Roache 1997
Roache 1997
Roache 1997
P. J. Roache
Ecodynamics Research Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 9229, Albuquerque,
New Mexico 87119
This review covers Verification, Validation, Confirmation and related subjects for
computational fluid dynamics (CFD), including error taxonomies, error estima-
tion and banding, convergence rates, surrogate estimators, nonlinear dynamics,
and error estimation for grid adaptation vs Quantification of Uncertainty.
The focus of this review is the quantification of uncertainty, the estimation
or banding of the numerical error of a final calculation in computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) and related fields in computational physics, mathematics, and
engineering. By final calculation I mean one considered to be used as is. The
motivation for this calculation is different than that for an error estimate used for
the process of solution-adaptive grid generation. Although the present methods
may be applicable to grid adaptation, and some of the methods described herein
were motivated by that problem, the grid adaptation problem has vastly different
(though usually unacknowledged) requirements.
The key word is quantification of uncertainty, as opposed to vague and all
too common qualitative assessments. Quantification of uncertainty may also
involve more than just obtaining a good error estimate; in fact, the more conser-
vative procedure based on the grid-convergence index (described below) reports
an error band equal to three times an error estimate. Furthermore, I consider
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here only a posteriori error estimation, being of the opinion that useful a priori
estimation is not possible for nontrivial fluid mechanics problems.
Policy Statements on Numerical Uncertainty
In 1986, the editors of the ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering (JFE) saw fit to
publish a brief policy statement (Roache et al 1986) requiring at least minimal
attention to the quantification1 of numerical accuracy. Although the statement
seemed innocuous and seemed to address an obvious need, it still met significant
resistance. (Experience with the implementation of the policy is given in Roache
1990.) Since then, other journals have adopted similar explicit policies (ASME
Editorial Board 1994, AIAA 1994, Gresho & Taylor 1994). The JFE has
expanded its original policy, including a prohibition of methods with first-order
spatial accuracy (Freitas 1993a, 1995b; see discussion in Shyy & Shindir 1994,
Vanka 1994, Roache 1994b, Freitas 1994; Leonard 1995). An associate editor
of the AIAA Journal (W Oberkampf 1995, personal communication) estimates
that he needs to cite the journal policy in approximately three quarters of his
communications with manuscript authors.
The topic has also been the subject of several American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME) symposia and resulting series of special publications (Celik
& Freitas 1990, Celik et al 1993, Johnson & Hughes 1995), from which the
present article takes its title. Also see the related ASME publications on the
CFD Triathlons (Freitas 1993b, 1995a) and other benchmark comparison
exercises, for example, the international HYDROCOIN and PSACOIN projects
(OECD 1988, 1990). These exercises give a fair cross-section of present CFD
practices in regard to numerical accuracy and generally are far from edifying.
Oldenburg & Pruess (1995) give an example of qualitatively different flow
revealed by even a cursory grid resolution study that was not discovered by any
participants in the HYDROCOIN code intercomparison exercise.
Verification and Validation: Numerical versus Conceptual
It is useful at the onset to make the important semantic distinction between
verification and validation. Following Boehm (1981) and Blottner (1990),
I adopt the succinct description of verification as solving the equations right,
and of validation as solving the right equations. The code author defines pre-
cisely what partial differential equations (PDEs) are being solved and demon-
strates convincingly that they are solved correctlythat is, usually with some
1 Other aspects of confidence building in CFD, including broader issues of code quality-
assurance, confirmation, calibration, tuning, and certification, are found in Mehta (1989, 1991,
1995), Roache et al (1990), Aeschliman et al (1995), Oberkampf (1994), Oberkampf et al (1995),
Cosner (1995), Melnik et al (1995), and Roache (1995).
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especially Stephens & Shubin (1981), whose study of Euler solutions indicates
that the multiple numerical solutions converge to the same solution as the grid
is refined.
A related question is the stability of a solution. Although people usu-
ally think of artificial (i.e. numerical artifact) instability as a code difficulty,
the equally common situation is artificial stability, for example, a first-order
time-dependent code whose artificial viscosity damps out disturbances so that
accurate calculations of physical fluid instability would require impractically
high resolution. In my opinion, it is asking too much of a code to exactly mimic
stability boundaries except in the limit of 1 0. For example, it is not a fail-
ure of verification for a full Navier-Stokes code to produce steady shear-layer
solutions at Reynolds numbers known to be unstable; an unstable solution is
still a valid solution.
