Permeable Pavements REPORT
Permeable Pavements REPORT
Permeable Pavements REPORT
20% of the total pavement surface, are typically filled with gravel. Typical PP
systems consist of the pavers, a 1.5- to 3-inch thick fine gravel bedding layer and an
underlying stone reservoir.
materials. The permeable pavement slope must be less than 5%. Designers may
consider using a terraced design for permeable pavement in areas with steeper slopes.
In all cases, designs must ensure that the slope of the pavement does not lead to flow
occurring out of the stone reservoir layer onto lower portions of the pavement surface.
3.1.5 Minimum hydraulic head.
The elevation difference needed for permeable pavement to function properly
is generally nominal, although 2 to 4 feet of head from the pavement surface to the
allowed. Permeable pavement areas must include an impermeable liner, and the
Enhanced Design configuration cannot be used.
3.1.9 High loading situations.
Permeable pavement is not intended to treat sites with high sediment or
trash/debris loads, since such loads will cause the practice to clog and fail. Sites with
a lot of pervious area (e.g., newly established turf and landscaping) can be considered
clogging within the system. Geotextile fabric is still recommended to protect the
excavated sides of the reservoir layer, in order to prevent soil piping.
3.2.6 Impermeable liner.
An impermeable liner is not typically required, although it may be utilized in
fill applications where deemed necessary by a geotechnical investigation, on sites
with contaminated soils, or on the sides of the practice to protect adjacent structures
from seepage. Use a 30inch (minimum) PVC geo-membrane liner. Field seams must
be sealed according to the liner manufacturers specifications. A minimum 6-inch
overlap of material is recommended at all seams.
3.2.7 Structural design.
The structural design process will vary according to the type of pavement
selected, and the manufacturers specific recommendations should be consulted. The
thickness of the permeable pavement and reservoir layer must be sized to support
structural loads and to temporarily store the design storm volume. On most new
development and redevelopment sites, the structural support requirements will dictate
the depth of the underlying stone reservoir. The structural design of Permeable
Pavements involves consideration of four main site elements:
Total traffic
In-situ soil strength
Environmental elements
Bedding and Reservoir layer design
The resulting structural requirements may include, but are not limited to, the thickness
of the pavement, filter, and reservoir layer. Designers should note that if the
underlying soils have a low California Bearing Ratio (CBR) (less than 4 percent), they
may need to be compacted to at least 95 percent of the Standard Proctor Density,
which may limit their use for infiltration.
All of these applications just show how versatile and beneficial pervious
pavers can be to property owners and contractors alike. However, it is vital to note
that entrusting the installation to professionals is tantamount to ensuring years of
service from the various paved surfaces where such paver types will be used.
Permeable Pavers are commonly used or applied in the following areas:
no.5.2.2a&b: System B
often represents a large percentage of the rainfall. Outlet pipes are connected to the
permeable sub-base and allow the excess water to be drained to other drainage
devices, such as swales, ponds, watercourses or sewers. This is one way of achieving
the requirement for reducing the volume and rate of runoff and will most likely
remove the need for any long term storage.
5.2.3 System C No Infiltration
Used where the existing sub grade (ground) permeability is poor or contains
pollutants, System C allows for the complete capture of the water. It uses an
impermeable, flexible membrane placed on top of the sub grade (ground) level and up
the sides of the permeable sub-base to effectively form a storage tank. Outlet pipes are
constructed through the impermeable membrane to transmit the water to other
drainage devices, such as swales, ponds, watercourses or sewers. System C is
particularly suitable for contaminated sites, as it prevents pollutants from being
washed further down into the sub grade (ground) where they could reach
for cross falls, channels or gulleys. This capability for completely level pavements is
helpful in other applications as well, for example level car parking areas for
supermarkets, making it easier to control trolleys, in container yards to meet specific
operational requirements or areas used by forklift trucks. From ecological perspective,
permeable pavements also avoid the death traps which open gulleys present to
wildlife and provide sustenance to nearby trees and plants.
Step 4: The native soils along the bottom of the permeable pavement system should
be scarified or tilled to a depth of 3 to 4 inches prior to the placement of the filter
layer or geotextile fabric. In large scale paving applications with weak soils, the soil
sub-grade may need to be compacted to 95 percent of the Standard Proctor Density to
achieve the desired load-bearing capacity. Note: This may reduce or eliminate the
infiltration function of the installation, and it must be addressed during hydrologic
Step 5: Geotextile fabric should be installed on the sides of the reservoir layer (and
the bottom if the design calls for it). Geotextile fabric strips should overlap down-
slope by a minimum of 2 feet and be secured a minimum of 4 feet beyond the edge of
the excavation. Where the filter layer extends beyond the edge of the pavement (to
convey runoff to the reservoir layer), install an additional layer of geotextile fabric 1
Complete compaction of the surface course when the surface is cool enough
to resist a 10-ton roller. One or two passes of the roller are required for proper
compaction. More rolling could cause a reduction in the porosity of the
The mixing plant must provide certification of the aggregate mix, abrasion
loss factor, and asphalt content in the mix. Test the asphalt mix for its
resistance to stripping by water using ASTM 1664. If the estimated coating
area is not above 95%, additional anti-stripping agents must be added to the
Cut joints for the concrete to a depth of inch. The curing process is very
important for pervious concrete. Concrete installers should follow
manufacturer specifications to the extent allowed by on-site conditions when
curing pervious concrete.
