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Geometrical Representations of North Indian T.hat.

s and Rags

Chirashree Bhattacharya Rachel Wells Hall1

Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics
Randolph-Macon College Saint Josephs University
Ashland, VA 23005, USA Philadelphia, PA 19131, USA
E-mail: cbhattacharya@rmc.edu E-mail: rhall@sju.edu

In his seminal works on North Indian classical music theory, V. N. Bhatkhan.d.e (1951, 1954) classified about two hundred rags
(fundamental melodic entities) by their seven-note parent modes known as .that.s. However, assigning rags to .that.s is not a straight-
forward task. Each rag is defined by a collection of melodic features that guide a performers improvisation. Although these features
sometimes point to a unique .that., in other situations they either give incomplete information (too few notes) or give conflicting infor-
mation (too many notes). Our goal in this paper is to construct geometrical models that help us to better understand the relationship
between .that.s and rags. Following the principles of geometrical music theory (Callender, Quinn, and Tymoczko 2008), we locate the
thirty-two theoretical .that.s in a five-dimensional lattice. Jairazbhoys Circle of T.hat.s connecting common .that.s embeds within
this lattice (Jairazbhoy 1971). For a given rag, our geometrical representations show which theoretical .that.s contain the notes used
in the rags various melodic components separately. We have written M ATLAB code that produces images of a database containing
a number of rags. Our models reveal graphically some of the problematic aspects of Bhatkhan.d.es rag classification system.

1. Introduction
Rags are the fundamental melodic entities of North Indian Classical Music (NICM). Rather than being a fixed tune,
each rag is a collection of musical features that guide a performers improvisation. In his foundational books on North
Indian music theory [1, 2], V. N. Bhatkhan.d.e classified rags by seven-note modes known as .that.s (a mode, such as the
major or minor mode in Western music, is a scale with a distinguished tonic). While there are close to two hundred
rags, Bhatkhan.d.e assigns each rag to one of ten .that.s. Although this assignment is straightforward in some cases,
quite a few rags have either too many or too few distinct notes to correspond with a unique .that..

Our goal in this paper is to construct geometrical models representing set theoretic relationships between .that.s and
rags. While scholars have experimented for centuries with geometrical models for Western modes, including circles
of major and minor modes and the Neo-Riemannian tonnetz, geometrical models representing the elements of NICM
appeared relatively recently, chiefly in the work of Jairazbhoy [6]. Following the principles of geometrical music
theory [3], we locate the thirty-two theoretical .that.s in a five-dimensional lattice. For a given rag, our geometrical
representations show which theoretical .that.s are supersets of notes used in the rags aroh, avroh, and pakar. separately.
These reflect the degree to which a rag is unambiguously identified with its .that.. We have written M ATLAB code that
produces images of a database of rags.

The basics of North Indian music theory are as follows. As in Western theory, seven notes, Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa,
Dha, and Ni span an octave; this sequence of notes repeats in higher and lower octaves. Of these notes, Re, Ga, Ma,
Dha, and Ni have two positions, suddha (natural) and vikrit (altered), which may either be komal (flat) or tvra (sharp).
The only note among these to have a tvra position is Ma, while the rest have komal and suddha versions. Thus the
twelve notes in an octave, successively a semitone apart, are: Sa, Re (komal), Re (suddha), Ga (komal), Ga (suddha),
Ma (suddha), Ma (tvra), Pa, Dha (komal), Dha (suddha), Ni (komal), Ni (suddha). We will use the abbreviated list
{S, r, R, g, G, m, M, P, d, D, n, N} when convenient. We note that Indian note names indicate relative, rather than
absolute, pitch; the performer is free to choose the actual pitch identified as Sa.

