Dan Kennedy No Bs Wealth Attraction For Entrepreneurs PDF
Dan Kennedy No Bs Wealth Attraction For Entrepreneurs PDF
Dan Kennedy No Bs Wealth Attraction For Entrepreneurs PDF
Editorial Director: Jere L.
Cover Design: David Shaw
Production and Composition: Eliot House Productions
Printed in Canada
12 11 10 09 08 109 8 7 6 5
Acknowledgments, xiv
Preface, xv
No Guilt 5
A Tale of Two Teenagers, 6
Break Free of 23
No Fear 37
No Excuses 45
Speak Money 55
Be Somebody 63
Be an Expert Somebody, 66
Be Somewhere
Do Something 75
Ask 99
B.s. Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
No Boundaries
Independence 127
Marketing Prowess
Behavioral Congruency
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
Is There a Government-Secured
24% Interest Rate? by Ted Thomas
How the Tax Lien Process Works, 233
Your Three Options as a Tax Lien
all Good, 234
Real Investors, Real Money, 235
Who Should Invest in Tax Lien 235
The Wealth Principle, 236
How Entrepreneurs Can Use Mortgages to Fix Their
Cash Flows, Take Full Advantage of the
Tax Code, and Get Cash to Invest!
by Scott Tucker 237
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
Introduction to Wealth Resources 269
Books to Read/People to Meet for
Wealth Development 275
Money 275
ship, 276
General Success, 277
Other Works by Dan Kennedy, 278
Web Sites of Special Interest, 279
People Included in this Book, 280
Guest Experts, 284
About the Author 287
Index 289
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
an debt, I, t
Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone, Dr. Edward
L. Kramer, Sidney Newton Bremer, and my personal
friend and associate, Foster Hibbard.
How to Make Yourself
Magnetic to Money
8.s. Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
\ a warning. When I say radical changes in beliefs and behav-
mean it. A lot of what you are about to read is going to be
hard to swallow. You will be tempted to reject it instantly.
Y o u will find it contrary and challenging to what you've been
and what you believe. It will make you uncomfortable.
natural to simply turn off and move away from anything
you discomfort. However, a great deal of discovery,
growth, progress, and success is preceded by discomfort.
This is a very blunt book. Its No B.S. title makes that prom-
And a lot of what is published elsewhere about wealth is in
he feel-good category. This book includes a fair amount of
things those other authors probably know but keep to them-
lacking the courage to say them publicly, certain they will
offend people. I have never been concerned about who I may
offend and I'm not about to start worrying about it now. I didn't
even sugarcoat many of these discomfort producing statements,
building up to them gently, wrapping them in entertaining para-
bles. So as Hepburn said, get ready for a bumpy ride!
This IS the No B.S. truth about how entrepreneurs attract wealth
as I know it.
To avoid having wasted the price of this book, and more
to avoid missing out on incredible opportunities to
transform your life for the better, you need to tolerate some of
this discomfort, to patiently and carefully consider ideas and
Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
HO B.s. Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
NO B.S. Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
Book Roadmap
Section I has 26 Wealth Magnets. I have kept the explanation of
each as brief as possible. They are not in a sequential order, like
steps 1, 2, and 3. Instead, you might think of these as more like
puzzle pieces laid out on a table, waiting for you to fit them
together in a way that works best for you. You can also treat this
section as a cafeteria line, choosing whatever Magnets seem most
important to you at the moment. As you will see, some are philo-
sophical, some very practical. The entrepreneur needs both: a
personal philosophy about wealth, a view of the way wealth
moves in the world, and a set of practical strategies, tools, and
Section II is a collection of Bonus Chapters from experts on
different aspects of investment, financial opportunities, and
wealth management. Each chapter is from a different authority.
Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
Wealth Magnet 1
No Guilt
NO 6.S. Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
hungrier than you. You do not want someone else going hun-
v result of your appetite.
else takes the liquor store takes the church takes it, or who-
ever takes it, I promise you somebody's getting it. Because if
they're without money now, they're going to be without money
again. And most of them are going to be without money perma-
nently because they never gain or act on an understanding of
how money works.
I know that sounds harsh. And you may not be a face-to-face
salesperson and never need to sit across a desk or table from
someone you think can't afford it and sell to him anyway. But the
truth about this particular situation is the bigger truth about the
entire world of money and wealth. That truth is, whatever
amount you get has nothing to do with how much or how little
anyone else has. Ever.
If you want your wealth attraction glowing and functioning
at full power, you can't have any You can't have any
reluctance. You can't have any inhibition. You can't ever pull a
punch. In the bigger sense, you have to understand that whatever
financial position anyone you know is in, anyone you do busi-
ness with is in, or anyone period, is in has nothing to do with
you. In the biggest sense, you have to understand that whatever
the state of economic affairs in the world, it has nothing to do
with how much wealth you accumulate. Your wealth is addition for
you but subtraction for no one.
Unless and until you buy this premise hook, line, and sinker,
you will always suffer from wealth inhibition.
a Well, our
A. no desert island. There's money, money every-
where. Drink all you want.
If you do not hang out with people who own private planes,
shares in private jets, or at least fly first class everywhere
ley go . . . If you do not hang out with people who have their
shirts and suits custom tailored If you do not hang out with
who own racehorses or boats or vacation homes If
you do not hang out with people who are extremely prosperous
adept at wealth attraction, you might be fooled into thinking
hat money is "tight," in limited supply or hard to come by, and
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
almost 20 tons, you may want to have the patio checked out
before getting started.
Of course, most peoples' reaction to an outrageous example
like this is to cry "irrelevant." After all, your customers don't
have this kind of money to blow; your customers are tight-fisted
cheapskates; you have a hard time selling to your customers,
yada yada. Pfui. A few years back, I produced an
video brochure for a client of mine, The Shed Shop, in
northern California. This company builds expen-
sive backyard sheds. Not the tin jobs you think of. These are
more like miniature houses, with peaked roofs, doors, windows,
and flower boxes, and with complete interiors, with workbenches,
bookshelves, and cabinetry. To shoot the video, I took a crew to a
number of the customers' backyards to see their sheds and tape
their testimonial comments.
One happy couple with not one but two sheds in their back-
yard, his and hers, are both retired. They're on Social Security,
and he's got one small pension. They're totally on a fixed income.
Two sheds.
Another guy with the biggest shed and a big pond in his
backyard started out telling me something of a sob story. If you
heard that, you'd assume he didn't have two nickels to rub
together. But somehow, miraculously, he dug up about
$20,000.00 for landscaping and a koi pond, and another
$10,000.00 for the shed.
The truth all smart marketers know is: everybody somehow
has plenty of money to buy whatever they decide they want to
Lots of people complain about how tough they have it rais-
ing a family, having three kids, both parents having to work.