The choice of using verification or validation was originally arbitrary and is
now recommended solely because of common developing use. (I have pub-
lished articles using the opposite definition.) In a common English thesaurus,
the terms verify, validate, and confirm are all synonyms, but the words are
used herein, and generally in code quality-assurance (QA), as technical terms
with more context-specific meaning. Such technical terms are preferably re-
lated to common use, but each terms technical meaning is defined independent
of common use and in a specific technical context. This is not a universally
accepted attitude toward semantics. In a widely quoted paper that has been re-
cently described as brilliant in an otherwise excellent Scientific American article
(Horgan 1995), Oreskes et al (1994) think that we can find the real meaning of
a technical term by inquiring about its common meaning. They make much of
supposed intrinsic meaning in the words verify and validate and, as in a Greek
morality play, agonize over truth. They come to the remarkable conclusion
that it is impossible to verify or validate a numerical model of a natural sys-
tem. Now most of their concern is with groundwater flow codes, and indeed,
in geophysics problems, validation is very difficult. But they extend this to
all physical sciences. They clearly have no intuitive concept of error toler-
ance, or of range of applicability, or of common sense. My impression is that
they, like most lay readers, actually think Newtons law of gravity was proven
wrong by Einstein, rather than that Einstein defined the limits of applicability
of Newton. But Oreskes et al (1994) go much further, quoting with approval
(in their footnote 36) various modern philosophers who question not only
whether we can prove any hypothesis true, but also whether we can in fact
prove a hypothesis false. They are talking about physical lawsnot just
codes but any physical law. Specifically, we can neither validate nor inval-
idate Newtons Law of Gravity. (What shall we do? No hazardous waste
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to the outflow boundary. [See Zinggs (1993) data, shown in Roache (1994a)
to be first-order in 1/l.]
The subject of outflow boundary conditions does produce some fuzziness
in categorization of Verification vs. Validation, in my opinion. The error can
be ordered, as above, and therefore can be part of verification. That is, it is
up to the user (who is doing the conceptual modeling) to estimate or band
the error caused by the position of the outflow boundary. But if the code has
some sophisticated outflow condition (e.g. a simple vortex condition for Euler
equations), then the distinction is not so clear. Certainly the equations used are
clear, and the code may solve the equations right (i.e. verification), yet there
exists another benchmark solely from the mathematics (the case with infinite
boundary distance) which could be used to justify the outflow condition without
recourse to physical experiment (which would be associated with validation).
Another example of the same semantic failure arises when we consider bench-
marking a turbulent boundary-layer code or parabolized Navier-Stokes (PNS)
code against a Reynolds-stress-averaged full Navier-Stokes (NS) code. Pre-
sume that both codes are convincingly verified, that is, they correctly solve their
respective equations. Suppose that the PNS code results agree well with the
NS code results for some range of parameters (e.g. including angle of attack).
This agreement is not included in the term verification, since the verification
of the PNS code has already been completed prior to the NS benchmarking.
Then we could say that the agreement has demonstrated that the PNS code is
solving the right equations in one sense, that is, it justifies the use of parabolic
marching equations. Yet to claim validation would be over-reaching, since we
have not demonstrated the adequacy of the turbulence model by comparison
with experiment. We have solved the right equations only in an intermediate
sense of demonstrating that the PNS equations adequately represent the full
NS equations, but not in the ultimate sense of validation, of solving the right
physical equations.
Unfortunately, such mere semantics may become of vital interest to code
QA when dealing with regulatory agencies such as the EPA or with legal defi-
nitions in a NASA contract.
The actual error A1 of the fine-grid solution may be expressed (Roache 1993a,
1994a) as
A1 = E 1 + O h p+l , E 12 , (8)
where l = 1 generally or l = 2 if centered differences have been used. Thus,
E 1 is an ordered estimator and is a good approximation when E 1 1.
As noted above, it is neither necessary nor often desirable to use r = 2, or
grid doubling (halving). Accurate application of these generalized Richardson-
based grid-error estimators requires that the observed convergence rate equals
the formal convergence rate. This requirement implies that the leading-order
truncation error term in the error series truly dominates the error.
To account for the uncertainty in these generalized Richardson-based error
estimates due to various factors and to put all grid-convergence studies on the
same basis as grid doubling with a second-order method, a safety factor is
incorporated into these estimators and the GCI is defined for fine and coarse
grids as
f ine
GCI1 = Fs |E 1 | (9)
GCI coar se
2 = Fs |E 2 | (10)
Fs > 1 can be interpreted as a safety factor, since Fs = 1 gives GCI = |E|.