A .that. is an ordered collection of the seven notes, where only one version of each note may be selected. Since five
of the notes have two positions, it is theoretically possible to create thirty-two (25 ) .that.s. However, only the ten .that.s
listed in Table 1 are commonly used in NICM. Six of these, including the major (Ionian) and minor (Aeolian) modes,
are known in the West as Glarean modes.2
1 Partiallysupported by a Penn Humanities Forum Regional Fellowship, 2009-2010.
2 Glarean modes, named for the sixteenth century music theorist Heinrich Glarean, all belong to the same set class, meaning that, modulo cyclic
permutation or reversal, they have the same sequence of intervals between adjacent notes. This set class, the diatonic scale, has quite a few desirable
properties, including the fact that it is nearer than any other seven-note collection in twelve-tone equal temperament to the even division of an octave
into seven parts. In addition, it is generated by a sequence of six perfect fifths modulo the octave (see [4]).
Kalyan. SRGMPDN CDEF] GAB Lydian Bhairav SrgmPdn CD[ E[ FGA[ B[ Phrygian
[ [ ] [
Bilaval SRGmPDN CDEFGAB Ionian Tor. SrgMPdN CD E F GA B
Khamaj SRGmPDn CDEFGAB Mixolydian Bhairav SrGmPdN CD[ EFGA[ B
[ [
Kaf SRgmPDn CDE FGAB Dorian Purv SrGMPdN CD[ EF] GA[ B
Asavar SRgmPdn CDE[ FGA[ B[ Aeolian Marva SrGMPDN CD[ EF] GAB

Table 1: The ten common .that.s of North Indian Classical Music and their Western equivalents.

rag .that. aroh avroh pakar. v., s.

Asavar Asavar = SRgmPdnS SRmPdS SndPmgRS RmPndP d, g
Malkauns Bhairav = SrgmPdnS n.SgmdnS SndmgmgS mgmdndmgS m, S

Table 2: Five rags. The column marked v., s. indicates the rags emphasized notes (vad and samvad). Bold letters
within a melodic element indicate prolonged notes; a dot above or below a note indicates transposition up or down an
octave, respectively.

While there are only ten .that.s in common use, there are about two hundred rags. A rag is a melodic theme upon
which a performer improvises while staying within the allowable boundaries of note patterns and combinations specific
to that rag. Each rag is characterized by its ascending and descending sequences (aroh and avroh), its catch phrase
(pakar.), its emphasized notes (vad and samvad), the number of notes it contains (jat), the octave emphasized, and
the time of day it is performed. Rags may be pentatonic, hexatonic, or heptatonic depending on the number of distinct
notes they use.

Table 2 summarizes five rags from three .that.s. In theory, a rag is assigned to a parent .that. largely on the basis of
agreement of notes in the rag with those of the .that.. This is clearly true in the case of rag Asavar: the union of the
set of notes in its aroh, avroh, and pakar. corresponds exactly with Asavar .that.. Although both its aroh and pakar.
are incomplete in that they contain less than seven distinct notes, Asavar is the only one of the ten common .that.s
that have the rags aroh or pakar. as subsets. (For example, its aroh contains the notes S, R, m, P, and d. Four of the
thirty-two theoretical .that.s also contain these notes; of them, only Asavar is a common .that..)

Identifying rags with .that.s based on subset relationships is not always straightforward. In particular, the notes of
hexatonic and pentatonic rags are subsets of more than one .that.. Bhatkhan.d.e mentions these difficulties in his major
work, the Kramik Pustak Malika [2], where he provides brief descriptions for each of about 180 rags. For example,
rag Malkauns is a pentatonic rag containing only the notes {S, g, m, d, n}. On the basis of notes alone, it could equally
well belong to Asavar or Bhairav. Bhatkhan.d.e notes that rag Malkauns is generated from Bhairav .that. . . . some
say that it is in Asavar .that. [2, vol. 3, p. 701, translated from Hindi].

The comparison of rags Shuddhakalyan and Bhupali reveals another challenge for the practitioner of NICM.
Bhatkhan.d.e singles out certain rags that are close and explains what a performer must do to avoid crossing over to a
neighboring rag. For example, he describes Shuddhakalyan as similar to Bhupali, but, unlike Bhupali, in this rag the
lower octave is used more . . . In avroh [the note] Ni is used many times and this distinguishes it from Bhupali [2, vol.
4, pp. 60-61]. Note that Shuddhakalyans heptatonic avroh not only distinguishes it from Bhupali but also identifies
the .that.. (In general, we note that a rags avroh is more likely than its aroh or pakar. to signal its .that..)

