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JURNAL KEJURUTERAAN AWAM (JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING) Vol. 14 No, 1, 1998 Design and Performance of Tubular Steel Scaffolding Mohd Hanim Osman, Ph.D A Aziz Saim, Ph.D & Mahmood Md Tahir, Ph.D Department of Structures and Materials Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti ‘Teknologi Malaysia ABSTRACT ‘Some structural design concepts of tubular stee! scaffolding are presented herein. Factors that are considered in the design are loading condition, basic structural clement, bracing, foundation and ancillary fittings. Emphasis is given to the use ‘of modular frame scaffoldings according to the standards in some countries. Finally, the result of system performance test on a typical modular frame scaffolding system produced locally is presented. ‘The results shows that the frame system has high buckling oad capacity and complies with the standard specification, INTRODUCTION Scaffold falsework is defined as any temporary structure used to support a permanent structuce during its erection and until it becomes self-supporting, The main emphasis in the construction of a scaffolding structure is to ensure stability of the structure and what it supports, If scaffolding collapse, it can result in death or injury. In the United Kingdom the standards used for the construction of scaffolding is BS 1139:1982,1990 and 1991. Scopes covered in the standards are specifications for couplers and fittings for tubular scaffolding, specification for steel and aluminium tube and specification for prefabricated steel tube scaffolding. Other standards used for scaffolding are $S280:1984 (Singapore), JIS A8951:1985 Gapan) and AS/NZS 1576.3:1995 (Australia and New Zealand) which cover (0128.0147/98 Faculty of Gil Engineering, UTM. osonly prefabricated tubular steel scaffolding systems. In Malaysia, the standard for scaffolding has been drafted by a committee set up under The Standard Institute of Research and Industries Malaysia (SIRIM), In the development of any scaffolding systems, the overall and local structural behaviour of the constructed scaffolding is to be analysed. For tubular steel scaffolding, the design is based on standard steel design guide such as BS 5950: The Use of Structural Steel in Building. The general concept of scaffolding design is presented herein. Prefabricated seaffolding systems have been widely used in Malaysia therefore, a large Proportion of the new standard had been based on version of the previous Standard, In the process of developing the new standard, tests on mechanical strength of each part have been carried out in SIRIM. The structural behaviour of the erected scaffolding has been cartied out in the structures laboratory, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, The result of the test is presented in this paper. FORMS OF SCAFFOLDING When considering the various structural forms employed in the design of a scaffold, it is convenient to subdivide scaffolds into two types — support (falsework) and access Support ~ one of the most common requirements is to provide an elevated Platform capable of supporting a specified load over a specified area (Figure 12). Access ~ for this form of scaffold there are three main design approaches: i) An independent self-supporting structure erected adjacent to the permanent structure, and usually tied to it for lateral. stability (Figure 1b) ii) Putlog scaffold which rest partly on the permanent structure and obtains essential lateral stability from it (Figure 1c) iif) Cantilever scaffold which bears entirely on and cantilevers, hangs ‘or spans from the permanent structures. DESIGN PRINCIPLES The principles describe below are applicable to all tube and fittings scaffold Structures and should be followed by the designer with respect to any particular case. 65Loading Loads on scaffolds should be calculated with as much care as for permanent structures because, although they may be applied for relatively short periods, their magnitude is often very great compared to its self weight. Types of load to be considered are: 1) Steadily applied loads - scaffold self-weight, dead load of permanent structures, equivalent unit load intensity for access and working load, wind load, and thermal loads, 2) Dynamic load (impact, surge, vibration), pouring of wet concrete, movement of plant and vehicles. ‘The determination of these loads is a matter of goneral engineering design procedure, According to BS 1139: Part 5: 1990: Metal Scaffolding, equivalent uniformly distributed load is between 0.75 Nim” for Class 1 to 6.0 kN/m for Class 6. For operational work (brickwall, plastering, ete.) which is of Class 4 ot 5, the equivalent uniformly distributed Ioad dl is in the range of 3.0 KN/m’. An example of this load is due to the weight of 1 man, mortar and 200 bricks. ‘The load due to wind is converted into a pressure acting on the effective area of the scaffold which is defined as the projected area of the scaffold. In BS 1139, the maximum design wind pressure is 770 N/m* and the working wind pressure js 200 N/m*. For the maximum