Permeable Pavements REPORT

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Permeable pavements allow for infiltration of stormwater runoff and can reduce surface flows compared to traditional pavements like concrete and asphalt. They represent alternative paving surfaces that filter runoff through voids in the pavement into an underlying stone reservoir.

Pervious concrete, porous asphalt, permeable pavers, concrete grid pavers, and plastic grid pavers with turf are discussed.

Reduced installation costs, increased water quality, decreased stormwater runoff, prevention of soil erosion and flooding, and elimination of costly retention/drainage systems are mentioned.

Seminar Report 2015-2016 Permeable




1.1 Permeable Pavements

Permeable Pavements, an alternative to traditional impervious pavement, are

one of the most environmental friendly paving solutions that are available to builders,
landscaping contractors, engineers, and property owners. Permeable pavement is ideal
for sites with limited space for other surface storm water These paver types provide
different benefits and are applied in various outdoor areas in public, private, and
commercial properties. Permeable paving allows for filtration, storage, or infiltration
of runoff and can reduce or eliminate surface storm water flows compared to
traditional impervious paving surfaces like concrete and asphalt.
Permeable pavement systems represent alternative paving surfaces that capture
and temporarily store the design volume by filtering runoff through voids in the
pavement surface into an underlying stone reservoir. Filtered runoff may be collected
and returned to the conveyance system, or allowed to partially infiltrate into the soil.
This allows permeable pavement systems to provide measurable reductions in post-
construction storm water runoff rates, volumes, and pollutant loads.
Permeable pavement is a method of paving that allows storm water to seep
into the ground as it falls rather than running off into storm drains, waterways and
eventually to water bodies. Permeable pavements function similarly to sand filters, in
that they filter the water by forcing it to pass through different aggregate sizes and
typically some sort of filter fabric. Therefore most of the treatment is through physical
(or mechanical) processes. As precipitation falls on the pavement it infiltrates down
into the storage basin where it is slowly released into the surrounding soil. Long term
research on permeable pavers shows their effective removal of pollutants such as total
suspended solids, total phosphorous, total nitrogen, zinc, motor oil, and copper. In the
void spaces, naturally occurring micro-organisms break down hydrocarbons and
metals adhere.

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There are a variety of permeable pavement surfaces available in the

commercial marketplace, including pervious concrete, permeable pavers, concrete
grid pavers, and plastic grid pavers with turf. Each of these permeable pavement
surfaces is briefly described below:
2.1 Pervious Concrete.
Pervious concrete (also known as porous concrete) is similar to conventional
concrete in structure and form, but consists of a special open-graded surface course,
typically 4 to 8 inches thick, that is bound together with Portland cement. This open-
graded surface course has a void ratio of 15% to 25% (conventional concrete
pavement has a void ratio of between 3% and 5%), which gives it a high permeability
that is often many times more than that of the underlying native soils, and allows
rainwater and stormwater runoff to rapidly pass through it and into the underlying
stone reservoir. Although this particular type of permeable pavement surface may not
require an underlying base layer to support traffic loads, site planning and design
teams may wish to provide it to increase the stormwater storage capacity provided by
a pervious concrete system.

Fig no.2.1: Pervious Concrete on Palm Beach Gardens,Florida .

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2.2 Porous Asphalt.

Porous asphalt is similar to pervious concrete, and consists of a special open-
graded surface course bound together by asphalt cement. The open-graded surface
course in a typical porous asphalt installation is 3 to 7 inches thick and has a void
ratio of between 15% and 20%. Porous asphalt is thought to have a limited ability to
maintain its structure and permeability during hot summer months and, consequently,
is currently not recommended for use in coastal region. If it is used on a development
site in the coastal region, it should be carefully monitored and maintained over time.

Fig no.2.2: Porous Asphalt.

2.3 Permeable Pavers.
Permeable pavers (PP) are solid structural units (e.g., blocks, bricks) that are
installed in a way that provides regularly spaced openings through which stormwater
runoff can rapidly pass through the pavement surface and into the underlying stone

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reservoir. The regularly spaced openings, which generally make up between 8% and

Fig no.2.3: Permeable Block Pavers.

20% of the total pavement surface, are typically filled with gravel. Typical PP
systems consist of the pavers, a 1.5- to 3-inch thick fine gravel bedding layer and an
underlying stone reservoir.

2.4 Concrete Grid Pavers.

Concrete grid pavers (CGP) are precast concrete units that allow rainfall and
storm water runoff to pass through large openings that are filled with gravel, sand, or
topsoil and turf. CGP are typically 3.5 inches thick and have a void ratio between 20%
and 50%, which means that the material used to fill the spaces between the grids has a
large influence on the overall permeability (i.e., void space) of a CGP system. A
typical CGP installation consists of the pavers, 1- to 1.5- inch sand or pea gravel
bedding layer, and an underlying stone reservoir. Void Structured Concrete is a similar

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design type that utilizes molded cast in place concrete rather than pavers.

Fig no.2.4: Concrete Grid Pavers.

2.5 Plastic Grid Pavers.

Plastic grid pavers (PGP) are similar to CGP. They consist of flexible,
interlocking plastic units that allow rainfall and stormwater runoff to pass through
large openings that are filled with gravel, sand, or topsoil and turf. Since the empty
plastic grids have a void ratio of between 90% and 98%, the material used to fill the
spaces between the grids has a large influence on the overall permeability (i.e., void
space) a PGP system.

When designing a permeable pavement system, planning and design teams

must not only consider the storage capacity of the system, but also the structural
capacity of the underlying soils and the underlying stone reservoir. The infiltration
rate and structural capacity of the native soils found on a development site directly
influence the size of the stone reservoir that is needed to provide structural support for
a permeable pavement system and measurable reductions in post-construction
storm water runoff rates, volumes, and pollutant loads. Site planning and design teams
should strive to design permeable pavement systems that can accommodate the storm

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water runoff volume generated by the target runoff reduction rainfall event.If this
cannot be accomplished due to site characteristics or constraints, site planning and
design teams should consider using permeable pavement systems in combination with
other runoff reducing low impact development practices.

