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9/26/12 Online Test

Quantitative Techniques and Data Interpretation Logical Reasoning Language Comprehension General Awareness 19 64 Score : 237.0

In a marriage, Ram saw a girl and told his father that the girl was the granddaughter of the father of the only child of the lady whom he
addressed as grandmother. How is the girl related to Ram?

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a Aunt

b Cousin

c Sister

d Cannot be determined


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In a certain code language, CATALYST is coded as 242672615287, how will ENZYME be coded in the same code language?

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a 5142625135

b 2213121422

c 2214121422

d 5142625145


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Find the missing term in the following series.
61, 113, 181, ? , 365, 481

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a 265

b 255

c 275

d 245


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In the question which one of the four answer figures should come after the problem figures, if the sequence was continued?

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Find the odd one out.

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a 2

b 3

c 4

d 5


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Ram and Shyam played a game in which Shyam was supposed to move in the direction opposite to that of Rams movement covering the
same distance. From a common starting point, Ram started moving Northwards and covered 3 km, he then took a right turn and covered 4
km, he then turned to North-west direction and covered 42 km, he finally turned to South direction and covered 4 km. What is the
position of Shyam with respect to the starting point?

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a 3 km, South

b 4 km, South

c 4 km, West

d 6 km, West


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Five professionals are standing in a voting queue one behind the other. There are two persons between the professor and the doctor. The
journalist is standing just behind the doctor. The banker and the photographer are not standing next to each other. Who among the five
will vote first?

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a Banker

b Photographer

c Doctor

d Cannot be determined

Incorrect !!

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Complete the series: AD, IP, YJ, WL, CV, ?

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a PN

b QN

c RO

d PQ


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In the diagram given below, the square represents politicians, the circle represents educated people, the rectangle represents Indian
population and the triangle represents MPs.

Which region represents non-educated Indian politician MPs?

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a c

b j

c b

d i


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Six friends Aan, Bran, Chan, Dan, Eian and Fran are sitting in a row such that all of them are facing in the same direction. Aan and
Fran are friends and hence, are sitting together. Dan is sitting at one of the extreme ends. Chan is sitting to the immediate right of Bran.
Eian is sitting next to Aan and Dan. Who among the following is sitting at the other extreme end?

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a Bran

b Chan

c Aan

d Cannot be determined


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In a certain code language, RAMESH is coded as QBLFRI, how will VIKASH be coded in the same language?

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Four professors Anu, Banu, Chanu and Danu are sitting at a square table facing the center such that exactly one professor is sitting at
one of the sides of the table. Anu is sitting to the immediate left of Banu. Chanu is sitting to the immediate right of Danu. Who is sitting
opposite to Anu?

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a Banu

b Chanu

c Danu

d Either (a) or (b)


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Find the number of triangles in the figure given below.

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a 14

b 10

c 12

d 16


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Order of the last 15 letters of the English alphabetical series is reversed. Find the 20th letter from the beginning.

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a Q

b R

c S

d T


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Among five friends Ram, Raj, Rahul, Rakesh and Ramesh Rakesh is neither the tallest nor the shortest; Ram is taller than Ramesh but
shorter than Rakesh and two other friends. Who among them is the shortest?

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a Raj
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a Raj

b Rahul

c Ramesh

d Either (a) or (b)


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In a cricket match, Rohit scored 16 runs on 6 balls with a different score on each ball. The maximum runs were scored on the 3rd ball and
the minimum runs were scored on the 1st ball. Four runs were scored on third ball after the one on which 2 runs were scored. It is also
known that ball on which 1 run was scored was neither the first nor the last. How many runs were scored on the last ball?

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a 3

b 1

c 4

d Either (a) or (b)


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Each of the five friends A, B, C, D and E has his/her birthday on a different day of a week from Monday to Friday. A will be celebrating
his birthday on the day next to that of Es Birthday. B will be celebrating his birthday on Friday. Ds Birthday is not on Monday. On which
of the following days, Cs birthday cannot fall?

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a Monday

b Tuesday

c Wednesday

d Thursday


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In a family of 7 members A, B, C, D, E, F and G there are two married couples. A is the granddaughter of B, who is the father of C. D is
the brother-in-law of F. E is the mother of G, who is the mother of A. C and F are siblings. How will A address C?

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a Uncle

b Aunt

c Brother

d Cannot be determined


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Five different juices are kept on a table in a straight row such that Mango juice is not kept next to the Litchi juice; Orange juice and Mix
fruit juice are kept next to each other; Guava juice is kept next to the Mango juice as well as the Mix fruit juice. Which of the following
juices are kept at the extreme ends?

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a Mango juice and Mix fruit juice

b Litchi juice and Mix fruit juice

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c Mango juice and Litchi Juice

d Data inadequate


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Find the next term in the following series.
3, 13, 31, 57, 91, ?

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a 123

b 143

c 133

d 131


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The following question contains six statements followed by four options. Select the set where the third statement can be logically
concluded from the preceding two.
A. Oranges are fruit.
B. Some fruits are sour.
C. Oranges are sour.
D. Some oranges are sour.
E. Some oranges are not sour.
F. Some apples are sour.

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The following question contains six statements followed by four options. Select the set where the third statement can be logically
concluded from the preceding two.
A. Aardwarks need sleep.
B. All animals need sleep.
C. Dogs are animals.
D. Some dogs need sleep.
E. Aardwarks are animals.
F. Some Aardwarks are dogs.

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The following question has a statement followed by two assumptions I and II. Consider the statement and the following assumptions and
decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Mark your answer as:

(a) If neither assumption I nor II is implicit
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(a) If neither assumption I nor II is implicit
(b) If only assumption II is implicit
(c) If only assumption I is implicit
(d) If both assumptions I and II are implicit

Incentives must be given to motivate the employees.
I. Incentives are expected to motivate the employees.
II. Employees at present are not motivated.

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a a

b b

c c

d d

Incorrect !!

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The following question has a statement, followed by two arguments I and II. Decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and
which is a weak argument.

Mark your answer as:

(a) If neither argument I nor II is strong
(b) If only argument II is strong
(c) If only argument I is strong
(d) If both arguments I and II are strong

Should judiciary be independent of the executive?
I. Yes, this would help curb the unlawful activities of the executive.
II. No, the executive would not be able to take bold measures.

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a a

b b

c c

d d

Incorrect !!

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The following question has a statement, followed by two arguments I and II. Decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and
which is a weak argument.

Mark your answer as:

(a) If neither argument I nor II is strong
(b) If only argument II is strong
(c) If only argument I is strong
(d) If both arguments I and II are strong

Should open book system be introduced in examinations?
I. Yes, because it will avoid mass copying.
II. No, because then all students will get good marks.

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a a

b b

c c

d d

Incorrect !!

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