Punching Shear in Flat Slab Sefi Discussion

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r Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:13 am Post subject: punching shear in flat slab over
SEFI Member avery long wall

Joined: 26 Nov does punching action exists in a flat slab supported by a very long shear wall. If it
2008 does NOT EXIST then what is the limiting length of the wall for punching action.
Posts: 8

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Dr. N. Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:47 pm Post subject: punching shear in flat slab over
Subramanian avery long wall
General Sponsor
Dear Mr. Ravindra,

In Flat slabs, punching shear is critical near the columns, as the column may punch
through the slab along a truncated cone caused by diagonal cracking around the
column(at 26 to 38 degrees).Hence we check the punching shear strength at a
distance d/2 from the periphery of the column/capital/drop panel. The nomial shear
stress is computed as V/(bo d) where V is the shear force due to design load, d is the
eff. depth of slab and bo is the periphery of the critical section. This shear stress
should not be greater than the ks x (0.25 fck^ 0.5), shear reinforcement should be
provided.(Clause 31.6.2 and 31.6.3 of IS 456). If the shear stress is greater than 1.5
x (0.25 fck^ 0.5), then the slab thickness has to be increased.

Joined: 21 Feb In the case of wall support, ks =1 and bo is the length of the wall. Hence V/(bo d) will
2008 be very small and hence there will not be any punching.
Posts: 5128
Gaithersburg, Best wishes
MD, U.S.A. Subramanian

P.S. But note that the Indian Code provisions do not consider reinforcement ratio and
size effects. The European codal provisions include these parameters also and are
based on cube root of compressive strength of concrete unlike the square root of
compressive strength as in IS code. They are also found to predict the punching shear
strength of flat slabs consistently for high strength normal weight and high strength
light weight concretes. Hence, the provisions of CEB-FIP modal code equations are
proposed to be adopted by the Indian code (see my paper in the Indian Concrete
Journal,April 2005,pp.31-37 for more details) Dr.N.Subramanian,Ph.D.,F.ASCE,

Consulting Structural Engineer

Maryland, USA

See my books at: www.multi-science.co.uk/subramanian-book.htm


--- On Wed, 12/10/08, ravindra.r <[email protected]> wrote:

From: ravindra.r <[email protected]>
Subject: [SEFI] punching shear in flat slab over avery long wall
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 4:43 PM

does punching action exists in a flat slab supported by a very long shear wall. If it
does NOT EXIST then what is the limiting length of the wall for punching action.

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Bilal Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:26 pm Post subject:

SEFI Member
Dear Dr N. Subramanian
I really appreciate your suggestions. I had queries regarding the same topic.
1. The code also states to consider the effect of moment into punching shear
Joined: 04 Apr calculation, i could not get it properly and would be thankful if you can explain it in
2011 detail.
Posts: 19
2. Many a times while checking the flat slab by software like SAFE, the effect of actual
shear is much less and the slab is safe in it; but when the effect of moment is
considered than the same slab is worstly fail, say the ratio exceed 1.5*tauc also. So i
require opinion regarding the same. Does i have to increase the depth (which is
generally not possible from architects side) or there is any other way-out.

Bilal Lakdawala
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vikram.jeet Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:40 am Post subject: punching shear in flat slab over avery
General Sponsor long wall

Punching shear stress

Punching due to vertical load

The punching is checked at d/2 from column face and punching stress is calculated
based on
punching area( =perimeter *d) wrt to vertical load.
Joined: 26 Jan The punching shear stress is uniform on the entire punching area.
Posts: 2212

Punching due to Moment

The punching is checked at d/2 from column face and punching stress can be
calculated based on punching areas of four faces separately wrt to applied moment

Punching shear stress is NOT uniform on the punching areas

Under uniaxial moment
The stress is maximum uniform (+ve or -ve) on two opposite faces whereas it is
varying from + to -ve in other two adjacent opposite faces along the moment
Net stress is maximum at opposite two faces due to uniaxial moment .
It is additive to punching due to vertical loading at one face and subtractive
at other face based on direction of moment

- - - - punching shear stress worked as under

M= moment along X direction
P = vertical loading
A= column dimension along X dir
B= column dimension along Y dir
A1 =punching plan area = (A+d)*(B+d)
w= UDL on slab
d= Effective depth of flat slab

Punching stress due to vertical loading =s' = (P - w*A1)/[d*{2*(A+d)+2*(B+d)}]

Uniform on all faces

Punching stress due to Moment =s

Opposite faces - - uniform
Moment resisted by opposite faces = s*{(B+d)*d*(A+d)}

Moment resisted by longitudinal faces = 2*[2*s/2*{(A+d)/2*d*2/3*(A+d)/2}

= [s*d/3*(A+d)^2]

Total moment resisted M = s*{(B+d)*d*(A+d)} + [s*d/3*(A+d)^2]

