Sae Technical Paper Series: Ronald W. Roe, Matthew P. Reed and Lawrence W. Schneider
Sae Technical Paper Series: Ronald W. Roe, Matthew P. Reed and Lawrence W. Schneider
Sae Technical Paper Series: Ronald W. Roe, Matthew P. Reed and Lawrence W. Schneider
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Figure 1. Schematic of ASPECT manikin, showing supplemental thigh, leg, and shoe segments.
Lumbar Support Prominence One of the limitations of The change in spine flexion is interpreted as lumbar sup-
the current J826 H-point manikin that motivated the port prominence. The lumbar support prominence is
development of the ASPECT manikin is the rigid torso, expressed in millimeters, corresponding to the displace-
which is often unstable when the manikin is installed in ment of the external lumbar shell of the manikin relative
seats with prominent lumbar support. The ASPECT man- to the neutral, straight-back condition. Positive lumbar
ikin includes a two-joint, articulated lumbar spine that support prominence indicates that the manikin linkage is
mimics human lumbar-spine flexibility, creating a torso extended, giving a lordotic or inward-curving shape to the
comprised of pelvis, abdomen (lumbar), and thorax seg- external profile. Negative lumbar support prominence
indicates an outward-curving or kyphotic external profile, necting the hip and knee joints of a midsize male sitting
and the lumbar prominence reading is zero when the with his thighs fully engaged with the seat cushion. The
seat produces a manikin profile that corresponds to the thigh orientations of sitters will usually differ from the
flat profile of the current SAE J826 manikin. measured seat cushion angle because thigh angle is
affected by factors other than seat cushion angle, such
Seatback Angle The ASPECT manikin includes a torso as seat height.
line that replicates the function of the torso line on the
current J826 manikin and two-dimensional (2D) template H-Point Location The distances from the ASPECT
for defining and measuring seatback angle. The ASPECT manikin H-point to the bottom and rear of the manikin
manikin torso line is parallel to the surface profile in the buttock/thigh shell profile are designed to be the same as
lumbar area of the manikin when installed in a seat with the corresponding dimensions on the current J826 mani-
zero lumbar support prominence, just as the torso line of kin. As with the current manikin, the H-point is intended
the current manikin is parallel to the external shell profile. to approximate the hip joint location of a human in the
For other levels of lumbar support prominence, the torso seat. When the ASPECT manikin is installed in a seat
line remains approximately parallel to the external shell with a lumbar support prominence that measures zero,
section connected to the lumbar segment of the manikin. the ASPECT manikin H-point is intended to be coincident
Note that the manikin torso line does not connect the H- with the SAE J826 H-point (3). However, in seats with
point with another point having an anatomical correlate, more- or less-prominent lumbar supports, differences
such as the shoulder. When installed in a seat, the angle between the manikins in H-point location are expected.
of the ASPECT manikin torso line with respect to vertical The H-point location will not generally replicate the hip
defines the seatback angle. Combined with the lumbar joint location of any particular category of sitter. Hip joint
support prominence measure, seatback angle measures locations are affected by a number of factors, only some
the deflected surface contour of the seatback in a way of which are measured by the manikin. The manikin H-
that can be related to human posture. point is one of the inputs to posture prediction models
that are used to locate human hip joints relative to the
Seat Cushion Angle SAE J826 was recently amended vehicle and seat (4).
to include a technique for measuring seat cushion angle.
In the J826 procedure, the current manikin is installed ASPECT MANIKIN PACKAGE MEASURES When the
without legs and with a modified weight distribution to ASPECT manikin is installed in a vehicle with the seat
obtain a measure of the orientation of the deflected seat positioned so that the manikin H-point is at the seating
cushion surface. This measure is a factor affecting driver- reference point (SgRP), the supplemental thigh, leg, and
selected seat position and driver posture (6, 7). The foot tools can be used to measure the package geometry.
ASPECT manikin produces a similar measure as part of Figure 4 shows the manikin with the supplemental seg-
the normal installation process. A thigh line is defined on ments used to measure both driver and rear seats. The
the manikin at an orientation designed to replicate the measures obtained using these procedures are essen-
seat cushion angle measure obtained with the J826 man- tially the same as those obtained with the current J826
ikin. This is approximately the orientation of a line con- manikin, so only a few will be discussed here.
Figure 4. ASPECT manikin used to measure driver and rear seat package geometry.
Thigh Angle The vertical distance from the SgRP to the USE OF THE ASPECT MANIKIN IN OCCUPANT
heel rest surface, denoted H30 in SAE J1100 for the PACKAGING AND SEAT DESIGN
driver seat, is the seat height. Because the ASPECT
manikin thigh segment is independent of the weighted Occupant Packaging The ASPECT manikin is used in
manikin buttock/thigh shell, the manikin measures a thigh vehicle design mainly through reference to its geometry
angle (relative to horizontal) that is generally greater than and measurement capability. Since the ASPECT manikin
the seat cushion angle. The thigh angle is determined by is primarily a seat measurement tool, most of the design
the package geometry, specifically the seat height. In tasks involving the ASPECT manikin concern the seat,
fact, using the practices described in this paper for locat- but the supplemental manikin leg, thigh, and shoe can be
ing the pedal reference point, shoe angle, and SgRP, used to establish clearance specifications. CAD repre-
thigh angle can be calculated directly from seat height. sentation of the ASPECT manikin can be used to depict
these dimensions. For example, knee and shin clearance
Knee Angle Knee angle is the included angle between guidelines based on the current J826 2D template can be
the thigh and leg segments, and is essentially identical to readily adapted for use with the ASPECT manikin geom-
the measure denoted L44 in SAE J1100. The angle is etry. As part of the package design, the ASPECT manikin
measured in a vertical plane only. Because the knee measures of the seat can be specified. In fact, some seat
angle is measured with the seat located at the SgRP and measurements, such as seat cushion angle, must be
with defined leg and thigh segment lengths, it does not specified for use with the new accommodation models (5,
necessarily represent the knee angles of any particular 7).
Table 1. Proposed Measures to Define Vehicle Seats
Hip Angle The hip angle is measured between the And Packages (New measures are shown in
manikin thigh segment and the torso line (back angle). italics.)
