Revised National Policy On The Environment Final Draft
Revised National Policy On The Environment Final Draft
Revised National Policy On The Environment Final Draft
(REVISED 2016 )
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Environment)
FOREWORD (Honourable Minister of Environment)
1. Introduction
2. Situation Analysis
6. Emerging issues
6.1 Climate Change
6.2 Transboundary Water Resources
6.3 Disasters
6.4 Conflicts and Environment
6.5 Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) & Biosafety
7. Cross-sectoral Issues
7.1 Human Settlement
7.2 Environmental Health
7.3 Energy
7.4 Infrastructure (Transport, ICT, Housing etc)
7.5 Trade and Environment
7.6 Poverty and Conflicts
7.7 Gender
7.8 Production and Consumption Patterns
7.9 Environmental Education
8. Policy Implementation
8.1 Legal Framework
8.2 Institutional/Governance Framework
8.3 Funding
8.4 Science and Technology
8.5 Partnership and Stakeholders Involvement including the role of Civil societies
8.6 Regional and International cooperation
8.7 Monitoring and Evaluation
1. Introduction
Development will be meaningful if it does not increase a country's vulnerability to environmental impacts. If
a nation's environmental foundations are depleted, its economy may well decline, its social fabric may
deteriorate, and its political structure may even become destabilized. The environment is, however, a
complex and interactive system consisting of the atmosphere, land surface and bodies of water, as well
as living things. The degradation of an element of the environmental system will have positive or
negative feedback effects on the others. For example, human induced increased injection of carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere has resulted in global warming with its consequent large variability in
climate in the form of extreme weather events that are generating floods (e.g. the 2012 major flood
disasters witnessed in more than half of the States of Nigeria) and massive erosion of land. Thus, the
environment must be managed in a coherent and integrated manner through the implementation of a
well formulated policy framework.
Nigeria formulated its first national policy on the environment in 1991. It was revised in 1999, and
seventeen years down the lane, it is due for another revision in order to capture emerging
environmental issues and concerns. Thus, the purpose of this National Policy on the Environment is to
define a new holistic framework to guide the management of the environment and natural resources of
the country. As a framework document, it prescribes sectoral and cross-sectoral strategic policy
statements and actions for the management of the countrys environment for sustainable development.
In addition to the existing 1991 and 1999 draft policy documents, this Policy derives its strength from
the fundamental obligation for the protection of the environment as stated in section 20 of the
Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 which provides that the State shall protect and
improve the environment and safeguard the water, air and land, forest and wild life of Nigeria. In
addition, Nigeria is party to several international treaties and conventions governing environmental
issues. It is on the combined thrust of these instruments that the National Policy on the Environment
2. Situation Analysis
The environment is the life supporting system for human existence and survival and provides much of the
physical milieu and the raw materials required for socio-economic progress. Humanity has no choice but to
interact with it. Unfortunately, human interaction, natural disaster and climate change are putting
unprecedented pressure and impact on the quality of our environmental conditions. Climate change, in
particular, is currently one of the most critical issues facing mankind today. It strikes at the very heart of
the sustainability of our life, and is compounding human efforts to attain sustainable development.
Nigeria is strongly predisposed to severe negative impacts of climate change due to the nature of its
economy, weak resilience and low adaptive capacity. Much of the economy is dependent on climate-
sensitive resources. For example, the agriculture sector (crop production, livestock and fishery) and
forestry which employ up to 70% of the workforce and contributes about 22% of the rebased GDP is
very climate sensitive.
If the environment is properly managed, it can be a productive resource to meet our socio-economic
and aesthetic needs, not only for today, but also for the future generations. Conversely, if poorly
managed, the environment could easily become hazardous and threatening to the countrys survival.
Where human interaction with the environment results in degradation, it can be a significant source of
economic loss and stress upon human societies. By the 1990s, a World Bank report estimated that
Nigeria was losing about US$5.1 billion per annum to environmental degradation, in the face of poor
mitigation measures and initiatives.
Nigeria's environment is under increasing threat from human activities and natural disasters. There are
already certain ominous problems with the environment and visible scars associated with the
destruction of the natural resource base (land, water and air) upon which all life depends are being
noted. The country's large population of about 170 million and its rapid growth rate of 2.8 per cent are
contributing to its environmental degradation.
The key environmental issues facing Nigeria include land degradation, deforestation, and land, water
and air pollution among others. Land is by far the most important resource necessary for subsistence.
Simply, put land is that part of the earth's surface that is not covered by water, To this has to be added
wetlands which are seasonally or permanently under water. Much of this land is rural, carrying
farmlands and vegetation of various types as well as water reservoirs. This portion of the countrys land
area is the stock from which urban uses are aggressively incurring into to meet growing unbridled non-
land use demands. Earth mining for urban development is a major component of this eating up the
rural land that has evidently been ignored over the years. Left uncontrolled as it is today, future access
to rural land for agriculture will be precarious. Effort must therefore be made now to enforce land
demarcation for rural especially at the LGA levels. Such land declared as rural would not be allowed to
be converted to urban uses of any form. There must also be a watch on idle urban land to control
wastages associated with land speculation.
Even the land now under rural use is severely threatened. Much of Nigeria's arable land is being sapped
insidiously of its productive potential through overuse, inappropriate technologies and urbanization.
Rapid deforestation, resulting from multiple uses of forest resources for human survival (e.g. fuel wood
and energy, housing etc.) is a major contributing factor to land degradation. The end result of
deforestation and other agricultural activities, including intensive grazing, and over-cultivation, is severe
land degradation.
Fossil fuel use, particularly oil and gas exploration, has aggravated the problem of ecological damage in
the Niger Delta. Similarly, indiscriminate and illegal mining for tin and columbite on the Jos Plateau and
other mineral resources in many parts of Nigeria have left many areas of the country severely degraded.
There is also a growing concern about air and water pollution, associated with continued urbanization
and industrialization in the country. Pollution from oil exploration activities and gas flaring in the Niger
Delta remains a source of concern to the government. Oil spills from leaking underground pipelines and
storage tanks are a regular occurrence, rendering vast tracts of land and water bodies unproductive in
the region. National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA) recorded in first half of the year
2007 a total of 424 spill incidents involving 33,799 barrels of oil. In addition, pollution from gas flaring
goes on daily because the flare-free deadline set by government has been postponed many times. The
resultant heat stress and acid rain continue to degrade the ecosystem. Nigerians in general are
increasingly being exposed to the hazards of highly polluted gaseous and dust emissions from industries
and vehicles and dangerous industrial wastes that are constantly being discharged into the environment.
Although there have been many national efforts to tackle the problems, Nigeria continues to rank very
low in terms of its environmental performance rating. In 2016, the country's Environmental
Performance Index (EPI)1 was 58.27, ranking it as number 133 out of 190 countries surveyed in the
world. The low EPI figure puts the country behind many other African countries like Egypt (66.45), South
Africa (70.52), Namibia (70.84) and Kenya (62.49). A value of 58.27 indicates that while Nigeria has
shown some improvement in the last two years from a low value of 39.20 in 2014, the country still has
limited capacity to handle environmental problems and it has not been able to significantly reduce its
high rate of air, land and water pollution. When compared with other oil producing countries like
Norway (86.90), Canada (86.06), Saudi Arabia (68.63) and Venezuela (76.23), Nigeria has a lot to do to
achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) that are related to the conservation and sustainable
use of its natural resources for meaningful socio-economic development. The situation is being
compounded by climate change. The country is strongly predisposed to severe negative impacts of
climate change due to its weak resilience and low adaptive capacity.
Addressing these issues and considering the fact that understanding the trade-offs between present and
future consumption of resources have to be carefully analyzed, provide the justification for this policy. It
also gives the framework to guide the countrys efforts to deal with the ever-growing environmental
challenges, such as:
The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) ranks countries performance on high-priority environmental issues in two areas:
protection of human health and protection of ecosystems.
disruption of the ecological systems, pollution, increased incidence of disease vectors and the
like in many parts of Nigeria.
iii. Climate change and disaster management: The effects of the change are already manifesting in
increasing extreme climatic events particularly storms, flooding and rising temperatures as well
as altered climatic and weather regimes. These are creating many other effects such as declining
productivity of rain-fed agriculture and relocation of populations with all its consequences. In
the long run all the sectors of the economy could be severely impacted with huge losses
including life. This would slow down the pace of development in the country as many economic
activities are climate sensitive. There could be shift in the boundaries of ecological belts. The
challenge is the promotion of climate compatible development for disaster risk reduction and
sustainable development
iv. Land degradation and desertification: Severe land degradation continues to ravage the country,
resulting in drastic reduction in the productivity of land resources. Reducing the rate and
severity of desertification and reversing land degradation is a key challenge for environmental
sustainability and sustainable development of the country.
v. Waste management: Poor waste management that is prevalent in Nigeria is inimical to the
sustenance of the environment as well as the overall economic development of the country.
Controlling indiscriminate dumping of household and industrial wastes on land, water and air
remains a major environmental challenge.
vi. Pollution: Pollution continues to be a major environmental challenge in the country, with
significant impact on the well-being of the countrys environment and the people.
vii. Environmental hazards and disasters: Despite their devastating impacts on many sectors of the
economy and the livelihoods of the people, the management of environmental hazards and
disasters remain a major challenge, due generally to inadequate capacity for their effective
prediction, mitigation and management.
viii. Urban decay: Nigeria ranks among the most urbanized countries in the world with the rate
about 56% in 2015. The pace of urbanization increase has been such that maintenance of
modest environmental standards had inevitably lagged behind. The functionality of most urban
areas is thus reduced in addition to exerting adverse impacts on households, macro-economic
performance and social well-being. This situation poses a major challenge to economic growth
and sustainable development.
ix. Integrated coastal management: Nigerias coastal region suffers degradation from diverse of
human activities, particularly oil exploration and exploitation, agricultural and industrial
development. Attempts to address critical environmental problems have been mainly piece
meal. The main challenge for the sustainable management of the coastal and marine
environment is to put in place an integrated approach that will address the issues.
xi. Inadequate environmental education and awareness: National efforts to address environmental
issues have not been broad-based. But, broad public participation in decision making processes
is one of the fundamental preconditions for sustainable development. This will enable many
Nigerians to be aware of their role in environmental management and also enhance their access
to timely and accurate information on the environment. Sound environmental management has
to be based on openness and inclusiveness at all levels. Therefore, it is imperative that
environmental education and public awareness is promoted to ensure broad-based
environmental management, involving the many and varied stakeholders.
xii. Dichotomy between environment and growth, and environment and poverty alleviation:
Environmental issues and concerns are lowly rated in national priorities. The fact, therefore, is
that over time environmental degradation and intractable poverty have become more complex.
Alleviating poverty and protecting the environment for sustainable development is not only
necessary but also imperative. For sustainability, there is the need to maintain balance between
(i) maintaining a constant natural capital stock and environmental sink capacity and (ii)
improving the quality of life through poverty alleviation.
xiv. Conservation of shared natural resources: Conflicts over control and management of shared
resources are very common in many parts of Nigeria. For example, the Lake Chad region
experiences perennial conflicts concerning access to its water and fisheries resources. This calls
for a framework for a harmonized and common approach to the conservation and management
of such shared resources.
3. Goals, Objectives and Guiding principles
The goal of the National Policy on the Environment is to ensure environmental protection and the
conservation of natural resources for sustainable development.
The strategic objective of the National Policy on the Environment is to coordinate environmental
protection and natural resources conservation for sustainable development. This goal will be achieved
by the following strategic objectives:
i. securing a quality of environment adequate for good health and well being;
ii. promoting sustainable use of natural resources and the restoration and maintenance of the
biological diversity of ecosystems;
iii. promoting an understanding of the essential linkages between the environment, social and
economic development issues;
iv. encouraging individual and community participation in environmental improvement initiatives;
v. raising public awareness and engendering a national culture of environmental preservation; and
vi. building partnership among all stakeholders, including government at all levels, international
institutions and governments, non-governmental agencies and communities on environmental
The following principles are central to the attainment of the strategic objectives of this Policy:
i. The Public Trust Doctrine, which recognizes that the State is a trustee of all natural resources,
the enjoyment of which is subject to a measure of control necessary to protect the legitimate
interest of all sections and stakeholders in the larger framework of strategic national interests;
ii. Environmental Right, which ensures that every Nigerian has a right to a clean and healthy
environment and a duty to safeguard and enhance the environment;
iii. Environmental Offsetting, which requires that where for exceptional reasons of overriding
public interest, the general obligation to protect threatened or endangered species and natural
systems that are of special importance to sustaining life, providing livelihoods, or general well-
being cannot be provided, such cost-effective offsetting measures must be undertaken by the
proponents of an activity to restore as nearly as may be feasible the lost environmental services
to the community;
iv. The Polluter Pays Principle, which prescribes that the polluter should bear the cost of
preventing, and remediating pollution;
v. The User Pays Principle in which the cost of a resource to a user must include all the
environmental costs associated with its extraction, transformation and use (including the costs
of alternative or future uses forgone);
vi. The Precautionary Principle, which holds that where there are threats of serious or irreversible
damage, the lack of full scientific knowledge shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-
effective means to prevent environmental degradation;
vii. The Subsidiarity Principle, which reflects the a preference for making decisions at the lowest
level of government or social organization where the issue can be effectively managed
decisions made at the local level are often viewed as more likely to take account of local
environmental conditions and the opinions of the local people who often bear the highest
environmental costs of development;
viii. Pollution Prevention Pays Principle, which encourages Industry to invest positively to prevent
ix. The Principle of Inter-generational Equity, which requires that the needs of the present
generation are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
x. The Principle of Intra-generational Equity, which requires that different groups of people within
the country and within the present generation have the right to benefit equally from the
exploitation of resources and that they have equal right to a clean and healthy environment;
xi. The Principle of Participation, which requires that decisions should, as much as possible, be
made by the people or on their behalf by representatives chosen by them;
xii. International Cooperation in which the country will domesticate multilateral environmental
agreements (MEAs) and regional instruments and implement them cooperatively for better
environmental management of shared resources. In this regard, the country will take cognizance
of all relevant international agreement on the environment and mainstream them in the
protection of Nigerias environment;
xiii. Good Environmental Governance in which rule of law, effective institutions, transparency and
accountability, respect for human rights and the meaningful participation of citizens will be
integrated in environmental management;
xiv. Integrated Ecosystem Approach to conserving environmental resources is adopted and
enhanced to ensure that all the countrys ecosystems are managed for sustainable development
and benefits of the people.