That is, the error band reduces to the best estimate of the error, analogous to
a 50% error band of experimental data. I recommended (Roache 1993a, b;
1994a) a more conservative value of Fs = 3. This value also has the advantage
of relating any grid-convergence study (any r and p) to one with a grid doubling
and a second-order method (r = 2, p = 2). I emphasize that the GCIs are not
error estimators but are three (or Fs ) times the error estimators, representing
error bands in a loose statistical sense. Ostensibly, if we have a fine-grid and
a coarse-grid solution, we would be expected to use the fine-grid solution, so
reporting of the above fine-grid evaluation of GCI would apply. However, a
practical scenario occurs for which the contrary situation applies, i.e. we use
the coarse-grid solution. Consider a parametric study in which hundreds of
variations are to be run. (For example, consider a 3-D time-dependent study of
dynamic stall, with perhaps 3 Mach numbers, 6 Reynolds numbers, 6 airfoil-
thickness ratios, 3 rotor-tip designs, and 2 turbulence models, for a total of 648
combinations.) A scrupulous approach would require a grid-refinement study
for each case, but most engineers would be satisfied with one or a few good
grid-refinement tests, expecting, for example, that a grid adequate for a NACA
0012 airfoil could be assumed to be adequate for a NACA 0015 airfoil. (In fact,
this is often not justified by experience. For example, stall characteristics can
be quite sensitive to thickness ratio.) So for the bulk of the stack of calculations,
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we would be using the coarse-grid solution, and we want a GCI for this solution.
That is, we derive a GCI from Equation 5, not as the correction to the fine-grid
solution f 1 , but as the correction to the coarse-grid solution f 2 . In this case,
the error estimate changes and must be less optimistic.
A recent application of the GCI to airfoil calculations is given by Lotz et al
(1995), which demonstrates the power of the method without the need for integer
grid refinement and its application with solution-adaptive grids. Pelletier &
Ignat (1995) have shown that the GCI is applicable, at least in a rough sense,
to unstructured grid refinement.
The motivation for using Fs > 1 is that Fs = 1 is analogous to a 50% error
band on experimental data, which is not adequate. My originally recommended
value (Roache 1993a,b; 1994a) of Fs = 3 is conservative and relates the grid
convergence study to one with a grid doubling with a second-order method. For
many reasons (see below) this is not unduly conservative when only two grids
are used in the study. However, it is now clear that Fs = 3 is overly conservative
for scrupulously performed grid convergence studies using three or more grid
solutions to experimentally determine the observed order of convergence p
(e.g. see the papers in Johnson & Hughes 1995). For such high-quality studies,
a modest and more palatable value of Fs = 1.25 appears to be adequately
conservative. However, for the more common two-grid study (often performed
reluctantly, at the insistence of journal editors) I still recommend the value
Fs = 3 for the sake of uniform reporting and adequate conservatism.
Code Verification
So far, this article has been concerned with error estimation, or verification of a
calculation. It has been assumed throughout that the code itself has been verified
independently. If a code has an error (not an ordered error, but a mistake), then
performance of grid-convergence studies or other error-estimation techniques
will not faithfully produce quantification of the uncertainty. However, the
same techniques can be used to verify the code separately, including its order of
convergence, by monitoring grid convergence toward a nontrivial exact solution.
It is always possible to obtain a nontrivial exact solution for this procedure, if
necessary, by specifying the exact solution and adding the appropriate forcing
function to the governing PDEs (Steinberg & Roache 1985, Shih et al 1989,
Ethier & Steinmen 1994, Westerink & Roache 1995). The necessary condition
is that the solution be nontrivial, that is, that it have significant solution structure
to exercise higher-derivative calculations. Significantly, it is not at all necessary
that the solution be realistic in any sense. Physically realistic solutions will
be more convincing to the mathematically naive (and therefore have value in
the real world of regulatory agencies, contract management, and so on), but
the code verification is just as well accomplished by nonphysical solutions.
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lines on each side of the centerline rather than use only one; otherwise, the
convergence will be first-order (Roache & Salari 1990).
Note that in Examples C and F apparently first-order behavior was obtained
with second-order verified codes; the problem in Example C was a subtle con-
ceptual modeling error and in Example F was a not-so-subtle postprocessing
error. In both cases, the codes had no coding errors and were applied in the
asymptotic range.
Esoteric Errors in Code Verification
General CFD or computational physics codes [more general than the simple
Poisson equation in nonorthogonal coordinates of Steinberg & Roache (1985)]
would be difficult to include in a theorem because of esoteric errors. The
difficult aspects of the codes are not algebraic complexity [in Steinberg &
Roache (1985) we convincingly verified 1800 lines of dense Fortran]; the more
difficult and vexing problems come from option combinations and conditional
differencing. Esoteric errors can arise because of nonlinear flux limiters like
FCT, TVD, hybrid or type-dependent differencing, and so on (Steinberg &
Roache 1985).
Code Verification versus Verification of Calculations
In this review, I distinguish between verification of codes and verification of
individual calculations. Clearly, code verification must be done before the
verification of a (real) calculation can proceed. However, this distinction works
both ways; it is not enough to perform a calculation of a new problem with
a verified code. A code may be rigorously verified to be (say) second-order
accurate, but when applied to a new problem, this fact provides no estimate of
accuracy or confidence interval, that is, of the size of the error (as opposed to the
order of the error). Even though the real problem solution may be converging
at the same rate (say second-order) as the code verification problem, it is still
necessary to perform grid-convergence tests in order to band the numerical
error. (It would be preferable to have different words for these two verification
activities, but I am at a loss for a clarifying term.) The very important point,
independent of the semantics, is that use of a verified code is not enough. This
point is probably well recognized by present readers, but it is not universally
so. Especially in the commercial CFD arena, user expectations are often that
the purchase and use of a really good code will remove from the user the
obligation of doing his homework, that is, the straightforward but tedious
work of verification of calculations via systematic grid-convergence studies.
This unrealistic hope is sometimes encouraged by advertising.
Unfortunately, the situation may be even more difficult than this, in that a
new calculation may not even exhibit the verified order of convergence. If the
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code verification problem(s) are in some sense close to the real problem of in-
terest, the order of convergence (e.g. second-order) from the code verification
exercise may be assumed to hold for the real problem. However, there is a
distinction to be made between the formal order of convergence (as indicated
by analyses of the discretization), the actual asymptotic order of convergence,
and the observed (or apparent) order of convergence. Note that there may be
more than one formal analysis, especially for nonlinear problems, so that formal
order of convergence is not necessarily unique. Then the actual asymptotic rate
of convergence may differ from a formal rate, due to competition of truncation
error terms for a particular problem (Westerink & Roache 1995). This situa-
tion typically arises when higher grid resolution reveals higher modes of the
solution, which often occurs in atmospheric and ocean modeling (Westerink
& Roache 1995, Dietrich et al 1990) and could be expected in high Reynolds
number DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation) calculations. It is also possible,
and not altogether unusual, to observe superconvergence, that is, an actual
asymptotic convergence rate higher than a formal rate, due to cancellation (or
partial cancellation) of space and time truncation errors. This observation is
evident in the classical situation of (what are generally) first- or second-order
methods for constant velocity advection problems producing the exact answers
for unity Courant number (Roache 1972). Finally, the observed convergence
rate p may differ from the actual asymptotic convergence rate due to failure to
achieve the asymptotic range of grid resolution. This is especially obvious if
solution singularities are present, in which case the method of grid refinement
still can be used to estimate uncertainty, but local values of observed p near the
singularity are required (de Vahl Davis 1983).
The cause of the discrepancy between an observed convergence rate and the
actual asymptotic convergence rate may or may not be revealed by formal anal-
ysis. For example, in Roache & Knupp (1993), a method was presented for
completing classical Richardson Extrapolation. The classical method combines
two second-order solutions on a coarse grid and a doubled fine grid to produce
a fourth-order accurate solution, but only on the coarse grid. The completed
algorithm was devised to produce a fourth-order solution on the entire fine grid.
However, initial grid-convergence studies indicated only a third-order conver-
gence rate for the steady-state Burgers equation, even though the formal rate
was fourth order. Further analysis by PM Knupp then showed that, because
of truncation error competition particular to the steady Burgers solution, the
higher-order terms in the error expansion include the Reynolds number param-
eter Re, and that the asymptotic range for fourth-order accuracy occurs only for
Re 1x 3.
For these reasons, it appears to be preferable to verify a code with a non-
realistic problem that has nontrivial but regular solution behavior (e.g. a tanh
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function) rather than to use a realistic problem that displays the confusing trun-
cation error competition.
Extraction of Convergence Rate from Grid-Convergence Tests
When using grid-convergence studies to estimate the size of the discretization
error, it is necessary to have at least two grid solutions and an a priori knowledge
of the convergence rate p, for example, to have verified that the code is second-
order accurate ( p = 2). If an exact solution is known or constructed (see
above), it is straightforward to extract the order of convergence p from results
of a systematic grid-convergence test using at least two grid solutions; this
serves to verify a code. However, it is also desirable to verify the order p for an
actual problem, since the observed order of convergence depends on achieving
the asymptotic range, which is problem dependent, and the observed order
may differ from the formal (theoretical) order, or from the order verified for a
test case, for a variety of reasons (see discussion above and a more complete
discussion in Westerink & Roache 1995). Without an exact solution for the
actual problem, it is necessary to have at least three grid solutions to extract p.
Thus, if there is any suspicion that the grid resolution is not in the asymptotic
range, three grid solutions are necessary to verify (or determine) the observed
rate of convergence and thereby allow estimation of the error.
