Sets: 1-3 Intensity: Increasing Progression:
Muscle(s) stretched: reps and sets increasing weight,
Hamstrings, Calves Time: roughly 6 reps, sets
Recovery time: 2 minutes minutes Overload: Putting more
Type: resistance weight
training Recovery: sleep and
2 Leg Weights: 10lbs Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
Extension Repetitions: 3-6 week my 3 fitness goals
Sets: 1-3 Intensity: Increasing Progression:
Muscle(s) stretched: reps and sets increasing weight,
Quadriceps (Vastus Medialis, Time: roughly 4 reps, sets
Vastus Lateralis, Rectus minutes Overload: Putting more
Femoris and Vastus Type: resistance weight
Intermedialis, Stabilizers) training Recovery: sleep and
Recovery time: 2 minutes nutrition
3 Leg Press Weights: 10lbs Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
Repetitions: 3-6 week my 3 fitness goals
Sets: 1-3 Intensity: Increasing Progression:
Muscle(s) stretched: Gluteals, reps and sets increasing weight,
Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Time: roughly 6 reps, sets
Calves minutes Overload: Putting more
Recovery times: 2 minutes Type: resistance weight
training Recovery: sleep and
4 Computerize Distance: 1.0miles Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
d Step Level: 1 week my 3 fitness goals
pressors Muscle(s) stretched: Intensity: Higher level Progression:
Abdominal, Gluteus, Time: 8mins 13 secs increasing distance
Hamstrings, Quadriceps Type: primarily and levels
Recovery time: 2 minutes cardiovascular Overload: Increasing
Recovery: sleep and
5 Electronic Distance: 1.0miles Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
Treadmill Speed: 5.2 week my 3 fitness goals
Muscle(s) stretched: Intensity: Higher level Progression:
Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Time: 9mins 45secs increasing distance
Calves, Gluteus medius, Type: primarily and levels
Gluteus maximus cardiovascular Overload: Increasing
Recovery time: 2 minutes speed
Recovery: sleep and
6 Computerize Distance: 1.0miles Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
d Bike Level: 1 week my 3 fitness goals
Muscle(s) stretched: Intensity: Higher level Progression:
Quadriceps, Calves, Time: 5mins 22 secs increasing distance
Hamstrings, Abdominals, Type: primarily and levels
Obliques, Rectus Abdominis cardiovascular Overload: Increasing
Recovery time: 2 minutes level
Recovery: sleep and
Week 2
# Station Muscle Group F.I.T.T S.P.O.R.T
(Specify time/rep / recovery
1 Leg Curl Weights: 15lbs Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
Repetitions: 4-7 week my 3 fitness goals
Sets: 2-4 Intensity: Increasing Progression:
Muscle(s) stretched: reps and sets increasing weight,
Hamstrings, Calves Time: roughly 6 reps, sets
Recovery time: 1 minute minutes Overload: Putting more
Type: resistance weight
training Recovery: sleep and
2 Leg Weights: 15lbs Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
Extension Repetitions: 4-7 week my 3 fitness goals
Sets: 2-4 Intensity: Increasing Progression:
Muscle(s) stretched: reps and sets increasing weight,
Quadriceps (Vastus Medialis, Time: roughly 4 reps, sets
Vastus Lateralis, Rectus minutes Overload: Putting more
Femoris and Vastus Type: resistance weight
Intermedialis, Stabilizers) training Recovery: sleep and
Recovery time: 1 minute nutrition
3 Leg Press Weights: 15lbs Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
Repetitions: 4-7 week my 3 fitness goals
Sets: 2-4 Intensity: Increasing Progression:
Muscle(s) stretched: Gluteals, reps and sets increasing weight,
Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Time: roughly 5 reps, sets
Calves minutes Overload: Putting more
Recovery times: 1 minute Type: resistance weight
training Recovery: sleep and
4 Computerize Distance: 1.1miles Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
d Step Level: 4 week my 3 fitness goals
pressors Muscle(s) stretched: Intensity: Higher level Progression:
Abdominal, Gluteus, Time: 6 mins 17 secs increasing distance
Hamstrings, Quadriceps Type: primarily and levels
Recovery time: 1 minute cardiovascular Overload: Increasing
Recovery: sleep and
5 Electronic Distance: 1.1miles Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
Treadmill Speed: 6.6 week my 3 fitness goals
Muscle(s) stretched: Intensity: Higher level Progression:
Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Time: 9mins 58 secs increasing distance
Calves, Gluteus medius, Type: primarily and levels
Gluteus maximus cardiovascular Overload: Increasing
Recovery time: 1 minute speed
Recovery: sleep and
6 Computerize Distance: 1.1miles Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
d Bike Level: 4 week my 3 fitness goals
Muscle(s) stretched: Intensity: Higher level Progression:
Quadriceps, Calves, Time: 5mins 09 secs increasing distance
Hamstrings, Abdominals, Type: primarily and levels
Obliques, Rectus Abdominis cardiovascular Overload: Increasing
Recovery time: 1 minute level
Recovery: sleep and
Week 3
# Station Muscle Group F.I.T.T S.P.O.R.T
(Specify time/rep / recovery
1 Leg Curls Weights: 20lbs Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
Repetitions: 5-8 week my 3 fitness goals
Sets: 3-5 Intensity: Heavier Progression:
Muscle(s) stretched: weights increasing weight,
Hamstrings, Calves Time: roughly 6 reps, sets
Recovery time: 1 minute minutes Overload: Putting more
Type: resistance weight
training Recovery: sleep and
2 Leg Weights: 20lbs Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
Extension Repetitions: 5-8 week my 3 fitness goals
Sets: 3-5 Intensity: Heavier Progression:
Muscle(s) stretched: weights increasing weight,
Quadriceps (Vastus Medialis, Time: roughly 4 reps, sets
Vastus Lateralis, Rectus minutes Overload: Putting more
Femoris and Vastus Type: resistance weight
Intermedialis, Stabilizers) training Recovery: sleep and
Recovery time: 1 minute nutrition
3 Leg Press Weights: 20lbs Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
Repetitions: 5-8 week my 3 fitness goals