The back angle is either set to design or to a default
value used for benchmarking, and the thigh angle is Application in
APM Measures - Driver Vehicle Design and
determined by seat height. As with the other angles mea- (New SAE J826 measures Development
sured using the manikin lower extremities, the hip angle to be defined in SAE J1100)
Seat Package
does not necessarily represent typical posture measures PRP location relative to car grid x
for any occupant category. Rather, these angles provide Pedal Plane Angle LXX* x
dimensions that can be used to compare geometry Heel Rest Z Plane* x
across vehicle seat packages. Because the angles for the Heel Rest Z Line* x
driver seating position are direct functions of the manikin H-Point location relative to seat frame x
geometry, the SgRP, and the pedal reference point, the Back Angle SL240D* x
angles of the thigh and leg segments are likely to be Cushion Angle SL200D* x
more useful for quantifying rear seat packages. Table 1 (replaces old L27)
lists some of the vehicle and seat dimensions for the Lumbar Support Prominence x
driver defined and measured using the ASPECT manikin. SL250D*
Measures shown in italics are not currently in SAE SgRP location relative to car grid x
J1100. Chair Height H30 x
Shoe Plane Angle LXX* x
NEW DEFINITIONS FOR SGRP AND PEDAL AHP x, y, z location relative to car grid x
REFERENCE POINT In conjunction with the ASPECT Thigh Angle LXX* x
program, new proposals have been developed to improve Hip Angle L42 (similar to old L42) x
the definitions of SgRP and pedal reference points. Knee Angle L44 (similar to old L44) x
These new methods are presented in detail elsewhere Foot Angle L46 (similar to old L46) x
(5). Using the new procedures, a pedal reference point Seatback Deflection @ selected loca- x
(PRP) is defined on the pedal independent of the rest of
Seat Cushion Deflection @ selected x
the package, using only the local pedal and floor geome- locations
try. The manikin shoe plane angle is set using a linear Percent Load Deflection @ selected x
function of seat height (H30) that is based on average locations
observed driver foot angles. The new SgRP locator line *New dimension codes are shown. The S prefix designates a
determines the SgRP location aft of the PRP as a func- specific seat dimension, while the D suffix (for driver) designates
tion of seat height. The intersection between the SgRP a specific location in the vehicle.
locator line and the H-point travel path defines the SgRP.
Seat Design Each of the measurements that can be pleting the installation. The locations of reference points
made with the manikin corresponds to a potential specifi- on the manikin can be recorded using coordinate mea-
cation for seat design. The H-point location relative to the surement equipment, and the seat cushion angle, back
seat frame is specified, as are the seat cushion angle angle, and lumbar support prominence can be read from
and lumbar support prominence. A particular manikin- scales on the manikin or by using inclinometers placed
measured (seat) back angle is selected to correspond to on specified manikin measurement surfaces.
a particular seatback frame orientation. In addition, the
manikin H-point, torso line, and thigh line can be used as Package Measurement For package measurement, the
references to define many additional seat measures. manikin is used with the supplemental thigh, leg, and
Appendix D describes a large number of proposed seat shoe segments. Because these segments do not interact
dimensions, many of which are referenced to the dynamically with the vehicle or seat, most of the package
ASPECT manikin. measurements can be performed in CAD after measuring
the seat with the manikin and recording the locations of a
USE OF THE ASPECT MANIKIN FOR AUDIT AND few points on the accelerator pedal and floor. However,
BENCHMARKING The primary use of the ASPECT the entire procedure can also be conducted physically, in
manikin is measuring vehicle seats and packages. The a vehicle or mockup. Appendix C describes the entire
measurement is considered an audit if the primary pur- procedure using parallel steps for physical and CAD
pose is to assess the extent to which a seat or vehicle measurement.
meets with design intent. In an audit measurement, the
For the driver seat, the first step is to establish the pedal
design positions of the vehicle and seat components to
reference point (PRP) on the accelerator pedal, as shown
be used during the measurement have been previously
in Figure 5. The PRP is defined on the undepressed
specified by the vehicle manufacturer. Benchmarking
accelerator pedal. On a physical pedal, the PRP may be
with the ASPECT manikin uses very similar procedures
located by positioning the manikin shoe tangent to the
to measure a vehicle for which the design intent is not
pedal. Usually the pedal will be blocked to keep it from
known. Consequently, the positions and settings of vehi-
moving during measurement, and pivoting pedals must
cle components and adjustments must be determined
be measured in their rest position. A shoe alignment fix-
using standardized guidelines to ensure compatibility of
ture provided with the manikin holds the shoe in place
the measurements across vehicles. To simplify the pre-
against the pedal, simultaneously locating the PRP and
sentation, the audit procedures will be described first, fol-
the heel rest Z plane. On a curved pedal, the tangent
lowed by the changes to the procedures necessary for a
point can be difficult to locate physically, although it is no
benchmarking measurement.
more difficult than the current procedures for locating
AHP and BOF. The procedure is straightforward in CAD.
Seat Measurement A seat measurement begins by set-
Figure 5 shows the PRP and heel rest Z plane estab-
ting the seat components to the designated configuration.
lished with the manikin shoe and shoe alignment fixture.
The seat cushion frame angle and seatback frame angle
are set to the design position, meaning the default values
set by the vehicle designer. Any other adjustments, such
as lateral bolsters or adjustable lumbar supports, are set
to their design positions. In effect, the seat components
are placed in the positions and orientations that are
expected to produce particular manikin measurements.
The audit determines if the seat build has met the intent.
The manikin is then installed in the seat, using the proce-
dure in Appendix A. A muslin cloth identical to the one
currently specified in J826 is laid on the seat to standard-
ize the friction under the manikin. The manikin is placed
on the seat and the torso linkage is unlocked to allow the
torso to conform to the shape of the seatback. If desired,
the manikin buttock/thigh segment can be placed on the
seat first, followed by the torso, which connects to the
buttock/thigh segment at the H-point. Weights are added
to the buttock/thigh pan first, then to the torso. After each
loading step, calibrated springs are used to push the
manikin into the seat and built-in levels are used to
Figure 5. Establishing PRP and heel rest Z plane.
ensure that the manikin is aligned with the seat. After all
of the weights have been added, the torso linkage is
locked to prevent movement during measurement, com-
Next, the ASPECT manikin is installed in the seat, follow- benchmarking applications has been developed. Table 2
ing the procedures described above and in Appendix A. lists some of the proposed settings, which specify that
The seat may be positioned anywhere within its track components be set to the least restrictive settings or to
travel range, provided that the seat cushion and seatback the middle of the adjustment range. Lateral bolsters, for
have the appropriate orientations with respect to vertical. example, are set to the least restrictive position. Some
For an audit measurement, the seat track, seatback pneumatic lumbar support adjusters are difficult to set to
recliner, and any other seat adjustments would be placed a middle position, so a minimum-prominence setting is
in their design positions. Seat position will typically be proposed for all adjustable lumbar supports. Lumbar sup-
specified with regard to seat track position, such as three port height adjusters are set to the middle of the travel
detents forward of full rear. Alternatively, the positions of range. Seat cushion angle is set to the middle of the
some fiducial points on the seat frame could be specified travel range for seats without height adjustment and to
with respect to other reference points on the vehicle. For the orientation obtained in the full-down, full-rear position
an audit measurement, this detailed information is com- for seats with adjustable height and angle. Seatback
monly provided. angle must be set using the manikin. A typical average
value of driver-selected seatback angle (22 degrees) has
The SgRP position above the heel rest Z plane defines
been chosen as the default for Class A vehicles, and a
H30, the seat height. H30 is input to the shoe angle
more upright angle (18 degrees) for Class B vehicles.
equation to determine the appropriate shoe plane angle,
Recommended settings for other seat adjustments will be
and a protractor is used with the shoe alignment fixture to
developed as needed for potential standardization in SAE
orient the shoe appropriately. Contact is maintained
J826. If manufacturers use these settings as the design
between the shoe and accelerator pedal, but the contact
position, a benchmarking measurement of a vehicle will
point need not be the PRP.
yield measurements that are close to the design intent,
With the manikin and shoe in place, adding the light- fulfilling the purpose of standardized, industry-wide mea-
weight thigh and leg segments completes the installation. sures.
