Icelandic and German
Icelandic and German
Icelandic and German
Department of Linguistics, University of Salzburg, Muehlbacherhofweg 6, A 5020 Salzburg
(E-mail: [email protected])
Key words: asymmetry, object shift, OV and VO, quirky subject, scrambling, verbal clusters
Abstract. Icelandic and German dier in the head-complement order (VO vs. OV), but their
morpho-syntactic systems of verbal and nominal inection are similar enough for factoring out the
specic grammatical eects of the OV/VO-property. The analysis of a broad range of constructions
(quirky subjects, expletive subjects, object shift, scrambling, particle constructions, V-clustering)
provides the empirical basis for the following claim: the headedness dierence (OV vs. VO) is the
basic and crucial factor for the systematic dierences between the respective grammars. As for the
theoretic modeling of the OV/VO property, the key concept is argued to be a universal constraint
on the direction of merger interacting with the directionality of licensing by the head.
1. Introduction
* The author wishes to extend thanks for their constructive comments to the discussants of the
2002 Reykjavik conference and especially to the three anonymous reviewers. The responsibility for
remaining shortcomings rests on the authors side, of course.
The answer to the title question will be simple: change the headedness
directionality of the verbal heads in German, and what you get
(and indeed should expect to get) for free is a lot of Icelandic syntax. In
other words, the dierent headedness value and its corollaries in the
system of grammar are shown to cover a wide range of syntactic con-
trasts between Icelandic as a Germanic VO and German as an OV
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2.1 provides background
information on controversial issues of the clausal architecture of Ger-
man, in comparison with Icelandic. In particular, it will be argued that
the architecture of a simple clause in German (OV) and in Icelandic
(VO), for principled reasons, diers to a greater extent than is recog-
nized in current writing. Section 2.2 prepares the grammar theoretic
background for the discussion of head-initial and head-nal projec-
tions. It is argued that VO requires a more articulate VP structure than
OV, namely VP shells, for principled reasons. VP shells are a direct
consequence of implementing the headedness value in a universally
constrained merging system (there is a ban against merger on the right-
hand side). OV does not require shells. This is the basic dierence that
is reected in the construction dierences to be discussed below. Section
2 concludes with a discussion of the existence of apparently hybrid VO
OV languages (as has been claimed for older stages of Germanic lan-
guages, and notably for Icelandic). Yiddish is a good and living
example of this hybrid nature. Its alleged hybrid status stems from the
same source as the OVVO contrast, namely partial VP shell projec-
tions in the course of merger. A language like Yiddish is neither strictly
VO nor strictly OV but rather an example of a third possibility that has
not been fully appreciated hitherto, neither for the analysis of Yiddish
nor for its impact on accounts of the diachronic split of the German
language family into an OV and a VO group. Section 3, the main data
section, discusses the above-mentioned areas of Icelandic-German
contrasts, their analyses, and their theoretical implications. Section 4
summarizes the results and discusses their impact for competing ac-
counts of OV vs. VO.
This subsection provides a single argument for the claim in the para-
graph above: there is no overt V-to-I for nite verbs and no functional
subject position in German. The impact of this result is the following:
neither the verb nor the subject moves to a functional projection, this is
surprisingly unless there is no functional projection available or neces-
sary that could trigger these movements.6 This insight is crucial for
understanding the German-Icelandic contrasts. Why does German
scramble but not Icelandic? The answer will be this: scrambling does not
leave the extended VP. Scrambling data conrm that in German, neither
As (5bd) shows, a verb with two separable prexes may occur as nite
verb, but it is well formed only in the clause-nal position (5a), and
there is no way to derive a well-formed version with fronting.
Hypothesis I fails because it predicts that the stranding conict already
arises in the nal position when the verb is allegedly raised to the
hypothetical postverbal functional head position.
In (6), more of these verbs are listed, for the sake of illustration. The
crucial point is that this verb format is productive, and the fronting
failure is easy to understand. So there is no room for the kind of doubts
raised against the original argument (Haider 1993, p. 62), based on
verbs that arise through back formation11 (see (7)), that there might be
some ill-understood property of back formation verbs that blocks
fronting (see Koopman 1995 for Dutch).
