Manual FPwin GR Ingles
Manual FPwin GR Ingles
Manual FPwin GR Ingles
Control FPWIN GR
Operational Guide Book
Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd.
All implied warranties on the product, including merchantability and fitness, are
limited to one year from the date of purchase.
If physical defects caused by distribution are found, Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd.,
will replace/repair the product free of charge. Exceptions include:
D When physical defects are due to different usage/treatment of the
product other than described in the manual.
D When physical defects are due to defective equipment other than the
distributed product.
D When physical defects are due to modifications/repairs by someone
other than Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd.
D When physical defects are due to natural disasters.
Table of Contents Control FPWIN GR
Table of Contents
Control FPWIN GR Table of Contents
Table of Contents Control FPWIN GR
Chapter 8 Searches
Control FPWIN GR Precautions before using this software
Compatibility between the DOS version NPST - GR software and the FPWIN GR Control FPWIN GR
Control FPWIN GR Special precautions
Special precautions
Deleting programs
Before inputting programs in the PLC, always carry out the Clear Program operation.
[Clearing Program] ! Section 3.1.2
A note about saving programs
To ensure that programs are not accidentally lost, we strongly recommend that users
follow the precautions listed below.
Hard copies should be created.
In case programs are lost, or files are destroyed or accidentally overwritten, the contents
of the program should always be printed out and a hard copy stored somewhere for
future use.
Passwords should be carefully specified.
The password setting is designed to prevent accidental overwriting of data, but if the
password is forgotten, it makes it impossible to overwrite programs. Also, if a password
is compulsorily canceled, the program will be deleted. When setting passwords, make
sure they are written down in the specifications manual or another secure location.
ROM versions of programs should be created.
To prevent programs from being lost if the backup battery runs down, or accidentally
overwritten at the workplace site, we recommend making a ROM copy of programs input
to the RAM. If the PLC is being used over a long period of time, or if the program is being
incorporated into the device before being shipped, this is especially important.
Special precautions Control FPWIN GR
Chapter 1
Preparation and Overview
1- 2
Control FPWIN GR Preparation and Overview
In order to use the FPWIN GR, the computer must be equipped with
Windows95, Windows98.
The computer in which the FPWIN GR is being installed must have at
least 15 MB of hard disk space available.
The above instructions assume that Windows is installed on the C
drive, and that the CD drive is the D drive. If the drives are different, or
if the program is being installed through a network, enter the
appropriate drive names based on the relevant operating
next page
1- 3
Preparation and Overview Control FPWIN GR
The drive name (d:) may vary depending on
the computer operating environment.
1- 4
Control FPWIN GR Preparation and Overview
next page
1- 5
Preparation and Overview Control FPWIN GR
1- 6
Control FPWIN GR Preparation and Overview
The group icon mentioned above is displayed only when the installation
has just been completed. For information on booting the program, see
section 1.3 Booting and Exiting the FPWIN GR, and section 1.2
Setting Up a Desktop Shortcut.
Never remove the CD while the installation is in progress.
1- 7
Preparation and Overview Control FPWIN GR
1- 8
Control FPWIN GR Preparation and Overview
next page
1- 9
Preparation and Overview Control FPWIN GR
1 - 10
Control FPWIN GR Preparation and Overview
Booting procedure
1. Boot the FPWIN GR.
Using either of the methods described below to boot the FPWIN GR.
Boot from the FPWIN GR Boot from the shortcut icon you Boot from the Windows
group icon. created. Start menu.
next page
1 - 11
Preparation and Overview Control FPWIN GR
1 - 12
Control FPWIN GR Preparation and Overview
2 - 3. If Upload from PLC was selected, data is loaded from the PLC.
If Upload from PLC was selected on the
Startup menu, a dialog box is displayed on
the screen, confirming that data is to be
uploaded. Click on the Yes button.
next page
1 - 13
Preparation and Overview Control FPWIN GR
Exiting operation
The FPWIN GR can be exited by clicking on File on the menu
bar and selecting Exit from the displayed menu.
1 - 14
Chapter 2
Names of Parts and Basic Operation
2- 2
Control FPWIN GR Names of Parts and Basic Operation
Menu bar
Tool bar
display bar
status bar
display field
Menu bar
All of the FPWIN GR operations and functions are available here in menu format. Each
menu matches the relevant application.