Fig no.2.5: Plastic Grid Pavers


3.1 Permeable Pavement Feasibility Criteria

Since permeable pavement has a very high retention capability, it should
always be considered as an alternative to conventional pavement. Permeable

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pavement is subject to the same feasibility constraints as most infiltration practices, as
described below.
3.1.1 Required space.
A prime advantage of permeable pavement is that it does not normally require
additional space at a new development or redevelopment site, which can be important
for space constrained sites or areas where land prices are high.
3.1.2 Soils.
Soil conditions do not typically constrain the use of permeable pavement,
although they do determine whether an underdrain is needed. Underdrains are
required if the measured permeability of the underlying soils is less than 0.3 in/hr.
Infiltration may be promoted in these designs, however, by incorporating an
infiltration sump (i.e., a layer of stone below the invert of the underdrain. When
designing a permeable pavement practice, designers must verify soil permeability by
using the on-site soil investigation methods provided. In fill soil locations,
geotechnical investigations are required to determine if the use of an impermeable
liner and underdrain are necessary or if the use of an infiltration sump is permissible.
3.1.3 Contributing drainage area.
The portion of the contributing drainage area that does not include the
permeable pavement should not exceed 5 times the surface area of the permeable
pavement (2 times is recommended), and it should be as close to 100% impervious as
possible to help prevent clogging of the pavement by sediment from pervious
3.1.4 Pavement surface slope.
Steep pavement surface slopes can reduce the stormwater storage capability of
permeable pavement and may cause shifting of the pavement surface and base

materials. The permeable pavement slope must be less than 5%. Designers may
consider using a terraced design for permeable pavement in areas with steeper slopes.
In all cases, designs must ensure that the slope of the pavement does not lead to flow
occurring out of the stone reservoir layer onto lower portions of the pavement surface.
3.1.5 Minimum hydraulic head.
The elevation difference needed for permeable pavement to function properly
is generally nominal, although 2 to 4 feet of head from the pavement surface to the

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underdrain outlet is typically necessary. This value may vary based on several design
factors, such as required storage depth and underdrain location.
3.1.6 Minimum depth to water table.
A high groundwater table may cause runoff to pond at the bottom of the
permeable pavement system. Therefore, a minimum vertical distance of 0.5 feet must
be provided between the bottom of the permeable pavement installation (i.e., the
bottom invert of the reservoir layer) and the seasonal high water table.
3.1.7 Setbacks.
To avoid the risk of seepage and to prevent damage to building foundations
and contamination of groundwater aquifers, permeable pavement areas should be
located at least:
50 feet from septic systems
10 feet from property lines
150 feet from water supply wells
10 feet up gradient from building foundations.
Where the 10-foot setback from building foundations is not possible, an
impermeable liner may be used along the sides of the permeable pavement
practice (extending from the surface to the bottom of the practice).
3.1.8 Pollutant hotspot land uses.
Permeable pavement is not appropriate for certain pollutant-generating sites.
In areas where higher pollutant loading is likely (i.e. oils and greases from fueling
stations or vehicle storage areas, sediment from un-stabilized pervious areas, or other
pollutants from industrial processes), appropriate pretreatment, such as an oil-water
separator or filtering device must be provided, or the areas should be diverted from
the permeable pavement. On sites with existing contaminated soils, infiltration is not

allowed. Permeable pavement areas must include an impermeable liner, and the
Enhanced Design configuration cannot be used.
3.1.9 High loading situations.
Permeable pavement is not intended to treat sites with high sediment or
trash/debris loads, since such loads will cause the practice to clog and fail. Sites with
a lot of pervious area (e.g., newly established turf and landscaping) can be considered

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high loading sites and the pervious areas should be diverted if possible from the
permeable pavement area. If unavoidable, pretreatment measures, such as a gravel or
sod filter strip should be employed.
3.1.10 High speed roads.
Permeable pavement should not be used for high speed (>30 mph) roads,
although it has been successfully applied for low speed residential streets, parking
lanes, and roadway shoulders.
3.1.11 Non-stormwater discharge.
Permeable pavement should not receive non-storm water discharges such as
irrigation runoff, air-conditioning condensation discharge, chlorinated wash-water, or
other such non-storm water flows.
3.1.12 Economic considerations.
Permeable pavement tends to be expensive relative to other LID practices, but
when the cost of land and traditional paving are included in the calculations,
permeable pavement becomes much more competitive. Permeable pavement is very
space-efficient, since it combines a useful pavement surface with storm water
management for water quality and in some cases for 2-year and 10-year detention
3.2 Permeable Pavement Design Criteria
3.2.1 Pavement bottom slope.
For unlined designs, the bottom slope of a permeable pavement installation
should be as flat as possible (i.e., 0% longitudinal and lateral slopes is preferred and
5% is the maximum) to enable even distribution and infiltration of stormwater. On
sloped sites, internal check dams or berms, as shown in Fig 3.3.2, can be incorporated
into the subsurface to encourage infiltration. In this type of design, the depth of the
infiltration sump would be the depth behind the check dams.

