Quarterly News Letter
Quarterly News Letter
Quarterly News Letter
2,I SSUE 2
Vision and Mission of the Institu- Eminent Persons Visit to the Depart-
tion ment
He expressed satisfaction about the quality of projects
Vision of the Institute: "It fosters ethical social and done by IV B.Tech students. He made round in the de-
moral values through holistic learning to groom partment, visited the labs, R&D center, etc and advised
young minds into responsible and successful global for improving the quality of teaching trough live exam-
citizens". ples, more use of PPTs and video lectures.
Mission of the Institute:"To strive relentlessly and Dr. Udai Kumar, Assoc. Professor, Mahatma Gandhi In-
vigorously to realize the vision by making the best stitute of Technology, Gandipet, Hyderabad visited the
use of quality infrastructure, resources and experi- Department of Mechanical Engineering on 29th April. He
enced, talented and committed faculty" visited the department as external examiner for conduct-
ing viva-voce for final year main Projects for awarding
marks as per the guidelines from the University. He felt
Vision and Mission of the Department very happy about the quality of the projects and models
presented by the students. He appreciated the guides for
bringing the quality projects, announced the best three
projects and advised the department to give certificate
of appreciation for best projects both faculty and stu-
VISION : Striving for global recognition for excel- dents.
lence in Mechanical Engineering Education and Re-
search for the advancement of the industry and so-
Providing quality education to the students
and enhancing their skills to make them glob-
ally sustainable Mechanical Engineers.
Providing state of the art laboratory and re-
search facilities to the students and faculty
with opportunities to create, interpret, apply
and disseminate practical knowledge.
Interact with industry to integrate R&D activi-
ties along with academic learning to engineer
in response to the change requirement,needs
of the society and industry.
Department of Mechanical Engineering Quarterly News Letter: Volume 2, Issue 2
Workshop on NBA
A workshop on how to prepare for NBA inspection?, was
given by Dr Shaik Syed Basha on 3rd April 2017 at audi- Prof. Y.Krishna, Assoc. Professor from the department
torium in the college, attended by the faculty from all de- given valuable information and procedure in documen-
partments. Faculty from Mechanical Engineering includ- tation work for NBA. Dr.Suresh Akella - Director(R&D),
ing Dr Suresh Akella Director(R&D), Prof. A C S Reddy Prof.A C S Reddy - HOD and all faculty from the de-
HOD also attended the program. The workshop was suc- partment attended and benefited from the program. Dr.
cessful and felt beneficial in our documentation work Suresh Akella also given valuable input to the faculty par-
preparation for NBA as our Department is also going for ticularly the doubts raised by the HOD in mapping of
NBA accreditation. course outcomes with program outcomes.
From Editors Desk cate itself to the cause of quality learning and set higher
goals for itself in the field of Mechanical education. ......
The news of all activities of the department are essential Editor
to circulate to bring awareness among the faculty to im- EDITORIAL BOARD
prove interest in department and R&D activities. The de- 1. Mr. V. Ramakrishna, Asst.Prof.
partment is growing in terms of infrastructure, resources
and talent pool and has come to be recognized as a de- 2. Mr. K. Rajasekhar, Asst.Prof.
partment of choice by Mechanical Engineering student 3. Mr. T. Krishna Chaitanya
community. Now it is the time the department to dedi- 4. II,III and IV B.Tech CRs.
"Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world".............. Ramana Maharshi