Tool bar
Functions that are frequently used in the FPWIN GR can be accessed here using
Comment display bar
This displays any comments linked to the device and the instruction at the cursor
Program status bar
This displays the selected PLC type, the number of steps in the program and the status
of communication between the FPWIN GR and the PLC.
next page
2- 3
Names of Parts and Basic Operation Control FPWIN GR
Status bar
When a program is input, instructions and functions can be selected using the mouse
and the function keys located here.
Entry bar
The [Enter], [Ins], [Del], and [Esc] keys can be input here using the mouse.
Ten key bar
Numeric values 0 to 9, letters A to F, and other values can be entered here, using the
Input field
Normally, this displays instructions and operands at the cursor position. When a program
is being edited, it displays instructions and operands currently being edited.
2- 4
Control FPWIN GR Names of Parts and Basic Operation
The key can be used to move the cursor to the beginning of the line, and the
key to move it to the end of the line.
The + keys can be used to move the cursor to the beginning of the program,
and the + keys to move it to the last line of the program.
With the FPWIN GR, multiple program windows can be opened.
The various windows can be moved using the + keys, or the + keys.
2- 5
Names of Parts and Basic Operation Control FPWIN GR
Inputting instructions
When programming, instructions can be input by clicking the mouse on the function bar,
or by using the to function keys in conjunction with the and keys.
The function bar display changes based on the program input conditions, as shown
below. Instructions are input at the cursor position in the program display field.
Instruction input keys (initial display)
When the high - level instruction or similar instruction has been input
When inputting instructions using + keys or + keys,
please be aware that there are some PLC types which do not support the
displayed instructions. Check the programming manual for PLC types
which do support the instructions.
2- 6
Control FPWIN GR Names of Parts and Basic Operation
Programs can be converted by clicking with the mouse on on the function bar, or
by pressing the + keys. Program creation or editing can be continued in the
highlighted range up to 33 lines, but if this is done, the program in its entirety should be
converted after the programming or editing has been completed.
next page
2- 7
Names of Parts and Basic Operation Control FPWIN GR
2- 8
Control FPWIN GR Names of Parts and Basic Operation
There is no communication
between the FPWIN and PLC.
Online editing
In this mode, PLC programs can be edited and data in the PLC can be monitored, using
communication between the FPWIN GR and the PLC.
2- 9
Names of Parts and Basic Operation Control FPWIN GR
Switching modes
Switching between the online and offline editing modes is done
by clicking with the mouse on Online on the menu bar, or
using the [Alt] + [L] keys to switch between Online Edit Mode
and Offline Edit Mode on the displayed menu.
Online editing
In online editing, as shown in the diagram below, programs in the PLC can be edited or
monitored through communication between the FPWIN GR and the PLC.
With online editing, the contents of programs edited with the FPWIN GR, system register
settings, and other data are reflected directly in the PLC.
Program in PLC
Reflected directly in
program in PLC
Program conversion
2 - 10
Control FPWIN GR Names of Parts and Basic Operation
Key points
2 - 11
Names of Parts and Basic Operation Control FPWIN GR
2 - 12
Chapter 3
Creating and Editing Programs
next page
Creating and Editing Programs Control FPWIN GR
3- 2
Control FPWIN GR Creating and Editing Programs
next page
3- 3
Creating and Editing Programs Control FPWIN GR
Key points
PLC Configuration settings
Different types of PLCs have different memory capacities, different
numbers of I/O points, and different instructions and functions that can
be used. For this reason, the PLC environment settings (PLC
configuration settings) are stored together with the program in the
NPST - GR and FPWIN GR files.
If New is selected on the startup menu, the FPWIN GR sets these
settings automatically to match the type being used. To change any of
the set values, select PLC Configuration on the Option menu, and
change the contents of the system register.
3- 4
Control FPWIN GR Creating and Editing Programs
Always run the Clear Program operation before entering a new program in the PLC.
Procedure for clearing programs
1. Connect the PLC, and switch to the online editing mode.
Connect the personal computer from which the FPWIN GR is
being run and the PLC, using the specified cable, and select
Online Edit Mode on the FPWIN GR Online menu.
