Alan Greenspan U.S. Payments Imbalance

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Alan Greenspan

Among the major forces that will help shape the euro’s future as a
world currency will be the international evolution of the euro area’s
key financial counterparty, the United States. I will leave the impor-
tant interplay between the euro and the dollar—and particularly fore-
casts of the dollar-euro exchange rate—to more venturesome ana-
lysts. My experience is that exchange markets have become so effi-
cient that virtually all relevant information is embedded almost
instantaneously in exchange rates to the point that anticipating move-
ments in major currencies is rarely possible.1
I plan to head in what I hope will be a more fruitful direction by
addressing the evolving international payments imbalance of the
United States and its effect on Europe and the rest of the world. I
intend to focus on the eventual resolution of that current account
imbalance in the context of accompanying balance-sheet changes.
I conclude that spreading globalization has fostered a degree of
international flexibility that has raised the probability of a benign
resolution to the U.S. current account imbalance. Such a resolution

Cato Journal, Vol. 24, Nos. 1–2 (Spring/Summer 2004). Copyright © Cato Institute. All
rights reserved.
Alan Greenspan is Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. This
article is adapted from his keynote address at the Cato Institute’s 21st Annual Monetary
Conference, cosponsored by The Economist, Washington, D.C., November 20, 2003.
The exceptions to this conclusion are those few cases of successful speculation in which
governments have tried and failed to support a particular exchange rate. Nonetheless,
despite extensive efforts on the part of analysts, to my knowledge, no model projecting
directional movements in exchange rates is significantly superior to tossing a coin. I am
aware that of the thousands who try, some are quite successful. So are winners of coin-
tossing contests. The seeming ability of a number of banking organizations to make con-
sistent profits from foreign exchange trading likely derives not from their insight into future
rate changes but from making markets and consistently being able to buy at the bid and sell
at the offering price, pocketing the spread.


has been the general experience of developed countries over the past
two decades. Moreover, history suggests that greater flexibility allows
economies to adjust more smoothly to changing economic circum-
stances and with less risk of destabilizing outcomes.
Indeed, the example of the 50 states of the United States suggests
that, with full flexibility in the movement of labor and capital, adjust-
ments to cross-border imbalances can occur even without an ex-
change rate adjustment. In closing, I raise the necessity of containing
the forces of protectionism to ensure the flexibility needed for a
benign outcome of our international imbalances.

The U.S. Current Account Deficit

The current account deficit of the United States, essentially net
imports of goods and services, has continued to widen over the past
couple of years. The external deficit receded modestly during our
mild recession of 2001 only to rebound to a record 5 percent of gross
domestic product earlier this year. Our persistent current account
deficit is a growing concern because it adds to the stock of outstand-
ing external debt that could become increasingly more difficult to
These developments raise the question of whether the record im-
balance will benignly defuse, as it largely did after its previous peak of
about 3.5 percent of GDP in 1986, or whether the resolution will be
more troublesome.
Current account balances are determined mainly by countries’
relative incomes, by product and asset prices including exchange
rates, and by comparative advantage. To pay for the internationally
traded goods and services that underlie that balance, there is a wholly
separate market in financial instruments the magnitudes of which are
determined by the same set of asset prices that affects trade in goods
and services. In the end, it is the balancing of trade and financing that
sets international product and asset prices and global current account
The buildup or reduction in financial claims among trading coun-
tries—that is, capital flows—are hence exact mirrors of the current
account balances. And just as net trade and current accounts for the
world as a whole necessarily sum to zero, so do net capital flows.
Because for any country the change in net claims against all foreigners
cumulates to its current account balance (abstracting from valuation
adjustments), that balance must also equal the country’s domestic
saving less its domestic investment.


In as much as the balance of goods and services is brought into

equality with the associated capital flows through adjustments in
prices, interest rates, and exchange rates, how do we tell whether
trade determines capital flows or whether capital flows determine
trade? Answering this question is difficult because the balancing pro-
cess is simultaneous rather than sequential, so that there is no simple
unidirectional causality between trade and capital flows. For example,
increased demand for dollar assets may lower interest rates and equity
premiums in the United States and thus engender increased demand
for imports. But the need for import financing may raise domestic
interest rates and thereby attract the required additional capital in-
flows to the United States.
Nonetheless, as the U.S. current account deficit rose from 1995 to
early 2002, so too did the dollar’s effective exchange rate. Evidently,
upward pressure on the dollar was spurred by rising expected rates of
return that resulted in private capital investments from abroad that
chronically exceeded the current account deficit. The pickup in U.S.
productivity growth in the mid-1990s—the likely proximate cause of
foreigners’ perception of increased rates of return on capital in the
United States—boosted investment spending, stock prices, wealth,
and assessments of future income. Those favorable developments led,
in turn, to greater consumer spending and lower saving rates.
The resulting widening gap between domestic investment and do-
mestic saving from 1995 to 2000 was held partly in check by higher
government saving as rising stock prices drove up taxable income.
When, in 2002, that effect reversed and the federal budget slipped
back into deficit, and as the U.S. economy emerged from its down-
turn, the gap in the current account balance widened further. After
contracting in the aftermath of the U.S. stock market decline of 2000,
private capital from abroad was apparently again drawn to the United
States in substantial quantities by renewed perceptions of relatively
high rates of return. In addition, during the past year or so the fi-
nancing of our external deficit was assisted by large accumulations of
dollars by foreign central banks.
Even before the productivity surge of the late 1990s, the United
States had become particularly prone to current account deficits and
rising external net debt because of the historical tendency on the part
of U.S. residents to import, relative to income, at a significantly higher
rate than our trading partners, at least for U.S. goods and services.2 If
all economies were to grow at the same rate, such differential

This anomaly was first identified more than three decades ago; see Houthakker and Magee


propensities would produce an ever-widening trade deficit for the

United States and a corresponding surplus for our trading partners,
failing offsetting adjustments in relative prices.
In the 1960s or 1970s, because our trading partners were growing
far faster than we were, a trade gap did not surface. When, in the
1980s, the difference in growth rates narrowed while the dollar rose,
our trade and the associated current account deficits widened dra-
matically. By the late 1980s, we had become a net debtor nation,
ending seven decades as a net creditor. While most recent data re-
affirm our above-average propensity to import, there is evidence to
suggest that its magnitude has diminished.

The Question of Sustainability

There is no simple measure by which to judge the sustainability
of either a string of current account deficits or their consequence,
a significant buildup in external claims that need to be serviced.
Financing comes from receipts from exports, earnings on assets, and,
if available, funds borrowed from foreigners. In the end, it will likely
be the reluctance of foreign country residents to accumulate addi-
tional debt and equity claims against U.S. residents that will serve as
the restraint on the size of tolerable U.S. imbalances in the global
Unlike the financing of payments from export and income receipts,
reliance on borrowed funds may not be sustainable. By the end
of September 2003, net external claims on U.S. residents had risen
to an estimated 25 percent of a year’s GDP, still far less than claims
on many of our trading partners but rising at the equivalent of 5
percentage points of GDP annually. However, without some notion
of our capacity for raising cross-border debt, the sustainability of
the current account deficit is difficult to estimate. That capacity is
evidently, in part, a function of globalization since the apparent
increase in our debt-raising capacity appears to be related to the
reduced cost and increasing reach of international financial interme-
The significant reduction in global trade barriers over the past half
century has contributed to a marked rise in the ratio of world trade to
GDP and, accordingly, a rise in the ratio of imports to domestic
demand. But also evident is that the funding of trade has required, or
at least has been associated with, an even faster rise in external fi-
nance. Between 1980 and 2002, for example, the nominal dollar value
of world imports rose 5.5 percent annually, while gross external


liabilities, largely financial claims, also expressed in dollars, apparently

rose considerably faster.3
This observation does not reflect solely the sharp rise in the exter-
nal liabilities of the United States that has occurred since 1995. For
other OECD economies, imports rose about 2 percent annually from
1995 to 2002; external liabilities increased 8 percent. Less compre-
hensive data suggest that the ratio of global debt and equity claims to
trade has been rising since at least the beginning of the post-World
War II period.4
From an accounting perspective, part of the increase in finance
relative to trade in recent years reflects the continued marked rise in
tradable foreign currencies held by private firms as well as a very
significant buildup of international currency reserves of monetary
authorities. Rising global wealth has apparently led to increased de-
mand for diversification of portfolios by including greater shares of
foreign currencies.
More generally, technological advance and the spread of global
financial deregulation have fostered a broadening array of specialized
financial products and institutions. The associated increased layers of
intermediation in our financial system make it easier to diversify and
manage risk, thereby facilitating an ever-rising ratio of domestic li-
abilities (and assets) to GDP, and gross external liabilities to trade.5
These trends seem unlikely to reverse, or even to slow materially,
short of an improbable end to the expansion of financial intermedia-
tion that is being driven by cost-reducing technology.
Uptrends in the ratios of external liabilities or assets to trade, and
therefore to GDP, can be shown to have been associated with a
widening dispersion in countries’ ratios of trade and current account
balances to GDP.6 A measure of that dispersion, the sum of the