In contrast, rag Kedar has too many distinct notes (eight) rather than too few. It belongs to Kalyan. .that., even
though subset analysis seems to suggest Bilaval (in particular, its aroh belongs to Bilaval, its avroh contains both
Bilaval and Kalyan., and its pakar. belongs to Bilaval, Khamaj, or Kaf). Moreover, Kedars vadi (emphasized note) is
a natural Ma, while Kalyan. .that. has a sharp Ma. Bhatkhan.d.e comments that both sharp and natural forms of Ma are
used. Ancient writers did not allow use of sharp Ma in Kedar and considered it to be under .that. Bilaval. Presumably,
the sharp Ma trumps the natural.
Kalyan. Kalyan. / Lydian

Marva Bilaval Marva \ Bilaval / Ionian

] \
\ [ Re/D Ma/F
Dha/A Ni/B
Purv Khamaj Purv [ [ Khamaj /
4:007:00 \ \
Ga/E Ga/E
[ [
Bhairav Kaf Tor. \ \ Kaf /
Ni/B Dha/A Dorian
10:004:00 [
Ma/F Re/D [
] \
Tor. Asavar (No. A7) [ Asavar / Aeolian

Bhairav Bhairav / Phrygian

Figure 1: Circle of T.hat.s after Bhatkhan.d.e (left) and Jairazbhoy (right).

2. Geometrical Models
Due to the association between rags and times of day, the depiction of rags on a circle is natural. Rags belonging to
the same .that. are typically performed either at the same time or separated by half a day. On this basis, Bhatkhan.d.e
proposed to identify .that.s with times of day on a twelve-hour cycle. Jairazbhoy [6, p. 63] took the logical next step
by arranging .that.s on a circle according to Bhatkhan.d.es time theory, as in Figure 1 (left). Remarkably, nine of the ten
.that.s, starting with Bhairav and proceeding clockwise to Bhairav, form a sequence in which each .that. is related to its
neighbors by a one-semitone alteration in one of its notes. For example, we move from Kalyan. to Bilaval by changing
Kalyan.s sharp Ma to a natural Ma (F]F), while we move from Kalyan. back to Marva by flatting Kalyan.s natural
Re (DD[). In other words, with the exception of Tor., .that.s that are adjacent in time are linked by voice leadings
(bijections between collections of notes) which are efficient in that only a small amount of chromatic alteration takes
place. Roy [7, p. 82] theorizes that the agreement between the ordering of .that.s based on efficient voice leading and
the ordering based on time theory is probably due to the tendency of ragas to follow the line of least resistance in
the easy transition from scale to scale . . . observed to a certain extent by all musicians. Since moving from one .that.
to another requires retuning some musical instruments, it is advantageous to arrange the cycle so any two neighboring
.that.s share as many common tones as possible. In the sequence of six .that.s from Kalyan. to Bhairav, one has the
added advantage that the new pitch is always a perfect fifth from one of the notes in the original scale. (After the
octave, the perfect fifth is the easiest interval to tune.) We also note that typical models of Western modes share the
feature that the modes are linked by efficient voice leading [3].

Is there a way the voice leading approach can be made to include Tor.? And what of the thirty-two theoretical .that.s:
can they be incorporated into a model? We locate theoretical .that.s as vertices of a graph in Figure 2 (Jairazbhoy depicts
a isomorphic graph in [6, p. 184]). Two .that.s are connected by an edge if and only if they differ by one semitone. Note
that, although the graph is a convenient model for local connections between .that.s, it does not represent distances
each edge in the graph represents a one-semitone alteration, but the edges are different lengths. Moreover, it does not
represent all possible pathways between .that.s.

Bhatkhan.d.es ten common .that.s, indicated by ringed circles, define a connected subgraph of the lattice. In order
to complete a cycle, Jairazbhoy adds a theoretical .that. labelled A7 (so called because of his classification scheme).
This move successfully incorporates Tor. but leaves out Bhairav. Jairazbhoys Circle of T.hat.s, as in Figure 1 (right),
embeds as a cycle in the graph of theoretical .that.s. The graph also reveals the problem: Purv, Bhairav, Tor., and
Bhairav lie on the vertices of a cube in the lattice, and there is no path that connects them all, using transitions where
some note is altered by a single semitone. An alternate to Jairazbhoys solution is to allow the path to bifurcate,
connecting Purv to both Tor. and Bhairav, then connecting Tor., Bhairav, and Bhairav to the unique theoretical .that.
that is within a one-semitone alteration of all of them. (Jairazbhoy [6, p. 97-99] cites historical and theoretical reasons
for preferring A7 to this .that., however.)
Srgm SrGm SRgm SRGm



Tor. Kaf



Figure 2: Lattice of thirty-two theoretical .that.s.

