Drug Study

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The document describes 11 different medications including diuretics, antihypertensives, antidiabetic drugs and laxatives. It provides information on the generic and brand names, dosages, classifications, actions, indications, adverse effects, contraindications and nursing responsibilities for each medication.

The medications described include the diuretic furosemide, the antihypertensive carvedilol, the antidiabetic drugs sitagliptin and Humulin N insulin, and the laxative lactulose.

Common side effects mentioned include dizziness, headache, hypotension, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypoglycemia, and abdominal cramps. Electrolyte imbalances like hypokalemia are also described as potential adverse effects.



1. Furosemide

Date Started: January 12 2017

Date Ended: Given as Home Medication

Generic Name Nursing

(Brand Name) Action Indication Adverse Effect Contraindication Responsibilities

Furosemide Inhibits sodium Treatment of CNS: Vertigo, headache, dizziness, Hypersensitivity to Assess presence
and chloride edema paresthesia, fever, weakness, sulfonylureas; of edema and also
(Lasix) reabsorption at associated restlessness anuria identified it's degree
the proximal with
CV: Orthostatic hypotension, Restrict fluid and
tubules, distal congestive
Dosage: thrombophlebitis sodium intake
tubules and heart failure
40 mg/ml TIV ascending loop (CHF), renal EENT: Transient deafness, blurred Monitor intake
every 8 hours of Henley disease, vision or yellowed vision and output
leading to hypertension.
Shifted to oral,
excretion of GI: abdominal discomfort or pain, Monitored
40 mg/tab
water together diarrhea, anorexia, nausea and laboratory results
every 12 hours including electrolytes
with sodium, vomiting, constipation and
as home meds. level , BUN and serum
chloride and pancreatitis albumin
Classification: potassium.
Diuretics Diuretic, Musculoskeletal: muscle spasm
Assess patients
antihypertensive. and familys
GU: Nocturia, polyuria, frequent
knowledge of drug
urination, oliguria
Hematologic: Agranulocytosis,
Special nursing
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, intervention:
azotemia, anemia, aplastic anemia
Assess the onset and
Hepatic: hepatic dysfunction duration of
Metabolic: volume depletion and
dehydration, asymptomatic Consult dietitian
hyperurecemia, impaired glucose regarding the
tolerance, hypokalemia, appropriate diet for
the patient such as
hypocholerenic, alkalosis,
high fiber diet
2. Carvedilol

Date Started: January 12 2017

Date Ended: Given as Home Medication

Generic Name Nursing

(Brand Name) Action Indication Adverse Effect Contraindication Responsibilities

Carvedilol Has a mixture of Essential CNS: asthenia Bronchial asthma, chronic Assess patients
both alpha- and hypertension ,fatigue, pain, bronchitis, pulmonary history of underlying
(Dilatrend) beta- adrenergic alone or in dizziness, emphysema, allergic condition
blocking activity, combination with headache, fever rhinitis, swelling of
Monitor BP before
it causes other laryngeal mucosa, sinus
Dosage: CV: hypotension, treatment and periodically
vasodilation and antihypertensive, node syndrome, sinoatrial thereafter, pulse every 4
25mg/tab decreased congestive heart edema , (SA) block, 2nd and 3rd hours, note rate, rhythm,
1 tab OD HS peripheral failure(CHF), bradycardia, degree AV block, to slow a quality
resistance; Angina pectoris, syncope, AV heart rate (<55 bpm at
Classification: block
reduces idiopathic rest), shock ,myocardial Monitor apical/radial
exercise-induced cardiomyopathy. infarction with pulse before
hypertensive EENT: sinusitis, administration; note rate,
tachycardia and complications, severe liver
abnormal vision, rhythm, quality (<50 bpm
reflex orthostatic dysfunction, metabolic
blurred vision hold drug, notify physician)
hypotension. It acidosis, or simultaneous
can significantly GI: diarrhea, use of MAOIs Assess patients with
lower plasma vomiting, heart failure for worsened
renin level if constipation, condition, renal impairment
given for at least nausea, or fluid retention.
4 weeks. abdominal pain
Monitor renal
function: monitor I and O
ration, weight daily, protein,
BUN, creatinine; watch for
signs of nephrotic
syndrome; Monitor liver
function: ALT, AST, alkaline
phosphatase; note for
decreased PT

Monitor patient with

diabetes, because drug
may mask signs of
hypoglycemia or worsen

Assess patients and

familys knowledge of drug

Special nursing

Assess the onset and

duration of constipation

Consult dietitian regarding

the appropriate diet for the
patient such as high fiber
3. Ranitidine

Date Started: January 12 2017

Date Ended: January 18 2017

Generic Name Nursing

(Brand Name) Action Indication Adverse Effect Contraindication Responsibilities

Ranitidine Inhibits To prevent CNS: vertigo, malaise, Hypersensitivity. Use caution in

histamine at H2 gastric and headache, History of acute presence of renal or
(Zantac) hepatic impairment
beta receptor duodenal ulcer porphyra. Long
site in the gastric EENT: blurred vision term therapy. Assess potential for
parietal cells, interactions with other
Dosage: Hepatic: Jaundice
which inhibits pharmacological agents
50 mg/tab TIV patient may be taking
gastric acid Others: Burning and itching
every 8 hours secretion. at injection site, Evaluate results of
Classification: anaphylaxis,angioedema laboratory tests,
therapeutic effectiveness,
Anti ulcer and adverse reactions

H 2 Receptor Assess patients and

antagonist familys knowledge of drug
4. Metochlopramide (January 17 2017)

Generic Name Nursing

(Brand Name) Action Indication Adverse Effect Contraindication Responsibilities

Metochlopramide Dopamine To prevent CNS: Phaeochromocytoma, Assessed patients GI

antagonist that the restlessness, patients whom increased complaints: nausea,
(plasil) acts by increasing stimulation of anxiety, gastrointestinal (GI) vomiting, anorexia,
constipation, abdominal
receptor sensitivity the vagus drowsiness motility might be
distention before and
and response of nerve that ,fatigue, dangerous e.g. presence after administration
Dosage: upper GIT tissues may cause lassitude, fever of GI hemorrhage, Frequently monitored
1 amp IV every 8 to acetylcholine. bradycardia mechanical obstruction or BP of patient taking IV
hours PRN for This causes that may CV: transient perforation. form drug
vomiting contraction of lead to heart hypertension, Hypersensitivity or Monitored for possible
gastric smooth failure hypotension, intolerance to the drug. drug induced adverse
Classification: supraventricular reaction
muscles, Patients with breast
Antiemetic tachycardia, Assessed mental status
relaxation of the cancer. Epileptics or during treatment:
pyloric sphincter bradycardia patients on drugs likely to depression, anxiety and
and duodenal bulb cause extra pyramidal irritability
GI: nausea,
and increased symptoms (EPS) Assessed patients and
peristalsis without familys knowledge of
stimulating gastric, GU: urinary drug therapy
billiary, and frequency,
pancreatic urinary
secretions incontinence

Generic Name Nursing

(Brand Name) Action Indication Adverse Effect Contraindication Responsibilities

Folic Acid Necessary nutrient To help in CNS: altered Folic acid should never be Assessed patients folic
for erythropoiesis, erythropoiesi sleep pattern, given alone or with acid deficiency before
(Folart) it stimulates s ,for the general malaise, inadequate amounts of starting therapy
Assessed for
normal production of difficulty vitamin B12 for the
weakness, fatigue,
erythropoiesis and RBC concentrating treatment of undiagnosed dyspnea, SOB, and
Dosage: nucleoprotein megaloblastic anemia, activity intolerance
1 capsule OD synthesis GI: anorexia, since folic acid may Assessed nutritional
nausea, produce a hematopoietic status
Classification: flatulence, bitter response in patient with a Monitored for possible
Vitamins taste drug induced adverse
megaloblastic anemia due
to vitamin B12 deficiency
Respiratory: Assessed patients and
without preventing familys knowledge of
aggravation of neurological drug therapy
Skin: allergic symptoms

Generic Name Nursing

(Brand Name) Action Indication Adverse Effect Contraindication Responsibilities

Ferrous Sulfate Provides/replace To provide GI: nausea, Hypersensitivity to any Obtained baseline
elemental iron, an iron in the epigastric pain, ingredient, hemosiderosis, assessment of iron
(Ferglobin) essential formation of vomiting, hemolytic anemia deficiency before
starting therapy
component in RBC constipation,
Evaluated hemoglobin,
formation of black stools, hematocrit and
Dosage: hemoglobin in red diarrhea, reticulocyte count
1 capsule OD blood cell anorexia during therapy
development Assessed bowel
Classification: Others: elimination, increased
Hemanitics temporary waste, bulk and activity
stained teeth if constipation occurs
from liquid Monitored adverse
fortms reactions
Assessed diet and
nutrition-amount of iron
in the diet
Assessed patients and
familys knowledge of
drug therapy

Special nursing

Assess the onset and

duration of constipation
Consult dietitian regarding
the appropriate diet for the
patient such as high fiber
7. Ciprofloxacin

Date Started: January 16 2017

Date Ended: January 19 2017

Generic Name Nursing

(Brand Name) Action Indication Adverse Effect Contraindication Responsibilities

Ciprofloxacin Inhibits bacterial uncomplicated CNS: headache, Hypersensitivity to Assessed patient for
DNA gyrase thus UTI due to the restlessness quinolones. Concurrent previous sensitivity
(Ipromax) preventing decrease tremor, administration with reaction
Assessed for the signs
replication in acidity of the dizziness, tizanidine. Drugs that
and symptoms of
susceptible urinary tract fatigue inhibits peristalsis infection before and
Dosage: bacteria during treatment
500 mg/tab CV:
Assessed renal
thrombophlebitis function before and
1tab BID x 4 days , edema during therapy: urine
Classification: output, BUN, and
GI: creatinine
Antibiotic nausea,diarrhea, Monitored for possible
Fluroqinolones vomiting, adverse reactions
abdominal pain Assessed patients and
familys knowledge of
GU: crystalluria drug therapy
8. Omeprazole

Date Started: January 18 2017


Generic Name Nursing

(Brand Name) Action Indication Adverse Effect Contraindication Responsibilities

Omeprazole Suppresses To prevent CNS; Headache, Hypersensitivity. Assessed other

gastric secretion gastric and dizziness, Combination therapy with medications patient may
(Omenole) be taking for effectiveness
by inhibiting duodenal ulcer malaise clarithromycin should not and interactions
hydrogen/ be used in patients with Monitored therapeutic
potassium GI: diarrhea, hepatic impairment effectiveness and adverse
Dosage: ATPase abdominal pain, reaction at beginning of
20 mg/cap flatulence, therapy and periodically
constipation throughout therapy
system in the Assessed GI system
1 cap BID
gastric parietal Assessed knowledge/
Classification: cell: teach appropriate use of
back pain this medication,
proton pump characterized as
interventions to reduce
inhibitor a gastric acid Respiratory: side effects and adverse
pump inhibitor, cough, URTI symptoms to report
since it blocks
the final step of Skin: rash Special nursing
acid production
Assess the onset and
duration of constipation

Consult dietitian regarding

the appropriate diet for the
patient such as high fiber

9. Lactulose

Date Started: January 13 2017

Date Ended: January 20 2017

Generic Name Nursing

(Brand Name) Action Indication Adverse Effect Contraindication Responsibilities

Lactulose Produce an osmotic To prevent the GI: Abdominal Contraindicated to Mix with half a
effect in colon, stimulation of the cramps, belching, patients on a low glass of water,
(Constulose) resulting distention, vagus nerve that diarrhea, gaseous galactose diet milk or fruit
promotes may cause distention, juice to
peristalsis. Also bradycardia that flatulence, nausea, improve taste.
Classification: decrease ammonia, may lead to heart vomiting
Laxatives probably as a result failure Assess
of bacterial amount, colour
degradation, which and
lower the pH of the consistency of
colon content stool.

Use cautiously
in DM patients

Monitor mental
status and
potassium level
10. Sitagliptin

Date Started: January 16 2017


Generic Name Nursing

(Brand Name) Action Indication Adverse Effect Contraindication Responsibilities

Sitagliptin Sitagliptin works To lower glucose GI: diarrhea, Contraindicated to Monitor blood
to competitively level in patients nausea, vomiting, those glucose levels
(Januvia) inhibit the enzyme di with DM type 2 abdominal bloating hypersensitive with Continue the diet and
peptidyl peptidase 4 drugs
Dosage: 50 mg/tab Hematologic: exercise program
(DPP-4). This
OD Megaloblastic designed for the
enzyme breaks
anemia treatment of your
Classification: down
the incretins GLP-1 type 2 diabetes
Anti diabetic Metabolic: lactic
and Arrange for periodic
Oral hypoglycemic GIP, gastrointestinal monitoring of your
hormones released fasting blood sugar
in response to a and glycylated
meal. By preventing haemoglobin levels.
GLP-1 and GIP Report fever or signs
inactivation, they are of infection,
able to potentiate uncontrolled glucose
the secretion of levels, severe
insulin and suppress
headache, stress or
the release of
glucagon by the
11. Humulin N

Date Started: January 12 2017


Generic Name Nursing

(Brand Name) Action Indication Adverse Effect Contraindication Responsibilities

Isophane insulin Increase glucose DM type 1 Gi:dry mouth Contraindicated to Learn correct
suspension transport across the patients with history injection
muscle and fat cell Metabolic: of systemic allergic technique.
(Humulin N) membrane to hypoglycemia, reaction to pork Inject insulin into
reduce glucose hypokalemia
Dosage: 30 U the abdomen
level rather than a
Skin: reash,
Classification: near muscle that
will be heavily
Anti diabetic taxed, if
engaged in
increased active sports.
Peak hour: 4-6 h
Duration: 8-12h Notify physician
Others: Lipoatrophy, of local
Type: cloudy anaphylaxis reactions at
injection site;
may develop 1
3 wk after
therapy starts
and last several
hours to days,
disappear with
continued use.

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