3- 5
Creating and Editing Programs Control FPWIN GR
This section explains how to input the circuit shown below as a sample program.
The program is input by clicking with the mouse on the various instruction icons
displayed on the function bar at the bottom of the screen. Programs can also be input
using the function keys on the keyboard to which the various instructions are assigned.
3- 6
Control FPWIN GR Creating and Editing Programs
Screen display
- The coil (OUT) instruction is automatically input at the right end, and the cursor moves
to the beginning of the next line.
Key points
Y key key
R key key
T + key key
C + key key
H + key key
DT key key
3- 7
Creating and Editing Programs Control FPWIN GR
Programs can be converted by clicking with the mouse on on the function bar,
or by pressing the + keys. Program creation or editing can be continued in the
highlighted range, but if this is done, the program in its entirety should be converted after
the programming or editing has been completed.
Running the program conversion (Compile) operation
- Using the menu . . . . . . . . Select Convert Program on the Edit menu.
- Keyboard operation . . . . . Press + keys.
- Select items from the displayed menu by clicking the right button of the mouse.
Key points
Program conversion (Compile) can be carried out on up to 33 lines at a
With the FPWIN GR, it is not possible to edit 34 or more lines of the
program at one time.
3- 8
Control FPWIN GR Creating and Editing Programs
If an error is made while programming, the Return to program before edit function can
be run to go back to the version of the program that existed before the changes were
made (right after the previous PG conversion (Compile) was run).
Returning to the version of the program conversion prior to changes
- Using the menu . . . . . Select Quit Editing on the Edit menu.
- Using the keyboard . . Press + keys.
- Select items from the displayed menu by clicking the right button of the mouse.
3- 9
Creating and Editing Programs Control FPWIN GR
X0 Y0 ( )
0 (DF ) 1
( )
1 2 3
2 + ( )
X1 Y1
3 (DF/) ( )
4 5 6 ( )
( )
DF: The relay goes on for one scan only, when
the leading edge of the signal is detected. ( )
DF/: The relay goes on for one scan only, when
+ ( )
the trailing edge of the signal is detected.
The key is used to switch between + ( )
(DF) and (DF/).
( )
( )
RST Reset
X0 1 2
Y0 ( )
( )
X1 3 4
Y0 + ( )
4 RST 2
( )
( )
When the execution condition of the SET ( )
instruction goes on, the specified relay
goes on, and remains on regardless of + ( )
changes in the status of the execution con- 4
dition. ( )
When the execution condition of the RST
instruction goes on, the specified relay
goes off, and remains off regardless of
changes in the status of the execution con-
3 - 10
Control FPWIN GR Creating and Editing Programs
( )
( )
+ ( )
TM Timer
X0 1 2 TMX 5, ( )
0 K 30 1
( )
( ) ( )
+ ( )
3 - 11
Creating and Editing Programs Control FPWIN GR
X0 CT 100 ( )
1 3
( )
K 10
X1 2
( )
( )
1 ( ) ( )
A preset subtraction type of counter is
created. + ( )
The counter instruction moves to the
right end when the program is converted
(PG conversion is carried out).
3 - 12
Control FPWIN GR Creating and Editing Programs
3 - 13
Creating and Editing Programs Control FPWIN GR
( )
( )
( )
3 ( )
( )
( )
+ ( )
After selecting (MCE) ,
3 - 14
Control FPWIN GR Creating and Editing Programs
( )
X0 ( )
0 F0 MV , DT0, DT10
( )
1 2
2 ( )
( )
Key points
Function instruction list When the ( ) key is
pressed to input a function
instruction (such as the high - level
instruction), the instruction can
also be input by selecting it from
the Function Instruction List
shown at the left, as well as by
inputting it using key operation.
next page
3 - 15
Creating and Editing Programs Control FPWIN GR
3 - 16
Control FPWIN GR Creating and Editing Programs
In the Ladder Symbol mode, if a ladder diagram is input that does not fit on one line, a
line return can be input at the point at which the line returns. The input just before the
bus line returns at the right end is called the continuing source, and the data at the
beginning of the next line is called the continuing destination.