Geometrical music theory provides a way of thinking about geometrical representation in general (see [3]): any
musical object that can be represented by an n-tuple of pitches corresponds to a point in some n-dimensional Eu-
clidean space. Equivalence relations, such as octave equivalence, define quotient maps on Euclidean space producing
a family of singular, non-Euclidean, quotient spacesorbifolds. Points in these spaces represent equivalence classes
of collections of notes, such as chords or scales. Any voice leading corresponds to a line segment or path in an orb-
ifold. In order to represent distances between .that.s accurately, we need at most six dimensions (the fact that NICM
uses relative pitch means that we lose a dimensiona .that. is really an equivalence class modulo the choice of the pitch
Sa). Because all .that.s include the pitch Pa, five dimensions suffice, but the number of dimensions is still too great for
us to draw a satisfactory representation.

However, we can exploit a feature of .that.s here. As with Arab modes (see [5]), each .that. is traditionally considered
to be formed from two scalar tetrachords. The lower tetrachord begins with Sa and ends with Ma (or Ma tvra) and the
upper tetrachord begins with Pa and ends with high Sa. This decomposition suggests a different way of constructing
the lattice of theoretical .that.s. First, we note that representing tetrachords, modulo translation, requires only three
dimensions; in Figure 3 (left), we locate the lower and upper tetrachords on disjoint lattices, where two tetrachords
are adjacent if and only if they differ by one semitone. The product of the two tetrachord graphs (Figure 3, right) can
be visualized as two nested tori, each corresponding to a different position of Ma. In this picture, each torus has been
cut open to form a large square. (This explains why the .that.s on the left-hand edge are duplicated on the right-hand
edge and the .that.s on the bottom edge are duplicated at the top.) T.hat.s with the same first three notes appear in the
same vertical plane, while .that.s with the same upper tetrachord are in the same horizontal plane. If the edge faces are
connected, the resulting graph is isomorphic to the graph of theoretical .that.s (Figure 2).

The construction of Figure 3 was first proposed as a tool for representing modulatory relationships between Arab
modes, or maqamat [5]. Figure 4 contrasts the .that.s of NICM, the Glarean modes, and the Arab modes. (Since Arab
musicians use a quarter-tone scale, there are intermediate modes between lattice points. Only about two-thirds of
Arab modes are representable on this latticesome do not repeat at the octave, and others have a different fifth scale
degree.) As previously noted, Glarean modes are a subset of the Circle of T.hat.s. However, there is surprisingly little
overlap between the North Indian and Arab modes. In particular, the Arab system uses the diatonic scale sparingly,
preferring instead some scales that divide the octave more evenly (this is possible using quarter tones) and others quite
a bit less evenly. The fact that the Circle of T.hat.s lies on or near the diagonal of the squares reflects a preference in
NICM for what Jairazbhoy calls balanced .that.st.hat.s whose upper and lower tetrachords contain roughly the same
scalar intervals.
SrGm SRGm SRgm Srgm SrGm
Purv Tor. Purv
Srgm SRgm
A7 PdnS

SrGM SRGM PdnS Asavar Bhairav

Lower tetrachords Khamaj Kaf

Marva Kalyan.
PDNS Bilaval

Purv Tor. PdNS
Upper tetrachords Bhairav
SrGm SRGm SRgm Srgm SrGm

Figure 3: The lattice of thirty-two theoretical .that.s, configured as nested tori.