Wealth with one foot on the gas but the other riding the brake.
of "prosperity"
in the metaphysical community are far from prosperous
Over the years, quite a few have privately
their lack of financial success to me and expressed
over it. Typically, the conversation has to do with
heir idea of "justice." They believe because they do "good work"
they deserve to be wealthy and that wealth should
here are also a lot of these people who perpetually beat
up with the idea that their lack of financial success is about
heir somehow not deserving it, so they need to work on
in order to be more deserving persons.
2,4 NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
h, you're an Greedy Surely you
know that's what some people think about you and say
about you behind your back.
A successful entrepreneur drives down the street in his
or builds his mansion. If not to his face, then behind his
many grumble about his greed. But if they hit the
lottery, they might very well do the same
winners do. It's not a moral objection to greed they're
It's the sin of envy.
Too often, achievement, accomplishment, and ambition are
defined as greed.
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
store. He mostly sells to people who can't get 20 miles away to]
the nearest supermarket; therefore, he sells at double what
could buy the same products for if you could get to the super-
market 20 miles away. Is he an evil opportunist? Well, would 1
open a store there? If his store's not there, how do locals get any-
thing at all? His risk is enormously higher than the guy with
supermarket 20 miles away. Every time he walks into the store, J
there's a very real chance somebody's going to walk in the
and blow his head off, or try. His theft rate is probably 400% or
500% worse than the supermarket 20 miles away. For assuming
all of that added risk, shouldn't he be an opportunist?
Getting all this stuff about greed and opportunism out
your head is critical. As an entrepreneur, you have a particular]
role in the world. You are a vitally important economic force.
have certain real responsibilities you need to embrace. The
responsibilities others would impose on you must be
rejected. Embrace the rewards you deserve.
a entrepre-
success stories?
but probably not any that would instantly pop to
peoples' minds. Some people think it's luck, who they
i rich relatives, or disreputable behavior such as somehow
ruthless advantage of others, climbing to wealth by step-
i on others. It is none of those things.
is a past bankruptcy. Or at least a huge failure and wipe-
near-bankruptcy experience.
personally worked closely with nearly 200 first-generation,
scratch millionaire and multimillionaire entrepreneurs.
it Guide to Wealth for Entrepreneurs
you all
f e a r s , you
your balance
reflects r a t i o of f e a r vs. con-
fidence you money.
about it. They fear running out of it before they die. They fear
ing it most of all. The best people, and even the wealthiest,
have a whole lot of emotional baggage and b.s. connected t
money in their
After my bankruptcy, which I feared would be fatal, I quickl
discovered it was a mere bump in the road, and my fears were
replaced with a rapidly growing confidence. Many years late
my wife and I divorced after 22 years of marriage. One half of a
the wealth accumulated in the prior ten years or so, a consider
able amount, marched out the door with her. You could say i
was at least 10 years of wealth. I easily replaced it in less than 18
months. I nearly doubled it in 24 months.
All of my prior experiences, including what I'd learned from
my bankruptcy recovery, proved to be worth far more than the
actual money that moved out with her. I had zero fears about the
loss of the money, about the difficulty of replacing it, or about it
having any adverse impact on my life or lifestyle. I just strolled
over to the wall, adjusted the thermostat on my wealth attraction
powers and let the coffers refill, then overflow.
This is not to suggest license to behave recklessly or foolishly
with your wealth. Waste, imprudence, and irresponsibility is
almost always punished because such behavior is repulsive to
money. But confidence magnetically attracts it because confi-
dence reflects real understanding and everyone and everything
is attracted to understanding.
Consider an analogy, something you once did not under-
stand, found incredibly difficult if not impossible to do,
hoped you would not encounter or have to deal with. Often
there's some single, simple "trick" that changes everything. For
example, if you attempt to assemble difficult jigsaw puzzles with
ers, or wimps. Hanging out with a victim is not appealing
to most reasonably sane people. Who wants to be around or
with an emotional cripple? The person in the victim
tends to wear out his welcome he should. This
these beliefs, and his behavior are even more repellant
and wealth than they are to other people.
In No B.S. Business I explain that power is derived
n u n taking responsibility, weakness from disavowing it. Here, I
that wealth is attracted by taking responsibility, repelled
4s Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
went horribly awry, and as he said, most kids would have cut
and run or blamed the circumstances involved. He did not. He
took an arguably unjustified 100% of the responsibility for him-
self, with the direct result of impressing and keeping all his cus-
tomers, but the more important, if indirect, result was strength-
ening his overall wealth attraction power.
If you remember the wonderful Pink Panther movies
Peter Sellers, you'll remember his Asian houseboy, who he paid
to attack him without warning, to keep him on his toes. I've I
told by good authority that the boxer Mike Tyson once hired a
man to walk behind him saying, "You the man, Mike, you the j
man." (There's a clue to how Tyson could zip through $100 mil-
lion and be broke.) A fine investment would be hiring a big, I
strong guy to walk around with you for a month carrying a stout
baseball bat and every time you voiced an excuse, hauling off
and knocking you into next week. I imagine you'll be unwilling
to make that investment, so instead, you might try keeping a lit-
tle notebook in your pocket to list every excuse you catch your-
self making for the next month, as well as every excuse you get
from anyone else. Awareness automatically improves perform-
ance, so just the act of keeping the diary and stopping whatever j
you're doing each time you proffer an excuse will have positive
impact. Getting whacked silly by the strong man with
Louisville Slugger would have more impact, but admittedly the
side effects are problematic.
If you recall the cartoon character Popeye, you'll remember
that he pumped up his strength and power when needed by gulp-
ing down a can or two of spinach. I think of that as a visualization
analogy, for the entrepreneur, responsibility is spinach. If you
want to turn on wealth attraction power, gulp down some more.
guess have."
guess. Think."
"Yes, have."
"Okay then. That means you don't take responsibility
for your life. Taking responsibility means you
acknowledge that you create everything that happens
to you. It means you understand that you are the cause
of all your experience. If you want to be truly successful,
and know you do, then you will have to give up blaming
and complaining and take total responsibility for your
means all your results, your successes and
your failures. This is a prerequisite for creating a life
of success You see, Jack, if realize that you
have created your current conditions, then you can
uncreate them and recreate them at will. Do you
understand that? Are you willing to take
responsibility for your life?"
Wealth Magnet 7
Speak Money
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
the way you think about money and the language you use abou
money matters a great deal. It is revealing of the programmin
your subconscious is actually being directed by, and it is accumu-
lating programming it is trying to respond to. Further, your spoken
words convey your relative comfort and confidence or discom-
fort and fear about money to others. Any sales professional can
tell you that prospects "smell fear" like animals. This is not
superstition on their part. Experienced sales pros know it is infi-
nitely harder to make the sale you desperately feel you must
make than the sale that doesn't matter much one way or the
other. Professional negotiators all know that the person who
wants it least has the power. These are analogies to all movement
of money. Money is naturally attracted to the person most confi-
dent and comfortable about it.