Remove the plastic sheeting only after the proper curing time. Inspect the
facility 18 to 30 hours after a significant rainfall (greater than inch) or
artificial flooding, to determine the facility is draining properly.
Once the final construction inspection has been completed, log the GPS
coordinates for each facility and submit them for entry into the BMP
maintenance tracking database.It may be advisable to divert the runoff from
the first few runoff-producing storms away from larger permeable pavement
applications, particularly when up-gradient conventional asphalt areas drain to
the permeable pavement. This can help reduce the input of fine particles often
produced shortly after conventional asphalt is laid down.
6.4Construction inspection
Inspections before, during and after construction are needed to ensure that
permeable pavement is built in accordance with these specifications. Use a
detailed inspection checklist that requires sign-offs by qualified individuals at
critical stages of construction and to ensure that the contractors interpretation of
the plan is consistent with the designers intent.
6.4.1Pre-construction meeting
Ensure that the contributing drainage areas are stabilized and are not eroding
6.4.3 Excavation
Ensure linear sediment barriers (if used) are properly installed, free of
accumulated litter, and built up sediment less than 1/3 the height of the barrier.
No runoff should enter the pavement until soils are stabilized in the area
draining to the pavement
Soil sub-grade: rocks and roots removed, voids should be refilled with base
Soil should be compacted to specifications (if required) and field tested with
density measurements per specifications
6.4.4 Geotextiles
Size, perforations, locations, slope, and outfalls must meet specifications and
6.4.7 Aggregates
Once the final construction inspection has been completed, log the GPS
coordinates for each facility and submit them for entry into the local BMP
maintenance tracking database.
In urbanized areas, we have been forced to deal with runoff water by building
large sewer systems that channel this water directly to lakes, rivers, and other surface
water rather than into the groundwater. Because of the toxins this runoff picks up as it
travels, expensive water purification systems are often built to clean the water before
it reenters the natural water cycle. As water runoff increases and is channeled to travel
in straight paths, a watershed community will find very serious impacts. In order to
overcome such and such inconveniences, an established permeable pavement allows:
Urban Heat Island Effect Reduction: Porous materials have less thermal
the rooting zone. This integrates healthy ecology and thriving cities, with
the living tree canopy above, the city's traffic on the ground, and living tree
roots below. The benefits of permeable on urban tree growth have not been
conclusively demonstrated and many researchers have observed tree
growth is not increased if construction practices compact materials before
permeable pavements are installed.
Winter Performance: Snow plow and deicing costs are reduced due to rapid
snow and ice melt drainage. Puddling and flooding on parking lots is also
reduced. And also imparts:
Reduction in erosion
may carry little or no water when it is not raining because there is so little stored
groundwater to provide continuous flow. This means that everyone that counted on
this stream for life, recreation, habitat, food, or water must find a new source.
Infiltration recharges water-bearing aquifers. It may take decades and sometimes
centuries for rain or snow melt to reach the deep layers of the earth from which many
private and municipal wells draw water for human consumption. However, that water
does come from the surface.
Table 8: Maintenance
Frequency Maintenance Tasks
After installation For the first 6 months following
construction, the practice and CDA
should be inspected at least twice after
storm events that exceed 1/2 inch of
rainfall. Conduct any needed repairs or
Once every 12 months Mow grass in grid paver applications.
during the growing season
As needed Stabilize the contributing drainage
area to prevent erosion
Remove any soil or sediment
deposited on pavement.
Replace or repair any necessary
pavement surface areas that
are degenerating or spalling
24 times per year Vacuum pavement with a standard
(depending on use) street sweeper to prevent clogging.
Annually Conduct a maintenance inspection.
Spot weeding of grass applications.
Once every 23 years Remove any accumulated sediment
in pretreatment cells and inflow points.
If clogged Conduct maintenance using a
regenerative street sweeper.
Replace any necessary joint material.
By stopping storm water from pooling and flowing away, porous paving can
help recharge underlying aquifers and reduces peak flows and flooding. That means
that streams flow more consistently and at cooler temperatures, contributing to
healthy ecosystems. Permeable pavers have been gaining popularity because of their
proven benefits such as reduced installation costs, increased water quality, decreased
storm water runoff, and prevention of soil erosion and flooding. The various
applications also mean that its possible to use them not only in one specific outdoor
area but in several areas in a property. They also eliminate the need to install costly
retention and drainage systems, while at the same time help property owners save on
pricey compliance regulations. All of these great benefits ultimately make permeable
pavers among the most preferred paving options in use today.
3.K.Tota,Maharaja,M.Scholz,T.Ahmed,(Nov14,2010)Environmental Technology ,
Vol: 31, No.14,Pg:1517-1531.
4. Ferguson, Bruce K., 2005, Porous Pavements, Boca Raton: CRC Press.
5. Vance Pool , (2005),Concrete Parking Areas Aren't White, They're Green, Spring
Concrete ,In Focus Magazine, NRMCA.
6. Qin.H,Li.Z And Fu.G. (Nov 2013). "The Effects Of Low Impact Development On
Urban Flooding Under Different Rainfall Characteristics." Journal Of Environmental
Management, Vol:10, Pg: 577-585.