Continuing source
Continuing destination
There are two types of continuing input: Enter Continuing Pair and Enter
Continuing Symbol.
Enter continuing pair: The continuing source and continuing destination are specified
as a pair.
Enter continuing symbol: The continuing source and the continuing destination are
specified individually.
Operation procedure for continuing pair entry
With continuing source and continuing destination, the same number is assigned to
both, and the user specifies from where to where the return is to be made. The
operation can be interrupted by pressing the key.
1. Specify the continuing pair entry.
Continuing pair entry is selected on the Edit menu, by
selecting Enter Continuing Pair.
next page
3 - 17
Creating and Editing Programs Control FPWIN GR
3 - 18
Control FPWIN GR Creating and Editing Programs
3 - 19
Creating and Editing Programs Control FPWIN GR
To delete instructions and horizontal lines, move the cursor to the position of the
instruction or horizontal line to be deleted, and press the key.
Move cursor to line to be deleted The line is deleted, and the cursor
Press key.
Press ( ) key.
Reference: Pressing the ( ) key once again inserts a vertical line at that
To add a relay on a horizontal line, it is not necessary to first delete the horizontal line;
relays should be added on horizontal lines using the usual procedure. In the example
shown below, the R4 relay is being added to the horizontal line.
Move cursor to position where
relay is to be added
Relay is added
( )
( )
3 - 20
Control FPWIN GR Creating and Editing Programs
Move the cursor to the position of the relay to be changed, and input the relay, using the
usual procedure. In the example below, the X0 relay is changed to the X10 relay.
Press keys.
Reference: When the cursor reaches a position where the set value of timer can be
changed, the current set value is displayed in the input field, and the function bar
changes to a word display.
3 - 21
Creating and Editing Programs Control FPWIN GR
Instructions can be inserted between instructions that have already been input.
To insert the instruction in front of the cursor, press the key to confirm the instruction,
and to insert it after the cursor position, press + keys. In the example below,
the R4 relay is inserted in front of X0.
To insert the rung in an existing program, where additions or other changes will be made
to the program, move the cursor to the position where the rung or rungs will be inserted,
and then follow the procedure below.
Operation procedure
1. Move the cursor to the position where the rung will be inserted.
3 - 22
Control FPWIN GR Creating and Editing Programs
To delete a blank rung which is no longer needed, move the cursor to the position of the
rung to be deleted, and follow the procedure below.
Operation procedure
- Using the menu: Select Delete a Rung on the Edit menu.
- Using the keyboard: Press + keys.
- Click with the right button of the mouse to display a menu from which the deletion can
be made.
3 - 23
Creating and Editing Programs Control FPWIN GR
3 - 24
Control FPWIN GR Creating and Editing Programs
3 - 25
Creating and Editing Programs Control FPWIN GR
3 - 26
Control FPWIN GR Creating and Editing Programs
next page
3 - 27
Creating and Editing Programs Control FPWIN GR
The XY word shift functions also shifts the input relays [X] and output
relays [Y] for the specified number range. To specify only the input
relays [X] or only the output relays [Y], use the Change Device
function described on the page 3 - 24.
Example: If the area of 0 to 1 has been specified as the target for the
shift, this area will be targeted regardless of whether or not it is used in
the program.
3 - 28
Control FPWIN GR Creating and Editing Programs
If the system registers have been initialized, the following confirmation message is displayed.
Press the OK button.
next page
3 - 29
Creating and Editing Programs Control FPWIN GR
If there are certain instructions that cannot be used on the selected PLC
type, or device numbers for areas that cannot be specified, a message
like one of those shown below is displayed.
Examples of type change error messages
The range of device numbers in the program prior to the type change
must match that of the type after the change. Make any necessary
changes in the device number ranges. (Any differences in the special
data register DT9000 and DT90000 types will be converted
The program capacities must also match. If necessary, delete part of the
program prior to the change.
If there are any instructions in the program prior to the change which
cannot be used after the change, edit them before the change is made.
For high - level instructions,
Configuration can be selected on the
Option menu, and the Check the PLC
Type of High - level Instruction check box
in the displayed dialog box turned on or
off to specify whether or not high - level
instructions will be checked.