People tend to transfer their money to these same people.
When you are talking to others, there's text and subtext, heard by
others' conscious and subconscious minds. When you say that
you just don't "feel good" about somebody or that your "intu-
ition" tells you not to trust or do business with somebody, it's
your subconscious processing impressions from sight, sound,
and the other senses, searching its files for past information and
experiences. You can't actually enunciate why you feel as you do.
You just do. You might not consciously realize that when
around Joe, he often talks in terms of lack, poverty, failure, an
fear, so you do not want to buy from him, invest with him, or oth
erwise be involved with him. But that may very well be what ha
occurred within your subconscious.
For all these reasons, what you speak about money matters.
As an example, consider the term "hard-earned dollars."
You recognize the term, don't you? Hard-earned dollars.
heard your parents say it. Your friends may say it. You
y it, or some variation of it, without ever considering its
meaning. If you translate it to programming, it is that
is very hard to get. You get money only through difficult
unpleasant work. If money somehow arrives without being
to hard work, there's something wrong with it. It's
or toxic. It's incorrect and dishonorable to get it easily.
Now consider the phrase "easy money." For most people,
is "bad." The perception is that "easy money" is somehow
dirty, undeserved. The perception is that the person
seeking "easy money" is a lazy bum or a fool.
What a barrier! This is a wide, thick wall that prevents
from looking for or seeing many great opportuni-
their own businesses lying there within easy reach. I think
plains why a pair of fresh, expert eyes like mine can so eas-
frequently see unexploited opportunities in others' busi-
not just that the owner of the business is too close to
orest to see the trees. There's a wall he can't see through box-
him in.
What a barrier! If things start to get easy, if money starts
in faster in bigger sums than ever before, the entrepre-
will subconsciously reject it and engage in all manner of
to slow the unjust flow.
fact is, there's no reason money has to be hard to earn or
lined in hard ways. I've taught thousands of entrepreneurs
to earn much larger incomes more easily. Take my client, Dr.
Searby, who was barely earning a living working 50 hour
as a dentist. He now earns as much in two months as he
to earn all year, working only one day a week teaching den-
how to create second businesses with dental assistant
a it not, we l i v e a
obsessed culture, a celebrity-driven marketplace.
In recent years, my clients in the seminar and confer-
e business have dramatically increased attendance, total on-
revenues, or both by adding celebrity speakers including
Trump and Dr. Phil, to their events. And for nine years I
poke on the biggest seminar tour ever, 25 to 29 cities a year, to
of 10,000 to 30,000, with speakers like former
Ford, Reagan, and Bush; Generals Colin Powell and
Schwartzkopf; Larry King, Bill Cosby, and dozens more
Hollywood, sports, politics and business. Stadiums were
NO B.s. Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
Be an Expert Somebody
Expert status is very magnetic. Fortunately, it is a self-create
self-manufactured asset.
The great success educator Earl Nightingale said you
make yourself a world class expert in most fields simply b
studying every available resource for an hour a day for just a year.
I took him seriously. I made myself into a top expert in the field of
direct marketing entirely through self study, with no academic or
dark news
was filled with stories of his financial demise, Donald Trump
talks about feeling like just staying hidden at home but
strapping on his tuxedo and going to an important
he knew he could not possibly gain by staying
At a time, some 25 years or so ago, when I was captain of
everyone in its industry knew to be in deep and dire
circumstances, I considered skipping that con-
ion. But I didn't. It might have been less stressful, less
and more comfortable to stay home. But I couldn't
gain doing that. I went. I put myself in a place where it
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
in of a. for
like QVC and HSN, infomercials, and radio all spoke and
worked with about 100 attendees. Everyone there had an "idea"
for a product that would be terrific for sale on QVC. None acted
on these ideas, except one, my friend Jeff Paul, who subsequent-
ly successfully sold millions of dollars of his invented item on
Everybody has ideas. Everybody has latent talents.
Everybody has ability.
Few act on them.
And make no mistake: there is no wealth to be found in all
idea. There is only wealth to be had from acting on an idea.
This is so important that I want to relate several stories
people I work with to illustrate the way they behave when pre
sented with a worthy idea. The details of their businesses are not
all that important, and you should avoid being distracted by
them. Instead, focus on the way they responded to ideas and
Dr. Paul Searby, a dentist, was experimenting with different
possibilities for becoming a consultant in the dental field
he first met with me. In discussing his business, I discovered he
had been running a little school for people to become dental
assistants, in his dental office on Saturdays, and it made
a year as a side business. It was so profitable, some
one was offering to buy it from him for about told
him he should put that into a package and sell it to other dentists,
one in each market, nationwide. I said it was a huge
far greater than the several he'd been working on and had come
to get my advice on. I told him to shelve everything else a n d
work on this. In less than 30 days, he had his first direct-mail a n d
advertising to interest dentists in this opportunity out the door,
only a few more weeks, he was giving his first seminar pre-
the opportunity and immediately sold several school set-
packages at $20,000.00 each. Only a year later, the price is
He has sold nearly 100 schools, sells one to several
J week, has sold his dental practice, has financial independ-
e, and works one day a week on this business. Now, this is
important: when he launched his first ads and mailings,
his first seminar, and began selling schools, he wasn't
The videos of the classes weren't yet taped or edited.
thing he would need to give the dentists wasn't done. He
h a d n ' t planned the seminar itself. But he got started. He didn't
until all his ducks were neatly lined up in a row. As a side
of his success with this business, Paul has attracted and
on several other, related opportunities and been invited by
ling experts in dentistry to speak at their conferences, write
heir newsletters, and do business with their customers.
Bill Glazer owned two clothing stores in Baltimore, which
h e ' d made fabulously successful with unusual and innovative
keting strategies based in large part on ideas he got from my
and courses. He sought me out when he saw I was coming
and we had lunch. When he showed me what he
doing, I told him he should resell all his advertising and
keting to other clothing store owners, and I gave him a busi-
ness plan to do so. It is a relatively formulaic approach to what I
he "niche information marketing business." Bill immediately
selling his "system" to other clothing store owners, then
goods retailers, then jewelers, then furniture store own-
a n d built a multimillion dollar publishing business. Recently,
bought one of my publishing, coaching, and seminar busi-
nesses, now Inner Circle, which publishes my
Wealth Magnet
of people few follow
My experience with entrepreneurs constantly enjoy-
ing a massive and steady flow of customers or clients,
opportunities and wealth streaming to them, is that they
in terms of rather than "incident," and "opportu-
rather than "outcome." And I teach entrepreneurs to think
To use myself as example, consider something very simple.
