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KENNY YOON JUN 14, 2017 02:29PM

12:00 Status Quo 2:00 Assistance/Spiritual Guidance

Lord Odysseus is on his island of Ithaca with his wife Penelope Odysseus asks for guidance from Athena, the goddess of
and newborn son Telemachus wisdom and she grants him her knowledge and help through
the trip. She also gives him the idea to make the Trojan Horse
which wins them the war.

1:00 Call to Adventure

Odysseus is called to war shortly after his son's birth. 3:00 Departure to the Special World
Menelaus calls out to all of the other suitors to honor their
After the Trojan war, Odysseus gets on a ship to return home
oaths and help him to retrieve her, an attempt that leads to
the Trojan War where he has to ght the Trojans. with his crew.
4:10 Trial 1 4:30 Trial 3
The rst trial, Odysseus lands on the island of the Ciconians The third trial, Odysseus and his crew land on the island of
and his crew slaughter the citizens there. Then the Ciconian Polyphemus. Polyphemus is a cyclops that is the son of
soldiers return on horseback and kill 5 of Odysseus' men. "Our Poseidon. They go into his cave while he is away and eat his
rst landfall was Ismarus, in the land of the Cicones. We goat cheese. He comes back and instead of greeting them, he
sacked the town, killed the men and took the women captive. I eats 2 of them. Odysseus offers Polyphemus wine so
was for putting out right then, but my men would not hear of Polyphemus would fall asleep. Then he tricks him into thinking
it." (Book 9) Odysseus' name is "Nohbdy" so they stab his eye and he yell
"NOBODY HAS BLINDED ME!" and then they escape.
Polyphemus prays to Poseidon to get revenge on Odysseus.
Hear me, Poseidon who circle the earth, dark-haired. If truly I
am your son, and you acknowledge yourself as my father,
grant that Odysseus, sacker of cities, son of Laertes, who
makes his home in Ithaka, may never reach that home; but if it
is decided that he shall see his own people, and come home to
his strong-founded house and to his own country, let him
come late, in bad case, with the loss of all his companions, in
someone elses ship, and nd troubles in his household. So he
spoke in prayer, and the dark-haired god heard him.

4:20 Trial 2
The second trial, Odysseus and his crew then landed on the
Island of the Lotus eaters. The lotus eaters offered some of his
crew the lotus ower. After consuming it, the crew members
didn't want to go home anymore "My men went on and
presently met the Lotus-Eaters, nor did these Lotus-Eaters
have any thoughts of destroying our companions, but they
only gave them lotus to taste of. But any of them who ate the
honey-sweet fruit of lotus was unwilling to take any message
back, or to go away, but they wanted to stay there with the
lotus-eating people, feeding on lotus, and forget the way
4:40 Trial 4
The fourth trial. They land on Aeolus' island. Aeolus, the god of
the winds, greets them as he is a fan of Odysseus. He knows
that Odysseus is trying to get home so Aeolus gives him a bag
of winds to use to get home. After leaving his crew want to
know what is in the bag. So they wait till he's sleeping and
open the bag which releases the air and sends them further
away from Ithaca. Odysseus go back to Aeolus to get another
bag but Aeolus thinks he's cursed so he send them off. "O least
of living creatures, out of this island! Hurry! I have no right to
see on his way, none to give passage to any man whom the
blessed gods hate with such bitterness. Out. This arrival
means you are hateful to the immortals."
5:10 Approach part 1
Approach 1. They land on Circe's island and Odysseus sends
some of his men to investigate. They were all turned into
animals by Circe so Odysseus decides to investigate. While
climbing, he runs into Hermes who gives him protection
against Circe's spell. Once he gets to Circe's palace, he tries to
kill her but she offers them shelter and food. They eventually
decide to leave after a year. "Some people are pigs., I make
them look like pigs". She tells them they have to get to the
4:50 Trial 5
underworld and listen to a prophecy.
The fth trial. Odysseus and his crew land on the island of the
Laestrygonians. The Laestrygonians are a tribe of giants that
eat men. They eat some of Odysseus' men so Odysseus ees.
"So she spoke to them, and the rest gave voice, and called her
and at once she opened the shining doors, and came out, and
invited them in, and all in their innocence entered; only
Eurylochos waited outside, for he suspected treachery. She
brought them inside and seated them on chairs and benches,
and mixed them a potion, with barley and cheese and pale
honey added to Pramneian wine, but put into the mixture
malignant drugs, to make them forgetful of their own country.
When she had given them this and they had drunk it down,
next thing she struck them with her wand and drove them
into her pig pens, and they took on the look of pigs, with the
heads and voices and bristles of pigs, but the minds within
them stayed as they had been before."

