D D Assassin Class
D D Assassin Class
D D Assassin Class
By Rodney Thompson
Assassins embrace shadow magic and pledge a shard of their souls to the Shadowfell to gain their power.
By replacing a fundamental part of themselves with a dark reflection, they can manifest that piece of shadow
to accomplish incredible things. The infusion of shadow magic allows assassins to identify weak points in an
opponents defenses so that with a few moments of study they can reduce the stoutest enemies to corpses.
An assassin usually keeps his or her profession a secret, since few trust those who regularly deal in
death. Assassins guilds provide some measure of protection, especially in those regions where the study of
shadow magic and assassination as an art form are banned.
As an assassin, you are an outcast. You traded away a part of your soul for the power of death, and
only the most-loyal companions accept your skills into their midst. Whatever drew you onto the assassins
path, you are an avatar of death. You become a trained killer from whom few can escape unharmed.
The type of assassin you can create with this article is the executioner.
Martial and Shadow Striker: Your sense of timing, skill with weapons, and ability to use the shadows as
a weapon allow you to strike with lethal effect against an unsuspecting foe. You even mix in some
shadow magic when appropriate.
Key Abilities: Dexterity, Charisma
Executioners are more than just assassins for hire. When someone wants to send a message through an
assassination, an executioner arranges the death in such a way that the message is delivered with
maximum effectiveness. This might mean the quiet poisoning of a crooked merchant to warn other
merchants to deal fairly, or it could be a public execution of a tyrannical noble, meant to frighten the leaders
of an area into treating the common folk more humanely. Though many executioners perform these deeds at
the request of a third party, others might do what they do in order to accomplish personal goals related to
battling evil or enforcing justice.
Executioners rely on their effectiveness as both infiltrators and assassins to get the job done. They dabble in
hadow magic, which lets them walk through walls, create artificial shadows, and craft illusions to hide their
intrusion into secure areas.
They also master the art of poison use, giving them the ability to strike at enemies both directly and
Adventuring executioners tend to perform their assassinations in the pursuit of the goals of their fellow
adventurers, using such killings to influence the partys allies and enemies. An executioner stands as a
capable warrior, even when not performing an assassina-tion. This quality makes the executioner an
invaluable member of an adventuring party that frequently finds itself immersed in conflict.
Executioner Traits
Hit Points: You start with hit points equal to 12 + your Constitution score.
You gain 5 each time you gain a level.
Bonuses to Defenses: +1 to Fortitude, +1 to Will
Healing Surges per Day: 7 + your Constitution modifier
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather; light shield
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple onehanded melee, military one-handed melee, garrote, simple ranged,
blowgun, bola, shortbow
Implement Proficiencies: Ki focuses
Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Arcana (Int), Athletics (Str), Bluff (Cha), Endurance (Con), Insight (Wis),
Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Streetwise (Cha), Thievery (Dex)
Trained Skills: Stealth, plus four more from the list of class skills.
Creating an Executioner
This section walks you through the steps of creating an executioner. As you make choices at each step,
consider how those choices relate to your characters personal-ity, history, and goals.
Consult the three class tables, one for each tier of play, for a summary of what you gain as you
advance in level.
Assassins Guild
When you create your assassin, you must choose which guild you belong to. The executioner assassin
has a choice between the Red Scales and the League of Whis-pers, though your Dungeon Master might
substitute his or her own guild names and descriptions for these. Your choice of guild determines some of
your weapon profi-ciencies and the kinds of special attack techniques you learn throughout your career.
Red Scales This order of assassins works to keep society in balance. If any organization grows
too powerful, too corrupt, too wealthy, or too vile, the Red Scales weigh and measure the members of
that organization and then col-lect a payment that they are owed in blood. Though one might call the
Red Scales idealists, none can say what truly drives them. Rumors abound that this guilds Grandfather
of Assassins is touched by some planar entity. They say that his eyes are orbs of golden fire, a feature
he gained, along with his new policies, only after he returned from a journey to the distant East.
League of Whispers The very existence of this guild of execution-ers is often dismissed as
myth or urban legend. The League of Whispers keeps its membership a secret. Although individual
members might be known as assassins, their association with the guild is rarely more than a matter of
speculation for nonmembers. The league keeps its existence a mystery by executing anyone who
discovers the truth. The order holds secret meetings once every full moon, where the members
converge to discuss jobs, trade secrets and tricks, and receive orders from their Grandfather of
Choose your race. Drow, human, and revenant make good choices for an executioner.
Drow Perhaps no race is better suited for the role of executioner than the drow. Not only do the drows
racial bonuses to Dexterity and Charisma match the executioners ability score preferences, the races
cloud of darkness power is extremely useful in sowing confusion, providing cover, and warding off interfer-
ence. Additionally, the drow racial bonuses to Intimidate and Stealth can provide the executioner with the
ability to bully people out of his or her way or to avoid them entirely.