7 a. auf-f
uhren lit. up-lead; perform, put on stage
b. Auff
uhrung performance- ur-auff
uhrung ur-performance
c. ur-auf-f
uhren show for the first time
13 a. . . . V XPV e . . .
b. . . . V a YPXP ZPV e . . .
In (13b), YP blocks a licensing relation, and so does ZP, for dierent
reasons though. The licensing relation is the directional identication of
an argument by its head. The relation is minimal, mutual c-command
under directionality. Mutuality requires sisterhood or a chain. In (13a),
XP is minimally c-commanded by V, and XP minimally c-commands V,
by c-commanding a member of the V chain.
The YP in (13b) prevents XP from being minimally c-commanded by
the preceding V. The ZP prevents XP from minimally c-commanding
the lower V, and thereby YP or ZP destroy mutual, minimal, directional
c-command between V and XP.
Note that in OV projections, each projecting node of the verbal
projection minimally directionally c-commands its sister argument, be-
cause the argument precedes the projecting node. Hence, in OV, inter-
veners do not matter.
These considerations are sucient for deriving two essential properties
of head-initial projections that contrast with head-nal projections.
First, head initial-projections are compact, that is, they do not allow
intervening material in the domain of argument structure projection (see
13b). This follows from the mismatch of licensing directionality and
merger directionality. In the resulting shell structure, minimal mutual
c-command entails compactness.
Second, head-initial projections possess a single, local argument po-
sition that is not in the licensing domain of the head. This is the so-called
spec position of a head-initial lexical projection. Spec-VP is just the
highest projection position in the VP. It is the highest position that meets
the locality requirement, and it is to the left of the head, so it is outside the
licensing domain of the head and in need of external licensing.22 This is an
essential dierence between VO and OV projections. VO projections need
an external licenser for the highest projection position (see(14a)). In OV
projections, every projection position of the head is within the licensing
domain of the head or its projecting nodes (see(14(b)).
14 a. VO:VP DPV0 V ! . . .
b. OV:VP DPV0 . . . V
An illustration of (14) is given in (15). The verb projects its argument
structure by stepwise merger (see Chomsky 1995) with the appropriate
argument phrase. The result of each step is a partial projection with the
Let me repeat the results of the discussion above that will be needed
for the systematic comparison of Icelandic and German in the fol-
lowing section: VO projections are compact, and the highest argument
position in the projection (subject argument) needs an external iden-
tier for this argument since is not within the verbs directional
licensing domain.
The OV and the VO option are the result of merger with the value either
as left or as right, just as in (18a) and (18b). The third possibility is the
result of changing the directionality in the course of merging. The
middle variant in (18c) starts out with directionality=right, licensing a
complement to the right, and then the value switches to left, proceeding
in an OV manner.
Why should there be a language with this property, that is, how could
UG allow for a language with licensing alternations? In brief, what we
have to admit is this: the value of the licensing parameter can be un-
derspecied. So, in the course of building a projection, either value may
be instantiated, and moreover the actualized value may be switched.
This is the right place, it seems, to point out a crucial implication for
diachronic syntax: if the historic variants of Germanic languages are
regarded from this perspective, the development of the Germanic lan-
guages is much easier to understand. The basic change was one from an
adjustable underspecied headedness value to a rigid one. The rigid
Yiddish, like the OV languages German, Frisian, and Dutch, has in-
ected attributive adjectives but uninected predicative adjectives
whereas those VO languages which have inected attributive adjectives
(that is, all the Scandinavian languages and all the Romance ones) also
have inected predicative adjectives. None of the present day OV
languages have predicative agreement. Vikner argues that the direc-
tionality in the VP (OV vs. VO) corresponds to the directionality in the
AP and that Yiddish forms a group with the (other) Germanic OV
shares the verb word order of German plus the variation that derives the
Dutch order from the German basic order (see Haider 2003). Note
however that there is no Germanic VO language that shows anything
similar. Hence, Yiddish again is a well-behaved OV Germanic language
in this respect. (23) and (24) illustrate the verb-auxiliary order in passive,
and (25) and (26) present the contrasts for causative constructions. For
an exhaustive overview over all verb construction see Vikner (2002).