Sets: 3-5 Intensity: Heavier Progression:
Muscle(s) stretched: Gluteals, weights increasing weight,
Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Time: roughly 4 reps, sets
Calves minutes Overload: Putting more
Recovery times: 1 minute Type: resistance weight
training Recovery: sleep and
4 Computerize Distance: 1.2miles Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
d Step Level: 7 week my 3 fitness goals
pressors Muscle(s) stretched: Intensity: Higher Level Progression:
Abdominal, Gluteus, Time: 4mins 58 secs increasing distance
Hamstrings, Quadriceps Type: primarily and levels
Recovery time: 1 minute cardiovascular Overload: Increasing
Recovery: sleep and
5 Electronic Distance: 1.2miles Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
Treadmill Speed: 7.2 week my 3 fitness goals
Muscle(s) stretched: Intensity: Higher Level Progression:
Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Time: 9mins 02 secs increasing distance
Calves, Gluteus medius, Type: primarily and levels
Gluteus maximus cardiovascular Overload: Increasing
Recovery time: 1 minute speed
Recovery: sleep and
6 Computerize Distance: 1.2miles Frequency: once per Specificity: To achieve
d Bike Level: 7 week my 3 fitness goals
Muscle(s) stretched: Intensity: Higher Level Progression:
Quadriceps, Calves, Time: 4mins 51 secs increasing distance
Hamstrings, Abdominals, Type: primarily and levels
Obliques, Rectus Abdominis cardiovascular Overload: Increasing
Recovery time: 1 minute level
Recovery: sleep and
Criterion D:
Reflect and evaluate the effectiveness of your personal exercise plan. Explain i. if the principles of
training were applied effectively; ii. area that you have improved and iii. if you have to further develop
your exercise plan into a 6-month period, what are the changes that you will make.
According to my Personal Exercise Program, the principles of training were applied effectively. As
seen from the table above, I have categorized the 2 principles: F.I.T.T. and S.P.O.R.T. inside it to
ensure that they will be applied while I was achieving my 3 fitness goals. Starting off with F.I.T.T. , I
was able to increase the Frequency and Intensity of my plan every week in order to challenge myself
and reach to my full potential. However, i was not able to increase the time due to the limited amount
of time due to the limited amount of time in class. The type of training usually revolves around
primarily cardiovascular, or resistance training, as they mainly develop the skills I need to achieve my
goal. As for the S.P.O.R.T. principle, the training is specified to help me achieve my goals as
mentioned before, which are: flexibility, coordination, muscular endurance, agility and muscular
strength. In order to achieve my goal, some of the muscles that I had to focus on training are
Quadriceps, Abdominals and Hamstrings. As my body adapts to the training, it progressed to a new
level of fitness. By doing so, I decided to carefully and gradually build up the exercise level for each
week (to avoid injury), the gradual increase will most likely lead to an overload, and this type of
training has helped me reach to a higher level in fitness. However, after the end of each lesson, in
order to recover, I mainly rely it on sleep and nutrition as these are some of the most basic factors
that will lead to a healthy lifestyle. Tedium was something I try to avoid at all time, which was the main
reason as to why I chose 6 stations/equipment to work on, as using a variety of training methods is
also a factor in keeping me motivated.
The personal exercise program that I have developed for myself each week has definitely helped me
improve my flexibility, muscular endurance, and muscular strength. This is mainly because my plan
focused more on these few fitness components, whereas the other two - coordination and agility has
not been focused on as much. This was proven when I compared the first week of my plan to the
third/last week, mainly from the results. As seen from my plan, even though the sets, reps, distance,
level and weight has constantly increased throughout the few weeks, however the time used to
complete each training gradually decreased. Additionally, throughout the making of each weeks plan,
Ive used a few ATL skills, one of which is thinking skills. Ive used this skill during the planning
because I analysed and thought on the muscle group that I would like to train throughout the following
week. Ive then researched on what exercise would help me improve the muscle group(s) that I have
chosen. Ive then used some of the exercises that I found to form them into a training plan by
ordering them to create the circuit. During this process, I also have to think of the fitness components
used, therefore I wouldnt be stretching the muscle too and, and get tired easily. Moreover, self
management skills was used, specifically reflection skills. Ive used this skill during the planning
because every week when Im modifying my circuit plan to make it relevant for volleyball, I would be
changing the time as well as rep. Ive also changed some of the exercises when compared to week 1.
Therefore, throughout this process I have used my reflecting skills to help me modify my plan. During
this process, I have also been reflecting on which muscle group I should focus more on working for
the following week in order to have a better improvement.
If I had to further develop this into a 6 month training plan, I would firstly, increase the duration for
each training. This can be done by increasing the sets, reps, distance, level and weight even more.
Furthermore, I will increase the amount of stations for each weeks training plan, and also increase
the number of times worked out for each week, so instead of only working once a week, it may be
increased to 2 or 3 times a week. This will help by further increasing the persons flexibility, muscular
endurance, and muscular strength, along with coordination and agility.