4. Conservation and Management of Natural Resources
Nigeria is blessed with a rich array of natural resources which provide the basis for national
development. Consequently, the conservation and management of this wide variety of resources are
crucial to sustainable development.
The atmosphere is very vital for the survival of humans and other living things. It provides air for respiration and
photosynthetic processes. It also provides an environment that envelopes humans and other living organisms,
shielding them from dangerous particles and rays. The atmosphere also provides habitat for myriads of organisms
that live all or much of their life in the air.
The Nigerias atmosphere needs to be protected from intensifying, widespread and multifarious agents
of pollution. Air pollution arising from natural and human-made sources, is increasing. Human-made
sources include industrialization (.e.g. cement industries and petrochemicals), automobile exhausts and
release of some chemicals into the atmosphere, notably sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon
monoxides, hydrocarbons and particulate matter, as well as biomass burning and emissions from
agriculture and livestock keeping. These all have implications for forest and crop productivity and for
public health. For example, air pollution is a leading cause of respiratory diseases such as chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, pulmonary heart disease, and bronchitis. The
effects of outdoor air pollution are compounded by those of indoor air pollution. Most households use
charcoal and firewood for domestic cooking. Indoor air pollution affects both urban and rural
The effects of air pollution are likely to be exacerbated by changing meteorological conditions of
temperature humidity, wind and precipitation, among others, particularly in this era of increasing
variability in climate. The country needs not only to commence on serious research work in estimating
the effects of air pollution and contamination on agriculture, forestry, ornamental horticulture, health,
but must also put in place means for standardization, effective monitoring and enforcement of
standards against atmospheric pollution.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Support the Federal Ministry of Environment to put in place and/or strengthen institutional
arrangement for tackling the problems of atmospheric pollution in collaboration with the
Federal Ministries of Civil Aviation (Nigerian Meteorological Services NIMET) and Health, as
well as other relevant Agencies.
2. Strengthen existing environmental guidelines and standards, and develop new ones where
necessary in order to counter the increasing level of emissions, particularly in the urban and
industrial areas.
3. Develop or strengthen air standard enforcement capacity.
4. Improve monitoring of traditional and trace pollutant emissions and concentrations.
5. Promote efficient non-motorized and mass transport system.
6. Promote alternative cooking stoves and new technologies that are non-polluting, affordable,
available, and adaptable and the construction of well ventilated houses.
4.2 Fresh Water and Wet-land Ecosystems
Freshwater ecosystems and wetlands are some of the most productive ecosystems which are essential
in the provision of environmental goods and services. Gladly, Nigeria is well-endowed with freshwater
and wetland ecosystems (lakes, rivers and wetlands) covering about 13 million hectares of the
geographical territory. The country is largely drained by four major basin systems including (i) the Niger
River basin drainage system with its major tributaries of Benue, Sokoto-Rima, Kaduna, Gongola, Katsina-
Ala, Donga, Taraba, Hawal and Anambra; (ii) the Lake Chad inland drainage system comprising Kano,
Hadejia, Jamaare, Misau, Komadougou-Yobe, Yedseram and Ebeji Rivers; (iii) the Atlantic drainage
system to the west of the Niger consisting of the Ogun, Oshun, Benin, and Owena Rivers; and (iv) the
Atlantic drainage system to the east of the Niger made up of the Anambra, Imo, Cross, Qua Iboe and
Kwa Rivers. In addition, three major types of groundwater aquifers are observed in the country, namely:
basement aquifers, deep coastal sedimentary aquifers and superficial aquifers. The total quantity of
Nigerias annual groundwater recharge is estimated at about 9.5 trillion litres. Numerous lakes and
wetlands also exist in the country including Lake Chad that is shared with Chad, Cameroun and Niger
Republics as well as wetlands of international importance which are seasonal habitats for Palearctic
Most of the major rivers have been dammed to supply water for irrigation, power generation, and
domestic consumption. However, this has created problems of accelerated erosion in the coastal zone,
as well as marginalization of pastoralists who are dependent on seasonal floods. Moreover, freshwater
availability has become one of the most critical factors in the countrys development. Accessibility to
freshwater and its integrated management also remain major concerns. Inappropriate management of
freshwater and competition between user groups limit efforts by the government to develop the
nations economy and improve the standard of living of the citizens. There are also concerns over
freshwater quality, in terms of pollution from domestic effluents and industrial wastewater, particularly
in the coastal zone of Lagos and the oil producing Niger-Delta region. Access to good quality drinking
water and sanitation has consequently remained low.
Nigeria is among six West African countries expected to experience water scarcity by 2025. Climate
Change is predicted to bring about reduced rainfall and increased evaporation in the areas to the north
through the expansion of desertification in the northern belt (IPCC 2001). The coastal belt may
experience more intense rainfall and increased run-off which could have serious consequences for soil
erosion and agricultural productivity.
An increasing number of Nigerians are now dependent on groundwater as their primary source of
potable water. The situation is worsened by unregulated borehole drillings across the nation for self-
help water provisions owing to a severely inadequate public water supply system. This further threatens
the fresh water supply of the country. Coordinated systems of water collection, storage and retention
for domestic and agricultural usage are largely lacking and contribute to wastage of the scarce resource.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Implement the National Water Policy or Act
2. Develop and implement integrated wetland and water resources management strategies and
action plans in order to achieve Nigerias water vision of sustainable access to clean and safe
water for all.
3. Encourage community participation in the design, establishment, operation and maintenance of
freshwater management programmes and infrastructure while promoting the integration of
land and water management.
4. Provide water in adequate quantity and quality to meet domestic, industrial, agricultural,
recreational and other needs.
5. Promote use of water efficient technology, water user organizations, pricing policies and
productivity gains.
6. Restore and regularly maintain the decaying infrastructure for hydrometeorological and
hydrogeological data collection, compilation, analysis and dissemination.
7. Promote sustainable use of freshwater, wetland and underground water resources and the
conservation of vulnerable river and lake ecosystems in particular and biological diversity in
8. Improve the productivity of rain-fed and irrigated land in an effort to balance conflicting uses of
water within river basins.
9. Develop and implement a national wetland policy and regulations as well as wetland
management plans for all Ramsar sites through a participatory process.
10. Ensure rehabilitation and restoration of degraded wetlands, riverbanks and lakeshores and,
where appropriate, promote and support establishment of constructed wetlands.
11. Develop and enforce effective water pollution prevention and control programmes including
criteria for monitoring the biological, physical, and chemical quality of water bodies while
instituting mechanisms to address deviation from standards.
12. Develop and implement mitigation measures to address climate change and its impact on
freshwater and wetland ecosystems.
13. Conduct education and outreach programmes on sustainable use of freshwater resources.
14. Harmonize and coordinate the roles of various regulatory agencies charged with the
management of freshwater and wetland ecosystems.
15. Implement existing international agreements on freshwater resources and promote partnership
and cooperation at regional and global levels particularly in the development and management
of shared rivers, lakes and wetlands.
16. Ensure that developmental activities within the freshwater and wet-land ecosystems conform to
EIA process and procedures.
The Nigerias coastal and marine environment stretches for about 853 km along the coastline and inland
for a distance of about 15km in Lagos in the west to about 150km in the Niger Delta and about 25km
east of the Niger Delta. It consists of barrier bar/lagoon system, the Mahin mud coast, the Niger Delta,
Strand coast and a moderately wide continental shelf.
The coastal and marine ecosystems are highly interactive ecosystems whose management requires fully
integrated approaches to ensure the health of all species that are in them - as well as supporting human
activities that depend on them in a positive and sustainable manner. The health of these systems is
essential to support their storage and recycling of nutrients, protecting shorelines and filtering
Like many ecosystems in Nigeria, the marine and coastal area of the country is affected by many
environmental problems that are being addressed for sustainable development. Industrialization, urban
development, and oil and gas exploration and exploitation have infringed on the people and their
environment, leading to the opening up of previously pristine ecosystems characteristic of the region.
This has in turn led to alterations of habitats, biodiversity loss, deforestation and pollution (UNDP,
2006). While natural hazards, such as floods, are clearly responsible for some of the environmental
impacts, industrial activities have no doubt aggravated them. In general, the coastal and marine
ecosystems have generally been treated as resources for exploitation without much emphasis on
protecting and replenishing them for sustainable development. Unsustainable fishing methods decimate
fish stocks. These ecosystems are badly used as discharge areas for wastes from land-based activities
including industrial effluents, human wastes, storm drains and toxic wastes from extractive activities.
The current rising human population pressure, silting and land use patterns and changes are major
threats to the coastal and marine ecosystems. Major areas of environmental challenges include (i)
pollution from oil spills, gas flaring, industrial and agricultural effluents, sewage and solid wastes; (ii)
modification of ecosystem in the form of biodiversity loss, coastal erosion, flooding, deforestation, salt
water intrusion and invasive/exotic species; and (iii) depletion of fisheries resources.
Urbanization pressures have led to major wetland and marine ecosystem destruction through efforts at
land reclamation. Alien species invasion pose special challenges in the use of the ecosystems for
transportation, fishing and other activities. Canalization for movement of industrial equipment has
facilitated salinization of inland fresh water ecosystems leading to water stress and related loss of
aquatic resources
To adequately protect and improve the coastal and marine ecosystems any comprehensive ecological
master plan must include baseline data of freshwater and wetland ecosystems.
Policy Statements:
The Government will:
1. Ensure the preparation of comprehensive marine and coastal ecosystem baseline and plan for
regular audits.
2. Prepare and implement a harmonized integrated Ecological Master Plan (EMP) as well as Coastal
Zone Management Action Plan.
3. Implement the West Africa Coastal Areas (WACA) programme to reduce the countrys
vulnerability to coastal erosion, flooding and sedimentation problems.
4. Install and operate an integrated maritime monitoring system.
5. Build capacity, share knowledge and ensure community participation in the plans and
management of coastal and marine ecosystems.
6. Establish strict control of discharge of pollutants and toxic wastes into coastal and marine
ecosystems including ensuring compliance to relevant laws and regulations.
7. Coordinate the roles of all agencies interfacing on the management of coastal and marine
ecosystems to ensure policy coherence and optimum resource protection.
8. Control physical growths including reclamation of wetlands for socio-economic developments
9. Promote actions to protect and preserve land masses that help defend coastal areas and
communities from the impacts of ocean waves.
10. Support and promote research and cross-sectoral capacity enhancement in the conservation,
protection and management of marine and costal resources.
11. Designate areas with endemic species and demarcate such areas as Marine Protected Areas to
make them no-go areas for industrial or other harmful human activities of any sort.
12. Set up accessible emergency response mechanisms in coastal communities for cases of on or
offshore accidents.
13. Adhere to strict Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) when considering activities such as
aquaculture that places demand on marine ecosystem resources.
Montane ecosystems are particularly fragile but are especially important for freshwater resources and biodiversity
conservation. In Nigeria, Montane forests are found primarily on the highlands that form the southeastern border
between Nigeria and Cameroun including both the Mambilla and Obudu mountain ranges. They are also typical of
the Jos Plateau though most have been replaced with introduced species. Although some of this high altitude area
consists of grassland, shrubs and rocky outcrops, there are some patches of Montane forests along the eastern,
southern and western sections that merge gradually into lowland rainforest at the base. Due in large part to their
geographic isolation and unique microclimate, they contain considerable biodiversity and many of the plant and
animal species found here are endemic to these areas. Two types of Montane forests have been identified in
Nigeria. The first type is the mist forest with a diversity of moss and epiphyte species and uneven canopies, and
drier forests higher up, where dwarf and stunted trees occur.
Montane forests constitute about one percent of the total land area of Nigeria, representing about 10,000 square
kilometer made up of forest (0.7%) and savanna (0.3%). While the forest components have been receding over the
past decades due to overexploitation and clearance for developmental and agricultural activities, the grassland has
been on the increase. The Jos Plateau for example, is a highland area that once contained tracts of montane
forests which has been highly modified by anthropogenic factors and now only remnant patches exist. Erosion, due
to uncontrolled mining activities, overgrazing, unsustainable agricultural practices as well as trampling of stream
and gully banks and hill slopes, and stream banks cultivation is another major environmental challenge in Nigerias
montane ecosystems.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Generate and strengthen knowledge about the ecology and sustainable management of
montane ecosystems.