design wind pressure, the wind pressure per unit length acting on a 48.4 mm diameter tubular pipe can be taken as 37.0 Nim. Basic structural element Several types of scaffold tube are used and may take the form of straight lengths, which are joined together by couplers, or may be component members joined together by patented attachments. ‘Typical types of swivels are shown in Figure 2. The main material in use is mild steel and the general tube specification regarding dimensions and quality may be found in BS 1775: Steel tubes for mechanical, structural and general engineering purposes and BS 1139: Section 1.1: 1990: Specification for steel mbes. Normally it is specified that the yield stress should be greater than 235 N/mm’ ‘The safe strut loads can be based on the Perry-Robertson formula as used in BS 5950: The Use of Structural Steel in Building: Part 1, which is simplified in Table 27 of the standard. A factor of safety 2.0 is used to give the allowable axial Joad on struts. For 48.4 mm outer diameter and 4.06 mm thickness tubular steel, the safe strut load for 1.8 m effective length is equal to 36.5 KN, assuming grade 43 mild steel with Modulus Yong, E=206 kN/mm’ 66For the safe load calculation on horizontal tube, reference can be made to Clause 42 in BS 5950. For the 48.4 mm nominal diameter tube, the safe central point toad for a tube used as ledger or transom of 1.2 m length is 3.6 KN. However, excessive deflections could result from these loads on longer spans, therefore the maximum safe load should be checked with the maximum limit of deflection at mid-span of simply supported tubes. Nodes Where a number of tubes converge at a node point, the degree of eccentricity should be minimised in order to avoid excessive eccentricity and bending in the tube. For example, for tube A in Figure 3, in X and Y axes, 7.07 sin 45° x2 x75 - (5x75) = 375kNm Mu 7.07 cos 45° x 2.x 75 750 kNm My = 840kNm Maximam bending moment It is slightly greater the moment resistance of normal tube with 48.4 mm diameter, ic. 810 kNm. This simple analysis shows that with slightly greater eccentricity, the transverse node tube could be overstressed. Bi structural form Most scaffold structures are three dimension space frames with partial continuity at nodes of unknown characteristic. For practical design purposes, most scaffold structures may be analysed as two-dimensional pin-jointed frames, but only taking account of bending moments in members loaded as beams and due to eccentric Ioad at the couplers. ‘There are two basic structural forms to be designed. i) Fully braced space frame with non-parallel members and loads acting in any direction (Figure 4a). This module is fully statically indeterminate and all members may be loaded, ii) Partially braced rectangular lattice where loads are acting on one directional only, and are the most commonly used (Figure 4b). Only few members are loaded and the remainder provides nominal stabilising forces against lateral instability. Only alternate panels are cross-braced, 67Diagonal braci i Jn the case of multi-directional forces acting on a space frame, the diagonal member forces can be calculated. But under uniditectional loading, the magnitude of the forces in that bracing is often made arbitrarily by way of justification. ‘The 1974 Interim Report of the Bragg Committee suggests that the force in the diagonal member is obtained from the relationship between the brace force, the strut load, the brace inclination and the strut deviation from trie. The strut deviation is reasonably assumed as 1.5°. In another simple approach, a lateral restraint force is assumed as 2.5 percent of the force in the strut. ‘The brace force F would become (P/40) sec or where P is the strut load and a is the angle of the diagonal member. ‘This gives F = P/28 for a= 45°. If the brace strength F is 6.0 KN, therefore P= 28 x 6 = 168 KN. However, one brace is usually sufficiently strong to stabilise a number of struts, This means that if the strut load is 30 KN each, one diagonal member (see Figure 5) can brace five struts. Bracing for side thrust Figure 6 shows a typical load condition for a free standing rectangular lattice scaffold braced to resist side thrust such as could be caused by wind pressure, In order to avoid too high a force build-up, it may be necessary to add another bracing as shown. (Figure 6b). Foundation ‘The principles of normal foundation engineering and soil mechanics must applied to scaffolds as for permanent structures, but there are certain foundation design problems peculiar to scaffolding which should be mentioned here: 1) Founding on fill - ground as low as 25 kN/m? should be used to. avoid settlement atthe base. 2). Use of timber base or concrete blinding or both is preferred to ensure g00d overall bearing 3) Tension foundation - it is sometimes necessary to provide resistance to incline or vertical uplift. 4) Foot ties - Feet of standards should be interconnected by tubes in ‘wo orthogonal directions to prevent lateral movement. 