23 a. *Di shrub iz gevorn opgebrent Yiddish
the house is been up-burned
the house has been burnt down:
b. Das Haus ist abgebrannt worden German
the house is up-burned been
c. Di shrub iz opgebrent gevorn Yiddish
the house is up-burned been
24 a. The book will be bought English
b. *The book will bought be
c. Bogen vil blive kbt Danish
d. *Bogen vil kbt blive
The patterns found with the passive auxiliary are representative for
other auxiliaries and constructions like the causative construction with
let. The pairs of examples in (25c and d) and (26) are the counterparts
of (25a and b) with respect to the relative order of the causative verb and
the innitive.
25 a. He has let us wait English
b. *He has wait let us
c. Han har ladet os vente Danish
d. *Han har os vente ladet
26 a. Er hot undz gelozt vartn Yiddish
b. Er hot undz vartn gelozt
c. Hij heeft ons laten wachten Dutch
d. *Hij heeft ons wachten laten
e. *Er hat uns lassen warten German
f. Er hat uns warten lassen
Quirky subjects are the joint result of four factors, namely the need of
directional licensing of arguments by a head, a head-initial V projection,
relational (and not strictly positional) agreement checking, and verbs
whose highest ranked argument in the argument structure is not the
nominative candidate. If the highest argument is not the candidate for
nominative, the result is a quirky subject construction in Icelandic but
not in German. In German, these verbs are just verbs with a non-
nominative DP preceding a nominative DP in the VP.
suitable expletive, the construction is ill formed (as in the case of the
passive of a single argument verb in English). Note that this is a
structural issue and not a matter of supply on demand. The projection
of the functional layer is automatic and not conditioned by the argu-
ment structure of the head of the VP. The spec must be lled.
Head-nal V projections dier in an essential respect from head-
initial ones: the direction of merger harmonizes with the licensing
directionality. No functional projection is needed for licensing a phrase
that is merged with a V projection but cannot be licensed VP-internally,
simply because there is no unlicensed phrase. So, in OV languages, there
is no grammatical necessity for a functional projection that licenses the
subject of a clause.26 Hence, contrasts between Icelandic and German in
terms of EPP eects are expected. This is the topic of the following
subsection. The rest of this subsection is a critical commentary on two
recent proposals that relate to the above analysis, namely one by Si-
gursson (2002a, pp. 126f.) and one by Bardals (2002) as this was
recommended by a reviewer.
Sigursson (2002a, pp. 126f.) suggests that the crucial grammatical
dierence that accounts for the presence or absence of quirky subject
constructions is one of agreement: Icelandic, but not German, is argued
to provide morphologically silent person agreement for the quirky
subjects and therefore a trigger for movement to the spec position. In
other words, a quirky subject is attracted by silent agreement features.
In this view, the dierence between German and Icelandic is a purely
accidental one (presence or absence of silent features). Moreover, it fails
to capture the generalization that a nite verb checks the agreement
features of the functional heads it is associated with: if the verb checks
the features of the functional head whose spec hosts the quirky subject,
it ought to agree with the quirky subject if there is agreement at all.
Since Icelandic has person agreement with nominative subjects in this
position, it ought to agree with the quirky subject in person features, but
it does not. The predicted outcome is ungrammatical (28):
28 Mer hafa= h
ofum ekki lka hestarnir:
meDAT have3Pl= 1Sg not liked horses:the:NOM
I did not like the horses:
According to Sigursson (2002a, pp.125f.), the person feature in a
clause like (28) is engaged in (invisibly) matching the person of the
dative subject and is thus blocked from agreeing in person with the
nominative object.27 But, on the other hand, the VP-internal
Only if the reexive is a co-argument (and not part of a PP), can a direct
object anaphor not be bound by a dative, but it must be bound by the
nominative subject as illustrated in (30). Note, however, that passive
does not change the situation. But, unlike Icelandic, the dative object
cannot be promoted to the subject function.