Total moment resisted M = s*d*(A+d)*[(B+d) +(A+d)/3]

s= M/[d*(A+d)*{(B+d) +(A+d)/3}]

Maximum punching shear stress = s ' + s

best regds


Dear Dr N. Subramanian I really appreciate your suggestions. I had queries

regarding the same topic. 1. The code also states to consider the effect of moment
into punching shear calculation, i could not get it properly and would be thankful if you
can explain it in detail. 2. Many a times while checking the flat slab by software like
SAFE, the effect of actual shear is much less and the slab is safe in it; but when the
effect of moment is considered than the same slab is worstly fail, say the ratio exceed
1.5*tauc also. So i require opinion regarding the same. Does i have to increase the
depth (which is generally not possible from architects side) or there is any other way-
out. Regards Bilal Lakdawala

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Dr. N. Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:39 am Post subject: Re: punching shear in flat slab over
Subramanian avery long wall
General Sponsor
Thank you Er Vikramjeet for the reply and making my job easier.
Design calculations for taking into account Moment are also available in some ACI
paper (I do not remember now). Moreover unbalanced Moments will be there only
when the spans are different or when thee is EQ loads. When there are EQ loads, I will
not suggest Flat slabs, unless there are shear walls.
vikram.jeet wrote:
Punching shear stress

Joined: 21 Feb Punching due to vertical load

Posts: 5128
The punching is checked at d/2 from column face and punching stress is
Location: calculated based on
Gaithersburg, punching area( =perimeter *d) wrt to vertical load.
MD, U.S.A.
The punching shear stress is uniform on the entire punching area.

Punching due to Moment

The punching is checked at d/2 from column face and punching stress can be
calculated based on punching areas of four faces separately wrt to applied

Punching shear stress is NOT uniform on the punching areas

Under uniaxial moment
The stress is maximum uniform (+ve or -ve) on two opposite faces whereas it is
varying from + to -ve in other two adjacent opposite faces along the moment
Net stress is maximum at opposite two faces due to uniaxial moment .
It is additive to punching due to vertical loading at one face and subtractive
at other face based on direction of moment

- - - - punching shear stress worked as under

M= moment along X direction
P = vertical loading
A= column dimension along X dir
B= column dimension along Y dir
A1 =punching plan area = (A+d)*(B+d)
w= UDL on slab
d= Effective depth of flat slab

Punching stress due to vertical loading =s' = (P -

Uniform on all faces

Punching stress due to Moment =s

Opposite faces - - uniform
Moment resisted by opposite faces = s*{(B+d)*d*(A+d)}

Moment resisted by longitudinal faces = 2*[2*s/2*{(A+d)/2*d*2/3*(A+d)/2}

= [s*d/3*(A+d)^2]

Total moment resisted M = s*{(B+d)*d*(A+d)} + [s*d/3*(A+d)^2]

Total moment resisted M = s*d*(A+d)*[(B+d) +(A+d)/3]
s= M/[d*(A+d)*{(B+d) +(A+d)/3}]

Maximum punching shear stress = s ' + s

best regds


Dear Dr N. Subramanian I really appreciate your suggestions. I had queries

regarding the same topic. 1. The code also states to consider the effect of
moment into punching shear calculation, i could not get it properly and would be
thankful if you can explain it in detail. 2. Many a times while checking the flat
slab by software like SAFE, the effect of actual shear is much less and the slab is
safe in it; but when the effect of moment is considered than the same slab is
worstly fail, say the ratio exceed 1.5*tauc also. So i require opinion regarding the
same. Does i have to increase the depth (which is generally not possible from
architects side) or there is any other way-out. Regards Bilal Lakdawala

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Bilal Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:54 am Post subject:

SEFI Member
Dear Er.
Please clarify my doubt in your calculation of
Joined: 04 Apr moment resisted by longitudinal faces:
2011 1. You had mention that dim. A is along X (I take it as parallel to x-axis) and M as
Posts: 19
moment along x-axis (means parallel to Y-axis). Then in my view instead of taking
A+d, it must be B+d.
Moment resisted by longitudinal faces = 2*[2*s/2*{(A+d)/2*d*2/3*(A+d)/2}
= [s*d/3*(A+d)^2]
the first 2 outside bracket is for the 2-faces to carry the same force. Then i could not
understand why the stress is also divided by 2.
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vikram.jeet Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 4:37 am Post subject: punching shear in flat slab over avery
General Sponsor long wall

