Students' Impression To Oral Corrective Feedback
Students' Impression To Oral Corrective Feedback
Students' Impression To Oral Corrective Feedback
A Research Paper
Presented to Professor Neje Rose Rodriguez
as a Requirement for the subject
English 201(12:30-1:30)
Presented by:
Roachanne Sadaba
October 2015
assistance and support given by various individuals and entities. Thus, the
The 40- participative 2nd Year BTTE students for their time and perseverance to
To Ms. Decemie R. Aballe who gave us some useful ideas to make and conduct
To the family of the Researchers: Mr. and Mrs. Aballe; Mr. and Mrs. Sadava; Mr.
and Mrs. Villarba for their heartfelt support for both financial and spiritual.
To our Instructor for her advices and some insights as well as checking of our
And most especially to the Almighty Father who always gave us strengths to
continue our job and finished this research study with a full perseverance.
Definition of Terms 3
Survey Questionnaire 6
Graphical Presentation 8
Summary of Findings 11
Conclusion 11
Feedback is one of the important classroom activities for both teachers and
students where it works as a motivational tool by letting learners knows how they
are doing in class BobNsimba Fungula (2005). On this sense we all know that
feedback really exists on every classroom setting as a tool for the instructor to let
(2011:32) develops the idea and believed that feedback should be provided
But it must be clear for all that feedbacks are general term for responses
whether positive or negative. Corrective Feedback on the other hand refers to the
teachers signals to the learners to show that there is an error or mistakes that need
denotes that there is really an error or mistakes that should be modified whereas a
feedbacks we have both written corrective feedback and also the focus of this
for you to know that there is something wrong from what you are currently saying
and for that you need to stop your speech and listen for the instructors OCF.
From the investigation conducted by Schulz 2001 with regards to the oral
corrective errors for both US and Columbian Students, he knew through a survey
that both culture (the US and Cambodia) students believes that teachers are
expert knower whose role is to explain and provide feedback. Also he found out
that majority (94%-95% of the total student surveyed) for both US and
errors during classes knowing that they can learn through their mistakes.
However many scientific studies and surveys were sprouted dealing with the
different effects of OCF to the students. One of that is from Mohamed Elsaghayer,
who found out evidence about the psychological effect of feedbacks to the students.
Also the works of Karim & Ivy, 2011 and Ellis, 2008; Anusiene, 2012; and Allah
Brandt, tried to identifies the different effects of OCF into both mental and social
aspect of a student.
In the Philippine setting though, different studies were also observed and
tried to evaluate how this oral corrective feedback affects the Filipino students on
every school in general and specially on the tertiary level in particular. In part to this,
the study conducted by Magno and Amarles (2010) about Teachers Feedback
Practices shows how a student strive resilient to meet the demands of the course
and how they firmly struggle to contract with the practices of their instructors on
giving corrective feedbacks when they commit errors. It was then made clear from
their studies that a corrective feedback plays a vital role for students and it acts as a
In the local situation like here in the University of Mindanao Digos College
where the study will be conducted, the Researchers had interviewed some
instructors of the respondents (BTTE Instructors) on their major subjects and tried
to asked about how they handle their oral corrective feedback directly to their
students and also to what extent the effectiveness as well as the impact and
simply shows that there were really wrong from what you have spoken or done
orally by the teacher or instructor. Some of the important scene or events where
and even when the teacher is requiring you to stand up and say something.
have feedbacks which are given by the teacher on the paper where we are
working for example Essay, Informal Writing and any write ups that is really
need to be corrected.
point is not appropriate from what is expecting and being real from the sense.
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
This section presents the theories in which the study was moored;
1. Constructivism Theory
This theory addresses the idea of how learning actually occurs. The role of
teachers is very important. In this theory the function of the teachers is not to give
lectures but will act as facilitators whose vital role is to support the student when it
are required to continue in a conversation with his/her students and creates learning
experiences which will be open for a new knowledge to be learn by the learners and
because it believes that teacher provides assistance using oral and written
corrective feedback until the learner can become independent for his/her own self
exemplify a focus to the topic itself and to show a specific result from the respondents
either similar or different from the results of other research studies that were already
published all around the world. The full attention of this research covers the UM-
study like this which will try to know how the oral corrective feedback affects the
students and its impact to them. In addition to, according to Mc Glinn Manfra on his
propose to formalize the teachers inquiry to invest and leverage their insider
know earlier if not all some of the important teacher qualities to improve our teaching
strategies and limitations and will use and apply those things whenever we are in the
field of teaching. In relation to, according to Kit Field a Director of Education and a
Teachers can adapt it to fit the individual needs of their own pupils, but teachers are
accountable. The public must have faith in the profession and attitudes to
education vary across many social groups - so the performance of teachers can be
give teachers the tools to analyse and make informed decisions about their practice.
are guided with the limitations of our study not to extent by its purpose.