8Fittings and ancillary Base: ‘The purpose of the base fitting (Figure 7a) is to transmit axial thrust from the end of a tube onto a bearing surface and at the same time spread the thrust over an area such that the contact pressure is reduced considerably. Adjustable base is used where a scaffold bears onto an uneven or sloping site. A safe working load of 65 KN is normally required by standards. For this requirement, the threads must be smooth acting and robust, usually either Whitworth or Acme. Forkhead: The purpose of the forkhead (Figure 7b) is to transmit load onto the top of a scaffold tube standard. The maximum load, W, may be calculated for a strut of diameter _d and effective length 2L subject to axial load W and bending. moment We where e is an eccentricity due to a possible angular and positional misalignment. Hop-up bracket: ‘The bracket is fixed to the scaffold in order to provide an additional platform support (Figure 7c). The main point to check when using the ancillary is thet it does not, owing t0 its eccentric loading, overstress the standard by the action of the horizontal force component at its bottom connection, Example on loading calculation It is required to provide a steel independent access scaffold for purpose of construction of a multi-storey 124 m high office building (Figure 8). The height of one storey is 3 meter and the scaffold lift heights required are 2m. The top six lifts are required for column and beam shutter erection and siripping, concreting and cladding operations. It is required to check the total load transferred to each standard if there are three standards per group at the bottom lifts, Maximum load per standard group may be calculated as follows: We We + No) SH + nH + 2p + a] vamos Np) 40.15 wy BDN, + nN, We where, We unit weight of tube 43 kg/m We weight per coupler (average) 2kg H lift height 2m B cle of standard longitudinally 21m 9D = cle of standardtransversly = 1.2m N. number of lifts = 124/2 2 No number of loaded lifts 6 Wo uniformly distributed deck load = 220 kg/m? n number of standards per standard group W = -4,3(6246){(1.543)2 + 0.67(1.2) + 2.1] + 3(2)(6246) +0.75(220 x 2.1 x 1.26) +62x2%3 = 6755 kg. ‘The load per standard is therefore 6755/3 = 2251 kg. This load is to be checked with the maximum safe strut load of the tube. Further checks can be carried out at higher loads to ascertain where the triple standard can be reduced to double and so on MODULAR TUBULAR SCAFFOLD SYSTEMS There is a multitude of systems whereby various metal (steel or aluminurn alloy) components are linked together , usually without the aid of usual couplers, to provide a structure which would replace a normal tube and fittings scaffold. ‘These systems offer a direct requirement to the tube and fittings scaffold Because in general the normal tube coupler is omitted, considerable erection time may be saved which is an advantage for short life scaffolds. Modular components fit together simply and quickly and provided the base is correctly lined and leveled, the scaffold needs little further setting out or plumbing because of its modular nature, Frame and brace system (Fig. 9) is the most commonly available system consists of two basic components: a) The welded tubular frame which fits via spigots one onto another and which may be obtained in a large variety of shapes and sizes. Bach unit consists of a pair of standards or vertical tubes of about 48 mm diameter (2 in, nominal) mild steel and thickness of between 2 t0 4 mm, connected by a horizontal member and stiffened by reinforcement members to make ita rigid frame. b) The cross brace which usually consists of two length of light angle ‘or tube pivoted at mid Tength and provided with holes at the ends which fit over studs with quick-locking devices projecting from the legs of the frames. 70Standard specification of steel frame scaffolding ‘The national standard specification for steel frame scaffolding is being drafted by the Standard Writing Organisation (SWO) technical committee of the Malaysian Tron and Steel Industry Federation (MISIF) for the Standard Industries and Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM). The commitice is represented by government deparments, universities and steel fabricators. Tn preparing the standard, the technical committee appreciated the fact that there are various designs of frame scaffolding, Taking into consideration the conditions existing in Malaysia, reference was made to Singapore Standard for Frame Scaffolding, SS280-1984 which adopt frame and brace system, Dimension and performance requirement of frame scaffold components is given in the standard as shown in Table J. The term used is illustrated in Figure 10, which is not regarded as part of the specification. The frame scaffolding and its components shall meet the performance requirement of the table when tested in accordance with the standard. The dimension of the frame and bracing member are specified in a way so that it capable of supporting load of 40 m high scaffolding frame with one lift loaded with 220 KN/m*. able | Dimensional and performance requirements of frame scaffolding Menba || Const pat Dine Trier oie (eam erica me [standart and arizona | 42.71 2. |Vericl detection under 9.8 kN = 10a mat Rentrconetmenber | 27212. |compresine reg of ana» 73 4 in. [cross brace pia 140 [for .8 mand 8K oc igh han 1.8.m height [Gr base Brae member FT nz [Compress arengy 73 wae ing in 15 _ |Stengih of hing pa = 5 88AN minimars Fecal fee ae ETAT |Wereal dtecton = 10m ma [Trasere member | 3402.3 Bendingstongs =49 3N in siping or nok 20 [Canal [Catwalk mentar ——] $00. 