REOI Roads and Climate Clean Copy 1

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Unidade Gestora Executora de Aquisies (UGEA)


Roads and Bridges Management and Maintenance Program - Phase II

Grant No.: SPCR PPCR Grant TF015898

Project ID No.: P083325
Assignment Title: Assessing climate vulnerability and identifying options for building
climate resilience into the lower Limpopo roads network
Reference Number: 10/DG/14
Deadline: 31st March, 2014

1. The Government of Mozambique (GOM) has received funds from the World Bank toward the cost
of the Roads and Bridges Management and Maintenance Program - Phase II, and intends to apply
part of the proceeds for consulting services.

2. The consultancy services include assessment of current levels of vulnerability of road

infrastructure in Limpopo valley to extreme flooding and weather variability and identification of
options for building overall resilience to weather variability and flood events.. The consultant will
undertake studies of the underlying issues and prepare detailed recommendations for the
identification, design and subsequent implementation of pilot projects in the Limpopo Valley. The
consultant tasks will include, but not limited to, the following:
Survey of the relevant road networks;
Identification of climate risk reduction options and priorities through better planning;
Identification of weaknesses in design standards and technologies such that
strengthening and improving these aspects could aid the mainstreaming of climate
resilience in road sector works nationwide;
Detailed design drawings for climate resilient solutions at pilot locations;
Assessment of rapid response options and mechanisms to weather-related ruptures -
including engagement of local contractors and advanced contracting arrangements.

3. ANE now invites eligible Consulting firms (Consultants) to indicate their interest in providing
the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information to demonstrating that they have
the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.
Only firms able to provide the required services and prevailing from past experiences delivering
similar services will be considered.

4. Selection of consultant firms will be in accordance with the procedures set out in the World
Banks Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers,
published in January 2011, and shall be in line with the following criteria namely:

a) Relevant experience of consulting firm in similar assignments;

b) Availability of appropriate skills among staff;

Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of joint venture or a sub-consultancy to
enhance their qualifications.

5. The selection of consulting firms, after short listing, will be through evaluation of Proposals
based on Quality and Cost-Based Selection (QCBS).

6. Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours
from 07:30-15:30 hours local time, Mondays to Fridays inclusive, except Public Holidays.

7. The expression of interest (in English) must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked
Assessing climate vulnerability and identifying options for building climate resilience into
the lower Limpopo roads network and should be delivered to the address below on or before
15:00 hours on 31st March, 2014:

Administrao Nacional de Estradas (ANE)

Gabinete do Director Geral
Av. de Moambique 1225, C.P. 403
Maputo, Moambique
Telephone: 258 21 476 163/7
Telefax: 258 21 477 235
Alternatively, electronic submissions as far as this EOI is concerned will be addressed to the
following email: [email protected]

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