HIV N Leprosy 2011
HIV N Leprosy 2011
HIV N Leprosy 2011
Vi rus and L eprosy:
An Update
Diana N.J. Lockwood, MD, FRCP*, Saba M. Lambert, MBBS
Human immunodeficiency virus Leprosy Coinfection
Antiretroviral treatment
Co-infection with HIV has a major effect on the In 2008, 121 countries reported a total of 249,007
natural history of many diseases, particularly new leprosy cases to the World Health Organiza-
mycobacterial diseases. Early in the HIV epidemic tion (WHO). Most endemic countries for leprosy
it was predicted that HIV infections would worsen also have a high HIV prevalence, increasing the
outcomes in leprosy patients with more patients possibility of HIVeleprosy coinfection.
developing lepromatous disease and patients The few published small studies provide limited
having fewer immune reactions. Now that many data on the course of leprosy in coinfected patients.
patients receive HAART tuberculoid leprosy types HIV incidence was not found to be increased
predominate and reactions are an important clin- among leprosy patients compared with nonleprosy
ical feature in co-infected patients.1e4 groups.5,6 All types of leprosy can occur in coin-
Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease affecting fected patients. Two East African studies reporting
nerves and skin. It has a long incubation period of an increase multibacillary (MB) cases.7,8 However
2 to 10 years, and presents with a clinical spec- since the introduction of HAART borderline tuber-
trum depending on the relationship between the culoid leprosy is the predominant form, as reported
host immune system and the bacteria. At one in Brazilian studies.9,10 Coinfected patients treated
end of the spectrum is tuberculoid leprosy, char- with standard length WHO-multi-drug therapy
acterized by strong cell-mediated immunity (CMI) (MDT), have responded adequately, although there
toward M leprae. These patients have few hypo- might be a possibility of an increased relapse
pigmented, anesthetic lesions. At the other pole rate.11 A Ugandan study demonstrated an
is lepromatous leprosy (LL), which is characterized increased risk of developing type 1 reactions in an
by the absence of a CMI response. These patients MB leprosy patient with HIV,12 and increased
have numerous lesions and high bacillary loads. recurrence rates of type 1 reactions were seen in
Most patients have features between these two an Ethiopian study.13 In general, however, neuritis
extreme groups and fall in the categories of was not found to be more severe in HIV-positive
borderline tuberculous (BT), borderline borderline cases.14 A few case reports of ENL in coinfected
(BB) or borderline lepromatous (BL). The border- patients have been published. Co-infected patients
line cases are immunologically unstable and at with reactions appear to need very long courses of
greater risk of type 1 reaction, which affects mainly steroid treatment.13,14 Patients with HIV are also at
the nerves and skin. The lepromatous types of BL risk of developing peripheral nerve damage
and LL are at higher risk of erythema nodosu including generalized peripheral neuropathy and
leprosum (ENL), a more systemic and severe mono-neuritis multiplex through several mecha-
immunologic complication. nisms, namely, treatment with antiretrovirals and
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, WC1E 7HT London, UK
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
HIV infection per se. In analogy to the situation for CD81 activation, increased Vd1 to Vd2 T cell ratios
tuberculosis in HIV coinfected individuals, it was and decreased percentages of plasmacytoid
assumed that HIV coinfection would worsen nerve dendritic cells as compared with HIV-1 mono-
damage in leprosy patients. There are a few early infected patients. The exact immunopathological
studies reporting no increase in nerve damage in mechanism underlying the possible increase in
coinfected patients.12e14 A well controlled study frequency of leprosy reactions is not clear. Dysregu-
of peripheral nerve function in coinfected patients lation of the immune system and the heightened
would be useful. Table 1 summarizes the expected state of immune activation in HIV infection may be
versus actual impact of HIV-1 on coinfected responsible. In addition, delayed clearance of
patients. M.leprae antigen caused by impaired phagocytic
function of macrophages also has been implicated.
Table 1
Summary of impact of human immunodeficiency virus-1 on leprosy: expected versus actual
Theory In Practice
Epidemiologic Incidence Increase in leprosy No change
Clinical Tuberculoid leprosy Decreased Increased
Treatment response Worsened No change
Type-1 reactional states Fewer Increased
Neuritis Worsened ?
Novel findings Presentation as immune reconstitution inflammatory
Histopathological Granuloma formation Decreased No change
Bacterial index Increased No change
HIV and Leprosy: An Update 127
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