System registers are not initialized in the PLC type listed below, and
should be initialized by the user if necessary.
FP0 2.7 k FP0 5 k
FP1 0.9 k FP1 2.7 k FP1 5 k
FP3 10 k FP3 16 k
FP2 16 k FP2 32 k
FP2SH 60 k FP2SH 120 k
FP10SH 30 k FP10SH 60 k FP10SH 120 k
In any PLC types other than the above, the system registers are
3 - 30
Chapter 4
Transmitting Programs
4- 2
Control FPWIN GR Transmitting Programs
Operation procedure
1. Select the PLC to which the data is to be downloaded.
To send a program to the PLC, select Download to PLC on
the File menu.
next page
4- 3
Transmitting Programs Control FPWIN GR
4- 4
Control FPWIN GR Transmitting Programs
Precautions when downloading a program that has comments
If a program containing comments is downloaded to a PLC with no area
for writing comments, the comments will not be sent to the PLC. Please
be aware that, if the same program is later returned (uploaded) to the
FPWIN GR, the comments will have disappeared.
If the other PLC has no comment writing area, a dialog box like that
shown will be displayed.
4- 5
Transmitting Programs Control FPWIN GR
4- 6
Control FPWIN GR Transmitting Programs
4- 7
Transmitting Programs Control FPWIN GR
4- 8
Control FPWIN GR Transmitting Programs
With the FPWIN GR, monitoring is initiated automatically when the FPWIN GR goes
online, for example when a program is sent to the PLC. When the FPWIN GR switches
back from the online to the offline mode, monitoring stops automatically. The settings for
starting and stopping monitoring can be entered separately for each of the various
Operation procedure
To start monitoring, select Online on the menu and then place
a check mark by Start Monitoring in the displayed menu by
clicking on it.
Re - click to undo the checkmark and stop the monitor.
4- 9
Transmitting Programs Control FPWIN GR
4 - 10
Control FPWIN GR Transmitting Programs
4 - 11
Transmitting Programs Control FPWIN GR
Key points
Change the displayed radix.
Either press the [Enter] key at 4 (the
monitor base number display column)
of the register monitoring window, or
double - click with the mouse to display
the monitor display format (base
number) dialog box shown at the left.
The above dialog box can also be displayed using Specify the base number to which the
the following menu operations: Online Moni-
tor Setup Base Number Settings. It can also display format (base number) is to be
be displayed by clicking on the Base Number changed, and click on the OK
button in the register monitoring window de- button.
scribed earlier.
4 - 12
Control FPWIN GR Transmitting Programs
next page
4 - 13
Transmitting Programs Control FPWIN GR
4 - 14
Control FPWIN GR Transmitting Programs
Key points
Write the data.
When using the online monitoring
function, either press the [Enter]
key at 4 (the monitor display
column) of the relay monitoring
The above dialog box can also be displayed using
window, or double - click with the
the following menu operations: Online Moni- mouse to display the data writing
tor Setup Enter Value. (Enter Value) dialog box shown at
the left.
Set the value you wish to write and
click the OK button.
Write a comment.
Either press the [Enter] key at 5 (the
comment display column) of the relay
monitoring window, or double - click
with the mouse to display the I/O
comment input (Enter I/O comment)
dialog box shown at the left.
Specify the comment, and click on the
Entry button.
4 - 15
Transmitting Programs Control FPWIN GR
If there are relays and/or coils that are being turned on and off forcibly, a display such
as appears on the program status bar, and the relays and coils for which
forced input/output is being used are indicated as such by a special color on the ladder
diagram (the default color is red).
When the PLC mode is switched from RUN to PROG., or from PROG. to RUN, all
forced input/output in the PLC main unit is canceled.
Operation procedure
1. Select the forced input/output.
Forced input/output is selected by selecting Force Input /
Output on the Online menu.
4 - 16
Control FPWIN GR Transmitting Programs
4 - 17
Transmitting Programs Control FPWIN GR
Key points
An explanation of the forced input/output dialog box
This dialog box displays relays registered on the list, the status of the
forced input/output for each relay, and I/O comments.
Explanation of buttons
: Input/output is turned on forcibly for the selected relay, regardless of
the program.
: Input/output is turned off forcibly for the selected relay, regardless of
the program.