Gross liabilities include both debt and equity claims. Data on the levels of gross liability
have to be interpreted carefully because they reflect the degree of consolidation of the
economic entities they cover. Were each of our 50 states considered as a separate economy,
for example, interstate claims would add to both U.S. and world totals without affecting
U.S. or world GDP. Accordingly, it is the change in the gross liabilities ratios that is the
more economically meaningful concept.
For the United States, for example, the ratio of external liabilities to imports of goods and
services rose from nearly 1.5 in 1948 to close to 2 in 1980. The comparable ratios for the
United Kingdom can be estimated to have been in the neighborhood of 2.5 or lower in 1948
and about 3.75 in 1980.
For the United States, for example, even excluding mortgage pools, the ratio of domestic
liabilities to GDP rose at an annual rate of 2 percent between 1965 and 2002. For the
United Kingdom, the ratio of debt liabilities to GDP increased 4 percent at an annual rate
during the more recent 1987–2002 period.
If the rate of growth of external assets (and liabilities) exceeds, on average, the growth rate


absolute values of the current account balances estimated from each

country’s gross domestic saving less gross domestic investment (the
current account’s algebraic equivalent), has been rising as a ratio to
GDP at an average annual rate of about 2 percent since 1970 for the
OECD countries, which constitute four-fifths of world GDP.
The long-term increase in intermediation, by facilitating the financ-
ing of ever-wider current account deficits and surpluses, has created
an ever-larger class of investors who might be willing to hold cross-
border claims. To create liabilities, of course, implies a willingness of
some private investors and governments to hold the equivalent in-
crease in claims at market-determined asset prices. Indeed, were it
otherwise, the funding of liabilities would not be possible.
With the seeming willingness of foreigners to hold progressively
greater amounts of cross-border claims against U.S. residents, at what
point do net claims (that is, gross claims less gross liabilities) against
us become unsustainable and deficits decline? Presumably, a U.S.
current account deficit of 5 percent or more of GDP would not have
been readily fundable a half century ago or perhaps even a couple of
decades ago.7 The ability to move that much of world saving to the
United States in response to relative rates of return would have been
hindered by a far lower degree of international financial intermedia-
tion. Endeavoring to transfer the equivalent of 5 percent of U.S. GDP
from foreign financial institutions and persons to the United States
would presumably have induced changes in the prices of assets that
would have proved inhibiting.
There is, for the moment, little evidence of stress in funding U.S.

of world GDP, under a broad range of circumstances the dispersion of the change in net
external claims of trading countries must increase as a percent of world GDP. But the
change in net claims on a country, excluding currency valuation changes and capital gains
and losses, is essentially the current account balance. Of necessity, of course, the consoli-
dated world current account balance remains at zero.
Theoretically, if external assets and liabilities were always equal, implying a current
account in balance, the ratio of liabilities to GDP could grow without limit. But in the
complexities of the real world, if external assets fall short of liabilities for some countries,
net external liabilities will grow until they can no longer be effectively serviced. Well short
of that point, market prices, interest rates, and exchange rates will slow, and then end, the
funding of liability growth.
It is true that estimates of the ratios of the current account to GDP for many countries in
the 19th century are estimated to have been as large as, or larger, than we have experienced
in recent years. However, the substantial net flows of capital financing for those earlier
deficits were likely motivated in large part by specific major development projects (for
example, railroads) bearing high expected rates of return. By contrast, diversification ap-
pears to be a more salient motivation for today’s large net capital flows. Moreover, gross
capital flows are believed to be considerably greater relative to GDP in recent years than
in the 19th century. See Taylor (2002) and Obstfeld and Taylor (2002).


