UNICEF Annual Report 2016

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Data in this report are drawn from the most recent
available statistics from UNICEF and other United
Nations agencies, annual reports prepared by
UNICEF Country Offices and the Annual Report of
the Executive Director of UNICEF presented to the
Executive Board, 1316 June 2017.

All amounts are in US dollars unless


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ISBN: 978-92-806-4893-5

United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF)

June 2017

Front cover: A UNICEF staff member lifts a Syrian

boy in the air at the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan.

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02 10 58

Message from the 2. FOR EVERY CHILD,



04 Humanitarian action 13 62

HIV andAIDS 26

Water, sanitation



Child protection 45

Social inclusion 49
Introduction 3. PARTNERSHIP AND
Gender equality 54


In 2016, UNICEF and our Every year is important to UNICEF By definition, this means we must
partners focused relentlessly and to our core mission: working to reach the most disadvantaged,
on results helping achieve results for every child. vulnerable and excluded children
every boy and every girl, in every
deliver proven, lifesaving
Whoever she is. Wherever he lives. society. In fact, there is no other
interventions to the children Whatever the circumstances. No way. Investing in reaching the
and families who need them matter the obstacles. farthest behind children will not only
the most. save lives it will save futures. For
But 2016 was important in some by providing todays children with
exceptional ways. the services and support they need
to make the most of their own lives,
It was the year in which we marked we give them the tools to help their
UNICEFs 70th anniversary, looking own children fulfil their potential
back to celebrate and reflect on breaking intergenerational cycles
what we have learned and looking of poverty and deprivation, and
ahead to apply those lessons to building a more equal world.
meet the challenges we face to
reach every child. In 2016, UNICEF and our partners
focused relentlessly on delivering
In 2016, with approximately 535million the results that save childrens
children living in countries affected by lives and futures helping deliver
conflict, natural disasters, epidemics proven, life-saving interventions to
and other emergencies worldwide the children and families who need
with nearly 50 million children on the them the most using our pur-
move, more than half of them forcibly chasing power to reduce the price
displaced and with around 385 of vaccines reaching children in
million children living in extreme pov- emergencies with critical support
erty and millions more experiencing and learning materials to keep them
discrimination and exclusion, those from falling behind advocating
challenges are as great as any we for the rights of children who are
have faced in our 70-year history. excluded because of their ethnicity,
or their gender, or a disability.
2016 was also the first full year of
working to make progress towards As the pages of this report show,
the Sustainable Development Goals. that meant immunizing more than
Agenda 2030 sets ambitious targets 85 million children against measles
to eliminate extreme poverty and and treating another 4.5 million for
OPPOSITE PAGE: UNICEF Executive hunger, provide quality education severe acute malnutrition. It meant
Director Anthony Lake stands with
for all, protect the planet and pro- helping provide access to safe
supporters of the Refugee Olympic
Team that competed at the 2016 mote peaceful, inclusive societies water for nearly 29 million children
Summer Olympic Games in Rio de and to do so in a way that leaves and family members caught in
Janeiro, Brazil. no one behind. conflicts and natural disasters. It


meant helping millions of migrant losing her home to an earthquake.
and refugee children with access Or Joel, a premature baby from
to education and psychosocial a poor family in Uruguay who
support. received the nutritional support
and health care he so desperately
It also meant working with needed to survive. Or Savy, age
governments to strengthen health 13, who got the attention and
and other vital systems working counselling she needed to begin
with partners in civil society and the reclaiming her life at a centre for
private sector to develop innovations trafficked children in Cambodia.
that can make it easier to reach the
hardest-to-reach children and families By helping change the lives of these
working with communities to children and so many others for
identify problems and solutions to the the better, we are showing that
barriers they face in accessing critical progress is possible. That every life
services and working with children has an immeasurable value. And that,
and young people to meet their needs ultimately, the better, more equal
and make their voices heard. world envisioned by the Sustainable
Development Goals is not a naive
This report tells the stories of hope, but a reachable reality.
some of those children. Stories
like that of Abdul, a seven-year-old
Syrian boy who was able to attend
school for the first time at a ref-
ugee camp in Jordan. Or Ganga,
age 20 and nine months pregnant,
who found comfort and prenatal Anthony Lake
care at a shelter in Nepal after UNICEF Executive Director


Message from the Executive Director 3



Seven decades ago, the world was It was one of the most dangerous
recovering fromadevastating world years to beachild in recent memory.
war. For millions of child survivors Conflicts and crises around the world
of that war, peace still encom- threatened and displaced millions.
passedalandscape of significant Millions more faced poverty, dep-
challenges and damaged futures. rivation, violence, exploitation and
UNICEF was created to help those discrimination. For its part, UNICEF
childrenno matter who they were, responded to 344humanitarian
no matter where they were from. emergencies in 108countries.
The only thing that mattered for the
nascent organization was achieving In all these emergencies, UNICEF
results for children inneed. playedalead role in coordinating the
response by United Nations agen-
Today, UNICEFs network, which cies, international non-governmental
spans the globe, offers innovative organizations and local partners
@UNICEF: solutions and tested expertise, to provide safe water and sanita-
ADVOCACY IN 2016 and is still getting results for the tion, nutrition and education. The
worlds childrenregardless organizations worldwide supply
#FightUnfair. of their background. The only chain dispatched help accurately
UNICEF launches The State thing that matters is helping the andspeedily.
of the Worlds Children 2016 furthest from help, reaching the
in June. The flagship report most left behind and including the Just as important, in the aftermath
mostexcluded. of those crises, UNICEF remained
makes the case for UNICEFs
on the ground to deliver. Through
efforts to improve health and cross-sectoral protection, educa-
education for every child, Scaling up results in2016 tion, social inclusion and health
regardless of background. In interventions, UNICEF enhanced
connection with the report, UNICEF has made an important childhoods even as it helped save
UNICEF Georgia releases a impact over the yearsparticularly lives. Recognizing that disaster
when measured by the gains of the recovery lays the foundation for
video on the stigma street
past three decadesin areas such long-term development, UNICEF
children face. The video as child survival, primary education helped communities prepare for
surpasses 140 million views enrolment and access to safe water. future crises and climate shocks,
on UNICEF Facebook pages In 2016, UNICEF scaled up its thus easing the path for children
inless than a week. globalresults. tofulfil theirpotential.


No Fear of Snow: Shelter for two young refugees in Serbia #ChildrensDay.
UNICEF Executive
DirectorAnthony Lake
callsUniversal Childrens
Day an annual opportunity
to recommit ourselves to
protecting the rights of
every child. Lake cites
theuncomfortable truth
that the rights of millions
of children are violated
daily by violence, abuse
andexploitation. By protecting
their rights, he adds, we
UNICEF SERBIA/2016 protect our common future.

In 2016, the migrant and refugee clothes. Their only shoes were
crisis in Europe surpassed even the summer clogs.
crisis that prompted the founding Then UNICEF arrived. Thanks
of UNICEF just after the Second to donations from the European
World War. Throughout the winter Commissions Humanitarian Aid
of 2016, UNICEF worked to support and Civil Protection Department
refugees and both governmental and the Government of Japan,
and non-governmental partners UNICEF was able to distribute
providing shelter and relief. shoes and clothing. There was
In November, as temperatures already a line when Naedel and
dropped, Naedel, age 4, was Zorah arrived, and they watched
already cold. I dont have a jacket in disbelief as children came
or boots. I dont have a winter away with new boots and sets
hat on my head, she whimpered ofwinterclothes.
as her sister, Zorah, age 15, Just moments before,
rummaged through a bag under theywere looking for ways to
the bed, searching for something spend the evening wrapped
warm toput on. in something other than dusty
Naedel, Zorah and their two blankets. Now they were the
other siblings were staying in owners of warm blue boots,
a reception centre in Sjenica, colourful jackets and winter pants.
south-west Serbia. They were fed Forgetting her earlier concerns,
and housed along with 200 other the girls talked excitedly about ABOVE LEFT: A child refugee receives
refugees, but they lacked warm thecoming snow. warm winter clothing at a reception
centre in Sjenica, Serbia.

Introduction: 70 years and counting 5

Innovation real-time data to improve emergency
and partnerships responses. The UNICEF RapidPro
@UNICEFinnovation 2016 mobile platform continues to help
#ENDviolence UNICEF continued to use reduce maternal and child-hood
cost-effective strategies to ensure mortality, including in rural areas of
that every possible dollar went Zambia, where HIV-positive mothers
A powerful short film featuring towards services for children. As can now find out the status of their
UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador one of the worlds largest buyers of child in half the time it used to take.
David Beckham premieres vaccines, insecticide-treated mos- UNICEFs Internet of Good Things is
in December, illustrating the quito nets and nutritional therapies, bridging the digital divide in more
brutal reality that physical and UNICEFs leverage helped bring than 40 countries, reaching more
psychological abuse can mark down the costs of savinglives. thanamillion peopleamonth with
children forever. The films offline education and life-saving
perspective is crafted from In support of these savings, UNICEF information. Also in 2016, UNICEF
thousands of responses to innovation teams and partnerships pilotedahumanitarian drone to
apoll on violence conducted via unveiled new technologies and prod- accelerate HIV test result delivery in
U-Report, UNICEFs innovative ucts designed to reach the hardest-to- Malawi andamobile phone birthreg-
text-messaging tool to amplify reach children andcommunities. istry inPakistan.
the voices of children and
youngpeople. For example, the Magic Box A dedicated Innovation Fund is
Initiativea partnership with financing promising early-stage
Amadeus, Google, IBM and projects like these, and UNICEFs
Telefonicacollects and analyses Global Innovation Centre is expand-
ing the most effectiveinitiatives.


RIGHT: Women pull a large net out of

the water at a UNICEF-supported fish
cooperative in Gicumbi District, Rwanda.

Direct programme expenses, 2016
(in millions of US dollars)

Regular resources Other resources (regular) Other resources (emergency)

By outcome area

Social inclusion 85.7
119.7 Total

273.5 million
Child protection 239.6

WASH 329.1

Education 520.8

Health 886.2

$0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 $1,000

By region
Latin America and 41
the Caribbean 74


CEE/CIS 78 Total

Middle East and
North Africa

Asia 469

Sub-Saharan Africa* 1,425

$0 $150 $300 $450 $600 $750 $900 $1,050 $1,200 $1,350 $1,500
*Programme Expenses for Djibouti and Sudan are included under sub-Saharan Africa.
Note: Numbers may not add up because of rounding.

Introduction: 70 years and counting 7

@UNICEF: Engaged andempowered migration issues, child survival, early
ADVOCACY IN 2016 childhood development and violence
As an organization entirely reliant on against children. The approach is
#ForEveryChild. voluntary contributions, UNICEF de- already yielding positive results,
In December, UNICEF marks pends on governments, NGOs and reaching key audiences and motivat-
its 70th anniversary with the private sector to make its work ing them toaction.
commemorative events and possible. In turn, the organizations
credibility, impartiality and record For more information on efforts
calls for a fair chance for
ofresults make itavaluedpartner. byUNICEF and its partners to
every child. The celebration at generate public awareness and
United Nations Headquarters UNICEFs research on issues action onarange of issues affect-
features some of UNICEFs affecting children routinely pro- ing the worlds most vulnerable
best-known advocates videsreference points for policy children, see the@UNICEF:
including Ishmael Beah, David makers and advocacy profes- Advocacy in 2016 items featured
sionals. An enormous presence throughout thisreport.
Beckham, Orlando Bloom,
on social media amplifies the
Jackie Chan, Anglique Kidjo, organizations work toagrowing Most important, in everything
Femi Kuti and Priyanka globalaudience. UNICEF does, it engages and
Chopra, who is introduced as empowers young people to
the newest global Goodwill In addition, UNICEF has haveavoice in decisions that affect
Ambassador. launchedanew framework to bring them. In 2016, the worlds children
together advocacy, communications, and adolescents needed that sup-
fundraising and public engagement port as much as everand UNICEF
efforts on critical issues affecting was there, 70years on, still working
childrenincluding refugee and to achieve results for everychild.


RIGHT: Children of a migrant worker

who returned home from the United
States listen as adults converse in
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala.

UNICEF expenditure, 2016
(in millions of US dollars)

Development 4,790

Programme 4,655

Development effectiveness 135

Management 319

United Nations development coordination 7

Special purpose (including capital investment) 23

Other (including private fundraising and partnerships) 131

Total expenditure 5,270

Note: The UNICEF expenditure by budget categories in this table is presented

ABOVE: A newborn girl smiles at
on a modified cash basis and reflects cash disbursements and internal
hermother in a maternity clinic run by
obligation documents (such as purchase orders) created in 2016.
the International Rescue Committee, a
UNICEF partner, in Bentiu, South Sudan.

Introduction: 70 years and counting 9




A health specialist from UNICEF Ethiopia feeds nutritious porridge to a child at Kihen Health Post
in the countrys Tigray Region. The post provides health, nutrition, and water, sanitation and
hygiene services to help strengthen support systems for children and families in the area.
The worlds children faced tremendous and, in some ways,
unprecedented challenges in 2016especially the poorest and
mostvulnerable children who are always at the greatest risk in
times of crisis and insecurity. Against this backdrop, UNICEF and
itspartners continued to deliver results in all of the programme
areasidentified in its strategic plan for 2014 through2017.

More than 125million people were ago. The crises that emerged or
in need of humanitarian assistance in intensified in 2016 wereastark
2016 asaresult of conflict, displace- reminder that the need for the
ment and natural disasters. The Zika organization is as great as ever.
virus threatened the well-being of
women and children in 75 countries, It was also the first full year for
and the El Nio weather cycle inten- implementation of the Sustainable
sified drought in dozens of countries Development Goals for 2030,
already suffering high levels of mal- adopted by the international
nutrition and food insecurity. Armed community in late 2015and for
conflict continued in Iraq, South other wide-ranging global accords
Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic and on disaster risk reduction, climate
elsewhere, and the global migration change and financing for develop-
crisis reached proportions not seen ment. Together with preparations for
since the Second World War. UNICEFs next four-year Strategic
Plan, theseagreements provid-
UNICEF came into existence in the edaframework for programmatic BELOW: Women and children carry
aftermath of that conflict 70 years work in the yearsahead. containers to fetch water in Zimbabwe.


For every child, results 11

Progress anddisparities countries, too, glaring inequities exist,
with children from the poorest house-
The world has already seen important holds more than twice as likely to be
progress for children. The number stunted and far less likely to complete
of children who die before their fifth school. In most countries, inequality
birthday declined from 12.7million is higher today thanageneration ago,
in 1990 to 5.9million in 2015. The including in middle-income countries,
proportion of undernourished children whereamajority of the worlds poor
has fallen by almost half since 1990. children nowlive.
The primary school net enrolment
rate in low- and middle-income coun- At the same time, approximately
tries reached 91 per cent in 2015, 535million children live in countries
while gender parity in primary edu- affected by conflict, natural disasters,
cation continued to improve. And the epidemics or other emergencies.
number of new HIV infections among Worldwide, 50 million children have
children aged 014 years has de- been uprooted, including 28million
clined by more than half since2010. driven from their homes by violence
and conflict. Millions more face vio-
Yet sharp disparities remain. Children lence, exploitation and abuse, including
in sub-Saharan Africa are 12 times trafficking and sexual violence. Natural
more likely than those in high-income disasters and the impact of climate
countries to die before age 5. Within change arebeing felt all over theworld.

Efficient andagile

In 2016, to meet these challenges and many more, UNICEF was called upon
to do more for children, and to be more efficient, agile andinnovative.

The following pages highlight the results that UNICEF and partners achieved
in priority programme sectors throughout the year. In every sector, these
results were aligned with UNICEFs equity agenda, which aims to realize the
rights of every child, with accelerated progress for the most disadvantaged
and excluded children andadolescents. UNICEF/UN017152/SHRESTHA

RIGHT: Children play in Gorkha District,

Nepal, months after an earthquake
destroyed their homes.




Responded to Reached nearly Supported

a total of 344 29million people basiceducation
humanitarian with safe water, for 11.7million
situations sanitation and children in
worldwide, from hygiene in emergencies.
conflicts to natural disasters humanitarian settings,
to healthemergencies. including more than 1.2million
displaced people in Iraq.

Challenges andresilience Major emergencies persisted

in Iraq, Nigeria and the Lake
It wasachallenging year for Chad Basin, South Sudan, the
vulnerable children affected by Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen,
violence, upheaval and natural testing UNICEFs ability to deliver
disasters around the world. By the essential services at scale amidst
end of 2016, nearlyaquarter of the constant volatility. Simultaneously,
worlds child populationan esti- UNICEF responded to an ongoing
mated 535million childrenlived global migration and refugee @UNICEF:
in countries affected by conflict, crisis that has uprooted tens of ADVOCACY IN 2016
natural disaster, epidemics or other millions of children and exposed
emergencies. Their education was them to risks ofviolence #UkraineChildren. UNICEF
jeopardized, their future put on andexploitation. launches a series of five short
hold and, for many, their childhood animations in February,
takenaway. The severity of natural disas-
depicting some of the
ters such asadevastating
UNICEF and partners responded to earthquake inEcuador and
challenges facing children
344 such humanitarian situations Hurricane Matthew in Haitialso affected by the conflict in
affecting children in 108 countries had an impact throughout the eastern Ukraine. Conceived
in 2016, the largest number of year. Linking humanitarian and in collaboration with graphic
emergency responses since 2005. development work, UNICEF design students at the City
Interventions ranged from the invested in risk reduction and
University of New York,
immediate and urgentproviding focused on strengthening com-
safe water, nutrition and vaccination munity resilience to mitigate the
the videos mark the second
against diseaseto longer-term as- impact of future stresses and anniversary of that conflict,
sistance, helping displaced families shocks, including the impact of which has affected more than
recover and communitiesrebuild. climatechange. half a million children.

For every child, results 13

@UNICEF: Conflicts trigger migrant pressed for access to the hundreds
ADVOCACY IN 2016 and refugeecrisis of thousands of Syrians living
#NoLostGeneration. In March, Acute crises displaced millions of
on the fifth anniversary of families in 2016. UNICEF continued In Turkey, UNICEF helped the
the conflict in the Syrian Arab its response to the most dangerous government expandanational
Republic, UNICEF releases and volatile situations, including cash-transfer programme for
efforts in and around north-east education to benefit 230,000
a report on the 3.7 million
Nigeria, South Sudan and the young Syrians and other vulnerable
Syrian children under age SyrianArabRepublic. children. Critical funding for this
5 whose lives have been effort came from the European
shaped by violence, fear and In the protracted Syrian conflict, Union,achampion of the No Lost
displacement. The No Lost grave violations against children Generation initiative to maintain
Generation initiative, launched were the highest on record in 2016. education for children at risk in
Hundreds were killed by bombs and theregion.
by UNICEF and partners in
shelling. Some deaths might have
2013, continues working to been averted if the countrys med- In Jordan, UNICEF helped strength-
restore access to learning for ical facilities and practitioners were en another cash grant programme,
Syrian children. not utterly depleted and subjected with solid results: 95percent of
toattacks. recipient families reported that
the grants were sufficient for their
UNICEF and partners scaled up child-relatedexpenses.
delivery of essential supplies to the
most vulnerable populations and


RIGHT: A child waits behind as refugee

and migrant families walk near the
Gevgelija transit centre in the Republic of
Macedonia, on the border with Greece.


Support for

Reliable support from

trusted resource partners is
key to UNICEFs humanitarian
response. In 2016, partners
played a prominent role in
establishing a nexus between
urgent humanitarian action and
longer-term development work
in countries dealing with serious
and protracted crises.
The United States of America
was the largest donor to UNICEF
humanitarian operations, followed
by Germany, the United Kingdom,
Japan and the United Nations
Central Emergency Response
Fund (CERF). During the cholera
outbreak in Somalia, CERF funds
enabled UNICEF and its partners
to reach a total of 390,000
people with hygiene promotion
Conflict andinsecurity and psychosocial support, as messages through radio spots,
well as cash transfers forthe information, education and
In Yemen, protracted conflict has poorestfamilies. communication materials as
createdamajor humanitarian crisis. well as temporary access to safe
Ofareported 18.8million people Violence and insecurity also water through distribution of
affected by the conflict in 2016, intensified in Iraq, affecting water disinfection tablets.
more than half were children. An 10million people in 2016. Battles The Government of
estimated1.6million children were uprooted 85,000 in Fallujah and Japanwent beyond emergency
forced from their homes. More than left at least 1million people in relief, increasing its grant
2million children under age5were the city of Mosul out of reach of aid toUNICEF a multi-year
considered malnourished, with humanitarianassistance. contribution by more than
462,000 acutely so. Adding to the US$30million above the 2015
burden placed on collapsed health, UNICEF co-led the United level. This increase helped
water and sanitation systems, an Nations cluster of organizations bridge a growing gap between
outbreak of cholera raged in the working on education in Iraq and humanitarian and development
country late in theyear. supported water and sanitation assistance in Afghanistan,
services for1.2million displaced Haiti, Myanmar, Pakistan
InaMarch report, UNICEF high- persons in the countrynearly andTajikistan.
lighted the heavy toll of violence half of them children. UNICEF
on the children of Yemen. On the provided learning supplies for
ground, emergency teams provided more than halfamillion children.
water and sanitation for4.5million Some5.8million Iraqi children
people and polio vaccinations were vaccinated against polio,
ABOVE LEFT: A boy in Saada, northern
for approximately4.7million and about 32,000 received Yemen, sits in the rubble of his familys
children. Other emergency in- measles vaccines. UNICEF home, which was destroyed in the
terventions included educational also supported newborn countrys escalating conflict.

For every child, results 15

#YemenChildren. Gangas Story: A warm feeling in post-earthquake Nepal
UNICEF issues a detailed
report, Children on the Brink,

in March, outlining the
precarious humanitarian
situation in Yemen after
ayear of conflict. UNICEF
and partners continue to
provide nutrition, safe water
and vaccinations for Yemeni
children and women despite
violence, restricted access and
funding shortfalls.

In April, two years after
the abduction of hundreds
of schoolgirls from Chibok,
Nigeria, UNICEF releases
Beyond Chibok. The report
documents the alarming
trends tied to Boko Haram
attacks in Cameroon, Chad,
Niger and Nigeria including On a foggy Friday morning in The tent where Ganga stayed
the sharp rise in the number early 2016, Ganga Aryal, age 20 was warm and orderly, with about
of children involved in and nine months pregnant, sat a dozen beds lined up side by side.
suicide attacks in those next to a heater in a UNICEF UNICEF and the local National
countries in 2014and 2015. tent shelter. It had been a few Public Health Association insulated
days since she had arrived at the tents so that mothers and their
the Trishuli District Hospital, infants would have a warm place
which was largely destroyed by to stay in the winter.
the 7.8 magnitude earthquake As a first-time mother, Ganga
that rocked Nepal almost a year was nervous about giving birth.
earlier. But in the tent, primary caregivers
Immediately after the quake, like staff nurse Laxmi Ghimire kept
UNICEF provided medical tents an eye out for her comfort and
at damaged hospitals in the coun- health. This tent is a safe place,
trys 14 most affected districts so Laxmi said. Ganga concurred.
that health-care services could I have many worries, she
continue. Later, UNICEF set up admitted. I worry about my home
additional tents as temporary in the village, my family and when
homes for pregnant women, we will rebuild. But at least here
new and lactating mothers and in this tent I know my baby will be
ABOVE RIGHT: Ganga Aryal theirbabies. safe and warm.
(foreground) walksoutside her familys
shelter homein Nuwakot District, Nepal.


home care services for more The Lake ChadBasin
The violence and predations of the @UNICEF:
Another conflict, in South Boko Haram militia createdahu- Support for
Sudan, was compounded in manitarian emergency in the Lake humanitarianaction
2016 byaworsening economy Chad Basin, as2.4million people
andafragile political situation, fled and dispersed across the Far
making humanitarian access North region of Cameroon, western UNICEFs humanitarian
increasingly dangerous and Chad, south-eastern Niger and response in the Syrian Arab
restricted. Nonetheless, UNICEF north-eastern Nigeria. UNICEF Republic and neighbouring
and partners secured essential and partners scaled up emergency countries affected by conflict
services formillions of vulnerable measures in nutrition, WASH, and refugee flows received
South Sudanese children education and protection, tracking key support from the European
andwomen. unaccompanied children and Commission-Directorate
supporting safe recreational activi- General for European Civil
UNICEF-supported feeding ties inthe affected areas in2016. Protection and Humanitarian Aid
programmes reached almost Operations, which supported
219,000 South Sudanese children In Nigeria itself, aid workers reached education programmes for
suffering from severe acute previously inaccessible communi- 230,000 vulnerable refugee
malnutrition. Nearly 314,000chil- ties, only to find an acute humanitar- children in Turkey, along with
dren, 42percent of them girls, ian situation. Alarming rates of child protection for their families.
benefitted fromaBack to Learning malnutrition and an outbreak of polio Germany, another major
initiative to restore childrens right were UNICEFs immediate priorities. contributor to the crisis response,
to education despitethecrisis. Rapid-response therapeutic feeding donated US$45 million to pay
programmes had an 86percent teacher salaries in Turkey,
recovery rate for about 160,000 providing access to schooling
malnourished childrenadmitted. for more than 150,000 Syrian
refugee children.
UNICEF also recognized

thesuccess of a new partnership

in humanitarian action; since
January 2016, the Louis Vuitton
for UNICEF partnership has
helped raise funds for humani-
tarian support in Nigeria and the
Syrian Arab Republic, bringing
hope to children who have
endured the shocks and stress-
esof war and deprivation.

LEFT: Artou, age 18, and her daughter

find refuge after fleeing their home in
the Lake Region of Chad.

For every child, results 17

@UNICEF: Coping with disasters facilities. To stave off disease
ADVOCACY IN 2016 following the earthquake, UNICEF
During 2016, El Nioan ex- supported access to safe drinking
#ChildrenFirst. tremeweather pattern resulting water and basic sanitation facilities
In September, UNICEF issues from variations in ocean temper- for affectedhouseholds.
a report, Uprooted, with new aturescontributed to the worst
data about the situation of drought in 35years in much of Then in October, Hurricane
southern Africa. The drought Matthew left 807,000 Haitians
refugee and migrant children
drastically reduced food security in need of life-saving assistance
worldwide. The report from Angola to Madagascar. In and 175,000 displaced. Haiti had
notes that nearly 50million response, UNICEF delivered already been suffering from an
children have been uprooted, ready-to-use therapeutic foods ElNio-induced drought, and
with 28 million driven from throughout the region, along UNICEF supported the govern-
their homes by conflicts and with support for health care ments response with emergency
andsafewater. WASH services and cholera
millions more migrating for a
vaccinations. After the hurricane,
better, safer life but facing The years two deadliest natural dis- UNICEF and partners redoubled
further dangers in transit. asters occurred in theAmericas. emergency interventions to stem
water-borne diseases, restore
The7.8-magnitude earthquake damaged schools and safeguard
that struck Ecuador in April left unaccompanied children. The hur-
hundreds dead and either dam- ricane response was an example
aged or destroyed thousands of strong preparedness and prepo-
of homes, schools and health sitioning of emergencysupplies.


RIGHT: The founder of a school that is

being rebuilt with UNICEFs assistance
stands with children in GrandAnse
Department, Haiti.


Emergence of the UNICEF and partners contributed
Zikavirus to the fight against Zika on
many fronts in 2016: supporting @UNICEFinnovation 2016
One of the most urgent interna- government responses; identifying Real-time data on Zika
tional health concerns in 2016 mosquito-reduction techniques
arose with the emergence of and personal protection strategies;
the Zika virus in Latin America. and focusing on sexual and UNICEF activates its U-Report
In February, the World Health reproductive health issues social messaging tool in Latin
Organization declared that the surroundingtransmission. America and the Caribbean in
mosquito-borne viruswhich response to the outbreak of the Zika
causes severe deformities in virus. Its goals: to provide life-saving
unborn foetuses, notably micro- information to households in areas
cephalywasapublic health affected by the virus which poses
emergency. New research finds particular dangers for pregnant
that the Zika virus affects children women and their unborn foetuses
beyond microcephaly, impairing and enable young people to report
their eyesight, hearing and physi- in real time on the situation in their
cal and intellectualdevelopment. communities. UNICEF uses such
reports to improve access to infor-
By the end of the year, 75countries mation for vulnerable children and
and territories around the world women, leading to the launch of the
reported cases of mosquito-borne first virtual online Zika Information
transmission. The majority of Centre inJanuary 2017.
these were in Latin America and
the Caribbean, where thousands
ABOVE: In Manab Province, Ecuador,
of children had been born a pregnant woman rests under an
with congenital malformations insecticide-treated net intended to
associated withZika. prevent infection by the Zika virus.

For every child, results 19

@UNICEF: Resources andresults
Responding to humanitarian emergencies has been central to UNICEFs
#ActOfHumanity. work ever since its founding seven decades ago. Today, as the world
UNICEF releases a series struggles to cope with protracted conflicts on many fronts,ahistoric
of animated films about migration crisis, challenging new epidemics and climate-induced disasters,
the rights of refugee and UNICEFs emergency operations are at the heart of the organizations
equity efforts, benefitting the most vulnerable and hard-to-reach children
migrant children, and young
people around the world.
These Unfairy Tales tell the In the face of so many crises, however, insufficient resources and
true stories of children inadequate humanitarian access limited the overall impact that UNICEF
fleeing from conflict and and its partners were able to make in emergency response during 2016.
danger. The films are part of The contributions of myriad resource partnersincluding governments,
UNICEF National Committees and corporate partnerswere critical.
#ActOfHumanity, an online
But more predictable, more flexible and longer-term funding is essential
campaign emphasizing that to the success of future emergencyoperations.
all children have the right to a
fair chance in life.


UNICEF launches the world
version of John Lennons
iconic song Imagine to
generate awareness and action
on behalf of the 28million
children driven from their
homes by conflict. Released in
September, the video features
celebrities and ordinary
people who have uploaded
their own versions of the
song from every region of the
world plus the International

RIGHT: A girl affected by conflict in

Donetsk Region, eastern Ukraine,
draws on asphalt during aUNICEF-
supported celebration ofInternational
Childrens Day.



Procured 2.5 Had helped Declared that

billion doses savethe lives of even one death
of vaccines for 48million children is too many
children in nearly through high- when it comes
100 countries. impact health to preventable
interventions childhood diseases
since 2010. that can kill.

Protecting children with Foundation, UNICEF also

basicimmunization helped harness competitive
market forces and reduce the
By the end of 2016,asteady average price of pentavalent
decline in the rate of child mor- vaccine by half. The vaccine
tality since 2000 had saved the protects against five child-killing
lives of 48million children who diseases, including diphtheria,
would not have survived to see tetanus and hepatitisB.
their fifth birthday ifthe rate had
remainedlevel. UNICEF also supported
supplementary measles and
Robust immunization pro- rubella immunization activities
grammesand supplementary in more than 30 countries @UNICEF:
campaigns targeting the children where the burden of childhood ADVOCACY IN 2016
most in need saved many of those diseasesand the incidence of
lives. With the number of unvac- outbreaksdemanded vaccination #AirPollution.
cinated children having dropped catch-up and follow-up efforts. In October, UNICEF releases
below 20million in 2015, UNICEF Likewise, 11million women in Clear the Air for Children, a
and partners doubled down on 10 high-risk countries received global report on air pollution.
efforts to ensure more equitable supplementary vaccinations to
The report finds that 300
preventive coverage as envisioned protect them and their babies
by the Global Vaccine Action Plan. from maternal and neonatal million children live in areas
UNICEF procured2.5billion doses tetanus, which is associated where toxins in the air exceed
of vaccines for children in approx- with unsanitary conditions international limits by a
imately 100 countries in 2016, duringchildbirth. factor of six or more. It shows
reaching almost half of the worlds that children are uniquely
vulnerable to this threat and
In partnership with Gavi, that poor children are at the
the Vaccine Alliance, and greatest risk of respiratory
the Bill&Melinda Gates diseases linked to air pollution.

For every child, results 21

Closing in onpolio to 5percent in 2016. The proportion
of children missed by polio vac-
@UNICEF: The year 2016 saw the smallest cination in Afghanistan had fallen
Support for child health number of children paralyzed by polio toacomparably low level by the end
in history and the wild poliovirus of theyear.
on the verge of eradication. About
During 2016, UNICEF relied on three dozen cases occurred in small In July, for the first time in
contributions from the World geographical areas of three countries: two years, polio cases were
Bank Groups International Afghanistan, Nigeria andPakistan. detected in Borno, Nigeria.
Development Association (IDA) UNICEF responded by supporting
and UNICEF supported national Key to UNICEFs polio eradication large-scale emergency immuni-
governments in expanding im- effort was the financial support of zation activities across the Lake
munization coverage, improving the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation, Chad region.Atotal of 116million
nutrition and strengthening Rotary International, theU.S. children in Cameroon, the Central
health systems in Egypt, Haiti, Centers for Disease Control and African Republic, Chad, Niger and
Mali and Yemen. IDA also Prevention, and the Governments Nigeria were vaccinated. UNICEF
enabled UNICEF and the World ofCanada, Germany andJapan. combined the immunization effort
Health Organization to support witharange of humanitarian
a national campaign vaccinating This support allowed UNICEF services, including screening for
1.5 million Yemeni children todeploy more than 17,000 full-time, acute malnutrition, as well as dis-
against polio. community-based vaccinatorsmost tribution of vitaminAand zinc sup-
In the corporate sector, la of them femalein the parts of plements, anti-parasite treatment
Caixa Banking Foundation joined Pakistan with the highest remaining and insecticide-treatednets.
forces with UNICEF to tackle risk ofpolio.
child pneumonia mortality, the UNICEFs Communication for
worlds number one infectious Thanks to the vaccinators, these Development strategy puts health
killer of children under age 5. areas recorded the highest immu- workers, families and communities
This collaboration which com- nization coverage in the countrys at the centre of such activities, build-
menced in late 2015 seeks to history. The proportion of children ing confidence and trust in polio vac-
advance the use of self-sustained missed by polio vaccination cam- cination in some of the worlds most
and innovative pneumonia diagno- paigns fell from 25percent in 2014 challenging and underservedareas.
ses by front-line health workers,
and ensure childrens access to
proper treatment.
In its first year, the partnership
yielded significant results.
Among other outcomes in 2016,
it supported the identification of
diagnostic devices and developed
a procurement strategy to ensure
their scaled-up use.

RIGHT: Salmane, held by her mother

Hanane, receives polio vaccine at a
health centre in Dosso District, Niger.


Saving Joel: A premature baby gets early help in Uruguay #VaccinesWork.
UNICEF announces
a dealmade with six
vaccinemanufacturers in
October to halve the price
of the pentavalent vaccine,
which protects children
against five potentially deadly
diseases. Under the three-
year arrangement, UNICEF

will buy 450million doses

of the vaccine to send to
80countries, including many
receiving support through
Gavi, theVaccineAlliance.

A UNICEF report in
November points out that
Born prematurely in late 2016, Canelones Crece Contigo has pneumonia and diarrhoea
Joel came into the world in an helped increase the percentage are responsible for the
impoverished area of Toledo, of women receiving six or more
preventable deaths of 1.4
asmall town in the Department prenatal check-ups and the
of Canelones, Uruguay. The proportion of children registered million children each year.
baby did not have an easy time at birth in the community. It has The report illustrates a
at first. He was born with low also contributed to improved food startling divide in mortality
weight, 1.9 kilograms, explained security in Canelones households, rates between the children
Joels father. His lungs hadnt as well as the wider adoption of who benefit from prevention
developed properly. parenting practices that enhance
and treatment measures for
Joels parents received aid the cognitive development of
from a local early childhood young children. Because of the these illnesses and those
programme, Canelones Crece programmes success, the govern- whoareleftbehind.
Contigo, which is supported by ment decided to make it national,
UNICEF. Run by the Canelones creating Uruguay CreceContigo.
City Council since 2008, the After his rough start, little Joel
programme assists vulnerable progressively drank more breast-
parents and their children, milk and was growing at a regular
counselling and assisting them pace. His parents hope that he will
with health care, nutrition and continue to grow up and develop
otherservices. as a healthy, happy child.


with baby Joel and his parents at Crece
Contigo inCanelones, Uruguay.