2. Develop and implement strategies and action plans for sustainable management of montane
3. Promote integrated watershed management and alternative livelihood opportunities to
enhance community participation in the conservation and management of montane
4. Adopt appropriate land use planning and watershed management practices for sustainable
development of montane ecosystems.
Semi-Arid Land is a fragile ecosystem that receives very low and unreliable rainfall. In
Nigeria, this ecosystem largely falls within the Sahel savanna belt where climate variability is greatest,
and drought is common and often severe. Cultivation is limited, and the dominant agricultural activity is
pastoral livestock rearing comprising cattle, goats and sheep. In this ecosystem, the main agent of soil
erosion is the wind, which is supported by dry climatic conditions. Overgrazing and trampling reduces
the vegetative cover and causes compacting of the soil, which is then vulnerable to erosion and
desertification. It has been estimated that upwards of 50% of this ecosystem is affected by
desertification. The zone, with a population of about 30 million people, accounts for about 43% of the
countrys total land area. The IPCC predicts that rainfall and run-off will decline, and that evaporation
will increase in this zone, further contributing to desertification pressures in future (IPCC, 2001). The
semi-arid area of Nigeria is also faced with other environmental challenges such as uncontrolled
expansion in agriculture, and fuel wood collection, over exploitation of water resources, poor irrigation
practices, bush fires, human settlements, land degradation, and de-vegetation. This is exacerbated by
rapidly growing population and the impacts of climate change which have led not only to social conflicts
between herdsmen and farmers but also insurgency by some youths in that zone as evident in the
ongoing violence in the North east of Nigeria. The Government is giving special attention to investment
in ASALs that include development of an Integrated Land Use Master (Development) Plan.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Develop and implement an Integrated Natural Resources Management Strategy and Land Use
Master Plan for the semi-arid areas of the country.
2. Involve local people in the design, implementation and management of land and water
resources intervention programmes including afforestation and reforestation programmes.
3. Adopt an integrated approach to address, bio-physical and socio-economic aspects of
desertification and drought in the semi-arid ecosystem.
4. Promote efficient measures for productive and sustainable resource management and establish
drought early warning systems in the semi-arid area of the country.
5. Implement the National Policy on Desertification and Mitigation of Drought, the National Action
Plan (NAP) to combat desertification and the National Plan on Drought and Desertification
Emergency Preparedness as well as create a Desertification Trust Fund.
6. Promote measures to minimize pastoralists- farmers conflicts and introduce youth
empowerment programmes as a means of tackling insurgency.
7. Integrate public awareness and education on management of land and water resources in the
semi-arid ecosystem.
8. Strengthen national and state institutions towards implementing sustainable agricultural
practices and effective tackling of land degradation problems.
9. Intensify international and regional cooperation and partnership arrangements in the
management of shared Land and water resources of the semi-arid zone as well as in the areas of
research, capacity building and provision of additional technical and financial resources.
10. Intensify the implementation of the Great Green Wall for Sahara Development Initiative to
enhance ecological recovery of areas threatened by drought and desertification in the semi-arid
11. Fully domesticate and implement relevant sections of the United Nations Convention to Combat
Desertification to the countrys needs.
4.6 Forest Ecosystems
The conservation and sustainable development of forest ecosystems and their associated resources is
essential for lasting poverty reduction and sustainable development. The tropical Forest ecosystems are
important in conservation of soil, water and biodiversity. They are the richest terrestrial habitats for
biodiversity. Moreover, forests play a vital role in carbon sequestration and, therefore, in global climate
regulation as well as in regulating local air quality and rainfall patterns. Nigeria primarily has three main
forest ecosystems comprising the mangrove (in areas diurnally flooded by salt water) and fresh water
swamp forest along the coast; tropical rain forest and three main savanna forest types (Guinea, Sudan,
and the Sahel). About four-fifths of the land area is savanna; the remainder is covered by rain forests.
The major form of vegetation in the Niger Delta area is the inter-tidal forested wetland known as
mangrove. Recent forms of direct impact include the destruction of biodiversity by land uses such as oil
and gas production, aquaculture (shrimp and fish ponds), agriculture (rice), urban development, and
forest clear-felling for economic gain and other purposes. Indirect loss of mangrove biodiversity
components has resulted from human alterations of upland watersheds, causing diversion of freshwater
flows (dams and canals), and deterioration of water quality from the input of toxic chemicals (heavy
metals, oil spills, pesticides) and nutrients to rivers and coastal waters.
Most of Nigerias rainforests, which fall within one of the worlds 25 biodiversity hotspots that is, the
Congolian sub-unit of the Guinea-Congolian bio-geographical zone, have now been cleared, and only a
small isolated forest reserves remain. The rarest subspecies of gorilla, the Cross River Gorilla (Gorilla
gorilla diehli) is found in fragments of this forest in Nigeria, Cameroon and Bioko Island. Nigerias forests
have been dwindling at an annual rate of 3.5% during the last three decades due largely to pressure
from Agriculture, industry, human settlement and infrastructure. In addition, extraction of forest
products, illegal logging, cutting trees for fuelwood and charcoal, and grazing of livestock have also
contributed to the degradation of forests. Between 1990 and 2015, Nigeria lost about 35% of its
remaining forest resources and over 50% of other wooded land (FAO 2015 Global Forest Resources
Assessment), making it a country with the highest rate of deforestation in the world. These competing
land uses have adverse environmental, social and economic effects on long term sustainability of forest
ecosystems as well as human wellbeing.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Formulate and implement innovative strategy to increase forest and tree cover to at least 25%
of the total land area (in line with the FAO standard).
2. Develop and implement a National Strategy for Rehabilitation and Restoration of degraded
forest ecosystems.
3. Promote the rational exploitation of forest resources to meet domestic consumption needs and
to achieve a significant export activity on a long term basis.
4. Protect, conserve, and create new forests for scientific, recreational, cultural and economic
purposes while ensuring proper dissemination of scientific and technological information
conducive to more efficient use of forest resources.
5. Review and support the effective implementation of the National Forest Policy and other related
policies and legislations.
6. Regulate forestry activities to enhance conservation and environmentally sound management
7. Facilitate institutional capacity development and implement cost-effective, objective and
measurable national standards, principles and criteria of sustainable forest management
including mandatory Environmental Impact Assessment for major development projects
involving substantial removal of forest resources.
8. Develop and support appropriate forest-based development mechanisms in the emerging
carbon markets
9. Develop and expand energy generation from renewable resources (such as hydropower and
solar power) as well as centralized power generation from using fossil fuels to using cleaner
technologies in order to reduce pressures on forests and woodlands.
10. Integrate economic and social development priorities into forest conservation measures so that
local communities can share in the management of the resource and in the benefits of trade in
their products.
11. Develop measures for the sustainable use and management of forest genetic resources through
a combination of in situ and ex situ methods while minimizing the impacts of forestry operations
on biodiversity.
12. Carry out periodic assessment of the state of forest ecosystems and identifying threatened,
endangered and extinct species for priority actions.
13. Implement a Forestry Trust Fund (FTF) for forest activities in Nigeria.
14. Promote research and development in areas of forestry development.
Nigeria occupies a unique geographic position in Africa and its highly varied climate and other
geographic features endow her with one of the richest biodiversity in the continent. Its diversity of
natural ecosystems and the rich and varied biological resources form the nations natural wealth on
which its social and economic systems are based. These resources also have global importance, for the
worlds climate and for the development of agriculture or industrial activities such as pharmaceutics,
tourism and construction, to name but a few of the most important areas.
According to the 2006 National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, Nigeria possesses more than 5,000
recorded species of plants, 22,090 species of animals, including insects and 889 species of birds, and
1,489 species of micro-organisms. By 1992, the country study listed 135 reptile species, 109 amphibian
species and 648 fish species and the forests along the south-eastern border with Cameroon area known
to be a hotspot for amphibian biodiversity. Nigeria is known as a global hotspot for primate species, with
a great diversity found especially in the Gulf of Guinea forests of Cross River State and adjacent parts of
Cameroon. Some important endemic birds and mammals include three monkey species, the white-
throated monkey (Cercopithecus erythrogaster), Sclaters guenon (Cercopithecus sclateri) and the Niger
Delta red colobus (Procolobus pennantii epieni) and three birds, the Anambra waxbill (Estrilda
poplipaia), the Ibadan malimbe, (Malimbus ibadanensis) and the Jos indigo-bird (Vidua maryae). The
most endangered gorilla subspecies on earth, the Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) with an
estimated population of less than 250 individuals is found only in a couple of protected areas near the
Nigeria/Cameroon border.
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (i.e. of globally threatened species) includes 148 animals and
146 plants that are found in Nigeria. Of these, 26 animals and 18 plants are classified as endangered and
another three animals and 15 plants are critically endangered worldwide.
Natural and human-made threats, socio-cultural problems as well as direct and indirect consequences of
socio-economic development, particularly agriculture, have contributed to the erosion of biodiversity at
all levels. Within the last 30 years, about 43 percent of the forest ecosystem has been lost through
human activity. Close to 96 percent of the original 20 percent forest cover has been cleared and only 2
percent of what remains is undisturbed. This has resulted in massive loss of the very rich and diverse
forest flora and fauna, including indigenous tree species. Large parts of the savanna are also being
degraded particularly through wood harvesting for fuelwood and charcoal production, causing
ecosystem impoverishment and biodiversity loss. The protected area system in Nigeria currently
covers only 5.7 percent of the land mass. The number of threatened and endangered species has
also been on the increase. It is estimated that 0.4 percent of the plant species are threatened and
8.5 percent endangered, with 0.14 percent of the animals and insects threatened and 0.22 percent
endangered. In addition, about 10-12 species of primates are threatened.
In general, since the beginning of the last century, biological resources in Nigeria have been subjected to
increasing pressures of habitat loss, overharvesting, pollution and the introduction of and invasion by
alien species. Consequently their productive potential for present and future generations is threatened.
Improvement in the quality of life for the people will require long-term economic growth which is itself
dependent upon improved management and conservation of the natural resource base. Several
obstacles to sustainable management of biodiversity include financial and human resource constraints,
lack of awareness among the general public and among decision makers, inadequate legal structures at
the national level, and ineffective cooperation between countries in the sub region.
Sustainable management of biodiversity and wildlife in Nigeria requires a careful juxtaposition between
the needs of a large and growing human population today and the long-term sustainability of the
natural resources that people ultimately depend upon for the future.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Revise and implement the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.
2. Make biodiversity and wildlife conservation a development priority through proper
mainstreaming into sectoral policies, plans and programmes.
3. Encourage community action to halt the loss of the nations biodiversity and wildlife by
increasing devolution of the rights and management of natural resources to indigenous and
local communities, communication outreach and capacity building.
4. Encourage sustainable use of farmlands, forest and wetlands outside protected areas while
promoting in-situ and ex-situ biodiversity conservation.
5. Promote sustainable consumption patterns and introduce population control measures in order
to minimize human impact on biodiversity and wildlife resources.
6. Conserve and facilitate access to genetic resources that are important to agriculture, medicine
and industry;
7. Support the sharing of the benefits and knowledge, expertise and technologies in the use of
biodiversity in a fair and equitable manner;
8. Assess periodically the national biodiversity conservation status through monitoring and
identification and strengthen Research centres for the exchange of data and information of
relevance to the conservation of biological diversity.
9. Establish a biodiversity data base as the basis for evaluation and monitoring.
10. Support the development of national income accounting systems which compensate for the
degradation and depletion of natural resource stocks;
11. Monitor, regulate and minimize processes and categories of activities that have or are likely to
have significant adverse impact on the conservation of biodiversity;
12. Monitor the impact of trade in wildlife and wild plants on biodiversity
13. Conduct a periodic country-wide total economic valuation of biodiversity, with an emphasis on
goods and services that draw linkages between biodiversity, the economy and poverty
14. Encourage the banking and financial sectors of the economy to identify incentives and
opportunities favourable to biodiversity in investment and lending policies;
15. Design and implement focused awareness campaigns on threatening processes, including
invasive species and climate change;
16. Develop, implement and strengthen programmes for international scientific collaboration,
sharing of information and technology transfer;
17. Cooperate with the international community to devise policies, programmes and projects that
enhance conservation and sustainable use of shared biodiversity resources.
18. Domesticate and implement the relevant sections of the United Nations Convention on
Biological Diversity to the countrys benefits.
Agro-ecosystems are those in which people have deliberately selected crop plants and livestock animals to replace
the natural flora and fauna. These artificial systems vary enormously in the intensity of human intervention from
those with only low-intensity management (e.g. shifting cultivation, home gardens, nomadic pastoralism,
traditional compound farms, rotational fallows and savannah mixed farming), to those of middle-intensity
management (including multiple cropping, horticulture and improved pasture mixed farming), and high-intensity
management (intensive cereal cropping, orchards and plantations, and intensive livestock raising).
Today, the traditional, more environment-friendly systems of agriculture are breaking down in Nigeria and the
fragile balance between agro-ecosystems and natural ecosystems is crumbling due to increasing human
intervention and overuse. In many parts of the country, mechanized agriculture, dams and irrigation schemes are
degrading the land and also harm the ability of agro-ecosystems to support biodiversity. Intensified agricultural
uses, including agricultural encroachment into forested areas has resulted in extreme erosion problems in many
parts of Nigeria.