As a drow assassin, you can let your experience in the Underdark guide the way in which you perform
your duties. You might prefer to stick to the shadows, leav-ing public assassinations to others. You might
work only at night, giving you an advantage over the surface-dwelling races that are all but blinded by the
darkness. Furthermore, you probably have some experience in the cutthroat world of drow politics, so you
might tend to seek out targets who have significant political strength or whose death could serve as the
trigger for a significant shift in political power.
Drow assassins often worship the Raven Queen, the god of fate and death. Exe-cutioners directly serve
the Raven Queen every time they perform an assassination by sending another soul into her domain. Many
even believe that they are the Raven Queens weapons in the world and that she moves them around like
playing pieces on a game board. Other drow executioners worship Sehanine for her con-nection to the
moon and night, the time when executioners flourish.
Human Human executioners are among the most common assassins in existence, both because of the
sheer number of humans in the world as well as the versatility that humans display (a trait executioners
need in order to succeed and survive). Use the races ability score bonus to boost Dexterity. The extra skill
is useful for expanding the scope of your talents; training in Bluff might get you past gate guards, or
Thievery might disable traps on the magistrates windows.
When you play a human executioner, consider how your races penchant for ver-satility and ambition
played into your decision to become an assassin. Perhaps you were recruited at a young age, an orphan
snatched off the street by a guild of assas-sins and given training in a wide variety of weapons and
assassination techniques. Alternatively, you might have been a simple thug who dabbled in shadow magic
or the use of poisons before you were wooed into an assassins guild with promises of wealth and power.
Maybe you simply saw a way to put your talent for killing to good use and began advancing through the
ranks of your assassins guild with your eyes set on the position of Grandfa-ther Assassin.
Human executioners are usually adherents
of the Raven Queen, guided to do her bidding
through the touch of shadow magic they
possess. Some human execution-ers worship
Erathis, particularly her aspect of civilization;
these rare individuals turn their weapons on
any that threaten the strength of a civilization,
such as insurgents and rebels who try to break
the bonds of society.
Revenant Revenants have the combination of implacability and physical prowess needed to flour-ish
as executioners.
To accomplish whatever task
returned the revenant to life, the
skills and powers of an executioner
might be just the edge required to
get the job done. The touch of
shadow already inherent within the
revenants returned form blends and
combines perfectly with the shadow
magic employed by the executioner.
Revenants most often follow the Raven Queen, because the Lady of Fate is often the source of their
return to the natural world. Whether willingly or unwillingly, a revenant must complete the tasks set before
him or her by the Raven Queen, for the goals of death cannot be long denied.
Ability Scores
Determine your ability scores, remembering that an executioner is best served by a superior Dexterity score.
You use Dexterity to make your weapon attacks; a steady hand and quick reflexes help you exploit an
enemys weaknesses. Because you rely on stealth to evade guards and other obstacles, you also need a
good Dexterity to boost your Armor Class and skill checks.
Charisma helps you deceive and distract your foes, so you also want to have a high score in this ability.
The Bluff and Streetwise skills in particular can be cru-cial when you must throw an enemy off your trail.
You increase two ability scores of your choice by 1 each when you reach cer-tain levels: 4th, 8th, 14th,
18th, 24th, and 28th. In addition, all your ability scores increase by 1 at 11th and 21st levels.
Your other ability scores can help shape your characters background and interests. If you have a solid
Strength score, you are likely the kind of assassin who leaps from rooftop to rooftop, clambers over walls,
and uses physical ability to get close to your foes. If you have a good Wisdom score, you might instead be a
more thoughtful and studious executioner, one who likes to spend hours and days study-ing a target before
striking with lethal precision.
At 1st level, you have training in Stealth. In addition, you choose four more trained skills from the following
list of class skills: Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Bluff, Endurance, Insight, Intimidate, Perception, Streetwise,
and Thievery.
For an executioner, each skill represents a tool that can be used when the time is right. Executioners
have many different skill needs, depending on the situation. Sometimes they need to be secretive and
silent, while at other times they need to be cunning and street smart. It benefits an executioner to have a
wide range of skills so that any situation can be dealt with swiftly without disrupting the plan.
Your skills help describe your preferred assassination methods. An executioner who has training in
Acrobatics and Athletics might have spent his formative years dashing across rooftops and might now
specialize in second-story intrusions and assassinations in a targets lair. Alternatively, an executioner
with training in Bluff and Streetwise might be a master of blending in. Such assassins spend years learn-
ing the mannerisms and habits of a variety of different cultures so that they can range far and wide in the
pursuit of a target.
Choose one feat at 1st level. You gain an additional feat at every even-numbered level, plus a feat at
11th and 21st levels.
