Episode 3

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Episode 3 My Learning Environment,

My Second Home
NCBTS Domain 2 Strands 2.1-2.5;
LET-TOS No.1(1.5) and 3 (3.4)

My Learning Episode Overview

This episode describes my second home.

It showcases the different facilities and
learning resources of my cooperating
school. Visiting these places in my
cooperating school will enable me to
utilize these resources to make the
teaching-learning process more
meaningful. Being aware of these
facilities in my cooperating school will
give me a sense of belongingness for
this is my second home.

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I will be able

Visit the schools facilities and
Meet the various school personnel.
Utilize these learning resources of the
school when needed.
Analyze the vision and mission of the
My Map (Leaning Episode Directions)
These are the things I need to do.

Identify the
importance of
school facilities
and use these when

Meet the different

school personnel.

Visit the different

school facilities.

Read and study the

Statement and core
values of the
My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)

The utilization of the schools learning

facilities and resources will enhance the teaching-
learning process. These are the resources/facilities
of my second home.

Facilities / Learning Resources

Facilities: Learning Resources:

Classrooms Textbooks
Amphitheater Dictionary
SSG Office Encyclopedias
Guidance Office Thesis
Office of the Principal Fictional Novels
Office of the Faculty Classic English Novels
Disbursing Office Computers
Library TVs
Computer Room Projectors
Campilan Office White Screen
Wash area Map
School Ground
Information Wall
YES- O Office
TLE Office
Comfort Rooms
School Canteen
Electric Fans
My Tasks (Activities)
Complete the chart of the school facilities /
learning resources you have visited/utilized. Write
down the importance of these in ensuring quality

School Facilities Importance of these facilities in

Visited /Utilized the teaching-learning process.
1. Classrooms Within the four corners of the
classroom is where formal
learning happens.

2. Amphitheater This is where school activities

and programs are conducted.
Sometimes, for PE classes this is
also utilized.

3. SSG Office Officers of the SSG are the ones

always assigned to assist or
facilitate in the different
school programs and activities.
Some decorations are also made in
this office. The SSGs were also
the ones who should monitor
discipline between and among all
the students.
4. Guidance There are students who might be
Office in the wrong path or who need
counsel. This office is the best
for them to be motivated again.
5. Office of the The office of the principal may
Principal sometimes serve as the
information office. It is also
where the Principal stays. She is
the head of the school and as
usual some of the school policies
were her ideas.

6. Office of the This office is where teachers

Faculty stay to rest and do some paper
works whenever they dont have
classes. For teachers, rest is
very important since without rest
teachers cannot teach properly.
7. Library Libraries are made for students
who want a place to study aside
from the classrooms. Here, there
are many books for the students
to choose from. Because of the
presence of a library, instead of
wasting time students now opt to
go to it.
8. Computer Room With the technology that we have
today, students need also to be
informed as to how to manage
computers and other forms of
technology like projectors and so
9. Campilan This office is where the writers
Office of the school stay. In here, the
writing skill of the students is
enhanced and showcased to the
whole school.
10. Wash Area Health is wealth that is why
students should always be mindful
of the proper hygiene. It is said
that there are bacteria which
stays in the hands which causes
diseases. Hence it is important
that students always wash their
hands for them not to feel sick
which might further affect their
academic grade.
11. Informati Upon entering the school,
on Wall students will immediately see the
long wall on the left side where
all bulletin boards of the
different clubs or organizations
are posted. Here, students will
be informed of the upcoming
activities, programs, seminars
and the likes.
12. YES O Students, as part of their role
Office in the school should be informed
about keeping the environment
13. TLE Students, as part of their
Office activity in the subject TLE most
of the times cook in this office
because it is complete with the
utensils, cooking paraphernalia
and other things they might need
14. SDRRMC Student should also be informed
Office of the different disasters we may
encounter at the same time they
should be informed of the ways on
how to handle things in times
like disasters.
15. Comfort While the class is going on, it
Rooms is inevitable that students might
feel to excuse themselves for
their personal necessity. Once
the teacher did not permit
his/her students for this, the
latter will of course lose their
focus because it is truly hard to
control this call of mother
16. School It is important that the students
Canteen are nourished before they study
because if the stomach is empty
it is hard for the students to
use their minds because
processing requires energy. It
is also hard for the students to
focus and to feel motivated once
they are hungry. That is why
canteens are built for students
to have the energy always.
b. Write the things that you can contribute to your
second home.

Characteristics of a Sound What can you do?

Learning Environment
As a student intern I can
make the environment
friendly and non-
1. Friendly and non- threatening by always
threatening smiling and by being
friendly to all the

Before I start my class, I

should always make sure
that classroom management
2. Safe, secure and is evident by asking the
conducive to learning learners to pick up the
pieces of trash around
them and to arrange their
chairs. If there is not
enough ventilation and
light, I might as well
turn on the lights and
electric fan. If there are
no fans then all the
windows should be open. In
addition to that I will
also not permit my
students to go out of the
room without any valid
reasons for I will prevent
any bad thing that might
happen to them outside.
I will show that I am a
teacher who sides with no
one. Consequently, I need
3. Environment that to treat each student
promotes fairness and equally and respect them
equality. whenever there are
shortcomings. I should not
compare one student to
another for me not to show
any biases. Whenever there
are misunderstandings
between students I will
make sure that I will have
a sound judgment by
looking at the both sides
of the coin.