The thigh and leg are adjusted to 452-mm and 436-mm
After the seat components are set to their default posi-
lengths, respectively, which are based on average lower
tions, the manikin is installed using the procedures
extremity dimensions for men matching the SgRP refer-
described in Appendix A. The location of the H-point is
ence stature (3, 5). Coordinate measurement equipment,
measured relative to one or more targeted reference
portable inclinometers, or other equipment can then be
points on the seat. The targeted reference points should
used to record the manikin segment positions and orien-
maintain a constant dimensional relationship with the H-
tations. Figure 6 shows some of the package-related
point throughout the range of seat track travel. Usually
dimensions that can be measured using the supplemen-
these points are on a part of the seat frame above the
tal thigh, leg, and shoe tools. These dimensions are often
track adjuster.
quantified in CAD rather than with physical measure-
Table 2. Proposed Default Seat Adjustments for Use in
Benchmarking Measurements
Adjustment Setting
Seat Cushion Angle (seats Middle of range
without height adjustment)
Seat Cushion Angle (seats Angle obtained with the seat
with height adjustment) full down/full rear
Seatback Angle (Class A 22 degrees, as measured
vehicles: passenger cars, with the ASPECT manikin
station wagons, MPVs and
light trucks)
Seatback Angle (Class B 18 degrees, as measured
vehicles: heavy trucks with the ASPECT manikin
and buses)
Lumbar Support Prominence Minimum setting
Lumbar Support Height Middle of range
Seat Bolsters Minimum, least restrictive
cient to define the H-point travel path. For a typical six- ate if they can be accomplished quickly without changing
way seat adjuster, which can move horizontally, verti- the manikin position relative to the seat. With the manikin
cally, and change seat cushion angle, the H-point travel positioned so that the H-point is located at the SgRP, the
path has a rectangular appearance. Figure 7 shows a leg and thigh segments are added to complete the instal-
typical H-point travel path for a height-adjustable driver lation.
seat. In general, the H-point travel path should not be
Most benchmarking measurements can be made without
determined by tracking the actual manikin H-point as it
physically positioning the seat with the H-point at SgRP
moves with the seat, because the H-point measurement
by performing the thigh and leg segment installation in
is defined, for packaging purposes, only with the seat at
CAD. On the physical seat, the H-point location is mea-
the design or default orientation. Further, during the time
sured relative to reference points on the seat, and the H-
required to move the seat through its range of motion, the
point travel path is determined by moving the seat while
manikin position may change due to compression of the
tracking the reference points. Recording the locations of
seat foam. However, it may be useful to measure the seat
a few points on the accelerator pedal and floor completes
track movement with the manikin in the seat, because the
the necessary data collection from the vehicle. In CAD,
manikin weight may produce small deflections in the seat
the PRP can be determined and the SgRP locator line
mounting hardware.
positioned appropriately. Using the H-point travel path,
Next, the SgRP position within the H-point travel path the SgRP position is determined and the corresponding
must be determined relative to the PRP and heel rest Z seat height is used to determine the shoe angle. The
plane previously established. For a linear seat track, the thigh and leg segments are then added, completing the
SgRP location is the intersection between the previously virtual installation.
described SgRP locator line and the H-point travel path.
For a height-adjustable seat, SgRP is defined as the mid- Passenger Seats Passenger seat procedures are simi-
point between the intersections of the SgRP locator line lar to those used for the driver seat. For front seats, no
with the top and bottom of the H-point travel path, putting fore-aft shoe position is specified, so only a seat mea-
the SgRP at the middle of the height adjustment range. surement is required. For other seating positions, a differ-
For a linear track, this calculation is performed by finding ent shoe tool is used than the one used for the driver
the intersection of two lines, a problem readily solved seat. The newly developed rear-seat shoe tool, shown in
using a spreadsheet or a hand calculator. Determining Figure 4, represents the simplified shape of two shoes
SgRP location for a height-adjustable seat is more com- placed directly adjacent. When measuring a rear seat,
plex, but can be readily accomplished graphically, either the seat in front of the measured location, if adjustable, is
on paper or in CAD. set to the SgRP (design) position. The shoe tool is then
placed on the floor in front of the seating position, typi-
cally centered on the occupant centerline, and moved for-
ward until its forward progress is stopped by the front
seatback or other components. In certain seating pack-
ages, the resulting position is marked, and the front seat
is moved forward to facilitate access. The manikin, includ-
ing the thigh and leg segments, is installed to measure
the package geometry.
design process. The use of the manikin in design is facili-
tated by related CAD tools, including occupant posture-
prediction models and three-dimensional human body
reference forms (5).
During the course of the ASPECT program, the research
team examined a number of applications for which the
current J826 manikin is used that go beyond its basic role
in defining vehicle and seat reference points. These
include modified procedures, such as the techniques
used in crash dummy positioning (9), and the use of the
manikin with add-on devices, such as the Head Restraint
Measuring Device (10) and the Belt Fit Test Device (11).
These techniques use the J826 manikin as a surrogate
for human positioning information and as a platform for
mounting measuring tools. Because the new ASPECT
manikin performance in vehicle seats is different from
that of the current manikin, the current add-on tools, such
Figure 8. Some proposed seat dimensions based on as the head-restraint and belt-fit measuring devices, can-
ASPECT manikin geometry (see Appendix D). not be used directly with the ASPECT manikin. However,
the extensive vehicle occupant posture data collected
The ASPECT manikin can also be used to obtain mea- during the ASPECT program can be used to develop sim-
sures of seat stiffness that may be more closely related to ilar tools to perform these measurements using the
the experience of the vehicle occupant than measures ASPECT manikin, with potentially greater accuracy and
obtained using conventional techniques. The ASPECT ease of use (4, 5, 8).
manikin weights are designed to be installed incremen-
tally. For example, the twelve weights in the buttock/thigh The procedures described in this paper are proposals
shell can be installed in three equal distributions of four based on currently available information. Additional eval-
weights. If the H-point and thigh reference point locations uations of the manikin and procedures are underway at
are measured at each step in the process, curves can be the companies participating in the ASPECT program.
plotted showing the deflection of these points as a func- After modifications to the manikin and procedures are
tion of the fractional manikin load. The slopes of these made in response to industry evaluations, the SAE
curves provide measures of local seat cushion stiffness Design Devices Committee will consider the manikin for
and can be used to compare and specify these proper- incorporation into SAE J826 and new measurement defi-
ties of seats. Similar seat stiffness measures can be nitions for SAE J1100.
obtained on the seatback, where the change in the lum-
bar support prominence reading during loading is a use- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
ful measure of the stiffness of the lumbar support. These
deflection measurements are currently being evaluated The definitions and procedures described in this paper
along with other manikin procedures. were assembled as part of the ASPECT program and the
AAMA-funded accommodation model development.