3. Examples
Although we have discussed the difficulty of identifying rags with .that.s before, let us see how geometrical methods
can help (or at least give us a better visualization). In Figure 5, we contrast rag Asavar with rag Malkauns. Rag
Asavar belongs to .that. Asavar (indicated by a dotted sphere). Its aroh is a subset of four theoretical .that.s and its
pakar. is a subset of two. (Because the graph is a torus, there appear to be six markers for the arohtwo of them are
repeats.) However, its avroh contains exactly the notes of .that. Asavar. In this situation, there is no ambiguity in the
classification of the rag. In contrast, the pentatonic (missing Re and Pa) rag Malkauns is classified under .that. Bhairav
(indicated by a dotted sphere). However, due to the omission of Re, its aroh, avroh, and pakar. are subsets of two
.that.s: Asavar and Bhairav. This ambiguity agrees with Bhatkhan.d.es aforementioned comment that theorists differ
on whether to assign rag Malkauns to Bhairav .that. or to Asavar .that. [2, vol. 3, p. 701]. Figure 6 depicts two rags
that have too many notes. As previously noted, Kedar contains both sharp and natural versions of Ma; Hamir has
this same feature. At present, our models do not distinguish between superset and subset relations: both rags avroh
have .that.s Kalyan. and Bilaval as subsets, rather than supersets.

Our models clearly reflect the fact that the relationship between a rag and its .that. is sometimes ambiguous. In
terms of pitch class content, rags belonging to the same .that. vary in the degree to which they signal their parent .that.
and the degree to which they resemble each other. Moreover, a rags aroh, avroh, and pakar. may convey different (and
occasionally conflicting) information. However, there are many features of rags that are not captured by this geomet-
rical representation. Further analysis is needed to determine which features are most predictive of the assignments of
rags to .that.s.

[1] V. N. Bhatkhan.d.e, Hindustan Sangeet Paddhati, Hindi edition, Vol 1-4, Sangeet Karyalaya, Hathras, India, 1951-57.
[2] V. N. Bhatkhan.d.e, Kramik Pustak Malika, Hindi edition, Vol 1-6, Sangeet Karyalaya, Hathras, India, 1954-59.
[3] Clifton Callender, Ian Quinn, and Dmitri Tymoczko. Generalized voice-leading spaces. Science, 320:346348, 2008.
[4] Norman Carey and David Clampitt. Aspects of well-formed scales. Mus. Theory Spectrum, 11 (2) 187206, 1989.
[5] Rachel Wells Hall. Geometrical models for modulation in Arab music. Preprint, 2009.
[6] N. A. Jairazbhoy, The Rags of North Indian Music - Their structure and evolution, Wesleyan University Press, Connecticut, 1971.
[7] H. L. Roy, Problems of Hindustani Music, Calcutta, 1937.
Figure 4: North Indian .that.s (left), Glarean modes (center), and Arab modes (right).

Purvi SrGM Purvi SrGM

Bhairav SRgM Bhairav SRgM
Todi SrGM SrGM
Bhairav Todi Purvi
PdnS RAAG:Asavari A7 PdnS
aroh A7
Asavari Asavari RAAG:Malkauns
Bhairavi avroh Bhairavi
PDnS pakar PDnS
Khamaj Khamaj
Kafi Kafi

Marwa Marwa
Kalyan Kalyan
Marwa Bilawal Marwa

Purvi Purvi
PdNS Bhairav PdNS Bhairav
Todi Todi
SrGm Purvi SrGm Purvi
SRgm Bhairav SRgm Bhairav
Srgm Srgm
SrGm SrGm

Figure 5: Rag Asavar and rag Malkauns (graph generated by M ATLAB).

Purvi SrGM Purvi SrGM

PdNS SrgM SrGM PdNS Bhairav SrgM SrGM
Bhairav Todi Purvi Todi Purvi
Bhairav Bhairav
PdnS A7 PdnS
aroh A7
Asavari Asavari
Bhairavi avroh Bhairavi

PDnS pakar PDnS

Khamaj Khamaj
Kafi Kafi
RAAG:Kedar RAAG:Hamir
Marwa Marwa
Kalyan Kalyan
Marwa Marwa
Bilawal Bilawal
Purvi Purvi
PdNS Bhairav Todi PdNS Bhairav
SrGm Purvi Todi
SRGm SrGm Purvi
SRgm Bhairav SRGm
Srgm SRgm Bhairav
SrGm Srgm

Figure 6: Rag Kedar and rag Hamir (graph generated by M ATLAB).

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