5:20 Approach part 2

Approach 2. They go to the gates of hell where Odysseus goes
inside alone. He brings a ram to sacri ce to Tiresias, the blind
prophet. He nds Tiresias and sacri ces the ram to hear the
prophecy. Tiresias tells Odysseus about how to get home and
to be careful of Poseidon's wrath since Odysseus blinded his
son. In the underworld, he also sees his dead mother who gave
up hope and commit suicide. "come unlooked-for to your
home, in sore distress, losing all comrades, in anothers vessel,
to nd great trouble in your house, insolent men who destroy
your goods, who court your wife and offer gifts of courtship."

5:40 Approach part 4

Approach 4. They land on Helios' island and they are famished
so they feast on everything except Helios' cattle because
Odysseus heard in the prophecy that if they do, Helios will kill
them so he makes his crew swear an oath. However, the crew
is slowly running out of food so while Odysseus is asleep, they
slayed some cattle. Zeus destroys their ship and sends a storm
to kill everyone except Odysseus. "Father Zeus, and you other
everlasting and blessed gods, punish the companions of
Odysseus, son of Laertes; for they outrageously killed my
cattle, in whom I always delighted, on my way up into the
starry heaven, or when I turned back again from heaven
toward earth. Unless these are made to give me just
recompense for my cattle, I will go down to Hades' and give
my light to dead men."

5:30 Approach part 3

Approach 3. They learn from Tiresias that they have to go
through the Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis. Odysseus lls
everyone's ears with beeswax so that they can't hear him and
ties himself to a pole so he doesn't go towards the sirens but
hears their song (for an unknown reason). Then he has to face
Charybdis, a giant see monster that swallows and spits the
dark sea water and Scylla, a 12 headed Snake lady. He gets
passed them but loses most of his men. "My men were thrown
in the water, and bobbing like sea crows they were washed
away on the running waves all around the black ship, and the
god took away their homecoming."

6:00 Crisis/The Ordeal/Revelation

Odysseus washes up on Calypso's island. She tells him to stay
and he ends up staying for 7 years as he is enchanted by
Calypso and accompanies her in her bed every night.
Odysseus gets help from King Alcinous's people, the
Phaeacians' guide. The Phaeacians are good at sailing so he
had a smooth trip home for once.

9:00 Return
Odysseus, after being away for 20 years, nally returns home
to Ithaca and nds his son who is now 17.

10:00 New Life

After returning home, Odysseus is granted a disguise by
Athena. He then spies on the suitors with his son to nd the
best time to kill them all. He nally proves that he is Odysseus,
removing the disguise and he ghts of the suitors that were
ruining his island and trying to take his wife.

11:00 Resolution
Odysseus is alone with his son and wife. He makes amends
with the gods especially Poseidon.
7:00 Apotheosis/Reward:
After leaving Calypso's island, he lands on King Alcinous' land.
Odysseus is kind to him and his people so Alcinous decides to
help him home to Ithaca.

8:00 Magic Flight / Result

12:00 Return to Status Quo
Odysseus nally is with peace on Ithaca and lives out the rest
of his days and dies quietly.

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