Dear Er Bilal Lakdawala

A is the dimension of column in X direction

M is uniaxial moment along X direction i.e parallel to X Direction ( and not parallel to Y
Punching dimension (A+d) falls as side faces to moment and (B+d) falls as opposite
Joined: 26 Jan faces to moment in the calculations where Moment is parallel to (A+d)
Posts: 2212 The side faces of Dimension (A+d) will have stress variation from s at one end to zero
at center and then to (-) s at other other end
The average stress of one triangle will be s/2 and it is to be multiplied to the
area =[(A+d)/2*d] and doubled for two triangles on each side face

best regds


Dear Er. Vikramjeet Please clarify my doubt in your calculation of moment resisted by
longitudinal faces:
1. You had mention that dim. A is along X (I take it as parallel to x-axis) and M as
moment along x-axis (means parallel to Y-axis). Then in my view instead of taking
A+d, it must be B+d.
2. Moment resisted by longitudinal faces = 2*[2*s/2*{(A+d)/2*d*2/3*(A+d)/2} =
the first 2 outside bracket is for the 2-faces to carry the same force. Then i could not
understand why the stress is also divided by 2

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Subramani Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 8:10 am Post subject: Punching shear check in 2-way slab
SEFI Member supported by beam

Hi all,
Joined: 17 Nov I like to know when heavily concentrated load is acting in my 2-way/1-way slab (
2011 which is supported by beams at its edges i.e. slabs of ordinary framed structure)do we
Posts: 7 have to do punching shear check around this concentrated load , following the same
procedure as we do around columns in flat slabs. if so, then here, instead of
deducting udl(acting on slab) within shear perimeter, we have to add to our heavy
point load ...is it correct?
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Radha Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:21 am Post subject:

Dear Sefian,

Also note that not 100 % of Unbalanced moment will be transfered as shear.
Joined: 01 Nov Unbalanced moment will be transfered partly through shear and partly through
2008 moment resistance of slab
Posts: 70

Refer Cl. and clause 31.3.3 of IS 456

and for Corner column attached a picture from ACI 318


Radha Krishna Gavarasana.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:14 pm Post subject: punching under heavily Con. load in beam suportd slab

Hi all,
I like to know when heavily concentrated load is acting in my 2-way/1-way slab ( which is supported
by beams at its edges i.e. slabs of ordinary framed structure)do we have to do punching shear check
around this concentrated load , following the same procedure as we do around columns in flat slabs. if
so, then here, instead of deducting udl(acting on slab) within shear perimeter, we have to add to our
heavy point load ...is it correct?
Yes you
have to
follow the
by you.
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Subraman Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:03 am Post subject: Thank you mam
SEFI Member
Respected Radha,

Mam, I initially thanks for having cleared my doubt.so that means where ever heavy
Joined: 17 concentrated load comes(in slab,footing,etc),we have chk for punching shear resistance
Nov 2011 around that load in addition to limit state of flexure and shear.is it correct mam?
Posts: 7

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vikram.jee Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:49 am Post subject: punching shear in flat slab over avery long
t wall
Sponsor Punching shear check for heavy concentrated load on floor slab is necessary.

However in calculations for a floor slab we may have to take only concentrated load and
needs to be deducted or added.
It is only in foundations ,that base pressure reaction within core area is deducted, but in
floor slabs there is
no reactive pressure from under surface .
Joined: 26
Jan 2003
Posts: 2212
best regds


Hi all,
I like to know when heavily concentrated load is acting in my 2-way/1-way slab ( which
is supported by beams at its edges i.e. slabs of ordinary framed structure)do we have to
do punching shear check around this concentrated load , following the same procedure as
we do around columns in flat slabs. if so, then here, instead of deducting udl(acting on
slab) within shear perimeter, we have to add to our heavy point load ...is it correct?

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ibarua Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:24 am Post subject: punching shear in flat slab over avery long
General wall
18th Nov 2011

It has been observed from field tests on deck slabs of bridges in Canada that the failure
mode of restrained slabs under concentrated loads is in punching shear, though in this
country, the Codes prescribe design for flexure. Actually, such slabs possess far more
strength than would have been possible if transverse moments really existed. The
improvement /change in behaviour is due an 'arching action', which is difficult to predict.

For further information, read 'Bridge Analysis Simplified' & 'Bridge Analysis by
Microcomputer' by Bakht & Yeager [McGraw Hill].
Joined: 26
Jan 2003 Indrajit Barua.
Posts: 1039
From: Subramani <[email protected]>
Sent: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 20:10:09
To: [email protected]
Subject: [SEFI] Re: punching shear in flat slab over avery long wall
Hi all,
I like to know when heavily concentrated load is acting in my 2-way/1-way slab ( which
is supported by beams at its edges i.e. slabs of ordinary framed structure)do we have to
do punching shear check around this concentrated load , following the same procedure as
we do around columns in flat slabs. if so, then here, instead of deducting udl(acting on
slab) within shear perimeter, we have to add to our heavy point load ...is it correct?

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Subraman Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:26 am Post subject:

SEFI Member
in flat slab, at interior location, column is coming with beam attached to it, only on its
one side.so how much of column(reaction) axial load(for C1) and shear perimeter to be
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Nov 2011
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pkrelhan Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:04 am Post subject:

Dear Dr N Subramanian sir,

I was looking into old SEFI posts to check my doubt as to whether punching shear check
Joined: 01 is necessary for shear walls resting on a raft. I have got a doubt on your post dated 10
Jun 2009
Posts: 23
Dec 2008.

You have mentioned that the value of ks for a wall will be equal to 1. Clause 31.6.3 of IS
456 gives value of ks = (0.5 + c), where c = ratio of short side to long side of column.
So, if the wall is of size 230 x 4000 mm, value of ks comes out to be 0.56. And the value
of permissible stress reduces quite a bit.

In my case, thickness of raft is 800 mm for a 10 storey building. I was thinking of

providing a pedestal 100 mm around the wall to bring the punching shear stress within
the permissible limit. You are requested to comment. Is providing pedestal around a
shear wall common practice?

PK Relhan
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vikram.jee Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:22 pm Post subject: punching shear in flat slab over avery
t long wall
Column is structural element having max length upto 4 times width.
In the formula for permissible stress in punching for column :
Ks = 0.5 +B/L

Maximum value of Ks = 1.0 as per code

Minimum value for column can be derived as Ks = 0.5+1/4=0.75
Joined: 26
Jan 2003
Posts: 2212 Wall
But wall is a linear structural element having loading per meter.
The punching may be checked at d/2 from face based on
length of wall as perimeter on both sides of wall parallel to its
length (and not four sides around it ).Ks factor may not figure
in that case.

For matter of discussion only, For a column , in case B is ignored in the

the punching check, it can be calculated considering perimeters (on either side
and not all-around) based on length of column only. then Ks=1.0 can be taken
and still that case will be more critical than actual calculations considering
alround perimeter and permitted stress based on Ks =0.5+B/L

So for a wall, the length is the basis of punching parameter , and Ks factor is not to be
taken, I think .



Dear Dr N Subramanian sir, I was looking into old SEFI posts to check my doubt as to
whether punching shear check is necessary for shear walls resting on a raft. I have got a
doubt on your post dated 10 Dec 2008. You have mentioned that the value of ks for a
wall will be equal to 1. Clause 31.6.3 of IS 456 gives value of ks = (0.5 + c), where c
= ratio of short side to long side of column. So, if the wall is of size 230 x 4000 mm,
value of ks comes out to be 0.56. And the value of permissible stress reduces quite a bit.
In my case, thickness of raft is 800 mm for a 10 storey building. I was thinking of
providing a pedestal 100 mm around the wall to bring the punching shear stress within
the permissible limit. You are requested to comment. Is providing pedestal around a
shear wall common practice? Regards, PK Relhan

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pkrelhan Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:05 am Post subject:

Dear Er Viramjeet,

Thanks for your post.

Joined: 01
Jun 2009
Posts: 23
These are the kind of issues on which very clear details are not available. I feel that
SEFIANS should be able to close such issues after wider discussions.

PK Relhan
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vikram.jee Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:14 am Post subject: punching shear in flat slab over avery
t long wall
Sponsor Dear Er PK Relhan

I agree with you .

when such issues are not clearly spelt out in tech literature a wider discussion
is needed to reach a logical conclusion .Expect eminent Sefi members to spare
their value able time on such issues .Such topics need more response.
best regards
Joined: 26
Jan 2003
Posts: 2212

Dear Er Viramjeet, Thanks for your post. These are the kind of issues on which very clear
details are not available. I feel that SEFIANS should be able to close such issues after
wider discussions.Regards, PK Relhan

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Sachin.iitk Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:55 am Post subject: Punching shear Check for Shear Wall in
SEFI Member Raft

Hello All,
Joined: 15 I was looking for a method for punching shear check for shear wall in Raft, but could not
Sep 2012 find the final conclusion in the above post.
Posts: 1 I would like to request the seniors to guide me for the same.

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:29 pm Post subject: punching shear in flat slab over avery long wall

Dear Sachin,
Punching shear need to be checked when bending is predominantly two way (along both direction)
and one-way shear when bending is along one direction.
Bending of slab/raft over very long support (wall) will be predominantly alone one direction thus it
should be checked for one way shear.
Seniors please correct me if I am wrong.

Thanks And Regards

Dipak D Gaikwad

Original Message
From: Sachin.iitk
To: [email protected]
ReplyTo: [email protected]
Subject: [SEFI] Re: punching shear in flat slab over avery long wall
Sent: Feb 3, 2013 5:25 PM

Hello All,
I was looking for a method for punching shear check for shear wall in Raft, but could not find the final
conclusion in the above post.
I would like to request the seniors to guide me for the same.



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