: This specifies that operation be executed as specified by the program
contents for the selected relay. If the PLC is in the PROG. mode,
however, or if a relay was forcibly turned on or off without the on/off
status being changed in the program, the status initiated by the forced
input/output will be maintained.
: This cancels all registered relays. If only the Cancel function is used,
however, if the PLC is in the PROG. mode, or if a relay was forcibly
turned on without the on/off status being changed in the program, the
status initiated by the forced input/output (the on status) is maintained
in some cases, so that the relay does not go off. To turn the relay off,
a forcible off should be executed for that relay, and then the relay
should be canceled.
: This deletes the currently selected (highlighted) relay from the
4 - 18
Control FPWIN GR Transmitting Programs
The forced input/output function is extremely hazardous. Make sure
sufficient attention is given to the status of peripheral devices and
equipment before executing this function.
4 - 19
Transmitting Programs Control FPWIN GR
Key points
Clearing errors
PLC errors can be cleared by pressing the Clear Error button.
Operation errors, remote IO system errors, and other types of errors can
be cleared. Syntax errors cannot be displayed or cleared.
For operation errors, pressing Operation Err button displays the
address for the error.
Depending on the PLC version, there may be times when error
information cannot be displayed.
4 - 20
Chapter 5
Saving a Program
5- 2
Control FPWIN GR Saving a Program
5- 3
Saving a Program Control FPWIN GR
5- 4
Control FPWIN GR Saving a Program
If comments disappear when files are saved
If the following procedure is carried out on a PLC that does not have a
comment memory, any comments that have been entered will be lost.
Be aware of this when overwriting the contents of previously saved files.
1 The program was created with comments included.
2 The program was downloaded to the PLC.
3 The program was saved and exited.
4 The program was uploaded from the PLC.
5 The file was overwritten and saved under the same file name.
5- 5
Saving a Program Control FPWIN GR
5- 6
Chapter 6
Printing a Program
6- 2
Control FPWIN GR Printing a Program
6.1.1 Printing
This function is used to print programs, I/O lists, system registers, and other information.
Commercial printer
Operation procedure
1. Select the printing function.
The printing function can be selected by selecting Print... on
the File menu.
next page
6- 3
Printing a Program Control FPWIN GR
In the default settings, only ladder diagrams are specified as the contents to be printed.
If necessary, use the Print Style Setup parameters to select other items to be printed.
Operation procedure
1. Select the printing style settings.
The printing style can be selected by selecting Print Style
Setup on the File menu.
6- 4
Control FPWIN GR Printing a Program
Key points
To print data that includes comments, press the Detail button for the
ladder, and place a check mark by the comment item.
6- 5
Printing a Program Control FPWIN GR
Key points
Printing preview
To view and check the image before it is printed, select Print Preview
on the File menu, or double - click on Preview in the printing style
settings dialog box.
Printing preview screen
Explanation of buttons
: This initiates printing.
: If there are multiple pages, this jumps to the next page.
: This jumps to the previous page.
: This displays two pages at the same time.
: This enlarges the preview screen.
: This reduces the preview screen.
: This closes the printing preview screen and returns to the editing
6- 6
Chapter 7
Inputting Comments
7- 2
Control FPWIN GR Inputting Comments
Remark is printed
Block comments
Remark is printed
I/O comments
7- 3
Inputting Comments Control FPWIN GR
7- 4
Control FPWIN GR Inputting Comments
Precautions concerning saving files when comments are input
Comments written to programs are not written to the PLC, except for the
types listed below. When saving program loaded from a PLC, make sure
the correct operation procedure is used.
7- 5
Inputting Comments Control FPWIN GR
Key points
Loading comments
It is possible to read only comments from a file that has been saved.
Operation procedure
1 Upload the program from the PLC.
2 Select Load I/O Comment on the Comment menu.
3 Specify the program in which the comments have been saved, and
load it.
I/O comment files by PLC type (special internal relays, special data
Files to which I/O comments for
special internal relays and special
data registers have been input for the
relevant PLC type are installed in the
Documents folder. If Load I/O
Comment is used to load the J_*.fp
and E_*.fp files that matches the PLC
type being used from this folder, it
takes less time to input I/O comments
for special internal relays and special
data registers.