.1 result of some publicity and promotion for one of the earlier
in the No B.S. Series (No B.S. Time Management for
I was invited to be interviewed on the syndicated
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
t In
can forget all about the very idea of morality for this dis-
cussion. We can simply be pragmatic.
Pragmatism basically means doing what best serves your
s. Doing what delivers the results you desire. Doing what works.
You need not think in terms of doing what's right at all.
Let's just talk about doing the right things as pragmatists.
Jot what's right morally. What's right pragmatically.
The number-one complaint everybody has about the people
companies they do business with, buy from, get mad at, and
top buying from is that the vendor doesn't keep his promises.
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
every busi-
n e s s , the
losing and.
spreaders is very,
very can
B.s. Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
of of
It's not just lack or shortage of opportunity that explains
anybody's lack of wealth.
Phil McGraw was a family therapist who disliked private
lice, dabbled in the personal growth seminar busi-
ness, corporate consulting on human resources matters, and even
with lawyers on jury selection and witness prepara-
He was handed the gift of consulting with the lawyers hired
Oprah Winfrey when she was sued over her negative
about beef. Lots of consultants would have collected a
and an autographed photo and been happy to get them,
104 NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
City media list (where she lives) and a national media list,
to begin firing e-mails, faxs, FedExs, and phone calls at
p.m. the night the episode aired, making her available the
morning for interviews and commentary on who won and
ho lost and why. In total, she and I devised and organized over
different advertising, marketing, publicity, and promotion
egies, campaigns, and initiatives to occur starting the morning
and to continue for three months after the episode's airing. As
this book before all this occurs, I can't tell you of
of the results, although you may find further discussion of
the free e-mail course tied to this book, which you can
at www.nobsbooks.com. But the important point is, Susan
do everything she or I can conceive of to domino this single,
actuality, tiny opportunity.
giant, steaming, stinking pile of
foolishness in
tapes, and seminars pushing the simplistic premise: do
what you love to do and money will follow. Now there is
Sure, happy accidents hap-
but do you want to wager your future on freak incidents?
I like to lie in a hammock. I like to read. Eat pizza. Watch foot-
I have yet to figure out how to get people to line up and pay
watch me do that. Doesn't matter how much I enjoy those
My enjoyment can multiply; the money won't.
This idea that you can do what you like or feel most passion-
about and be assured of attracting wealth is silly and
Appealing, certainly. But silly and childish.
Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
n I a less
$1,000.00 that produced millions of dollars over the next sev-
eral years and produced customers that continue contributing
my income today. It was classic entrepreneurial
but an idea on a Monday and $100,000.00 in income by
he following Friday. Before the internet, incidentally. At the risk
distracting you from the point, I'll give you the specifics but
the warning to focus on the principle.
At the time, in the chiropractic profession information and
vice about practice marketing, promotion, and success was
>eing delivered to doctors at two price levels: through very
\\Z NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
they never thought possible, being sought out rather than having
to chase business."
I have the newspaper clipping up on my bulletin board as
my own reminder of the mandate to keep looking at the world,
at my world and at my clients' worlds in a whole new
How can you keep your thoughts about your own opportunities
agile, and outside rather than inside the box? The most
important key is exposure to a lot of ideas, information, news,
business success stories, and people outside the box of your busi-
ness and your industry. I wrote another book in the No B.S. series
just for this reason: No B.S. Direct Marketing for NON-Direct
Marketing Businesses. You need to read, or at least skim, not just
your trade journals, but also others' trade journals. Read good,
well-researched, cutting-edge newsletters (like You need
a lot of ideas, examples, and information flowing to you from
diverse sources. Most entrepreneurs seem to operate as if they
were locked away in a closed society.
I encourage people to be in coaching groups and mastermind
groups, ours or others. You need association, in person, or via
teleconference with forward-thinking, forward-looking, flexible,
innovative, and successful entrepreneurs. In my groups, as of
this writing, we have a person who owns a house painting com-
pany, who in several years in the groups, has added a deck
and handyman service. There's the owner of a promotional
products company, who, in several years, has grown his company
by acquisition and added a whole new business as well. There
are also several lawyers, a dentist, an inventor and manufacturer,
a martial arts school owner and franchiser, a professional voice
coach, several from the real estate industry, a chiropractor, a college
Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
t's business owners
expect to receive tomorrow, next week.
Most are playing blind archery. Few have clear, definite
expectations. This is grievous negligence as expectations have a
great deal to do with results. It's also dereliction of managerial
duty. It is up to you to much
money you will receive today, this week, this month, this year, in
advance, based upon your marketing and management plans,
your prescheduled actions and initiatives. If you board an air-
plane and ask the pilot, "Where are we going today? When are
we scheduled to get there?" and he's not sure, exit immediately!
B.s. Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
D E B T IS EVIL because
Every dollar you bring in is instantly diminished in
value by its need to contribute to servicing your debt.
It compels you to do things you would otherwise not
do. Debt produces need. Need is completely
It leaves you vulnerable to short-term competitive or
marketplace challenges, economic slumps, aber-
rant events (e.g., etc. that you might other-
wise painlessly withstand.
It is habit-forming. It is easy to get good at juggling
debt, comfortable living in debt. You can get so
good at survival skills that they are in the way of
developing success skills.
It is a source of worry, anxiety, and frustration that
interferes with wealth attraction, productivity, and
even physical health.
It lengthens the time required to get to your
Financial Independence Number, sufficient assets
and investments that you never need work or earn
another dollar for the rest of your life.
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
you know
Expert you are known to know
you do
you get done
you get done what you get done
selection and how well
you do what you get done
you get things done
by means other than manual labor
you can get others to do
you know
Celebrity well you are known (by your
target audience)
others know about you
you see that others don't
comes in, gets a cup of coffee, and pays his dollar. After a year,
he comes in and points a gun at your head. He says, "I've been
here every day for a year. That's tenure. I've been exchanging a
dollar for a cup of coffee. Solely because I've made that value
for a year, I'm now going to take two cups of coffee for
the same one dollar. You're going to let me, or I'll shoot you in
the head."
value a n d
value is and
and and is
Most entrepreneurs wake up every morning thinking
about how they can make more sales, get more cus-
tomers, and increase their incomes. These thoughts are ricocheting
around in their heads even as they stumble toward the bathroom
or coffeemaker. And most entrepreneurs devote enormous
thought, time, and energy to these same issues all day long, all
month long, all year long. At the end of each day, they try to
assess how the day turned out in terms of income. But very few
entrepreneurs give the same thought, time, and energy to
increasing "value" and "equity."
Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
create and attract great wealth with relative ease, and are
sought after by other wealthy entrepreneurs, executives,
investors who are eager to do business with them.
These superentrepreneurs may not be able to find their car
keep their offices free of overwhelming clutter, read bal-
sheets, or turn on computers. What they don't know would
shock most people. Their personality flaws and personal dys-
could keep teams of psychotherapists gainfully
But one thing is true of virtually every single one of
them: they are unabashed, unashamed, irrepressible promoters.
