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Instructional Project 4-Lesson Plan-Rgunduz

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Daily Lesson Plan

Unit: 7

Subject: Turkish - Level 2

Grade: 7th

Topic: Foods and Beverages (Yiyecekler ve iecekler)

Lesson Plan Type: Direct instruction

Teacher: Mr. GUNDUZ

Date: 06/12/2017

Timeline of Lesson: 90 minutes

Modifications/Differentiated Instruction as follows:

ESL Support GT Support SPED/504 Support

*Peer pairing *Challenging words *Extra time
*Clarification *Independent study *Peer pairing
*Use of dictionary *Advanced resources *Checks for understanding
*Check for understanding *Differentiated products *Clarified vocabulary
*Supplemental aids *Choices of books *Use of dictionary
*Acceleration *Small group
*Higher level thinking *Material broken in small
*Open ended questions segments
Key Vocabulary Materials Anticipatory Set

Day 1-Monday: Day 1-Monday: Day 1-Monday:

zeytin Textbook, Ask the class to raise
Reel workbook, their hands to say
Bal audio files, their favorite foods
Omlet Handouts, or beverages
orba dictionary, Read a short
Pilav power point presentation, passage and ask
Kfte projector, them to say which
Kebap composition notebook, foods and beverages
Balk pen/pencil. they hear in the
Salata passage.

Day 1-Monday: Day 1-Monday: (1C) Use strategic learning

(1A) Engage in oral and written exchanges techniques such as concept mapping, drawing,
including providing and obtaining information memorizing, comparing, contrasting, and
expressing preferences & feelings and reviewing to acquire basic and grade-level
exchanging ideas and opinions. vocabulary.

(1C) Present information, concepts, and ideas [1B]monitor oral and written language
on a variety of topics to listeners and readers. production and employ self-corrective
techniques or other resources.
(4B) Use the language at the advanced
proficiency level to demonstrate [1F]use accessible language and learn new and
understanding of the concept of culture. essential language in the process

[3A] use resources (that may include [2E]use visual, contextual, and linguistic
technology) in the language and cultures support to enhance and confirm
being studied to gain access to information understanding of increasingly complex and
elaborated spoken language
[4A] demonstrate an understanding of the
nature of language through comparisons of [2H]understand implicit ideas and information
the student's own language and the language in increasingly complex spoken language
studied commensurate with grade-level learning

Content Objective(s): I CAN Statements Language Objective(s): I CAN Statements

(posted in the class) (posted in the class)

Day 1-Monday: Day 1-Monday:

I can write and say the correct I can connect Turkish-English
name of the foods and beverages vocabulary by the use of a
in the target language. bilingual dictionary.
I can read and understand simple
recipe in the target language. I can learn new language
I can use vocabulary related to a structures, expressions, and basic
content and academic vocabulary heard
I can make simple recipe by during classroom instruction and
checking the vocabularies or interactions.
reading short passage. Students can use the sentence
frame in the target language:
I like....... (name of foods or
beverages )
Lesson Components:
Instructional Delivery Guided Practice Independent Practice
(Whole Group Instruction) ( Guided/Small Group Instruction) ( Monitored Independent Work
Day 1-Monday:Students Day 1-Monday:Students will Day 1-Monday: Students
will learn name of the foods make group of four. Each group will work an assignment on
and beverages and they will will have pictures of the foods Google Classroom. They
have a vocabulary activities and beverages. They will create a should complete Quizlet
which includes target role-playing with their group. One Assignment. Link will be
vocabularies. And they will of group member will be provided by teacher and
have some practices foods waitress/waiter. Other group students need to study on
and beverages in Turkish. members will order their food by Flashcard, Learn, Spell and
using target vocabularies. Test section under the Foods
Lesson will be presented Waiter/Waitress will serve correct and Beverages.
with handouts, workbook, pictures of foods and beverages.
Chrome book, graphs, Learners will master
textbook, video/audio, Group Activity rubric will be knowledge of cultural
questions, and the lecturing provided by teacher. Total scores aspects when engaged in
of the teacher to assure of this assignment is 100 points. class activity /practice
learning and retention. assignments; students will
Target Time: have the opportunity to
Each group has 5 minutes reflect about the topic
Target Time: presented demonstrating
Presentation: 15 minutes Total time for this activity: 25 their understanding and
minutes. learning on their
Practice/Vocabulary independent/ group
Activities: 20 minutes assignment as well as on
their assigned
Total Time: 35 minutes homework/project/oral
presentations. Help,
guidance and clarification
will be offered at all times to
assure knowledge and
promote retention.

Total time for assignment:

30 minutes
Formative Assessment
Guided/Small Group Independent Practice
Whole Group Instruction Instruction:
Quizlet Assignment will be
Check for understanding Students work will graded as vocabulary
Ask the meaning of the be grading based on activity.
vocabularies the Group activity
Give feedback during rubric for this
vocabulary activity activity. (100 points) Flashcards(25 points)
Give feedback after
group activity Learn (25 points)
Spell (25 points)
Vocabulary Test(25 points)
(Total :100 points)

Day 1-Monday: 3, 2, 1 ticket- Students will record three things he or she learned from the lesson, two
things that they found interesting and one question they still have about the content.

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