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Figure 3.2.1: Permeable Pavement on Sloped Sites

3.2.2 Internal geometry and drawdowns.
Rapid Drawdown. Permeable pavement should be designed so that the target
storage volume is detained in the reservoir for as long as possible (36 to 48
hours) before completely discharging through an underdrain. A minimum
orifice size of 1 inch is recommended regardless of the calculated drawdown
Infiltration Sump. To promote greater retention for permeable pavement
located on marginal soils, an infiltration sump can be installed to create a
storage layer below the underdrain invert. The bottom of the infiltration sump
must be at least 0.5 feet above the seasonally high water table. The inclusion
of an infiltration sump is not permitted for designs with an impermeable liner.
Conservative Infiltration Rates. Designers must use of the measured
infiltration rate during design to approximate long-term infiltration rates (for
example, if the measured infiltration rate is 0.7 inches per hour, the design
infiltration rate will be 0.35 inches per hour).
3.2.3 Reservoir layer.
The reservoir layer consists of the stone underneath the pavement section and
above the bottom filter layer or underlying soils, including the optional
infiltration sump. The total thickness of the reservoir layer is determined by
runoff storage needs, the infiltration rate of in situ soils, structural
requirements of the pavement sub-base, depth to water table and bedrock, and
frost depth conditions. A geotechnical engineer should be consulted regarding
the suitability of the soil sub-grade.

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The reservoir below the permeable pavement surface should be composed of

clean, double-washed stone aggregate and sized for both the storm event to be
treated and the structural requirements of the expected traffic loading
(additional chamber structures may also be used to create larger storage
The storage layer may consist of clean, double-washed No. 57 stone, although
No. 2 stone is preferred because it provides additional structural stability.
The bottom of the reservoir layer should be completely flat so that runoff will
be able to infiltrate evenly through the entire surface. The use of terracing and
check dams is permissible.
3.2.4 Under drains.
Most permeable pavement designs will require an underdrain. Underdrains
can also be used to keep detained stormwater from flooding permeable pavement
during extreme events. Multiple underdrains are recommended for permeable
pavement wider than 40 feet, and each underdrain should be located 20 feet or less
from the next pipe. The underdrain should be perforated schedule 40 PVC pipe
(corrugated HDPE may be used for smaller load-bearing applications), with 3/8-inch
perforations at 6 inches on center. The underdrain should be encased in a layer of
clean, washed No. 57 stone, with a minimum 2-inch cover over the top of the
underdrain. The underdrain system should include a flow control to ensure that the
reservoir layer drains slowly (within 36-48 hours). An underdrain(s) can be installed
and capped at the downstream structure as an option for future use if maintenance
observations indicate a reduction in the soil permeability. The observation well is used
to observe the rate of drawdown within the reservoir layer following a storm event
and to facilitate periodic inspection and maintenance. The observation wells should
consist of a well-anchored, perforated 4- to 6-inch (diameter) PVC pipe. The well
should extend vertically to the bottom of the reservoir layer and extend upwards to be
flush with the surface (or just under pavers) with a lockable cap.
3.2.5 Geotextile.
Geotextile fabric is another option to protect the bottom of the reservoir layer
from intrusion by underlying soils, although some practitioners recommend avoiding
the use of fabric beneath Permeable Pavements since it may become a future plane of

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clogging within the system. Geotextile fabric is still recommended to protect the
excavated sides of the reservoir layer, in order to prevent soil piping.
3.2.6 Impermeable liner.
An impermeable liner is not typically required, although it may be utilized in
fill applications where deemed necessary by a geotechnical investigation, on sites
with contaminated soils, or on the sides of the practice to protect adjacent structures
from seepage. Use a 30inch (minimum) PVC geo-membrane liner. Field seams must
be sealed according to the liner manufacturers specifications. A minimum 6-inch
overlap of material is recommended at all seams.
3.2.7 Structural design.
The structural design process will vary according to the type of pavement
selected, and the manufacturers specific recommendations should be consulted. The
thickness of the permeable pavement and reservoir layer must be sized to support
structural loads and to temporarily store the design storm volume. On most new
development and redevelopment sites, the structural support requirements will dictate
the depth of the underlying stone reservoir. The structural design of Permeable
Pavements involves consideration of four main site elements:
Total traffic
In-situ soil strength
Environmental elements
Bedding and Reservoir layer design

The resulting structural requirements may include, but are not limited to, the thickness
of the pavement, filter, and reservoir layer. Designers should note that if the
underlying soils have a low California Bearing Ratio (CBR) (less than 4 percent), they
may need to be compacted to at least 95 percent of the Standard Proctor Density,
which may limit their use for infiltration.

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All of these applications just show how versatile and beneficial pervious
pavers can be to property owners and contractors alike. However, it is vital to note
that entrusting the installation to professionals is tantamount to ensuring years of
service from the various paved surfaces where such paver types will be used.
Permeable Pavers are commonly used or applied in the following areas:

Public, Private, And Commercial Gardens, Parking Lots & Patios.

Fig no.4: Car Parking Lots

Public Parks, Tennis Courts, Pedestrian Paths & Walkways.

Commercial and Residential Driveways.

Residential and Commercial Garages & Playgrounds.
Boat Parking Areas, Low water crossings

Emergency Access Lanes, Fire Lanes & Golf Cart Lanes.

Sub-Base For Conventional Concrete Pavements, Slope Stabilization

Artificial Reefs, Hydraulic Structures,Groins And Seawalls

Well Linings, Swimming Pool Decks

Tree Grates In Sidewalks, Pavement Edge Drains

Foundations/Floors For Greenhouses, Fish Hatcheries, Aquatic Amusement

Centers, And Zoos and
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Noise Barriers.