02 [Vernal dcccion = [ova ending strength = (width nm x 00108) RN min tem aro 80 _| searing stengh width nm x 0.0352) kN in, [Base pae —[srank [Compressive eng = 59.8 7 Beste 0x40 pace funder sweat p= TO a a 64 (08998) Patou wale Fensleandcompressvesmsgih= C565 ENPERFORMANCE TEST OF STEEL FRAME SCAFFOLDING ‘System performance tests of steel frame scaffoldings have been conducted in the Heavy Structures Laboratory, Facalty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, ‘The tests were conducted on two scaffolding frame samples, each of Huatraco Sdn Bhd and Jashin Sdn Bhd. Three bay by three lift frame scaffolding for the test (Fig. 11) is subject to a load which represents the weight of 24 lifts (to the height of 40 m) with one loaded lift. Bracings were provided to ensure that the loading jack which was seeured at the top of the column through a pair of beam remained in its original position uring load increment, There were six points for deflection measurement - each measured at mid-ift in longitudinal and transverse directions. Deflections of standards were measured by displacement transducers fixed on an independent stand, "Pwo tests have been conducted on each sample namely, stiffness test and strength test. In each test, load was increased at a rate of 1.0 KN per minute from zero to the maximum test load specified in the standard. ‘The maximum Toad was then maintained for 15 minutes before unloading. Dead load per-bay for 40 m high scaffolding (due to mainframe, coupling pin, catwalk, cross bracing, arm lock, steel net, and wall joint is 2007 kg, while the working load on one loaded lift is 220 x 1.218 x 1.83 = 490.4 kg. For the stiffness test, the test load is (2007 + 1.5 x 490.4) = 2743 kg. For the strength test, the test load is 2007 + 490.4) x 2= 4995 kg. ‘The load factors LS and 2.0 are as specified in the standard. For the stiffness test, the standard specifies that, the residual deflection upon unloading should not greater than 80% of the respective maximum deflection. For the sfrength test, itis specified that the residual deflection should not greater than 80% of the respective maximum deflection. In both tests, all the samples tested met the standard requirements. Ultimate load test was then carried out on the sample. The ultimate load, i... when excessive buckling observed was around 75 KN. Figure 12 shows one of the scaffolding frame systems with the buckled vertical frame. The ultimate load capacity per individual frame is 80.0 kN as specified in the standard, which as been achieved in the test conducted by the Standard Industry and Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM). Since in this test, three frames were stacked one ‘on each other and only connected by pin joint, it was expected that the ultimate buckling load would be much lower. However, the test results showed that the systems have high buckling load capacity. The strength is due to the stiffness of the joints and the cross bracing members, 2CONCLUSIONS Some basic considerations for the design of tubular scaffolding and tests on frame scaffolding have been presented. Although modular frame scaffolding system is more widely used in construction, the basic principles of design may be used as a refereitce such as in the design of timber scaffolding. Since the specification being developed by the standardisation authority is for frame and brace modular system, it is recommended that fabricators should produce this type of design. Tests on components and the assembled system have indicated complicity of typical specimens with the drafted standard. REFERENCES [1] Brand, R. E., Falsework and Access Scaffolds in Tubular Steel MacGraw Hill, 1975. 2] Doughty, R.. Scaffolding, Longman Scientific and Technical,1986. [3] British Standard 1139: Section 1.1, Specification for steel tube, 1990. {4] British Standard 1139: Part 1:1, Metal Scaffolding, 1990. [5] 88280, Specification for Steel Frame Scaffolding, 1984 [6] AS/NZS 1576.3, Part 3, Prefabricated and tube-and-coupler scaffolding, 1995. [7] Specification for Steel Frame Scaffolding, final draft of Malaysian Standard, 1997, [8] Osman, MH, System Performance Test For Frame Scaffolding, Test Report submitted to MISIF, May 1997.Figure 1. Basie access scaffolds om Figure 3, Eecenticity of tubes ata node point 74Figure 6, Forces in bracing due to side thrust 15o> SY (@) Adjustable leg ie LS Standard (©) Bracket (b) Forkhead Figure 7, Fittings and ancillary 76n Figure 9. Typical braced frames po 5 j o # ne_ Armiack Horizontal member senda 4 (wentical be wert Adjustable base 2 plac SS Figure 11 System performance test on framed scaffoldingultimate ‘The buckled vertical frame at Figure 12
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