there are rare cases in vernacular usage in which folgen in passive is used
with nominative instead of dative.30 Note, however, that in this case the
innitival subject is not quirky, but the dative has been replaced by a
nominative. This, and not a quirky dative subject, is the source for the
PRO construction with folgen as in (34).31
In general, the value of unanalyzed data of unclear language com-
petence (web citations) is at best heuristic. If oblique subjects existed (in
varieties of) German, they should be detectable in corpora of German
authors, they would have been noticed in one or the other descriptive
grammar, and they should be detectable with systematic informant
questionnaires. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Hence I fail to see
any evidence for hitherto undiscovered quirky subjects in German in
general and in innitival constructions in particular.
d. Hefur a rignt n
ott? Icelandic
has EXPL rained tonight
e: I gr hefur J
on VP lesi bkurnar
yesterday has John read books-the
43 a: Vmax XP YP ZP V
clause with a single verb that has moved to the topmost functional head
position. Second, object shift does not change the relative order of
arguments. Scrambling changes the relative order, and the surface po-
sition of the verb in the clause does not interact with scrambling.
Icelandic is unique among the Scandinavian languages, insofar as in
the other Scandinavian languages object shift is restricted to pronouns.
Holmberg and Platzack (1995, pp. 172f.), however, report that to a
limited extent non-pronominal arguments may shift: in Norwegian
varieties of Swedish and Faroese, a non-pronominal DP of a double
object construction may be shifted, again without change of the relative
order. Single, non-pronominal objects do not shift (see (45c and d)).
45 a. De ga Marit ikke/gjerne blomstene (Norwegian) H&P, p. 172
they gave Marit not=gladly flowers-the
b. Vi ger barnen altid/inte vad de vil han (Swedish) H&P, p. 172
we gave children-the always=not what they want have
c. Eg visi brnunum fegin myndir mnar (Faroese) H&P, p. 174n.
I show the children happily my pictures
ogvan kennir hana= Siggu ikki (Faroese) H&P, p. 172
d. J
John knows her=Sigga not
Let us recapitulate: An adequate account of object shift should capture
at least three generalizations. First, in all Scandinavian languages,
object shift is contingent on V movement. Second, in all Scandinavian
languages, object shift preserves the relative order of arguments. Third,
Icelandic is a Scandinavian language with overt V-to-I movement, and it
is a Scandinavian language with full DP object shift. None of these
generalizations is characteristic of scrambling. But nevertheless,
scrambling and object shift have one property in common, namely the
availability of an extended licensing domain of the main verb.
In a head-nal V projection, the extension is simply a consequence of
the fact that a phrase that is merged on the left-hand side of the V
projection remains within the directional licensing domain of the verbal
head. In a head-initial VP, the extension requires additional shell
structures. In the case of object shift structures, the domain of the main
verb qualies as extended by virtue of V movement.43 This is conrmed
by the fact that the structural relation between the verb and the shifted
object obeys the same constraint as the relation between the verb and
the object in the base position. Elements that cannot intervene in the
base structure cannot intervene in the shifted structure. This is illus-
trated in (46) with data from Vikner (1994, p. 507).
(52a) is the structure with stacked, head-initial VPs. (52b) is the corre-
sponding structure with head-nal VPs. If we regard these structures as
lexically extended V projections, the branching constraint admits (52a)
but excludes (52b): a head-initial (extended) projection is well formed
with respect to the branching constraint; there are no left brackets
adjacent to each other. This is just another way of expressing the fact
that there are no right-hand side sisters to nodes on the main projection
line. The right daughter always is the node on the projection line. (52c)
is the grammatical alternative to (52a) that does not violate the
branching constraint. The projection line of the VP starts with the
highest V node. It is the projection line of a simple VP. The cluster is a
head-to-head merger structure (see Haider 2003 for details).
Let me rst sketch some empirical evidence for clustering in German,
then briey sketch how theta management works in the two types of
merger (phrase to head, head to head), and then readdress the general
issue of why German and Dutch cluster and why VO language never
cluster. The answer will shed light on an additional issue, namely the
Dutch-German dierence with respect to linearization in the cluster.
In English, auxiliaries are projected in separate VPs. The fact that it is
possible to separate auxiliaries by intervening adverbials tells us that the
structure for (53a) is one with stacked phrasal projections. Each auxil-
iary projects a VP and selects a VP (or a functional extension thereof) as
its complement.