In conventional pavements, rainwater is allowed to run across the surface to

gulleys that collect and direct it into pipes, removing it as quickly as possible. This
means that water with the pollutants contained in it are rapidly conveyed into
overloaded drains, streams and rivers, leading to floods in extreme conditions. In
contrast, permeable pavements addresses both flooding and pollution issues. It also
has a dual role, acting as the drainage system as well as supporting traffic loads. A
permeable pavement allows water to pass through the surface to a drainage system.
Unlike conventional road constructions, the permeable sub-base aggregate is
specifically designed to accommodate water. At the same time, many pollutants are
substantially removed and treated within the permeable pavements itself, before water
infiltrates to the sub grade (ground) or passes into the next stage of the management
5.1System selection
One of the key criteria in selecting a permeable pavements system is the
permeability of the existing sub grade (ground), which is established from tests on
site. A number of other factors that need to be considered when choosing which the
most appropriate system for a site include:
Ground Water Table Level
Pollution Prevention
Discharge Consents
Proximity to Buildings
Finally, different techniques for the application of permeable pavements to
meet specific project requirements are suited to particular Systems.
5.2 Systems
There are three different permeable pavements systems, described as Systems
A, B and C. There is no difference between the surface appearances of the different

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Systems but each has unique characteristics making it suitable for particular site

5.2.1 System A Full Infiltration

Suitable for existing sub-grade (ground) with good permeability, System A
allows all the water falling onto the pavement to infiltrate down through the
constructed layers below and eventually into the sub grade (ground). Some retention
of the water will occur temporarily in the permeable sub-base layer allowing for
initial storage before it eventually passes through. No water is discharged into
conventional drainage systems, completely eliminating the need for pipes and gulleys,
and making it a particularly economic solution.

Fig no.5.2.1a&b: System A

5.2.2 System B Partial Infiltration
Used where the existing sub grade (ground) may not be capable of absorbing
all the water. A fixed amount of water is allowed to infiltrate which, in practice,

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no.5.2.2a&b: System B

often represents a large percentage of the rainfall. Outlet pipes are connected to the
permeable sub-base and allow the excess water to be drained to other drainage
devices, such as swales, ponds, watercourses or sewers. This is one way of achieving
the requirement for reducing the volume and rate of runoff and will most likely
remove the need for any long term storage.
5.2.3 System C No Infiltration
Used where the existing sub grade (ground) permeability is poor or contains
pollutants, System C allows for the complete capture of the water. It uses an
impermeable, flexible membrane placed on top of the sub grade (ground) level and up
the sides of the permeable sub-base to effectively form a storage tank. Outlet pipes are
constructed through the impermeable membrane to transmit the water to other
drainage devices, such as swales, ponds, watercourses or sewers. System C is
particularly suitable for contaminated sites, as it prevents pollutants from being
washed further down into the sub grade (ground) where they could reach

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Fig no.5.2.3a&b: System C

5.3 Permeable paving performance & benefits

There are three well-known pillars of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS)
which PP successfully achieves:
Quantity management of rainwater and avoidance of flooding
Quality removal and treatment of diffuse pollution from runoff

Amenity improvement of the external environment. In addition, permeable

pavements offer a range of other unique benefits and opportunities.
5.3.1Quantity Rainwater Management
Permeable pavements deals with surface water close to where rainfall hits the
ground. This is known as source control and is fundamental to the SUDS
philosophy. It also reduces the peak rate, total volume and frequency of runoff and
helps to replicate green-field runoff characteristics from development sites.
5.3.2Quality Handling Pollution
A permeable pavement is very effective at removing pollution from runoff,
unlike conventional drainage systems - which effectively concentrate pollutants and
flush them directly into drains, watercourses and groundwater. The pollutants may
either remain on the surface or be flushed into the underlying pavement layers, where
many are filtered and trapped, or degrade over time. Pollution Prevention Guideline
PPG 3 recognizes the benefits of permeable pavements in removing pollution from
runoff. It states that: Techniques that control pollution close to the source, such as
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permeable surfaces can offer a suitable means of treatment for runoff from low risk
areas such as roofs, car parks, and non-operational areas. The capabilities of
permeable pavements in handling pollution are summarized in the table below. Oil
separators are not required when permeable pavements is used. Permeable pavements
are actually more effective at removing a wider range of pollutants from runoff than
oil separators.

Fig no.5.3.2: Permeable Pavements Removing Pollution From Runoff

5.3.3Amenity improving the environment

Permeable Pavements is used on projects ranging from footpaths to container
terminals, with the reassurance of proven engineering design solutions for every type
of application. In addition to the visual design possibilities discussed earlier,
permeable pavements offers two fundamental benefits compared with conventional
Completely level, well-drained, firm and slip-resistance surfaces
An absence of channels, gulleys and other interruptions.
Table 5.3.3: Permeable Pavements in Handling Pollution
Category of Pollutants Percentage of Removal
Total Suspended Soil 60-95%
Hydrocarbons 70-90
Total Phosphorus 50-80
Total Nitrogen 65-80

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Heavy Metals 60-95

Water Quality Treatment for: Potential

Removal of total suspended solids High
Removal of heavy metals High
Removal of nutrients(Phosphorus, High
Removal of bacteria High
Treatment of suspended sediments & High
dissolved pollutants

As a result, permeable pavements meets current accessibility requirements for the

whole community unlike loose materials such as gravel, suggested in some
guidance on permeable paving but specifically excluded by accessibility rules, such as
Building Regulation. Particular benefits include eliminating ponding, reducing the
risk of ice forming on the surface and no rain splashing from standing water. These
aspects are particularly important for accessible shared surfaces, eliminating the need

for cross falls, channels or gulleys. This capability for completely level pavements is
helpful in other applications as well, for example level car parking areas for
supermarkets, making it easier to control trolleys, in container yards to meet specific
operational requirements or areas used by forklift trucks. From ecological perspective,
permeable pavements also avoid the death traps which open gulleys present to
wildlife and provide sustenance to nearby trees and plants.

5.4Service life and maintenance

Permeable Pavements technology has proven itself over decades of successful
use around the world. One issue that is well-understood is the performance of the
block paved surface. The infiltration rate of Permeable Pavements will decrease due
to the build-up of detritus in the jointing material, and then stabilize with age as
summarized in the graph below. American and German experience recommends that
the design infiltration rate through the surface should be 10% of the initial rate, to take
into account the effect of clogging over a 20-year design life without maintenance.