Blottner (1990) and others use graphical means, plotting the error on log paper
and extracting the order from the slope. This procedure requires evaluation of
the error itself, which is of course generally not known. If the finest grid solution
is taken to be the reference value (unfortunately, often called the exact value,
which it obviously is not), then the observed order will be accurate only for
those grids far from the finest, and the calculated order approaching the finest
grid will be indeterminate. Blottner (1990) improves on this by estimating the
exact value by Richardson Extrapolation (see also Shirazi & Truman 1989),
but this procedure is somewhat ambiguous since the order is already needed in
order to perform the Richardson Extrapolation.
If the grid refinement is performed with constant r (not necessarily r = 2,
but constant), then the order can be extracted directly from three grid solutions,
without a need for estimating the exact solution, following de Vahl Davis (1983,
p. 254). With subscript 1 indicating the finest grid in the present notation,
f3 f2
p = ln / ln(r ). (11)
f2 f1
A generalization of this procedure, not restricted to constant r , is possible using
the generalized theory of Richardson Extrapolation (Roache 1993a, b; 1994a).
For constant r , Equation 19 (typo corrected) of Roache (1994a) may be used
to verify an assumed order p. (It is not necessary to use the GCI itself.) One
November 28, 1996 12:21 Annual Reviews ROACHE AR23-05
f ine f ine
= GC I12 GC I23 . (12)
If r , then p is the observed order. However, Equation 12 also requires
r to be constant over the three grid set, and it cannot be used to calculate p
directly since p is implicitly present in the GCIs. The more general procedure
(Roache 1995a) is to solve the equation
p 23 = r12 p
p 12 (13)
r23 1 r12 1
for p. This is simple for r constant (not necessarily 2 or integer), giving
p = ln(23 /12 )/ ln r. (14)
(Note that Equation 14 differs slightly from Equation 11 but is equivalent to the
order of the approximation involved.)
If r is not constant during the grid refinement, Equation 13 is transcendental
in p. Usual solution techniques (e.g. Newton-Raphson) can apply, but one
should allow for observed p < 1. This result can happen even for simple
problems at least locally (de Vahl Davis 1983), and in some cases the observed
p < 0 (unfortunately, behavior far away from asymptotic convergence can be
nonmonotone). Also, r 2 will be easier to solve than r 1 + , and r 2
is probably not of much interest. For well-behaved synthetic cases, simple
substitution iteration with a relaxation factor 0.5 works well. With =
previous iterate for p, the iteration equation is
p = + (1 ) (15a)
ln(r12 )
r12 1 23
= . (15b)
r23 1 12
Note this form of the iteration gives the exact answer in one step for the case
of r = 2 and = 0.
Predicting the Required Grid Resolution
Once p is known with some confidence, one may predict the next level of grid
refinement r necessary to achieve a target accuracy, expressed as a target error
estimate E 1 or a target GC I1 called GC I . With GC I23 being the value from
Equation 2 for the previous two grids,
r = p GCI /GCI23 . (16)
This result, of course, depends only on the assumed definition of order of the
discretization error, that is, only on c = error/1 p and not on the GCI theory
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terms in the equations. The explicit dissipation approach can be treated cor-
rectly and rigorously, as in Blottner (1990) and Shirazi & Truman (1989).
The artificial viscosity of first-order upstream differencing (Roache 1972)
requires no special consideration other than its slow convergence. However,
hybrid methods in their various forms cause more problems. By adaptively
changing the weighting given to first-order and second-order stencils, depend-
ing on the local cell Reynolds number Rc, these methods by definition are
ultimately second-order accurate, but only when the resolution is so fine that
the hybrid algorithm itself is inoperative, typically when Rc < 2. Over the
practical range of resolution of interest, the order is ill-defined, but the empiri-
cally observed order is, as expected, somewhere vaguely between 1 and 2 (e.g.
see Celik & Zhang 1995). Unfortunately, hybrid methods are commonly used
in commercial codes, wherein the emphasis is often on code robustness at the
sacrifice of accuracy. The same ill-defined behavior is observed for the class
of Allen-Southwell methods (Roache 1972).
Error Estimation from Higher-Order Solutions
on the Same Grid
Category B.1 methods estimate the accuracy of a base solution by comparison
with higher-order accuracy solution(s). (Again, note the somewhat abusive
but common terminology.) Richardson (1908) again scooped modern error-
estimation papers by inventing Category B.1, error estimation from higher-order
solutions on the same grid, noting that the difference between a second-order
accurate solution and a fourth-order accurate solution is itself an ordered error
estimator. The higher-order accuracy solution might be obtained via a new
solution of higher-order discretizations using FDM (finite difference methods),
FVM (finite volume methods), FEM (finite element methods), and so on, or by
deferred corrections, compact differences (again direct or deferred corrections,
and so on).