current account deficits. To be sure, the real exchange rate for the
dollar has, on balance, declined more than 10 percent broadly and
roughly 20 percent against the major foreign currencies since early
2002. Yet inflation, the typical symptom of a weak currency, appears
quiescent. Indeed, inflation premiums embedded in long-term inter-
est rates apparently have fluctuated in a relatively narrow range since
early 2002. More generally, the vast savings transfer has occurred
without measurable disruption to the balance of international finance.
In fact, in recent months credit risk spreads have fallen and equity
prices have risen throughout much of the global economy.
To date, the widening to record levels of the U.S. ratio of current
account deficit to GDP has been seemingly uneventful. But I have
little doubt that, should it continue, at some point in the future
adjustments will be set in motion that will eventually slow and pre-
sumably reverse the rate of accumulation of net claims on U.S. resi-
dents. How much further can international financial intermediation
stretch the capacity of world finance to move national savings across
A major inhibitor appears to be what economists call “home bias.”
Virtually all our trading partners share our inclination to invest a
disproportionate percentage of domestic savings in domestic capital
assets, irrespective of the differential rates of return.
People seem to prefer to invest in familiar local businesses
even where currency and country risks do not exist. For the United
States, studies have shown that individual investors and even profes-
sional money managers have a slight preference for investments in
their own communities and states. Trust, so crucial an aspect of
investing, is most likely to be fostered by the familiarity of local
As a consequence, home bias will likely continue to constrain the
movement of world savings into its optimum use as capital invest-
ment, thus limiting the internationalization of financial intermedia-
tion and hence the growth of external assets and liabilities.8
Nonetheless, during the past decade, home bias has apparently
declined significantly. For most of the earlier postwar era, the corre-
lation between domestic saving rates and domestic investment rates
across the world’s major trading partners, a conventional measure of
home bias, was exceptionally high (see Feldstein and Horioka 1980).
For OECD countries, the GDP-weighted correlation coefficient was
0.97 in 1970. However, it fell from 0.96 in 1992 to less than 0.8 in

Without home bias, the dispersion of world current account balances would likely be
substantially greater.


2002. For OECD countries, excluding the United States, the recent
decline is even more pronounced. These declines, not surprisingly,
mirror the rise in the differences between saving and investment or,
equivalently, of the dispersion of current account balances over the
same years.
The decline in home bias probably reflects an increased interna-
tional tendency for financial systems to be more transparent, open,
and supportive of strong investor protection.9 Moreover, vast im-
provements in information and communication technologies have
broadened investors’ scope to the point that foreign investment ap-
pears less exotic and risky. Accordingly, the trend of declining home
bias and expanding international financial intermediation will likely
continue as globalization proceeds.

Defusing Current Imbalances

It is unclear whether debt-servicing restraints or the rising weight
of U.S. assets in global portfolios will impose the greater restraint on
current account dispersion over the longer term. Either way, when
that point arrives, what do we know about whether the process of
reining in our current account deficit will be benign to the economies
of the United States and the world?
According to a Federal Reserve staff study, current account deficits
that emerged among developed countries since 1980 have risen as
high as double-digit percentages of GDP before markets enforced a
reversal (Freund 2000). The median high has been about 5 percent of
Complicating the evaluation of the timing of a turnaround is that
deficit countries, both developed and emerging, borrow in interna-
tional markets largely in dollars rather than in their domestic cur-
rency. The United States has been rare in its ability to finance its
external deficit in a reserve currency.10 This ability has presumably
enlarged the capability of the United States relative to most of our
trading partners to incur foreign debt.
Besides experiences with the current account deficits of other

Research indicates that home bias in investment toward a foreign country is likely to be
diminished to the extent that the country’s financial system offers transparency, accessibil-
ity, and investor safeguards. See Ahearne, Griever, and Warnock (2000).
Less than 10 percent of aggregate U.S. foreign liabilities are currently denominated in
nondollar currencies. To have your currency chosen as a store of value is both a blessing and
a curse. Presumably, the buildup of dollar holdings by foreigners has provided Americans
with lower interest rates as a consequence. But, as Great Britain learned, the liquidation of
sterling balances after World War II exerted severe pressure on its domestic economy.


countries, there are few useful guideposts of how high our country’s
net foreign liabilities can mount. The foreign accumulation of U.S.
assets would likely slow if dollar assets, irrespective of their competi-
tive return, came to occupy too large a share of the world’s portfolio
of store of value assets. In these circumstances, investors would seek
greater diversification in nondollar assets. At the end of 2002, U.S.
dollars accounted for about 65 percent of central bank foreign ex-
change reserves, with the euro second at 15 percent. Approximately
half of private cross-border holdings were denominated in dollars,
with one-third in euros.
More important than the way that the adjustment of the U.S.
current account deficit will be initiated is the effect of the adjustment
on both our economy and the economies of our trading partners. The
history of such adjustments has been mixed. According to the afore-
mentioned Federal Reserve study of current account corrections in
developed countries, although the large majority of episodes were
characterized by some significant slowing of economic growth, most
economies managed the adjustment without crisis. The institutional
strengths of many of these developed economies—rule of law, trans-
parency, and investor and property protection—likely helped to mini-
mize disruptions associated with current account adjustments. The
United Kingdom, however, had significant adjustment difficulties in
its early postwar years, as did, more recently, Mexico, Thailand, Ko-
rea, Russia, Brazil, and Argentina, to name just a few.