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Even after allowing for clogging, studies have shown that the long-term
infiltration capability of permeable pavements will normally substantially exceed
hydrological requirements. The typical rainfall rate is 75mm/hour. The percolation
rate through joints of newly laid Permeable Pavements is 4000mm/hour, so even
allowing for the reduction to just 10% discussed above, there is still a large factor of
safety. Recommended maintenance is minimal no more extensive than that for
conventional block paving and less than for conventional gulley and pipe drainage.
Also, any problems with Permeable Pavements become apparent on the surface with a
visual inspection, unlike the below-ground inspections needed for pipe drainage.



Proper construction of permeable pavement is critical to its long term

performance as storm water BMP. Improper or inadequate erosion and sediment
control during construction and immediately following construction can cause
immediate plugging of the pavement. The construction sequence is also critical to the
long term success of the performance of the pavement and is described below. Failure
to follow the recommendations will likely cause premature structural failure of the
pavement or result is pavement without the desired infiltration capacity.Experience
has shown that proper installation is absolutely critical to the effective operation of a
permeable pavement system.
6.1 Erosion and Sediment Controls.
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The following erosion and sediment control guidelines must be followed
during construction:
All permeable pavement areas should be fully protected from sediment
intrusion by silt fence or construction fencing, particularly if they are intended
to infiltrate runoff.
Intended permeable pavement areas must remain outside the limit of
disturbance during construction to prevent soil compaction by heavy
equipment (unless the area has been determined to have a low CBR and will
require compaction during the permeable pavement construction phase).
Where this is unavoidable, the impacted area should not be excavated below 2
feet above the final design elevation of the bottom of the aggregate reservoir
course until further compaction by heavy equipment can be avoided. Once the
area is excavated to grade, the impacted area should be tilled to a depth of 12
inches below the bottom of the reservoir layer. Permeable pavement areas
must be clearly marked on all construction documents and grading plans.
During construction, care should be taken to avoid tracking sediments onto
any permeable pavement surface to avoid clogging.

Any area of the site intended ultimately to be a permeable pavement area

should generally not be used as the site of a temporary sediment basin. Where
locating a sediment basin on an area intended for permeable pavement is
unavoidable, the invert of the sediment basin must be a minimum of 2 feet
above the final design elevation of the bottom of the aggregate reservoir
course. All sediment deposits in the excavated area should be carefully
removed prior to installing the sub-base, base, and surface materials.

6.2 Permeable Pavement Installation.

The following is a typical construction sequence to properly install permeable
pavement, which may need to be modified depending on the specific variant of
permeable pavement that is being installed.

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Step 1: Construction of the permeable pavement should only begin after the entire
contributing drainage area has been stabilized. The proposed site should be checked
for existing utilities prior to any excavation. Do not install the system in rain or snow
and do not install frozen bedding materials.
Step 2: As noted above, temporary erosion and sediment controls are needed during
installation to divert stormwater away from the permeable pavement area until it is
completed. Special protection measures, such as erosion control fabrics, may be
needed to protect vulnerable side slopes from erosion during the excavation process.
The proposed permeable pavement area must be kept free from sediment during the
entire construction process. Construction materials contaminated by sediments must
be removed and replaced with clean materials.
Step 3: Where possible, excavators or backhoes should work from the sides to
excavate the reservoir layer to its appropriate design depth and dimensions. For small
pavement applications, excavating equipment should have arms with adequate
extension so they do not have to work inside the footprint of the permeable pavement
area (to avoid compaction). Contractors can utilize a cell construction approach,
whereby the proposed permeable pavement area is split into 500 to 1,000-square foot
temporary cells with a 10 to 10-foot earth bridge in between, so cells can be excavated
from the side. Excavated material should be placed away from the open excavation so
as to not jeopardize the stability of the side walls.

Step 4: The native soils along the bottom of the permeable pavement system should
be scarified or tilled to a depth of 3 to 4 inches prior to the placement of the filter
layer or geotextile fabric. In large scale paving applications with weak soils, the soil
sub-grade may need to be compacted to 95 percent of the Standard Proctor Density to
achieve the desired load-bearing capacity. Note: This may reduce or eliminate the
infiltration function of the installation, and it must be addressed during hydrologic
Step 5: Geotextile fabric should be installed on the sides of the reservoir layer (and
the bottom if the design calls for it). Geotextile fabric strips should overlap down-
slope by a minimum of 2 feet and be secured a minimum of 4 feet beyond the edge of
the excavation. Where the filter layer extends beyond the edge of the pavement (to
convey runoff to the reservoir layer), install an additional layer of geotextile fabric 1

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Seminar Report 2015-2016 Permeable
foot below the surface to prevent sediments from entering into the reservoir layer.
Excess geotextile fabric should not be trimmed until the site is fully stabilized.
Step 6: Provide a minimum of 2 inches of aggregate above and below the
underdrains. The up gradient end of underdrains in the reservoir layer should be
capped. Where an underdrain pipe is connected to a structure, there shall be no
perforations within 1 foot of the structure. Ensure there are no perforations in clean-
outs and observation wells within 1 foot of the surface.
Step 7: Spread 6-inch lifts of the appropriate clean, washed stone aggregate (usually
No. 2 or No. 57 stone). Place at least 4 inches of additional aggregate above the
underdrain, and then compact it using a vibratory roller in static mode until there is no
visible movement of the aggregate. Do not crush the aggregate with the roller.
Step 8: Install the desired depth of the bedding layer, depending on the type of
Step 9: Paving materials shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer or
industry specifications for the particular type of pavement.

6.2.1 Installation of Porous Asphalt.

Install porous asphalt pavement similarly to regular asphalt pavement. The
pavement should be laid in a single lift over the filter course. The laying
temperature should be between 230F and 260 oF, with a minimum air
temperature of 50F, to ensure the surface does not stiffen before compaction.

Complete compaction of the surface course when the surface is cool enough
to resist a 10-ton roller. One or two passes of the roller are required for proper
compaction. More rolling could cause a reduction in the porosity of the
The mixing plant must provide certification of the aggregate mix, abrasion
loss factor, and asphalt content in the mix. Test the asphalt mix for its
resistance to stripping by water using ASTM 1664. If the estimated coating
area is not above 95%, additional anti-stripping agents must be added to the

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Seminar Report 2015-2016 Permeable
Transport the mix to the site in a clean vehicle with smooth dump beds
sprayed with a non-petroleum release agent. The mix shall be covered during
transportation to control cooling.
Test the full permeability of the pavement surface by application of clean
water at a rate of at least five gallons per minute over the entire surface. All
water must infiltrate directly, without puddle formation or surface runoff.
Inspect the facility 18 to 30 hours after a significant rainfall (greater than
inch) or artificial flooding to determine the facility is draining properly.

6.2.2 Installation of Pervious Concrete.

The basic installation sequence for pervious concrete is outlined by the
National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA, 2004). It is strongly
recommended that concrete installers successfully complete a recognized pervious
concrete installers training program offered by the NRMCA. The basic installation
procedure is as follows:
Drive the concrete truck as close to the project site as possible.
Water the underlying aggregate (reservoir layer) before the concrete is placed,
so the aggregate does not draw moisture from the freshly laid pervious
After the concrete is placed, approximately to inch is struck off, using a
vibratory screed. This is to allow for compaction of the concrete pavement.
Compact the pavement with a steel pipe roller. Care should be taken to ensure
over compaction does not occur.

Cut joints for the concrete to a depth of inch. The curing process is very
important for pervious concrete. Concrete installers should follow
manufacturer specifications to the extent allowed by on-site conditions when
curing pervious concrete.
Remove the plastic sheeting only after the proper curing time. Inspect the
facility 18 to 30 hours after a significant rainfall (greater than inch) or
artificial flooding, to determine the facility is draining properly.

6.2.3 Installation of Permeable Pavers.

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Place edge restraints for open-jointed pavement blocks before the bedding
layer and pavement blocks are installed. Permeable pavement systems may
require edge restraints to prevent vehicle loads from moving the paver blocks.
Edge restraints may be standard curbs or gutter pans, or precast or cast-in-
place reinforced concrete borders a minimum of 6 inches wide and 18 inches
deep, constructed with Class A3 concrete. Edge restraints along the traffic side
of a permeable pavement block system are recommended.
Place the No. 57 stone in a single lift. Level the filter course and compact it
into the reservoir course beneath with at least four passes of a 10-ton steel
drum static roller until there is no visible movement. The first two passes are
in vibratory mode, with the final two passes in static mode. The filter
aggregate should be moist to facilitate movement into the reservoir course.
Place and screed the bedding course material (typically No. 8 stone).
Fill gaps at the edge of the paved areas with cut pavers or edge units. When
cut pavers are needed, cut the pavers with a paver splitter or masonry saw. Cut
pavers no smaller than 1/3 of the full unit size.
Pavers may be placed by hand or with mechanical installers. Fill the joints and
openings with stone. Joint openings must be filled with ASTM D 448 No. 8
stone; although, No. 8P or No. 9 stone may be used where needed to fill
narrower joints. Remove excess stones from the paver surface.
Compact and seat the pavers into the bedding course with a minimum low-
amplitude 5,000-lbf, 75- to 95-Hz plate compactor.
Do not compact within 6 feet of the unrestrained edges of the pavers.

The system must be thoroughly swept by a mechanical sweeper or vacuumed

immediately after construction to remove any sediment or excess aggregate.
Inspect the area for settlement. Any blocks that settle must be reset and re-
Inspect the facility 18 to 30 hours after a significant rainfall ( inch or greater)
or artificial flooding to determine whether the facility is draining properly.

6.3 Construction Supervision.

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Seminar Report 2015-2016 Permeable
Supervision before, during, and after construction by a qualified professional
is recommended to ensure permeable pavement is built in accordance with these
specifications. Inspection checklists that require sign-offs by qualified individuals
should be used at critical stages of construction, to ensure the contractors
interpretation of the plan is consistent with the designers intent. Some common
pitfalls can be avoided by careful construction supervision that focuses on the
following key aspects of permeable pavement installation:
Store materials in a protected area to keep them free from mud, dirt, and other
foreign materials.
The contributing drainage area should be stabilized prior to directing water to
the permeable pavement area.
Check the aggregate material to confirm it is clean and washed, meets
specifications and is installed to the correct depth. Aggregate loads that do not
meet the specifications or do not appear to be sufficiently washed may be
Check elevations (e.g., the invert of the underdrain, inverts for the inflow and
outflow points, etc.) and the surface slope.
Make sure the permeable pavement surface is even, runoff evenly spreads
across it, and the storage bed drains within 48 hours.
Ensure caps are placed on the upstream (but not the downstream) ends of the
Inspect the pretreatment structures (if applicable) to make sure they are
properly installed and working effectively.

Once the final construction inspection has been completed, log the GPS
coordinates for each facility and submit them for entry into the BMP
maintenance tracking database.It may be advisable to divert the runoff from
the first few runoff-producing storms away from larger permeable pavement
applications, particularly when up-gradient conventional asphalt areas drain to
the permeable pavement. This can help reduce the input of fine particles often
produced shortly after conventional asphalt is laid down.

