III. Gordon's Typology of Functional Health Patterns
III. Gordon's Typology of Functional Health Patterns
III. Gordon's Typology of Functional Health Patterns
Soon after patient had her
check up and knew her
condition, patient became
cautious about her health.
She followed the doctors
order, and took all
medications on time. Until
July 30, 2016, she was
hospitalized due to
Difficulty of Breathing.
Her usual activities were
being affected, such as
going to the comfort room.
She was in complete bed
rest and with oxygen.
2. Nutritional Past six months: Alteration in the clients Patient chose to change
Metabolic diet are often needed to her nutritional habits
Pattern Patient implements a diet
treat a disease process... to by following a low salt
equal in fruits like orange
increase or decrease low fat diet. She was
and papaya, vegetables,
weight, restore nutritional experiencing alteration
and fish, but she also likes
deficit, or allow organ to in her eating ability
oily food. She eats three
rest and promote healing. because of having
times a day and drinks at
exhaustion when
least 6 glasses of water. (Kozier & Erbs
She has no any food Fundamentals of Nursing
allergy. Patient is not
taking any vitamins or 8th Ed. Vol. I pg. 260)
supplements. She has no
discomfort or any
swallowing problem People who adopt strict diet
despite of her incomplete can significantly reduce
dentures. blood lipids, blood glucose,
body mass index, and blood
Patient maintains a low salt
(Brunner &Suddarths
low fat diet. She avoids
foods reach in sodium and Medical-Surgical Nursing
fats. She typically eats 13th edition Vol.1 pg.233)
papaya, banana and soup
together with rice. She is
experiencing exhaustion
when eating.
3. Elimination Past six months: Patient has no problem
Pattern in her urination and
Patient urinate more than
defecation. She
5x a day with
retained same
approximately 200ml in
elimination pattern
amount and yellowish in
from past six months to
color and bowel movement
once every morning. She
experienced constipation,
and as a treatment she
increases her fluid intake.
She never tried to take
laxatives. Patient reported
that she can tolerate the
urge of urinating and
Patient retained the same
urination and defection
pattern. However, patient is
on diaper, and later on
catheterized prior to her
admission in the ICU.
4. Activity- Past six months Limitations to movement From performing
Exercise may be medically normal chores, patient
Pattern Patient considered
prescribed for some health activity became limited
household chores like
problems....Bed Rest may and was instructed to
cooking, washing clothes
be a therapeutic choice for be in a bed rest without
as a form of exercise. She
certain clients bathroom privileges, so
has a history of asthma,
her daughter provides
which usually occur when (Kozier & Erbs
her assistance. She has
she performs exhausting Fundamentals of Nursing
a non productive cough
activities. During her spare 8th Ed. Vol. II pg. 1117)
and irregular heart
time, she stayed in their
mini sari-sari store and
watched television. Patient
can independently perform
self care activities like
personal grooming. .
Soon after the patient knew
her condition, she avoided
performing chores. Her
daughter provided
assistance. She has a non
productive cough and
arrhythmias. She is on a
bed rest without bathroom
privileges and under
oxygen treatment.
5. Perception Past six months Individual senses are Patient was well
Cognition essential for growth, oriented and has a
Pattern Patient has a sharp
development, and survival. sharp memory. She can
memory. Despite of her
Sensory stimuli give learn through reading
age, she can still remember
meaning to events in the and demonstration.
the birthdays of her
environments. Any Patient is experiencing
children as well as the
alteration in peoples difficulty in
names of her grand
sensory functions can affect constructing sentences
children. She can easily
their ability to function and gets irritable
communicate and interact
within the environment. easily.
with others. She can
organize her thoughts well (Kozier & Erbs
and clearly. Everytime she Fundamentals of Nursing
makes decision, she 8th Ed. Vol. II pg. 981)
usually consults her live in
partner first. Patient can
easily learn through
reading and demonstration.
Patient was oriented to
person, place and time. She
attentively listens to
instructions but she gets
irritable easily. She is
having a hard time in
expressing herself well
because of her condition.
6. Sleep Rest Past six months Patient with inadequate Patient experienced
Pattern amount of sleep tends to changes on her
Patient can sleep 6 to 8 hrs
become emotionally sleeping pattern since
every night. She feels
irritable, have poor the hospital is noisy
rested and relaxed when
concentration. and unfamiliar. From
she wakes up. She
being relaxed and
occasionally take naps at (Kozier & Erbs
rested patient became
noon time, around 2:00 to Fundamentals of Nursing
tired and irritable.
3:00 pm. Sometimes she 8th Ed. Vol. II pg. 1661)
have dreams, but never had
Environment can promote
nightmares. Patient never
or hinder sleep... The
tried to take any sleeping
absence of usual stimuli or
the presence of unfamiliar
stimuli can prevent from
Present sleeping
Patient is having difficulty (Kozier & Erbs
in getting sleep. She only Fundamentals of Nursing
take naps, 2 to 3 hours 8th Ed. Vol. II pg. 1170)
everyday. She is easily
distracted to the noises and
unfamiliarity of the
environment. She looks
tired and gets irritable
7. Self- Past six months
Self- Concept She describes herself as Self-concept is a The patient knows
Pattern simple at maalaga. She component of personality herself for she had
accepted the changes in her that can be viewed as an gone through a lot of
body due to aging and it attitude towards self. An experiences in life. She
did not affect her older persons self-concept is aware of her own
confidence. She knows that can be eroded or enhanced persona and priorities
she is old and requires help over time as a result of in life. She is not
from her children. She is circumstance and life affected by the changes
an undergraduate and was experiences. People do not in her body because of
not quite satisfied with her necessarily become aging but is affected by
achievements that is why depressed, isolated, and her current disease. She
she shares her experiences rigid with older age, and complies with the
with her children for them well-adjusted and happy treatments provided by
not to do the same. She individuals are likely to her physician for her to
does not spend much time remain so in late life. feel relieved.
to fix herself because she
(Essentials of
knows that she looks good
Gerontological Nursing by
even if she is old already.
Patricia A. Tabloski, page
Present 194)
She is lonely because of
her present condition but
she knows that her family
is there with her. She gets
reassurance from her
family, nurses and doctors.
She is not as lively as she
is before but still exerts
effort in communicating.
She is aware of her
condition and understands
the purpose of the
treatments she has to
undergo. She does not feel
good because of her
disease but she knows that
she will feel better if she
complies with the therapies
and procedures.