In German, the series of verbs is the mirror image of the English pat-
tern, but intervening material is strictly excluded. A robust and char-
acteristic property of German (and Dutch) auxiliaries is the adjacency
property of the verbs in the cluster. The bracketed asterisks in (53b)
mark positions that do not allow any intervening non-verbal material.47
This is not at all a peculiarity of adverbs, but it holds for any potentially
post verbal material as potential intervener. A comparison with topi-
calized (remnant) VPs is instructive. These data show that (remnant)
from the theta grid of a simple verb except for the theta identication of
the controlled subject argument of the innitive.
Imagine now what will happen if the clause union variant is passiv-
ized. Just as in the case of a simple verb, the primary subject theta role
gets blocked, and the direct object ends up with nominative case instead.
This is exactly what happens in German in the case of the so-called long
passive, noted rst by Hohle (1978) and illustrated in (58a). (58b) is the
sentential complement variant. The verbs are separated by a non-verbal
element (the negation), hence clause union is not possible, that is, the
verbs are not clustering. Note that these innitival constructions are
optional clause union constructions.
58 a. da sieNom uns nicht zu besuchen erlaubt wurden3rdPl:
that they us not to visit allowed were
b. da uns [sie zu besuchen] nicht erlaubt wurde= wurden3rdPl:
that us them to visit not allowed was=were
The nal comment concerns the dierent word orders in the cluster in
Dutch and German, respectively. As already mentioned, the V projec-
tion with the cluster (53c) reduces to a single VP the potential VP stacks
that the parser could not anticipate. The structural complexity is shifted
from the phrasal projections to that of a V cluster. This is a local
domain, which makes backtracking easy.53
(60c), the German cluster, is still a sub-optimal solution.54 The
optimal structure is a completely right-branching cluster as in (61). This
is the Dutch solution to the problem. In Dutch, the verbs not only
cluster (as in (60c)) but are also raised within the cluster. The resulting
structure of a fully inverted cluster (traces omitted) is (61). (Note that
the subscripts are merely notational devices for indicating the verb that
is the head of the respective VP.)
(60) a. VO b. *stacked OV c. OV+clustering
have a single verb position and hence a single preverbal particle po-
Stacked VPs, no clusters: Verb clustering is an OV property. Clusters
replace stacked, left-branching, extended V projections. Left-
branching VP stacks would violate the universal branching con-
straint. VO structures yield right-branching VP stacks. So clustering
is not at issue in a VO language.
Finally, a language-specic property of Icelandic distinguishes it from
German: Quasi arguments are not lexicalized in Icelandic. With this
property, the German variants (62a and b) would map perfectly onto
the Icelandic patterns in (62c and d). Drop the es in (62a), and you get
(62c), the Icelandic stray accusative construction (see Haider 2001),
and the puzzling accusative57 in (62c) has a straightforward account:
both in (southern) German and in Icelandic, there is a class of
transitive verbs with an impersonal variant (Jonsson 2001). The quasi
argument gets dropped in the impersonal variant in Icelandic.
1. A reviewer points out that a trigger is readily found: an EPP property of a VP-external F-head
(v, in particular). However, if this were so, the EPP (Extended Projection Principle; see foot-
note 25) property could be satised by inserting an expletive. Moreover, the preverbal elements
in OV are of a mixed bag (arguments, secondary predicates, adverbials of all kind, particles).
The postulate that these elements are each attracted by the EPP features of functional heads is
not evident to me.
2. Or by V raising, that is, head-to-head adjunction (see Zwart 1993; Den Dikken and Hoekstra
3. The presupposition of this question (no quirky subjects in German), I take to be uncontro-
versial: Zaenen, Maling, and Thrainsson (1985) concluded that German does not have quirky
subjects. Sigursson (1989, pp. 204205) re-emphasized this conclusion. Fanselow (2002) and
Bayer (2003) analyze the corresponding data in German and conrm the conclusion once more.
Only Bardal (2002) has raised objections recently, based on data sentences from the web. In
Section 3.1, I shall try to show that there is no need for revising the majority view.
4. See Section 3.1 for the discussion of apparent counterexamples.
5. The deeper reason for this dierence is the dierence between licensing argument positions in a
head-initial and a head-nal V projection, respectively, as will be shown at the end of the paper.