DISCUSSION ASPECT participants are BMW, DaimlerChrysler, Ford,
General Motors, Johnson Controls, Lear Corporation,
The ASPECT manikin was developed as an improvement Magna, PSA-Peugeot-Citroen, Toyota, Volkswagen of
on the current SAE J826 H-point manikin, preserving America, and Toyota. The authors would like to thank the
many of the important performance features while provid- representatives from each of these companies who par-
ing improved ease of use and additional measurement ticipated in the program. Particular thanks go to members
capability. The ASPECT manikin is integrated into a new of two subcommittee task groups: the IAP Seat Dimen-
set of vehicle design and evaluation practices that include sions Task Group and the IAP/SAE Pedal Reference
new pedal reference points and a standardized SgRP Point Task Group. The IAP Seat Dimensions Task Group,
location (3, 5). The installation and usage procedures chaired by Mari Milosic (Magna), includes Shane
described in this paper represent an evolution of the cur- Goodhall and Gary Rupp (Ford), John Sadek (Magna),
rent design practice incorporating the additional function- Kuntal Thakurta (Johnson Controls), Marilyn Vala (Lear
ality of the new tools. The new manikin was produced in Corporation), and Ronald Roe (UMTRI). The IAP/SAE
the context of a research program that substantially Pedal Reference Point Task Group, chaired by Ronald
expanded the available information concerning the influ- Roe (UMTRI), includes Igor Gronowitz, Howard Estes,
ence of vehicle, seat, and anthropometric factors on Ken Socks and John Brzustowicz (DaimlerChrysler),
occupant posture. Drawing on these research results, the Gary Rupp and Manfred Heck (Ford), Dave Benedict
new measures obtained with the manikin can be used to (Toyota), and Debra Senytka (GM).
represent human occupants more accurately during the
1. Be sure the seat has been unloaded for 30 minutes prior to installation.
2. Set the seat at the proper position and attitude for the check.
3. Place the muslin cloth in the seat. Fold the cloth into the crease between the seatback and seat cushion to prevent the
cloth from stretching around the manikin when depressing the seat.
4. Place the buttock/thigh pan in the seat with the back of the pan lightly against the seatback and visually center the man-
ikin laterally.
5. With torso articulation locked in the negative range (less than zero setting), set the torso with the H-Point pin in the H-
Point saddle on the buttock/thigh pan. Slide both locking cylinders inward to lock torso to thigh/buttock pan. Be sure that
the outer portions of the sacral panel are outside the buttock pan. Alternatively, place the manikin in the seat with the
buttock/thigh pan already connected to the torso section.
6. Unlock torso articulation. Rock the manikin laterally to level according to the bubble level on the thigh/buttock pan.
7. Install two pelvis weights followed by two thigh weights and check for level. Throughout the installation process the
weights are installed in pairs, one on each side of the manikin centerline, progressively forward or upward from the H-
8. Push the thigh/buttock pan rearward into the seatback with a 100-N (22-lb) load. (Use the spring-loaded button on the
thigh/buttock pan and push until depressed twice.)
9. Check again to see if the manikin is level.
10. Continue installing pairs of pelvis weights followed by pairs of thigh weights. Check for level and push the thigh/buttock
pan rearward into the seatback with a 100-N (22-lb) load twice, until all 12 weights are installed.
11. Install two abdomen weights followed by two thorax weights. Apply 13-N (3-lb) load with torso button twice. Note that
the abdomen and thorax weights are the same and are symmetrical.
12. Continue installing pairs of abdomen weights followed by pairs of thorax weights and application of a 13-N (3-lb) load
twice, until all 12 weights are installed.
13. Lock the torso articulation.
14. Record manikin H-Point location, lumbar support prominence, seatback angle and seat cushion angle. (The pointer ref-
erence bubbles for seat cushion angle and seatback angle must be leveled prior to reading.)
Definitions Related to the Reference Manikin Shoe Initial Floor Point (IFP) Side view location on the
Heel Rest Z-Plane at the Pedal Plane intersection
Ball Of Foot (BOF) A point on the sole of the shoe,
when the Pedal Plane is tangent to the accelerator
mid width, 203 mm from the Heel. This definition can
pedal surface 203 mm from the Heel Rest Z Plane.
be the same as 3.16.2 in SAE J1100 June 98.
Pedal Plane Angle (PPA) Side view angle from the
Heel Of Shoe (HOS) A point at the bottom of the
horizontal defined by the Pedal Plane.
shoe heel, mid width, that contacts the floor. This def-
inition would replace 3.16.1 in SAE J1100 June 98. Note that the preceding definitions do not require infor-
Bottom Of Shoe (BOS) A line in side view from the mation on reference manikin shoe geometry other than
Ball Of Foot to Heel. 203 mm from Ball Of Foot to Bottom Of Heel
Pedal And Floor Definitions Related to the Package, Reference Manikin Shoe Position Definitions Related
Independent Of The Reference Manikin to the Package
Heel Rest Z Plane The flat compressed carpet sur- Shoe Plane* A plane normal to the Y plane defined
face below and behind the accelerator pedal that by the Bottom Of Shoe (BOS) contacting the pedal
supports the Heel (HOS), assumed parallel to the Z and the Heel Rest Z Plane at the Floor Reference
Plane. In certain cases the plane will be inclined in Point (FRP old AHP).
the fore/aft direction sloping up or down toward the Shoe Plane Angle ()* A specific side view angle
driver. from the horizontal for the Shoe Plane defined by:
Heel Rest Z Line A line on the compressed carpet = 76 0.08 (H30). This equation describes the mean
surface under the accelerator pedal that supports the expected angle for users based on the mid-size male
center of the heel (HOS), assumed as a flat surface reference manikin anthropometry.
parallel to the Z Plane. The plan view Heel Rest Z Accelerator Heel Point (AHP) A point on the Heel
Line will be normal to the Y plane but in certain cases Rest Z Plane defined by the Bottom Of Shoe (BOS)
will be inclined in the fore/aft direction sloping up or contacting the pedal at angle . If the distance
down toward the driver. between the PRP and FRP is 203 mm the IFP will be
Pedal Plane A plane normal to the Y plane tangent the same as the FRP.
to the pedal surface at a point on the plane, in side AHP to PRP Lateral Offset The outboard displace-
view, 203 mm from the Heel Rest Z Plane. ment of the AHP from the PRP caused by center
Pedal Reference Point (PRP) A point on the pedal console or tunnel interference with the shoe.
surface at mid width, defined at tangential contact *Since SAE J1100 uses the word foot to define Foot
with the Pedal Plane, 203 mm from the Heel Rest Z Angle (inside the shoe) relative to the lower leg it is
Plane. appropriate to use Shoe for definitions relative to the
shoe surface.
Place masking tape on pedal face and mark a vertical Establish vertical centerline on face of pedal that bisects
centerline that bisects the width of the pedal. Determine the width of the pedal. Determine the flat portions on the
the flat portions of the floor below the pedal centerline and floor below the pedal centerline and establish the Heel
establish the Heel Rest Z Plane. Rest Z Plane.
2. Determine PRP (Pedal Reference Point) Location
Install the shoe profile alignment fixture. Align the fixture Install the shoe profile on the layout parallel to the Y plane
parallel to the Y plane (rocker trim) with the heel support with the heel on the Heel Rest Z Plane and the Ball Of
runner on the Heel Rest Z Plane centered laterally under Foot on the shoe tangent tot he pedal surface. Shift the
the pedal centerline at the bottom of the pedal. This is an profile inboard until the Ball Of Foot is at the pedal center-
initial lateral position for the PRP. Level the fixture with the line or is limited by tunnel or center console interference
adjustment screws. Install the shoe profile tool tangent to (limit of the Heel Rest Z-Plane). Verify the PRP (side view
the pedal at the Ball Of Foot, then iterate the shoe profile 203 mm tangent point on pedal face centerline from the
and fixture laterally until the Ball of Foot is at the pedal depressed trim at the Heel Rest Z Plane) using the shoe
centerline, or is limited by tunnel or center console inter- profile. Note that the Ball Of Foot lateral position scale
ference (limit of the Heel Rest Z-Plane). Verify the PRP may show that the foot profile tool is not centered on the
(side view 203 mm tangent point on pedal face centerline pedal vertical centerline PRP location due to center con-
from the depressed trim at the Heel Rest Z Plane) using sole or tunnel interference.
the shoe profile tool. Lock the shoe profile tool in place
with the shoe clasp. Mark this location on the pedal sur- If this is an audit and pedal build deviation is not a consid-
face at the pedal vertical centerline. Note that the Ball Of eration, the design PRP, Heel Rest Z Plane and Pedal
Foot lateral position scale may show that the foot profile Plane may be used.
tool is not centered on the pedal vertical centerline PRP
location due to center console or tunnel interference.
3. Determine Heel Rest Z Line and AHP to PRP Lateral Offset
The Heel Rest Z Line defines the lateral location of the The Heel Rest Z Line defines the lateral location of the
foot profile tool and is never inboard of the PRP. Typically, foot profile and is never inboard of the PRP. Typically, the
the Heel Rest Z Line is laterally at the same Y coordinate Heel Rest Z Line is laterally at the same Y coordinate as
as the PRP. If the floor is contoured outboard of the PRP the PRP. If the floor is contoured outboard of the PRP due
due to a center console or tunnel, a longitudinal Heel Rest to a center console or tunnel, a longitudinal Heel Rest Z
Z Line must be defined at this more outboard location at Line must be defined at this more outboard location at the
the transition point from a flat surface. If the shoe was transition point from a flat surface. Establish and center
installed properly in the previous step, the lateral scale at the shoe profile on this line.
the Ball Of Foot will indicate the offset and define the PRP
to AHP (Heel Rest Z-Line) Lateral Offset.
4. Determine Pedal Plane Angle
Slide the shoe angle protractor against the shoe and read At this shoe profile position, the side view angle of the Bot-
the angle. At this shoe profile tool position the angle indi- tom Of Shoe from the horizontal defines the Pedal Plane
cates the Pedal Plane Angle. Angle.
5. Place All Seat Adjustments at Design or Default Positions
This step must consider the differences between auditing and benchmarking. Auditing will use design settings where as
benchmarking will require standard settings established for comparative purposes. Table C1 lists default settings for use in
Determine the H-Point travel path from points on the seat Plot the H-Point travel path according to the extremes of
as the seat is adjusted through the extremes of the travel the travel path.
path. While these data can be obtained from the vehicle
seat, the information must usually be translated to a draw- If this is an audit and seat adjuster build deviation is not a
ing or CAD system to determine SgRP location. consideration, the design travel path may be used.
8. Determine SgRP location and obtain Seat Height (H30)
(Use procedures for CAD tools.) Calculate or determine SgRP location at the intersection
of the H-Point travel path and the SgRP line. If the H-Point
travel path includes vertical travel, define the SgRP at the
midpoint between the upper and lower intersections
between the travel path and the SgRP locator line. The
SgRP line is a function of Seat Height H30 and is refer-
enced to the Pedal Reference Point for x and Heel Rest Z
Plane for z. Position the seat at the SgRP and determine
H30. This step is typically done on a drawing board or in
9. Calculate Shoe Plane Angle and Determine the APM Shoe Position
Calculate Shoe Plane Angle () using H30. Reposition the Calculate Shoe Plane Angle () using H30. Position the
shoe profile tool (usually the heel moves rearward for shoe profile with the Bottom Of Shoe at angle , such that
vehicles designed using the J1516 pedal plane angle) to the Bottom Of Shoe and Heel Of Shoe contact the pedal
obtain the angle on the shoe protractor. Maintain pedal and floor, respectively. The Ball Of Foot on the shoe may
contact with the Bottom Of Shoe and floor contact with the not be at the PRP and may not contact the pedal.* Heel Of
Heel Of Shoe, then tighten the shoe clasping knob. The Shoe location at this position on the floor defines the P.
Ball Of Foot on the shoe may not be at the PRP and may Floor contact will be on the Heel Rest Z Line.
not contact the pedal.* Heel Of Shoe location at this posi-
tion on the floor defines the AHP. The Heel Of Shoe will
be on the Heel Rest Z Line.
*If the accelerator pedal is initially designed using as the Pedal Plane Angle and there are no build deviations, the Ball
Of Foot will be at the PRP and the Pedal Plane will coincide with the Shoe Plane.
10. Determine Foot Angle, Angle, Hip Angle and Any Additional Package Measures
Install the supplemental leg and thigh at the ankle pivot on Locate the supplemental leg and thigh profiles at the
the shoe profile tool and at the H-Point (SgRP). Read the ankle pivot and SgRP. Obtain the appropriate measure-
indicators and obtain the desired measurements.* ments.
* Certain package measures will require CAD or a physical drawing of the information collected,
along with the vehicle interior configuration.
This appendix was developed from the technical report of Neutral Posture See Lumbar Support Prominence
the ASPECT IAP Seat Dimensions Task Group Report. (SL260)- APM torso articulation that produces a back
This task group was formed to develop seat dimensions profile (sacrum, abdomen and thorax) that is a straight
for potential inclusions in SAE J1100. Objectives of the line. This profile corresponds to the SAE J826 back pro-
group were to proposed seat geometry reference points file.
and measurement definitions that would:
Thigh Line A line on the APM seat pan in side view
1. Facilitate geometric evaluation of seats using the
between the H-Point and K Point.
ASPECT Physical Manikin (APM), and
2. Provide the basis for future revisions to SAE J1100 Pelvis Line A 100 mm line on the APM back pan
(Motor Vehicle Dimensions). between the A/P Pivot and the H-Point.
To meet these objectives two types of seat geometry ref-
erence points and measurements were developed: Abdomen Line A 182 mm line on the APM back pan
between the T/A Joint and the A/P Joint.
ASPECT Physical Manikin dependent, that utilize the
seat characterization capabilities of the APM to Thorax Support Points Points on the APM back contact
quantify seat measurements. surface 87 mm either side of C/LO, 365 mm above the H-
ASPECT Physical Manikin independent, that provide Point, normal to the Torso Line when the Lumbar Support
simple field measures obtained without the use of the Prominence is zero.