For the technique of error estimation from higher-order solutions on the
same grid, much the same advantages and limitations apply as with the grid-
convergence technique. It applies to all point values and functionals (e.g. lift,
drag); x and t errors may be estimated independently or coupled; and the error
estimate includes nonlinear coupling. These methods are not commonly used
because they require additional code capability, unlike grid-convergence tests
(Category A). On the other hand, these Category B methods do not require
additional grid generation.
The development costs of the additional code capability may be minimized
by noting several points. If we were intending to use the higher-order solution
itself, many restrictions and requirements could apply, such as full iterative
convergence, strict conservation, and so on. However, if our only use of the
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higher-order solution is to estimate the error of the base solution, these consid-
erations are not so important. The point is that error estimation of, for example,
a second-order solution using fourth order methods is less demanding numer-
ically than obtaining a fourth-order solution for direct use. Also, though not
generally recognized, directional splitting works. (The following development
has not been completed for cross-derivative terms, which in any case may re-
quire some careful formulation for higher-order stencils and should be verified
We use a notation similar to that above for multiple grid solutions: f denotes
the exact solution, f 2 the second-order accurate solution, and f 4 the fourth-order
accurate solution; C2x are the coefficients of the Taylors theorem expansion
for the second-order solution in the x-direction, and so on; and R2x are the
remaining terms in the complete second-order expansion in x, and so on. Then,
in two dimensions,
f = f 2 + C2x 1x 2 + R2x + C2y 1y 2 + R2y (17)
f = f 4 + C4x 1x 4 + R4x + C4y 1y 4 + R4y . (18)
Defining the error of the second-order solution E 2 to be
E2 = f f2 (19)
and substituting for f from Equation 18, we obtain
E 2 = f 4 f 2 + 0(14 ). (20)
This is the basic (Richardson 1908) result that the difference between the
second- and fourth-order solutions on the same grid is itself a fourth-order
error estimate for the second-order solution (a result so obvious that it hardly
deserves to be named a theorem). Likewise obvious, if we define the error of
the fourth-order solution E 4 to be
E4 = f f4 (21)
E 4 = f 2 f 4 + 0(12 ) (22)
the first (algebraic) residual actually can be driven to machine zero in many
(not necessarily all) algorithms/codes.
Once this useful semantic distinction is made, we can examine the differ-
ences in the approach. The practices are indeed different, but the difference is
not as essential as one might be led to think. First of all, we note that most
(moderate-order) FEM solutions, although they produce functions, cannot be
passed through the PDE operator everywhere because they are not smooth at
element boundaries. This limitation can be sidestepped by using the weak or
integral form of the governing equations. Note, however, that conceptualizing
the solution as a continuum function engenders some problems. For example,
the solution may not be truly (locally and globally) conservative, that is, con-
serving of mass, momentum, and/or energy, even though the conservation form
(Roache 1972) of the equations was used. Also, when these FEM solutions
are graphed for presentation of results, and often when they are postprocessed
for evaluation of solution functionals such as drag coefficients, the basis func-
tions are not used. The quadratures can use the same algorithms used for FDM
solutions or for any point-wise data. Conversely, on the FDM/FVM side, it
is not necessary to conceptualize the solution as consisting of only the dis-
crete (node or volume) points. Indeed, a simple methodology for deriving a
finite difference method involves fitting polynomials through node point values
(e.g. a parabolic fit leads to standard second-order centered difference sten-
cils). Therefore, there is no reason why FEM approaches to error estimation
(either for solution adaptive grids or for quantification of uncertainty) cannot
be applied to FDM solutions.
All of this discussion is preamble to the most interesting aspect of residual
evaluation. Regardless of the approach (FEM, FDM, FVM), if a (differential)
residual is to be evaluated for error evaluation, it must be based upon a functional
form distinct from that used in the discretization that produced the solution.
If not, the differential residual evaluation will be practically zero, except for
some algebraic garbage caused by incomplete iterative convergence or machine
round-off. Although arguments may be made about which functional form to
use for the (differential) residual evaluation, they all essentially work for error
estimation and, therefore, the process (a) is somewhat arbitrary, and (b) applies
to FDM and FVM as well as FEM.
Note that each conceptualization of the underlying (sub-cell) functional form
of the solution leads to a discretization, but the discretization is not necessarily
unique to the conceptualization. For example, the variable coefficient diffusion
problem can be conceptualized as having smooth property variation or piece-
wise constant property variation. (In groundwater flow and transport problems,
November 28, 1996 12:21 Annual Reviews ROACHE AR23-05
has the advantage that the exact solution of this quantity is known, namely zero.