Livestock: Livestock production in Nigeria is predominantly the pastoral type. During the dry season and drought
years, movement of large animals has a tremendous negative effect on the soils, rangeland and even the woody
vegetation in the country, especially along the two existing pastoral corridors running from the north to the south.
The moving animals thus contribute to erosion menace and desertification while watering points, often used by
the farmers, also become sources of conflict.
Policy Statements
For sustainable and environment friendly livestock production, the Government will:
1. Conserve the genetic diversity found in existing domesticated plants and animals and their
related wild species;
2. Identify and use wild species and genetic diversity to improve livestock productivity and
adaptability in the face of environmental change;
3. Minimize the adverse impacts of agricultural practices on agro-ecosystems and natural
4. Establish policy incentives (e.g. tax breaks, subsidies) so that farmers will retain some areas
managed with traditional techniques where necessary to maintain genetic diversity;
5. Build capacity within government, the private sector, NGOs and communities on how to
integrate environment into viable agricultural practices.
Fishery: Nigeria has a diversity of fin and shell fish fauna consisting of over 250 species in the inland freshwater
alone and 199 species from 78 families in the brackish and marine waters. The freshwater bodies should be
capable of producing 511,702 metric tons of fish under adequate management. On the other hand, the potential
yield of fish from the coastal and brackish waters has been estimated as follows: 22,000 MT from demersal
resources; 120,000 MT from pelagic resources; and 48,000 MT from shell-fish; giving a total fish yield of 190,000
MT. It is estimated that the fisheries potential for aquaculture in Nigeria is near 656,820 MT/annum. The major
constraints to effective development and conservation of the countrys marine and freshwater fisheries resources
are the lack of adequate information, over-exploitation stemming from poor legislation, ineffective enforcement
machinery and pollution.
Policy Statements
For sustainable fishery development, the Government will:
1. Promote the use of more sustainable fishing practices that minimize the risk of irreversibly
harming ecosystem structure and essential processes.
2. Recognize the role of traditional use rights and traditional knowledge and the importance of
property rights and institutions.
3. Encourage community participation and community-based fishing cooperatives as means of
improving the livelihoods of small-scale fishermen and of strengthening local resource
4. Develop more reliable scientific information and encourage better use of such information for
effective management of fishery resources.
5. Develop and encourage the use of selective fish-capture methods in order to reduce the
chances of capturing non-target fish (by-catch).
6. Combine the development of more effective fisheries regulations with better enforcement
7. Build capacity of aquaculture workers not only for enhanced productivity of fish farms but also
to minimize the risk of accidental releases of organisms into aquatic ecosystems.
8. Establish fish sanctuaries in selected locations all over the country and extend non-trawling
zone in the inshore waters from 2 to 5 nautical miles from the baseline from which the
territorial sea is measured.
9. Embark on massive production of fingerlings of selected fishes for stocking reservoirs.
Land is central to environmental processes through its influence on biodiversity, water, energy, trace gas
emissions, carbon cycling, and a wide range of socio-economic and ecological processes that affect
livelihoods. It is the most important resource necessary for sustenance. Naturally speaking, Nigerias
land is richly endowed with abundant and diverse renewable and non-renewable resources. Human
misuse, however, has resulted in several unfavorable changes. There is a general concern that
inappropriate land use practices are resulting in increasing degradation of the countrys land resource.
For example, the increase in flood plain agriculture suggests intensification of cultivation within the
Fadama while other surrounding lands are already close to the climatic limit of cultivation. In general, in
the northern and central parts of the country, the Sudan savanna ecology is transiting to Sahel, an
indication that desertification intensity is increasing. In a similar manner, the Guinea savanna in the
south is giving way to Sudan savanna grassland. Deforestation, large scale land clearing and floodplain
encroachment have led to the development severe gully erosion even in the northern part of the
country where rainfall is limited.
Southern Nigeria, particularly the southeastern part, is affected by massive and expanding gully erosion.
There are an estimated 3,000 gullies, which can be up to 10 km long with multiple fingers spreading
through the rural or urban landscape. In southeastern states, gullies and areas exposed to erosion
tripled increased from about 1.33% (1,021 km2) in 1976 to about 3.7% (2,820 km2) in 2006. Spectacular
gullies have destroyed vast areas of land in Nanka, Agulu and Oko in Anambra state, Okigwe in Imo
state, and parts of Abia, Enugu, and Ebonyi States. Other badly affected states include Ekiti, Gombe and
Kogi. Ironically, many of the countrys land degradation hotspots are also the most densely populated
areas, such as Anambra state, the self-proclaimed gully capital of the world and the most densely
populated region in Africa.
Recent estimates indicate that about 90% of the total land area of the country is under some form of soil
erosion, ranging from sheet to rill and gully erosion, which are directly impacting the sustainability of
key systems and livelihoods. Up to 6,000 km2 (about 6% of Nigerias land mass) are severely degraded.
Drought and desertification are by far the most pressing environmental problems afflicting northern
parts of the country. The visible sign of desertification, resulting from persistent drought and climatic
change, is the gradual shift in vegetation from grasses, bushes and occasional tress, to grass and bushes
and in the final stages, expansive areas of desert-like conditions. It has been estimated that between
50% and 75% of Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, Adamawa, Jigawa, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Sokoto, Yobe, and
Zamfara States in Nigeria are being affected by desertification. These states account for about 35% of
the countrys total land area. In addition, seven adjacent states to the south are reported to have about
10% to 15% of their land areas threatened by processes of desertification. It is estimated that the
country is currently loosing 351,000 hectares of its landmass to desert-like conditions annually, and such
conditions are estimated to be advancing southwards, in a haphazard manner at the rate of about 600m
per year. Desertification has continued to be a serious environmental menace to the countrys land
resources. It has reportedly resulted in the burial of some entire villages and major access roads under
sand dunes in the northern portions of some states, particularly Borno, Jigawa, Katsina, Sokoto and Yobe
Desertification, land degradation and drought remain major challenges for the country in the use of its
land resources. The situation is worsening with climate change-induced floods that ravage the country
at irregular intervals. These are also becoming more frequent. Flooding is becoming a more severe
phenomenon in many parts of Nigeria. Flooding is aggravated by poor land use and watershed
management practices. Human activities such as unplanned rapid urbanization, blockage of
river/drainage channels, land clearing for agricultural purposes and deforestation contribute immensely
to flooding. The most flood-prone areas in Nigeria include: (i) low-lying coastal areas of southern Nigeria
where annual rainfall is heavy; (ii) the floodplains of major rivers such as the Niger, Benue, Gongola,
Sokoto, Hadejia, Katsina-Ala, Donga, Kaduna, Gurara, Ogun and Anambra, etc., and (iii) the flat, low-lying
areas around Lake Chad .
Halting land degradation, rehabilitating degraded areas, combating desertification and mitigating
impacts of floods and droughts remains a major challenge for the country.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Review and implement National Policy on Drought and Desertification and the translation of the
National Drought Preparedness Strategy to vernacular.
2. Undertake a baseline study to quantify the extent and severity of land degradation and
desertification in the frontline and buffer States and mitigate the effects of Drought in Nigeria.
3. Strengthen the capacity of the Department of Drought and Desertification Amelioration (DDDA)
in the Federal Ministry of Environment to co-ordinate activities for combating desertification
4. Implement the national strategy for the Great Green Wall Sahara and Sahel Initiative for the
establishment of 1500 km by 15km of green wall in the frontline states to halt the advance of
the Sahara Desert, enhance environmental sustainability and control land degradation.
5. Strengthen the capacities of the Departments of Forestry and/or Drought Desertification in each
of the affected States to manage the Green Wall for environmental sustainability.
6. Strengthen the capacity of the Arid Zone Research Centre to play an effective advocacy role on
the socio-economic impact of desertification.
7. Review the National Land-use Decree to accommodate aspect of sustainability in land-use
8. Establish desertification control offices in all the 11 frontline states and buffer states as well as
their LGAs.
9. Promote sustainable land management best practices.
10. Establish drought and desertification monitoring and early warning systems.
11. Rehabilitate at least 50% by 2020 for poverty reduction and sustainable job creation.
12. Apply modern and indigenous soil defense and restoration techniques and sustainable land
management practices, including dune fixation, windbreaks, dykes, biological and agroforestry.
13. Promote awareness and active participation of communities in land management, particularly
rehabilitation of degraded lands, programmes.
14. Promote active involvement of communities in the practices of sustainable land management.
15. Achieve land degradation neutrality in the country by 2030.
4.10 Soils
Soil form the basis for nearly all of human food, livestock feed, fiber and fuel. It also provides the spatial
dimension for the development of human settlements, including building of houses and infrastructures,
recreation facilities and waste disposal. Its health, therefore, is fundamental to its sustainable use.
Given low adoption of soil and water conservation measures all over Nigeria, the soils have continued to
witness steady, and often rapid, degradation. Yet, land users, most especially farmers, continued to rely
on them for livelihood. Soil degradation processes of particular concern throughout the country include
accelerated erosion, decline in soil structure, crusting, compaction, nutrient depletion, acidification,
depletion of soil organic matter, and reduction in the activity and species diversity of soil
With respect to crop production, soil degradation impacts productivity through its adverse effects on
availability/imbalance of plant nutrients and water. Nutrient deficit is caused by prevalence of extractive
farming practices such as removal of crop residues, lack of or low rate of application of inorganic
fertilizers and organic amendments, extension of cultivation onto marginal lands, etc. In addition to land
area affected by accelerated erosion, quite a sizable proportion of the country arable land have reached
such a state of degradation that only huge investments could make them productive again. Soil
degradation not only affect food security, through reduction in crop yields and decline in their
nutritional values, but is also related to pollution of soil, air, and water, with severe impacts on human
health. Because the poor generally lack the capacity to make land improving investments, are
particularly dependent on annual crops (which generally degrade soils more than perennial crops), and
on common property lands (which generally suffer greater degradation than privately managed land),
they tend to suffer more than the non-poor from soil degradation. The process of reversing soil
degradation is expensive and time consuming; some heavily degraded soils may not be recoverable. On
the other hand, good management can limit physical losses.
Policy Statements
8. Build capacity for flood forecasting and monitoring.
9. Develop flood forecasting, prediction and early warning system for major river systems in the
10. Develop and implement community-based flood mitigations and prompt response measures
and initiatives to minimize impacts of flooding.
Oil and gas are the major sources of foreign exchange earnings for Nigeria. , The sector contributes only
19.80 % to the nations rebased and further revised GDP. Nevertheless, the operations in the sector and
the heavy reliance on it for income combine to pose acute challenges on the environment.
Oil and gas operations have direct impact on the environment including on soil, water and air quality.
This is also a major industrial complex releasing tonnes of greenhouse gases and adding to the climate
challenge. Seismic operations have impacts on deforestation and on biodiversity lose including impacts
on aquatic and terrestrial life forms.
Decades of oil spill in the Niger Delta have been estimated to be in the magnitude of one Exxon Valdez
per year. The impacts are widespread in soils, as well as in marine and coastal ecosystems. Gas flares not
only constitute an economic waste but also poses serious air quality and health hazard. Toxic wastes,
produced water and drilling mud and drilling cuts leave extensive footprints in the oil field communities
The environmental challenge is aggravated by less than optimum management and protection of
pipelines have led to pipeline accidents and tampering by third parties manifesting from vandalism and
sabotage. Poor decommissioning practices and management of non-producing oil wells pose
environmental challenges and add to incidents of spills and accidents. Lax control of oil refineries and
petrochemical complexes lead to release of carbon particulates impacting air quality; toxic effluents
impacting surface and ground water systems and soils.
The classification of communities that have oil and gas installations on their territories as host
communities pose special challenges and tend to divide communities, instigate disharmony and
promote negative responses.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Ensure base line studies are conducted before operations begin
2. Require strict Environmental and Social Impact Assessments before permits are issued for oil
and gas activities. Since oil and gas fields have lifespans there must be an approved and
verifiable decommissioning plan for each installation before operations commence
3. Ensure that biodiversity conservation plans are integrated into the business plans in the oil and
gas sector
4. Secure fragile ecosystems, places of cultural/heritage significance, and ensure that important
land/seascapes are off-limits to oil and gas exploration and exploitation activities
5. Require regular environmental evaluations and risk management plans for oil and gas fields as
prerequisite planning tools.
6. Require regular audits throughout the life span of the particular fields
7. Establish a system for monitoring types and stocks of chemicals used and the quality and
performance of plants such as Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) platforms and
including integrity checks of ships, barges, pipelines and other equipment and installations.
8. Enforce legislations outlawing gas flaring
9. Require clear pollution prevention provisions in oil field operations.
10. Require appropriate authorities to ensure accurate measurement of volumes of crude oil and
gas extracted from the fields as a means of estimating actual loses that may be stolen or are
going into the environment unchecked.
11. Regularly review the corporate environmental programme of oil and gas companies to ensure
that they are in line with this policy
12. Ensure that all incidents are reported promptly and responses, including clean ups, are in line
with the international standards enumerated in the Environmental Guidelines and Standards for
the Petroleum Industries in Nigeria (EGASPIN).
13. Support enhancement of capacity and requisite technical knowledge in communities
14. Integrate communities inputs and participation in environmental planning and protection
strategies and measures without compromising on technical knowledge and expertise
15. Consider all communities in particular oil and gas fields as host communities keeping in mind
that pollution does not respect community boundaries.
4.12 Minerals
Every state in the nation boasts of deposits of solid minerals. The proposition that states can become
economically viable by developing and exploiting these mineral resources has become common wisdom.