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
They are salespeople who know how to sell and do so day in and
day and understand and usually keep their hands firmly on
their firms' marketing. They are first and foremost marketers.
and Trump not only because it was a great show (it was)
more because Donald Trump is an incredible, relentless promo
er. I recently had a client, who must remain nameless, sell his
company for an outrageous multiple of earnings
because the bigger competitor was simply worn out and frustrated
with competing with his superior marketing. They paid just to
make him stop.
Every entrepreneur I know who has "money magnetism"
also has exceptional marketing prowess.
is idea
"Renegade Millionaire System."
It is a deceptively simple idea, contrary to the over-
whelming majority of self-improvement and success literature. It
doesn't negate anything in any of the thousands of other how-to-
succeed or how-to-get-rich books, courses, or seminars, but I do
say it is more important than anything in those books.
Most approaches to becoming more successful or prosperous
focus on attitudes and thoughts. But, as a result of 30 years' work
with well over 100 first-generation, from-scratch millionaire and
multimillionaire entrepreneurs and my current work with so
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
Congruent with
this is with the behavior of people
already achieving the goals you want to achieve, already living the
kind of life you want to live. This is called "modeling." Find
them, study them, model them. And model their behavior. Don't
worry too much about their thinking or attitudes. It's what they
do and how they do it that matters most.
Wealth Magnet 24
Act Wealthy to Attract Wealth
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
First, let's talk about what I'm NOT talking about here: "a<
as if." In a lot of "wealth seminars," the speakers encourage you
to buy new clothes, new cars, a mansion, start living the
of the rich and famous, and essentially pretend to be rich,
how fooling yourself and others. Their idea is "pretend and
money will follow." Actually, most people experience
and bankruptcy will However, they are onto
when it comes to fooling your subconscious. If you act in the
ways that the wealthy act, you set in motion a big collection
internal changes and external effects that do attract wealth. It so
happens I know hundreds of very wealthy people intimately,
almost all first-generation rich, entrepreneurs who've made it
from scratch. A few are "new money jets, big
mansions, Most are not. Most behave more like the
millionaires described in detail by Thomas Stanley in The
Millionaire Next Door and his other research. But there are two
things all really wealthy people do that you can mimic and that
will have surprisingly dramatic, positive, wealth attracting effects.
The logical one is saving. Systematic, disciplined saving. This is
important because wealth is not about income. Most people
focus only on increasing income. But the wealthy are just as con-
cerned or more concerned with increasing equity. So, here's The
90-Day Experiment. Immediately establish a new bank account,
and call it your Wealth Account. It can be checking, interest bear-
ing checking, or money market. At first, it doesn't matter. Next,
determine a fixed percentage of every dollar that comes your
way that will be diverted into that Wealth Account. Something
between 1% and 10%. You may think you can't do I
can't pay my bills now with 100% of every buck; how will I pay
them with Well, maybe you won't. But you aren't now
or gain, and it should not replace giving you already do, such as
whatever you now drop into the church collection plate every
Obviously, it's hard to imagine how SUBTRACTING 10%
from your income and giving it away can increase your income
or wealth: 100% minus 10% 90% and $10,000.00 minus
$1,000.00 $9,000.00. But, somehow, this math works more like
this: 100% - 10% 100% x 4 400%.
The first time I heard this from Foster Hibbard, I thought he
was nutty as my grandmother's fruitcake. I don't blame you for
thinking I'm smoking crack. But I assure you, try it for 90 days,
and you'll be a convert.
Later, by the way, you can get more sophisticated. Your
Wealth Account money can move through the account into var-
ious investments. Personally, for my Giving Account, I use a
charitable trust account with Fidelity Investments that puts the
money in my choice of Fidelity funds, dispenses donations as I
direct, and provides the charitable tax deduction the year I
deposit the funds whether they are dispensed that same year or
not. Others create their own foundations. There are also complex
issues, like donation of appreciated assets free of capital gains
taxes. But all that can wait. First, run The 90-Day Experiment.
The Power of
ARE creatures of habit.
You probably do your morning regimen the same way every
by habit. Drive to certain destinations the same way
time by habit. Maybe have exactly the same argument with
or friend again and again by habit. You either leave the
| tube cap off or put it on by habit.
By adopting, installing, and controlling certain "habits of
entrepreneurs," you put habitforce on your side, as a
of naturally attracting wealth. Napoleon Hill discovered
habits in common in the hundreds of exceptional entrepre-
neurs and achievers he researched and interviewed from 1917 to
in preparation for the publication of his works, Laws of
Success and Think and Grow Rich. In my more up-close, personal,
intense, and involved work with over 100 from-scratch million-
and multimillionaire entrepreneurs, I have also observed
habits in common. Hundreds of differences but a few
habits held in common.
Two habits are almost universal in these wealthy entrepre-
neurs. No, most do not do them as mechanically and rigidly as I
have described here, although quite a few did when they adopted
habits at my suggestion. I am more flexible with myself now
and tend to make Wealth deposits only a few times a month and
Giving deposits the same. And I actually no longer have a single
Wealth Account and, instead, track it all on paper in a mythical
account summarizing all my investments. But in the beginning, I
made my deposits religiously, frequently, every time money
arrived, exactly as Foster described to me.
One of my rules:
I up
neutral factor. Each and every person either drains power from
or contributes power to you. One or the other. Power source
power drain. Ally or enemy. Black or white.
Refusing to face the black and white nature of this with clar-
and accuracy and honesty is a major obstacle to wealth attrac-
Refusing to act appropriately and decisively about what
deduce about a person, about a power drainer, is a major
to wealth attraction.
Introduction from
Dan Kennedy
be an finance,
management expert. In fact, for too many years of my life I was as
guilty as most entrepreneurs of over-emphasizing the making of
money and paying too little attention to investing, preserving, and
multiplying money. My own personal shift from merely being a
high-income entrepreneur to a high-income and wealthy entre-
preneur has only occurred in the last ten years or so, thanks in
part to the influence and assistance of "specialists" in different
aspects of investment and finance. I have some relationship with
the experts presented here. They are clients of mine: Some are in
my mastermind groups where I benefit from their ideas and
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
money into the old house, and Dean was strapped for cash any-
way. He owed $62,700.00 on the house.
In less than 45 days, Bill sold the house for $109,900.00. He
got a check for $26,223.00 plus the $1,800.00 he got from Dean.
Bill was able to convert the person who responded to his rent-to-
own advertising into a buyer immediately, using strategies
teach. Bill helped the buyer qualify for a loan for 90% of the pur-
chase price, and he carried a small second mortgage, which pays
him a monthly income.