6. In mainland Scandinavian languages, the nite verb does not move to clause-medial functional
head positions, but the spec position is lexicalized with the subject.
7. In German, the verb must stay, and unlike Faroese, German does not provide evidence for a VP-
extemal functional subject position. The latter is a VOOV-based contrast.
8. This does not exclude the converse, namely verbs that move to C but do not stop in I . One
case is that of mainland Scandinavian Germanic languages, and thanks to a reviewer for this
information another case could be quotative inversion in English as in Blair exaggerated, says
The Times. (See Collins 1997).
9. Separable prex refers to the particle of a particle+verb combination whose particle is ob-
ligatorily stranded if the verb moves to a functional head position (see 5).
a. dass sie es ankundigten
that they it announced (they announced it)
b. Sie kundigten es an-ei
They nounced it an-ei (gloss mimics German particle stranding);
c. *Sie ankundigteni es ei
they announced it
11. Hohle (1991) was the rst to note that these are nite verbs that do not front.
12. If nite verbs had to move to an intermediate functional head position, doubly prexed verbs
would become deviant too. In addition, simple particle-verb combination would be inverted by
fronting and stranding. Needless to say, there is no construction in German or Dutch in which
a particle is stranded by fronting the verb and the verb does not target the C -position, that is,
the position of the nite verb in V2 and VI clauses.
13. I do not endorse the universal clause structure hypothesis. As argued in Haider (1997a, b), I
take clause structure to be the minimal complete structure for the given array of terminals. UG
dictates the functional architecture as a function of the given inventory. If, for instance, a
language does not have any morphosyntactic agreement relations (e.g., Chinese), the core
grammar does not have to project agreement nodes.
14. Note that this cannot be checked in Dutch: sentential innitival complements are ungram-
matical in VP-internal positions. Either clause union or extraposition applies. Hence a clause-
internal innitival clause is licit only in a fronted position preceding the structural subject
position (which Dutch seems to provide, see footnote 36), and it is opaque for extraction, then,
as expected. The fact that German clauses remain transparent shows what is intended to be
shown, namely that there is no functional subject position,
i *Met wiei zou [morgen ei te mogen eten] je meer plezier doen
with whom would tomorrow to be-allowed-to eat you more
pleasure give
15. This example I gratefully acknowledge Werner Frey. It originally was the cold comfort for
investors who had lost their money in an investment fraud. As a reviewer points out, the
corresponding case in Dutch is not acceptable.
16. An anonymous reviewer points out that the data discussed so far do not rule out the possibility
that there are functional projections in between C and the VP in German but that they are
simply skipped. The discussion of the distribution of expletives in German in Section 3.2
provides reasons for excluding this possibility.
17. A projection is complex if it contains more than one complement phrase.
18. In terms of the Minimalist Program this would read as follows: merger is directionally con-
19. Basic Branching Constraint (BBC): Projection-internal branching nodes of the (functionally or
lexically extended) projection line follows their sister node. In other words, lexical projections
and their functional extensions are structured as in (i) but not as in (ii):
i . . . . . . . . . . . .
ii : . . . . . . . . . . . .
20. If an inherently dened light verb were necessary for establishing a complex head-initial VP, a
light noun would be necessary for complex head-initial N projections, for which an analogous
shell structure is needed and empirically justied (s Haider 1992/2000). Both attempts are
unnecessary. It is a bare phrase structure eect.
21 An XP is local to a head h i it is either the immediate complement of h or the spec of the
immediate complement (that is, the spec of the subjacent shell).
22. A reviewer justly asks why there could not be another shell such that the verb from its highest
position could license all argument positions. In fact, this is the division line between VSO and
SVO languages. In SVO, projection stops when all arguments are locally projected. The spec
position of a shell is a local position, but it is not within the directional licensing domain. If all
arguments have to be projected within the licensing domain of the head, the result is a VSO
system. In VO languages, shell projection is triggered by argument discharge only; in VSO,
shells are triggered by discharge and licensing.
23. The following examples from French illustrate the Romance agreement with the predicate:
i Les soldatsi sont VPti morts ti French
the soldiers are diedM:Pl the soldiers have died:
ii Les victimesi sont VP ti mortes ti
the victims are diedF:Pl the victims have died
24. The representational version of this restriction is this: projections are right branching (see
footnote 20). Kayne (1994) proposed a linearization constraint with the same result, that is, the
exclusion of merging to the right.