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6.4Construction inspection
Inspections before, during and after construction are needed to ensure that
permeable pavement is built in accordance with these specifications. Use a
detailed inspection checklist that requires sign-offs by qualified individuals at
critical stages of construction and to ensure that the contractors interpretation of
the plan is consistent with the designers intent.
6.4.1Pre-construction meeting

Walk through site with builder/contractor/subcontractor to review erosion and

sediment control plan/stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP)

Determine when permeable pavement is built in project construction

sequence; before or after building construction and determine measures for
protection and surface cleaning

Aggregate material locations identified (hard surface or on geotextile)

6.4.2 Sediment management

Access routes for delivery and construction vehicles identified

Vehicle tire/track washing station location/maintenance (if specified in the

erosion and sediment control plan (SWPPP))

Ensure that the contributing drainage areas are stabilized and are not eroding

6.4.3 Excavation

Utilities should be located and marked by local service provider

The excavated area should be marked with paint and/or stakes

The excavation size and location should conform to the plan

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Excavation hole as sediment trap: The hole cleaned should be cleaned
immediately before sub-base stone placement and runoff sources with
sediment diverted away from the pavement or all runoff diverted away from
the excavated area.

Temporary soil stockpiles should be protected from run-on, run-off from

adjacent areas and from erosion by wind.

Ensure linear sediment barriers (if used) are properly installed, free of
accumulated litter, and built up sediment less than 1/3 the height of the barrier.

No runoff should enter the pavement until soils are stabilized in the area
draining to the pavement

Foundation walls should be waterproofed

Soil sub-grade: rocks and roots removed, voids should be refilled with base

Soil should be compacted to specifications (if required) and field tested with
density measurements per specifications

No groundwater seepage or standing water. If groundwater seepage is present,

dewatering and possibly a dewatering permit may be required.

6.4.4 Geotextiles

Must meet the design specifications

Sides of excavation should be covered with geotextile prior to placing

aggregate base/sub-base

Placement and down slope overlap (minimum of 2 feet) should conform to

specifications and drawings

No tears or holes should be present

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No wrinkles should be present and the fabric should be pulled taught and

6.4.5 Impermeable liners (if specified)

Must meet the specifications

Placement, field welding, and seals at pipe penetrations should be completed

per the design specifications

6.4.6 Drain pipes/observation wells

Size, perforations, locations, slope, and outfalls must meet specifications and

Verify the elevation of overflow pipes

Underdrains should be capped at upslope ends

6.4.7 Aggregates

Test results should conform to specifications

Aggregates should be spread (not dumped) with a front-end loader to avoid

aggregate segregation

Storage on hard surface or on geotextile to keep sediment-free

Thickness, placement, compaction and surface tolerances should meet

specifications and drawings

Once the final construction inspection has been completed, log the GPS
coordinates for each facility and submit them for entry into the local BMP
maintenance tracking database.

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In urbanized areas, we have been forced to deal with runoff water by building
large sewer systems that channel this water directly to lakes, rivers, and other surface
water rather than into the groundwater. Because of the toxins this runoff picks up as it
travels, expensive water purification systems are often built to clean the water before
it reenters the natural water cycle. As water runoff increases and is channeled to travel
in straight paths, a watershed community will find very serious impacts. In order to
overcome such and such inconveniences, an established permeable pavement allows:

Urban Heat Island Effect Reduction: Porous materials have less thermal

Conductivity and thermal capacity than traditional impervious pavement,

thereby reducing the urban heat island effect.
Quiet Streets: Porous surfaces absorb sound energy and dissipate air
pressure around tires before any noise is generated. Tire noise is lower in
loudness and pitch for a porous surface than a corresponding dense

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Trees: Permeable pavements may give urban trees the rooting space they
need to grow to full size. A "structural-soil" pavement base combines
structural aggregate with soil; a porous surface admits vital air and water to

Fig no.7: Protection for Trees

the rooting zone. This integrates healthy ecology and thriving cities, with
the living tree canopy above, the city's traffic on the ground, and living tree
roots below. The benefits of permeable on urban tree growth have not been
conclusively demonstrated and many researchers have observed tree
growth is not increased if construction practices compact materials before
permeable pavements are installed.

Winter Performance: Snow plow and deicing costs are reduced due to rapid
snow and ice melt drainage. Puddling and flooding on parking lots is also
reduced. And also imparts:

Reduction in erosion

Declined toxic load

Lesser sediment load
Presents pleasant temperature
Subjugation in flooding

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Seminar Report 2015-2016 Permeable
Upgrade in groundwater reserves
Renovated activity in feeder streams
Greater areas for habitat
Increasing fish populations
Erected surface water levels
More & better areas for recreation
Refreshing overall water quality

Reduced Runoff Borne Pollutants

Decrease in discharge to receiving waters

Diminution of Downstream pollution and flooding

Reduces effect of Seasonal deluge & drought

Desiccation of urban soils is reduced

soil shrinkage, foundation settlement is avoided

local loss of thermal mass is secured

loss of urban vegetation and associated benefits

Infiltration maintains the natural hydrology and biology of the watershed,

especially the headwaters. When infiltration is not allowed to occur, a small stream

may carry little or no water when it is not raining because there is so little stored
groundwater to provide continuous flow. This means that everyone that counted on
this stream for life, recreation, habitat, food, or water must find a new source.
Infiltration recharges water-bearing aquifers. It may take decades and sometimes
centuries for rain or snow melt to reach the deep layers of the earth from which many
private and municipal wells draw water for human consumption. However, that water
does come from the surface.

Diversion of surface waters eventually affects the quantity of ground waters.