For every child, results 23

Fighting newepidemics One is toomany

@UNICEFinnovation 2016 UNICEF and partners were on Even as the global health community
Wearable technology for the front lines of the fight against celebrated success against Ebola
child health Zika,amosquito-borne disease that and polio, easily preventable
affected at least 75 countries in diseases such as pneumonia and
Africa, Asia, and Latin America and diarrhoea remained the leading
In partnership with the the Caribbean in2016. killers of children. In 2016, nearly
Government of India and the one quarter of all under-five
Udaipur District Health Society, UNICEF communication teams deaths were attributed to one of
UNICEF pilots Khushi Baby, informed communities about thesediseases.
awearable pendant equipped how best to protect themselves
with a digital chip. In its initial againstadisease with devastating Inanew report entitled One Is
phase, the device is worn by effects on newbornsincluding mi- Too Many: Ending child deaths
infants to track their immuniza- crocephaly, birth defects and from pneumonia and diarrhoea,
tion status in the first two years long-term disability. Cross-sectoral UNICEF cited the combined annual
of life. By making a medical strategies, like Brazils Network for toll of these illnesses1.4million
history wearable, Khushi Baby Inclusion project, created strong deathsasaneedless tragedy
enables community health work- networks for caregivers of children andathreat to the sustainable
ers to track childrens health affected by the Zika virus. The development of the worlds
progress more efficiently and project builds on existing health-care poorestnations.
accurately. Plans call for rolling services in local communities and
out the device across India and combines them with family-based In just one example of the or-
possibly expanding its use to interventions supported byUNICEF. ganizations commitment to the
other regions. survival and well-being of the
In addition, UNICEF contributed to most disadvantaged children,
interagency efforts for diagnostic, UNICEF in the Democratic Republic
research and vaccine development, of the Congo helped scale up
with an eye to eliminating Zikas on- community case management in
going risk for pregnant women and provinces experiencing very high
theirchildren. childmortality.

Separately, another terrible disease

Kushi Baby 2016 was finally brought under control
in West Africa in early 2016. On
January 14, the World Health
Organization declared the end of
the Ebola outbreak. UNICEFs West
and Central Africa Regional Office
playedakey role in recovery plans
for the affected countries: Guinea,
Liberia and Sierra Leone. Providing
technical assistance to build more
resilient local health systems,
UNICEF helped communities im-
prove their preparedness for poten-
tial futureepidemics.


Beyondchildhood In 2016, UNICEF continued its @UNICEF:
cross-sectoral collaboration to ADVOCACY IN 2016
Meanwhile, UNICEF expanded its reduce AIDS-related deaths
focus on childrens second decade by 65percent and new HIV #Immunization.
of life with improved strategies for infections among adolescents UNICEF and partners mark
reducing adolescent pregnancy and by75percent by 2020. Through World Immunization Week
preventing HIV infection among All Inan action platform aimed in April to help refocus
young people. In Argentina, for at dramatically reducing new
public attention on the
example, where 14.7percent HIV infections and AIDS-related
of babies are born to adolescent deaths by 2030UNICEF, importance of vaccination
girls, UNICEF is working with UNAIDS and other partners are for all children. Despite great
the Ministry of Health to reduce identifying equity gaps in the HIV progress, 18.7 million babies
adolescent pregnancies and build response among adolescents and nearly 20percent still do
gender-basedequity in healthcare. youngpeople. not receive a complete set of
commonly available vaccines
and are, therefore, vulnerable
to life-threatening diseases.
Inequity andinsecurity

But despite progress, inequities persist: Today, 80percent of under-five

mortality is concentrated in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, with the latter region
shouldering half of that burden. The new global challenge is to reduce stillbirths
and the deaths that occur in the first 28 days of life. Nearly half of all deaths of
children under age5occur in that initial monththe most vulnerableperiod.

Vulnerability is linked to conflict and insecurity as well. In 2016, one quarter of

the worlds children lived in war zones or disaster-stricken countries, amidst
widespread violence, deprivation and displacement. These factors left them
extremely susceptible to disease, hunger, multiple forms of abuse andwith
asevere lack of access to essentialservices.

The sheer number of people living ininsecurity is emerging asaforceful ineq-

uity beyond the well-known urban/rural, wealth and gender divides. This reality
compels UNICEF to redouble its efforts to reach those who suffermost.

LEFT: A midwife examines

apregnantwoman at a health clinic
nearMoyamba, Sierra Leone.

For every child, results 25


Helped three Supported delivery Put HIV prevention

countries become of antiretroviral among adolescents,
certified by the therapy to children and young
World Health 70percent of women on a fast
Organization for pregnant women track toending
achieving elimination of new and 49 per cent of children AIDS.
HIV infections in children. living with HIV.

Clear but unevenprogress mothers alive. The United Nations

Joint United Nations Programme
The past six years have seen on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the
amarked improvement in the Government of the United States
number of people with access to co-chairedaglobal task team that
treatment crucial to controlling HIV developed theplan.
and AIDS. In June 2016, 18.2mil-
lion people were using antiretroviral By 2015, about three quarters of
(ARV) drugsmore than double the pregnant women living with HIV
number receiving ARV treatment were receiving ARV treatment, and
in2010. 12 of the Global Plans 21 priority
countries were providing ARV cov-
Between 2000 and 2015, as many erage for more than 80percent
as1.6million HIV infections were of that population. However, only
averted in children under age 15 49percent of children living with
through concerted efforts to provide HIV in low- and middle-income
ARVs to pregnant women living with countries were receiving this
HIV, and to prevent mother-to-child life-saving treatment. The situ-
transmission of thevirus. ation wasand remainseven
worse for adolescents. Very
Most of this progress took place few know their HIV status, and
after the 2011 launch of the Global there has been little progress in
Plan to eliminate new HIV infections reducing newinfections among
among children and keep their adolescents.


Teens Take Charge: A two-day forum on living #WorldAIDSday.
withHIV in Kenya Despite great strides
madeagainst AIDS to date, a
stocktaking report released
by UNICEF on World AIDS
Day 2016 finds that new HIV
infections among adolescents
could rise from 250,000 in
2015 to 390,000 annually by
2030 if progress in reaching

them stalls. AIDS remains

a leading cause of death
among adolescents, the report
says,and adolescent girls are
especially at risk.

Sixty young people gathered in adolescents are very talented,

Nairobi in February 2016 to share she said, and we need to create
their experiences as adolescents an environment where they feel
living with HIV. The UNICEF- safe to showcase their gifts and
supported national forum was excel just like any other child.
organized by Women Fighting The participants used the
AIDS in Kenya (WOFAK) and opportunity to meet government
brought adolescents from five representatives and give them
counties together to discuss feedback about HIV and AIDS
their common concerns. services. Health facilities must
William, age 19, was among be made cool! said, 19-year-old
them. For me this was really Brenda, after criticizing a facility
something special, he said of with an intimidating atmosphere.
the two-day forum. It is often We need to walk into a health
impossible for me to share with centre and feel at home by being
people back at home what I am served by young people like us,
going through because I am still who understand us, she added.
not ready to tell some of them The young people also called
mystatus. for inclusive spaces for adoles-
Dorothy Onyango, Executive cents living with HIV, adoption of
Director of WOFAK, said meetings sexual health lessons in the school
like this one encourage young curriculum and real participation in
people to live normal lives. These planning health-care strategies. ABOVE LEFT: Young people work
on team building at the HIV forum

For every child, results 27

Preventing vertical Reaching adolescents
transmission ofHIV atrisk
Support for fighting Prevention of mother-to-child Moreover, the progress made
HIVand AIDS transmission,apillar of UNICEFs to beat back HIV and AIDS has
efforts to stop the spread of HIV not been equitably distributed. It
and AIDS, has avertedmillions of varies from region to region, with
UNICEF maintained a leading infections and savedmillions of sub-Saharan Africa faring worst.
role in a number of major lives. In 2016, Armenia, Belarus And adolescents, in particular, are
partnerships involved in the and Thailand received World being leftbehind.
fight against HIV and AIDS Health Organization certification
during 2016. Among them was for eliminating vertical transmis- Some1.8million 10- to
All In, the global partnership to sion of HIV from mother to child, 19-year-olds are living with HIV
end AIDS among adolescents. following decades of progress globally, and AIDS is one of the
UNICEF also worked with and support from UNICEF and leading causes of death among ad-
UNAIDS and other partners itspartners. olescents. In fact, theirs is the only
to develop a declaration on age group in which AIDS-related
accelerating the fight against Cuba had achieved elimination in deaths are rising, not falling. Girls
HIV and halting its spread by 2015, and several other countries are more at risk than boys, making
2030. Adopted at the 2016 are on the verge of reaching up 65percent of thoseaffected.
United Nations High-Level thatgoal.
Meeting on Ending AIDS, the Recognizing that the window
declaration incorporated targets In South Africa, for example, ofopportunity for the ado-
for fighting AIDS among children paediatric infections have fallen lescent population is narrow,
and youngwomen. sharply. Now the government UNICEFtogether with
has embarked onalast mile UNAIDS, theU.S. Presidents
agenda to eliminate them within Emergency Plan for AIDS
five years. UNICEF is contributing Relief and the World Health
to the effort with its RapidPro Organizationannouncedaplan in
open-source application, which 2016 to put prevention of new HIV
delivers real-time information infections in 15- to 19-year-olds
to connect households and onasuper fast-track. Endorsed
communities to prevention and at the United Nations High-Level
treatmentservices. Meeting on Ending AIDS in
June, the plan aims to eliminate
But prevention of vertical transmis- mother-to-child transmission of
sion of HIV must remainacentral HIV, reduce the rate of new HIV
focus everywhere. Although the infections among adolescents
number of new paediatric infec- and young women, and increase
tions has declined, children are still HIV treatment for both children
at risk. As of 2015the last year andadolescents.
for whichareliable estimate is
availableat least1.4million preg- Under the banner Start Free, Stay
nant women were living withHIV. Free, AIDS Free, this framework
highlights the targets set by
As long as gaps in access to ser- UNAIDS to end HIV and AIDS in
vices for pregnant mothers persist, children, adolescents and young
children who could otherwise be women by2020.
protected will continue to be ex-
posed to HIV. In 2015, the majority
OPPOSITE PAGE: A mother holds
her son, who is living with HIV, as she of the new infections among chil-
speaks with a doctor at a health centre dren under age 15 were contracted
inDushanbe, Tajikistan. through verticaltransmission.


National and assessment in Myanmar, as
community-ledefforts well as help with securing
emergency provisions of ARV @UNICEFinnovation 2016
Beyond such global initiatives, national drugs in Ukraine. UNICEF Answers on HIV
and community-led efforts will be vital also worked with partners andAIDS
to expanding awareness and access on AIDS education initiatives
to HIV prevention and treatment. with broad social and health
Throughout 2016, UNICEF engaged impacts. In Mozambique, for Throughout the year, UNICEF
with countries around the world to help example,ayouth-led SMS continues to build and expand
bolster local responses to HIV andAIDS. text-messaging platform with its U-Report social messaging
64,000 users providedaforum tool, designed to help adoles-
Specific efforts included sup- for questions about HIV cents and young people around
port foranational prevention of transmission and sexual and the world speak out on issues
mother-to-child-transmission reproductivehealth. that affect them. U-Report also
allows its users to anonymously
text questions about HIV and
AIDS, and get the answers they
need. In doing so, it provides a
No time forcomplacency critical communication tool and
information source, especially
But even as such efforts continueas UNICEFs seventh stocktaking for youth at risk of HIV infection
report on the epidemic concluded in December 2016any sense of or other potential threats to
complacency towards HIV and AIDS could result in backsliding on the their health and well-being.
important progress made todate. U-Report has some 3 million
registeredusers in more than
Overall financing for HIV response isstagnant or, worse, declining at the 30countries.
very time that it should be increased in order to end the epidemic once
and for all. UNICEF continues to advocate for greater resources from
donor countries, aid agencies and governments in countries with the
greatest HIV burdens. Perhaps more important, its wide-ranging interven-
tions continue to yield valuable lessons and results aimed at improving the
lives of children and adolescents at risk ofor livingwithHIV andAIDS.


For every child, results 29



Carried out their Supported new Advanced

largest-ever legislation and progress against
humanitarian policies on water open defecation,
response and sanitation with an additional
programme for in Mongolia, the 35.5 million
water, sanitation and hygiene, Niger, Rwanda, the Sudan people living in certified open-
reaching 30 million people and more than a dozen other defecation-free communities
inemergencies. countries. since 2014.

@UNICEF: Access to improved people in both humanitarian and

ADVOCACY IN 2016 watersources non-humanitarian situations from
2014 to2016.
#ClimateChain. In 2016, 10.6million people
In a global online gained access to safe water in The largest non-emergency
campaigninitiated by communities and households WASH programmes are located in
UNICEF on World Water where UNICEF supported ongoing sub-Saharan Africa, including the
water, sanitation and hygieneor Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Day in March, people
WASHprogrammes. Tellingly, an Ethiopia and Nigeria. In these coun-
shared photos of themselves even larger population, 28.8million, tries and others around the world,
with arms outstretched, gained water access in emergency WASH underpins UNICEFs overall
supporting united action on situations for which UNICEF led results for children and its work to
climate change to protect theWASHresponse. achieve many of the 2030 global
childrens futures. The virtual goals, including those related to
UNICEF also supported the nutrition, health, education, gender
#ClimateChain is completed
construction and rehabilitation of equality, resilience and climate
when leaders meet in New WASHfacilities in7,138 schools change. Accordingly, WASHpro-
York in April to sign the across 71 countries, along with sim- grammes are aligned and increasing-
commitments their countries ilar facilities at1,654 health clinics ly integrated with UNICEFs efforts
made at the Paris Climate in44countries. in othersectors.
Change Conference in 2015.
Given these resultscom- But troubling disparities persist. In
bined with results from the 2015, 663million people, most of
preceding two yearsUNICEF them poor and living in rural areas,
and partners provided WASH did not have access to an improved
support to more than 100million drinking watersource.


Sustainablesolutions UNICEFs safe-water @UNICEF:
initiatives in 2016 emphasized ADVOCACY IN 2016
With households worldwide already interventions for children and
affected by climate variability, the women withinabroader agenda #WaterIs.
WASH sector faces additional chal- that includes protecting and During World Water Week
lenges. Climate change hasanega- restoring water sources and in August, UNICEF notes
tive impact on water availability and improving water quality by that the lack of access to safe
quality, as well as the performance reducing pollution. By the end
water disproportionately
of sanitation systems. And the of 2016, 38countries were
most vulnerable communities in implementing water safety affects women and girls, who
low- and middle-income countries plans at the community level, collectively spend as much
bear thebrunt. and 61countries had integrated as 200 million hours a day
climate change and disaster collecting this vital resource.
Consequently, UNICEF and its risk reduction into WASH The opportunity costs of
WASH partners have been closely sectorplans.
collecting water are high
studying fresh targets in the safe
and sustainable provision of drinking These strategies incorporate for example, reducing the
water. Careful management and en- forward thinking about time women can spend on
hanced monitoring of water supplies the sustainability of vital other tasks and interfering
are necessary to achieve universal ecosystems formaximum with childrens education.
and equitable access, as prescribed economy and equity
by the global goals for2030. inwatermanagement. UNICEF/UN09052/LYNCH

LEFT: Girls from the Khmer ethnic

groupwash their hands as the day
begins at Van Giao kindergarten in
AnGiang Province, Viet Nam.

For every child, results 31

Support for water, Mission to Al Houd: Water and the promise
sanitation and hygiene of life in a ghost town

UNICEFs water, sanitation

andhygiene (WASH) teams rely
on the support of local public
and private partnerships to
achieve access to safe water
and improved sanitation for
all, including women and girls,
people with disabilities and
The Cartier Charitable
Foundation has been a UNICEF
global partner since 2014.
The foundation backs UNICEF
WASH programmes in China,
India and Madagascar with a
grant of $6.7 million. It also
supports quality education and
disaster risk reduction efforts.
Domestos, the Unilever
companys leading toilet cleaner
brand, has partnered with
UNICEF since 2012 to support
global sanitation programmes.
As of 2016, the partnership
had helped more than 6 million In October 2016, just two kits and water buckets. At last
people gain access to toilets daysafter Al Houd, south of the citizens of Al Houd appeared,
through behaviour-change and Mosul, was retaken by Iraqi forces, eager to pick up supplies of safe
capacity-building initiatives. a UNICEF mission delivered water drinking water.
UNICEF also worked with and hygiene supplies to the towns The route back led through
Domestos to raise awareness 1,500 families. AlQayyarah, a town that looked
about the sanitation crisis It was an off-road convoy, a lot like Al Houd when it was
globally and UNICEF and dueto heavily mined roads, and retaken two months earlier but
Unilever were both involved the desert sky was black with had come back to life. Shops
in creating and developing thesmoke of burning oil fields. were open and people were out
the WASH4Work initiative to At the end of the road was an including Zainab, a single mother
support business action towards even eerier sight: a ghost town. who had walked to Al Qayyarah
meeting the 2030 global goal It seemed that the population from Al Houd with her four young
on universal access to water of Al Houd had fled or remained daughters. She recalled two years
andsanitation. inhiding. of terror for her family before
Once the convoy reached concluding, I want to go home,
the town centre, representatives to my family, and put my children
of UNICEFs local partner, back in school.
the Women Empowerment Its a hope that is shared
Organization, were on hand to help widely, no doubt, by Zainabs
ABOVE RIGHT: A young girl unload drinking water, hygiene friends and neighbours in Al Houd.
standsoutside her familys house
inAlHoud, Iraq.


Community approach programming was extended to
tosanitation benefit more ethnic minorities, using
messaging and awareness cam- @UNICEF:
Within the WASH sector, sanitation paigns to achieve better health and Support for water,
trends are improving, but an estimat- hygieneoutcomes. sanitation and hygiene
ed2.4 billion people worldwide still
were not using improved sanitation And UNICEFs extensive direct sup-
facilities in2015. port for the construction of WASH Sweden, the leading resource
facilities in schools and health clinics partner of UNICEF WASH
UNICEF supportsacommunity often included toilet and washing programmes in 2016, provided
approach to total sanitation. National facilities for children with disabilities. generous funding to help
and subnational programmes taking In the Lao Peoples Democratic UNICEF advance its agenda
this approach hadasignificant Republic, more than 24,000 school- on gender and disability
impact on millions of people in 2016, children benefitted from newly rights in the sector. Sweden
as 33,800 communities gained accessible WASH facilities. In Ghana, also supported UNICEFs
open-defecation-freestatus. approximately 68,000 students were partnership efforts with
provided with disability-sensitive the private sector aimed at
WASH projects that UNICEF sup- facilities. In Fiji,apost-cyclone build increasing capacity to provide
ported in 2016 put an emphasis back better campaign installed ac- water and sanitation solutions
on social inclusion for marginalized cessible sanitation and handwashing inhumanitariansituations.
children and families as well. In Viet facilities for the first time in many of Another key partner, the
Nam, for example, rural sanitation the countrysschools. United Kingdom Department
for International Development
(DFID), has had a long and close
relationship with UNICEF on

WASH initiatives. That relation-

ship was further strengthened
in 2016 through coordinated
action on the Sanitation and
Water for All partnership and
the World Health Organization/
UNICEF Joint Monitoring
Programme for Water Supply
and Sanitation. In addition to
reaching more than 5 million
people with water, sanitation
and hygiene in 12 countries,
DFIDs support created an im-
portant platform for developing
new ways of working on value
for money, results reporting,
sustainability, system strength-
ening and evaluation.

LEFT: Students drink water on their

firstday back at a cyclone-damaged
school in Viti Levu, Fiji.

For every child, results 33

WASH inemergencies These were justafew of the hun-
dreds of humanitarian actions that
@UNICEFinnovation 2016 In the aftermath of Hurricane made 2016 the largest year ever
Real-time monitoring, Matthew, UNICEF, with support for UNICEFs emergency WASH
rapid response from key partners such as Ftbol response programmes. In total, the
Club Barcelona, worked with the organization spent US$506million
Government of Haiti to battleachol- in humanitarian situations to provide
UNICEF leverages real-time data era outbreak. During the response, 28.8million people with access
to strengthen its response to more than 300,000 individuals, in- to safe water and7.2million with
the urgent water and sanitation cluding approximately 126,000chil- improvedsanitation.
needs of children and families dren, were provided with clean
at risk. In Ethiopia, for example, water onadailybasis. In 2017 and beyond, UNICEF
smartphone-based monitoring plans to continue working for
in drought-affected areas In the Syrian Arab Republic and WASH results in humanitarian
produces current data on failing other countries affected by crisis situations while also improving
water points, triggering the early in the region, UNICEF and partners its ongoing work in this sector.
allocation of water tankering reached more than 14million people At the same time, it will move in
and other emergency measures with improved and sustained access new directions. In line withanew
to maintain the local supply to safe drinking water and sanitation. WASH strategy developed in
of safe water. UNICEF also In South Sudan, emergency WASH 2016, UNICEF will invest in more
uses real-time data to monitor teams provided 742,000 people with climate-resilient WASH systems
the status of water sources in water and 252,000 with sanitation. and behaviours, increase its pres-
drought-prone areas of India In Iraq, WASH teams reached more ence in urban areas and expand its
andZimbabwe. than1.2million displaced people collaboration with private-sector
with water and sanitationservices. partnersworldwide.

BELOW: Young people in Haiti receive safe

water provided by UNICEF and partners,
together with the national government.





Saw the Successfully Supported the

numberof treated 3million distribution of
chronically children micronutrient
malnourished forsevere powders
children malnutrition, that reached
worldwide drop to a new low, andvowed to double that 8.3million
while redoubling efforts to number peryear by 2020. children.
reach those left behind.

Reaching theunreached From the firsthour

Good nutrition is one of the great- Among the global goals adopted by
est investments to be made in im- United Nations Member States in
proving global welfare. Nutritious 2015 is the elimination of preventable
diets fuel childrens growth, drive child deaths by 2030. Asastarting
brain development, strengthen point, UNICEF and partners have
learning potential, enhance produc- shoneaspotlight on the importance
tivity into adulthood and pave the of infant and early childhoodfeeding.
way toamore sustainablefuture.
It is well established that allow- @UNICEF:
Even as chronic malnutrition was inganewborn to breastfeed within ADVOCACY IN 2016
recorded at its lowest level among the first hour of life is key to ensuring
children in history in 2016, the that the infant will thrive. Yet current EarlyChildhood. UNICEF
number of children who are still data show that less than half of all and the World Bank Group
suffering from either stunting or newborns are put to the breast im- inaugurate an alliance in
wasting is alarming. Approximately mediately afterbirth. April to make early childhood
155million children worldwide are
development a priority for
stunted in growth. Another 52mil- A 2016 UNICEF reportFrom the
lion are threatened by wasting, First Hour of Life: Making the case policymaking and public
including 17million who suffer for improved infant and young child spending at the national and
from severe wasting. Thats why feeding everywherepointed out global levels. Their objectives:
nearly 60 countries have joined the that immediate breastfeeding must country-led investments and
Scaling Up Nutrition movement become more commonplace. Among community-level engagement
since2010. other findings, the report showed
in quality nutrition as well
that in some regions, skilledbirth
attendants were not supporting as early stimulation and
mothers breastfeeding within the learning, and protection for
first hour afterdelivery. everychild.

For every child, results 35

Infant and young one of those countries, Burkina
childfeeding Faso, mothers support groups
@UNICEF: discuss feeding practices, hygiene,
Support for nutrition Asachampion of immediate and homestead food production activ-
exclusive breastfeeding for at least ities and early childhood develop-
the first six months of an infants ment. Between 2015 and 2016, the
Partnerships contributed to life, UNICEF has supported the number of pregnant and lactating
UNICEFs efforts to improve Breastfeeding Advocacy Initiative. women in these UNICEF-supported
child nutrition throughout 2016. The global initiative providesaplat- groups increased from about
In the Niger, for example, form for advancing policies and 70,600 to more than 166,000.
UNICEF supported a package investments in support of improved
of high-impact nutrition infant and young childfeeding. Beyond exclusive breastfeeding,
interventions in partnership with good nutrition requires that chil-
the European Union and various In 2016, 41 countries reported ex- dren be introduced to their first
non-governmental organizations. clusive breastfeeding rates of more foods, known as complementary
The interventions included than 50percent among infants foods, after the first six months
counselling on infant and young younger than6months of age. In oflife.
child feeding in 20 districts and
the training of more than 13,700
community health volunteers.

Both UNICEF and the
World Food Programme (WFP)
partnered with the Food and
Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations in 2016 to
adopt a community-based Joint
Resilience Strategy. The strate-
gy aims to reduce the impact of
shocks by enhancing productive
livelihoods, increasing access
to basic services and providing
predictable safety nets. UNICEF
and WFP are also scaling up
a joint, cash-based initiative
targeting 60,000 households
in regions severely affected by
drought. Through this coordinat-
ed approach, UNICEF comple-
ments WFP food vouchers with
monthly cash transfers.
At the global level in 2016,
UNICEF remained active in
partnerships such as Scaling Up
Nutrition, a growing movement
that supports country-level
efforts to end hunger and
malnutrition by 2030.

ABOVE RIGHT: A mother breastfeeds

her six-month-old son at the Kihen Health
Post in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia.


A Silent Emergency: South Sudan families struggle SMS messages on
tofeed themselves nutrition and health

In Nicaragua, the Ministry of


Health implements the Soy
Contigo (Im With You) initiative
with support from UNICEF.
To improve communication
with excluded populations in
the countrys South Caribbean
Coast region, Soy Contigo sends
SMS messages conveying
nutrition and health information
to pregnant women and their
family members. As of October
2016, community members in
Bluefields municipality have
received more than 30,000
SMS messages counselling
them on topics like breast-
feeding, child-rearing and early
warning signs of complications

In 2016, a silent emergency gathered in the shade under an

stalked South Sudan. Hundreds enormous tree. The children
of thousands of children were were weighed and received the
estimated to be severely malnour- high-calorie, peanut-based paste
ished in the country. For a child critical to saving young lives.
with severe acute malnutrition, Athill, a 28-year-old mother of
death from illnesses such as six, had brought her twins in for
malaria or pneumonia is up to a check-up. At 8 months of age,
nine times more likely than for the twins weighed almost the
ahealthychild. same as newborn babies. The boy
UNICEF treated more than weighed just 4 kilograms, and the
200,000 children during the girl a little over 3 kilograms. Athill
year, partnering with local health and her family had not eaten since
workers to provide families in the preceding day.
the most remote locations with Back at home, a 45-minute
basic nutrition screening and hike from the feeding centre, Athill
therapeuticfeeding. set down her childrens supply of
One therapeutic feeding centre therapeutic paste for the week. I
could be found in Aweil, northern dont have any food to give them
South Sudan, where child mal- apart from the paste, she said. If
nutrition rates are the highest in I could afford to feed them, they
the country. Women and children wouldnt be malnourished. ABOVE LEFT: A child is screened
for malnutrition at a health centre in
Aweil,South Sudan.

For every child, results 37

@UNICEF: Treatment formalnutrition Also in 2016, UNICEF, Action
ADVOCACY IN 2016 contre la Faim and other partners
Achieving the global goals on launchedanew initiative, No
#StopStunting. UNICEFs childhealth and well-being also Wasted Lives, to galvanize action in
South Asia Regional Office demandsarenewed and coordi- scaling up treatment for childhood
launches a special series, nated effort to protect children malnutrition. The first target for the
Stop Stunting in South from severe acute malnutrition initiative is to double the number
(SAM)first through prevention of children treated for SAM, to
Asia, in the international
and also, wherever needed, with 6million per year by 2020, by
journal Maternal and effective treatment. reducing costs for treatment and
Child Nutrition. The series increasing the political will to
offers evidence that In both emergency and address this vitalissue.
stunting is holding back non-emergency settings in 2016,
the development of South 3million children were successfully
treated for SAM by UNICEF and
Asian children and nations.
partners, representingarecovery
It features papers by global rate of 88percent.
experts in maternal and
child nutrition, and explores
the linkages between
nutrition and sanitation.



The nutritionagenda Help for everychild @UNICEF:
While the figures on wasting and UNICEFs nutrition initiatives
stunting are always cause for continued to prioritize the most #BestStartInLife.
concern, fresh data on the number disadvantaged children in 2016. Of The UNICEF Country
of overweight children have raised the millions of children screened and Office in Uganda launches
another red flag for globalnutrition. treated for SAM through UNICEF a campaign in September,
partnerships,2.3million were in
in partnership with top
According toareport released humanitarian crisis zones. In South
by UNICEF, the World Health Sudan alone, UNICEF-supported national media outlets,
Organization and the World Bank therapeutic feeding programmes raising awareness about
in 2016, there were 41million over- reached 50percent more severely the lasting significance
weight children around the world wasted children under age5in of nutrition, stimulation
in 2015an increase of more than 2016than in2015. and other factors in early
10million since 2000. This spike
childhood. The Best Start in
will need to be addressed as part Whenasevere drought struck
of the overall nutrition agenda for Ethiopia, children in the most Life initiative coincides with
countries across the socio-economic difficult-to-reach communities the governments adoption
spectrum, including low- and were disproportionately affected. of an integrated strategy on
middle-incomecountries. But the governments response early childhooddevelopment.
incorporated UNICEF-supported
UNICEF worked on another agenda mobile health and nutrition teams,
item, micronutrients, to improve poli- maximizing effectiveness and
cies for the provision of vitamins and securinganational health equity
essential nutrients, while supporting strategy targeting the most
micronutrient supplementation and marginalizedcommunities.
fortification for the children and
women most in need. According to UNICEF and its humanitarian part-
the latest global figures for 2016, ners also worked to support the
273million children from6to 59 collapsing health system in Yemen
months of age received two annual and to increase food and nutrition
doses of vitaminAsupplements in security in newly accessible areas
prioritycountries. ofnorth-eastern Nigeria in2016.

UNICEF continued to support nation- As these and other challenges

al programmes and policies to pre- demonstrate, the goal of eliminat-
vent iron-deficiency anaemia as well. ing childhood malnutrition by
The number of countries reaching 2030 will requireaconcerted
children with micronutrient powders global effort. UNICEF is committed
tripled between 2011 and 2016, to working with its many partners
increasing from 22to65. These to build on the progress made to
programmes reached more than date in achieving nutrition results
10million children, including8.3mil- for everychild.
lion with UNICEF support,in2016.

OPPOSITE PAGE: Children gather

inside an anganwadi centre providing
nutritional assistance in Andhra

For every child, results 39


Supplied more Reached Strengthened

than 330,000 11.7million education sys-
classrooms with children with tems, resulting
learning materials education support in 52percent
and promoted in humanitarian of countries
equitable, inclusive education situations. having quality early learning
in 155countries. programmes, compared to
31percent in2013.

@UNICEF: Quality education forall Improved

ADVOCACY IN 2016 learningoutcomes
The inequities of life for the most
#EducationForAll. disadvantaged and vulnerable A year after the adoption of the
In January, UNICEF releases children are readily apparentfrom global goals, UNICEF and its
an analysis showing that the lack of regular vaccinations to partners are promoting, funding
almost one in four children the daily insults of socialexclusion. and facilitating improved learning
outcomes and equitable, inclusive
living in conflict zones is not
In the classroom, those disparities education. At the regional and global
in school. Out of 109 million are stark. More than 121million levels, UNICEF maintainsaleader-
children of primary and children of primary and lower ship role in major effortsincluding
lower secondary-school age secondary-school age are out of SDG4/Education 2030, the Global
in 22 countries affected by school worldwide, and an estimated Partnership for Education and the
conflict, nearly 24million 250million children are failing to United Nations Girls Education
learn because of alack of access Initiativeaimed at strengthening
are not getting an education.
toqualityeducation. educationsystems.
Deprived of basic skills and
literacy, they are at risk of The Sustainable Development In addition, the Education Cannot
losing theirfutures. Goal for education calls for the Wait fund was launched in 2016 to
international community to ensure mobilize resources for continued
inclusive and equitable quality learning by children living in emer-
education and promote lifelong gencies and protracted crises. The
learning opportunities for all by fund takesacollaborative approach
2030. Within this broad agenda, to keeping crisis-affected children
UNICEF continues to focus on the and adolescents in school, generat-
educational needs of the most ing fresh energy and new strategies
OPPOSITE: A young girl looksout
marginalized, recognizing that for the delivery of education in some
a classroom window at Lich Primary
School, within the United Nations exclusion is driven by poverty, of the worlds most dangerous hu-
Protection of Civilians site atBentiu, conflict, gender, ethnicity, disability manitarian situations. UNICEF is the
South Sudan. and childlabour. temporary host of thisinitiative.


Through programmes implemented opportunities. Today, more than
in 2016, UNICEF and partners half of all refugees worldwide
provided learning materials to arechildren. @UNICEFinnovation 2016
15.7million children, equipped Data inform key decisions
more than 330,000 classrooms UNICEFs commitment to education
with education supplies and for every child means increasing its
trained nearly 39,000 school support for the growing number of UNICEF offices in several
communities in management, children affected by humanitarian countries including Burkina
planning or inclusive education. crises. In 2016, that entailed work- Faso, Lesotho and Papua New
UNICEF identified access to ing with partners to support basic Guinea work with governments
pre-primary education asacritical education for 11.7million of these on embedding mobile apps into
and promising intervention to vulnerable children. Education was education systems to inform
level the playing field for all part of the emergency response decisions on access to quality
children, regardless of their social inarange of countries in crisis, learning. In Sierra Leone, where
oreconomiccircumstances. from the Central African Republic to real-time data reported via SMS
South Sudan toUkraine. messages aided the response
to the Ebola outbreak in 2015,
Education inemergencies In the Syrian Arab Republic, where UNICEF supports the collection
nearly one in three schools is of data on critical school-level
In recent years, millions of children unusable or destroyed, UNICEFs indicators to guide policy and
who have not been in school have education interventions benefitted programming. In Uganda,
also been deprived ofahome. almost3.5million schoolchil- 10,000citizen-reporters in
Climate change, economic crises, dren. Still, more than1.7million 37districts contribute local data
rising inequality and natural children were denied access to an integrated dashboard used
disasters are pushing people to tobasiceducation. by the Ministry of Education
make homes in new countries, andSports.
often against their will and without
ready access to formal learning


For every child, results 41

#EmergencyLessons. The Brothers Malek: Back to school for three young
The European Union Syrianrefugees
and UNICEF launch a
social media campaign in


May supporting access
to education for children
affected by emergencies.
In a related development,
Education Cannot Wait the
first international fund for
education in emergencies,
hosted by UNICEF is
announced at the first-ever
World Humanitarian Summit,
heldin Istanbul, Turkey.

TheKingdom of Morocco
is one of 22 countries
reporting on their national
processes for meeting the
Sustainable Development It was the end of August 2016, While Wafaas sons did not
Goals. Its report is informed and the excitement was palpable. have access to formal education,
by a UNICEF Morocco-led Abdul Malek, age 7, was about to she sent them to a youth centre
attend school for the first time. His that was supported by UNICEF and
youth consultation that drew
older brothers Hamzah and Bakr run by the Islamic Charity Centre
heavily upon the Worlds
went to school briefly before their Society. But now Abdul, Bakr
Largest Lesson developed family left home in Deraa, in the and Hamzah had been enrolled in
by UNICEF and partners to Syrian Arab Republic, and for a school under a massive campaign
inspire the next generation to short time after they arrived here by the Government of Jordan.
take action onthe global goals. in Jordan. But they had not seen Dubbed Learning for All
aclassroom since. Back-to-School and backed by
I missed my friends, I missed UNICEF, the campaign rolled out
my teachers and I just missed through media channels and door-
learning a lot of things, said Bakr, to-door outreach. It encouraged
age 10. Now I cannot wait to parents and caregivers of all
start school again. children regardless of their
The boys mother, Wafaa nationality or status to get
Malek, said they had arrived three themenrolled.
years earlier and settled in Irbid, I want to become a doctor
north of Amman. Her husband so I can help people, Bakr said
decided to go to Germany via on the eve of his return to school.
Turkey so that he could get a job But I also know I will make a lot
ABOVE RIGHT: The Malek brothers, and take care of the family. of money.
from aSyrian refugee family, prepare
tostartschool inJordan.


The earlyyears Inclusive, equitablesystems

While funding challenges persist, On the other end of the education @UNICEF:
there is also increased global spectrum, UNICEF addressed Support for education
awareness of the outsized impact of the gaps in school enrolment and and early learning
early learning on childrens cognitive attendance for older students by
development and future prospects. supporting the expansion of second-
Early learning opportunities are ary education to rural areasand to As one of UNICEFs top
essential to improving learning out- populations of adolescents no longer resource partners for thematic
comes and tackling socialinequities. enrolled in formalschooling. funding, Norway contributed
approximately US$80 million
Twenty-seven per cent of UNICEF All these interventions and many in 2016, 89 per cent of which
programme countries reported that more are at the heart of UNICEFs was allocated to education
more thanaquarter of young chil- mission to make the benefits of with a focus on education in
dren from the poorest households education more equitable across humanitarian settings.
were enrolled in early childhood edu- the board. In fact, UNICEF and The Government of Germany
cation in 2016. The number of coun- partners pursued equitable ed- provided nearly US$50 million to
tries reporting effective policies and ucation targets in 155 countries the Reaching All Children with
quality early learning programmes in 2016. Withafocus on building Education initiative in Lebanon
increased from 31percent in 2013 learning assessment systems, and about US$15 million to
to 52percent in2016. child-friendly school standards, support Zimbabwes Education
non-formal education and bilingual Development Fund, in addition
In Uganda, for example, children are instruction, the organization backed to supporting access to school-
eligible forafree year of pre-primary efforts to identify and remove ing for Syrian refugee children.
school as part of an integrated early barriers to learning for the most With support from the
childhood development (ECD) policy marginalizedchildren. European Union Regional
adopted by the government in 2016. Trust Fund in Response to the
UNICEF Uganda launchedamajor UNICEF continued to call for Syria Crisis (also known as
campaign to promote ECD increased data, awareness and the Madad Fund), UNICEF
through media channels and dialogue to improve education assisted more than 320,000
socialmobilization. opportunities for children with disa- children and adolescents in
bilities. In Egypt, UNICEF supported Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, as
In China, effective advocacy and the enrolment of1,326children with part of the No Lost Generation
new governmental guidelines have disabilities into 120 mainstream education initiative.
made early childhood learningahigh public schools and equipped those Among corporate support-
priority. At integrated ECD sites sup- schools with inclusive learning re- ers, H&M Foundation provided a
ported by UNICEF in four provinces, source rooms. In Serbia, parents of grant of US$5.3 million that will
developmental delays reportedly disabled students in 17educational help provide 480,000 children in
sawareduction of 37percent attrib- facilities received peer support and Myanmar with quality primary
utable to the intervention between mentoring by teachers on individual and lower secondary education.
2013 and2016. educationplanning. In its second year, UNICEFs
partnership on early childhood
UNICEF emphasized early education development with the LEGO
in emergency contexts, as well. Group and LEGO Foundation
When Fiji and the Pacific islands established an online training
were hit byatropical cyclone in platform for 150,000 teachers
February 2016, for instance, UNICEF and other practitioners in South
distributed 332 kits to early child- Africa. The LEGO Group was
hood centres and kindergartens, also instrumental in developing
reaching more than 13,000 young an industry-first digital child
children to ensure continuity in their safety policy.
learning anddevelopment.

For every child, results 43


@UNICEF: In 2016, fully one third of all UNICEF programme countries officially
Support for education recognized girls secondary education asapriority and budgeted accordingly
and early learning for more gender-responsive education systems at the national, subnational
and schoollevels.

Through their long-standing UNICEF also enabled more than 334,000 girls to gain access to education
Power for Youth programme, in Iraq. In Pakistan, it supported District Plans focused on breaking down
ING and UNICEF have reached gender barriers in 60districts across two provinces. And UNICEF provided
close to 100,000 children with more than 24,000 girls in Nigeria with cash transfers sothey could pay
innovative learning, financial schoolfees.
literacy and skills development.
The partnership has also Quality education for girls and boys alike remains central to UNICEFs
helped strengthen systems and vision of inclusion, even as it addresses daunting challenges such as
services for more than 10 million urbanization, migration and climate change. Stronger data, innovation and
adolescent girls and boys. partnership will be at the core of this workas will UNICEFs commitment
to the simple idea that every child has the right tolearn.

BELOW: Sjud, age 11 (centre),

andfriends return to class in a
rehabilitated school that was
damaged by conflict in Ramadi, Iraq.





Addressed Reunified more Reached 13million

protection than 21,000 people through
issues affecting unaccompanied awareness cam-
4.6million and separated paigns about
children and children with protecting chil-
women in humanitarian their families and helped dren from online
situations in 53 countries, place many others in sexualexploitation.
and reached millions more alternativecare.

The young face of the Nearly 388,000 refugees and @UNICEF:

migrant and refugeecrisis migrants who arrived in Europe in
2016, many by boat in Mediterranean
As the pressures of violence, Sea crossings. Almost half of those #BringBackOurChildhood.
exploitation and armed conflict in who entered Italy and Greece were A UNICEF report confirms
Africa and the Middle East grow, so women and children.Asignificant
that years of violence by
do the numbers of people crossing number of the children were
bordersand posingachallenge unaccompanied; 92percent of
BokoHaram militia forces
to the humanitarian system to those who arrived in Italy by sea have left 1.4 million children
keeppace. were alone or separated from displaced and 1million in
familymembers. Africas Lake Chad Basin.
By 2015, nearlyathird of all Released during the run-up
children living outside their birth UNICEF provided various services
to the United Nations Summit
country were refugees. Nearly tothe youngest migrants: identifying
50million children1 in 45children and referring those most at risk;
for Refugees and Migrants in
globallywere on the move, facilitating reunions with families and September, the report appeals
lacking social stability, educational providing for alternative care; helping for a stepped-up response to
opportunity and physical security. displaced children stay in school; the situation.
In transit and destination coun- delivering psychosocial support and
tries, migrants and their families health care; advocating for humane
faced discrimination, poverty and solutions to detention; and support-
socialmarginalization. ing better integration of child mi-
grants into local educationsystems.

For every child, results 45

@UNICEF: Protection in conflictzones than 21,000children separatedfrom
ADVOCACY IN 2016 their families and reunited them with
The fact that so many parents their parents or other caregivers.
#ReplyForAll. choose the danger and uncertainty Nearly 33,000 separated children
In June, with an urgent of migration is testament to the were provided with alternative and
appeal for laws to better harsh circumstances in their home foster familycare.
protect children, UNICEF communities.Afailed harvest or
seasonal drought caused by climate UNICEF and partners also provided
Malaysia unveils a digital
change can be the deciding factor for psychosocial support to more than
campaign showing how poor and vulnerable families wonder- 3million children in emergencies,
social media and chat apps ing whether to stay orgo. while some4.6million girls,
are used to groom them for women and boys in humanitarian
sexual abuse and exploitation. One of the leading causes of situations across 53 countries
Produced with national themigrant and refugee crisis, received assistance and services
the largest since the Second forgender-basedviolence.
partners, the campaign
World War, is armed conflict and
takes place in the context violence. An estimated 250million Efforts to end child recruitment
of the global #ReplyForAll children live in countries or areas resulted in twice as many chil-
initiative to raise awareness affectedbyconflict. dren being released from armed
about online risks among forces and groups in 2016 as in
adolescents and empower As part of the inter-agency model the preceding year. Of the more
ofcluster coordination in emergen- than 21,000children released with
them to protect themselves
cy situations, UNICEF led child pro- UNICEFs help, more than 11,000
and their peers. tection efforts in 60 crises in 2016, were reintegrated with their families
and served as the cluster lead for and communitiesreceiving med-
gender-based violence in 12emer- ical care, psychosocial support and
#ENDviolence. gency situations. Together with counselling, and family tracing and
Children join leaders at the partners, UNICEF protection teams reunification servicesas well as
United Nations in July to in conflict zones registered more education and vocationaltraining.
launch End Violence Against
Children The Global

Partnership, an alliance and
fund dedicated to ending
violence against children in a
world where a child dies as a
result of violence every five
minutes. UNICEF Executive
Director Anthony Lake
serves as founding co-chair
of the partnershipsboard.

RIGHT: A child washes his hair with soap

while taking a bath at a United Nations
site for the protection of civilians in
South Sudan.


Savys Return: A safe environment for trafficked children Support for
in Cambodia childprotection

UNICEF collaborates with

a range of global partners,
including the Global Social
Service Workforce Alliance,
to strengthen national child
protection systems. During
2016, the organization advanced
strategic partnerships on
various child protection issues
in both humanitarian and
non-humanitarian situations.
On issues of violence, for
example, UNICEF worked
with the Global Partnership to
End Violence against Children.
On birth registration and
statelessness, it worked with the
Coalition on Every Childs Right
to a Nationality, which it co-led
with the Office of the United
Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees. And on coordination
On a sunny morning in north- Savy who have been repatriated and standard setting for child
western Cambodia, near the from Thailand. Classes and activ- protection in all humanitarian
border with Thailand, a group of ities at the centre are tailored for contexts, UNICEF was active in
children were busy learning in these children, who have suffered the Alliance for Child Protection
the outdoor classrooms run by extreme exploitation. in Humanitarian Action.
Goutte deau (drop of water), When Savy arrived at the In a year marked by a massive
a non-governmental organization centre, social worker Kim Veth re- global migrant and refugee crisis,
supported by UNICEF. called that the girl had been away UNICEF strengthened part-
One of the children Savy for so long, she didnt understand nerships on migration with the
(not her real name), age 13 had her native Khmer language. Savy United Nations refugee agency,
been staying with Goutte deau still doesnt remember where her the International Organization
for a year. Child traffickers took hometown is, she added. for Migration (IOM) and UNICEF
her from her home when she was Like many survivors of child National Committees in
7 years old. She was born with a trafficking, Savy was very quiet migrant and refugee destination
physical disability that prevented at first. But the staff consistently countries. It also took part in an
her from walking easily, and the engaged her in singing, dancing, anti-trafficking partnership with
traffickers took advantage of that, creating handicrafts and attending IOM and the United Nations
forcing her to beg on the streets class. Gradually, she started Office on Drugs and Crime.
ofBangkok for five years. opening up and took crucial steps
Goutte deau is one of the forward. She told a visitor that
organizations sought out by the she wants to become a Khmer
Cambodian authorities to serve language teacher at a secondary ABOVE LEFT: The Goutte deau
formerly trafficked children like school when she grows up. centrein north-western Cambodia tailors
activities for children who have suffered
extreme exploitation.

For every child, results 47

Ending violence Safeguarding childrensrights
@UNICEFinnovation 2016 UNICEF has long supported free,
U-Report poll on bullying In December, UNICEF released universal birth registration to safeguard
avideo featuring Goodwill childrens rights and protect them from
Ambassador David Beckham as violations. In 2016, UNICEF extended
In a poll conducted via U-Report, part of the End Violence Against its country-level support for birth regis-
UNICEFs text-messaging tool Children campaign. Produced in tration by 30 per cent over 2015 levels.
for adolescents and young collaboration with UNICEF UK,
people, two thirds of the the video was viewed online The year also saw further progress in
100,000 respondents in 18coun- morethan18milliontimes. reaching girls and boys at risk of, or
tries report that they have been withdrawn from, child labour. UNICEF
victims of bullying. Millions UNICEF worked with 124countries supported child labour interventions
of children and adolescents during the year to prevent and to assist approximately 7.5 million
experience school violence and respond to violence against children children worldwide.
bullying in some form every year byamong other objectives
harming their physical, mental strengthening the justice sector and Also in 2016, UNICEF continued work-
and emotional health. The law enforcement, and supporting ing with the United Nations Population
U-Report poll is part of UNICEFs child protection practitioners Fund (UNFPA) towards eliminating
effort to fight bullying and other (including social workers, teachers female genital mutilation/cutting
forms of abuse. and health workers). In addition, (FGM/C). This focused on enhancing the
UNICEF backed the expansion of policy environment to end FGM/C, ex-
much-needed services to children panding the availability and use of qual-
affected by violence and bolstered ity services for victims, and addressing
@UNICEF: the ability of communities and social norms behind the practice. More
children themselves to identify risks than 2,900communities in 16countries
ADVOCACY IN 2016 and reportviolations. declared the abandonment of FGM/C, as
#ChildrenUprooted. did 10,080 families inEgypt. Worldwide,
In August, UNICEF issues At the global level, UNICEF offered approximately 8.5million people now
technical assistance for INSPIRE: live in communities covered bysuch
a child alert about the
Seven Strategies for Ending declarations.
thousands of Central Violence Against Children. The
American children each World Health Organization, UNICEF UNICEF supported initiatives to end
month who risk being and other partners developed child marriage in 42 countries in 2016.
kidnapped, trafficked, raped this multi-sectoral programme In 12 of those countries, UNFPA
or killed as they move guide promoted by the Global and UNICEF launched the Global
Partnership on Ending Violence Programme to Accelerate Action to
northward, seeking refuge
AgainstChildren. End Child Marriage, which targets
from gang violence and adolescent girls at risk of oralready
poverty. UNICEF asserts that in early marriages.
they should not be detained,
except as a last resort, and
should have access to health Protectiononline
care and other essential
An area of growing concern for UNICEF is the abuse and exploitation of children
services. online. Through surveys, data collection and initiatives such as the Global Kids
Online partnership, researchers are investigating how the estimated 1 billion
children and adolescents who use the Internet navigate their digital world.

A 2016 global opinion poll of morethan 10,000 18-year-olds from 25 countries

found that over 80 per cent of them believe children are at risk of being sexual-
ly abused or manipulated online. UNICEF is helping governments, civil society
and the private sector to implement strategies and programmes to better
protect children in a digital world, while still allowing them to benefit from
information and communicationtechnologies.




Completed, Supported Wona

together with the social protection commitment
World Bank, the cash transfer bygovernments
first-ever global programmes at the World
assessment of the including Humanitarian
number of children living in transfers for refugees and Summit to address emer-
extremepoverty. migrants that benefitted gency preparedness and
more than 179 million children prevention within their social
in2016. protectionsystems.

The impact of childpoverty Measuring and addressing

With an end to child poverty
established as one of the UNICEF worked with governments
Sustainable Development Goals for around the world53 of which
2030, UNICEF took the opportunity regularly monitor child poverty
to support Member States in levelsto ensure that child @UNICEF:
addressing this critical issue in2016. poverty is reported and becomes ADVOCACY IN 2016
an integral element in national
Evidence shows that the impact of actionplans. #EndPoverty.
poverty on children can be devas- UNICEF and the World Bank
tating and lifelong, with implications At the global level, UNICEF and Group release a briefing note,
for future generations and society in the World Bank estimated that Ending Extreme Poverty: A
general. As UNICEF stated in its flag- almost 385million children are
focus on children, which finds
ship report, The State of the Worlds living on less than the internation-
Children 2016, progress towards all al poverty threshold of US$1.90
that children in low- and
of the 2030 global goals will be made per day in 89 countries. This middle-income countries are
faster and more cost-effectively estimate is the first significant more than twice as likely
through equity-focused approaches global measure of children living as adults to live in extreme
that target the most disadvantaged in extreme poverty. Released poverty. Globally, the October
who are deprived of healthy child- in the report, Ending Extreme
briefing note states, almost
hoods due toanumber of factors Poverty:Afocus on children, the
such as their place of birth, race, figures show that children are
385million children were
ethnicity or gender, or because of twice as likely to live in extreme living on less than US$1.90
poverty ordisability. poverty asadults. per day in 2013.

For every child, results 49

Support for After the Cyclone: Thriving in Vanuatu despite disaster
socialinclusion and disability

UNICEFs social policy

team works to develop and

strengthen partnerships at the
country, regional and global
levels, stimulating dialogue
and government policies that
guide legislative reforms and
budgetary allocations affecting
children and families.
Expanding social protection
for the most vulnerable children
including those facing extreme
poverty, gender discrimination,
disability or statelessness
requires close cooperation
with ministries of finance,
parliaments, the World Bank
Group, the International Labour
Organization, the United Nations
Development Programme and
the United Nations Department
of Economic and Social Affairs,
among others.
Leading global travel On a hot summer day in July 2016, development and support services
technology provider Amadeus Tamanu, a bright and bubbly five- for children like Tamanu.
has partnered with UNICEF since year-old, revisited the house where The VSPD programme helps
2012 to foster inclusive develop- she lived in Vanuatu before it was children with disabilities to learn,
ment involving the worlds most destroyed by Tropical Cyclone grow, play and develop at their
disadvantaged children. In 2016 Pam, the category 5cyclone own pace, with the support of their
alone, Amadeus enabled UNICEF that struck the small island families and specialized teachers,
to raise close to US$1million state in 2015. including dedicated volunteers. The
through its micro-donation Her home was not the only playgroup also offers opportunities
engine. These funds went thing Tamanu lost to the storm. for children to subsequently
towards UNICEFs unrestricted Her early intervention playgroup, integrate into the mainstream
regular resources as well as the run by the Vanuatu Society for schooling system, as Tamanu and
Schools for Africa and Schools People with Disability (VSPD), was nine of her peers were able to do.
for Asia initiatives, and the global badly damaged as well. Now Tamanu is enrolled in
vaccination programme. But it takes more than a a community kindergarten and
In addition, Amadeus is cycloneto stop this determined is thriving. I love school, she
providing aggregated travel data group. With funding and supplies said. I like singing, painting
to UNICEFs Innovation unit to from UNICEF, the early interven- andplaying with my friends.
develop an open-source platform tion playgroup actually expanded in Despite the devastation
that uses real-time information 2016. It is reaching out to four wrought by Cyclone Pam, the
for humanitarian responses cyclone-affected communities VSPD programme is stronger than
inemergency situations. to provide badly needed care, ever.


At the national level, UNICEF disadvantaged children benefit @UNICEF:
Country Offices reported child from services and programmes ADVOCACY IN 2016
poverty data in 102 countries that are essential to their survival
and published new child poverty anddevelopment. #FairnessForChildren.
studies or reports in collaboration In April, UNICEFs Office
with national authorities in at least In all, 47 Country Offices con- ofResearch Innocenti,
18 countriesproviding crucial tributed to policy or budgetary based in Florence, Italy,
data on the poorest and most frameworks that improved resource
releases Fairness for Children,
vulnerablechildren. allocation for addressing multidi-
mensional childpoverty. a report card on inequalities
affecting children in 41high-
Making public resources UNICEF also focuses on income nations. The study
work forchildren decentralization and local focuses on the gap between
governance to strengthen children at the bottom and
Throughout 2016, UNICEF Country participatory mechanisms
those in the middle of the
Offices continued working to benefitting children at the local
help governments improve level. In 2016, 108 programme income scale noting that the
public investment in children and countries reported that they had risks of poverty are shifting
adolescents. This involved both participatory mechanisms in place, towards young people.
the amount of funding allocated engaging the most disadvantaged
and how efficiently and equitably households and influencing local
it is spent, so that even the most and national developmentagendas. #ThisAbility.
A UNICEF video shows
FCBarcelona and the Spanish
Paralympic blind football

team meeting for a soccer

match (with the Bara players
blindfolded) to celebrate the
power of inclusive sport.
Produced with support from
the International Paralympic
Committee and released in
September, the video reflects
the 10-year partnership
between UNICEF and the
FCBarcelona Foundation.

LEFT: Shushmita, age 7, washes her

face in the common space her family
shares with nine other families in Dhaka,

OPPOSITE PAGE: In Vanuatu, five-year-

old Tamanu plays in the ruins ofher house,
which Tropical Cyclone Pam destroyed.

For every child, results 51

Global efforts to narrow in extending cash transfers to the
thegaps most vulnerablefamilies.
@UNICEFinnovation 2016
#TeamUNICEF Poverty is not limited to children Globally, 179million children
living in the most deprived benefitted from cash transfers
areas of the world. In fact, most in 201624million more than in
Ahead of the August 2016 children living in poverty are in 2015. UNICEF also supported social
Olympic Games and Paralympic middle-incomecountries. protection measures for the poorest
Games in Rio de Janeiro, and most vulnerable populations in
UNICEF Brazil invites people InaUNICEF report card released in fragile and conflict-prone countries.
around the world to get active for 2016, high-income countries were Emergency-related direct benefit
children through Team UNICEF graded on child well-being. The payments reached US$51.2million
a physical activity app that report examined gaps in projected for theyear.
unlocks corporate donations to health, education and life satis-
UNICEF. The challenge attracts faction to present an overview of
more than 33,000 registered persistentinequality. Leaving no one behind
participants in 153 countries. inemergencies
UNICEF presentedaset of recom-
mendations for high-income coun- In May 2016, UNICEF and partners
tries that were not so different from securedacommitment by govern-
the solutions offered for low-income ments at the World Humanitarian
countries: Set policies that prevent Summit to address emergency
the poorest households from falling preparedness and prevention within
further behind; offer equitable their social protection systems.
public financing and child-focused Underagrand bargain concluded
UNICEF/UN029325/Mesquita budgeting; and reduce gaps in at the summit, participants sup-
educationalachievement. ported the increased use of cash
assistance in emergency response,
together with expanded efforts
Social protection by governments and development
programmes partners, to strengthen social
Social protection systems keep mil-
lions of people out of poverty world- Under the bargain, local communi-
wide and makeapositive impact ties should gain greater control over
on childrens lives acrossarange preparing for, responding to and
of indicators. Cash transfers for recovering fromemergencies.
social protection, in particular, work
by putting more money into the At the national level, UNICEF
hands of the poorest households, worked with 49 countries in 2016
strengthening local markets and cre- to include emergency prevention,
atingastream of socialbenefits. preparedness and response in their
social protection systemsand
UNICEF worked with several with 56 countries to improve ac-
governments in 2016 to increase countability to affected populations.
such public investments in children. With such support, countries are
Thailand expanded its child-support increasingly incorporating disaster
grant programme to benefit and conflict risks into their planning
children up to 3years of age, for and monitoringsystems.
instance. Madagascar launched
OPPOSITE PAGE: A woman whose
its first national cash transfer pro-
husband migrated to find work in Libya gramme, targeting 117,000children
rests with two of their six children at in 39,000households. And
home inMatameye Department, Niger. Indonesiamade substantial strides


Protecting migrants granted temporary protection @UNICEF:
andrefugees status. Tosupplement the safety ADVOCACY IN 2016
net, UNICEF supported the
One of the biggest challenges for governments expansion of the #GlobalKidsOnline.
governments in this era of esca- existing national cash transfer The Global Kids Online
lating migration is ensuring that programme for educationallow- project part of a joint effort
people on the move are extended ing Turkey to help an additional
by UNICEF, the London
the same protections as the citizens 230,000refugeechildren.
of the host countries. UNICEF con-
School of Economics and
tinuously supports the integration Jordan, another major host Political Science, and the
of internally displaced persons, country for refugees, expanded EU Kids Online network
refugees and returnees into existing its cash transfer programme to issues a November report
social protectionsystems. cover 56,000girls and boys from on the benefits and risks of
15,500refugee families. Ninety-five
Internet use by children and
Ongoing humanitarian crises in per cent of the families said they
2016 continued to fuel large-scale were inabetter position to pay their
adolescents in Argentina.
displacement, with serious conse- child-related expenses because of The project makes flexible
quences for children andfamilies. thegrants. assessment tools freely
available worldwide for
In Turkey, host to more refugees research on children in a
than any other country, UNICEF
digital age.
worked with the government
and partners to design an
Emergency Social Safety Net for
vulnerable women and children


For every child, results 53


Reached Worked with Supported

1.7million people approximately 91countries
in 12 countries 4million women placing ado-
through commu- and children in lescent girls
nity outreach and humanitarian first in national
advocacy aimed at eliminating situations to address gender- healthstrategies.
childmarriage. based violence.

@UNICEF: Empowerment of women marginalized adolescent girls and

andgirls championed governments inclusion
ADVOCACY IN 2016 of more women in policy-making
#EndFGM. Gender equality and the empow- and programming. UNICEF also
A UNICEF report published erment of women and girls are facilitated ministerial reviews
firmly enshrined in the global goals to ensure that women and girls
in February finds that at
adopted by United Nations Member were equitably considered in
least 200 million girls and States in 2015, and in UNICEFs governmental decisions and that
women alive today have own Gender Action Plan for 2014 they benefitted fairly from publicly
undergone female genital through2017. provided socialservices.
mutilation/cutting. On
the International Day of In 2016, UNICEF continued to
emphasize womens and girls Focus on adolescenthealth
Zero Tolerance for Female
equality and empowerment in all of
Genital Mutilation, UNICEF its operations, with notable progress In 2016, UNICEF supported
and the United Nations in the health and education sectors. 91countries in making health care
Population Fund reaffirm UNICEF Country Offices evaluated for adolescent girlsatop priority
their commitment to end their programme results with an eye in their national budgets. Country
the practice by 2030. towards reducing the inequities that Offices provided evidence and
vulnerable and marginalized women technical assistance, and promoted
and children faceespecially those policy debates, advocating gender
living in poor communities, rural equity asakey element for the
areas and urbanslums. success of adolescent health pro-
grammes andstrategies.
At the national, subnational and local
levels, UNICEF supported actions Because HIV/AIDS is
to reduce child marriage and other nowagreater risk for
harmful practices such as female adolescent girls than for boys,
genital cutting. The organization UNICEF also encouraged
worked to expand services for UNAIDS priority countries


to review their HIV policies in Girlseducation @UNICEF:
order to devise differentiated ADVOCACY IN 2016
responses and new monitoring The thrust of UNICEFs agenda for girls
and evaluation tools specifi education involves expanding their op- #EndChildMarriage.
cally targeting girls. UNICEF portunities from primary into secondary On International Womens
playedaleadership role in education. One third of all countries Day in March, UNICEF
expanding access to treatment for worldwide recognized secondary debuts a video entitled
pregnant women living with HIV schooling for girls as an education
Astorybook wedding
in22prioritycountries. priority in 2016 and included it in their
national budgetsup from 27percent except for one thing. It
Iron deficiency and the anaemia in 2015. To further advance gender bringsattention to the fact
it causes are another health equality, UNICEF is helping 12 target that every year, millions of
concern that disproportionately countries accelerate educational servic- girls under age 18 are forced
affects girls. Left unaddressed, es for marginalized adolescentgirls. into marriage, ripping away
anaemia has devastating
their right to a childhood.
consequences for childrens In Tajikistan, adolescent girls in
physical growth, mental UNICEF-supported secondary schools Produced with Bridal
development and school have formed peer groups to resist Musings, an influential
performance. In 2016, UNICEF socio-cultural barriers and stay in wedding blog, the video
partnered with national and school. In Afghanistan, the Girls garners some 31 million
state governments in India Access to Teacher Education project, views online.
to provide iron and folic acid backed by UNICEF, enrolled 718 girl
supplements to 85million students in teacher education in 2016
schoolchildren and 23million and gave them support in the form of
out-of-school adolescentgirls. scholarships andmentoring.

LEFT: A student sits in her primary

school classroom in Kimbirila-Sud, near
Odienn, Cte dIvoire.

For every child, results 55

Support for Batulas Choice: A practitioner becomes an anti-cutting
gender equality activist in Somalia

In the public sector,

Luxembourg a longtime

UNICEF supporter and one
of the first contributors to
its Gender Thematic Fund
continued to be a strong
advocate for gender equality in
the international arena in 2016.
This advocacy was consistent
with the governments past
support for the rights of girls
and women, including the
successful adoption of a gender
action plan by the Council of
the European Union when
Luxembourg held the councils
presidency in 2015.

@UNICEF: Batula Sid Barakow has been Community Care Programme, the
ADVOCACY IN 2016 working as a traditional birth workshop was part of UNICEFs
attendant for a quarter-century. work with local partners in Somalia
#GlobalGoals. Because of her experience and to educate communities about
Hosted by UNICEF in reputation, many families have gender-based violence and how
September, the first annual asked her to carry out female to prevent it.
genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) For 15 weeks, participants in
Global Goals Awards
on their daughters. the programme built awareness
honour three recipients for
This practice is deeply rooted about human rights, tolerance and
advancing gender equality: in Somalia, which has one of the justice. Through dialogue and dis-
Rebeca Gyumi, a Tanzanian worlds highest rates of FGM/C. cussion led by trained community
lawyer and activist against Fathers believed their daughters members, they arrived at some
child marriage; Yusra wont be married if theyre not solutions to the myriad problems of
cut, Batula recalled in December violence against women and girls.
Mardini, a young Syrian
2016. Mothers and grandmothers UNICEF and partners then helped
swimmer who saved fellow
were the ones who brought the them translate these solutions into
refugees from drowning girls to me, so that they can check concrete action.
in the Mediterranean; and the virginity of their daughters, In Batulas case, that meant
DoctHERS, a womens and she said. ending her involvement with geni-
girls health organization Although she conducted the tal mutilation and urging others to
procedure many times, Batula do the same. As a mother, it really
ultimately decided it was wrong. In pains me to see women suffering
fact, she became an activist against because of my past mistakes, she
cutting. This turnabout resulted said. I will make sure that none of
from a workshop she attended my granddaughters will go through
in Mogadishu. Held by the such pain.
ABOVE RIGHT: Batula Sid Barakow
(centre) talks about the harm caused by
female genital mutilation/cutting.


Gender dimensions of Ending childmarriage @UNICEF:
water andsanitation ADVOCACY IN 2016
While girls face disproportionate
UNICEF and partners focus on challenges globally, socio-cultural #DayOfTheGirl.
dignity, safety and health for girls practices like child marriage On the International Day of
and women by advocating better exacerbate gender inequities. the Girl in October, UNICEF
menstrual hygiene management Millions of underage girls are forced and partners point out that
in humanitarian crisis response, as into marriage every year.Akey
investing in progress for
wellas in school strategies for im- cross-sectoral priority of UNICEFs
proved water, sanitation and hygiene gender plan is ending child marriage the worlds 1.1 billion girls
(WASH). wherever itoccurs. under age 18 and improving
their health, education and
Asaresult of these efforts, To that end, UNICEF supported safety is good not only for
30countries adopted menstrual community outreach and advocacy them but also for society
hygiene targets in their schools efforts aimed at eliminating child
at large. However, gaps in
in 2016, while1.3million girls marriage in 12 target countries
in7,183schools gained access to during 2016, reaching1.7million disaggregated data on girls
WASH facilities. Such interven- people. In the course of the year, and young women constrain
tions are pivotal to girls ability to 22countries adopted national plans many countries capacity to
complete their education. At the to end thepractice. support them.
same time,3.2million women
and girls benefitted from improved UNICEFs communication tools,
facilities supported by UNICEF particularly in the digital realm,
inemergencysettings. also proved effective in the fight
against early marriage. In March
2016,aUNICEF video on the
topic went viral, garnering more
than 31million views online and
widely sharing the message that
early marriage isaserious violation
ofachildsrights. @UNICEFinnovation 2016
Mobile health apps

In South Africa, UNICEF

supports the scale-up of
MomConnect, an SMS-based
programme providing vital infor-
mation to improve health-care
Staying thecourse access, coverage and quality
for mothers and their children.
Throughout 2016, UNICEF continued expanding its internal capacity to As part of UNICEFs RapidPro
address gender issues at the headquarters, regional and country levels. mobile services platform,
Gender priorities were embedded in human resources, programme planning, MomConnect enhances the abil-
results monitoring and other core systems, and these efforts will be ity of female health workers to
maintained over the longterm. access information electronically
and answer incoming health que-
As the organizations Gender Action Plan approached its final full year of ries from women with prepared,
implementation, UNICEF channelled resources to take gender programming accurate responses. A mobile
to scale and demonstrate results. To build on the positive impact achieved to health app to improve quality of
date, the plan requires staying the coursenot only through 2017 but also in care provided by midwives is
the ensuingyears. launched as well.

For every child, results 57




Children wearing backpacks supplied by UNICEF walk home after school at the Minawao
refugee camp in Northern Cameroon. Conflict and violence in north-east Nigeria have
triggered widespread displacement and a severe humanitarian crisis in the region.
Throughout 2016a historically difficult and dangerous year for
childrenUNICEF and its partners mobilized the strategic thinking,
technical capacity and ingenuity necessary to deliver critical supplies
and integrated services where and when they were needed most.
Achieving significant savings through market influence and strategic
focus, UNICEF maintained its reputation as the lead agency in
delivering cost-effective, high-quality supplies for vulnerable

Following are highlights of Rapid delivery

UNICEFs extensive supply inemergencies
operations in 2016. These
activities spannedawide Although UNICEF procures most
spectrum, from urgent of its supplies and services for
humanitarian action to ongoing programmes, humanitarian
forward-looking support for situations test its capacity to deliver
sustainable development. supplies quickly and effectively. For
What they had in common all rapid-onset emergencies in 2016,
was an underlying imperative UNICEF made initial deliveries ready BELOW: Families carry supplies
to reach every child in need for pick-up within 48 hours and fromUNICEF and the World Food
or atrisk. supplies arrived at entry points in Programme at a distribution point
receiving countries within 72hours. ineastern Mosul, Iraq.


For every child, essential supplies 59

In total, UNICEF procured more Supplies for child and
than US$379million worth maternalhealth
@UNICEFinnovation 2016 of supplies with emergency
#UNICEFinnovate fundsincluding supplies to Even as it responds to emergencies,
help address major crises in the UNICEF fast-tracks the procurement
Central African Republic, Iraq, of life-saving vaccines and other
In February, the UNICEF South Sudan, the Syrian Arab health supplies and services around
Innovation Fund invites Republic and Yemen. In addition, the world. Total health-related pro-
technology start-ups to apply UNICEF dispatched emergency curement amounted to US$2.2bil-
for support in developing new nutrition supplies and polio lion in2016.
approaches to the pressing vaccines to Nigeria; essential
problems of vulnerable children supplies for households affected More than half of the total, or
in low- and middle-income by Hurricane Matthew in Haiti and US$1.6 billion, was for vaccine
countries. The Fund focuses on bya7.8 magnitude earthquake in procurement. That translates
products and applications geared Ecuador; urgently needed yellow into2.5 billion vaccine doses,
towards improved learning and fever vaccine to Angola and the reaching 45percent of the worlds
youth participation; real-time Democratic Republic of the Congo; children under age5. Together
data on childrens well-being; and critical support for child with Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance,
and increased youth access to refugees and migrants inEurope. and the Bill&Melinda Gates
services and information. Foundation, UNICEF also used its
Freight forwarders and partners leverage to halve the price of pen-
supported the successful transport tavalent vaccineprotecting young
and distribution of supplies procured children against five deadly but
by UNICEF. Free cargo space preventablediseases.
provided by the UPS Foundation
for airlifts to Ecuador, Haiti and Such price reductions provide
South Sudanand by Panalpina savings for donors who fund
Air Freight for supply delivery immunization in the poorest
to Chadsupplemented the countries, and for governments
emergencyresponse. of lower-middle-income countries
that self-finance their vaccine
procurement. In 2016, the total
Safe water andsanitation amount of savings reached
Amidst increasing demand in
vulnerable communities, UNICEF In addition, UNICEF continued to
procured US$108.2million in offer market leadership through
water, sanitation and hygiene international consultations with
supplies in 2016. Among many vaccine manufacturers and partners,
other items, these supplies includingaconsultation on diagnostic
included nearly1.5billion water tools and development ofavaccine
purification tablets, and flocculation for the Zikavirus.
and chlorination sachets capable
of treating 35 billion litres of water, Other health supplies procured
as well as more than 1million by UNICEF included 691.3million
hygienekits. safe-injection syringes for
immunization, 41.3million
Meanwhile, with an eye on envi- insecticide-treated nets to protect
ronmentally sustainable solutions, children and families against
UNICEF conductedaglobal review malaria, and US$160.6million in
of the procurement and use of pharmaceuticals. The latter amount
solar-powered water pumps. The included US$49.5million for
review confirmed the versatility and antiretroviral medicines to prevent
efficacy of thesetechnologies. and treat HIV andAIDS.


Child nutrition and Learning andinclusion
In the education sector, UNICEF
UNICEF procuredatotal of US$151mil- procured US$83.8million worth of
lion in nutrition-related supplies in 2016, supplies in 2016. Among other items,
while increasing local procurement of it delivered nearly 119,000 education
ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) kits (comprising kits for recreation
for the children most inneed. and early childhood development,
plus standard and country-specific
Localized sourcing reduces inequality classroom kits). The kits were
and promotes economic develop- shipped to 63countries.
ment in low- and middle-income
countriesnot only in terms of And UNICEFs commitment to
nutrition supplies but also in all inclusion was reflected by the
otherprogrammesectors. addition of accessibility-friendly
itemssuch as magnifying glasses,
Fifteen years ago, for example, inflatable play balls with bells
the worlds supply of RUTF came inside, and braille materialsto its
fromasingle European manufactur- educationkits.
er. UNICEF worked with partners
and local manufacturers to estab- UNICEF supplied numerous
lishawider supply source in countries school construction and rehabil-
with high rates of child malnutrition. itation projects as well. In fact,
In 2016, 18 manufacturers provided UNICEF-supported construction
UNICEF with 33,330 tonnes of RUTF, in all programme areasfrom
56percent of which originated from education to child protection,
suppliers inprogrammecountries. health, nutrition, and water and
sanitationexperienced record
UNICEF also procured1.2 billion growth in 2016. Most construction
sachets of multiple micronutrient projects took place in countries
powders and distributed 429million experiencing emergencies, or
doses of vitaminAsupplements. inpost-conflictenvironments.

LEFT: Samiullha, age 2, smiles

after being treated for severe acute
malnutrition at Indira Gandhi Childrens
Hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan.

For every child, essential supplies 61



UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Liam Neeson (centre) and UNICEF Jordan Country
Representative Robert Jenkins (right) greet children on a market street in the Zaatari refugee
camp in Jordan, near the Syrian border. Zaatari is the largest such camp in the country.
Funded entirely by voluntary contributions, UNICEF hasastrong
history of collaborative efforts with both governments and the
private sector along with individual supporters and prominent
advocates, including Goodwill Ambassadors. The results outlined
in this report were made possible byadiverse range of partners
who seekafair chance in life for every child. The breadth of the
organizations work is testimony to the strength of these alliances.

UNICEF received total revenue The top five public-sector @UNICEF:

of nearly US$4.9 billion from resource partners in 2016, by
its resource partners in 2016. revenue, were the United States
Public-sector revenue amounted of America, the United Kingdom, #BillionBrains.
to US$3.32 billionincluding the European Commission, In November, the Third
contributions from governments, Germany and Sweden. The top
High-Level Meeting on
inter-governmental arrangements, five National Committees were
international financial institutions, those in the United States, South-South Cooperation
and United Nations partnerships. Japan, the Republic of Korea, for Child Rights in Asia-
Private-sector contributions from Germany and Sweden. In terms Pacific convenes officials
UNICEF National Committees, pri- of per capita contributions for from 26 countries in a region
vate companies, individual donors, the year, Norway, Sweden, that is home to 1billion
non-governmental organizations Luxembourg, Iceland and
children. Organized by the
and foundations came to about the Netherlands topped
US$1.45billion. thelist. Government of Malaysia
and UNICEF, the meeting
highlights the vast potential
of those children to help the

region achieve the global

goals by 2030.

LEFT: Malak, age 4, waits in line during

an aid distribution in Iraq.

Partnership and stewardship 63

Total UNICEF revenue by source and funding type, 2016*
(in millions of US dollars)

Private sector and

Governments: organizations:

$562 (12%) $629 (13%)

Regular resources Regular resources

$2,410 (49%) $815 (17%)

Other resources Other resources
million Inter-organizational

$346 (7%)
Other resources

$121 (2%)
* The figures for 2016 are provisional and are subject to audit. Other revenue**
** Other revenue includes income from interest, procurement and other sources.
Note: Numbers may not add up because of rounding.

@UNICEF: Flexible, barrier created by separate

ADVOCACY IN 2016 predictablefunding financingstreams for humani-
tarian action and development
#EarlyMomentsMatter. Fromabudgetary standpoint, work.Aflexible, predictable funding
In October, The Lancet UNICEFs revenue from all sources base, provided through Regular
publishes a commentary by is divided into Regular Resources, Resources, helps the organization
which are unrestricted, and Other achieve results for the most
UNICEF, the World Health
Resources, which are limited to vulnerablechildren.
Organization and the World specific programmes and themes.
Bank Group to introduce In 2016, Regular Resources stood The Government of Sweden
a special issue on early at 27percent asaproportion of doubled its contribution of this
childhood development. UNICEFs total revenue. This rep- type of funding in 2016, making
The commentary notes that resented an increase of 4percent it the second-largest contributor
over 2015 and, it is hoped, indicates to Regular Resources, behind the
an estimated 250 million
an upward trend for thefuture. United States. The third-largest
children under age 5 in low- contributor came from the family
income and middle-income Because they are not earmarked, of UNICEF National Committees,
countries risk falling behind Regular Resources allow UNICEF specifically Japana testament
due to adversities in their to respond quickly to emerging to the private-sector support that
formative years. challenges and invest in innovative UNICEFs mandategenerates.
solutions. Such flexibility helps
break down the often-limiting


Support for humanitarian action. For example,
humanitarianaction UNICEFs Emergency Programme
Fund,arevolving loan facility, @UNICEF:
The scale and complexity of the released $26million to 14 Country Support for the
crises facing the worlds children Offices and three Regional Offices worldschildren
today underscore the need to rapidly prevent or respond
forabroad resourcebase. tocrises. The United States was the
largest overall donor to
In 2016, UNICEFs resource UNICEF in 2016, contributing
partnersgenerously responded to Private-sectorresources US$658.6 million. In addition,
multiple emergencies by providing the Government of the United
US$1.6 billion in total revenue for In the private sector, UNICEF States contributed the most
humanitarian action. The United worksclosely with multinational resources for humanitarian
States continued to rank as the larg- corporations, national companies response and was the largest
est government donor to UNICEF and small- to medium-sized funder to UNICEFs flexible
humanitarian operations, while the businesses to identify, design and Regular Resources, which
Netherlands was the largest govern- implement alliances that leverage provide the foundation for
ment to do so through highlyflexible the strengths of business on itsoperations.
thematicfunding. behalf of the worlds children. In UNICEF relies on United
turn, UNICEF helps companies States leadership in the
In addition to earmarked resources strengthen their commitment to exchange of technical ideas and
destined for emergencies in 2016, the communities in which they knowledge as well. It works
UNICEF used its unrestricted operate, and achieve greater closely with technical partners
Regular Resources to support socialresponsibility. in government agencies such
as USAID and the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.
The people and Government
of Sweden are also longtime

champions for children,

engaging with UNICEF across
awide range of activities from
overall development cooperation
to humanitarian action. In an
unprecedented move, Sweden
doubled its contribution to
UNICEFs Regular Resources
in 2016, making it the second
largest government resource
partner in terms of those
unrestricted funds.

LEFT: A Syrian boy forms a line with

other children at the temporary education
centre in Nizip-1 refugee camp in
Gaziantep, Turkey.

Partnership and stewardship 65

By working with UNICEF, compa- As one of the largest buyers of
nies support long-term programmes supplies for children, UNICEF saw
@UNICEF: and emergency relief efforts alike, its largest savings to date through
Support for the and help to advocate for issues that market influence and targeted
worldschildren are vital tochildren. procurement in 2016, with many
supplies provided locally. It part-
Sweden is a leader in thematic In 2016, UNICEF celebrated nered with other United Nations
funding for UNICEF, through anniversaries with two of its agencies on most procurements
which the country gave best-known and longest running and continued working with them
significantly to water, sanitation private-sector partnerships. to simplify and harmonize business
and hygiene, child protection Change for Good support- processesgenerally.
and other programmes. Swedish ed by Aer Lingus, American
support has allowed UNICEF to Airlines, All Nippon Airways, Usingamix of strategies to achieve
advance gender and disability Asiana Airlines, Cathay Pacific, results, UNICEF maintained an
rights with regard to water and easyJet, Hainan Airlines, Japan emphasis on building capacity
sanitation, and to respond to Airlines and QANTAShas raised and generating relevant evidence
humanitarian needs in countries US$150million globally in 25years and data in all country-level opera-
in crisis such as the Syrian of operation. Meanwhile, Ftbol tions. In the process, it supported
ArabRepublic. Club Barcelona,avalued partner for efforts by national governments
UNICEF and the World Bank 10years, renewed its commitment and the international community
Group (WBG), meanwhile, have to UNICEF through 2020 and will to establishacredible baseline
committed to stronger and be providing 2million annually to for the Sustainable Development
more systematic collaboration thepartnership. Goalswith an emphasis on
through the development of child-focused data, disaggregated
a new Strategic Partnership UNICEF continued to raise by disability, migration status, urban
Framework. The partnership funds and awareness through its or rural location, household wealth
focuses on investments in 34National Committees, which and otherfactors.
early childhood development; account for up to one third of overall
data, research and policy funding. Financial support also In terms of expenditures in
work; and improved service came from greeting card and other 2016, UNICEF programmes in
delivery and social protection product sales carried out in partner- sub-Saharan Africa accounted for
for every child including ship with Hallmark, Editor, Pictura just over half of the total, consistent
adolescents, and refugee andBelarto. with 2015. Least developed coun-
andmigrantchildren. tries also accounted for about half
UNICEF and WBG have Strengthening of the yearsexpenses.
also reached a breakthrough performance
in leveraging resources from UNICEF extends its deepest
the International Development To make the most of its resources, appreciation to all the partners
Association for operations in UNICEF has adopted results-based who provided financial resources
fragile and crisis-affected states. management practices driven and other support in 2016. Their
And WBG helped UNICEF by its strategic objectives. It has generosity and commitment play
support country-level results in also focused persistentlyand an indispensable part in reaching
immunization, health-system successfullyon achieving the worlds most vulnerable and
strengthening and nutrition in efficiency and transparency in disadvantaged children, wherever
the Democratic Republic of its processes. UNICEF ranked theyare.
the Congo, Egypt, Haiti, Mali, third out of 46 major aid organiza-
Nigeria and Yemen in 2016. tions worldwide in the 2016 Aid


Top 30 resource partners by revenue, 2016
(in millions of US dollars)

Regular Emergency
United States 133 121 405 659
United Kingdom 50 175 176 401
European Commission/ECHO 199 94 293
United States (NC)**** 32 204 36 272
Germany 11 23 192 226
Sweden 117 70 37 224
Norway 52 109 45 207
Japan 17 52 124 194
Canada 13 71 65 149
Japan (NC) 110 11 16 137
Netherlands 31 44 57 132
United Nations Office for the Coordination of
129 129
Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA)*
Republic of Korea (NC) 79 16 95
Germany (NC) 36 23 35 94
Sweden (NC) 40 35 3 77
United Kingdom (NC) 26 29 21 75
GAVI Alliance 71 71
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)** 31 37 68
Spain (NC) 51 9 8 68
France (NC) 41 13 6 60
Netherlands (NC) 44 8 5 57
Global Partnership for Education 54 54
United Nations Development Group joint programme 48 1 49
Italy (NC) 39 2 4 46
Denmark 21 5 14 40
Democratic Republic of the Congo*** 38 38
Australia 16 13 8 37
Switzerland 23 10 4 36
Republic of Korea 4 25 2 32
Belgium 19 1 9 29

* Revenue from UNOCHA includes $104 million related to the Central Emergency Response Fund
(CERF) and $25 million related to other sources.
** Revenue from UNDP includes $24 million related to the Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF)
and$44 million related to One Funds and JointProgrammes.
*** Funding provided to the Democratic Republic of the Congo by GAVI Alliance.
**** National Committee.
Note: Numbers may not add up because of rounding.

Partnership and stewardship 67

Top 10 countries by donor and funding type, 2016*
(in millions of US dollars)







United United Japan Germany Sweden Norway Canada Republic France
States Kingdom of Korea

Government: Regular resources Private Sector: Regular resources

Government: Other resources Private Sector: Other resources

* Includes contributions from governments and UNICEF National Committees; excludes intergovernmental, non-governmental,
inter-organizational and pooled funds contributions.
Note: Numbers may not add up because of rounding.

UNICEF revenue, 20082016*

(in millions of US dollars)









2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016**

Regular resources Other resources (regular) Other resources (emergency)

* Prior to 2012 and International Public Sector Accounting Standards adoption, UNICEF issued Financial Statements every two years.
** The figures for 2016 are provisional and are subject to audtit.


Per capita contributions to UNICEF, 2016*
Member countries of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC)
of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
(in US dollars)

Norway 41.44

Sweden 30.41

Luxembourg 20.76

Iceland 20.54

Netherlands 11.11

Denmark 10.77

United Kingdom 7.31

Switzerland 6.35

Finland 6.12

Ireland 5.85

Canada 4.50

Germany 3.97

Belgium 3.67

United States 2.87

Japan 2.62

Republic of Korea 2.50

New Zealand 2.30

Australia 2.16

Spain 1.48

France 1.21

Italy 1.13

Austria 0.79

Portugal 0.55

Slovenia 0.49

Czech Republic 0.35

Hungary 0.24

Greece 0.19

Slovak Republic 0.18

Poland 0.13
$0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45

* Includes contributions from governments and UNICEF National Committees.

Partnership and stewardship 69

Thematic contributions, 20152016
(in millions of US dollars)


Health 15 13
HIV/AIDS and Children 7 8
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 49 36
Nutrition 10 3
Education 83 96
Child protection 18 19
Social inclusion 4 6
Gender equality 1
Humanitarian action 204 145
Total 390 326

Note: Numbers may not add up because of rounding.

Private foundations and major donors contributing $100,000 or more

to UNICEF programmes in 2016

Al Fakhoora Fatima Fund Japan Committee Vaccines for the Michael Rosenberg
Alana USA Foundation FIA Foundation Worlds Children Rotary Foundation of Rotary
Alwaleed Philanthropies Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Pasi Joronen International
Auridis Fondation Blanchecape sous lgide Milky, Shintaro and Kenta Kambara Claudia Rocca Ryan
Big Lottery Fund de la Fondation de France Kiwanis International Foundation/ Barbara and Edward Shapiro
The Bill & Melinda Gates Fondation Botnar Kiwanis International H.H. Sheikha Moza bint Nasser
Foundation Fondation Espoir, under the aegis of LDS Charities Al-Missned
Giuseppe Boccalatte Fondation de Luxembourg Sang-Rok Lee Soroptimist International the
Susan and Dan Boggio Friedhelm-Wilmes Foundation Ms. Ta Leoni Netherlands
Charlotte and Peter Bolland Fundacin Carlos Slim Penny and Paul Loyd Amanda Staveley
Cathal Ryan Trust Fundacin Leo Messi Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies Anna Lisa Stiftung
Child & Tree Fund G. Barrie Landry and the Landry Aditya and Megha Mittal United Nations Foundation
Childrens Investment Fund Family Foundation The Morgan Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Foundation The Garrett Family Foundation National Philanthropic Trust Program
Comic Relief George Lucas Family Foundation New Era Educational and Charitable William and Flora Hewlett
Dubai Cares GHR Foundation Foundation Foundation
Educate a Child (EAC), a programme The Global Alliance for TB Drug Oak Foundation Worldwide Charity for Children
of the Education Above All Development Obel Family Foundation Bradley Yam
Foundation Gratitude to the Water Foundation The One Foundation Christina Zilber
The ELEVA Foundation Hartog Foundation Onyx Partners Zonta International Foundation
ELMA Philanthropies The Houssian Foundation Operakllaren Foundation
Elton John AIDS Foundation Alan Howard The Power of Nutrition
Richard Emmet IKEA Foundation Radiohjlpen


Corporate sector alliances contributing $100,000 or more to UNICEF programmes in 2016
MULTI-COUNTRY ALLIANCES Wella (Coty) Merrimac Consulting Romania
Alex and Ani Retail LLC Western Union Foundation Indonesia Dedeman
Amadeus [Iberia LAE S.A. (Spain), Indomarco Prismatama, Pharmnet Plus
Finnair (Finland), Norwegian Air NATIONAL ALLIANCES PT Indomaret Serbia
Shuttle (Norway)] Argentina UNICEF Ireland Nordeus
ARM Holdings ACE Seguros Primark Limited Spanish Committee for UNICEF
Belarto Banelco Banco Santander
Italian Committee for UNICEF
Bestseller Australian Committee El Cortes Ingls
Agos Ducato S.p.A.
"la Caixa" Banking Foundation forUNICEF FOXY - Industrie Cartarie Tronchetti
Aspiag Services S.r.l.
The Cartier Charitable Foundation IKEA Iberica, SLU
UBI Banca
Change for Good [Aer Lingus MMG Ltd. Fundacin Aquae
(Ireland), All Nippon Airways Japan Committee for UNICEF Fundacin Iberostar
(Japan), American Airlines (US), Belgian Committee for UNICEF AEON 1% Club Foundation
Umicore Fundacin LFP
Asiana, Airlines (Republic of The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Fundacin Probitas
Korea), Cathay Pacific (Hong Brazil UFJ,Ltd. Tubacex
Kong, China), Cebu Pacific Air Petrobras Consumers' Co-Operative Kobe
Unilever Brazil Consumers' Co-Operative Mirai Swedish Committee for UNICEF
(Philippines), easyJet, (United
Consumers Co-op Sapporo Bryns Hockey
Kingdom), Japan Airlines, Bulgaria
Co-op Net Business Association Foretag for Malawi
(Japan), Hainan Airlines (China), Happy Bar & Grill Gina Tricot
Qantas Airways Ltd. (Australia)]
Canadian UNICEF Committee Fuji Television Network, Inc. (FNS IKEA
Claires Europe
Pier 1 Imports Charity Campaign) Millicom
Cubus AS
Teck Resources Ltd. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. M-magasin
DLA Piper
China IDOM Inc. NCC AB
ET Solar Group ITOHAM FOODS Inc. Svenska PostkodLotteriet
Fundacin FCBarcelona
Groupe Editor Haier Group Japanese Consumers' Swiss Committee for UNICEF
Gucci Porsche (China) Motors Ltd. Co-operativeUnion Roche Employee Action and
H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB Colombia Kao Corporation CharityTrust
H&M Foundation Grupo Familia Mitsuboshi Belting Ltd. Thailand
Hallmark Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. Central Food Retail Co., Ltd.
Danish Committee for UNICEF
Humble Bundle Nippon Life Insurance Company Sansiri Public Company Ltd.
Hempel Foundation
ING Oriental Land Co., Ltd.
Novo Fonden Turkish National Committee
Dutch Committee for UNICEF forUNICEF
Kantar Group Sugarlady Co., Ltd.
Gemeente Den Haag TEB
Kimberly-Clark Foundation Sumitomo Mitsui Banking
The LEGO Foundation Nationale Postcode Loterij Corporation United Kingdom Committee
The LEGO Group Ecuador Sumitomo Mitsui Card forUNICEF
LINE Plus Cooperation Diners Club International Company,Ltd. ATP
Louis Vuitton Malletier Hyundai U CO-OP Consumer BT Group plc
MAC AIDS Fund Co-OperativeSociety Burberry plc
Marks & Spencer plc Volvic Clarks
Meli Hotels International DeepMind Technologies Inc
Paletti Korean Committee for UNICEF
MSC Cruises S.A. EMC Europe
France BGF Retail
Nordic Choice Hotels AS Ethical Tea Partnership
AXA CJ Donorscamp
Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA GDS Services International Ltd
Clairefontaine Daehong Communications
Philips Foundation London Stock Exchange
Fondation LOral DFD Fashiongroup
Pictura Manchester United Football Club
Gmo Dongsuh Foods Co Ltd
Privalia Venta Directa S.A. Pearson plc
Korea Seven
Procter & Gamble (Pampers) German Committee for UNICEF Twinings
Lotte Giants
Star Wars: Force for Change BASF Stiftung VitalityHealth
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Deutsche Telekom AG United States Fund for UNICEF
(nowMarriott International, Inc.) Applied Medical
United Internet for UNICEF Banco Compartamos
(Check Out for Children, Road Becton Dickinson Pharmaceutical
Foundation Grupo Financiero Santander
to Awareness, Make a Green Systems
Laboratorios Liomont
Choice) Greek Committee for UNICEF The Container Store
Telenor Group Olympiacos GE Foundation
International Zinc Association
The UPS Foundation Hong Kong Committee Georgia-Pacific
Unilever (The Unilever Foundation Norwegian Committee Johnson & Johnson, Inc.
and Domestos) Chow Tai Fook Jewellery LOral USA Giorgio Armani
UNIQLO KIWI Norge AS Fragrances
Vertbaudet Philippines Pfizer Inc.
Volvic India Johnson & Johnson Prudential Foundation
The Walt Disney Company Exide Industries Procter & Gamble Revive Missions
Johnson & Johnson

Partnership and stewardship 71

Top 20 National Committee donors, 2016
(in thousands of US dollars)


United States 31,720 240,456 272,176
Japan 110,224 26,566 136,790
Republic of Korea 78,723 15,800 94,523
Germany 36,471 57,924 94,395
Sweden 39,547 37,595 77,142
United Kingdom 25,833 49,317 75,149
Spain 51,227 16,671 67,898
France 41,267 18,750 60,017
Netherlands 44,026 13,260 57,285
Italy 39,181 6,505 45,685
Denmark 9,490 12,198 21,688
Hong Kong, China 13,294 6,482 19,776
Finland 12,541 6,891 19,431
Switzerland 5,520 11,549 17,069
Australia 9,916 5,773 15,689
Canada 5,556 9,054 14,610
Norway 8,615 4,449 13,064
Belgium 10,669 2,374 13,043
Ireland 3,095 2,753 5,848
Portugal 3,873 1,680 5,553

Note: Numbers may not add up because of rounding.

Total UNICEF revenue by source of funding, 2015

(in US dollars)


Regular resources Other resources

Public sector Private sector Public sector Private sector
Inter- Inter-
National Other National Other
Government organizational Government organizational Total
Committees contributions Committees contributions
arrangements arrangements
Donors 562,044,108 599,685,163 28,801,379 2,113,670,374 555,711,479 153,363,620 4,013,276,123
(487,951) 296,474,300 295,986,349
898,262 106,188,045 107,086,307
organizational 1,290 345,931,069 345,932,359
Other revenue* 121,416,576
Grand Total 561,556,157 1,290 599,685,163 29,699,641 2,410,144,674 345,931,069 555,711,479 259,551,665 4,883,697,713

* Other revenue includes income from interest, procurement and other sources.


(Public sector: government)

Regular resources Other resources

Public sector Private sector Public sector Private sector
National Other National Other
Donors Government Government Total
Committees contributions Committees contributions
Total 562,044,108 599,685,163 28,801,379 2,113,670,374 555,711,479 153,363,620 4,013,276,123
Afghanistan 70,256 17,390,460 17,460,716
Algeria 24,000 24,000
Andorra 27,723 366,594 79,395 218,108 691,819
Angola 1,660,000 1,660,000
Argentina 180,000 9,952,177 17,566,241 27,698,419
Armenia 116,590 116,590
Australia 15,801,354 9,915,710 20,976,024 5,773,084 52,466,172
Austria 1,158,096 2,682,126 2,236,031 706,644 6,782,896
Azerbaijan 160,000 160,000
Bahrain - 25,200 25,200
Bangladesh 35,725 1,276 - 37,001
Barbados 185,000 - 185,000
Belgium 19,041,292 10,669,097 9,748,196 2,374,093 41,832,678
Belize 112,500 112,500
Benin 24,124 24,124
Bhutan 13,118 706 13,824
(Plurinational 40,000 496 225,000 70,003 335,499
State of)
Brazil 1,618,600 1,360,963 205,882 8,723,497 11,908,942
Bulgaria 75,500 142,908 189,316 1,186,754 1,594,478
Burkina Faso 2,393 913,239 915,632
Burundi 7,010,940 7,010,940
Cabo Verde 350,000 350,000
Cambodia 64,929 64,929
Cameroon 52,078 2,799,530 2,851,608
Canada 12,898,089 5,556,217 135,927,304 9,054,176 163,435,786
Central African
60,775 523,910 716,400 1,301,085
Chad 3,830 3,719,160 - 3,722,990
Chile 77,000 679,642 1,949,378 2,706,020
China 1,629,018 646,098 9,473,212 11,748,327
Colombia 999,831 352,668 3,612,291 4,964,789
Comoros 70,000 870,889 940,889
Congo 748,450 1,423,749 2,172,199
Costa Rica 28,562 53,519 82,081
Cte d'Ivoire 12,600 3,985,758 3,998,358
Croatia 52,387 351,582 2,846,493 3,250,462
Cyprus 21,400 21,400
Czech Republic 2,731,338 114,513 823,632 3,669,483
130,070 130,070
Republic of
Republic of the 319,321 37,644,062 236,882 38,200,264
Denmark 20,956,020 9,490,204 18,766,925 12,198,155 - 61,411,303

Partnership and stewardship 73

Total UNICEF revenue by source of funding, 2016, continued

Regular resources Other resources

Public sector Private sector Public sector Private sector
National Other National Other
Donors Government Government Total
Committees contributions Committees contributions
88,000 298,057 386,057
Ecuador 5,000 5,074,016 5,079,016
Egypt 3,959 499,958 165,189 669,105
104,305 - 104,305
Estonia 629,815 629,815
Ethiopia 311,751 - 311,751
Finland 6,084,071 12,540,677 8,171,741 6,890,587 33,687,075
France 3,869,625 41,267,279 14,191,046 18,749,952 78,077,902
Gabon 89,452 - 89,452
Gambia 25,000 25,000
Georgia 158,500 18,000 2,678 179,178
Germany 10,868,976 36,471,042 215,315,825 57,923,649 320,579,492
Ghana 148,512 148,512
Greece 1,781,894 316,583 2,098,478
Guinea 350,000 1,895,528 2,245,528
Guinea-Bissau 621,000 - 621,000
Haiti 4,032,620 4,032,620
Honduras 23,998 23,998
Hong Kong,
13,294,463 6,481,805 19,776,268
Hungary 1,824,232 211,545 160,519 204,021 2,400,316
Iceland 875,000 3,223,611 1,400,000 662,391 6,161,001
India 943,352 37,691 579,110 6,598,185 8,158,337
Indonesia 164,385 659,629 5,395,632 6,219,646
Iran (Islamic
53,099 665 53,764
Republic of)
Iraq 48,785 86,100 134,885
Ireland 8,213,208 3,094,598 13,427,594 2,753,311 27,488,712
Israel 100,000 54,581 154,581
Italy 4,945,995 39,180,843 17,154,388 6,504,642 67,785,868
Japan 17,338,522 110,223,855 176,674,302 26,566,372 330,803,051
Jordan 2,000,000 28,700 2,028,700
Kazakhstan 276,970 276,970
Kenya 150,000 169,875 319,875
Kuwait 200,000 8,050,000 18,238 8,268,238
Kyrgyzstan 50,000 50,000
Lesotho 120,000 120,000
Liberia 28,722 28,722
Liechtenstein 25,907 98,717 124,623
Lithuania 5,700 129,627 36,148 171,475
Luxembourg 2,906,022 837,348 6,988,778 1,723,172 12,455,320
Madagascar 1,000,000 1,000,000
Malawi 6,327,535 6,327,535
Malaysia 362,735 7,130,266 100,000 4,821,634 12,414,634
Mali 108,500 12,318,289 26,433 12,453,222
Malta 66,174 66,174
Mauritania 20,610 - 20,610
Mexico 214,000 475,404 2,000,000 25,258,045 27,947,450
Monaco 27,933 276,211 304,144
Mongolia 83,391 83,391


Total UNICEF revenue by source of funding, 2016, continued

Regular resources Other resources

Public sector Private sector Public sector Private sector
National Other National Other
Donors Government Government Total
Committees contributions Committees contributions
Montenegro 18,912 18,912
Morocco 100,265 10 100,275
Mozambique 18,726 18,726
Myanmar 43,078 43,078
Namibia 120,000 120,000
Nepal 4,800,000 15,000 4,815,000
Netherlands 31,333,777 44,025,879 100,294,380 13,259,612 188,913,648
New Caledonia 66,232 66,232
New Zealand 4,319,534 1,002,398 2,457,599 2,800,708 10,580,240
Nicaragua 42,500 - 42,500
Niger 4,000 1,192,483 1,196,483
Nigeria 1,643,105 24,185,075 1,129,012 26,957,191
Norway 52,218,021 8,614,575 154,353,588 4,449,495 219,635,679
Oman 900,000 900,000
Pakistan 54,766 5,182,240 5,237,006
Panama 741,750 300,000 1,041,750
Paraguay 216,802 1,260,718 1,477,520
Peru 37,185 884,631 921,816
Philippines 50,958 801,133 4,596,596 5,448,687
Poland 1,933,658 1,233,508 1,840,196 5,007,363
Portugal 20,000 3,872,526 109,520 1,680,374 5,682,420
Qatar 500,000 20,563,758 21,063,758
Republic of
3,900,000 78,723,055 27,843,758 15,800,308 126,267,121
Republic of
60,000 60,000
Romania 50,000 13,524 133,185 2,801,831 2,998,540
1,000,000 7,918,372 23,215 8,941,587
Sao Tome and
19,500 19,500
Saudi Arabia 1,144,200 17,799,733 10,131,454 29,075,388
Senegal 107,829 107,829
Serbia 16,750 557,414 469,309 1,043,473
Sierra Leone 384,000 993,036 1,377,036
Singapore 50,000 5,989 55,989
Slovakia 61,617 620,068 271,792 953,476
Slovenia 30,375 749,081 67,458 179,121 1,026,036
Somalia 583,000 583,000
South Africa 95,000 326 1,020,557 1,115,883
South Sudan 189,348 169,150 358,498
Spain 51,227,261 244,636 16,670,809 68,142,706
Sri Lanka 15,500 3,227 18,727
Sudan 131,400 86,100 217,500
Sweden 116,968,664 39,546,848 106,899,851 37,595,229 301,010,591
Switzerland 22,805,936 5,520,039 13,429,247 11,548,648 53,303,869
Tajikistan 32,400 371,978 404,378
Thailand 462,636 3,674,967 11,044,138 15,181,741
The former
51,000 51,000
Republic of
Timor-Leste 100,000 31,500 131,500

Partnership and stewardship 75

Total UNICEF revenue by source of funding, 2016, continued

Regular resources Other resources

Public sector Private sector Public sector Private sector
National Other National Other
Donors Government Government Total
Committees contributions Committees contributions
Togo 26,000 1,249,000 1,275,000
Tunisia 20,875 20,875
Turkey 204,835 1,095,862 1,000,000 1,057,351 3,358,048
Turkmenistan 62,500 62,500
Uganda 469,000 469,000
Ukraine 313,202 313,202
United Arab
100,000 95 554,043 1,862,179 2,516,317
United Kingdom 50,000,000 25,832,687 350,631,429 49,316,716 475,780,832
United Republic
22,000 132,602 154,602
of Tanzania
United States 132,500,000 31,719,730 526,085,655 240,455,961 - 930,761,346
Uruguay 72,450 1,383,968 1,959,974 3,416,392
Uzbekistan 310,000 97,865 407,865
(Bolivarian 92,662 92,662
Republic of)
Viet Nam 34,254 4,080 38,334
Yemen 3,610,983 3,610,983
Zambia 257,520 257,520
Zimbabwe 47,040 47,040
Other (28,311) (28,311)
(2,212,035) 2,215,807 430,141 845,048 (1,229,947) 274,978 323,992
Total 659,833,529 546,720,709 24,784,365 2,166,523,205 575,802,769 132,556,182 4,106,220,759


(Public sector: government)

Revenue adjustments (487,951)

Regular resources
Subtotal (487,951)
European Commission (ECHO) 293,318,980
OPEC fund 350,000
Other resources
UNITAID 2,200,080
Revenue adjustments 605,240
Subtotal 296,474,300
Total 295,986,349

(Private sector: other contributions)

Columbia University 11,265

Regular resources Other 886,997
Subtotal 898,262
The Alexander Bodini Foundation 60,000
Alliance Cte d'Ivoire 767,127
GAVI Alliance 70,747,919
Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) 30,505,030
Other resources
Micronutrient Initiative (MI) 7,577,172
Partners in Health 115,000
Other 886,997
Revenue adjustments (4,471,200)
Subtotal 106,188,045
Total 107,086,307

Partnership and stewardship 77

(Public sector: Inter-organizational arrangements)

Revenue adjustments 1,290

Regular resources
Subtotal 1,290
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 559,079
Global Partnership for Education 54,425,390
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) 818,640
International Organization for Migration (IOM) 1,782,723
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 9,078,256
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 27,450
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) 14,761
United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations 63,316
United Nations Development Group joint programmes 49,046,029
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 67,899,955
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 70,000
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) 1,614,632
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 259,533
Other resources
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat) 14,550
United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) 4,326,833
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) 129,225,865
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) 1,512,434
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) 12,637,629
United Nations Secretariat 148,000
United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO) 25,000
United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS) 984,433
United Nations Women's Guild (UNWG) 20,000
World Bank 100,000
World Food Programme (WFP) 2,135,500
World Health Organization (WHO) 11,615,356
Revenue adjustments (2,474,295)
Subtotal 345,931,069
Total 345,932,359

Total 121,416,576


* Other revenue includes income from interest, procurement and other sources.
Note: Numbers may not add up because of rounding.


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BELOW: Eritrean children from
families seeking asylum play at the
Cara reception centre for refugees and
migrants in Mineo, Sicily.


For every child
Whoever she is.
Wherever he lives.
Every child deserves a childhood.
A future.
A fair chance.
That s why UNICEF is there.
For each and ever y child.
Working day in and day out.
In 190 countries and territories.
Reaching the hardest to reach.
The furthest from help.
The most left behind.
The most excluded.
Its why we stay to the end.
And never give up.

Published by UNICEF
Division of Communication
3 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017, USA

[email protected]

ISBN: 978-92-806-4893-5

United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF)

9 789280 648935
June 2017

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