The implication for the environment of a massive national push for the extraction of solid minerals will
be acute degradation.
Mining related activities have health impacts, including effects from heavy metals and other toxic
elements. Workers and communities may be exposed to high levels of toxic chemicals used in the
processes of mining and refining of ores. Preponderance of unregulated artisanal and industrial scale
mining means uncontrolled environmental degradation with extensive implications for human health
and that of other organisms.
Environmental degradation and land uptake by mining activities impacts agricultural production as well
as other sources of local livelihoods thus deepening poverty in vulnerable communities. The drive for
investments in the sector by transnational corporations poses new challenges especially related to the
extremely friendly tax and regulatory regimes that may likely be extended to them.
Key challenges include: (i) inadequate skilled manpower to regulate, monitor and enforce compliance to
the provisions of the Minerals and Mining Act/regulations; (ii) lack of Mining equipment, tools and
faculties for monitoring mining activities in the mines field; (iii) inadequate infrastructural facilities at
remote mining sites e.g access roads and power supply; (iv) lack of adequate awareness on the part of
operators on sustainable mining practices; (v) problem of illegal mining in some of the remote mining
areas; (vi) child labour issues in mining due to poverty mining communities; and (vii) lack of funds to
remediate environmental degradation due to past mining activities.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Review and enforce the Solid Minerals Act 2007 appropriately.
2. Regulate all levels of mining including those at artisanal scales.
3. Ensure that developments in the sector comply with all environmental protection and health
laws, guidelines and regulations.
4. Ensure that operators in the sector comply with the NEITI Act and are fully transparent and
5. Proscribe solid minerals prospecting and mining in fragile ecosystems including coastal waters,
forests and other areas of high heritage value.
6. Require regular environmental evaluations and risk management plans for all minefields as
prerequisite planning tools. Also require regular audits throughout the life span of the particular
7. Establish a system of monitoring types and stocks of chemicals used and the quality and
performance of plants.
8. Demand regular air and water quality monitoring in operational areas.
9. Internalize environmental costs as operational costs of the mining entities.
10. Enforce remediation, maintenance of aesthetic value of landscapes and containment and safe
disposal of overspill materials and wastes within confines of mines.
11. Ensure suitable decommissioning and closure of mines and the full restoration of all mining sites
and quarries.
12. Encourage research and weigh comparative advantages between solid minerals and other
environmentally friendly products and activities.
13. Promote local participation and involvement of local communities and enterprises in the mining
14. Engage in full rehabilitation of communities whose environment has already been degraded by
mining activities including taking steps to promote recovery of biodiversity and artifacts of
cultural significance.
5. Waste and Environmental Pollution
5.1 Waste
Solid waste disposal has become one of the environmental problems that the government is concerned
about. Recent estimates indicate that the total amount of domestic waste per annum in Nigeria is about
63million tonnes (0.45kg/capital/annum). In general, the volume of solid wastes is overwhelming urban
administrators' capacity to plan, evacuate and dispose wastes.
The problem of solid waste management is a major concern in the country. Waste is indiscriminately
disposed such that solid waste dumps dot the urban landscape. Only about 30 -50% of waste is
collected. Most of the urban areas lack effective system of refuse collection. As a result, most urban
households resort to open dumping of refuse. The common arrangement, in the very few urban
communities where a system is in place, is for waste management authorities to collect refuse from
households and public containers. The operation of the waste management authorities is inefficient and
ineffective as evidenced by mounds of decomposing rubbish that is a part of the regular landscape of
many of the urban areas. Much of the generated waste is either burned or dumped haphazardly in
illegal landfills or streets, where it creates health hazards and block drains, contributing to urban
The inability to sort waste at source means that household and industrial wastes, including toxic ones,
are often handled together, leading to soil and groundwater pollution. In view of the mass amount of
waste in many urban centres of the country, Nigerian cities have been adjudged as being unsanitary and
the non-aesthetically pleasing. The situation is compounded by (i) unplanned sitting of waste dumps; (ii)
preponderance of non-biodegradable materials such as plastic bags and containers in waste materials;
(iii) rampant sewage leakages; and (iv) increasing dumping of e-waste (disused ICT materials) and
medical waste in the country.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Enforce the implementation of the Harmful Waste Act (2004) and other waste management-
related national laws and regulations.
2. Setup and enforce standards for sanitary facilities for the disposal of human and solid waste in
dwellings, estates, public facilities in both rural and urban areas.
3. Regulate, register and license of all major land waste disposal sites and system.
4. Determine the use of environmentally safe and technological sound techniques for the disposal
of toxic, hazardous and radioactive wastes.
5. Control generation of toxic hazardous and radioactive wastes especially those that are banned.
6. Evolve a clean environment where waste is managed and landscaped on a sustainable basis.
7. Secure and enforce a legislative ban on plastic bags.
8. Upscale ongoing community-based waste management pilot projects.
9. Secure appropriate funding for Integrated Waste Management Facility projects through pubic-
private partnership in selected urban areas.
10. Promote and support waste to wealth initiatives at all levels.
11. Enhance the capacity of NOSDRA to effectively handle oily waste.
Environmental pollution in Nigeria is much greater in magnitude today than in previous decades as a
result of the high rate of population growth and urbanization, modernization of agriculture, especially in
the increasing use of agrochemicals, the introduction of new technologies and consumer products, and,
the ineffectiveness of the institutional, logistical and policy arrangements that have been put in place
over the years to tackle the menace. Thus environmental degradation due to pollution must be tackled
head-on if Nigeria is to achieve the vision of becoming one of the leading twenty economies in 2020, for
a healthy environment is the basis of economic prosperity and sustainable development. Essentially this
calls for a robust and holistic approach to pollution management in the country.
The dominant types of pollution in Nigeria are air, water, soil and noise pollution. Industries were the
major sources of pollutants in Nigeria in 1980s and 1990s when well over 5,000 industrial facilities and
10,000 small scale industries were in operation on the Nigerian landscape. Constantly smoke from
factory chimneys and dust are spewed into the air, untreated industrial effluent discharged directly into
open drainage channels and some industries bury expired chemicals and hazardous waste in their
backyards or dump them haphazardly, thereby threatening water quality in rivers and wells. The total
dependence of manufacturing industries on diesel-powered electric generators is the main driving force
of air pollution in major industrial centres in the country. In 1998 FEPA reported that air pollution load
for Lagos state industries was about 51800metric tonnes, consisting of sulphur dioxide (37.6%), nitrogen
oxides (31.5%) and particulates (26.5%).
Although many of the industries have closed down, pollution has by no means abated as those
functioning still rely entirely on diesel-powered generators. Besides, the country has witnessed a
tremendous upsurge in the number of automobiles and commercial motorcycles on our roads and
streets as well as electric generators in homes and offices. These contraptions have become the new
and widespread sources of pollution in Nigeria. The major pollutants from automobiles, motorcycles and
electric generators are carbon emissions into the atmosphere, expended oil and battery acid which are
dumped haphazardly within and on the outskirts of towns and excessive noise from all the three. Used
crankcase oil from mechanic workshops, industries, power stations and commercial houses are dumped
directly into drains and ground surfaces in urban centres. Studies elsewhere have identified excessive
exposure to noise as detrimental to the neuro-endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive
systems. In addition chronic exposure to noise has been found to cause fatigue, reduced concentration
and work efficiency.
Pollution from oil exploration activities in the Niger Delta remains of concern to the government. Oil
spills from leaking underground pipelines and storage tanks are a regular occurrence, rendering vast
tracts of land and water bodies unproductive in the region. National Oil Spill Detection and Response
Agency (NOSDRA) recorded in first half of the year 2007 a total of 424 spill incidents involving 33,799
barrels of oil. Of these spill incidents 196 were due to Equipment or operation failure, 143 were caused
by sabotage while the sources of the remaining 85 were in contention. As well, pollution from gas flaring
goes on daily because the flare-free deadline set by government has been postponed four times. The
resultant heat stress and acid rain continue to degrade the ecosystem.
Pollution of air, water and soil in Nigeria also comes from extensive use of fertilisers on farms, dumping
of expired and contraband chemicals and pesticides in the country, improper storage and handling of
chemicals as well as improper disposal of hospital and municipal wastes.
An emerging and rapidly growing source of pollution is e-waste from developed countries being dumped
in Nigeria. This form of waste consists of old computers and other electronic gadgets which contain
deadly chemicals and toxins. The poor regularly sort through waste dumps to scavenge for anything they
could sell and so unwittingly expose themselves to toxic hazards and health risks.
Main challenges of environmental pollution in Nigeria include: (i) poor identification of sources of
specific pollutants due to the use of inappropriate technologies; and (ii) weak legal framework,
institutions and human capacity to bring the pollutants to acceptable levels that conform to
international standards.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
Industry is the very life wire of any economy. A strong industry necessarily produces a strong economy.
It is therefore not surprising that the thrust of the nations industrial policy, like trade, is the acceleration
of the pace of industrialisation by the deliberate augmentation of value-addition at every stage of
production and deliberate support for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which are undoubtedly the
engine rooms of industrialization and entrepreneurship. They contribute immensely to economic growth
and generate employment. In the process, however, industries can contribute to the degradation of the
environment. This calls for the need to carry along environmental concerns in the countrys industrial
Policy Statement
The Government will:
1. Mainstream environmental considerations into National Industrial Policy.
2. Institutionalize environmental audit, including health and safety surveillance in industries
3. Ensure that environmental issues are into regional and international trade negotiations and
domesticate agreements emanating therefrom.
4. Support the development and implementation of an environmentally-friendly national industrial
policy and action plan.
5. Facilitate the strengthening of SMEs and other industrial outfits to adopt environmental-friendly
6. Build capacity on trade, industry and environment;
7. Create environmental awareness in technological and industrial growth.
8. Promote green growth development.
9. Ensure that all major industrial development projects are mandatorily preceded by approved
and certified Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
10. Strengthen the capacity of NESREA to enforce laws that will, among others:
ensure strict adherence to land use zoning and demarcation of industrial areas to encourage
the optimal utilization of shared facilities;
ensure that major industrial locations are selected on the basis of environmental
prevent industries from being sited close to ecologically sensitive areas, historic and
archaeological monuments, national parks, scenic areas, beaches and resorts, coastal areas
and estuaries, bird and animal sanctuaries, natural lakes, swamps, floodplains, wetlands,
discourage the trend to appropriate forest reserves and prime agricultural lands for
industrial use;
prohibit the location of industries close to residential areas;
ensure the rational and sustainable exploitation and use of industrial raw materials taking
into consideration the best conservation practice and prevention of resource depletion;
encourage the use of state-of-the-art equipment and environmentally sound technologies in
process operations to enhance in-plant safety and healthy out-plant environments;
encourage existing industries to produce Comprehensive Industrial Master Plans that will
show novel and more effective methods for phased pollution abatement and waste
management, and compliance with set environmental standards;
ensure that production processes incorporate realistic programmes for cleaner production
and waste minimization through material recovery, reuse and recycling;
ensure that sufficient space is provided on site for solid waste storage and primary effluent
ensuring the establishment of specialized facilities for the handling and disposal of toxic and
hazardous wastes from industries;
enforce in-plant safety regulations and emergency procedures by compelling management
to provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and making it mandatory for workers to use
them through their labour unions;
ensure workers good health through periodic monitoring of their state of health and
provision of emergency and first aid services;
reward all existing industries that articulate viable programmes of environmental pollution,
remediation, facility sharing, and those with facilities for waste management through
economic incentives such as tax holidays, soft loans, outright grants, etc.;
prescribe strict adherence to the polluter-pay principle;
ensure that financial institutions insist on the execution of a mandatory EIA of projects prior
to granting of loans;
ensure sustainable development through the maintenance of industrial infrastructural
facilities, particularly water, roads, electricity, telecommunications, etc.;
initiate periodic detailed environmental audits of major industries and compiling
comprehensive inventory of pollutants;
monitor effluents from factories and other non-point sources as well as leachates from
approved industrial waste disposal sites to reduce/prevent contamination of air and
monitor on a continuous basis the Quality Assurance Standards/Requirements (such as Eco-
labelling) of potential foreign market blocks (e.g. the EU) and ensure that local products
meet the set standards.
6. Emerging Issues
6.1 Climate Change
Climate change has become one of the greatest global environmental challenges. Nigeria is strongly
predisposed to severe negative impacts of climate change due to its fragile economy, weak resilience
and low adaptive capacity. Much of the economy is dependent on climate-sensitive resources. For
example, the agriculture, forestry and fishing sectors employ up to 70% of the workforce. Its fossil fuel-
dependent economy will be particularly vulnerable to climate change-induced frequent and severe
extreme events, such as floods and droughts. The heavy concentration of GDP generating industry in
locations that are highly vulnerable to climate change-induced sea level rise, e.g. Lagos and the Niger
Delta makes the country extremely vulnerable. The 2016 Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI)
published by the UK-based risk company, Maplecroft, classifies Nigeria as being of high risk in the
southern part and extreme risk in the north. Climate change could result in a loss in GDP of between 6%
and 30% by 2050, worth an estimated US$ 100 to 460 billion dollars. If no adaptation is implemented, it
is estimated that between 2-11% of Nigerias GDP could potentially be lost by 2020, thereby hampering
the national development goal of becoming one of the top 20 economies in the world. Overcoming the
development challenge of climate change requires that extensive adaptation and mitigation measures
that are necessary to reduce vulnerability to future climate change are put in place.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Develop and implement a National Strategic Road Map for Responding to Climate Change in
Nigeria and/or a National Climate Change Response Programme.
2. Domesticate the globally-agreed climate change regime of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including but not limited to the implementation of the
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the Paris Agreement.
3. Participate effectively and on a continuous basis in global climate change negotiations.
4. Implement the National Climate Change Policy and Response Strategy.
5. Implement the National Adaptation Strategy and Plan of Action (NASPA).
6. Develop and implement an Integrated Financial Strategy for Climate Change Response.
7. Mainstream climate change into all sectors of the national economy.
8. Promote evidence-based research in climate change.
9. Raise awareness on climate change mitigation and adaptation opportunities among various
stakeholders at all levels.
10. Strengthen national climate change institutional structure and governance to include active
participation by the States and the Local Governments.
Nigeria is riparian to trans-boundary water bodies with neighbouring countries (e.g. Cameroon, Chad
and Niger). The key ones are the Niger, Benue, Gada-Goulbi of Maradi, Maggia-Lamido and Komadugu-
Yobe Basins transboundary water resources management. Large abstractions and use of these trans-
boundary water resources require understanding and agreement among the riparian states. Each of the
trans- boundary water bodies exhibits unique characteristics, and a complex range of water
management challenges. The most important consideration in Nigerias relations with those of its
neighbours with which it shares rivers is that there must be respect for each countrys equitable right to
water from the shared resource as stated in the general principles. Since water does not recognize
political boundaries, whether national or international, its management will be carried out in catchment
areas although care must be taken that the policy of subsidiarity does not interfere with the need for a
national and international perspective on water use. The framework for the management of
international shared water resources remains the Helsinki Rules. These state that each country which
shares any river (basin state) has the right to a reasonable and equitable share of the water in the basin,
and that the greatest benefit should be achieved with the least disadvantage to other country. The
Nigerian Government will ensure that shared water resources among riparian countries shall be used to
strengthen socio-economic and political relations respecting international conventions and treaties that
are in force.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Review and domesticate all international treaties and agreement on shared basis to reflect the
key issues in the United Nations (UN) Convention, particularly the Helsinki Agreements and the
Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes
(Water Convention).
2. Set up appropriate institutions and put together necessary institutional framework in the areas
of transboundary water resources management with the cooperation of adjourning countries.
3. Strengthen co-operation among riparian states in their efforts to find solution to development
problems, thereby promoting cordial relationship among the people of the border regions to
live as good neighbours.
4. Cooperate with other riparian countries for the development, optimum use and protection of
transboundary waters wherever possible and in her national interest without compromising her
5. Develop and implement strategies for the rational and optimal use of the shared water
resources for the development of Nigeria in order to improve the living conditions among the
people of shared basin;
6. Support the regional agencies activities, meet its own commitment and exert influence to
ensure protection of her interest as a vulnerable downstream riparian state.
The country has continued to face a rising degree of vulnerability to disaster risk. The floods of 2012
demonstrated the increasing vulnerability of communities to a hazard turning into a disaster. The lives
and livelihoods of the affected communities were seriously disrupted beyond their capacity to cope or
withstand using their own resources, with the result that affected populations suffer serious human,
material, economic or environmental losses. Communities are predisposed to disasters by a
combination of factors such as poverty, aridity, settlement in areas prone to perennial flooding or areas
with poor infrastructure and services such as the informal urban settlements or even living in poorly
constructed buildings. Wild fires are responsible for colossal losses to our forests and other land
resources as well as economic losses to buildings and properties in urban centres and markets. The
country needs to improve on its disaster management framework and strategies with appropriate policy
and legislative provisions.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Prepare comprehensive hazard maps and vulnerability analysis for the country.
2. Implement the National Disaster Preparedness Framework and Plan at national and state levels.
3. Develop National Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Information and Communication System.
4. Develop capacity for undertaking risk identification, monitoring and assessment.
5. Establish mechanisms and strengthen capacities for hazard detection, prediction and forecasting
at national, state and community levels.
6. Design and implementation of a coordinated national awareness creation and advocacy
7. Mainstream gender in disaster risk reduction, policy, planning and legal frameworks.
8. Formulate and implement disaster risk management capacity programmes for relevant national
9. Domesticate globally-agreed frameworks for DRR, including but not limited to the Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 2030.
Conflict is an integral part of life and living. Conflicts have directly affected a large proportion of the
country for the last 20 years, and hence greatly influenced its development. The Niger Delta situation in
Nigeria is such a pathetic one due to the degree of devastation it has witnessed over the years. Conflicts
often arise from the environment locally but they usually have national, regional and international
dimensions at one point or the other. Livelihood and resource issues often generate crisis particularly
when the same are inadequate or not evenly distributed. The current crisis in the northeastern part of
country is also resource-induced. The conflict is characterized by campaign carried out by the military
and insurgents/militias over large areas, resulting in a significant number of civilian deaths, the
widespread destruction of villages and forests, and the displacement of victims into camps for
protection, food and water. The environmental impacts of conflicts could be direct or indirect. Direct
impacts include: (i) landmines and explosive remnants of war; (ii) destroyed target-related impacts; (iii)
defensive works; and (iv) targeted natural resource destruction. Indirect and secondary impacts include:
(i) environmental impacts related to population displacement; (ii) natural resource looting and war
economy resource extraction; (iii) environmental governance and information vacuum; and (iv) funding
crises, arrested development and conservation programmes.
The 1999 United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) report provided the nexus between
deteriorating environmental conditions, inadequate resources and conflicts. The report concluded that
resource depletion issues such as pollution, soil erosion, desertification, deforestation, flooding and
even gas flare are some of the regular causal factors for direct and indirect local, national and global
conflicts especially in Nigeria like every developing country. Hence the need to carry along
environmental consideration in finding solutions to conflicts.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Conduct in-depth analysis of the impacts of conflicts on the environment and develop, as well as
implement appropriate mitigation strategies.
2. Conduct a specific environmental assessment for the conflict regions as soon as security
conditions and political stability permit.
3. Ensure environmental governance is included as a long-term goal for peace building and conflict
mitigation in situations where there is conflict over natural resources.
4. Promote the development and implementation of environmental governance for peace building
and resilient livelihoods programmes/projects.
5. Undertake reintegration, rehabilitation and recovery (RRR) and disarmament, demobilization
and reintegration (DDR) in a way that promotes the integration of the returnee/demobilized
combatant into the local context of environmental governance.
6. Establish and sustain national mechanisms for conflict resolution.
7. Mainstream environmental concerns into conflicts resolution mechanisms and peace building
There are pressures on environmental resources including conservation and utilization of genetic
resources. Population growth and land use changes continue to put pressure on our biodiversity. Local
agriculture is largely of the smallholder variety and depends on seed saving and sharing and requires
less chemical inputs. Requirement for chemical inputs such as herbicides and pesticides, pose concerns
about environmental health as these may impact soils, water bodies and non-target crops as well as
non-target pests. The issue of the development of super weeds and super bugs equally raise concerns.
National drive to improve on the income levels of farmers suggests that farmers have to upscale their
activities, add value through food processing, utilize modern technologies, reduce drudgery of
subsistence farming and get better integrated to marketing systems.
The co-existence of modern biotechnology varieties including LMOs/GMOs and non-GMO varieties is
problematic as GMO varieties pose threat of biodiversity contamination and genetic erosion through
cross pollination and other means of reproduction. There is a low level of awareness on GMOs and the
difference between them and products of traditional biotechnology and other breeding methods. This
complicates the debate on the controversial nature of modern biotechnology or GMOs. Nutrition has
almost superseded hunger as a major reason for proposing the introduction of GMOs especially to
tackle the deficiencies in children. This requires careful scrutiny especially with regard to alternatives
and eating patterns that can tackle the prognosis.
A key pillar in biosafety considerations is the Precautionary Principle of the Cartagena Protocol and
should be a vital guide in making decisions with regard to biosafety and Living Modified Organisms
(LMOs) or GMOs. In domesticating the Protocol, the countrys Biosafety Bill should be a law that is strict
and protective of the nations genetic resources.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Put in place a National Biosafety Law with strict liability and redress clauses to protect the
environment, farmers and communities.
2. Ensure that biosafety and biotechnology institutions operate as biodiversity protection and
biotechnology research agencies and not simply as biotechnology promotion agencies.
3. Provide adequate funding for biotechnological research, especially those that do not involve cross-
species genetic manipulations.
4. Develop competence in biosafety and modern biotechnology matters including on nanotechnology
and synthetic biology in relation to foods.
5. Ensure teaching of ecological agriculture at all educational levels and in relevant research institutes.
6. Strictly regulate trans-boundary movement of genetically modified organisms and products and
encourage development of improved crop varieties and animal breeds under ethical research
7. Make public participation obligatory in matters that come for decision in relation to biosafety and
8. Promote public awareness on biosafety through initiatives involving the community, policy makers,
legislators, administrators and the private sector.
9. Requires farmers representation on all boards that are concerned with GMOs in agriculture
10. Ensure adequate criteria for risk assessments and require that such assessments be conducted in
Nigeria and not offshore. This will ensure that the effect of the GMO on non-target organisms is
measured with non-target organisms that exist in Nigeria and that are ecologically important here.
11. Promote organic and ecologically sound agricultural practices that suit the holistic nature of local
agricultural practices that are not disruptive and are inclusive of economic, social, cultural and
gender considerations.
12. Control the reliance of farmers on artificial inputs including herbicides and pesticides that are
harmful to the environment.
13. Promote agriculture that preserves biodiversity and ensures safe food and other good quality
7. Cross-sectoral Issues
7.1 Population and Human Settlement
With a population of about 170 million people that is growing at the rate 3.2% per annum, Nigeria faces
the challenge of serious population impact on its environmental resources. Nigeria ranks among the
most urbanized countries in the world. In 1980 the urbanization rate was 28.6 percent rising to 35.3
percent in 1999 and 49.8% in 2010 with the rate projected to increase to 56.8 percent and 63.6 percent
in 2020 and 2030 respectively. A significant characteristic of the macro-economic context of human
settlements development is urban decay which manifests as slums and squatter settlements in the
countrys cities and towns. The pace of urbanization has been such that maintenance of modest
environmental standards inevitably had to lag behind. Furthermore, many urban areas are in a state of
squalor and over-crowdedness characterized by decrepit structures, poor sanitary conditions, over-
crowding, and under-provision of amenities and general deterioration of the urban environment. The
functionality of most urban areas is thus reduced in addition to exerting adverse impacts on households,
macro-economic performance and social well-being. On the other hand, the indiscriminate conversion
of rural land to urban uses without proper planning and implementation of EIA as well as the attendant
consequences of developmental initiatives on the rural environment cannot be overemphasized. The
government acknowledges that the current situation poses a major challenge to economic growth and
sustainable development, and notes that for environmental sustainability, there is need to maintain a
balance between population growth, settlement pattern and the environment. The rapid and unplanned
urbanization has to be brought into check to reduce its negative impact on the countrys environmental
Policy Statements
Life depends on a clean and healthy environment. Low environmental standards lead to reduced life
expectancy. In terms of environmental health, air and water borne diseases are associated with air and
water pollution, sanitation, personal hygiene, waste disposal, and chemical and food safety. Other
disease such as malaria, cholera, typhoid and Ebola are caused through exposure to harmful
environment. The Environmental Health sector suffers from (i) lack of cooperation between the health
sector and other sectors in including a component of primary health care; (ii) weak local capacity of
villages, townships and other authorities to promote health care services; (iii) lack of provision of safety
and health codes for use in various sectors of the economy; and (iv) low-level standard of environmental
health services and conditions relating to water supply, sewages, solid waste, pollution control and
green areas housing. There is prevalence of environmental related diseases such as malaria and typhoid.
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS), therefore, constitutes a major aspect of this Policy
Policy Statements
The government will:
1. Review and implement the National Environmental Health Action Plan (NEHAP)
2. Institutionalize environmental audit, including health and safety surveillance in industries
3. Improve the management and conservation of water supply sources.
4. Promote technologies for efficient and safe water use, especially in respect of waste water, use
and recycling.
5. Enhance the provision of occupational health and safety services
6. Provide incentives for private sector investment and development of appropriate water and
sanitation technologies and infrastructure for waste management.
7. Promote Environmental Health Impact Analysis (EHIA) as a component of ELA for all
development activities.
8. Promote capacity building in the field of impact analysis.
9. Encourage and promote the use of appropriate technology and local expertise to raise
community awareness, standards of health and safety education.
10. Ensure compliance of the 2014 National Policy on food safety and its implementation strategy.
7.3 Energy
Energy is essential for development. Deliberate efforts have been made by the Government to provide
power to all Nigerians in order to spur development and improve livelihoods. The main sources for the
countrys power production are Hydropower, Petroleum and Natural Gas. It is projected that the
countrys energy requirements will substantially increase. Ensure compliance of the 2014 National Policy
on food safety and its implementation strategy. There are multiple energy sources, and the technical
processes for harnessing and usage and impact on the environment vary from one energy type to
another. The 2015 Policy Guidelines on Energy takes cognisance of the need to protect the quality of the
environment and the population from hazards of energy exploitation and utilisation. It further aims at
improving the nations technical capabilities in the energy sector for the State security, self reliance and
economic competitiveness, with increasing emphasis on renewable energy to facilitate green economic
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Implement the National Policy on Renewable Energy
2. Develop and promote an integrated national strategy for sustainable utilization of renewable
3. Promote adaptation of the cleaner production concept in all energy production and
consumption activities.