The respondents of this study are all enrolled 2nd Year BTTE students of the
University of Mindanao Digos College and it delimits the people and students other
1 = I strongly disagree
2 = I disagree nor disagree
3 = I neither agree
4 = I agree
5 = I strongly agree
Note: Kindly leave items whenever youre not sure with your answers.
(__) 1. I know that whenever my teacher corrected me, I have learnt a lot.
(__) 2. I know that the oral corrected feedback provided by my teacher for me is necessary
and helpful.
(__) 3. I hate my teacher whenever he/she corrected me while Im still delivering my answer.
(__) 8. I prefer to use what I have learn from the correction of my teacher for the next time that
I will answer.#
College. The tables/graphs below as shown are the surveys result being
a. I felt angry 0
b. I felt embarrassed 18.5%
c. I felt sorry 3%
d. I felt happy 13%
e. I felt satisfied 20%
f. I felt bothered 18.5%
g. I felt indifference 11.5%
h. I felt nervous 15.5%
TOTAL 100%
Table 1 simply shows the result of the survey conducted from 40 BTTE second
year students had undergone. Whats were going to do next is that we will
30% Strongly Agree
20% Agree
10% Neither Agree nor Dis agree
0% Dis agree
Strongly Dis agree
acquires the highest percentile equivalent is statement no. 1 with 85%.This statement
shows that the respondents believed on the usefulness of the oral corrected
feedback because through this they have learnt a lot. Second highest rank is
statement no. 8 with 78% agreed. This item tells on the effectiveness of OCF to the
students for them to realize by the next time they will answer. In general the
respondents believed that this oral corrected feedback is essential and helpful on
their part.
18.50% 20% 18.50%
13% 15.50%
20.00% 11.50%
0.00% 3%
0.00% 100%
In the question about how the students felt whenever they directly receive
the oral corrected feedback, the result as tabulated in the table 1 item no. 9 and
demonstrated in Figure 2 states that 20% out of 100 % felt satisfied whenever
they receive OCF from their teachers. It is followed by the equal percentile
equivalent for about 18.5% for both statements (I felt bothered: I felt
Embarrassed) and then the statements I felt nervous and I felt happy with
The result shows that respondents in majority did not oppose the idea of
teachers providing oral corrective feedback may need also to be aware on telling
and delivering their OCF towards their students for may it cause emotional
disruption to them.
40.00% 100%
12.50% 15%
20.00% 2.50%
Stop correcting You can say it Can you let me I know that I'm
me Mam to me finished not
With regards to the responses of the students towards the oral corrective
feedback of their teachers, the data as shown in Table 1 item no. 10 and was
graphically presented in Figure 3 shows that 70% or nearly of the total surveyed
believed in the sense that they are not perfect so providing OCF is okay for them.
But the second highest percentage is the statement no.3 or Can you let me
finished first? with 15%; this statement give us the idea that the time of providing
OCF must also be known better and perhaps delivering oral corrective feedback
The respondents believe that the oral corrective feedbacks are helpful and
Majority of the 2ND BTTE students find oral corrective feedback as a helpful
For the respondents they prefer to use the oral corrective feedback provided
by their teacher for the next time that they will answer.
The respondents had shown different emotional feedback towards OCF but
The good thing about the respondents is the fact that they are not perfect so
One of the main objectives of this research study is to find, discuss and
analyse how the respondents (the 40,2nd Year BTTE students) react to the oral
corrective feedback provided by their teachers. With regards to that, and based on
the data provided by this research study as illustrated above, we the researchers
First, we noticed during the conduction of the survey that the respondents
(40 -2nd BTTE Students in UMDC) acquired greater time on answering the survey
written there. On this sense we have realized how the students deeply scrutinized
and evaluated each questions to have a realistic survey. Second, based on the
data, we have found out that more or greater percentage value was taken by the
students who satisfactorily considered the OCF as an important tool for them.
Though some students answered merely for Dis agreeing, we still believed that they
on Figure 2 about the feelings of the students whenever receiving OCF, it shows
that majority of them had shown satisfaction and because of that we have seen
But aside from the satisfactory findings we would like also to commend
some negative impact of results based on the survey. It shows that the respondents
were giving their preferences about the time of delivering the oral corrective
feedback. They prefer no interruption while they are still speaking. Maybe on our
part as a student also, it can cause more emotional disruption; besides according to
Marion Grobb Finkelstein on her column Why People interrupt (and what to
It was made clear then by this research study that the Impact of Oral
Corrective Feedback to the respondents; the 2nd BTTE Students of the University is
Educational Background:
Educational Background:
Educational Background: