Instructional Project 4-Lesson Plan-Rgunduz
Instructional Project 4-Lesson Plan-Rgunduz
Instructional Project 4-Lesson Plan-Rgunduz
Unit: 7
Grade: 7th
Date: 06/12/2017
(1C) Present information, concepts, and ideas [1B]monitor oral and written language
on a variety of topics to listeners and readers. production and employ self-corrective
techniques or other resources.
(4B) Use the language at the advanced
proficiency level to demonstrate [1F]use accessible language and learn new and
understanding of the concept of culture. essential language in the process
[3A] use resources (that may include [2E]use visual, contextual, and linguistic
technology) in the language and cultures support to enhance and confirm
being studied to gain access to information understanding of increasingly complex and
elaborated spoken language
[4A] demonstrate an understanding of the
nature of language through comparisons of [2H]understand implicit ideas and information
the student's own language and the language in increasingly complex spoken language
studied commensurate with grade-level learning
Day 1-Monday: 3, 2, 1 ticket- Students will record three things he or she learned from the lesson, two
things that they found interesting and one question they still have about the content.