4. Develop and implement energy efficiency programmes in different sectors of the economy, as
well as public and private buildings.
5. Domesticate regional and globally-agreed renewable and energy efficiency polices, plans and
strategies, including but not limited to the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Plan.
6. Promote the use of energy forms that are environmentally safe and sustainable.
7. Support capacity building to enhance sustainable use and monitoring of energy
8. Ensure that all development activities conform to Strategic Environmental Assessment and
Environmental Impact Assessment.
Infrastructure represents the totality of interconnected human-made physical facilities necessary for
meaningful human existence and the attendant enjoyment of natural and artificial environment. In this
context, infrastructure incorporates a whole lot of utilities including but not limited to transportation
(road, air or sea), information communication technology (ICTs), housing, water and sewerage.
The environmental impact of infrastructural development is at once positive and negative particularly in
relation to the activities that culminate in bringing them into reality, while ensuring adequate
transportation and housing, roads, parks, rails and terminals be necessarily constructed. Depending on
the quantum or degree of such initiatives being embarked upon, the environment and people are
impacted one way or the other.
Transport, ICT and Housing are essential to human existence and for commerce as well as goods and
peoples will have to move from one point to the other. Similarly, information is crucial to sustainable
development and is the cornerstone of planning and decision-making. Satellite and remote-sensing
equipments are capable of enhancing capability to capture environmental status, trends, remote
sensing, geographical information systems (GIS) and similar mechanisms have created new frontiers for
data generation, integration, analysis, modelling, map production and preservation with little or no
stress. Communication, information and associated ideas as well as access to them and to markets,
employment, schools and other facilities and land use inter and intra, within and between peoples,
offices, structures, cities and rural areas take place every minute, every hour and every day. The
transportation sector, like its ICTs and housing counterparts, is a major consumer of non-renewable
energy and land and is a major contributor to pollution, congestion and accidents. Integration of the
transport, ICTs and housing systems policies and planning in line with contemporary practices will
undoubtedly alleviate negative impacts of existing amorphous transport, communication and housing
systems on the Nigerian environment while giving way to a much more modern, accessible, affordable,
safe and efficient transport, ICTs and housing initiatives.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Develop and implement environmental-friendly National Infrastructural Development Strategies
& Actions Plan;
2. Support an integrated transport policy that explores the full array of technical and management
options and pays due attention to the needs of all population groups (e.g. the physically
challenged, poor and the aged)
3. Initiate and sustain modern and environment-friendly transport, ICTs and Housing policies with
emphasis on efficiency and effectiveness.
4. Develop a National Strategy on Environmental Education and ICTs Curriculum and Public
5. Establish and strengthen environmental and ICTs Resource Centres at all levels.
6. Ensure the mandatory implementation of a detailed Environment Impact Assessment of major
infrastructure projects.
7. Ensure that remedial measures to mitigate the negative impact of major projects on the
environment are built into the project.
8. Implement post-construction environmental audits that ensure that the in-built mitigating
measures satisfactorily address the anticipated environmental concerns.
9. Introduce stringent quality standards for various construction materials in order to guarantee
the structural stability and durability of facilities.
10. Minimize negative environmental impact by prescribing processes and materials to be utilized
for infrastructure projects, ensuring that they meet minimum standards for: (i) noise abatement,
(ii) reduction of vibrations, (iii) reduction of dust pollution, (iv) careful handling and disposal of
spent oils, fuels, etc., (v) minimisation of noxious gas emissions (CO, SO, NOx, etc.), (vi) reduction
of erosion, flooding, landslides, etc;, and habitat destruction, and (vii) conservation of local
ecological resources.
11. Ensure the safety of workers engaged in infrastructure projects by the provision and insistence
on the use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), and the adoption of other safe
12. Establish contingency plans for rescue operations in case of site and operational accidents;
13. Ensure that construction design and implementation are carried out in such a way as to
minimize undesirable micro-climatic, geologic/geomorphologic and other man-induced impacts
such as fires, landslides, earth flows, gullies, debris avalanches, accelerated erosion, flood, etc.;
14. Prescribe a minimum quality level of aesthetics around infrastructure and ensuring good
drainage, landscaping, sound insulation, ventilation, easy accessibility for purposes of fire
fighting, rescue operations, waste collection and emergency evacuation, etc.
15. Prescribe quality standards which ensure that projects do not compromise or alter existing land
use, for example, through undue encroachment on valuable agricultural lands and does not
detract from the beauty of the natural built-up environment.
Trade is an important driver of economic growth, but also with potential significant effects on the
environment, particularly in this era of globalization which has in part reduced barriers to international
trade and investment flows. Nigeria thrives on liberal trade regime with its attendant trade-offs,
economic benefits, environmental impacts and social dimensions coupled with conservation and
protection of environmental resources in line with comparative international standards and the need to
reconcile the benefits of multilateral trading arena with greater environmental protection. The nation is
understandably committed to regional, continental and international trade, and like many less-
developed countries, is still heavily engaged in natural resources exploitation, and hence has a direct
interest in natural resource-related trade questions.
The main thrust of Nigerias external trade policy objective is to achieve economic development through
the attainment of healthy balance of payments, market expansion, net inflow of foreign exchange and
the protection of infant industries. To attain these goals in the face of new and tougher environmental
criteria confronting it in international markets, Nigeria will have to continually adapt to the
environmental requirements of its major markets to remain competitive, particularly given both the
direct and indirect effects of trade on the Nigerian environment and people. Thus, while Nigeria is
committed to trade at regional and international levels, it is also concerned about the need to take into
consideration the trade-offs between economic gains, environmental impacts and social effects in the
implementation of multilateral trading systems. Consequently, trade liberalization within the framework
of sustainable development and its contribution to poverty reduction remains a priority concern for the
Policy Statements
The Government will:
7.6 Poverty
Despite its enormous natural wealth, Nigeria remains a poor country. About 69% of Nigerians are
estimated to be living below the poverty level of USD2/day. Poor households rely disproportionately on
natural resources and the environment for their livelihoods and income. The poor are more vulnerable
to disasters such as droughts, floods, and gully erosion and to the impacts of climate change. On a
broader scale, natural resources such as forests and fisheries play a larger role in the national income
and wealth of less developed economies.
In the process of exploration and production, the natural environment is polluted and livelihoods
extinguished to the extent that poverty becomes more pronounced. There is a correlation between
poverty and conflict because a people whose environment has been degraded and means of livelihood
destroyed will certainly create conflict. Income generated as a result of environmental exploitation is
never evenly distributed among the people.
There are many cases where poverty and perceived lack of alternative income sources will lead to
environmental degradation. In both urban and rural areas, local population growth puts strain on
certain resources and contributes to local ecological decline.
The reversal of the negative poverty/environmental linkages will depend not only on improved
environmental management and profitable livelihoods, but also on a supportive enabling framework.
Consequently, empowerment and capacity building, good governance, resource tenure, education and
awareness will be as important in changing the negative linkages into positive ones as will be access to
credit, or improved soil conservation and tree planting techniques.
Policy Statements
7.7 Gender
Policy Statements
The government will:
1. Ensure gender is mainstreamed into environmental concerns at all times
2. Promote review of related environmental policies and acts to include gender concerns
3. Provide incentives for environmental programmes and initiatives that target under represented
gender and other vulnerable groups.
4. Facilitate full participation of women, men, girls and boys and other vulnerable groups in
decision making processes in environmental governance and management
5. Ensure the participation of women and other vulnerable groups across all sections of society in
environmental trainings, public awareness and sensitization campaigns.
6. Continue to support the implementation of the countrys gender policy.
Sustainable development as a concept grew out of the realization that modes of production and
consumption be designed to meet the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs. It therefore requires a sense of responsibility and stewardship in
the usage and replenishment of natures gifts to humankind.
It has also been established that the available resources on planet Earth cannot sustain current
consumption rates especially as in the global North and other industrializing nations. Unless something
is done we are pushing towards planetary limits whereby living on the same consumption platform
would be unsustainable.
The challenge to humans, especially with regard to non-renewable resources is on how to place limits to
competition, production and consumption while ensuring access and avoiding violent conflicts. In
particular, there is the critical challenge of growing the economy, creating employment, building
markets and building much-needed infrastructure within our ecological limits to avoid environmental
catastrophe. Thus, there should be an intergenerational justice that can help change production modes
and curtail consumption of natural and manufactured products.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Promote production and consumption patterns that have minimal environmental footprints
2. Internalize environmental costs into economic transactions to cater for environmental
restoration and compensation to local communities for harms suffered.
3. Reduce environmentally polluting production activities.
4. Study changing patterns of production and consumption triggered by globalization and assess
relevance and contribution to national well being.
5. Reduce wastes and ensure recycling and re-use of materials and products.
6. Promote public awareness on economic and environmental impacts of wasteful production and
consumption patterns.
7. Encourage efficiency in resource utilization including promoting the production of durable goods
rather than the global disposable culture.
8. Support consumer organisations and ensure they are adequately represented in consumption
policy processes.
9. Public procurement should steer towards environmentally sound products and services.
10. Incentivize investment in efficient, clean and environment friendly technologies.
11. Promote a shift from dirty energy to clean renewable energy options.
12. Restrict and/or tax the use of polluting non-biodegradable consumer products including plastic
shopping bags.
13. Ensure implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and establishment of
Environmental Management Systems( EMS) by all industrial production facilities.
Nigerians are poorly aware of their environment and the damages being done to it through various
activities like settlement expansion, bush burning, littering/open dumping of human waste, polluting
rivers with sewage among others. Also the changing climatic patterns and their increasingly grievous
consequences are little appreciated. There is no established environmental protocol or information
system for Government Executives, parents, teachers and the youth, to enable them access
environmental information. The current provisions in national educational curricular, as well as R&D
programmes are inadequate in providing environmental awareness. In addition, there is the challenge of
weak environmental legislation and enforcement to coordinate environmental planning and action.
Given the worlds increasing technological sophistication and the close interaction between
technological progress and environmental concerns, there is a need to develop an environmentally
literate citizenry. Formal and informal environmental education would be effective means to involve
creating appropriate awareness of critical environmental issues. In particular, formal education is
important to increase awareness, improve extension services, sensitize people on environmental issues
and build institutional capacities. Non- formal environmental education benefits people outside the
formal education system. Communication of environmental information to all stakeholders is still a
challenge. Public awareness empowers the public to develop a strong sense of responsibility on
environmental issues.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Develop and implement a National Strategy on Environmental Education and Public Awareness.
2. Undertake a comprehensive curriculum review that integrates environment and development
concepts in education curricular at primary, secondary and tertiary levels Encourage gender balance
education in all issues of environment.
3. Document, disseminate and encourage the use of indigenous knowledge in environmental
protection and conservation.
4. Train and retrain teachers and administrators and educational planners in environmental education
5. Establish and strengthen environmental education resource centres at all levels.
6. Implement innovative public environmental education programmes.
8. Policy Implementation
8.1 Legal Framework
The Constitution is the basic law of the land and it proclaims its supremacy over and above all other laws
in the country and any law that is inconsistent with any of its provisions shall be null and void to the
extent of its inconsistency. The relevance of the Constitution to environment lies in the fact that it
should lay the foundation for the legal framework for the enforcement and protection of the
environment by empowering the citizens to have legal standing and access to justice to be able to
protect and enforce the protection of a clean and healthy environment cu sustainable development.
The 1999 Constitutio n in its section 20, contained in Chapter 2 under Fundamental Objectives
and Directives Principles of State Policies provides that: The State shall protect and improve the
environment and safeguard the water, air and land, forest and wild life of Nigeria
Similarly, the National Action Plan for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Nigeria,
November, 2002 at page 52, recognises the right to environment and states that the Federal
Government has the following constitutional obligations, namely that Government recognizes that
everyone in Nigeria has the right to (i) an environment that is not harmful to her or his health or well
being; (ii) have the environment protected, for the good of present and future generations through
reasonable laws and other way of; (iii) preventing pollution and ecological degradation; (iv) promoting
conservation and; (v) securing ecologically sustainable development and use of our natural resources,
while at the same time promoting valid economic and social development.
More specifically, the Nigerian constitutional provision on environmental protection as at now is too
tokenistic and inadequate. Likewise, other extant environmental laws, including related laws, policies
and regulations, require revision, harmonisation and updating in line with global best standards and
This policy shall be put in its proper legal context for effectiveness and impact. The publication of this
policy and response strategy shall provide the basis for the institutional framework for climate change
management in Nigeria. A legal framework shall be established through an Act of Parliament with
provisions for the consistent implementation of this Policy to make the Nigerian environment
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Take measures to promote and safeguard the Constitutional right and obligation of the
government and citizens to a clean and healthy environment.
2. Ensure the enactment of a streamlined comprehensive Environmental Management Act within
the provisions of the Constitution for sound management of the environment
3. Ensure harmonization of sectoral laws with the Environmental Management Act and their
4. Partner with relevant sectors to ensure review and harmonization of related extant
environmental policies , laws and regulations in line with current and emerging global issues,
best standards and practices.
5. Partner/support the development of professional bodies to standardize practice and promote
quality in the environmental management and governance to achieve the goals of this policy.