25. EPP (Extended Projection Principle): sentences must have subjects, that is, there is an oblig-
atory spec-position that is lexicalized with the subject (or an expletive).
26. One reviewer wonders whether German could not have VP-internal quirky subjects, referring
to Belletti and Rizzi-type (1988) psych verbs (ditransitive ergative verbs whose highest
argument could be a VP-internal quirky subject). First, in German, these verbs are verbs with
the neutral order Acc-Nom. The accusative precedes, but it shows no subject properties. (For
more details see Haider and Rosengren 2003, p.216; see Pesetsky 1995, pp.1953 for a criticism
of the unaccusative approach to these verbs.) Second, quirky subject behavior is a structural
eect of a functional position. For example, a dative of a passivized double-object verb is not
designated as passive subject by the verb in Icelandic; it becomes subject by virtue of being the
highest argument in the VP, which gets moved to a spec position. It is the spec position that
provides the structural subject properties.
27. This claim is based on the unacceptability of 1st and 2nd person pronouns as VP-internal
28. Note that this is a general problem of the split-In-approach: since the respective features are
associated with separate functional heads, namely Pers and Num, the ungrammatical type of
split agreement in Icelandic is actually predicted, rather than excluded. It does not follow
from any principle that the respective specs cannot be inhabited by dierent phrases providing
independent feature values for each instance of agreement with a functional head and that the
nite verb picks up and spells out these features.
29. I shall not expand on claims as on p. 72: The dative . . . can function as an antecedent for an
unexpressed subject of an innitive, a property also conned to subjects. Control in ohne
without-to constructions is not conned to subjects: Man schickte michi wieder weg, ohne PROi
angehort warden zu sein they sent me away without having been listened-to.
30. One of the Duden examples is this: Die SuxeNom werden von einer Flexionssilbe gefolgt the
suxes are followed by an inection syllable.
31. Several of her citations contain the passive of help. In this respect, it is instructive that
German newspapers made a lot of fun of a popular TV entertainer (Verona Feldbusch) who
had uttered: Hier werden sieNom geholfen Here are you helped instead of the grammatically
correct Hier wird ihnenDat geholfen. This might indicate dialectal variation but not with respect
to oblique PRO, but only with respect to dative-nominative promotion, as in standard Dutch
(with the loss of dative).
32. The patterns of Icelandic are not fully parallel with Faroese. Note that the Icelandic coun-
terpart of (35c) is ungrammatical. What is important for the present argumentation is that
there is unambiguous evidence for a functional subject position in these language in one form
or another.
33. One reviewer points out that the variant of (33a) without the expletive need not be regarded as
fully deviant.
34. Dropping in Icelandic refers to argument structure, not to surface structure, since the
remaining accusative is promoted to a quirky subject.
35. In German, various elements may be fronted by scrambling. Remnant V projections are not
scrambled, so the eects of stylistic fronting could be detected easily.
36. It is not a sucient condition because of Dutch, as the following well-known contrast illus-
trates. An expletive er is required in subjectless constructions without a preceding (locative)
If the presence of the expletive is an indicator of a structural subject position in Dutch, then the
contrast between German and Dutch must be the result of a third factor. The long-standing
observation of den Besten (1985) on dative inversion points to a factor that is not related to
subject-hood (see Neeleman and Weerman 1999, pp. 210213).
37. The gloss mimics the stranding of the verbal prex in German.
38. But see also Collins and Thrainsson (1996, pp. 415f.) and the comments below.
39. Note that syntactic recoverability means structural or morpho- syntactic identication and
crucially not identication by indirect inferencing based on some eects that scrambling may
bring about, for instance for the information structure. For a more detailed discussion of the
role of information structure in scrambling, especially with reference to Dutch, see Haider and
Rosengren (2003, pp. 238240).
40. A reviewer suggests that A much more straightforward take on why (44b) is out in Dutch is
that Dutch does not allow null-headed dative PPs in situ, to the right of the direct object.
True, but irrelevent, since (44b) would be an in situ dative to the left of the direct object, with
the direct object scrambled across the dative as in German.
41. Note that this way of looking at the problem presupposes that a grammar is a cognitive
algorithm for mapping linear sequences on hierarchical structures. It does not project ante-
cedent-gap relations for sequences that are possible base orders.
42. Not for verbs with V-Acc-Dat or V-Dat-Dat order.
43. Neeleman and Weerman (1999) proposed a slightly dierent implementation of this approach.
44. Collins and Thrainsson (1996, p.436) star the English examples with the adjacent particle.
However, a V-adjacent particle in a double object constructions is not ruled out for all speakers
as Emonds (1976) and Oehrle (1976) note. Stranding a particle (rather than full pied piping)
seems to be the preferred option.
45. It is presupposed here that the structures provided by the core grammar (as a function of UG)
are parser friendly, given that UG and parsing developed in a process of cognitive co-evolution
(see Haider 2003). The data-to-parser t is optimal if the parser a left corner parser can
simultaneously operate bottom up and top down, that is, with continuous data processing
(bottom up) plus grammar guidance (top down information on possible structures). This is best
implemented with right-branching projection structures.
46. Lexical extension of a VP refers to verbal elements that contribute to the aspectual, modal,
epistemic, or other semantic modications of a VP by selecting the respective VP as comple-
ment. In German and Dutch, these verbs are obligatorily clustering. In addition, a large
subclass of control verb is clustering optionally.
47. Non-verbal material means adverbials, arguments, secondary predicates, extraposed phrases,
etc. Only (stranded) particles (which I consider to be parts of a complex verbal element) are
allowed in the cluster. For the argument to be presented here, the essential property is this: can
the sequence of verbs be split by other elements? In VO languages, this is the cardinal evidence
for separate V projections.
48. Let me emphasize that the no-intervener property is clear counterevidence for any analysis of
cluster constructions that operates with V projections (or higher projections) as minimal
building units of clusters. In Koopman and Szabolcsis (2000) as well as in Wurmbrands (2001)
work, this crucial empirical aspect is not adequately honored. In Koopman and Szabolcsi
(2000) lters are introduced; in Wurmbrand (2001) the fact is neglected.
49. Topicalization of the cluster is chosen in order to make sure that we are indeed dealing with the
clustering variant of the two possible constructions.
50. In the verbal cluster, the subject argument of the innitival verb is not projected. It is identied
with the controller-argument of the selecting verb in the amalgamated argument structures of
the clustering verbs (see Haider 1994, 2003 and the brief exposition to follow below).
51. The acceptability improves with the pronominal replaced by a reexive, but the result is still
marginal, for reasons unclear to me.
52. The brackets indicate that in the expanded innitival form (i.e. zu+V); the would-be nominative is
syntactically inactivated. This can be seen directly in the participial construction (rst analyzed in
Haider 1984):
a. ein [das Problem analysierender] Syntaktiker
a this problem analyze+AGR syntactician
a syntactician analyzing this problem
b. ein [zu analysierender] Syntaktiker
a to analyze+AGR syntactician
a syntactician to be analyzed
53. Note that the indices of the verbs just refer to the relative order in the input, not to the
dependency relations. V1 is the rst verb in the input. In VO, this is the highest one, in OV this
is the lowest one.
54. Sub-optimal is meant as a meta-linguistic qualication: as Dutch shows, the cluster too could
be fully BBC compatible. Note that there are phenomena in German (the so-called Ersatz-
innitiv or IPP constructions) with inverted orders like Dutch. But the fact that German
clusters (may) keep the order corresponding to the directional licensing relation for comple-
ments shows at least that the BBC does not have a full grip on clusters.
55. Agr-S is used here as the label for the functional head that directionally licenses the highest
argument position in a head-initial VP. Licensing may involve agreement (in languages like
English) or not (as in Icelandic).
56. Yiddish does not contradict this claim (see Haider and Rosengren 1998,2003) since it is an OV
language with VP-internal V fronting (see Section 2.3, above).
57. It is puzzling because it apparently violates Burzios generalization (Reuland 2000). (63d)
shows that the accusative of the object of this verb behaves as expected. It is not puzzling if the
accusative in (63c) is both object argument and structural subject.
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