7- 6
Control FPWIN GR Inputting Comments
7- 7
Inputting Comments Control FPWIN GR
Key points
If similar comments are being input consecutively, the following shortcut
is convenient.
1 Align the cursor with the comment that is to be copied, and press
+ keys.
7- 8
Control FPWIN GR Inputting Comments
Key points
If the comment display is switched using Display Comment on the
View menu, or by pressing + keys, the number of lines for the
block comments displayed on the screen changes.
7- 9
Inputting Comments Control FPWIN GR
7.4 Remarks
7.4 Remarks
An overview of remarks
The remarks can be input only at the output coil position. When printed out, they are
printed to the right of the bus line of the ladder diagram.
Operation procedure
1. Move the cursor.
Move the cursor to the output coil position where the remark is to be input.
2. Select the Enter Remarks.
Select Enter Remarks on the Comment menu.
Key points
The remarks that have been input can be confirmed using the comment
display bar.
7 - 10
Chapter 8
8- 2
Control FPWIN GR Searches
8- 3
Searches Control FPWIN GR
The relay, coil, operand, or instruction where the To search for FUN 0, enter F0, and to
cursor is currently positioned serves as the de-
fault display.
search for PFUN 0, enter P0.
Pressing the button displays items searched
If a check mark is placed by Find From Top, the
search will start at the beginning (top) of the pro-
8- 4
Control FPWIN GR Searches
8- 5
Searches Control FPWIN GR
8- 6
Control FPWIN GR Searches
8- 7
Searches Control FPWIN GR
Key points
When making changes to a program in the ladder symbol mode, these
addresses cannot be displayed.
Items which can be searched include the following relays, coils,
registers, and instructions.
Relays . . . . . . . X, Y, R, L, T (TM), C (CT), E, P
Registers . . . . . WX, WY, WR, WL, DT, SV, EV, FL, LD
Instructions . . MC, MCE, JP, LBL, LOOP, SSTP, NSTL, NSTP, CSTP,
8- 8
Chapter 9
Menu Tables
9- 2
Control FPWIN GR Menu Tables
Item Key operation Contents
Returns to the previous program, before it was con-
Quit Editing +
Deletes the specified portion of the program in line or
Cut +
block units, and stores it on the clipboard.
Copies the specified portion of the program in line or
Copy +
block units, and stores it on the clipboard.
Paste + Pastes the contents of the clipboard.
Enter Line Specifies two points and connects them with a line.
Specifies two points and deletes the line between
Delete Line
Specify continuing pair to connect the ladder diagram
Enter Continuing Pair +
from current line to the line below.
Specify continuing number individually for connecting
Enter Continuing Symbol
the ladder diagram.
next page
9- 3
Menu Tables Control FPWIN GR
Item Key operation Contents
Find + Finds a relay, coil, or operand in a program.
Item Key operation Contents
Enters comments for various devices such as I/O
Enter I/O Comment +
relays, internal relays, and data registers.
Enters output comments, which are printed to the
Enter Remarks +
right of the ladder.
Enter Block Comment + Enters a comment between lines of a ladder program.
9- 4
Control FPWIN GR Menu Tables
Item Key operation Contents
Ladder Symbol View (LDS) Switches the screen to ladder symbol view mode.
Boolean Ladder View (BLD) Switches the screen to boolean ladder view mode.
Switches the screen to boolean non- ladder view
Boolean Non - ladder View (BNL)
Display Comment + Switches display of comments on screen on/off.
Item Key operation Contents
Specify Station No. Specifies the communication station number.
Time Chart Monitor The menu for the time chart monitor is displayed.
Switches bank of index register and file register to be
Bank Number Settings
Monitor Setup Specifies data or relay monitoring.
9- 5
Menu Tables Control FPWIN GR
Item Key operation Contents
Totally Check Program Checks a program in the PLC.
Verify Program + Verifies the currently active program with one in the
PLC or one in a different window, and checks them.
Setting Test- run Enters settings for test operation.
Item Key operation Contents
Change PLC Type Changes PLC type in program being edited.
ROM & RAM Service Sends files between the ROM and RAM.
Set PLC Date & Time Sets the PLC date and time.
