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Big5 For Ads

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MYP Language and Literature Year 9: Oral Assessment

Analyzing a Text The BIG 5 approach

(Note: the text will now refer to the advertisement)

The following template (the Big 5) will help you to annotate a poem and organize
your ideas:

You are expected to refer to the text to support your essay.

You should place the text in its context.
You will need to show your understanding of the use and effects of stylistic
Preparation time is given to annotate the advertisement use the template
The language should be accurate and your writing clear.

Guiding questions to consider when you are annotating your text

1.Context/Content Context of Composition

Title of the Ad.
Establish the situation in which the Ad is set
What is being communicated? What are they selling?

2. What is the Ads intention? inform, persuade, entertain,

Audience/Purpose challenge, defend, apologize, argue
To whom is the advertisement addressed what is the
target audience?
How does the ad cater to its audience?
What visual/text does it use to inform you that this ad is for a certain
target group?

3.Tone/Voice Whose perspective do you see in this advert? What is their

voice? Authoritative? Casual?
What attitudes are reflected in the ad?
Cultural/economical/other stereotypes?
How does the design of the ad help determine the
atmosphere/feelings/expectations of the audience?
What emotions does it evoke?
How does the setting in time and place influence the tone?

4.Style and Imagery:

Technique What kind of visual images does the text present?
stylistic devices How does the author use metaphor, for example?
How does the text involve and engage the reader/audience
by appealing to the senses: visual, auditory, olfactory,
tactile, kinesthetic
Language Mechanics: Punctuation, spelling, capitalization
Rhetorical features: Rhetorical questions, irony.
Lexical field e.g. different words related to a topic
childhood - jargon/slang, colloquialisms, idiom
Register formal/informal
Figurative language: metaphor, simile, onomatopoeia,
imagery, hyperbole, personification, symbolism
Parts of speech nouns, verb, adjectives
Tense/Voice past, present, future, progressive,
imperative form, passive/active voice;
Other sound effects are created by devices such as
alliteration and assonance
5.Text type form Overall layout, identify the graphics and keywords used.
and structure How does the copy add to the advert?
How does the main text add to the advert?
How does the graphic add to the overall poster? How is it

Conclusion Return to an overview of the Ad. Sum up how the effects

and details of style you have analysed come together to
create a whole piece of writing
What has your reading of contributed to your
understanding of the subject?
Does it offer a way of looking at things that you had not
considered before?
A good conclusion includes a summary of your argument
and the understanding this has inspired.

Structure of the commentary: use your annotated notes to construct your

Series of Point (Statement)- Quotation Comment - (Analysis)

The interview will last approx. 8 minutes about 5 minutes presentation and
3 minutes interactive conversation based on your presentation.

What you can do to prepare

1. Take every opportunity to read aloud a text and prepare your

own presentations in pairs or groups. This will take time as you
will need to annotate, plan and organize your ideas and deliver a
coherent presentation.

2. Focus on your pronunciation and accuracy when you deliver the

presentation. You will not need to focus on body language

3. Make sure you have an understanding of the poem and the use of
stylistic features

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