Because Bill had almost no money out of his pocket in this
deal, his return on investment is, well, infinite! Dean and his
fiancee were thrilled to get out from under the mortgage and the
uncertainty and hassle of trying to sell the home, the new buyers
were happy to own a home (when they thought they couldn't),
and Bill was happy with profits of more than $20,000.00, with
less than ten hours' time and almost no money invested.
Laws about "subject to mortgage" and rent-to-own or lease
option arrangements may vary state to state, and there is a little
bit you need to learn about doing this. But you can see from this
example it is basically simple. What may surprise you is just how
many Dean's there are out there who are willing, eager, and
happy to walk away from whatever equity might be in their
home in exchange for a fast, simple, easy exit from a mortgage
they can't handle.
You find "ugly ducklings." These are houses that need a lot
repairs and can be bought at a good price. These kinds of
properties are ideal for investors who like doing rehab
and there are a lot of them. Often, the type of person who
enjoys rehabbing houses does not enjoy going out, finding, and
deals. If you will find properties, you'll never need
to get your hands dirty or pick up a hammer to make a lot of
'm a real
that consistently creates massive wealth and cash flow with
minimal investment of time and money. I will outline the
Income For Life System and show you how starting with one
beautiful single-family home could potentially compound into
24 homes in less than seven short years without having to
invest any additional money out of your pocket. And if that
doesn't sound great enough, the best news is you'll only need a
minimal amount of money to little as $5,000.00 (or
less) is common! The Income For Life System has not only
worked well for me personally, but it has also helped hundreds
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
Investing Approaches
There are basically two approaches to real estate
strategy" and the strategy." The
investor typically buys a property and holds it for-
ever. He profits mainly from the appreciation of the property
over time and the tax benefits of ownership. The main drawback
Creating Demand
[ere is an outline of how I use Rent To Own programs to create
demand, increase cash flow, and get large paydays. I buy a
single-family home in a nice area, and I offer this home on a
Kent To Own program. The nice home in the nice area is a very
concept, which I can't explain in this brief chapter.
you definitely want to look for homes that a renter
would really want to own, not just rent. This may require that
you pay more for your investment properties. See Figure 1.
Figure 1
Creates Creates
Figure 2
on a Rent to Own to Starving Renters
Nice More Demand Who Want to
Own a Home
key point for you to understand is the psychology of
is program. If you are just renting your properties out to ten-
you are positioned as the landlord. However, when you sell
your home to your Rent To Own buyer, you are positioned as a
When a tenant has a problem, whom do they give their
problems to? The landlord. When a buyer has a problem, whom
do they give their problems to? Themselves. This simple shift has
remendous benefits to you as the investor. See Figure 3.
Figure 3
Hassle-Free Ownership
In fact, I strive to have my tenants manage the properties them-
selves. I don't want to manage my properties; it isn't a good use
of time. The agreements we sign with our Rent To Own buyers
lay this out in detail by specifying that the buyer is responsible
for making routine repairs to the property. Because we are invest-
ing in nice homes, we rarely have large repairs eating up our cash
flow. (Some examples of the contracts, forms, and agreements we
use are included in my Income For Life System, which can be
found at
Figure 5
Cash received of
One nice single-family
home becomes two nice
single-family homes.
invested invested
into down payment into down payment
on new investment on new investment
property property
Figure 6
Year One
Year Three
Anywhere in America
My Income For Life System has been so successful and is so for-
mulaic that I have been training and exclusively licensing one
real estate professional per city or area to work with investors,
so there is probably someone in your area to help you. Or, if you
happen to be a real estate agent, you might want to investigate
this opportunity, if your area is still available. I assure you,
working with a small group of investors who each buy 2 to 10
houses a year is a far better, more pleasant, more enjoyable busi-
ness than listing and selling houses one at a time, only once to
each client!
too. So, let's say I put $100.00 into the fund but borrow another
$100.00. So, I have purchased 200 shares of ABC
Property Investment Fund (200 times per share), but I
have only $100.00 of my own money in it because the other
$100.00 was borrowed.
I now control double the shares, 200, with the same amount
of money out of my pocket, $100.00. Remember the other $100.00
is the bank's money, not mine.
So now I own twice the fund shares for the same investment
out of pocket.
Now, let's say while I own this stock, it appreciates at the
same rate as before, 10% per annum for five years. In five years,
ABC Commercial Property Investment Fund is worth per
But over the five years, let's say that ABC Commercial
Property Investment Fund had so much cash flow coming to me
monthly that I was also capable of paying back the bor-
rowed. So, not only is my fund appreciating and paying me cash
the same time it is also paying off my additional
of debt I used to buy more stock.
On top of that, when I file my tax return, Uncle Sam is going
to give me some nice large tax breaks for owning ABC
Commercial Property Investment Fund. These tax breaks will
reduce the income generated by ABC. Even though I am profit-
ing every year from ABC Fund in the form of nice monthly cash
flow checks, I can use legal tax saving strategies to show a loss
from ABC. The good news is that I can do this even though it
made money year after year.
Lastly, when it comes time to sell my interest in ABC, Uncle
Sam decides to give me a break. He tells me that when I sell ABC
do not have to pay any capital gains taxes. I can sell, keep my
profit, and legally defer any capital gains taxes.
Also remember, after all of this I have a pretty predictable
stream coming in month after month, no management,
an exponential rate of return if I choose no capital gains taxes,
AND I own double the shares.
Now, which investment would you take if you had to choose?
I hope it's obvious.
That is how commercial investment real estate works in my
world. When investors pool their money with me to purchase
good commercial investment property, it blows away most other
investments. See Figure 1. I hope my stock analogy brings this
home for you. Can you see how this type of investment can expo-
nentially grow your wealth vs. the traditional way?
Most people reading this book have probably heard of or
have a friend involved in owning some type of investment real
estate. If you are one that has never been an investment real
estate owner, it is probably because
1. Your age or family status.
2. Your lack of knowledge that makes you uncomfortable
about owning and investing in commercial real estate. You
do not really totally understand the great benefits along
with the cash flow you would receive. So, you put it off.
3. Lack of time. This is the biggie. Not enough time to really
sit down, research, and educate yourself about the possi-
bilities of commercial investment real estate.
4. You think it may be risky.
5. Maybe you haven't had that much interest until now.
6. You think other investments are much better (stocks,
bonds, single-family homes, etc.)
Figure 1
A Typical Commercial Real E s t a t e I n v e s t m e n t P r o p e r t y
S. S t . Apartments
Purchase price paid: $750,000.00. 8. Cash flow:
$77,000.00 Net income
L e s s annual financing
benefits for the investor yet remove all the drawbacks and obsta-
cles that block most people from those benefits!
Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
After talking to Chase, Proctor & Gamble, IBM, and SUNY, I had
a remarkable revelation: my existing profession was not only
more fun and more significant, but potentially more
than any of those corporate options.
Through a radical leap of faith, I camped out at the Library
Congress, the SBA, and SCORE and studied everything I could
get my hands on about sales, advertising, and direct response
marketing. I then put together my business plan (thinking erro-
neously that some wise banker would fund me) and in a rented
moved from Washington, DC, to Denver, Colorado.
Then I launched my little more than
$10,000.00 loan from my parents and a pocket full of credit cards.
I built a $1,000,000.00 martial arts school business with 1,500
active students across 5 locations in about 18 months. All the
while the support I was receiving from most friends and associ
ates went something like this: "Yeah, for a couple of
years then you can get a real job."
While still in Washington, DC, I made a transition that few
make. I went from athlete (or technician) to teacher. Then, as I
decided to really make my chosen art into a career, I continued
the transition rather quickly (at 21 years old) of moving from
teacher to salesman to marketer. In retrospect, my early success
was almost completely due to recognizing that it was most
important for me to become an excellent marketer of martial arts
lessons and least important to be a "master of the martial arts."
Once in Denver, I made the next necessary transition. I
moved from excellent teacher, salesperson, and marketer to
teacher again. This time to teacher of marketing, sales, and teach-
ing skills to staff and associates in order to replicate myself across
multiple locations.
her own income. It'S the person who can implement systems
can be taught to many and inspire them to high accomplish-
whose income has an unlimited ceiling.
Third, an early discovery for me was finding the right mar-
and designing our service to that market. Many of my friends
and competitors in the martial arts field lament the poor quality
they attract. I have no such complaint. Before opening
my first business I undertook extensive demographic market
to make sure I located where there were lots of
money and with a predisposition for my service. Soon after,
that the family and children's market was a much
market for me than the traditional 18- to 35-year-old group
that most others taught. My discoveries that families with good
would pay well for success training and character
I >pment for their kids, and that their willingness to pay a premium
price for our service survived up and down economies and indi-
ups and downs added millions to my income over the
years. I often charge double, triple, or quadruple what other
charge while teaching higher quality clients who stay
me much longer.
Finally, a path that I didn't take but which I'm thoroughly
would have saved me ten or more years of trial and
franchising. Although the opportunity was not available to
in the martial arts industry when I started in 1983, it certainly
is today. If I had had the choice, I would have taken the franchis-
ing route rather than striking out completely on my own. All
organizations provide the opportunity to be "in busi-
ness for yourself, but not by yourself," and in our case, my com-
pany provides the most extensive support structure as I've seen
any franchise business. A great benefit of running one of our
age 7, I regularly 1
goals in life: "I'm going to be a millionaire, and I'm going
to be president of my own company." Fortunately, they
me, "You can do whatever you set your mind to." The best
part was they actually meant it.
By age 28, I'd knocked out both goals. (I tried to get there
sooner but had a few crashes and burns along the way.)
I grew up the kid in a small town in southwest
Washington. My parents were and are completely
hard-working, ethical people. I have one older brother
who constantly pushed me. And for many years, I followed in his
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
footsteps because I liked his choices and I saw his successes and
wanted them as well. Later, I would recognize this as an
of emulating what works well for those
whose shoes you'd maybe like to fill.
Let me give you some brief background.
At age started the proverbial neighborhood lawn
ing business. I quickly made a deal with the neighbor to get
rider mower from her so I could take on more accounts and
them done quicker. I learned early the value of "no money
transactions" and trading sweat-equity for something I
but didn't have the cash to purchase. Ten quick lawn trims later
and it was all mine, along with a junked-out push mower that
burned more oil than gas. I appreciate now the fact my parents
didn't ante up the $100.00 it cost me in lawn trims to equip my
new landscaping business.
Just a year or so later, while continuing to trim lawns, I took a
far less labor intensive job at a baseball batting cage and pro
shop. I earned a whopping $3.15 an hour, watched a lot of
M*A*S*H reruns, finished my homework every day, and got very
good at hitting an 80 fastball. I was experiencing an early
double income. I found I was the richest preteen and later richest
teenager I knew, and I really enjoyed the feeling.
Today, my life is enjoyable and still very rich in many ways.
I find I have to put my back against the wall to create my own
brand of stress, otherwise I quickly bore.
I also have this penchant for doing the unusual and what
most would think impossible. I find it pays extremely well
because most would never dream of taking it on.
My regular income today (and the first million I made) is from
my business that serves dentists, helping them attract more
and keep those they already have. Over the last few years,
sold over $10 million dollars of goods and services to them, yet
not a dentist. I even closely advise a group of about 50 dentists
in a mastermind group (www.PersonalDentalCoach.com) on an
ongoing basis, each paying in excess of $8,000.00 in yearly dues.
Early on, I recognized a very important trend in the dental
industry. The services we provided to dentists at that time were
provided in bulk fashion, meaning a dentist would first purchase
special stationery, and a magazine from my company
and then have their employees (we call them a "team" in the
industry) assemble, print, and mail the whole package, which
was essentially a practice "newsletter."
After a few years, I realized there was a resistance develop-
ing among our clients. They wanted the results of doing a
education, patient retention, and so
hut they didn't want their highly paid team (and rightfully so)
engaged in the act of putting it all together.
This big discovery led to very important changes in not just
my core business, but in the thinking I've applied to every busi-
ness I've started since.
This trend of wanting "results" without doing anything has
huge. My breakthrough has opened doors for many
entrepreneurs like myself who used to provide how-to informa-
tion and now provide turn-key, "done-for-them" services to their
clients. My friends and colleagues and fellow Dan Kennedy
Platinum Inner Circle members Rory Fatt of Restaurant
Marketing Systems and Ron of Marketing are two
that immediately come to mind.
And, the benefits to clients are market-
ing gets done, their clients hear from them, they reap the
NO B . s . Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
You can invest just about any amount. Start with as little as or
invest $50,000.00. Use self-directed IRA or pension funds if
like. You can also shop around for higher rates, or take a slightl
lower rate to reduce your shopping time, as I'll explain. You ar
not restricted to the state you live in. As of this writing, Florid
pays 18%, Iowa pays 24%, and Arizona 16%.
I swear under oath all this is true, and I offer $10,000.00 to
anyone who can prove it is false.
As brief introduction, I once owned over 1,800 apartment
buildings, office buildings, and residences in three I
tax lien certificates with the right "D-Days," and earn 16% to 24
interest. Do you have money that's asleep? Maybe IRA, SE
Keough or other savings all parked in low interest CDs? Are you
intrigued with everything you've read and heard about making
money in real estate but have precious little time to play
game? You can "back in" by investing in these incredibly
secure tax lien certificates.
Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
are that
wealth. There's the way you think, which Dan has writ-
ten and spoken about extensively. There's the income
you create but, more important, the percentage of that income
you keep and multiply. One often overlooked path is the money
you save from waste. Most busy entrepreneurs actually waste a
lot of money. Because they are too busy to pay attention to differ-
ent things, they just write the check and run faster to earn more.
With some trivial expenses that's okay. But for something in the
$60,000.00 and up range, like your son's or daughter's college
education, that's a mistake. After all, to net $60,000.00 after taxes,
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
points on the front end as an origination fee (in other words, they
want an additional 10% to give you the money). This, plus the
interest on your loan, can double the actual amount that you
Even if you've only got one child, this can make a serious
dent in your cash flow and wealth accumulation plans.
Well, it gets worse.
If you have young children, you can expect the cost of college
to double in the next seven years. So, if your children are still in
grade school, instead of $15,000.00 to $45,000.00 per year, you're
looking at $30,000.00 to $90,000.00 per year, or $120,000.00 for a
state school education and $360,000.00 for a private
school degree.
Is it worth it? Well, according to the US Census Bureau, col-
lege graduates with four-year degrees earn, on average, 70%
more than those that just graduate with a high school diploma,
so you could argue that it is. But still, that's a whole lot of money.
And no one really seems to have the answers about who really
gets any aid or how to get it yourself.
Most people assume that they make too much money to
qualify for any assistance. Or that their child needs to be an ath-
lete, a straight A student, or a minority for the school to take an
in them.
Worse, most guidance counselors usually aren't any help at
all in the process. And, as I'll show in a minute, even the most
well-intentioned CPA or financial planner often gives advice that
hurts more often than it helps.
Depressed yet?
Don't be. In the last 11 years, I've cracked the code on how to
make this an absolute breeze and how to get thousands of dollars,
in other words, for the class of 2006, who will be leaving for
lege in the fall of 2006, we filled out the forms in January of 2006.
And because most people don't have their taxes for the pre-
vious year completed, it's perfectly acceptable to estimate your
numbers. You just have to let the colleges know that's what
you're doing.
In addition to the FAFSA, there is a whole host of other forms
that schools require, and to get a financial aid award, you have to
provide them with everything they ask for. It may seem frustrat-
ing and intrusive at times, but the payoff will be worth it. So,
don't delay, and get them everything they ask for.
And, be proactive about checking with each school to make
sure they've received what you sent them. You'd be surprised at
how many times a student's award letter is delayed because the
school has misplaced your documents. This can be a real prob-
lem if they've given away most of their money in the meantime,
so stay on top of them.
Also, you need to alert them to things that may not have
shown up when you filled out your financial aid paperwork like
a recent lost job, extensive medical bills, or things like that.
254 Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
Introduction to Wealth
need a of and
Resourcefulness is the ability to take whatever
resources you've got and can get and to turn them into what you
want. To invent, innovate, and implement. To overcome obsta-
cles and adversity. To get things done.
To some extent, you need resources to be resourceful. Even a
Boy Scout needs two dry sticks and some how-to information in
order to start a fire.
I have been an aggressive gatherer of information my entire
life. Whenever confronted with a new opportunity or problem,
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
Sex, Money, KISS by Gene Simmons. Gene created the rock band
KISS over 30 years ago. KISS continues as a juggernaut of licensing
General Success
Success Is an Inside Job by Lee Milteer. Many of my clients put all
heir students, clients, and associates in her Millionaire Mindset
Information about Dan Kennedy professional services, newslet-
ters, and audio products. Also, Inner Circle
annual Marketing and Moneymaking SuperConference and
annual Information Marketers' Summit.
Information about the sales letter/marketing plan contest, fea-
turing a new Ford Mustang as top prize. No purchase required to
Home of DONE4YOU publications and services, including
ready-to-use customer newsletters for any business, featuring
Dan Kennedy content. Also, two special Dan Kennedy publica-
tions: No B.S. Letter (only for information mar-
keters) and Look Over Dan's Shoulder (for direct-response marketers
and copywriters).
Dr. Maltz and publications.
Official site of Entrepreneur Press.
Dan's "home track," where he races his harness horses.
Guest Experts
Thad Winston Page 177
For information about Thad's services, visit www.thadwinston.com.
Rob Page 183
Visit to learn more about
the Income For Life System and programs. Or contact his office
at (440) 918-0047 or via fax at (440) 918-0347.
Darin Page 195
For more information about Darin Garman, investments,
land of America properties, and private funds, visit
mercial-investments.com or call (800) 471-0856 and enter an
access code: #4002.
Jeff Kaller Page 207
For more information, visit www.mrpreforeclosure.com or call
(800) 646-2574 to receive your free information package and a two-
hour DVD "How to Cash in on Short Sales with Half the Work."
Stephen Oliver Page 215
To learn more about Mr. services, visit www.MileHigh
Franchise.com or call (800) 795-2695.
Jerry A. Jones Page 223
Mr. Jones' books, Practice Building Success, Volumes I & II, are
available direct from the publisher at (800) 311-1390. You can
reach Jerry via fax at (503) 371-1299.
Ted Thomas Page 231
To receive a free information package about tax lien investing
and complete home study manuals and courses, tele-classes, and
even buying trips to auctions, fax a request to Ted Thomas at
(321) 449-9938 or call (321) and ask for the offer from
the No B.S. Wealth book.
Scott Tucker Page 237
Scott provides seminars, coaching, and consulting for other
mortgage brokers in the United States and Canada. Scott may be
reached via fax only at (773) 327-2842.
Ron Caruthers Page 243
For more information about Ron's services, the Tax Scholarship
Programs, and other money for college programs, visit www.col
legeplanninginc.com or call (760) 438-9095. You can also sign up
for free e-mail tips on college planning and funding at the web
Stephen Snyder Page 253
For more information about Mr. services and products,
visit www.increaseyourcreditscores.com and
Dennis Tubbergen Page 257
To subscribe to Mr. Tubbergen's weekly Financial Opportunity
White Paper via e-mail, go to www.dennistubbergen.com. If you
are a financial advisor, financial planner, or Registered
Investment Advisor, the free report Cutting Edge Financial
Strategies, is available. Request it by fax at (800) 521-7856, ask for
the report by name, and include your name, address, and e-mail
address with your request.
S. enjoyed a career as a
speaker, consultant, business coach, and author. He has
delivered over 2,000 compensated speeches and semi-
nars, including 9 years on a 25+ city seminar tour, appearing
repeatedly with Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Tom Hopkins, legendary
entrepreneurs, Hollywood personalities, broadcasters Paul
Harvey and Larry King, even 3 former U.S. presidents and
General Colin Powell. People routinely pay $2,000.00 to
$12,000.00 each to attend his seminars and travel from all over
the world to do it. His annual Renegade Millionaire Retreat is
directly related to the subjects in this book, and more information
is at
NO B.s. Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
NO Guide to Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs
Free Offers and Resources
from Dan Kennedy
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