Thus, in this surrogate error measure, one requires only a single grid solution
to calculate the error if p is known, and only two grid solutions to extract the
observed convergence rate p (see Chang & Haworth 1996).
Zhu-Zienkiewicz-Type Estimators
Category D.3 methods (the Zhu-Zienkiewicz-type estimators) were developed
and intended primarily to guide grid adaptation. See Zhu & Zienkiewicz (1990),
Zienkiewicz & Zhu (1987, 1992), and other FEM methods that have a similar
flavor, such as those of Strouboulis & Oden (1990), Oden et al (1993), Babuska
et al (1994), and Ewing et al (1990). These methods allow the global energy
norm to be well estimated and give good evaluation of local errors (and provide
local estimate of stress accuracy, certainly important for structures problems).
More relevant in the present context of the quantification of uncertainty, these es-
timators can be used as surrogate error estimators, and they are relatively cheap.
Although developed for FEM, the Zhu-Zienkiewicz approach is adaptable
to FDM and FVM (D Pelletier, personal communication), using the concepts
discussed above in the section Residual Evaluation and Transport.
The Zhu-Zienkiewicz-type methods share the shortcoming of all surrogate
estimators for fluid dynamicsother than guidance for grid adaptation, there is
little inherent engineering or scientific interest in the error measure as defined.
Therefore, unless the only interest is mathematics for its own sake, it is neces-
sary to establish a correlation of the Zhu-Zienkiewicz estimator with an error
measure of interest. This can be accomplished only by expensive numerical
experimentation for a given class of problems. For example, a correlation based
on numerical experiments for internal combustion engine modeling would be
unlikely to provide any guidance for external aerodynamics, nor even for a large
range of flow parameters for geometrically similar problems. However, when
one is involved in extensive suites of calculations, one may build up such correla-
tions by experience and arrive at a practical and very inexpensive error estimator.
This need for establishing a correlation in error measures is also true if one
direct error measure (e.g. obtained by a grid-convergence study) is to be used
as a surrogate for another. For example, in an airfoil calculation, does a 1%
error estimate on C L ensure a 1% (or 5%, and so on) error estimate for C M ?
The correlation providing the (fuzzy) answer will be valid only for a restricted
range of angle of attack, Reynolds number, Mach number, and airfoil class.
Generally, the solution will involve an expensive matrix solution for all f n+1 .
The time-error estimator uses the difference between backward and forward
time integration, implemented as an extrapolation. The method is very cheap to
implement because it does not require another implicit matrix solution, nor even
another explicit stencil evaluation. It includes the effects of time-dependent
boundary conditions and source terms.
In the current time-step, Equation 29 is advancing the solution for f from time
level n to time level (n + 1) with increment 1t using fully implicit (backward)
time differencing, so that the operator L is being evaluated at (n + 1). In
the previous time-step, the solution was advanced from (n 1) relative to the
November 28, 1996 12:21 Annual Reviews ROACHE AR23-05
j = 2 f i, j f i, j .
Fi,n+1 n n1
For the more general case of variable 1t,
1t n
j = f i, j +
Fi,n+1 f i, j f i,n1 .
1tOLD j
Note that the explicit calculation is used only as an error estimator within
a time step of an implicit method, not as the solution algorithm. That is, its
effects do not accumulate. Thus, stability limitations and/or conservation issues
of explicit time-stepping as a solution algorithm are irrelevant.
Although the extrapolation procedure is equivalent to explicit time-stepping,
the extrapolation cannot be started until there are two time levels. Also, in the
event that the initial conditions are set arbitrarily by the analyst (without setting
initial conditions as a steady-state solution), the initial conditions are likely
to be incompatible with the boundary conditions applied at the first time-step.
This means that the change in boundary values during the first time-step is
approximately fixed, that is, it does not depend much on the time resolution.
Consequently, the first time-step would not provide a meaningful estimate of
f /t, and the error estimator would be invalid.
E E T can be used readily (internal to the code) as the basis for a solution-
adaptive time-stepping algorithm, adjusting 1t so that the error estimate E E T
is acceptable, either by recalculating the previous time-step (preferred) or by
simply adjusting the next time-step.
Cafe Curves
Different fields of endeavor have different requirements for the variables and
functionals of interest. To generalize too much, engineering (mechanical,
aerospace, chemical) often requires functionals of the solution such as lift coef-
ficient, heat transfer rates, mixing rate, and so on. It is much less common that
practical interest is in accuracy of the entire field calculation; one example that
November 28, 1996 12:21 Annual Reviews ROACHE AR23-05
error-estimation exercise) examining only the lift, one could only infer from
engineering judgment (experience on related problems) whether or not reso-
lution was adequate for drag and moment. If a new error measure became of
interest, say position of transition, or location of trailing-edge separation, or
second harmonic component of the unsteady pressure coefficient (of interest
for helicopter dynamic stall analysis; McCroskey 1981), the convergence study
would have to be repeated for this error measure, strictly speaking. Calculations
of the branching between symmetric and nonsymmetric flow patterns require
special attention to grid resolution (see Sengupta et al 1995). Rosenfeld (1994)
used grid resolution studies of bluff-body wakes with resolution up to 513 513
points, and examined convergence in both the physical and Fourier domains; he
showed that phase velocities of vortices converge much slower than amplitudes,
so that coarser grids may be acceptable for prediction of force coefficients.
Certainly, it is always possible to devise some error measure that is exquisitely
sensitive to discretization error, for example, some high-order statistical corre-
lations in turbulent flow calculations, so that this measure is far from converged
even when other, more benign measures are well converged. A practical exam-
ple is a boundary-layer stability calculation. For most engineering applications,
skin friction and wall-heat transfer are of principal interest, and these are sen-
sitive to the first normal derivative of velocity at the wall. However, it is known
from stability theory (Lin 1967) that laminar-boundary layer stability is de-
pendent on the diffusion of vorticity across the critical layer (the y-position at
which the mean flow speed equals the disturbance wave speed). The principal
component of boundary-layer vorticity magnitude is u/ y, which means that
the appropriate measure of accuracy is of the term 3 u/ y 3 , which may be
expected to be more difficult to converge than simply the velocity component
u. Conversely, accurate convergence of pressure may be unnecessary.
Thus, the concept of a converged solution, ascertained to be so independent
of the intended error measure, is a myth.
Error Estimation for Grid Adaptation versus Quantification
of Uncertainty
Local error estimators are used for solution-adaptive grid-generation algo-
rithms, and they are usually successful for this purpose (e.g. see Schonauer
et al 1981, Oden et al 1993). However, almost anything intuitive is successful
for adaptation purposes, e.g. minimizing solution curvature or adapting to so-
lution gradients (even though solution gradients per se cause no error in most
discretization schemes). In 1-D problems (e.g. Salari & Steinberg 1994) or
quasi-1-D problems (Dwyer et al 1980), the gains in computational efficiency
from solution adaptivity of the r -type (redistribution) in structured grids are
very impressive. In real multidimensional problems, gains are usually modest
November 28, 1996 12:21 Annual Reviews ROACHE AR23-05
(Roache et al 1984, Hall & Zingg 1995) but are somewhat more significant for
unstructured grid adaptation (e.g. see Morgan et al 1991, Lohner 1989, Hetu
& Pelletier 1992, Pelletier & Ignat 1995).
But this task of grid adaptation has little connection to the quantification of
uncertainty for a final calculation with a useful error measure. So the success
of these local error estimators in guiding grid adaptation must not be taken as
demonstration of their efficacy for the quantification of uncertainty. Estimates
of local errors usually are not what we want for verification of calculations;
we need global errors. By global I do not mean just a global summing up
of local values (as is often used in the FEM literature) but an evaluation that
includes nonlocal effects, that is, one taking into account the fact that errors
are advected, diffused, and so on. For error estimation of useful scientific or
engineering measures, local estimates are suspect, and their validity as surrogate
estimators for measures of interest must be established anew for each family of
nearby problems.
Internet Archive
An Internet archive of a bibliography for CFD Verification and Validation
is maintained by R Barron of the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada,
and can be accessed at the following address:
Final Remarks
The various approaches to error estimation and quantification of uncertainty in
CFD have their relative merits, involving algebraic simplicity of local estimators
vs the complexity of additional PDE formulations or higher-order accurate so-
lutions, single-grid vs multiple-grid generations, postprocessing vs CFD code
modifications, and so on. Systematic grid-convergence studies are the most
common, most straightforward and arguably constitute the most reliable tech-
nique for the quantification of numerical uncertainty. This approach requires no
code modifications nor algorithm developments but does require multiple grid
generations. Significantly, it is not necessary to double the grid; noninteger
grid refinement and grid coarsening are economical alternatives.
However, regardless of each approachs relative merits and of the possibility
for future improvements, it is clear that methods are available now to convinc-
ingly assess the numerical uncertainty of CFD calculations. [It is certainly
not necessary, as claimed in a recent SIAM article by Johnson et al (1995), to
analytically and a priori solve the hydrodynamics stability problem in order
to estimate CFD numerical errors!] Journal editors and reviewers can insist
on reasonably thorough assessment without placing impractical demands on
authors, to the improvement of journal quality.
November 28, 1996 12:21 Annual Reviews ROACHE AR23-05
This work was partially supported by Sandia National Laboratories and the
United States Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC04-76DP00789,
Dr. M Fewell, Technical Monitor.
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