Feats from the quick reaction category are a good choice for reflecting the execu-tioners ability to
react and move quickly in any unexpected situation. Similarly, feats from the weapon training category
can give the assassin an edge in combat. Assas-sins prefer melee weapons and those that can be easily
used at close range, where they are most effective. Because executioners can use shields, consider
taking the expertise feat that applies to a one-handed weapon, such as a dagger (light blades). The
Master at Arms feat is also a great choice if you plan to use multiple weapons.
Additionally, many executioners spend a great deal of time studying and prac-ticing their abilities.
Consider taking feats from the learning and lore category, particularly those that enhance Athletics,
Bluff, and Stealth, all of which can be extremely useful to executioners.
You have proficiency with the following types of armor: cloth and leather. You can also use light shields.
You have proficiency with the following weapons and weapon types: simple one-handed melee, military
one-handed melee, garrote, simple ranged, blowgun, bola, shortbow.
You have 100 gp to buy your starting equipment. Begin by purchasing a poi-soners kit (10 gp), which
you will need to create the poisons you use. Next, buy a suit of leather armor, a light shield, and a one-
handed weapon. A dagger is a good choice for a melee weapon because it is small, easy to conceal, and
A spear is also a good choice for an executioner who does not need to hide his weapon, since its larger
damage die will make you a bit more dangerous. Likewise, be sure to purchase the weapons associated
with your guild attacks.
You also want a ki focus, an item through which you channel shadow magic. Once you have a magic ki
focus, you will be able to confer its enhancement bonus to your arsenal of weapons, rather than needing
magic versions of the weapons themselves.
Assassin Tools
All assassins have certain tools of their trade that they specialize in. Described below are three new
weapons and a new item of gear for use with the executioner.
Blowgun: This long, tubular weapon is used by blowing on one end. It can launch darts and other
Bola: Consisting of two or three weighted spheres connected by cord, bolas tangle up opponents,
but the spheres are also strong enough to inflict injuries.
Garrote: This strangling tool is a length of wire or knotted rope with handles at either end.
Poisoners Kit: A poisoners kit is an essential part of the assassins reper-toire. It contains the
base components and tools needed to craft poisons. Cost 10gp; weight 1 lb.
Finally, check with your DM to see where you are from in the campaign setting, the people you
already know, and what your current situation is. It also helps to spend a few minutes working out how
or if you know the other players characters.
As your career begins, you work on the basic skills that allow you to evade notice and deliver killing strikes.
Although you might begin by assassinating goblin chiefs and orc warlords, the abilities you develop in the
heroic tier set the stage for far greater accomplishments.
10,000 7
Requirement: You must use this power with a one-handed melee weapon. Target: One
Red Scales
The Red Scales are considered by many to be the masters of close-quarters combat. The techniques
that their guild members learn combine decades of study of both martial arts and common assassination
techniques, giving them an edge when they are unarmed, wielding a dagger, or using a garrote.
Benefit: You gain the powers garrote strangle, poisoned dagger, and unarmed throw.
Garrote Strangle The garrote is a favorite weapon for silent executions. It gives the assassin a
silent and efficient weapon for use on the unsuspecting. Though it is difficult to use a garrote on someone
who is aware of its presence, assassins have been known to lie in wait for just the right moment when
their target wanders too close, then reach out to strangle the target before he or she can react.
You wait for the perfect moment when your foe is within reach, then strangle it with
your garrote.
Requirement: You must use this power with a garrote. Effect: You shift up
to 2 squares before the attack. Target: One creature you are hidden from
Sustain Standard: The grab persists, and the target takes 2[W] + your Dexterity modifier
Level 21: 4[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
Poisoned Dagger The daggers narrow blade excels at piercing armor and slipping through gaps
in defenses, making it a good candidate for delivering poisons. Since only a slight nick is required to
administer a poison, many assassins carry daggers for just this purpose, even when using some other
weapon as their primary one.
Your piercing blade delivers poisons quickly and cleanly, making them difficult to shake off.
Requirement: You must use this power with a dagger. Target: One
Effect: If the dagger has an assassin poison on it, you can deliver that poison to the target even if the
attack misses.
Unarmed Throw The principles of unarmed combat can serve an assassin well when he or she
is disarmed or cornered. This particular throwing technique allows the executioner to leverage an
opponents size and strength against it, creating momentum with a gentle tug and then hurling the target
several feet, using his or her own body as the axis around which the enemys body flies.
Unarmed Throw Attack
You grab your foe and
toss it.
At-Will F Implement, Martial
Standard Action Melee 1
Requirement: You must make this attack with a free hand.
Hit: Dexterity modifier damage, and you can push the target 1 square and knock
it prone.
League of Whispers
Members of the League of Whispers specialize in the use of a variety of ranged weapons. This training
allows them to perform special tricks that can help them execute a target or escape the local authorities.
League members undergo training with bolas, hand crossbows, and blowguns to give them an edge
against enemies both near and far. Like other executioners, members of the League are trained in the
use of multiple weapons and usually carry a variety of weapons with which they are skilled.
Benefit: You gain the powers bola takedown, precision dart, and quick shot.
Bola Takedown The proper application of bolas can bring down even the most nimble of
enemies. Executioners frequently use bolas to keep their tar-gets from escaping, since most creatures
tend to flee from their killers on sight.
However, this particular technique, which uses a specialized throwing motion to ensure maximum
extension of the weapon, is also sometimes used to trip up pur-suit when fleeing from the scene of an
You whirl your bola over your head and take careful aim before hurling it at a foes legs.
Quick Shot The hand crossbow is one of the great equalizers when it comes to lethal ranged
combat. Executioners often prefer to perform most of their assassinations up close, which can sometimes
bring the assassin too close to other enemies. This particular quick-fire technique uses the hand crossbow
to surprise and stagger nearby enemies long enough for the executioner to escape.
You loose a quick bolt from your crossbow, thereby creating a momentary opening for
your escape.
Precision Dart Though one of the weaker weapons in the executioners repertoire, the blowgun is
an excellent tool for ensuring that a poison is delivered directly to an opponent and not turned aside by
armor that can deflect a dagger. This technique gives you pinpoint accuracy with the blowgun. A well-
placed dart can even be lethal to weaker foes if it punctures a vital area.
The poisoned dart flies from your blowgun with unerring accuracy.
Requirement: You must use this power with a blowgun. Target: One
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage. If you deliver an assassin poison with this attack, the target
takes a 4 penalty to its first saving throw, if any, against the poisons effect. Level 21: 2[W] +
Dexterity modifier damage.
Effect: If the ammunition has an assassin poison on it, you can deliver that poison to the target
even if the attack misses.
You strike with precision at the exact right moment, landing an attack that can be instantly fatal.
Encounter F Martial
No Action Personal
Trigger: You hit an enemy within 5 squares of you with an attack using a weapon.
Target: The enemy you hit
Effect: The target takes 1d10 extra damage from the triggering attack. If the
target is
helpless, this damage is maximized.
Level 3: 2d10 extra damage.
Level 7: 3d10 extra damage.
Level 13: 4d10 extra damage.
Level 17: 5d10 extra damage.
Level 23: 6d10 extra damage.
Level 27: 7d10 extra damage.
Special: Nothing but a short or an extended rest can allow you to regain the use
of this power.
Benefit: Once during each of your turns, you can draw or stow a weapon as a free action instead of a
minor action,
Benefit: You learn the recipes for two 1st-level assassin poisons of your choice. During an extended
rest, you can prepare one vial of a 1st-level assassin poison.
You must know the poisons recipe and have a poisoners kit. The vial contains a single use of the
poison, which expires if it isnt used before the start of your next extended rest. An item can benefit from the
effects of only one assassin poison at a time.
Only you can use your assassin poisons, and you are immune to the effects of the ones you create.
Bloodroot Poison The poison created from the oil of the bloodroot plant causes a temporary
fever and weakening of the body. Bloodroot (named for the deep crimson color of the root) is a relatively
common plant often mistaken for other, harmless plants that grow nearby. The poison is favored by
assassins who seek to knock an enemy off balance and disorient it before the lethal strike.
Bloodroot Poison Level 1
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to your melee weapon or one
piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next creature you
hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 5 extra poison damage, and it is dazed
(save ends).
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You pour the poison into a drink or onto a plate of
food. The first creature to consume the food or drink within the next hour is dazed until the end of its
next extended rest.
Carrion Crawler Brain Juice Carrion crawler brain juice is exactly what its name claims: a
poison derived from the brains of vicious carrion crawlers, which makes it a difficult substance to harvest.
Carrion crawler brain juice makes the body of the target sluggish as the poison attacks muscles and
essential tissues that help the body move. Longer exposure to brain juice causes a form of paralysis that
makes it impossible for the victim to move a significant distance.
Purple, oily carrion crawler brain juice can cause sluggishness and paralysis.
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to your melee weapon or five
pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, whenever
you hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the target takes 2 extra poison
damage, and it is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to a single handheld object. Within
the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object for more than 1 minute is
immobilized until the end of its next extended rest.
Greenblood Oil Named for its color and thickness, greenblood oil is a viscous poison derived
from poisonous plants that grow deep in primeval forests. This combination of oils from several different
sources has medicinal uses: It breaks up dangerous blood clots and can be used to help drain infections
from the body. Assassins, however, use greenblood oil to make it more difficult for the body to heal. This
poison is often used to make a target more vulnerable to harm rather than by harming directly. For
example, an assassin might pour greenblood oil over a targets food early in the day before performing a
very public assassination, to ensure that the victim cannot be magically healed once the attack takes
This thick, green oil has the consistency of blood and makes enemies more susceptible to
grievous injuries.
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to your melee weapon or one piece
of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next enemy you
hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 10 extra poison damage, and it cannot regain
hit points (save ends).
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You pour the poison into a drink or onto a plate of food.
The first creature to consume the food or drink within the next hour takes a 4 penalty to saving throws
and cannot regain hit points until the end of its next extended rest.
Id Moss Powder Id moss grows primarily in caves and crevasses in the earth, particularly in
places where the sun never reaches. Most forest-dwelling people know to avoid consuming id moss even
in desperate situations, because the moss causes mental trauma and eventually insanity. When crushed
into a fine powder, id moss powder can be inhaled, allowing it to attack the mind more quickly.
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Implement, Poison, Psychic): Standard Action. Effect: You make
Ranged 5
Hit: 2d10 + Dexterity modifier poison damage, and ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends).
Each Failed Saving Throw: The target makes a basic attack as a free action against its nearest ally.
Special: If the DM allows it, a creature reduced to 0 hit points by this poison is not killed, but is
instead driven permanently insane.
Power (Consumable): Standard Action. You place the poison in a closed container, such as a chest or a
jewelry box. Make the attack above against the first creature to open the container within the next hour.
Nitharit Poison One of the few slow-acting poisons in the assassins rep-ertoire, nitharit
poison gradually breaks down a creatures natural defenses against toxins and eventually turns
those defenses against the poisoned creature. Nitharit poison is often used as a precursor to weaken
a target before a second poisoning assault. For example, an assassin might put nitharit poison in a
magistrates wine, then later in the evening return to finish the job with a stronger poison once the
targets body is in no shape to fight it off.
This clear, odorless, tasteless liquid slowly turns a creatures natural defenses against poison
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to your melee weapon or
five pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, when you hit a creature with a
weapon attack using the poisoned item, the creature takes
ongoing 2 poison damage (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The creature instead takes ongoing 5 poison damage (save
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to a handheld object. Within
the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object for more than 1 minute
gains vulnerable 5 poison and loses all poison immunity and resistance until the end of its next
extended rest.
Special Poisons
Several of the poisons described here have special effects that begin with If the DM allows it, a
creature reduced to 0 hit points by this poison is not killed, but . . . .
These are discretionary effects in that they call for some interpretation by the players and the DM.
For example, id moss powder causes permanent insanity. We dont define what that means; its up to
you. You might decide that the targets Intelligence and Wisdom scores drop to 1 with no hope of
recovery, or that it regains its former mental capacity but is forever twisted in some psychotic way.
Likewise, the extent of the visible scarring caused by ungol dust is open to interpretation. Do the scars
cover the victims whole body or only its face? Do they affect Charisma?
All of this assumes, of course, that the assassin leaves the target alive at 0 hit points rather than
just finishing it off.
If these poisons are ever used against fellow player characters, the DM should consider allowing
the permanent effects to be removed through quests, long-lost rituals, or some other difficult but
adventurous process.
Ungol Dust Ungol dust is a black powder made of the crushed remains of dried-up spiders and
scorpions that is so fine that one errant breath can blow away an entire dose. Most of those who craft this
poison wear masks to ensure that they do not accidentally disperseor inhalethe dust before packing it
into small, easily shattered pellets. When ungol dust comes into contact with flesh or other living material, it
becomes highly corrosive.
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Acid, Implement, Poison): Standard Action. Effect: You make
Ranged 5
Hit: 3d10 + Dexterity modifier poison damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage
(save ends).
Special: If the DM allows it, a creature reduced to 0 hit points by this poison is not killed, but is
instead knocked unconscious until the end of the encounter, and it is permanently and visibly
Power (Consumable): Standard Action. You place the ungol dust in a closed container, such as a
chest or a jewelry box. Make the attack above against the first creature to open the container within
the next hour.
Distracting Illusion Mastering the ability to weave shadow magic to create illusions can be a
useful skill for the assassin who wants to focus on subter-fuge and misdirection. The images created by
distracting illusion wont fool anyone who examines them closely or interacts with them. Instead, these
illusions are meant to cover up the assassins actions. For example, an assassin might create an illusion
of the guard that the assassin just killed, standing at his assigned post, in order to fool observers into
thinking the guard is still on duty. Alternatively, an assassin might lure his or her quarry out into the open
by creating an illusion of a trusted companion beckoning the target urgently to where the assassin lurks in
the shadows.
The image of a creature flickers and then solidifies as you craft an illusion meant to cover your
dark deeds.
Effect: You create the illusion of a Medium creature of your choice in an unoccupied square in the burst.
The illusion is silent but moves and acts as though it was the creature it appears to be. Creatures that
closely examine the illusion can make an Insight check to discover the illusion for what it really is. The
check is opposed by a Bluff check that you make when you create the illusion. The illusion lasts until
the end of your next turn.
Sustain Minor: The illusion persists until the end of your next turn, and you can move it up to 6 squares.
Silent Stalker You have learned to quiet your steps and keep your equip-ment from making noise.
As soon as your enemies turn their backs on you, you can approach quickly and quietly, using your
enemys body to shield yourself from sight.
Assassin Utility
Silent Stalker 2
You pad quietly toward your victim, unseen and unheard.
At-Will F Martial
Move Action Personal
the encounter.
Benefit: When you hit an enemy with an assassin attack power or an assassin paragon path
attack power that deals damage, you can choose to reduce the enemy to 0 hit points automatically if
it has 10 hit points or fewer after the damage is dealt.
You cushion your fall with secret techniques that protect you even when you drop from
a great height.
Encounter F Martial
Effect: Reduce the damage by 6 + your level. If this reduces the damage to 0, you dont
fall prone.
Ghost of the Rooftops Streets and alleyways are filled with city guards and other witnesses,
so some executioners learn the art of dancing from roof to roof with speed and precision. For such a
character, clearing the distance between buildings or scaling a palace wall is like taking a stroll around the
Your skill at climbing and leaping allows you to move across the rooftops unhindered.
Encounter F Martial
Effect: You climb or make a long jump, moving a number of squares up to your speed,
Darkness Not every execution can be performed with only your victim
present. Bodyguards, servants, and innocent bystanders sometimes interfere with
assassinations. Darkness allows you to sow confusion by creating an area of pure,
magical darkness that no light can penetrate. Those in the area of its effect cannot
see you performing your lethal task. Some executioners also use this power to
conceal their hiding places from outside observers; a well-placed darkness effect
can block the light of lamps and candles, making a room in an inn appear dark to
observers who might be hunting the assassin just outside the window.
Assassin Utility
Darkness 6
A cloud of pure shadow expands from you, shrouding the area in darkness.
Daily F Shadow, Zone
Minor Action Close burst 2
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. To creatures
other than you, the zone is totally obscured and blocks line of sight.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists until the end of your next turn. You must be in the zone to sustain it.
Vanish A quick escape is one of the most valued tools in your repertoire. This power ensures
that you can disappear without a trace, at least long enough to retreat without being pursued. It
envelops you in a cloak of invisibility, then teleports you a short distance to make sure that your
enemies are completely confounded.
Without warning you disappear from the sight of all around you. By the time you reappear, you
Effect: You become invisible until the start of your next turn, and you teleport up to
your speed.
Benefit: During a short rest, you can craft an excellent disguise that makes you appear to be another
humanoid of your size (either a specific person or a non-descript member of a race or an organization).
Any creature that attempts to see through your ruse makes an Insight check opposed by your Bluff
check, with a +5 bonus to your check. You must use a disguise kit to create the disguise.
Benefit: You learn the recipe for another 1st-level assassin poison of your choice. During an extended
rest, you can now prepare three vials of 1st-level assas-sin poison.
Death Mark Executioners often mark their targets in some way before the assassination occurs. This
power creates a singed, black sigil somewhere on the targets body that pulses with shadow magic. This
mark creates a bond between the executioner and the target that gives the executioner the ability to detect
the target with unerring accuracy. Once a death mark is placed, the assassin is rarely far behind.
A black mark appears on the targets form, appearing to be burned in with a hot iron. It warns
of impending death.
Daily F Shadow
Effect: Until the end of your next extended rest, you always know the direction and approximate
distance to the target. In addition, the target cannot become invisible to you.
Eyes Unseen A useful power that has saved the lives of many an execu-tioner, eyes unseen
allows the user to peer through walls, around corners, and even through ceilings and floors to see what
lies ahead. It creates a small, invisible sensor crafted by shadow magic that can appear within a small
radius and pass visions back to the assassin. Many executioners use eyes unseen to search for guards,
keep an eye on pursuers, or reveal traps and ambushes before walking into them.
You conjure a sensor of shadow that appears nearby and allows you to see through walls and
other barriers.
Encounter F Shadow
Effect: Choose a square within 5 squares of you, even a square on the other side of blocking
terrain. Until the end of your next turn, you can see and hear from that square, as well as from
your own.
Walk Through Shadow When you use walk through shadow, you create a brief, flickering
shadow that whisks you quickly from one place to another. Unlike some other teleportation abilities, walk
through shadow can take the user into unknown places and allows him or her to bypass walls, doors, and
other barriers with a blind jump.
Walk Through Shadow Assassin Utility 10
a short distance.
Effect: You teleport up to 5 squares. You do not need line of sight to the destination space. If you
try to teleport into a space that you cannot occupy, the teleportation is negated.
Paragon Executioner
Executioners who reach the paragon tier have proven themselves more than capable of carrying out
assassinations (both clandestine and public) without being caught or killed themselves. For you, simple
political assassinations and hired killings begin to lose their luster, because city watchmen or the
bodyguards of local merchants rarely challenge your skills. Your abilities are better utilized stalking more
powerful quarrythose that threaten the entire world, if not the planes themselves.
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Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases to +8 at 21st level.
A key trait taught to you by your guild is how to take advantage of the ignorance of your enemies.
While hidden, you can remain so still that, when your strike comes, your enemies have no time to
react or to defend themselves. Though truly blindsid-ing your enemies is difficult (requiring them to
move within striking distance of you without seeing you), good luck and a good hiding place can often
make your assassinations easier than ever.
Benefit: If you are hidden at the start of an encounter, you gain a +4 bonus to your first attack
roll during the encounter.
Your guild has taught you its secret techniques for executions. These secrets may be as simple as
the angle of a blade or as complex as a long period of preparation before the execution takes place.
Regardless of the actual form it takes, this knowl-edge increases the potency of your deadliest
Benefit: When you use assassins strike, increase the extra damage it deals by 2d10.
For you, the span of time when your killing blow streaks toward your enemys body seems to slow to a crawl.
That crucial instant passes in the blink of an eye for your enemies and allies, but you perceive each fraction
of it in full clarity that lets you guide your strike to where it will do the most harm.
Benefit: When you spend an action point to make an attack and you roll a 1, 2, or 3 on any damage die
associated with that attack (including extra damage from assassins strike or critical hit dice), that die
instead deals 4 damage.
When the kill is made, you need to be prepared to bolt away at a moments notice. Your guildmasters taught
you a special slaying technique that uses the momentum of your last, deadly strike to propel yourself away.
Before your enemies even know that their ally is dead, you are already speeding out of sight.
You transfer the momentum of a killing blow into a rapid dash that leaves remaining enemies
far behind.
Encounter F Martial
Effect: You shift up to twice your speed. You gain a +5 power bonus to Athletics checks
Benefit: When you hit an enemy with an assassin attack power or an assassin paragon path attack
power that deals damage, you can choose to reduce the enemy to 0 hit points automatically if it has 20 hit
points or fewer after the damage is dealt.
Benefit: You learn the recipe for a 15th-level assassin poison of your choice. When you prepare
vials of assassin poison during an extended rest, one of them can be up to 15th level.
Black Lotus Extract This powder is derived from the legendary black lotus flower. The effect
is devastating when this substance comes in contact with a creature for more than a few seconds. Black
lotuses bloom only once every three years, and it is during that time that the flowers can be harvested to
produce this toxic oil. Black lotuses grow only in deep swamps, along shadowed riverbanks, and at the
edges of caves where they are sheltered from direct light.
This thick oil is dark blue, though it becomes invisible when applied to a weapon or object.
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to your melee weapon or five
pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, when you
hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the creature takes 5 extra poison
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to a handheld object. Within the
next hour, the next creature other than you to hold or wear the object for more than 1 minute takes 40
poison damage.
Insanity Mist Another poison designed to affect the mind as much as the body, insanity mist is a
liquid that is only potent when made airborne and then inhaled. A liquid is distilled from the brains of
mind flayer thralls (or mind flayers themselves, which produce a much higher quantity of poison) and
combined with several kinds of mold spores to deliver the poison straight to the brain. Insanity mist
begins eroding the consciousness of the victim almost instantly.
disturbing images.
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Implement, Poison, Psychic): Standard Action. Effect: Make the
following attack:
Ranged 5
Hit: 3d10 + Dexterity modifier poison damage, and ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The ongoing damage increases to 15. Miss: Half
damage, and ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends).
Special: If the DM allows it, a creature reduced to 0 hit points by this poison is not killed, but is
instead driven permanently insane.
Power (Consumable F Poison): Standard Action. You place the insanity mist in a closed container, such
as a chest or a jewelry box. Make the attack above against the first creature to open the container
within the next hour.
Lich Dust To those uneducated in the art of poison crafting, lich dust is often believed to be a powder
made from the ground-up bones of liches. This belief is only partially correct; in truth, lich dust is made from
a combination of pulverized bones taken from a variety of undead creatures (liches among them) mixed with
other alchemical and natural substances. Lich dust retains some of the necro-mantic power that once
animated the bones it is made from, which can drain the energy and spirit of creatures that consume it or are
injured by a weapon coated with the poison.
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to your melee weapon or one piece
of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next creature you
hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 10 extra poison damage, and it is weakened
(save ends).
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You pour the poison into a drink or onto a plate of food.
Within the next hour, the first creature to consume the food or drink is weakened until the end of its
next extended rest.
Level 16: Vital Strike
Guild executioner paragon path feature
In your pursuit of a greater ability to execute your targets quickly and efficiently, one of your fields of
study is the anatomies of various types of creatures. You have found about more than just the natural
racesyouve learned where to strike demons to inflict the most damage, where the weak points of
angels can be found, and where an archons armor leaves tiny but dangerous gaps.
Benefit: Your assassin at-will attack powers, other than deadly strike, deal half damage on a miss.
The air wavers for a moment before a veil of invisibility covers you from head to toe.
Encounter F Shadow
Effect: You become invisible and move up to your speed. You remain invisible until the
Benefit: You learn the recipe for the assassin poison wyvern venom. During an extended rest, you can
prepare a 20th-level assassin poison that does not count as one of the poisons you can normally prepare.
Wyvern Venom The secret to creating this rare and potent toxin is closely guarded by the most
powerful assassins guilds. Versatile in its applica-tion, it not only does injury to a creatures body, it rots
away flesh and bone, melts sinew, and boils the blood. Even after the initial shock of the effect of the venom
is over, the pain and damage inflicted by the poison linger, making it difficult for the body to heal. The base
of the poison is the venom from an actual wyvern, though the poison used by executioners is the result of a
complex alchemical process that increases its potency tenfold.
This poison is far more dangerous than that delivered by the sting of a wyvern itself, as a result
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Necrotic, Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to your melee weapon
or one piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next
creature you hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 25 extra necrotic and poison
Power (Consumable F Necrotic, Poison): Minor Action. You pour the poison into a drink or onto a plate
of food. Within the next hour, the first creature to consume the food or drink takes necrotic and poison
damage equal to half of its bloodied value, and it cannot regain hit points until the end of its next
extended rest.
Power (Consumable F Necrotic, Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to a single handheld
object. Within the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object for more than 1
minute takes necrotic and poison damage equal to half of its bloodied value, and it cannot regain hit
points until the end of its next extended rest.
Epic Executioner
By the time you reach the epic tier, you are much more than a simple killer for hire: You are among the
greatest assassins ever to have lived. Elemental princes watch over their shoulders for a sign that you
might be lurking in their shadows, and the very whisper of your name sends chills through the courts
of the fey.
When your executioner reaches 21st level, he or she takes on an epic destiny of your choice. This
epic destiny represents the grand finale of your adventuring career, and like your paragon path, it
grants a set of related features and powers.
550,000 27
Benefit: You gain a feature or a power associated with your epic destiny.
Your physical form becomes as unstable as a shadow, allowing you to step through physical
Daily F Shadow
Benefit: When you hit an enemy with an assassin attack power or an assassin paragon path attack
power that deals damage, you can choose to reduce the target to 0 hit points automatically if it has 30 hit
points or fewer after the damage is dealt.
Benefit: You learn the recipe for a 25th-level assassin poison of your choice. When you prepare
vials of assassin poison during an extended rest using your Poison Use feature, one can be up to
25th level and two can be up to 15th level.
Dark Reaver Powder Said to come from the pulverized bodies of angels devoted to gods of
death, dark reaver powder has the ability to knock a crea-ture unconscious for a long time. Assassins
use dark reaver powder to get enemies out of the way without killing them or to send a message not to
cross the wrong person. When applied in powder form to a weapon, the poison seeps into the blood and
produces a diluted effect that renders enemies woozy for a short period of time.
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to your melee weapon or five
pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, when you
hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the creature takes 10 extra poison
damage, and it is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You pour the poison into a drink or onto a plate of
food. Within the next hour, the first creature to consume the food or drink falls unconscious (save
ends). The creature can make a saving throw against this unconsciousness only at the end of an
extended rest and does so with a 5 penalty.
Dragon Bile Dragon bile is one of the most sought-after substances har-vested from dragons. It
can be made into a deadly poison that can slay a person in a matter of minutes. The dragon bile used by
assassins is among the most potent, and is harvested from the bodies of powerful and ancient dragons
slain by adventurers. A brief touch of dragon bile can make it impossible for a creature to move or do
anything else, while prolonged exposure is almost always fatal.
Harvested from the bodies of ancient dead dragons, this poison is one of the most lethal.
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to a melee weapon or one piece of
your ammunition. During this encounter, the next creature you hit with
a weapon attack using the poisoned item falls prone, and it is stunned until the end of your next turn.
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to a single handheld object. Within
the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object for more than 1 minute dies, but
only if the creature is your level or lower.
Eye of Basilisk Powder Among the rarest of poisons used by assas-sins, eye of basilisk
powder is exceptionally potent in minute quantities. The eyes of actual basilisks (harvested at great
expense by adventurers) are dried out and ground into a powder that, when properly prepared, can turn its
victims to stone. Assassins put small amounts of the powder into alchemical pellets that explode when
broken to release a small cloud of the poison around the victim.
This unremarkable white powder harnesses the petrifying ability of the basilisk.
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Implement, Poison): Standard Action. Effect: You make the
ollowing attack.
Ranged 5
Power (Consumable F Poison): Standard Action. You place the poison in a closed con-tainer, such as
a chest or a jewelry box. Make the attack above against the first crea-ture to open the container within
the next hour.
Benefit: You gain a feature or a power associated with your epic destiny.
Benefit: You gain a feature or a power associated with your epic destiny.
No ve m b e r 2010 | Dr agon 393