Screen Capture Copies screen image data for a specified area to the
Item Key operation Contents
PLC Configuration Sets PLC system registers.
Makes I/O assignments for the units installed in the
Allocate I/O MAP
Makes I/O assignments for units installed in slave
Allocate Remote I/O MAP
slots in a remote I/O system.
Sets conditions for communication between the PLC
Communication Settings
and computer.
FPWIN GR Configuration Sets the operating environment for the FPWIN GR.
Item Key operation Contents
Opens the new window and displays the contents of
New Window
the currently active window in it.
Cascade Displays windows in a superimposed display.
9- 6
Control FPWIN GR Menu Tables
Item Key operation Contents
How to Operate Displays the FPWIN GR operation method.
Displays a list of basic instructions and high- level
Instruction List
instructions, and a list of functions.
Displays a list of special internal relays and what they
Special Internal Relay
Displays a list of special data registers and what they
Special Data Register
About Displays the FPWIN GR version.
9- 7
Menu Tables Control FPWIN GR
Default status
The actions of the function keys are as described below.
Key Display Description
Draws the symbol at the cursor position.
Draws the symbol at the cursor position.
The instructions that can be input using or key are switched using +
keys or + keys.
9- 8
Control FPWIN GR Menu Tables
Enters a PFun instruction (such as the high- level instruction) at the cursor position.
Enters a leading edge and trailing edge detection at the cursor position.
9- 9
Menu Tables Control FPWIN GR
Bit display
When a relay or coil is input, the function bar changes to a bit display, as shown below.
Default status
The actions of function keys are as described below.
Key Display Description
Enters relay X in relation to the selected instruction.
Enters the leading edge and trailing edge detection at the cursor position.
9 - 10
Control FPWIN GR Menu Tables
Word display
When the high- level instruction or similar instruction is input, the function bar changes
to a bit display, as shown below.
Default status
The actions of the function keys are as described below.
Key Display Description
Enters WX at the cursor position.
9 - 11
Menu Tables Control FPWIN GR
Timer/counter display
When a timer or counter is input, the function bar changes to a timer/counter display, as
shown below.
Default status
The actions of the function keys are as described below.
Key Display Description
Enters a 0.1 - second timer at the cursor position.
9 - 12
Control FPWIN GR Menu Tables
Comparison display
When a comparison instruction is input, the function bar changes to a comparison
display, as shown below.
Default status
The actions of the function keys are as described below.
Key Display Description
Specifies a double word.
9 - 13
Menu Tables Control FPWIN GR
Index display
When an index register is input, the function bar changes to an index register display,
as shown below.
Default status
The actions of the function keys are as described below.
Key Display Description
Enters index register IX or I0.
9 - 14
Control FPWIN GR Menu Tables
Insert a rung
Enter continuing pair
Program conversion (compile)
Comment display on/off
Switch to offline mode
Switch to online mode
Switch to PLC mode [RUN]
9 - 15
Menu Tables Control FPWIN GR
9 - 16
Chapter 10
10 - 2
Control FPWIN GR Precautions Concerning Usage
Case in which PG conversion cant be carried out - - - When the cursor is at the
high- level instruction operand position.
Cursor position
10 - 3
Precautions Concerning Usage Control FPWIN GR
Move the cursor to the right of the The vertical line disappears.
vertical line.
10 - 4
Control FPWIN GR Precautions Concerning Usage
2. Delete the area in which Impossible to Draw is displayed, using the key.
3. Try inputting the program again.
Solution 2
1. Select Boolean Non - ladder View on the View menu.
2. Correct the relevant program area, using boolean non - ladder editing input.
The same type of correction can also be made using boolean ladder editing.
10 - 5
Precautions Concerning Usage Control FPWIN GR
When changing to the RUN mode, the message Error in PLC is displayed.
There is a possibility that a syntax error has occurred. Run the total check function by
selecting Totally Check Program on the Debug menu.
Total check function dialog box
10 - 6
Control FPWIN GR Record of changes
Record of changes
Manual No. Date Description of Changes
ARCT1F308E/ APR. 2000 First edition
ACG - M308E
R- 1
Record of changes Control FPWIN GR
R- 2
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