In the process of implementing this Policy, the Nigerian environmental governance structures
exemplified in the Federal Ministry of Environment, its agencies, State Governments and their agencies
and the Local Government areas as well as existing policy and legal machineries will be overhauled and
reformed to ensure a more effective, efficient, result-oriented environmental protection and sustainable
development for the country.
The institutional architecture for the protection of environment in Nigeria atop of which is the Federal
Ministry of Environment, more than ever before, will be strengthened for greater capacity, synergy,
understanding, coordination, cooperation and collaboration given the interconnectivity, universality and
conterminous nature of the environment and the necessity to take environmental considerations in all
development initiatives into cognizance.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Develop a National Environmental Action Plan to ensure successful translation of the policy into
action with clear objectives, strategies, set targets and timelines for every one of the six
strategic priority. The plan will focus on and prioritize goals and objectives detailing clear roles
and responsibilities of government and other stakeholders.
2. Constitute a Technical Monitoring & Advisory Team (TMAT) comprising of professional and
technical engine room of the implementation process, to be domiciled in the Federal Ministry of
3. Strengthen the Department of Planning Research and Statistics (DPRS) of the Federal Ministry of
Environment to support the Minister in his oversight role in environmental policy formulation,
to monitor the implementation of the policy in relation to other sectoral policies and report to
the National Council on Environment.
4. Strengthen the capacities of relevant designated national institutions and agencies responsible
for the general supervision and coordination in all matters related to the environment.
5. Streamline and strengthen the capacity of environmental institutions at the national, State and
community levels so as to make them more effective and participatory.
8.3 Funding
Environmental protection is an expensive business, but finance should not be an excuse for not
protecting the environment. However, the cost of not protecting the environment is much higher
because of the direct and multiplier effects on the national economy and socio-cultural life.
The bulk of the finance of environmental protection should ideally come from government coffers to
ensure the non-interference by resource interests that may work against those of the nation.
Multilateral and donor funding avenues are also available and these should be accessed without being
allowed to affect the nations negotiation principles especially with regard to the CBD, UNFCCC and
others directly or indirectly related to the environment.
Policy Statements
1. The Government shall:
1. Ensure adequate annual budgetary provisions for environmental management and protection
needs at all tiers of governance.
2. Ensure that environmental costs are integrated into economic transactions and create a
mechanism for accessing and utilizing such funds for environmental protection.
3. Ensure that existing funding mechanisms, including the Ecological Fund, are responsive to needs
and are applied strictly for the purposes for which they have been designated.
4. Encourage corporate entities and individuals to contribute to an Environment Endowment Fund
that would be applied to emergency responses to environmental incidents, excluding those for
which the polluters-pays principle applies and those where incidents are caused by persons and
bodies who must bear the costs of such accidents.
5. Generate funds from special fines and taxes on activities that deplete natural resources,
ensuring that such fines or taxes are comparable to the economic values of the depleted or
wasted resources and are used for the replenishing of the resources.
6. Support civil society groups as environmental monitors and ensure compliance as well as create
general environmental awareness.
Science and technology contributes to sustainable development efforts, including the wellbeing and
improved quality of life for the countrys citizens. Scientific progress and technological development are
major forces underlying improvements in productivity and living standards. New technologies offer
considerable promise for decoupling economic growth from long-term environmental degradation. Also,
innovations will appear when and where they are most needed, or at a price that reflects all
environmental and social externalities associated with their deployment within a conducive policy
Policy Statements
2. The Government will:
1. Support the creation of a policy environment that encourage Research and development (R & D),
provides the right signals to innovators and users of technology processes, both domestically
and internationally; to fund basic research; and to support private initiatives in an appropriate
2. Support incentives to local knowledge development, innovate and diffuse technologies that
support sustainable development objectives.
3. Support long-term basic research through funding and efforts to build capacity for increased
research on ecosystems, the value of the services they provide, the long-term impact of human
activity on the environment and the employment effects of new technologies.
4. Work with relevant MDAs and CSOs to address unintended environmental and social
consequences of technology by separating technology promotion responsibilities from those on
health, safety and environmental protection.
5. Support applied research activities for the protection of the environment.
6. Co-operating with the private sector and communities to develop and diffuse environment
friendly new technologies and innovations.
8.5 Partnership and Multi-Stakeholders Involvement including the role of Civil Societies
A strict observance of the principle of subsidiarity is very vital to the implementation of this policy.
Without citizens buy-in environmental protection and sustainable development would not happen.
Citizens are best defenders of their environments as they have the historical memories and knowledge
about their environment and resources therein.
Civil society groups play a bridging role with communities, are close to the grassroots and are in the
position to take messages both ways. Without close links and trust community entry points can easily
become blocked and the best intentions of government can become suspect.
Lack of access to adequate, understandable and timely information creates mistrust and suspicion and
can be major stumbling blocks to project or environmental programme implementation. Community
participation is crucial in building partnerships and creates opportunity for sustainable local knowledge
to be integrated into public policies and programmes. Gender balance and inclusion is essential for
successful partnerships.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Create broad awareness around the National Environment Policy as well as targeted awareness
on specific components of the policy with particular stakeholders.
2. Hold regular public briefings and stakeholders consultations on the implementation of specific
policies including the challenges encountered.
3. Ensure coordinated engagement with all stakeholders in order to achieve an integrated and
holistic implementation of the policy.
4. Promote empowerment of stakeholders through provision of information in easy to understand
formats and through citizens friendly media.
5. Consciously build on experiences gained from engagement with stakeholders in the process of
policy implementation.
6. Utilize existing institutional mechanisms and ensure inclusion of appropriate civil society and
community representatives on relevant boards and committees
7. Work with relevant NGOs, CSOs and CBOs to drive advocacy on value of biodiversity in resilience
building as well as in monitoring activities that could negatively impact on the environment.
8. Consider relevant NGOs, CSOs and CBOs as critical parts of national delegations to regional and
multilateral negotiations.
9. Empower citizens to participate and take action in environmental issues.
10. Ensure transparency in practices and dealings with stakeholders.
The environment can be considered as part of the global commons as some of the cycles and
mechanisms of nature operate across national boundaries. Actions in one nation often have direct
impacts on another.
International treaties and conventions help secure rational utilization of common resources as well as
common and efficient tackling of environmental issues including global warming and biodiversity
conservation. Nigeria is party to a handful of regional and international agreements.
Cooperation between nations, within regions and internationally are essential for protection of
environmental resources and for the peaceful enjoyment of such resources in a sustainable manner. The
River Niger, for example, originates from Guinea, extends over a distance of 4,180 km passing through
Mali, Niger Republic and Nigeria.
Regional and international cooperation make for sharing of knowledge, responsibilities, expertise and
technical knowhow in tackling environmental challenges. A lack of cooperation between countries could
lead to resource conflicts, regional instability and unsustainable utilization of environmental resources.
Policy Statements
1. Identify clear national interests including areas of resource endowment, national priorities and
expertise in regional and international cooperation.
2. Ensure that regional and international policies are not in conflict with national policies.
3. Participate in multilateral negotiations and fulfill agreed obligations including those of finance.
4. Maintain a roster of multilateral agreements on the environment entered into by Nigeria.
5. Ensure the creation and maintenance of mechanisms for coordinated and consistent
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of regional and multilateral agreements.
6. Provide or mobilise funds for the implementation of agreements including for ensuring
transboundary environmental controls and protection for sustainable resource utilization.
Monitoring and assessment of environmental change is critical to ensure the effective implementation
of this Policy. The Federal Ministry of the Environment, as the responsible coordinating Ministry will
define review mechanisms as well as a process to develop a Monitoring and Evaluation System that will
ensure that climate change impacts are monitored appropriately. To this end, the Government will in
the short-term design and publish a draft Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation System, which can
be linked to the national environmental information system and used for reporting and verification
requirements for the implementation of this Policy.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Establish and sustain a National Environmental Data Collection and Information System
coordinated by the Department of Planning Research and Statistics (DPRS) of the Federal
Ministry of Environment, and with inputs from relevant MDAs such as NIMET, Nigerian
Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA) and NASRDA.
2. Establish and sustain a national environmental monitoring and information management
3. Prepare biennial public reports on the state of the environment.
4. Establish strategic brainstorming forum for sharing of experiences and lessons on the
Implementation process.
5. Promote broad-based multi-stakeholder participation to include publication and dissemination
of the National Policy as well as periodic sector performance evaluation reports
9. Implementation Strategies and Actions
9.1 Mainstreaming Environmental Concerns into Policy, Planning and Development
Mainstreaming environmental considerations in all national and relevant sectoral policies, planning and
development processes is critical if this Policy is to achieve its goal and objectives. The Federal Ministry
of Environment will need to take the leadership role in ensuring that all national and all sectoral policy
planning and development processes mainstream environmental considerations, working closely with
relevant MDAs, including the National Planning Commission.
Policy Statements
The Government will:
1. Institutionalize cooperative governance and integrated approach to the management of the
environment and natural resources by explicitly identifying and integrating environmental
considerations in relevant sectoral and cross-sectoral policies, laws, planning and development
2. Ensure synergies between Vision 20:2020 and this Policy and National and State Development
3. Institutionalize strategic environmental assessments approaches to all policies, programmes and
4. Ensure that all significant development projects are subjected to environmental impact
9.2 Roles and Responsibilities
The environment is a complex interwoven system. Its management requires that hands are on deck to
avoid or minimize the tragedy of the common. Thus the implementation of this Policy involves many
different groups, including private sector, civil society organizations, local communities , the public and
government agencies at local , state , national and regional levels. A key element is defining the roles
and responsibilities of the various groups within the environmental governance structure that will be
utilized for the implementation of the Policy.
Policy Statements
The Government shall:
1. Strengthen the capacity of the Department of Planning Research and Statistics in collaboration
with other relevant technical Departments in the Federal Ministry of Environment to play the
oversight role of monitoring the implementation of this policy.
2. Strengthen the capacity on Department of Environmental Assessment in the Federal Ministry of
Environment to further strengthen the EIA/SEA process so as to ensure that sector policies,
plans and programmes are subject to ESIA/SEA
3. Develop and implement delegation instruments to provide a framework for cooperative and
collaborative management between the Federal Ministry of Environment, other Ministries,
Departments and Agencies (MDAs).
4. Strengthen the capacity of relevant environmental institutions and ministries/agencies at the
national (e.g. NESREA) and state levels so as to make them more effective in ensuring
compliance and enforcement.
5. Strengthen government capacity to assess, negotiate and monitor investments, contracts, leases
and concessions used for sustainable resources management
6. Strengthen national capacity in the area of environmental economics that includes natural
resources accounting, development of incentives and disincentives, indicators for sustainable
development and valuation of environmental goods and services
7. Strengthen the capacity of tertiary institutions as centres of learning and research for
Environmental issues including monitoring and evaluation .
Compliance refers to the degree to which Nigerian laws and indeed the Nigerian authorities or the
regulatory framework recognize, apply, enforce and comply with global statutes or international
instruments, conventions, treaties and standards (Multilateral Environmental Agreements {MEAS})
relating to the environment within the Nigerian jurisdiction. Governments at all levels should recognise
an effective monitoring and compliance with environmental laws for the various regulatory agencies ,
civil society groups and private citizens. .An effective monitoring and compliance with environmental
laws requires the pro-active disposition of government at all levels, regulatory agencies, civil society
groups and private citizens.
Policy Statements
Environmental Monitoring is the series of processes, procedures and activities undertaken with a view
to ascertaining the quality of the environment. It is usually carried out in preparation of environmental
impact assessments and many other circumstances where human, chemical and or industrial
involvements have or potentially implicate harmful consequences on the natural environment.
Environmental monitoring is usually characterized by ascertainable strategies and programmes and it
usually end up with reports and outcomes with justifications that are often more than not intended to
ascertain the existing condition or status of a particular environment or to establish trends in
environmental parameters. The results of such monitoring are reviewed, analyzed and published.
Environmental monitoring can be in relation to air quality, soil and water quality monitoring as the case
may be. Its parameters incorporate five elements, namely: chemical, biological, radiological,
microbiological and finally, populations.
Environmental laws, including the ESIA provisions, are tools for environmental monitoring; the laws are
made to protect the environment through monitoring by specially designated agencies and persons.
However, there are some flaws requiring reforms and or amendment in line with contemporary reality.
For instance, the first exclusive statute on environment in Nigeria, the Harmful Wastes (Special Criminal
Provisions) Act imposes life imprisonment without option of fine for carrying, depositing or dumping
toxic waste in any part of the country. Effective monitoring and evaluation of environmental compliance
depends on the existence of comprehensive environmental laws, competent enforcement institutions
with adequate technical capacity, appropriate monitoring facilities and trained personnel.
Policy Statements
The Government shall:
The key criterion for achievement of Sustainable Development is broad Public participation in decision-
making. Safeguarding the environment is the responsibility of each and every Nigeria hence
environmental issues are best handled with the participation of all citizens at the relevant level.
The major responsibility of Government and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) at this level is to
assist local community become aware of their own environment and support them in Environmental
management at the local level
Critical to the effective implementation of the Policy objectives, will be commitment and sincere
involvement of all institutions and sectors of the society. Government, the civil society organizations
(CSOs including Non-governmental organizations -NGOs), Community Based Organisations (CBOs), Faith
Based Organisations, (FBOs), organized trade unions and other informal organizations are partners in
the implementation of environmental policy objectives.
Policy Statements
The Government will: