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GDRZ 902 Manual

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ChongQing Gold Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.

GDRZ902 Winding Deformation Tester


Add: No.9-10, Jin Tai Building, Nanping, Chongqing, China

Tel: 86-023-62984891/62984892
Fax: 86-023-62940030
Web: www.cqtestkit.com
ONE, TESTER INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 2

TWO, TECHNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................................................................................................... 2

THREE, TECHNIQUE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................... 2

FOUR, HOW TO USE THE TESTER .............................................................................................................................................. 3

FIVE, ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

HOW TO USE THE PC SOFTWARE ................................................................................................................................................ 7

1. THE INTRODUCTION OF THE PC SOFTWARE ....................................................................................................................................... 7

2. USING PC TO CONTROL THE TEST .................................................................................................................................................... 8
3. UPLOAD DATA ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
4. DATA ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5. CREATE WORD DOCUMENT AND PRINT CURVE ................................................................................................................................... 9

SIX, NOTICE.............................................................................................................................................................................. 9

SEVEN, PART LIST ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9

APPENDIX ONE THE USUAL WINDING TYPES OF THE TRANSFORMER .................................................................................... 10

APPENDIX TWO THE STANDARD OF ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................... 11

APPENDIX THREE INSTALL THE DRIVER ................................................................................................................................ 11

One, Tester introduction

1 The structure and reference of the transformer is fixed after been made, Therefor, the frequency response of
each winding will be almost the same normally.
2 Some case such as cut off between circles or phases in experience, cut off or winding moved for the pull of
power in running, winding moved for hit in transportation, could change the reference of the transformer ,of
which the frequency response will be changed, we could detect the deformation according to the frequency
response curve.
3 Our company has designed the winding deformation tester base on the idea and the advanced technique.
It could draw the frequency response curve accurately. Then we compare the curves horizontally or vertically
to detect the deformation of the transformer.
4 The tester is conformed to the standard of DL/T911 2004.

Two, Technique characteristics

1 Using the advanced technical of DDS;

2 Using the high speed and advanced microprocessor to design;
3 Using double channels of AD chip of 16 bits;
4 With seven inch LCD touch screen of which the brightness can be adjusted;
5 With thermal printer of which the print thick can be adjusted;
6 It could store one hundred and twenty groups of data, which could be read to current screen or upload to
the PC;
7 With PC software using which we could upload data ,test, analyze data, print data, or create word
8 Using USB2.0 to connect to the device
9 Tester dimension31cm X 15cm X 15cm
10 Weight4.0KG

Three, Technique standard

1 Two different sweep modes Linear sweepSection sweep

Linear sweep 0.5KHZ-1MHZ interval 0.5KHZ 2000 dots
Section sweep50HZ-100HZ interval 2HZ 25 dots
100HZ-1KHZ interval 20HZ 45 dots
1KHZ -10KHZ interval 50HZ 180 dots
10KHZ-100KHZ interval 0.2KHZ 450 dots
100KHZ 500KHZ interval 0.5KHZ 800 dots
500KHZ 1000KHZ interval 1KHZ 500 dots
2 Test range(-100dB - +20dB
3 Test accuracy0.1dB
4 Frequency accuracy<0.01%
5 Signal input impedance>1M
6 Signal output impedance50

7 Repeat test99.5%

Four, How to use the tester

1. Fig.1 shows the top interface of the tester, the printer is in the left and the seven inch screen is in the right, the
print thick and brightness can be adjusted in Setting.

Transformer Winding Frequency Response Analyzer

Fig. 1 tester interface

2. Fig.2 shows the left interface of the tester, the connect method refers to the Appendix One ,USB2.0 is used to
connect with PCThe tester driver need be installed if it is the first to use USB2.0, The way of installing driver
shows as appendix three. Fig.3 shows the right interface in which we could see the power outlet and power




Output Reference Response

Fig. 2 Left interface Fig. 3 Right interface

3. Power on the tester , the main interface showing as

Fig.4 will be showed firstly, The conresponding interface
will be showed when clicking one of the button.
Saveed Data-----------------Fig.13
PC communication---------Fig.16
Format Memory------------Fig.7
The Calibraton button which is used to calibrate the
tester for factory is invalid to user, Because the calibration Fig.4 Main interface
is finished before we sell it to you

4. The tester setting interface: Fig.5.
(1) The ID Number is fixed for read
(2) The keyboard showing as Fig.6 will popup if click
the date frame, click Enter button to
return to Fig.5 when finished to set the date.
(3) Click the language frame to change the
tester language.
(4) Click the left of the brightness frame to decrease
the brightness and right to increase.
(5) Click the left of the print thick frame to decrease
Fig.5 Setting
the print thick and right to increase.
(6) The OK button must to be clicked to store the
setting data.

5. Keyboard interface : Fig.6.

(1) 1 ------delete button
(2) 2 ------space button
(3) 3 ------Enter button
(4) ------char button

6. Format the memory: Fig.7.

(1) One hundred and twenty groups of data could be

stored mostly; Fig.6 Keyboard

(2) UsedThe total groups of the data
(3) UnusedThe empty data group
(4) Input characters ok to the frame to format the
(5) After format, the data will be invalid, so upload
the data to the PC before formatting.

7. Test setting: Fig.8

(1) There are four winding modes normally, see the
appendix one;
(2) HV/LV can mark the current test winding is
high voltage winding or low voltage winding;
Fig.7 Format memory
(3) Sweep modeLinear and Section, the interval of
the linear mode is 0.5KHZ, and the Section mode
refer to the technique stand.
(4) Transformer NO.To differ the different test
(5) Referenceshow the selected references
8. Test interface: Fig.9
There are only three buttons in the interface: start,
stop, return.
Click start to begin to test after connecting the wires
correctly, wait until finishing to test. Click stop in the
testing process to stop the current test, if there is test Fig. 8 Test setting

data the test result interface showing as Fig.10 will be
showed, if there is no data, the test setting interface will
be showed. There are three curves to the three phases
to be test.

9. Test result: Fig10

(1) The curves can be differed by the white square box
(2) There are two way to show curvesThe Linear show
indicates that the frequency is distributed averagely
in the X-axis. The Log show indicates that the
Fig.9 Test interface
logarithm of frequency is distributed in averagely in
the X-axis.
(3) Click Save to save the test data if the tester has
unused memory, so check the memory before test
is needed. If the memory is full, delete a group of
data or format the memory.
(4) Click analyze to analyze the current data, and then
view the result to detect the deformation degree.
(5) Click print to print the curve and analyze result, if
printing before analyzing, the print result will not
include the analysis result. Fig.10 Test result
(6) Click Data to view the dB value of each frequency
(7) Click return to return to the main interface

10. Data Analysis interface: Fig.11

R(AB,BC): the ratio between A--input B--test and
Binput Ctest. The deformation degree has four levels
according to the ratio: normal, slight, obvious and
serious, the detect method refers to the appendix two.

Fig.11 Data Analysis

11. View the dB value of each frequencyFig.12
(1) Total forty pages of data, the page is showed in the
page frame.
(2) Click<<to back to the first page
(3) Click>>to show the last page
(4) Click<to reduce the page number
(5) Click>to increase the page number
(6) Click page frame and input the page number
(7) Click<= to show the curve

12. Saved Data Interface: Fig13 Fig.12 the dB value of each FQCY
Click open and the select a group of data to open.
13. Data directoryFig.14
(1) All the saved data will be showed in the directory , Click the single button and the click OK to open.
(2) Click PgUp and PgDn to decrease or increase the page number.

Fig.13 Saved Data Interface Fig.14 Data directory

(3) Click DEL and then pop up a dialog to ask you whether delete the selected data, if yes button is clicked
the data will be deleted, if no button is clicked the data will not be deleted.

Fig.15 Whether Delete Fig.16 PC Communication

14. PC Communication Interface: Fig.16

You could not upload data or test through the PC until enter this interface, if return is clicked, the
communication with PC will be over.


How to use the PC software

1. The introduction of the PC software

(1) The software runs only in the Microsoft .NET framework 4.0 of Windows XP or Windows 7 , it will be
confirmed that you are using the windows system above, after that, if you can not use the software yet,
The Microsoft .NET framework 4.0 need to be installed, the install file is : dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe.
(2) The PC software is shown as Fig.17.
(3) In case of compare two groups of data vertically, the PC software has two buttons to open data. They are
open and load.
(4) Click open or load ,and then select a CVS file to open, the frequency range of the two groups of data
must be the same, if not, a inquire dialog will pop up, if yes is clicked , the select data will be open and
the other group of data will be invalid..
(5) NoticeThe name of the file whether upload or new is named automatically, for example, the name of
a file is: 0_Y_HV_2013-10-10 15@30_123456.CVS 0---0.5KHZ-1000KHZY modeHV---high voltage
windingtest date ---2013-10-10 15:30the : is replaced by@ thanks to the file name can not
include:, transformer NO.---123456
(6) Click Reference to show the reference of the data, user can change the transformer NO. , test member,
or the test company, and then click save .
(7) Check the check box, the corresponding curve will be shown, else the curve will not be shown.
(8) The number next to the check box is the dB value of current frequency, user could change the color of
the curve though double clicking the number.
(9) Drag the slipper or click the <- and ->button to change the frequency line, which decides the current
frequency and the dB value.
(10) Check the cursor line box to show the cursor line, else not show.
(11) Click the Linear or Log button to change the way of showing curve.
(12) Click the Zoom In or Zoom Out button to zoom in or zoom out the curve horizontally or vertically.

Fig. 17 PC software interface

2. Using PC to control the test

(1) Power on the tester and enter into the PC Communication state, and then open the PC software, if the PC
software find the device ,of which the ID number will be shown in the title.
(2) If failed to connect to the PC , connect the USB wire, reboot the device, and then let it enter into the pc
communication state, at last click connect of the PC software.
(3) New a empty file, fill the reference show as Fig.18, click save ,the file name is automatically named.
(4) Click start after connect the test wires correctly, if stop button is clicked in testing, the current test will
be over, A new file can save three curves in the most, which is corresponding to three phases. The test data
is saved to the file automatically.

Fig.18 New File

3. Upload data

Let the tester enter into the PC communication firstly, and then click Upload button in the PC
software, at the bottom of which the progress of uploading data is shown, the uploaded file is named
automatically, notice: user must not change the name of the file, else the file cannot be open.

4. Data Analysis

(1) Data analysis interface: Fig.19

(2) Set the analysis frequency rangethe frequency
range must set to be integers and the first data
is less than the second one.
(3) Click Analyze to show the analysis result
after setting the frequency range;
(4) ROA,OB: the ratio between Oinput A--test
And Oinput Btest.
(5) If two groups of data are open, it will calculate the ratio
between the two groups of data.

5. Create Word document and print curve
Fig. 19 Data analysis
The context of creating word document and printing is the
same, the context include the current showed curves and axis, and analysis result if data analysis is made.
The save directory could be chose by user.

1. User must not use the tester immediately if the transformer is tested by Winding DC resistance tester;
2. Check that whether the ground line is connected before test, the patch-connector must be cut off.
3. You must not use other test wires instead of that of the tester.
4. The tester should be placed at the place that is dry and there is wind..

Seven, Part list

NO. Objects Amount
1 Tester 1
2 Power wire 1
3 Test wire 1
4 Ground wire 1
5 BNC connecter 1
6 Accessory bag 1
7 USB wireAA 1
8 Product CD 1
9 Fuse 0.5A 3
10 Print Paper 2
11 Product instruction 1
12 Survey report 1
13 Product certification 1

Appendix one The usual winding types of the transformer

The usual four winding types of the transformer are shown as Fig.20, Each transformer may have a different
winding type, so user could choose one of the types according to the label of the transformer.
1. Connect the test wires according to Fig.20, keep the color the same between wires and terminals;
2. The other terminals of the wires are connected to test clamps,the red one is connected to the red
clamp,and then to the test terminal of the transformer, the yellow and green wires are connected
to the yellow clamp though BNC,and then to the input terminal;
3. The black clamp is connected to the ground terminal of the transformer;
4. Start the test after the wires are connected correctly;


Fig.21 Four winding modes

Appendix two The standard of analysis

The tester and the PC software analyze the deformation degree according to DLT/911 2004the standard shows as follows.
Tester cannot select the analysis frequency range, but the PC software can select to user.

Deformation degree The ratio R

Serious RLF<0.6

Obvious 0.6RLF<1.0 or RMF <0.6

Slight 1.0RLF<2.0 or 0.6RMF<1.0

Normal RLF2.0 and RMF1.0 and RHF0.6

Note RLF is the ratio between 1KHZ and 100KHZ

RMF is the ratio between 100KHZ and 60KHZ
RHF is the ratio between 600KHZ and 1000KHZ

Appendix three Install the driver

1. Connect the USB wire well and power on the tester, Click
PC communication;
2. Choose yes, only this once and then click next step;
3. Choose from list or user local and then click next step;
4. Click next step again , click continue and click browse,
Choose the USB driver directory of the CD, click OK;
5. Click next step, then wait until finished.


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