Market Flexibility Is Crucial

Can market forces incrementally defuse a worrisome buildup in a

nation’s current account deficit and net external debt before a crisis
more abruptly does so? The answer seems to lie with the degree of
flexibility in both domestic and international markets. In domestic
economies that approach full flexibility, imbalances are likely to be
adjusted well before they become potentially destabilizing. In a simi-
larly flexible world economy, as debt projections rise, product and
equity prices, interest rates, and exchange rates could change, pre-
sumably to reestablish global balance.
The experience over the past two centuries of trade and finance
among the individual states that make up the United States comes
close to that paradigm of flexibility even though exchange rates
among the states have been fixed. Although we have scant data on
cross-border transactions among the separate states, anecdotal evi-
dence suggests that over the decades significant apparent imbalances


have been resolved without precipitating interstate balance-of-

payments crises. The dispersion of unemployment rates among the
states, one measure of imbalances, spikes during periods of economic
stress but rapidly returns to modest levels, reflecting a high degree of
adjustment flexibility. That flexibility is even more apparent in re-
gional money markets where interest rates that presumably reflect
differential imbalances in states’ current accounts and hence cross-
border borrowing requirements have, in recent years, exhibited very
little interstate dispersion. This observation suggests either negligible
cross-state-border imbalances, an unlikely occurrence given the pat-
tern of state unemployment dispersion, or more likely very rapid
financial adjustments.
We may not be able to usefully determine at what point foreign
accumulation of net claims on the United States will slow or even
reverse, but it is evident that the greater the degree of international
flexibility, the less the risk of a crisis.11 The experience of the United
States over the past three years is illustrative. The apparent ability of
our economy to withstand a number of severe shocks since mid-2000,
with only a small decline in real GDP, attests to the marked increase
in our economy’s flexibility over the past quarter century (see
Greenspan 2002).
In evaluating the nature of the adjustment process, we need to ask
whether there is something special in the dollar being the world’s
primary reserve currency. With so few historical examples of domi-
nant world reserve currencies, we are understandably inclined to look
to the experiences of the dollar’s immediate predecessor. At the
height of sterling’s role as the world’s currency more than a century
ago, Great Britain had net external assets amounting to some 150
percent of its annual GDP, most of which were lost in World Wars I
and II. Early post-World War II Britain was hobbled with periodic
sterling crises as much of the remnants of Empire endeavored to
disengage themselves from heavy reliance on holding sterling assets
as central bank reserves and private stores of value. The experience of
Britain’s then extensively regulated economy, harboring many war-
time controls well beyond the end of hostilities, provides testimony to
the costs of structural rigidity in times of crisis.
Should globalization be allowed to proceed and thereby create an
ever more flexible international financial system, history suggests that
current imbalances will be defused with little disruption. And if other

Although increased flexibility apparently promotes resolution of current account imbal-
ances without significant disruption, it may also allow larger deficits to emerge before
markets are required to address them.


currencies, such as the euro, emerge to share the dollar’s role as a

global reserve currency, that process, too, is likely to be benign.

The Danger of Creeping Protectionism

There is one major caveat. Some clouds of emerging protectionism
have become increasingly visible on today’s horizon. Over the years,
protected interests have often endeavored to stop in its tracks the
process of unsettling economic change. Pitted against the powerful
forces of market competition, virtually all such efforts have failed. The
costs of any new such protectionist initiatives, in the context of wide
current account imbalances, could significantly erode the flexibility of
the global economy. Consequently, it is imperative that creeping pro-
tectionism be thwarted and reversed.

Ahearne, A.; Griever, W.; and Warnock, F. (2000) “Information Costs and
Home Bias.” Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Inter-
national Finance Discussion Paper No. 691 (December).
Feldstein, M., and Horioka, C. (1980) “Domestic Saving and International
Capital Flows.” Economic Journal 90 (June): 314–29.
Freund, C. (2000) “Current Account Adjustment in Industrialized Coun-
tries.” Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, International
Finance Discussion Paper No. 692 (December).
Greenspan, A. (2002) “Remarks before a Symposium Sponsored by the Fed-
eral Reserve Bank of Kansas City.” Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 30.
Houthakker, H. S., and Magee, S. P. (1969) “Income and Price Elasticities in
World Trade.” Review of Economics and Statistics 51 (May): 111–25.
Obstfeld, M., Taylor, A. M. (2002) “Globalization and Capital Markets.”
NBER Working Paper 8846 (March).
Taylor, A. M. (2002) “A Century of Current Account Dynamics.” Journal of
International Money and Finance 21 (November): 725–48.


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