APM. These measures are described at locations on
the seat that approximate the location of similarly Upper-Lumbar Support Point A point on the APM back
defined APM measures. contact surface at C/LO projected from a point along the
Torso Line 238 mm above the H-Point, normal to the
These measurement proposals were initially presented at
Torso Line when the Lumbar Support Prominence is
the June 1998 IAP meeting and have been updated to
agree with ASPECT Physical Manikin development as of
December 11, 1998. Additional updates will be required
Mid-Lumbar Support Point A point on the APM back
as the APM is validated and finalized. Comments and
contact surface at C/LO projected from a point along the
alternative proposals will be welcomed.
Torso Line 172 mm above the H-Point, normal to the
Torso Line when the Lumbar Support Prominence is
erence Points are shown in Figure 1 and are described
Lower-Lumbar Support Point A point on the APM back
contact surface at C/LO projected from a point along the
T/A Pivot (Thorax/Abdomen Joint) A pivot representing
Torso Line 106 mm above the H-Point, normal to the
the flexible connection between the thorax and upper
Torso Line when the Lumbar Support Prominence is
lumbar spine.
A/P Pivot (Abdomen/Pelvis Joint) A pivot representing
Sacrum Support Point A point on the APM lower back
the flexible connection between the lower lumbar spine
contact surface at C/LO, 40 mm above the H-Point, nor-
and the pelvis.
mal to the Torso Line when the Lumbar Support Promi-
nence is zero.
H-Point A point on the APM that corresponds to the H-
Point obtained with the J826 manikin and is the pivot at
Thigh Support Points Points on the APM cushion con-
the intersection of the APM thigh line and pelvis line.
tact surface 112 mm either side of the C/LO projected
from points 250 mm along the Thigh Line forward of the
K Point A point at the forward end of the Thigh Line on
H-Point, normal to the Thigh Line.
the seat pan 356 mm forward of the H-Point.
Mid-Thigh Support Points Points on the APM cushion
Torso Line A line on the APM, in side view, that con-
contact surface 87 mm either side of the C/LO projected
nects the H-Point to a sliding point on the thorax. The
from points 150 mm along the Thigh Line forward of the
angle of this line defines the Back Angle of the seat. At
H-Point, normal to the Thigh Line.
Neutral Posture this angle corresponds to the old SAE
J826 manikin Torso Line.
Buttock Support Point (D-Point) A point on the APM
cushion contact surface at C/LO under the H-Point, 75
clockwise from the Thigh Line.
Stiffness Percent load per trim deflections at given sup- approximate the angle of the Thigh Line as measured
port points. Since stiffness may not be linear this may be with the manikin.
best expressed as a plot of percent load versus trim
deflection. Lumbar Contour Point A point on the undeflected seat
back contour at C/LO determined by the tangent point of
Breakaway Locations where the deflected trim sepa- a line parallel to the Back Line. The definition of this point
rates from the manikin surface. ignores local depressions and/or seam lines.
SEAT BOLSTERS AND INSERTS New measures are Maximum Seat Cushion Width (SW 103D) Width
provided that describe seat cushion and back contour in across the seat cushion soft trim surface at the widest
terms of bolster configuration. See the description that point.
follows and Figure 3.
Rearward-Seat Cushion Width (SW 104D)Width across
Bolster Raised contour at outer edges of the seat cush- the seat cushion soft trim surface 130 mm horizontally
ion and seat back. forward of the Cushion Point.
Insert Essentially flat trim separating bolsters on the Mid-Seat Cushion Width (SW 105D)The width across the
seat cushion and seat back, Usually defined with a seam seat cushion soft trim surface 280 mm horizontally for-
or trimmed line. ward of the Cushion Point.
MEASUREMENT CONSIDERATIONS Note that Forward-Seat Cushion Width (SW 106D) Width across
obtaining many of these new measures will require point- the seat cushion soft trim surface 380 mm horizontally
taking and CAD application. Unloaded trim profiles are forward of the Cushion Point.
defined at reference locations determined with the mani-
kin. It will also be necessary to account for manikin Maximum Overall Seat Cushion Width (SW 107D) The
loaded seat frame deflection (primarily seat back) for width across the seat cushion below the Cushion Point
accurate determination of trim deflection measurements. including all trim covers and adjustment hardware.
SEAT FIDUCIAL POINTS A minimum of three points Rearward-Seat Cushion Bolster Height (SH 121D)
are required for each designated seat position in a seat. It Height of the bolster above the insert 130 mm horizon-
is desirable that a pair of points have common x and z tally forward of the Cushion Point. If there is no defined
coordinates. It would be ideal if the paired points were insert, default to an insert 280 mm wide.
symmetrical about the centerline of seat. If the seat cush-
ion and seatback have disengaging adjustment paths it Mid-Seat Cushion Bolster Height (SH 122D) Height of
may be desirable to have additional points such that each the bolster above the insert 280 mm horizontally forward
element has three points. These point must be easily of the Cushion Point. If there is no defined insert, default
located and generally visible with a minimum of trim to an insert 280 mm wide.
Forward-Seat Cushion Bolster Height (SH 123D)
Height of the bolster above the insert 380 mm horizon-
tally forward of the Cushion Point. If there is no defined
insert, default to an insert 280 mm wide.
SEAT CUSHION MEASUREMENTS DEFINED Rearward-Seat Cushion Bolster Width (SW 121D)
INDEPENDENT OF THE ASPECT PHYSICAL MANIKIN Width of the bolsters between highest Points 130 mm
(RELATIVE TO VEHICLE X, Y AND Z AXES) horizontally forward of the Cushion Point.
Seat Cushion Length (SL 101D) Horizontal distance Mid-Seat Cushion Bolster Width (SW 122D) Width of
from the Cushion Point to a vertical line tangent to the the bolsters between highest points 280 mm horizontally
front of the cushion trimmed surface at C/LO. forward of the Cushion Point.
Seat Cushion Length To Seat Back (SL 102D) Horizon- Forward-Seat Cushion Bolster Width (SW 123D) Width
tal distance from a vertical tangent to the front of the seat of the bolsters between highest Points 380 mm horizon-
back to a vertical tangent to the front of the cushion tally forward of the Cushion Point.
trimmed surface at C/LO.
Rearward-Seat Cushion Insert Width (SW 131D) Width
Undeflected Cushion Line Angle (SL 103D) Angle of of the insert between the bolsters 130 mm horizontally
the Undeflected Cushion Line from the horizontal. forward of the Cushion Point.