We dream of Filipinos
who passionately love their country
and whose values and competencies
enable them to realize their full potential
and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.

As a learner-centered public institution,

the Department of Education
continuously improves itself
to better serve its stakeholders.
To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic
education where:

Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment.

Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.
Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and supportive environment
for effective learning to happen.
Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility for
developing life-long learners.

*Provide a broad general education that will assist each individual in society to attain his/her
potential as a human being, and enhance the range and quality of the individual and the group;
*Help the individual participate in the basic functions of society and acquire the essential educational
foundation for his/her development into a productive and versatile citizen;
*Train the nations manpower in the middle-level skills required for national development;
*Develop the high-level professions that will provide leadership for the nation, advance knowledge
through research, and apply new knowledge for improving the quality of human life;
*Respond effectively to changing needs and conditions through a system of educational planning
and evaluation.

C. After reading the schools vision,

mission a d goals, I realized that:
the Philippines is asking for ideal Filipinos who will be responsible in helping the country to
prosper which might be quite hard considering the salary offered to them in foreign
countries. If there is one thing that is very much highlighted in these three important
components, that would be producing citizens who will be very much patriotic in serving
their own fatherland. In this phase teachers really play the biggest role for they are tasked to
instill the DepEd Vision, Mission and Goals in the students hearts and minds. DepEds
mission also proves that the school is an instrument to achieve solidarity because it aims that
family, community and stakeholders be united for the welfare of the next generation. To
develop high-level professionals is also one of the goals in order for the Philippines to not
only have mediocre citizens but also competent leaders and researchers who might invent
things or introduce innovative ideas for the nation. I also realized that the DepEd mission is
based on the Philosophy of Epicureanism since if analyzed deeply what it aims is a happy
and tranquil life. Platos Philosophy about motivation as a vital part in the teaching and
learning process also applies in the mission. I realized that teachers should inculcate values
deemed necessary and desirable and train students to make sure they have necessary
competencies. Because as a learner- centered teachers want them how to improve themselves
and realize their dreams while keeping in mind the state of their country and the welfare of
their people.

D. I need to internalize and integrate

these in my lessons by:
Implicitly or explicitly telling them that they should be patriotic or nationalistic enough to
serve their own country after they have acquired sufficient competencies and skills.
Moreover, I will also lead by example by showing them that I embrace my own culture by
using local materials like songs which are composed or sung by Filipino singes, movies made
in the Philippines, stories originated in this so called Pearl of the Orient Seas and so on.
Whenever necessary or appropriate I will also let them see the reality in the Philippines for
them to develop that feeling of sympathy towards their own country which may further lead
them to realize that the country needs their sweat for it to be fruitful again. It is also stated in
the Mission that there should be quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education hence
I will do best efforts to achieve this- making sure that I deliver quality instruction and showing them
during discussions that I respect every culture and I favor no one. In the topic bias and prejudice I can
also insert there that all genders are equal. Ill also make sure that Ill make my subject very
much motivating since it is what should the students experience- a motivating environment.

My Reflections / My Insights

Answer the question below:

How do you feel about your second home?

The school is the center for learning activities and Ugad High School is my cooperating

school. In my eleven-week stay as a pre-service teacher, I experienced and observed many things,

people from the school are very sincere and warm considering many teachers there are also


I can say that the school adheres not only to the subject-centered approach but also to the

learner-centered approach. The school gives emphasis not only to the intellectual development but

also to emotional and psychomotor development.

As child-friendly school, the Ugad High School promotes good health practices and behavior

and also guarantees that school premises are safe and clean. My Cooperating School also imparts

quality learning and encourages learners to participate in school and community activities.

Teachers work closely with the students families and engage the support and interaction of the

members of the community, and the school and other stakeholders.

I have to admit, at first, I did not really feel good about it. Im actually a bit terrified

that they might not like our presence there. But as they say, the longer you stay in one place,

the more you came to know who the residents of that place are. I also came to love the place

which is very friendly for me. The atmosphere is really a place for learning. In all, I could

say Ugad High School gave me an experience I will never forget.

My Application (From Theory to Practice)

Read the situations and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. How can I promote fairness in my learning environment?

A. Respect individual differences.
B. Separate girls from boys.
C. Place all children with special needs infront.
D. Isolate the unruly children in class.

2. To improve the oral proficiency of students in class, what can you do?
A. Give them more exercises on grammar.
B. Provide individual work rather than group work.
C. Schedule more practice sessions in the speech laboratory.
D. Invite a resource speaker.

3. Make your classroom environment safe and secure by ____________.

A. asking the security guard to stay near your room.
B. removing some fixtures and using less appliances and devices
C. ensuring that all unsafe devices are secured
D. checking the physical environment at all times

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning

ocuments, Evidence, Records, etc.)

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