Infiltration improves the quality of the water passing through. Earth, with its wetlands

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and soils, is the original and still the largest water filtration system around. Infiltration
protects recreational interests. As impervious areas increase, streams become "flashy",
which tends to erode stream banks, water levels drop significantly in the summer,
water temperature increases thereby reducing the variety of fish. Waters will also
likely have higher levels of pathogenic organisms and toxic chemicals. None of this
makes for good recreation and tourism. It protects downstream areas from flooding.
When headwater streams become "flashy" so do the next larger order of streams
below them, and the rivers below those. This results in more severe flooding.
Infiltration allows large quantities of water to be stored in the ground and released
slowly - long after the storm passes. The goal should be to emulate as much as
possible the natural stream and groundwater hydrology of your area. This means
retaining storm water runoff on site and provides for vegetative filtering before the
runoff reenters the watershed, thereby limiting the pollutants it has picked up. In
general, the more porous the soil, and the more heavily planted the landscapes, the
less water runs off and more infiltrates. The less porous the soil and the more hard
surfaces exist on the landscape, the more water runs off.

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Seminar Report 2015-2016 Permeable


Maintenance is a required and crucial element to ensure the long-term

performance of permeable pavement. The most frequently cited maintenance problem
is surface clogging caused by organic matter and sediment. Periodic street sweeping
will remove accumulated sediment and help prevent clogging; however, it is also
critical to ensure that surrounding land areas remain stabilized. The following tasks
must be avoided on all permeable pavements:
Power washing
Storage of mulch or soil materials
Construction staging on unprotected pavement.
It is difficult to prescribe the specific types or frequency of maintenance tasks
that are needed to maintain the hydrologic function of permeable pavement systems
over time. Typical maintenance tasks are outlined in Table: 8.The frequency of
maintenance will depend largely on the pavement use, traffic loads, and the
surrounding land use .One preventative maintenance task for large-scale applications
involves vacuum sweeping on a frequency consistent with the use and loadings
encountered in the parking lot. Many consider an annual, dry-weather sweeping in the
spring months to be important. The contract for sweeping should specify that a
vacuum sweeper be used that does not use water spray, since spraying may lead to
subsurface clogging.
When permeable pavements are installed on private residential lots, home-
owners will need to:
(1) Be educated about their routine maintenance needs and
(2) Understand the long-term maintenance plan. It is recommended that a qualified
professional conduct a spring maintenance inspection and cleanup at each permeable
pavement site, particularly at large-scale applications.
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Seminar Report 2015-2016 Permeable

Table 8: Maintenance
Frequency Maintenance Tasks
After installation For the first 6 months following
construction, the practice and CDA
should be inspected at least twice after
storm events that exceed 1/2 inch of
rainfall. Conduct any needed repairs or
Once every 12 months Mow grass in grid paver applications.
during the growing season
As needed Stabilize the contributing drainage
area to prevent erosion
Remove any soil or sediment
deposited on pavement.
Replace or repair any necessary
pavement surface areas that
are degenerating or spalling
24 times per year Vacuum pavement with a standard
(depending on use) street sweeper to prevent clogging.
Annually Conduct a maintenance inspection.
Spot weeding of grass applications.
Once every 23 years Remove any accumulated sediment
in pretreatment cells and inflow points.
If clogged Conduct maintenance using a
regenerative street sweeper.
Replace any necessary joint material.

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Seminar Report 2015-2016 Permeable

By stopping storm water from pooling and flowing away, porous paving can
help recharge underlying aquifers and reduces peak flows and flooding. That means
that streams flow more consistently and at cooler temperatures, contributing to
healthy ecosystems. Permeable pavers have been gaining popularity because of their
proven benefits such as reduced installation costs, increased water quality, decreased
storm water runoff, and prevention of soil erosion and flooding. The various
applications also mean that its possible to use them not only in one specific outdoor
area but in several areas in a property. They also eliminate the need to install costly
retention and drainage systems, while at the same time help property owners save on
pricey compliance regulations. All of these great benefits ultimately make permeable
pavers among the most preferred paving options in use today.

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Seminar Report 2015-2016 Permeable
1. Fassman. E & Blackbourn.S (2010),Urban Runoff Mitigation by a Permeable
Pavement System over Impermeable Soils, J. Hydrol. Engg, Vol: 15, Pg: 475485.

2. Brattebo.B.O& D. B. Booth (2003), "Long-Term Stormwater Quantity And Quality

Performance Of Permeable Pavement Systems." Water Research, Vol:37,
Pg: 4369-4376.

3.K.Tota,Maharaja,M.Scholz,T.Ahmed,(Nov14,2010)Environmental Technology ,
Vol: 31, No.14,Pg:1517-1531.

4. Ferguson, Bruce K., 2005, Porous Pavements, Boca Raton: CRC Press.

5. Vance Pool , (2005),Concrete Parking Areas Aren't White, They're Green, Spring
Concrete ,In Focus Magazine, NRMCA.

6. Qin.H,Li.Z And Fu.G. (Nov 2013). "The Effects Of Low Impact Development On
Urban Flooding Under Different Rainfall Characteristics." Journal Of Environmental
Management, Vol:10, Pg: 577-585.

7. Volder, A; Watson, Viswanathan (2009). "Potential Use of Pervious Concrete for

Maintaining Existing Mature Trees during and After Urban Development". Urban
For Urban Green;Vol: 8 (4), Pg: 249256.
8. Abc News, 140,000 Square Feet of 'Green Concrete' For the Glendale Park and Ride,
25March, 2008.
9. Understanding Pervious Concrete (December 2005), The Construction Specifier,
Pg: 41-49.
10.Kimberly Johnston, (March 2009),Pervious Concrete-past, present & Future,
Concrete Contractor, Pg:22-24.
11. Lance Frazer, (Jan 2006) Paving Paradise: The Peril of Impervious
Surfaces,Environ. Health Perspect. Vol: 114(1), Pg: 456A462.
12. Cappiello, Dina. "Report: EPA Failing to stop Sprawl Runoff." Seattle Times,
16 Oct, 2008.

Department of Civil Engineering. 37

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