Mid-Seat Cushion Insert Width (SW 132D) Width of the Seat Cushion Bolster Height At Mid-Thigh Support Point
insert between the bolsters 280 mm horizontally forward (SH 222D) Height of the bolsters above the insert along
of the Cushion Point. the seat cushion 150 mm forward of the H-Point, normal
(90) to the Thigh Line (Cushion Angle). If there is no
Forward-Seat Cushion Insert Width (SW 133D) Width defined insert, default to an insert 280 mm wide.
of the insert between the bolsters 380 mm horizontally
forward of the Cushion Point. Seat Cushion Bolster Height At Thigh Support Point (SH
223D) Height of the bolsters above the insert along the
Maximum Seat Cushion Insert Width (SW 130D) Maxi- seat cushion 250 mm forward of the H-Point normal (90)
mum width of the insert between the bolsters along the to the Thigh Line (Cushion Angle). If there is no defined
seat cushion forward of the Cushion Point. Indicate the insert, default to an insert 280 mm wide.
amount horizontally forward of Cushion Point. In certain
cases insert width is not definable. Seat Cushion Bolster Width At H-Point (SW 221D)
Width between the highest points on the bolsters at the
These measurements are made relative to lines and ref- Seat Cushion Bolster Width At Mid-Thigh Support Point
erence points defined using the ASPECT Physical Mani- (SW 222D) Width between the highest points on the
kin. Figure 4 depicts these dimensions. bolsters 150 mm forward of the H-Point, normal (90) to
the Thigh Line (Cushion Angle).
Cushion Angle (SL 227D) Angle of the Thigh Line from
the horizontal with the APM loaded in the seat with the Seat Cushion Bolster Width At Thigh Support Point (SW
seat at design attitude. 223D) Width between the highest points on the bolsters
250 mm forward of the H-Point, normal (90) to the Thigh
Seat Cushion Length To H-Point (SL 201D) Distance Line (Cushion Angle).
from the H-Point parallel to the Thigh Line to a line nor-
mal (90) to the Thigh Line tangent to the front of the Seat Cushion Insert Width At H-Point (SW 231D)
cushion at C/LO. Width of the insert between the bolsters along the seat
cushion at the H-Point. In certain cases this measure is
Seat Cushion Width At H-Point (SW 204D) Width not definable.
across the seat cushion soft trim surface at the H-Point
on a plane normal (90) to the Thigh Line (Cushion Seat Cushion Insert Width At Mid-Thigh Support Point
Angle). (SW 232D) Width of the insert between the bolsters
150 mm forward of the H-Point, normal (90) to the Thigh
Seat Cushion Width At Mid-Thigh Support Point (SW Line (Cushion Angle). In certain cases this measure is
205D) Width across the seat cushion soft trim surface not definable
150 mm forward of the H-Point along the Thigh Line
(Cushion Angle) on a plane normal (90) to the Thigh Seat Cushion Insert Width At Thigh Support Point (SW
Line. 233D) Width of the insert between the bolsters 250 mm
forward of the H-Point, normal (90) to the Thigh Line
Seat Cushion Width At Thigh Support Point (SW 206D) (Cushion Angle). In certain cases this measure is not
Width across the seat cushion soft trim surface 250 mm definable
forward of the H-Point along the Thigh Line (Cushion
Angle) on a plane normal (90) to the Thigh Line. Buttock Support Trim deflection (SH 241D) Distance
from the Buttock Support Points to the undeflected seat
Seat Cushion Breakaway To H-Point (SL 209D) Dis- cushion surface measured normal (90) to the Thigh Line
tance from the H-Point to the breakaway point on the (Cushion Angle).
APM thigh pan measured parallel to the Thigh Line
(Cushion Angle). This measure is taken at the mean of Mid-Thigh Support Trim Deflection (SH 242D) Distance
two points on the underside of the thigh pan 112 mm from the Mid-Thigh Support Points to the undeflected
each side of C/LO. If the seat cushion is adjustable, it is seat cushion surface measured normal (90) to the Thigh
placed in design position. Line (Cushion Angle).
Seat Cushion Bolster Height At H-Point (SH 221D) Thigh Support Trim Deflection (SH 243D) Distance
Height of the bolsters above the insert along the seat from the Thigh Support Points to the undeflected seat
cushion at the H-Point, normal (90) to the Thigh Line cushion surface measured normal (90) to the Thigh Line
(Cushion Angle). If there is no defined insert, default to (Cushion Angle).
an insert 280 mm wide.
Buttock Stiffness (SH 245D) Predetermined loads Maximum Seat Back Width (SW 150D) Width across
divided by the displacement of the Buttock Support Point. the back including all trim covers and adjustment hard-
Since stiffness may not be linear, this measure has sev- ware.
eral reported values and may be best expressed in graph
form. Lower Seat Back Width Cushion Point (SW 154D)
Width of the soft trim 70 mm above the Cushion Point.
Thigh Stiffness (SH 246D) Predetermined loads
divided by the displacement of the Thigh Support Points. Mid-Seat Back Width (SW 152D) Width of the soft trim
Since stiffness may not be linear, this measure has sev- 200 mm above the Cushion Point.
eral reported values and may be best expressed in graph
form. Upper Seat Back Width (SW 151D) Width of the soft
trim 330 mm above the Cushion Point.
Upper Seat Back Insert Width (SW 171D) Width of the Seat Back Height From H-Point With Head Restraint (SH
insert between the bolsters 330 mm above the Cushion 252D) Distance from the H-Point along the Torso Line
Point. In certain cases this measure is not definable. to the intersection at a line normal (90) to the Torso Line,
tangent to the top of the headrest at C/LO. If the seat
SEAT BACK DIMENSIONS MEASURED RELATIVE TO back is adjustable, it is placed in design position. If the
THE ASPECT PHYSICAL MANIKIN Seat back dimen- head restraint is adjustable it is placed in the full down
sions are illustrated in Figure 4. position. If the seat has an integral head restraint, the
previously measure Seat back Height To H-Point without
Unloaded Back Angle Differential (SL 251D) Effective Head Restraint is not taken. This dimension is similar to
back angle change between no load and APM load rela- ECE Head Restraint Height.
tive to design Back Angle. Use fiducial points on seat
back to measure loaded and unloaded angle change. Seat Back Breakaway To H-Point (SH 259D) Distance
from the H-Point to the breakaway points on the manikin
Back Angle (SL 250D) Angle of the Torso Line from the back measured parallel to the Torso Line. This measure
vertical with the reference manikin loaded in the seat with is taken at the mean of two points on the back of the back
the seat at design attitude as specified by the manufac- pan 87 mm each side of C/LO. If the seat back is adjust-
turer. The ASPECT procedures may require a specified able, it is placed in design position.
back angle for consistent measurement of seat charac-
teristics. A specified Back Angle would only be applicable Seat Back Width At Thorax Support Point (SW 251D)
for adjustable seat backs unless the specified angle was Width across the soft trim surface in a plane normal (90)
used as the fixed back design angle. An additional defini- to the Torso Line at the Thorax Support Point.
tion would be required for fixed seat backs (SL 241?).
Specified Back Angle (SL 240) could read, Angle of the Seat Back Width At Mid-Lumbar Support Point (SW 252)
Torso line from the vertical with the reference manikin Width across the soft trim surface in a plane normal (90)
loaded in the seat with the seat at design attitude is as to the Torso Line at the Mid-Lumbar Support Point.
Seat Back Width At H-Point (DSW 254) Width across
Class A vehicles------------22
the soft trim surface in a plane normal (90) to the Torso
Class B vehicles------------18 Line at the H-Point.
Values for these specified angles would be finalized
Seat Back Bolster Depth At Thorax Support Point (DSL
based on observed usage in the corresponding vehicle
261D) Offset of the bolsters forward of the insert nor-
types with nominal package geometry. Note that this defi-
mal (90) to the Torso Line at the Thorax Support Point. If
nition of Back Angle added in parenthesis is not part of
there is no defined insert, default to an insert 280 mm
the IAP Seat Dimensions Task Group study but part of
wide. If the seat back is adjustable it is placed in design
ASPECT application considerations that are under study
Seat Back Bolster Depth At Mid-Lumbar Support Point
Lumbar Support Prominence (SL 260) Displacement of
(SL 262D) Offset of the bolsters forward of the insert
the side view centerline profile of the APM lumbar seat
normal (90) to the Torso Line at the Mid-Lumbar Support
contact surface relative to the position at neutral posture
Point. If there is no defined insert, default to an insert 280
with the reference manikin loaded in the seat at design
mm wide. If the seat back is adjustable it is placed in
settings. Zero prominence is defined when the back pro-
design position.
file of the manikin is a straight line (old SAE J826 con-
tour). Values greater than 0 indicate a concave profile. If
Seat Back Bolster Depth At H-Point (SL 264D) Offset
there is adjustable lumbar support, maximum and mini-
of the bolsters forward of the insert normal (90) to the
mum Lumbar Support Prominence values may be
Torso Line at the H-Point. If there is no defined insert,
obtained by repeating a manikin drop at each of the
default to an insert 280 mm wide. If the seat back is
extreme settings. Generally Lumbar Support Prominence
adjustable it is placed in design position.
(and H-Point location) will be determined at the minimum
Seat Back Bolster Width At Thorax Support Point (W
261D) Width of the bolsters between most forward
Seat Back Height From H-Point Without Head Restraint
points in a plane normal (90) to the Torso Line at the
(SH 251D) Distance from the H-Point along the Torso
Thorax Support Point.
Line (Seat Back Angle) to the intersection at a line nor-
mal to the Torso Line, tangent to the top of the seat back
Seat Back Bolster Width At Mid-Lumbar Support Point
at CL/O. Head restraint is excluded. If the seat back is
(SW 262D) Width of the bolsters between most forward
adjustable, it is placed in design position.
points in a plane normal (90) to the Torso Line at the
Mid-Lumbar Support Point.
Seat Back Bolster Width At The H-Point (SW 264D) TORSO RESTRAINT MEASUREMENTS (SEAT
Width of the bolsters between most forward points in a BELTS) See Regulation 14, Uniform Provisions Con-
plane normal (90) to the Torso Line at the H-Point. cerning The Approval Of Vehicles With Regard To Safety-
Belt Anchorages, E/ECE/324, E/ECE/TRANS/505, 16
Seat Back Insert Width At Thorax Support Point (SW December 1992
271D) Width of the insert between the bolsters in a
plane normal (90) to the Torso Line at the Thorax Sup- NOTES ON DEVELOPMENT OF SEAT DIMENSIONS
port Point. Seat dimensional data were collected and reviewed by
the ASPECT IAP Seat Dimensions Task Group to
Seat Back Insert Width At Mid-Lumbar Support Point develop a set of measures that would be useful to evalu-
(SW 272D) Width of the insert between the bolsters in ate the geometry of automotive seats. The seat measure-
a plane normal (90) to the Torso Line at the Mid-Lumbar ment proposals assembled in this document are the
Support Point. result of this effort.
Dimensional data from existing production seats were
Seat Back Insert Width At H-Point (SW 274D) Width of
used to develop measurement definitions for bolster and
the insert between the bolsters in a plane normal (90) to
insert geometry on seat cushions and seat backs as well
the Torso Line at the H-Point.
as cushion lengths and back heights. Many of these
seats were used to develop Cushion Point and Lumbar
Thorax Support Trim Deflection (SL 281D) Distance
Contour Point definitions. The various measures are
from the Thorax Support Point on the manikin to the
described in Figure 1.
undeflected trim, measured normal (90) to the Torso
Line. Vehicles used at UMTRI for various driver seating and
packaging studies had been previously measured in
Mid-Lumbar Support Trim Deflection (SL 282D) Dis- detail. These seats were H-Point checked and surface
tance from the Mid-Lumbar Support Point on the manikin scanned and therefore provided an excellent set of as
to the undeflected trim, measured normal (90) to the measured data available in drawing form. It must be
Torso Line with the seat at design Back Angle. noted, however that the dimensional H-Point data is
related to the present J826 manikin. The data may
Sacral Support Trim Deflection (SL 284D) Distance require some adjustment to reflect ASPECT measure-
from the Sacrum Support Point on the manikin to the ments. The measurement descriptions are provided in
undeflected trim, measured normal (90) to the Torso Figure 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Line with the seat at design Back Angle. If the manikin
These vehicle seat drawings were use to refine the Cush-
surface does not reach the trim, this measure is rede-
ion Point, Lumbar Contour Point and Lumbar Support
fined Sacral Relief (SL 285D).
Point definitions and develop the Back Line and Cushion
Line definitions. The field measurement locations of bol-
ster and insert geometry as well as cushion and back
widths were adjusted to fit the locations for the manikin
Head Clearance To Head Restraint (SL 301D) Dis-
related measures. This was accomplished by studying
tance from the back of the Mean Head Profile normal to
the horizontal and vertical relationships between Cush-
the Torso Line to a plane parallel to the Torso Line tan-
ion-Point and H-Point. The x axis difference between H-
gent to the front surface of the head restraint at CL/O.
Point and Cushion-Point is generally consistent (115 mm
to 145 mm) with a mean value of 130 mm. This value was
Top Of Head To Top Of Head Restraint (SH 302D) Ver-
used to align the location of reference points locations
tical distance from top of Mean Head Profile to top of
for field measurements with manikin H-Point dependent
head restraint trimmed surface at CL/O. This value is
measures for seat cushion and seat back geometry. Ver-
negative if the head is below the restraint.
tical H-Point to Cushion-Point data varies more, in one
case due to a seat with extensive bridging trim between
Head Restraint Width (SW 303D) Width across
the seat back and cushion. Excluding the one unusual
trimmed surfaces of the head restraint at widest points.
case resulted in a mean value of 83 mm. The relation-
ships between manikin independent (field) and manikin
Head Restraint Height (SH 304D) Vertical height
dependent measures are defined as follows:
across trimmed surfaces of head restraint at CL/O.
Seat Cushion manikin independent measures horizon-
Head Restraint Depth (SL 305D) Horizontal Depth
tally forward of Cushion Point, 130 mm, 280 mm and 380
across trimmed surfaces of head restraint at CL/O.
mm correspond to manikin dependent measures forward
of H-Point along the Thigh Line of 0 mm, 150 mm and
350 mm respectively. Note that an 130 mm horizontal off-
set from H-Point to Cushion Point is used. Typical Cush-
ion Angles (15) and projection of the manikin dependent
measures normal from the Thigh Line to the seat cushion
surface produces similar reference locations on the seat
surface for manikin independent (field) measurements
and manikin dependent measurement definitions.