Teachers Service Commission CBA Salary PDF
Teachers Service Commission CBA Salary PDF
Teachers Service Commission CBA Salary PDF
WHEREAS on Wednesday 30th November 2016, PARTIES REGISTERED the said CBA
with the Employment and Labour Relations Court, pursuant to the relevant provisions of
the Labour Relations Act, No. 14 2007 as Collective Bargaining Agreement CA No. 296 of
PARTIES agree to implement the said CBA as per the SALARY CONVERSION TABLES
for the period l" Ju'("'--' 2017 to 30th June 2021.
P 04 ..
77,527 87!900 99,730 109,249 118,242
4 p 04 ,
89748 ,
99730 ,
104644 ,
114632 ,
Salary Salary
Phase 1: Phase 2:
Salary Points Current JG New Grade Current Salary 1.7.2017 1.7.2018
1 K C2 31,020 32,988 34,955
2 K C2 32,580 34,430 36,280
3 K C2 34,200 35,927 37,654
4 K C2 35,910 37,495 39,081
5 K C2 37,710 39,136 40,562
6 K C2 39,600 40,849 42,099
7 K C2 41,590 42,642 43,694
Salary Salary
Salary Phase 1: Phase 2:
Points JG
Current ..............................
New Grade ...<::lJrrE!nt~ClICl!y 1.7.2017 1.7.2018
1 H CI l?L~~.~ 25,929_ 2!,1??
2 H CI 20,289 25,929 27,195
3 H CI 21,3()4 25,929 2!,1??.
4 H CI 22,3.~? 25,929 2!,195
5 H CI .. ? ~/.1~?~ 25,?29 27(195